Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 01, 1902, Image 4

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    . . . . .
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- - - - -
u..tH r Clio. UCpU h . n
t > nbllrhoJ onT ) ' ' \ \'hntndI\111.t Oonnty End.
- \
D. \Islmlmy. . . . . . J tlltor
- - - ; : ; : \ . ' \ In OIl lor lIIock. Fourlh , o.-ir
. . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
RnLtITCll nt \108lomCO dllroken lIow. Neh. ,
. III encond.llne8 mlltter ror trAnnmlp lolI throllgh
\ho U. 8 , MIIUa.
. . . .
- - - - - - - -
BUlJ801t11'TJON l'UWI.C :
\'onr.ln/ldvnllco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 11'0
. .
- - - - - - -
nlln colomll , Itr monlh , $7.00 . Ono.hKlr col.
limn , IIcr monthJ $1.01 'In. . rr column , I'or '
'I\olllh. 52. CoIl. LOM thllll fll1lllln clll II 1111' , ro
ctlulp Ill'r Inch lIer month.
CJlml on tlret I'ogo , c.o cont" I'or IIIOh , I'or
l.oclIl IIdvortl llIJ. : & conlll Ilor lIuo oneh hlor. ,
11011.Nottco or chllrch rlllrA , AoclRhlrn nnll rnIMIIIIII' ,
mPlltllhero mOlloy III chllrl ( , I. llllO.hllJr rRloII.
oelrtl' noUCOA 1111I1 'cA(1II1L'on . ollll.hnit ml' . . . .
WI'lhtlug 1I0tte , ' " froo. hiliC Ilrle , ' Cor 1.lIhllllllllt
lI..t or ' . " .
l'Il.Ntllt" " Creo , hl\Jr Ilrlell tor I.nllllnhllll ;
ohllnnry noUccA.1I1111 enrd. . or th"uk. . .
J.cgnlnoUcod nt rllll'e 11.vlllell h1 afMnteR or
Nellnekl\ .
- - -
'l'hursdaj' , Mar : 1 , lC)02. .
'ho Olllcin. Cull by Cmlrmun : 11. C.
jhlll'nf. !
'j'hc rCH1blicans of thc state of I
Nebraska arc hereby cp lICt ( to
mcct in convcnion , at thc AtHli-
torium , in th city of T4icnolll ,
Wedncsday , June 18 , 1 < < )02. ) at 2
" , ' 1 Ie in the aftcrnoun , for the
. . .n. . : of placing illnollination ,
catHwlates for the followIng
offices , to bc votcd f01' at the nc : {
gcncral clection , to he helcJ in th , .
state of Nchraska , Novcmber 4 ,
11))2 ) ( ) , vb : : Onc govcrnor , onl'
Licutcnaut gO\'ernOl" enc Secrc-
tar ) ' of statc , one auditor 01
public accounts , enc 'I'reasurer
' enc Superintcndcnt of the pui > lic
'instruction , olle attorncy g-encral ,
enc commissioncr of public lands
and and for the '
tmildings , tJ'ans-
action of such othcr husincss
as rcg'ularly comc heforc thc con-
'l'hc basis of rCl'l'csen ation of
the scveral counties in said cun-
vcntion shall be the \'otc cast for
lIon. Samucl H. Sedgwick for
judg'c of the suprcme qmrt , at
thc rl'gulrr electioll held Oil No-
vcmher 5 , PJ 1 , g'ivitlg one dele-
gatc for cach 100 votcs or major
fraction thercof so. cast for the
said Samuel H. Sedgwick , and
one del ( ' 'ate-at-Iargc for each
CO , , Said apportionmen t
entitIes thc several counties to
the fol1owiug representation in
the said conven Hon.
Adamo. . . . . . . . . . . . 17 JI'lorAolI. . . . . . . . . 17
"uLIlcl'C ' . . . . . . . . . . 1:1 : JohuG\lu. . . . . . . . . . . Jot
1I1IIIner . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Icnlncy. . . . . . . . . . 11
Billno . . . . . , . . . . . . . . : . : 1.ItI1. . . . . . . . . . . . . : I
Hrollo. . . . . . . . . . . . H luYIIl'nhn. . . . . . . . . "
Jlux lIult. . . . . . . . . . 7 Ihnblill . . . . . . . . . . . : . :
\lOYI \ } , . . . . . . . . . . . . . II Knox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1IuWII\ . . . . . . . . . . . & I.nn a tor. . . . . . . . . . r.J :
lIIIIT I0. . . . . . . . . . 18 1.II.o1n. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1 :
lIurt . . . . . . . . . . 15 l.n.nn . . . . . . . . . . . II
lIlItler. . . . . . " LOul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aOl
Ol\ ' . . . . . . lIlailleon . . . . . . . . . . . III
Cell"t. . . Mcl'erpoll . . . . . . . . : . :
CII " .rrlclc. . . . . . . . . . . . It
01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
ni , ' . . . . . . . . 17
Clr . . . . . . 14
C . . . . . ' :2 :
01 . . . . 12 II . 1/1 /
Cu. . . . . . . . . . . . . : orJ III . , . . . . : I
1 > 1I'ot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . II J > hul\l \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . I' !
1 > UIV8. . . . . . . . . . . . . \I \ l'lerco. . . . . . . . . . , . . . II
DIt\\'Gon. . . . . . . . . . 13 PlnU ; ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . II
1 > ullol. . . . . . . . . . . . . /I / I'olk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
nJ on . . . . . . . . . . . . . I )1"11 ) Willow. . . . . . . . II
UOlI/o. / . . . . . . . . . . . . HI HlchutlRon. . . . . . . . 2:1 :
1)olll-'IIS : ' . . . . . . . . . . . \ 1Hoele. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : I
1)ulllly. . . . . . . . . . . 4 Halillo . . . . . . . . . . . . . : >
lrJ1lllloro. . . . . . . . . . . III 8u'lly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . II
lrranklln. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 8nullllOIII. . . . . . . . . : J )
V'rtlnUer. . . . . . . . . . . II Heolt'lIl1lulI. . . . . . , o !
FUrllll1f . . . . . . . . . . . 1\1 HOlVar" . . . . . . . . . . . hi I
(1al1o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 IIhorhlan : . . . . . . . . . . II :
Ullrllohl. . . . . . . . . . . . Sherman. . . . . . . . . . . ri
OO'llor. . . . . . . . . . . . . I' > HtouJr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : I ,
Orant . . . . . . . . . . . : J 8tllnlon . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ,
Urool ) ' . . . . . . . . . II 'l'hAJor. . . . . . . . . . . . 17
HIIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Thomas. . . . . . . . . . . . : . :
I1Rmlllon. . . . . . . . . . 11 'rhuntoll . . . . . . . . . . II
lIarlall. . . . . . . . . . . . . II Vnlloy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . II
I1I1Jea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 'Vo'bIDRton. . . . . . . 15
1IIlehrocl' : . . . . . . . . . 0 'Vayn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1I0lt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Hi 'Vebijter. . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Hooker . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Wheeler , . . ' . . . . . . . . 2
JJolVllrd. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 yO'k. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ;
TotR' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , . . . . . . . . .IC8.1
It is rccommclHled that no
proxies be allowed iu said con-
vcntion , but that thc delegates
present thereat be authorized to
ca t the full vet of the county
represented by thcm.
Notice is hcre1 , > y given that
each of the odd Ammbercd scn-
atorial disiricts in the Rtate is to
selcct a member of thc tate com-
mittce to serve for the term of
t.wu j'ears. By order of the state
committce , n. C , LINDSAY ,
.TOlIN r. l\AIIANHU. Sec'y.
- - - - -
Govcrnor Savage has an-
110\ his withdrawal from the
gubernatorial race , the public
feels a great reHcf , amI both his
friends and opponents brcath
'l'he North Plattc 'l'rihune an-
1101Ulces Judge Grimes a candi-
( latc for congrcss. The Judgc is
able and very popular but
he is not bettcr qualified than
Senator Currie.
Should Judge Kincaid he as
successful in marshaling delegates -
gates for the congressional con-
vcntion as he was in getting
committeeman to attend the ccn-
tral commi ttcc meeting , that
favored holding the convention
at Crawford , his nomination will
be easy.
- . .
Those who attend' the Crawford -
ford conventio 11 will cnjoy a
trcat. Judge Wall has bCC11
' . . . .
. . . . - - -
. .
chosen temporary chairman of
the convention , and his spcech
can well bc luokcd furward to as
011 ( ' of the ple.1sant events of the
The Hepuhlican Cuunty Central -
tral Committee has heen callcll
to mect Ma ) ' to , to fix upon date
'uf holding the coultty colt\'elt-
tion. I'he question lof whether
olte or two cunvcntion ! ; shalt he
helll witl also he deterndned. As
therc is hut enc cuunty ollicer to
hc npminatcd , the prubabititicI ! :
arc that the majority will think
that al1 the work can he done at
one COlt yen tion.
'L'he SL Paul Hepublican came
out with a loltg article last wcek
announcing the candidacy of A.
lD. Cady of St. Paul , for congress.
Mr. Cad ) ' is one of our IIIO ! ahle
men , and should he be the nominee -
inee of the republican conven-
tiun held at Crawford , June 12 ,
wc could 1II0st heartily support
him. But as Custer has It can-
didatc in lIon. 1.'M. . Currie , who
wouldli1l the position equal to
any of the other candidates ,
we are for him.
A series which should havc
been namcd " 'l'he Enchantmcnts
of our Modcrn Aladdins , " if con-
sidercl soleI. } ' from the point of
view of romance , is hegun in the
May Comnopolitan. But thcse
skctches posscss as wcl1 a busi-
ncss intercst equal1y for clerk and
capitalist , for manufacturcr ,
farmer and mcrchant. The man
who woulll understand thc drift
of Olll' ncws in finanl'e and business -
ness must rcad these livcs , so f1111
of incident , 01' chance , of hard
labor and marvelous success. As
it is , thc series receives only thc
conl1non-placc name of Captains
of Industry. " Each character is
treatcd by a noted wri terfami1iar
with his subject.
J. Sterling Morton died at 4:30 :
Sunday afternoon , April 22 , at
the home of his son , Mark , at
Lake Porest , near Chicago , where
he went somc threc weel < s ago '
for medical treatmet. The I
change did not hclp him and he
failed gradually until death re- ,
licved him , 'l'he deceased was
enc of Nebraska's most able men.
'l'his state had been his residence
for fifty years , having
locatcd ill he territory soon af- graduating from col1ege in
New York in 1854. He was Secretary -
retary of Agriculture under Pres-
idcnt during his last
term , was author of Arbor Day ,
an able writer and a successful
husiness man. No truc history
of the state can be written without -
out the name of J. Stcrling Morton -
ton appearing as enc of its best
friends an < 1 promoter of public
good. IIis home at Arbor Lodge
is one of t.he fincst in the state , I
and the imU1encc starch factoricsI I
in his home town , Nebraska City ,
arc monuments to his credit , assisted -
sisted by his 10ur SOI1S , al1 of
whom a.ttaincd prominence in
the linancial world in early lifc.
- - - .
- - -
ROORfoIVOIt mul MillIS.
\Vhen a mili lary oniceris gi ven
a cOlIluHl11tl , he is told to adopt
his own methods of cnforcing his
orders , so long as thcy do not
conflict with gcncral orders.
His superiors (10 not ca ! , ] IOW he
governs the mCJ1 , or who is to
blame if hc f i1s to govern them
at all. His Rlolc directions are :
"Take thcs . men and In a1c
soldiers of th : m. " If he fails to
do this he , ym be relieved of
command , nOt matter if he is a.ble
to prove that the men wcre stub.
born , obstina1.e , l1ntractahlc and
of low inte-He. ct.
Gcnera1 Mi les stands in the
samc relation to the entire arr.n ,
as docs the tsuhordinatc to the
company , ba ttalion , regim\nt 0'1
brigade' , . "He is supposed to pro.
mote' hann01 1Y among his in-
feriors. an(1 m ain\ain cordial relations -
lations witb I ds superiors , If fOJ
any reason hf' is unable to do
this he is0 { U 0 use to the arm ,
anlhis. ptcsCJ nce at its hc-ad h
not conducive to the good f the
service , . ncitbt r docs it I1d(1 lustre :
to his own om cial rccord.
Mr Roo'Sne :1t : is com1l1am1 cr it
- - , ' . ' " , . . . . ' - - . . . - . " ' . - -
. .
chief uf the American ann } ' ; Mr.
Miles his lieutcnant , L'he former -
er can no morc di\charge ! : : his
dutics to the arm ) ' without the
respcctful co-operation of' the
lattcr , than Miles coultl comnHl1td
a regimcnt , the compan ) ' ofliccrs
uf which were continually In- !
couragingimmhordination and
rewarding disloyalty to thc com-
mandcr..Consel'vati"e ( Dem. )
- - -
- -
SCllntOl' Currlo I"or'CUlIgrrsf.l. .
'rhe l Ht'ullr.H.'Arr takes pleasure -
ure thiweck ! : in anltouncing
Senator Currie as a candidatc fur
congress in the Sixth district.
Mr. Curric is not unly wcll quali-
licd to fill the position of repre-
selltativc in congress , but hc is
especially qualified to fill the position -
sition of rcpresentative from the
Sixth dhtrict. 'l'he district is
composell of thirty-three counties
in the northwest part of the state.
'l'his territory is largely devuted
to stock raising amlmixed farming -
ing , and its interests are peculiar
to itself. ; ' Senator Curric is an
cxtensi ve stock raiser as wcll as
farmcr , and a man of large cx-
perience , His practical knowledge -
ledge along these lines better
qualifies him for the position of
congres unan from thc Big Sixth
than any other man we know of i
in thc district prominent in poli-
tics. 'Vith this knowlcdge , he
has the tact and ability to secure
recognition in the halls of con-
b'1.'css. 'rhere is no man more
popular in this senatorial district
than is Senator Currie , who for
the last two sessions of the legis- ]
l turc , has ably represented it in. .
the scnate. Should he be the I
choice of the convention , he will
carry this county , as well as
others in the district , with increased -
creased majorities.
(1or. ( Savnge Withdraws l rom the nace.
Gov. Savage has proven to be
thc loyal republican that we have
insisted all the while that hc
is. We receivcl a telegranl
Monday night from incoln sta.t-
ing that "Savage announces
'withdrawn from the race. " Since
the state papers have rcachcd
this office confirming the state-
mcnt. We understand from
private sources that t.he Governor -
or hal'signified his intention to
withclrlw $ from the race prior to
the republican state Central committee -
mittee meeting. But only his
close political fricnds wcre advis.
ed of it and np to his public an-
nouncemen t l\1ondny night not
morc than a half dozcn knew his
intention. Had the announce-
mcnt comc sooner he doubtlcss
would have saved the country
press sume burning chtorials that
has appe red , , But he seemed in-
clincd to lel the matter run which
gave the boys an opportunity ,
that had the courage to have
their , s y. . . ' . \ I is an old saying
that' all , is wclt tbat cnds wcll ,
and we hope that it may hoh1
good in this' instance. Gov.
Savage has. shown his goo(1
judg < < ; . n nt IJ ( ' he action he hm
takcn. , In our opinion it will re.
down o his onor and grcatly im.
provetbe ; : ol 1itions of the part ) '
he represents. Gov.Savage's ad.
ministration of the financial am1
charatable institution of the
state bas been , of a high ordel
and abov he average. Not ,
withstanding .his mistalC in th (
Bartley matter the public wilt
when it can' look upon his ad ,
miuistration ' , unprejudiced ac.
iq owledgc that in general hi !
administration of affairs has bee I
courageous and along t.he righ
, lincs. Am'ouS' the first reform
institutet .af er assuming thl
dutics of hito ! onice was to c1educl
the milage from thc bills of thos
, who rodc ort passcs. He remov
ed' ' riu ( thb "state institutions
l1Um1 , > er'of star bordcrs. He rc
. duced the expenses of ever :
. l > ublic institution where practic
. able. It is said to-day no stat
in the union can show up a se
I ( ) f public institutions with bette
; .bJ.\ilding8 .tl.lUl better cared fJ
, arcls thnn the state of Ncbrask
-all im1\rov'cmcnts paid for out (
the l g1s1 . .iv appropuntions an
on top of t11at a surplus of $90
1 778.09. tn 'other words out (
, . ' -
the last appropriation e\'cr ) ' thing
is pnid tip to date with L bal-
lance of $1)0,7 8.01) , to the
credit of thc various iUHtitutions.
'l'he present indications are now
that there will he at the close of
the prcsent bicnnhtm $180,000 to
turn bacle into the treasury in-
ste.d : . of n d t cency of $175,000
as was the case with the rcfurm
adminhtration that proceedcd
the pr'scnt repuhlican adminis-
tratiOlI. 'J'his state of afTairs is
certainly complimcntary to the
goyernol' and his ahle corps of
The Coming Fair.
'rho Olllm. ' iH indebted to E. C.
House , Suowtary of the Agrioulturnl
Sooioty for tlto following :
At It IIll1utilig of the officorR of the
l air Asoointion , heM Apri117th , It
plnu waR Idol'lud ' hy them to mnke
the cOIning f/lir / the host /lnd biggest
ever hell in thll county , or in Con.
tml Nehrnskn , for that mnttor. Ar.
rltllgomonts were made to hnvo full
nn complete disl'll\Ys mndc by nn
from ench township in the county
under 11. competitive displl\Y system
for towuhsip pri es. 'rhis display is
to include the rltrm produots gathor.
ed from unch township , together with
tock , dltir ) ' , g/lrdon and fowl dis.
plays /111 nlolll the line of rcsourCC8
from well muuugod rnrms.
The iden e'f ' the ASRooiation is to
onliRt the co-oJlorntion of eaoh town.
ship through its to we boards and
Imvo ul\ch township enter into the
compotl\t display. Suitable booths
will be otooter ) ! lnd the display nr.
rnnge to thu best possihle advnntago ,
Libertil Ilwnnls will be offered as
premiums to eneouruge the gathering
nud nrrnnging of this towuship dis.
play. The premiums are not yet
tixed , but will be at the next meet.
ing of the I/Onrd. The seorotnry of
the association , E. C. House , has en.
tered into oorrespondenoe with sever-
nl town boards , I hrough tlte olerks of
the townships , to armngo ior the dis-
play. A grent display of the agricultural -
cultural , stook , dairy and other reo
source' ! of the countrv will undoubt.
edly be mndo. Nothing could be
done to ndvertif10 the fertility of the
Custer county soil and its stook Ilnd
other rCSOl1rses , that promises suoh
ruady nnd substantial return to the
formers tlnd Inud owners of the coun.
ty , and it is earnestly Ioped that tbe
a8sooiati011 will m ct with the help
Ilud co.oporatiou of the different
towushlps in gllthering and nrrang'
ing this display.
Agricultural Socloty Notes.
llrotwlI Bow , NelJr. . Apl'1I17Lh. 1D02.
At lL mooting of the Cnstr.r Cannty
Agrlcultnral Socloty nnd TJlvo Stock x-
change thoi'll worn presollt and voting ,
the follawlIll { at1leorg lLnd directors : .J. J.
Wilgan , l'reshlollt , E. C. 1I0uso , : : ! ocrotnry i
Dlroclors-W. : A. Oeorgo , C. 11. 1\111I01' ,
U. T.aIJIUX , .J. O. 'faylar.
Mot'oll mndo by 'faylar and sec-
ondml lJy MilicI' that the society nccopt
the aITor' of Mrs. Mary A. McKee. which Is
as fallows : 'ro pay her the sum of rooo lu
cash luul the lmlnuco In Imymellts a8 fal.
lows : $100 In allo ymu' . $11)(1 ) ( In twa 'oal' ,
ono hundred lLlld sixty-two lLn two-thirds
. In three yonrs. ono hundred nnd sixty. two
nlHI two thirds dolll\l'8 III four yonrs nnd
ono 111llldr ( ' lLnd sixty two nnd two thlrd
dolinI'll 11I'livo yonrs. with Interest from
the date of tht ) govornl IIIUOUlits nt the
rnto of 8 lIercollt per nnnum until pnld ,
'l'hnt ou the payment of the last Hum '
Illed the IInld Mrs. Mnry A. McKee SIJOC'
rohmso IInld mortglLgo.
' 1'ho Proshlnnt tholl appoluted the 81.1'
lIorlnlolirtelils of the various departments ,
Uouoral Sullorlntomlout. . . . . . . . .r 0 ' 1'aylOi
SUllt.MuloSIU1lll1or ! 08..n. W Buclcnol
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . .David Chrlsmnr
Shnoll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bd lIallmonl
. 8wlno..0 It Uussonl
Poult ry. . . . . . . . . . . . . Oeo PlLtml1l\UJ1
l lLrnl I'rolltlctS. . . . . . . . . . J ) 0 Konkt' '
( Julltmry ) ) lIt . . . . . .1\1rs Dora 'l'owh
Ladles Dllt. . . . . . . . .Mrs I , II JowOtl
l\Iael1l\ulcat Arts. . . . Fmnl ( Carlt\ !
1.1110 . . . . . . . . . . . . ILJ Mortol
School Opt. . . . . . . . . . . . . John Lowl :
Heo IInllllolllly. . . . . . . PI. ' CI\II1J1bol
III\hy Show . . . . . . . . . . . .Swaln Incl
SlIlIclal Premlullls. . . . . . . . . .1 U Rmm
I liul'strhUlshlp. . . . . . . .11M Sulllvl\1
Aml\somontl. \ . . . . . . . . . . P N Hyot'sol
Blcy los Hl\cCS . . . . . . . . . . .C M Mhhll
Speod. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E C UlblJyn
Pepsin Gum , two packages fOI
a nickel at 'Villdns' Pharmacy.
CaUfornla $ .17..10 Ulld Rellirn.
'l'ickcl. , on sate April 21st to 27th , 1\la :
. 27th to Juuc 8th , Au ust : : ullto 8th.
I.ihcral stopo\'er : cmcl1ts IIUll rc
turn limit ! ; . POl' additioual iufonnatiol
, ask t.he l1carest "Hcnt , Hurliu3ton l ol1t
or writc for n Co1t ornia fol11er to
- J. ItRA ' ; ( , H .
CcneTnl ; PasscII : cr A cnt ,
Burlington Route ,
Omnha , Nchr.
) '
: -
I , a/Ve
) f
Horse a
; ; Chl1lJce I
- . = _ I i f ' ,
_ _ - 4 ILl , . . ' . ' , . , . ' .
- . . . . . " .
- .
- . . , - _ \ ' .
. ,
Fancy Seed Potatoes ,
Select G den Seeds , .
I Select Flower Seeds.
I Stock a.nd. Poultry Food.s. . r .
I Chicken Gritauu.Eone : and Shell.
Casoline and chine Oils.
. Harness Oils.
Yours for Eusiness ,
Pure Old 'l'RADE MAH.l\ Cider.Vincgar. . . J . C II BOWE'N ' .
- - - - - - - . - - ' - - . - -
Shriner ! ! Will ' ( 'rm'ol.
'fhe Burlington Route and its conllcc-
tiOIl ! ; wcst of Dcnvcr have hecn choscn liS
thc official , routc of Tungicr "cmplc ,
Mystic Shrincr , to thc Imperiul Coullcil
Nohlcs of Mystic Shriuc at San Pran-
cisco , JUIIC 10 to 14. Two spccial cars
hovc already hccn reserved h ) ' 'fallgie ! '
Tcmplc , and nllditional cars will be provided -
vided as rcscrvations arc malIc. It is
important that all Shrillcrll who wilt at.
tcNp this com'clltion make thcir rc.
6en'ation ! ; at an carl ) ' date. 'fhc Shriller : ;
wilt Ica\'c the Bur1in ton Statiou. Omaha ,
4 :25 : p. m. , Junc 4. Dellvcr will hc reach-
cd thc ncxt morninJ { , and an cntirc cia ) '
Spcllt ill Colorado Springs , one of the
most dc1i hlful of Rock > ' l\lountain rc-
sorts. Salt I.akc City wll1 he rcached on
thc morniuJ { of June 6 , ntlll that da ) '
given ovcr to seeillg thc wO\lIlcrful \ city
of Zion. The part.y will arrivc in San
Francisco at 8:45 : a. 111. , JUIIC 9. 45-47
' ) ' 0 CtJRF ; A. COI.O IN ONF ; DA V
Take 1.8xnU,0 lIromA Qulnlnc 'I' ! lleI8. A II
tlru lllst. . roruudhe money Ir It lallA to CillO.
E. W. Orovo's sl nlliuro Ie on each box. 250. .
- - -
8prlllJ : AlllucnlN
'rhere is an aching and tircd
fceling ; thc liver , bowels and
kidncys become sluggish and in-
act \ ' , thc digestion impaired , : !
with little or 110 appetite , no
ambition for anything , and a 1
feeling that the wholc body and \
mind needs toning up. 'l'he , J
troublc is , that during winter , I\
there has becn an accUthulation " .
of waste matter in the system. /
Hcrbine witt re1l10\'e it , secure to ;
the secretions a right exit , and
by its tonic efTect , fully restore
the wasted tissues and give
strcngth in place of weakness. .1. . .
SOc at Ed. McComas' , Br 1cen Bow
and : Merna.
If you intend to build call at
Dierks Lumber Co. and get i > rices. \ , .
1 :
A New Second Hand Store ! 1
Hugh Kennoyer has'opened up a Second-Hand Store itl the
building on the west side of the public square , at A. 'V. Drake's . '
old statuI. He has a finc line of !
Iron Beds , Sprinlrs and Mattresses. "
A complete line of new moulding and new saws. Frame work
a specialty , and satisfaction guaranteed. lJ@pR < : pairing and up- .
holstcring of all kinds promptly done. tI t
, . ' I
Rnsmu9 Anderson , J. C. Mror e t
Renl Estate. Abslrnctor.
rw-r.nnda : tor ulo and rent In Custer connty nr-d n'jolnlng counties. Eqnttlc8 Hnd mortClge. \
boo ht nnd Bold. Ab trll t8 promlltly I1n , } neath 111I\lle. I
Olllco-lIInln Slreot , lIotwccn 41h ! lnd 0111 Avenuc .lJroken lJow. Co tor county , Nebr"ska. "f j
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . (
- . , ' . : " I" : : : ' " . " ' . : . . . . : . " ' . : . : " " : . . ( : e : " 'AI . : ' ' : . : " , . : -.a : . ' : . : . "
. < .t - " : f..I. : " ' . . . . ' , 'i ! . ! . ; : : : . . . . ; . : . : . . : . 'Y ' . " \ f. . . . , ' , : . . _ ! } ; . t . " . ' ; i.i. ' " " ; . : . . ! . . : . ; . , , : ; . : . . . " " . . ; . . . . ; . : ; , . , . .r.1'i"J . . : . . . " . . . : . i.i/ . . : . , / ; " ' . ! . ' : . . I. . ; . . . . ; " m.I. " . . . " : : . - " . 'lf.J.r.I. - - { : . . . ; / ;
1 R , : .
U . . . . . _ .
: : ; : \ < 1. ' ;
All partieR indebted to the Ei.tglo Grocery , are requoRtod :
: 'i -
to oall and Hottlo their 30001111t by 0'1&.11 at onoe , I must hBvo i
. .1' . . . W" , :
: .tt . money to pay 1 .11 s , I oannot d 0 b UBIDI1RS on wm d . .
ii" . , ' , /1..1 / :
Yours truly ,
. . l W S < > . WAN ( r.I !
, .
: . ; } a . , i' ' ' "
'U il' ; ;
, Proprietor. . t
i # 10 Bars of Soap for 25c. . 1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . ' . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
' . ' . . ' . ' ' . . . 'e' : , " ' 'i ! ' ' ' , . . . ; . : . .1.a . . . : " " ' : J' 1. : . . . : ' : . : . : : . ' . . , ! . . . , , . . . , . . ; ; . " : , .1 r. . . a. . : . . . . . < , . . . - . . . : : : , I'l : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . - . . . : , a. . : . : ' , ' , : ! . . . : : . . , . . . , . h..a . ; : r'.M. . :1./ ' " ' . : . . u. " : . : : . . . . . . , . . . . . : , : . " : " , " . . ' , , , . . , . . . " " . . : " . / : . . . , . : . . . : , , , ' . . : . - ; . , . . " : . , . . . 'I' . ' , _ ! . u. , . . . , . . . . . . : : : I. . . : : . . , . , , "Uo.o. . , . " . , ' . . . ; . : . r. .a' ' .a' " . : I . .
- \
A. 'v. Drale has located in Healty Block in the rear of A. E.
Anderson's Jewelry Store > and is preparet1 to pay the
: Highest Cash Price for Butler and Ergs. !
c South Entrance- Look for sign over door.
. . . .
W WtWW )
- For a First Class Smoke ' 1'ry the
Martial and
Corona Grande' : ,
' \ Cl.C'1 : . . . - . . . , , ' "
: : ,
I . y , ,
. Broken Bow , - :
I ffi ( (
. ' " ' .
t I