- - - , " . . , " " ' ' ' ' . . . I I , I ) ESPITE IS GIVEN j , j . O RNOH SA"AGE ISSUES STAY r OF OVER A YEAR. ; ' PRISONER IS INDIFFERENT I t. . 4..F..ARN8 . OF U I'Jtn ' .c WITlIOVT I i E"I Cl O Il'ITI ItI'T" , I . , I , DODGE COUNTY IS AROUSED , \ I < 1Jft1'flmnr It nlp , . for Lnw AlftlnU' l''llIlnl ' I J'uulabml'<-ltIv1J8 lteR30na for U. Act. \ Governor Savage grantc a conril- 410nal reprlc\'e to WIIII m Rhea , who was under selltenoe to be hun All/II ! 5 at the penltelltlary. ' 1'he respite Is of long duraHon as under It Htwa 8nLV : live till .Jul ) 10 , 1\J \ ) ( ) : , 'l'hls dale 'Was taken as a time when any law , , lJassed by the next legislature woulll bo In elTect. 'rhe governor's hope Is that a law may be placed on the statutes - utes pro\'ldlng ' agaln : > t capital plln- ishmcnt. In event the chief eccu- tlve Is not rellrned for a second term , the ( luty 111' IIlmlly passing on the case will de\01vo upon his suc- cessor. 1.'he papers In the case were mac1e . /Out yesterday arternoon. A ttlOI1ft them was 11 document , wllich Uhea 'SIgned , consenting to the action or the overnor. A nether was the order to Wardell Davis of the penitentiary And Justly and explanat.lon by Guver- nor Savage h'lng his re:1sons : for the reprh'e. . ' 1'he governor went III persull tu the peni ten lary to secure Uhea's consent to the reprle\'e. / . The action ot the governor was not at nll u'nexpected. leoplo who had talled with him us far back as Monday - -day atherd : t'rom his remarks that -clemency wOllld be exercised. It was then pllbllshed that the chief \ xecutl ve would probably grant a Gltay at scntence. Bv placing the < 'Jate at expiration at the reprlevo so far along the governur has obviated the necessity ot passing upou the qucstlon during his present term of llice. Tn ! . : FINAL OUTCOMK. It'HUS suggested by some that n aw doing away with capital punishment - ment might not save Rhea's lite . , tlthout executh'o interference e\'en U it pnsspd. S'me , contend that the cOlldltlUns that exist now would lipply to his case next yea r nut wi tl1- IItalldlnj. ! ' law. Others said that the IIx-post racto theory docs not nppl\ ' In criminal matters alln clvllllmi that with the law against capital unlshment existing ' 10 man wouln c hung no mutter when convll'ted. LIe governor had the ad\'lce ur tlH' ' \ Morney Reneral In the CUBe IInd Is 'f oatis lied tllat the passage or n new law would be elIecth'o in Uhea's Gase. Gase.When the news at the reprieve was ( ! Dade known to Rhea he was not Joved. II e accepted the sl ay of sen- i.ence with ' ' Indllfereuce. 'l'he news ! was receh'ed IIbout Iho city \'prr Ghortly litter . tLle repr love had been litrantcd. .1'hemaJorl y of : he pc- tltlolls Ir. nhea's favor had been ! lJned here and a number or people I , ere pleased while othels were not. 'he action of the goveruor had heen ( txpe < 'tcd henfe : there was IItl1e said , ' 1'h6 unusulil form or the replrevc . ! 'Nas , Generally commented upun It 111.Jrin \ tLle question ltt the pafls age or an anti-capital punishment ! w squarely before tbe lcglslature c.tt winter. DISAt'l'UO\'XD I DODOE , u.at7 Where Cr me'all Cuniblltt d De- 1IorN Oo" ruor'8 Action. Fremont , Neb. , April 24.-The aew ! tbat Governor Savage had Franted William nhea , the Dod e : ctOunty murderer , n respite until uly 10 , 1903 , was mlldo publlo here 'ehls ' nfternoon through the medium t a locul evenln newspaper. It 1m- . tInecJlately beoame the topic for dls- .usslon nmong all classes of citizens. proups of mOil gathered on the side , alks and passed their oplnlo.ls on /'Iho / Kovernor's IIctlon. It Is sate to Jlny tonight that not one person In wenty-fivo nmong PremouVs popu- ! atlon e\'en mllllly approves the gov- rnor's course. 'rhough notion fa- ; o. ornble to Rhea.was looked for ) this ' . pct had not diminished the Intens. . ity ot popular Indlguatlon here over hat Is re arded liS a travesty on ustlce for the sake ot saving a crlm- nal's life. ' 1'ho same Is true all ver the coun ty ar ll the feeling is trlD er In Sn1'der , the town where he murder took place. Much of the entlment expressed In this city mounts to consermtlve condemna- Ion , bnt there are some who con- ent themselves wll h nothing less l1an pourIng out execrations upon \be governor's head. , 900d No\u l'roll1 11 < < , .18111 < < > . . The Hague , April : ! t-The tpllow- ng bulletin was Issued thl mornlJlJ : ; I 1rom Castle 1..00 : \ , "Queen Wilhelmina had a quiet : crlght. 'l'he fall In tile murnlng telll- I crature continues and the feelln of illness has les'ened. ' ' 1'he patient Is ' \aklng sul1lclent nourlshmelltI 'l'he IIrternoOIl bulletin Issued from ; , castle Loa announced that her I , IIHljeiity's condl tlon , during the day wutinued satliJaclory. _ II I I I . . _ , , , , . , . HANDY WITH KNIFE. 8EN.\Ton 1IIONIty OF ) n'lfll ! ' II'rl LI EH 1'1' W ITU IWX 1tUT. Washington , April 25-Senntor n. D. MOlley of Mississippi , hnd an altercation - tercation with n conductor on a street cal this mornlug which rcslllt- ed In the scna tor recul v I JIg two 6e- \'ere blows from the cOllductor und the cond IIctor bel ug CII t q III te se- verel } In tUe right hund with 11 ku Iro. As Senator Money relntes the clr- cun1stllnces , ho WIIS proceeding frum his hOllle to the llalLimore & OhlQ depot to tnko the 0 0(11uck train 011 that road for Baltimore , where ho oes fn'qllently for medical treatment - ment ot his eyes. lIe had tnkcll 1\ car 011 the } 'ourteenth street branch of the Capital ' 1'ractlon company line nnd hl1d chnnced to board a car which stops lit the leace monu- ment. II dozen blocks short orhis destination. lIe had fulled to notice - tice this circulllstance IIntll the cnr begun lo turn aroulld the ulOnu. 111 t.HI t , ] ) ID NOl' WAI1' FOIt TRANslo'Im. 'l'he car bound fllr the depot wn Immecllutely behind the cur on whleh he was seated. ' 1'he entllor says that he had only three or fOllr mlnlltes' tlmo In which to. mnle bls tll1ll1 , but that after he dlsco\'ered he Willi on the wrollg car he called 0 Ihe conductor uncI IIslwd him tor a transfer ticket to the car bound for the depo . lie docs lIot recall whut Ihl' conductor replied , but failing to rccel'e the ticket and recnlzlng that he had no time tu lose , he jUlllped trom the car he WIIS on nnd bOlI'ded : the other. 11e hnd no sooner - er talen his sent , he SIl'S , than the conductor of thai , car IIpproacned , him and asked for his ticket. II then Iol , the Coucllctor that ho had I I not had time to secure a transfcr nnd reminded him that he , the cou- ductor , had been 11 witness to tllo circumstance of his change from one car to tile other. ' 1'he conductor replied tLlat the senator would either have to produce a tlclet or pay bls rare , whereupon the senntor told him thnl hll\'lng paid one fare nnd belnlo { untitled to a transter ) which I he had aslcd for but hlld not ro- cel'ed , he wo1l1d not pay another. I : ltNATon I UHCJUI.Y EJItC'I'.KD. Thereupon the conductor told him . that If he would nut pay bls ture he I would put him elf the , cnr , uud Immediately - I . mediately proceeded to cnrry his tLJreut lute execution. This the senator resisted by ftrasplnjot an up- I I II-tht ! post and engaged in n struggle with tLle conductor ) who was nut making much headway , wben a pas- ' sen cr who had \.Jeen \ sitting next to' ' Senator Money volunteered to assist the condudor. By their comhlned st englh tlleyconttl ved to breille lbe senatur's hold upon the post and to I lorca him trom the car. ThO senator - tor says that when they flrsli underi i tool < to eject him the car was In Ifull motlun Ilnll he feels that It they bud succe lIed at that time he would In. evItably bave been badly hurt. The c'unductor and his nsllstant did not ) howe\'cr , succeed In their deIJlgn until - til the car stopped , at the next croRslug to let off other passengers. lIe says that both the cl1nductor and the passen lJr were very grull and abuslvo In their lungullge und ! tha t a f I er he hud reached Lhe st eet I t Ie cOllductor bit him u se 'er6 blow i over the heu t witb his clinched fist. I KNIFE A SMALL FJtAIU. ! The blow , the .senator says , wa : very palntul. nnd In order to protect ! hhnselt , lie took a small pocketknife I I rrom hili Docket and opened It. 'rhl9 weapon the conductor grusped nnd In doing so cut his hand so that It bled very treely. After this proceed- In other persons stepped between the two , but notwithstanding tbelr i presome : , tbo onductor , "bu ls very tall man , struclc him nnotber blow over the shoulder of a man standing between them , This blow wns slimck with the conductor ) ! bloody hand and It hit the senatOJ squarely on the Jaw. 110 was as : J eonseq uence or this blow co\'ered with blood trom the conductros' wound , and this clrcumstanco wal reiponslble tor n rumor that the sen. ator blmselr had been severely In. Jured. 'rho senator ndds that ttl6re werE three or four policemen present , bul that none of them took IIny steps t < , prevent the altercutlon. 110 say ! also that both the conductor nnd thE. . . passelller who as'sted , ' In his eject. meut Tl'fused to give their names. The senatur was not badly hlut , bul his trip to Baltimore was prevented. lIe , 110\cyer , proceeded \VIttI his customary duties about the capitol durln the day as If notblng unu mal had occurred. foolu II tt"r rn Jlf1lltlnm. ru'lsels , April 25.-1\1 n Leop01 has responded to the Iet ) II Ion or the chamber of COlllmerce , asking for his Intenent.lon In the prelient crisis , In 11 concllliatn'ry hut non.commlttal rnannlJr , Intlmatln that the goverll- ment Is carefully conshl"rln the sit. , ua tloll and ca n ho depended 1I pen 10 luyally maintain the constitution anti fullli It'1 duty hy atloltln.t ( the ! loll I' } ' whl'h It deems lIIost 1I"rul ! ! 'or t.he well being . and tranqulll . tl of tbo'country. ' . _ . _ _ ' BEGIN SMITH , TRIAL , . COURT-MARTIAL OF .rHE GENERAL - AL OPENS AT MANILA NO DENIAL OF TilE CHARGES . } .RANK An1lI1RlION OF OItDKJLS TO JULL ANI > llVltl'l A IIOWLING WILDERNESS I Claltnl JII tlfll'ntion In " . 'eklllR' to Jlfnke H.lIIl1tr n 110\1' 11111'lhlt"l'lIt1.Chlnc. . . lI 'nr ; In IIntUu Manila , April 20.-1'ho trial by I court-martlul or Oen. Jacob 11. ; Smith on the charge or conduct p. JUdlclal to good order IInd discipline - I pline bl'gan today. Gen. Lloyd Wheaton presided , Cot. Charles A. Wflodruff , counsel tor the derenso , said he desired to slmpllty the proc edlngs , Ho was willing to admit General SmitS. ga\'e I nstrucllons to Majur'aller to kill nnd burn anc1muke Samur a howling wilderness , that he wauted ever'body klllod capable.at at bearing arllls and that L10 llh ) specify all over tell ) 'ears or age , as tile Sumar bOJ's of that nge were equally as dangerous ns their elders. . Da\'ld lorter marino Capt. \ , corps , nod Lleut John 11. A. Day ) marine corps , \Vere the only wltuesses ex- amlncd. Their testimony developed . nothing new. MIIJ. Littleton W. T. Waller , n1l\- rl ne corps , will bo the only other witness for the prosecution. He wus ullablo to be rescnt today on nc- ouuut at slclmes8 , but It Is expelltcd will bo In utterance tomorrow. l.'ho derense will call several omcars at tbo Ninth Infantry. I Major Waller nnd Lleut , Day of the marine CUI ps , who were tried by c rt-martlal hero on the char e o ( executlu natives oC the Islaud oC Samar wlhout trial , have been nc- qUItted. DAVE A I1LOOUY 11\TTLJ I ChiD" " n.'bel 'otd hnlUJrnl Traol" Clu"h Nf'l1r Nun 1'1111 ; ' , I Hong Kong ) April 2U.-Advlccs re. celved today rrom Wu Chou , unde ! date or April 21) annolluce tllUt a : bloody battle was then proceedln between a turcc of Imperial trooJls on their way to Nan Ning aud a largc force or rehels. I ' .rhe Impel'lal army nttacked the rebels' eucampment In the Wu Chang hills , brought up twu Maxims aud I two 12-pountlers , and IInally scal t r- , cd the rebels and captured their leader , Hung Yung Seng , who was wounded. Sul s'quently the rebels captured' two \'lIIages on the outfiklrts ( If Nanl Ning aod estahllshed tl1elr headquar- t"Jrs In these villages. PAIiHENOlmb CA VOl1T IN CRAsn J.I1f17 Injured In ROl1rnult Accident n& Lonlto I London , April 20.-I'ltty ! Pcrson9 1 were l Jured this mornlllg In an uc- , clden t on the Great Eastern rall , wuy , near the lIuckcey Downs sta-I tlon. As a trnln rrom Wulhamstow , called tbe " ' 1'lIrce Penny tmlnl ) wall crossing n bridge , an I1xle of the car nearest the 10coUloti vo broke nnd the conch jumped the ralls , crashed Into the side or the brldue and lodged ncross both tracks. 'rhe tral n wus IIlledw I th persons on tLlelr WI1Y to work. 1'he two coaches tollowlng the stranded car I crasl1ed ILto it , causing the wreck and dt'lIlIn ; awful havnc IUnong the II I I passengers cau ht therein. 'l'he second car was also wreclcd anll a I , numLJer of Its Inmates were badly hurt. 'I'he Injured were taken to' the Dalstun hospital. ' " \ ' - NO CJlJ\Nt.n IN CONUJTION. - - - - Uutlen 'VllbulmlnR' . Jllnf'u TllklnJr H"r- , ulur C"lIr e , The ague , Api II 20.-Thc mornIng - ' Ing LJulletln pOSlcd at Cas le r.oo to- I day anncunced that Qu'cn'Ilhel - IIIlna slept nt Intervuls durin ! ; the night. ' lier. tever temperature cent Innes to Indicate Ural , her majesty's IIIne.s , which has IIOW entered Its third , week ) Is taking Its regular course. 'rhe ntternoon hulletln from Cas. , tIe Lee was lIon.commlttal. h lIIe. . ely said that hl'r majesty's condition - dition called for no special remarks. Slnnlor JllunltYrr..ftt..I , Wa hlntron : , April -Renatol MJlley of Mississippi WilS placed In cnstody on Inform : lon tiled b Arthur - thur B. Shaner , : t street car conductor - tor who chaned the s 'nlltnr with as- slUlling him dnrln the dlslnrbanco , 011 Shanor's car Yl'slerday. Sella tor Money , Conductor Shane , and Furc- lIIi1n Hooper of I he Ihe 'deDilrtlllent , "hu u slhl ed 't he olJlHlucl ( II' yc tr- ! day , I1l1l1Carcd In tile ( lollco court and Iholr trllll : was set , for , Duxt 'l'hurscJay moruID , . - , , , , I . . . , . . , NEBRASKA NOTES , The Western N brnnka 1 ducntlonn1 nssolcutlon will be III session at Ogn. lalla this week. 1 ! lre at llattslllollth destroym1 the fonner rcsldellco ot S. 1) . Holloway now IIvln ut Lelld. , S.D. 'l'he IuS- 18 nbout. $3,000 with elooo Insurunco. A mu1e be101l lnJt to farmer ncar Brownvllle t1lsal'I/1ted ' ) / ) am1 was found ulh'c In a hote , where the 1111. Im/11 / had II vcd wtlhout food or waler tor three weeks. A lugo : acrea o ot sUg/1r / beets will bo put In about ' ! 'rellltllJ durln the comlll scason , nnd H the \'olltur -provo succcsstul , II tactmy \ \ 111 be in. stalled lit Culbertson next filII. Snpllm llIeschock , J'uun womlln IIvlllg II few miles frum M'Couk 011 : I farm , was taken to the asyhlm at Lilicoln b ) ' SherllT Orabtree. muklllJ. ! the lifth person tlllml from thlll county wtlhln little over n. m nth. 'rhe mule population of Nebraslm xcceds the femllle , and sympII' lhetln elTort Is helng mude In III II nJ' localities to Induce lIIatl'lmonlal In. lIlIed wOlllen to Immlgrato from thc eastern stlltes. The gruln firm of l\yc1.t : Co. , 01 neal rico solr1 thel r nine elevators , located lit various polnti ! on tht' UUl'lIugtoll road In 80uthern 'Nebras. len , to the Ceutrul Grahllirles cum. pany of LIIIl'oln. 'rho prlco paid . lVai ! $40,000 In cash. ' 1'ho Platlslllollth In lependent relcphol1e cOll1pany Is at work al Weeping Wa ter COlisl ructlng nn ex. chllnge. Over 100 lelt'I\Jones \ are suhlcrlbcd and It IIntlclpnt1s secur. Ing 300 In the vicinity. Fred Debrle , a c1esel'ter rrom com pany .l ! ' of the ' 1'went-el hth Intl1n. try Iotave hllllself up to SherllT OUIl1' mlngs at l'ecmnseh. l1e will be . , ent to the aulhorltlf's at lJ'orl Jl'Ook. I1ls cOlllpany Is stationed at Fort Wright , Wilshlngton. IT. II. Darner nnd W. O. Heaston : ) t Blue , SprlllHs ha.vo b en awarded the contraot to conslruct thirty-six 1I111es ur telephone IIncs ror the Gage Cuunty I ndepelldent ' 1'elephono COIII- , Jlny. : ' 1'he work Is to be completed : oy June 1. Thomas Schle.tel ( nnc1 wlte , both ) llec1 peop1e , were severely InjurCl1111 Platt811111uth by' thler team becomlnl- ! IJ l1tened ! lnll runnln away. Mrs. 1 ' 3chh al had her collin bono trae- , tured , nnll her hUlhand was sri badly Illjured Int.ernally that It Is teared bo'may llie. 'rhe } armerc : ; ) Elevator cnmpnay of mile Springs , COlli posed ot 125 sub. 'stantlal rarmers ot Gng county. with a stroll paid up capital , has purchased nn elc\/1tor / on tile Union Palcllc line at nlue Sprlnlls from th" Nebraska Elevator company ut Lln- : oln , In vlowot shipping tbelr own ; raln to tbe markets. State uperlntendent Fowler nnd COli nty Su perl ntellden t O'Con nnell have Issued lelters or Inrormatlon to I those Intercsted In the Joint Bummer I 'normal ' to bo held for six weeks ) be. . ginning June , 2 at Culbertson. It Is l'xpected that four hundred teachers - . ers rrom thc follnwln counties will ntliend the normal : Hltchcook , Chase , 1Iayes and Rea Wllllow. S IUlC of the best educators or the 'state ' will be the Instructors nnd a number at eminent lIIen nnd women ire to dell vcr lectures , E. JlenJn. mln Andrews , Dean Fordyce , T. W. Verse , E. N. Allen , A , C. Shallen ber er and W. E. .Andrews urc jiwong the spenkers. lIow Chenp I1nlilul : l'o\Ydllr 1831"dc. 'l'he Ilculth DOllllrtllHlIt ! or Nuw York hU8 selv.\'J a tl\IIUltily o ( Q-.clIllc chcllp blll < lug powder , which It roul111 thut city. Attention wns IItlrncte lo It by' ' the low 1II'Ice at which It wus beng ! 80hl In the dellUrlnwnt Blure . Sumples were tnken 1111(1 the chcmlst or the Health DCllul'tlllcnt fpol'tetl ! tile IItUI't to e COUlIIOe ! chletl ) " or ululJI allll pul. \erlzed rock. ' , 'l'he 110w pr WU8 dedllred , to be duo. erou9 to health , IIn seveml thousand IIOUIII111 were curted to the oUul dock nud destroyed. , . It IH umH\re to experiment wltb t1H ! le so-culled "cheap" uI'Uclell ot tOOlI. They , ore Hure to IH ! Illude from alulII , rocl" or other Injurious muUl'r , In lJakln : ; Ilowders , the hlh : CIlIHII , crenm ot lilt' tur IlTI\1Ids ure the llIost economlclIl , btJo CII use they o rUl'lher In use and art heulthrul IJc'ollll , cluesUon. A nmuller of Hllsslan enJl runta l1a\'e recelltly locnted at Ji'rlend. 'rhe pllplls of the Nchmska Clt hl h schull I wellt on Ii stl'll\o hecause the ) were not gl r/HI the uSllal A r her Day vl1calion. A hOllt 0110 hundre of the Ht\Jleuts leeL the schoul IIlId lIIarched to the puhllc IIlmlry , where rcslIIIlons ! were passed und lIll crowd lIlCn ' ' 'Iuched ' throngh the streets , I\'lng their s hJol nnd clas } 'ells , As soon 11'1. the rullnlwa : she \'II to Stll1ernltcndent FIIIJ he J ( rdered 1\11 \ tl.Io , , ll1opb , qt . the , , ell ) ' flLslUl se ( ] . FAMILY ALL DEAD DISCOVERY OF WHOLESALE POI. SONING AT CHICAGO FATHER PROBABLE SLAVER flUPJ'OHJtU TO IIA , 'R mmN URAD FOB ItiOIiT UA8 ARE GNAWED \ BV TilE RATS CoION't' 1Iran In UU..r PO\'f'rty , n.lIr"l'It\ . nRve Carrlrcl Out Thre' , , ' . to 1Ifftl" \1'7 'Vlth Th. . . " All Ohlcngo , April 2:1.-Deal1 : In II stulTy bedroolll III U crowded tenl1l1t qUl1rter III Slate street , the bod. les of un elltlre chlored falllily lIum. berlng seven perSOIl ! ! , were routH1 gnawed by rats 111111 In un ndvullced stn r. of decomposltlon. , ' 1'he police ; Incline tlO 1thelll'Y ot murder IIUll sulcldo by loI8un. 'l'ho fallllly Is that or Joqes Buller , all ullhoh.tCler , and consisted ot Butler , his wife nnd /1\0 / chlldrell. 'l'hey had bccn dcad for eight days. Whlll' the members ot the tnmll , ) ' were elthcr partly or' wholly UII" dressed , the LJody of Blltler remained cntlroly clothel1. He hllli seemln ly thrmYD hJIIII\elt \ III dcspernllon ucruss the ( : orpse9 ot his wlte and children some tlmo nfter the 110lson hnd IICt cd on them. Jh1l1or had freClUmt ] difficulties wllh hIs wlfo , nnd hlld Illude thn'l1ts to do nwuy with his whule tllmlly. It Is tlHHllht thl\t deSl1IHlency ( ) , due to brooding o\'er the conditions Iurroundlng his tamlly , who were In utter po\'erty , caused 1111tlcr to go Insallo IIml take the lives of ull the leven. To I'rnt..rt. ( aml'lt" , . . Wll.'IhlnR'ton , April 23-'fho waYR Bud nW n commltteo ordered tavor- - able report 011 thu bill ot Hoprcse nta. tI vetcUall ! of MIl.aohu ottH , to re- rund the taxes llpon leltl1olc.'l for the use or rell luu , literary ) olmrltahlo or eduoatlonal clllLrlwtor or for the en" I .ural > lcmellt of art , or for societies tor the prevention or orue1t.y to children. nlllRlJ.re also rlLVorably reported ex- tcndlnl { tllO outage period on IIQ IInrs III bond and provldln tor oomplllJlIl Itatlstlcs ot Insular pos'Ies."lolI , Mr. McUall , In reporting the bill to refund oertaln lelacy tnxcs ) says tint , t.he rerund Pt111cs t.o lylol { In hOS111t- aIR ) urdlulJ.r3' hospltl11s , pllbllo lIbnlrles , ohurches , hOlllel'l ' ror the l1j.ted 1\1111 'prac- tically hc entire dOllluln of ollarlta- ble work. 'ho I\l11ount.luvolvcd is 8- tlD1lJ.ted a.t 10,18,000. I' . , I'tJr lIlIlI Htrl kn Ofr , KnukaunB , WIS" April 23.-Tho .trllcc In the Thllmany paper 11I11I , the bhgcst tissue mill In tllo wurlll , Ii set- tled. The men returned to work yes- lelday. 'l'l1/s / cndK the la.bor troubles In the Fox river valley. fie" , tnr JJIf1tlch' . I"A' " WushlntRon , April 23.-Scnntor Dletrloh hall Introduced u bill to authorlzo thc presldont tp enter Into a reciprocallllreement with the permanent - manent Iovernment of Cuba respectIng - Ing trade betwecn the U llted Statel and Cuba. It prO\'ldes thut when inch permanent governll1cnt Is established - tablished the president IluutLlorlzed to cntor Into such lI recmont Wllh Cuba wherehy the Uilited Stutcs binds Itselt tor the period or flvo 1ears to pay to the government at Cuba. 1 At the end ot each quarter ot the ncsal yrnr endlnl { Juno 30 , JOOJ : , a Bum ot Uloncy equal to 40 per cent. lof the amount or Import llutles collected - lected during RRld quarter on nrtlclell the Rruwl h and product or Cuba coming directly to the United States In American or Cull11n bottoms ; for the llscal year ending JUIIC 30 , l00 , :10 : per cjJnt. on such nrtlcle3 so carried ; tor the flRcal year ondlll Ju ; e :10 : , 1005 , 2 , ) per cent ; for the i fiscal year enlling JUIIC 30 , 11J00. 20 per cent. , ot such dutleR , and tor 'oach ' quarter of the IIsal year ending Juno 30 , 1007 , 15 per cet. ( It such du- , tics. C II the IlIIportalion of any article produccll hi Cllba UpOIl which I u bounty has been paid the IlIlIount slH'h bounty shall be dedlwted , rrolD ; the IIlIIount which otherwise I would he pahlb1 ; the 'United States , , which SUIIIS Cuba IR to flhllllgtO' h 'r I selt to devotb to permanent harbor I sunltalhm und other public Improve- II'1cnls and the IlIlllnttJllrHe ' ) . . : of a 83'S- , telll of schouls. I r1'ho bill pro rides Uilit the lIfree- ! mellt JlJUY be abrjgllt d by JJlII ulll ' cOlisen L , fir by the w IlIHI , : I\\'al I hl're- j' fronl h ) ' ell her parly uli/ln / f'aKUlla\.Jlo ( \ noth C ! . The sonlltor said thu.Jill \ Is Inlended jUt a Sub.tllIIte for the huuse Cuhan ret'lpl'lIl'ity , hili , n , nlh Itullflt : Ilctllwd. Cairo , 'Ill. , April a.-Attersearch- fn.c : lour dUJ'K ' the du : 1 h roU or the b'.rllu ' . steamer City or l'itthsurl- : has lIot been red IIced ullY from the 'llrst report. or the J.l5 IHJOple on I the bllut "hen \.Jurllell \ Saturday , ahout halC lire fillll II/Issln / : urd tv. ; J)1 ht no further hOpe , tor them 19 cxprcscd. ! ; ; . 'l'lIe bools and \'nluable ! , ot the I boat , crew nlHl passengers are still In I the rill 11'1. ' ' 1'ho wreck . 'Is . bbvuVatol 6nJ atllls IIwoldcrln . fI - . . ' - - . . , , , . . . / , ' . " . . if 07 , ; , , ' ' t. ' : J ; : gA I It 18 lIahl t 1 now . . . , . . . ehlUlco to recover hl8 IIlght 1 Of - ollr.rntlon tor cntumet. 'l'lao tICk' " , , ' , bO ' 8' uhscrI11t1on for him b JIM" , "t " while llroltll'rlug. ; / I 11lssIarlo ' UorclJl' 1\inllter Oh : J : ; I laoltls Ihe record ror IInleR of nn ) ' noTtf. I ; , llurlug the llItHt ) .car III BngI Dtl-J , 000 coplcs , 111 tills country tbe IIf&Je ( ' I root \II ) to 100,000. 't\ . LO\'Cl'H or l\1nrgnrct E. SlUlIl , " \.Jc1lutlful \ ( loelll8 will be glllt1 to kaee thnt the l"IJtllh.g . 11. Hovell C01upUif hnll receutly Imhllnhed 1'olul1IO ot MI' , IOClnH enutlet ! 1.'rlcs or T..o\'c. A cN'lul1l IHlblhhlug house In N. . . 'ror ! , hnH It rule thnt tlm prernce . . ' U\'Cl'Y boul , Rhull eOlltul1l a I.mmwarr or the book , wl'ltten III lIuch n wny tb ' n ImrcllluHr , by reudlug thu Irefae , . Cll11 lell ut a glulicO jUllt wlmt lut II \U'hll \ ; , Gcuro , Alfl'cd lIeut , . hns 80 110111' HtorlcH to hla credit. 110 hUll bCIiI writing thrl'l 11 ) 'l'ur ntul mun ) ' IIropbe- Ihd ! ! Ihllt ho would wrlto himself ou- , lIU ) 'ot two of hili lust tllreo.Jooka \ CUllY 1I1'8t aUli 8CCOllli IIlaculI ou the lW J or llllll\llllr ju\'clllles , A boolt ought to be grn pcd firml" , IIBtcuet ! to w'lh olcn'llIluded , COUm ; . . OU8 attention , lull1 clown ollly to be 1I0mlered over , and agnln to bl ! brougb , Into the COI'I1Iel' luthlluc ) . . You call11 t I'cfol'm a Imd book. Let It nlouc.-Uey. Nowlll Dwlglll 111111s. 'l'ho wrlLllIg or 1I0\'els b1l18 fnlr tit 1'lInk lIR UII Industry as well ns an ta. 8111rntloll , 111111 , J.l\llnu \ Whiting. 1J tH'uture , nhe th11l1a1 , hus 110 eOlleorn al nil ' \\'lth It l'ellt 11I1111 ) ' ot these tn'Go tlueLlnlls which cxtelld tbelr clrculntl to tlgurcH thut are hUllreElIII\'o It no' oppre8sh'c. 'fho IInll1'eliOloll prevails tbM t" mngazlnell are o\'er8ulJpUed with 8ho otol'lcs , ) 'Ctllll edltol' or ono ot the b tocent mngnzhlcli 81hI 1I0t lent ; OJ : _ Ihnt ho hud not enoulth short stories te last two lIIonlha , nntl he tl11(18 It 11I1.rd to Jet lIueh lIultel'lal. , 11111ul1es ot short SlurlCR ure rccelved. but tow or t1loat arn worth 1Il'lnlhlJ ; . On thu Hul.Jject ot youn ; autboq ( ) rotluelll ; ; 1\101'0 heels than tholle ot . . ellPrution ngo It tl111Il'nr8 , thnt DlckcDI wl"Jlo l'JcI..wlclc at : 'H ; succeSB came t.e l'hllclccrny at :10 : , with Vanity l 'alr ; . . MIHS 11 1'1111 11 on , with 1..1dy udley's S cret. ot 2 : ; ; to Oull1a , with UUler TW1I 1"118 , Ilt 7. Oeo1'go Eliot was 40 wbe. Adalll Bcdcnlllc. . and Sir 'Volter Bce WIIS 4S when Wllycrlcy 01l110I1re(1- We llrelumo that lIIost l'endors b" . , . elllltr ! 1'o/ul / 01' heard ot Blcvenaou's DII'I , lel'yll Ilnd Mr. Ilydc. In Mr. Steve.- son's liCe , by 11/1lfour / , It Is t(1111 for' . fnct thllt Ihe ntlthor actuully drcamc4 three of thl ! Kecno III detnl1 ot tllla. ralllOUII Rtory. So vivid wall the 1m- tlrcRRlon-tlH\t ot chnngln" or trnn ( ormlng thl ! character by taking po. ders , In pnrtlcnlnr-thnt he wrote It ( or Just nil t had preBcnt ( > d ! tacit tI , him In his sleep. NEVER QUOTES THEM RIGHT. Trite n7InR'R thut Arc chloUi Corree 17 Ilclll'odllCed In I1Ver8Qtlon. Nearly evcry 011 ( > l tOllll ot quotln , fro III the Ilods nnll. tlrl1l11atl t , u. nenrly evry ! one CODllllltn the egra. , , ; lou8 error In his quotations. All of 1111 ) " , " 'rho e\'ell tenor or their. . way. when whllt GI'a ' wrote W S "The nor. . leM tetlor ot theJr WilY. " "When GreeJa mects Greek then comes tlw tug of Will' ' ' 811oull1 be "When Greeks Join" GreekR tben wart tile tug or war. " Whea we IIny ' ' 'l'ho tonJuo III nn unruly moJOo her" we mlSuoto ) rroln , Tnmeo , t1. . . where It IR wrlttell , " 'I"he tongue Call 110 ml1n Il1l1le ; It 18 an unruly eviL- "Chl11'lty Hhall cover over Ule multi- tudc or sins" ( Peter , Iv. 8) ) , l almost aJ. WI18 , tllHtortl'tl lute "Charity cove n multltudo or olns. " Wc IIUY "We ] . come the coming , spced UIO partlDI guest. " " , hel'ells the correct quot.nUOJI I. "SIl'ftl the going guenl" UUM wrote III "Um1lhrns , " "He thnt COD pllCR lIJtnlnst : his willIs ot hlfl own opl _ Ion stili , " hut we nIter the smlBC I1S woU as the wortllng ot tl1e pUHSUgby quot- In contillually , "A lIIun convince. ll nl1l8t his will Is ot the sarno opinion 111111. " How orten we henr people , quoUn. the 11I\flIn ; e on merey rrom t11t Mel' chnnt or'onlee. . " fillY "It ( alletll n8 tlM Pllt1e dew trom Ill'a'en , " wherells thll nrll wrote "Fnlletll aB thl' gentle raIn. " We Iluote with Jtreut : complnceDCJ ' ' 'I''he mnn that hath no music In bit foul ; , " whereas whllt ShnksJenre ) wrote W/IS / " :1:110 : : IIInll that. , hllth no music In hlllf ; ( f , " 111 his "LyclduB"l1Ito. : \ . wrotl' , "I"retlh WOOdB alld plI lturel rl'w , " but It Is almost ulwoys misquoted - quoted os "l"reHh neli1 ! ' ! IITHI pasture. new. " III "lIenr ' nnd Bmana" llItrhe\ ' ( PrIor wrt ) , " 1'lnc by dp.ltreea nn4 beaullfully Is ' " a phrl\sc \ whIch hili \IN'ollle III populnr use , "Small lJy dar grocs Rntl bonutlrull ' les8. " ! 'ulRnl1 In Ullmhoo. 'j'he 3'ouug thootR of the Immboo are cO\'l'red with a lIulllher of " ( ! l'y tint hnlrA Ihot ure HCCll , under the micro < I' OlJe , to' 1.1 ( > hollonnd HIII.cd ( like hn'onelfl. ' 'rhe e hl\lrH I1ro coIDmonl1 cnll ( ' lIumllOo Iioison b . tlll > whlto men I'c6111(111t In .11\\'n. ror the renllOll that murd'r Is treCul'ntl ) , ) " cOlllDltte throuj.h ; their AjCJlC , ) ' , mixed 111 rood. . - - - - - 'Vhc'o Her Intermt Cen c" , liRa your wlte has a great rondDCn ror fiction 1" " , fr..a-yt'J'I. : ' ' nll , CJ CClt , thQ klud tell hcr.-Pl1lwdclvl1la ulJctI . . . ---J : : : : . . : . _ _ _ _ . ! _ . _ - t' : -