Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 01, 1902, Image 2

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    t . : .
, . I I
' : ster COU y
. . . . . .IIISUEIUtY' . Jtclltnr "n.t rnbllhlll
, I t
: "JUU ( Dow , . EJlnA8KJ.
- .
rSlt profits ne\'er I ( ) unt wllh the fire
"J.Immncc men whcu they conlellllllllto
jll' cnt IOJoeo ! , .
No mntter whnt de'IHlonll nrl ! Ivell ,
bot1y thlnlclI ho Imow the tact In
' . 8chley cnf o , nn'how.
John L. Sullivan goe8 to farming
I ' tt : C11t will find hl nooo held In the
; . - 1 It wIth a finn haull nuel 110 mouley.
, .laM allowcd ,
, I
.About the ftl'llt thlnJ ; R " 0011 Amorl.
, . . Dndll It necesAary to elo after rellch.
' . . . . tIlO Philippines Is come home to un.
'Iarao a surgical operation.
WlIIen a lIovurcllfu Sllllo lIumpli
twatl18t a comhlnatlon of rnllwAY com.
'fIanJea It genernlly IInllR out thl1t It ISlI't
, 'M ' sovereign all It IlIlght ho ,
7he DetroIt bank I11l1n who An\\ " the
to the extcnt or ll00OOO IA tl'IIU'
Ek with nervous prostraUon , Whllt
be thin" UIO depoHlloro have ?
It 11 cathnntt'd thnt King Edwnl'll's I
, . . -onatlon will cost $20oon.Ooo. 1'n. : I
) and ncedn't tecl so bnd , thOllfth , . \ . 1
' or It will bo "ood Allwrlclln IIIIJlWY , '
It III estlmnted thnt thcro 111'0 1I0t
iore than 10,000 elcphllllts leet III the
_ orld nuel five of the8e will 1m Id 11 I'll :
: tor every 0111' horll , SOllie dar It will
: \1 \ > . worth whllo to hn0 an ell'llhllllt on
, ' -no'a hnnds ,
Three triplets hn0 hooll 11111 I'll
: ltocleteller. 1\101'/1111 / nt1l1 Cnrlll'lo. , It
the other bo 's III the nol/hhol'llIIolI / .
.re Jolng to lee(1 ( their ml1l'ble' ! ! 01' hl1HC
' ) aU8 will hl1\'o ' Hlem '
they \ to b\l1'y ot' :
, .tdo thom In thlJ hnymow.
The censlls 011\00 \ Is to be mnllc POl' .
1JBanollt , Instead of n nocreatloll each
.ten renrs , Thl8 ls apllrollrluto. 'J'ho
: atreom of evcllts , such liS hlrUls , mnr-
.tiagea mId dlmUIR , which sUlIIlly ma. .
1 ror stnUstlcs , 18 continuous.
Dullded not wisely , Three 'enl'H ago
ttndrC\T Onrneglo11'e / McIeesport
.fSO.OOO ! to construct 11 puhllc 11 brn 1' ) ' .
-.he hulhllng Is not yet completed , but
: &be money bUll all beCiI oxpolldc , CI1I' . I
aogle hns rerused to mnlte ClII'thm' COli'
htllutlon , anel the cltlzell rcfuHo to
. Pl"eslclent Eliot ot Ilarvnrd IIfleaks
his Mnunl report or the Invention
the card cataloguby Ezrn Abbot ,
hen ho wes assistant IIbrnrlnn at the
tverslty Corty YCClrs ngo , Inventloll
ell \uot \ alwn's 1111.\0 lL cOllll1lCrClll1
e. In Docttr Abbot's coso , I1S the
' . reslclent remarks , "An IndlsllellaalJle
-toot In modern Industrlel'l ' , tmdos and
rote 810nll wns ) > rovldud by
i ntan ot lenning , who had no bUfllne8K
bJoct whnto\'or In view. "
W'bllo the productloll of KrIIln IH not
.1&creuslng as rallldl ' ns populnllllll the
iDanuCncturlng nnel couuum'clni h\tct' .
. -ta of the West are IncrenHln1II0l'U /
, ,111 < 11y thl1n those ot the whole coun.
: 7. manuCaclurcll pl'ocluchJ Hhowlug 1\
faUo of 70 ( ler ceut Incl'cnHO rOI' the
baited Stutes us ngnlusl 1 J Iwr cent
lor the West. Not the leUtt rmnn t.
able fcnt ro nhout this dovot'olHUI'Ut hi
U10 triumph oC IUclush'y o\'er nnlul"IIl
: fbltnclos , TOWIIB without cOllI. 11'011
water 1 > ewer turn OllllllllllllCncturl'l1
.rod\1cts that are tlhlpped to the ellllK
the onrth ,
Mon fl"cqucutly build m01'e wll'ly
IhRn the ) ' know. 'J'ho U\lInn Cl'H of 11
J1'OUI ) of Westcc'u l'ulll'Onllfl are 1 > llIu.
; aJng to flene1 11 tllO\IIiIluIl 11 ! ; t'll flut6
.the Statell cnst o ( the : \lsIHsIIIJlI ! to
or uudo ) leollo ) thel'o to lIeWI ! Oil thu
1hrco 11111111)n llel'CS ( \111oCCUllh 1l fer.
'tHo lom1 In Southern Cn1lforuln , 'l exIl8
an ' , "estern l.onI3Iml. : ' 1'ho 1':1111'01111
JUon lire fle'ldll to build III ) hIlHIa\lIIS !
t r thc11lselveJ ! lIy tlovclopln the CIIIIU ,
try : hill If 1111' ) ' RllcceEI1 Iu nttrnctln
the uUelllllll'I 11 01' the. llUOI'I ) ' 1 > 11111
trom the 101'10 I ltles , nA the ) ' Illlpu to
' 0 , they WlllllsslRt lu solvln tlll ! llrnh.
18m of lIIunlclpal 10\01'lImellt , l1uII hCII.
2nt the nntloll I\t 'Inl' c moro 111111I Iho '
1Ielp thcmsel\'cs ,
} { odem IlIvulltlonH are llIotJt con.
-enh'J1t , but If thc ' Iceell 011 multlll ! ) "
Jng n8 lhe ) ' hl\\'o with III the IllIHt tweel'
t-tlve YCII1'IJ , Ulero will he 110 IHletr ) '
1ect on tl\l ) , h\1'cOIiI hal' ' ! nlrmHI ) ' tlClllt
the dCllth hlow to the Iden whIch r.OIl '
fellow fIO hellatltlllly t'xprf\KlIl'tl In the
Unea : '
1IbJpa thl1llJl\I411 In th nl ht. 1111I1 111I'nk I'Acli
other III III\ . IIII : .
OUI , n lrnnlllholVlI , nlllt a It\1ltllllt \ Tult'e In
the IInrknclIlI.
Shl ) > s nOWadll'N nro lIot NO nlclCII ! I'
laned nil thnt. ' 1'l1ey f N'1I1 to 1IIet ! to
ke p nnr from elleh nthor all lIIuch
ail pO'Hlblo 1I11l1 f l'e JIIRt how fill' the
wlrch K.'t teh'J:1'II1Ih ) ' will Cllrr ' , It Is
aot lIeceHHU' ' 1I\'t'lI to cntdl HIht ; ot
t110 tllJ ot a lIIusl III Imlel' to . : { ( 'hllle : :
these nOWl'lit Id1I111s ; ,
- - - -
- -
Mltta J < :1lml [ . Bruc , ot' OIl\Ve II , N ,
T. . bUR tlllght0 , 10 Hchool ! 'ur IIn ) '
) 'cnn , WIII'II IIhc'iI'.mIlNlw ! , : . ! , IIIIICI
. . .nowhl' 1111 , lore thllll :1,000 : 11111111\
tune IUJ'II tl\\I ht I ) ) " her , Whllt II 1I111 '
nU\cent l'I'col'll for IInl'lIInll II. , \ lid
with whll t till tltitllCtloll IIII1Ht I < ht , hwk
ttack upon hl'l' ltro'l ! wOl'le IIf n IIIIU' 1\11- : \
tury. Sh" hils 11I0hlcti the 1IIIIslic lIouhi
.t three rc.'lllIIellt8 ot chlhll'lll. Who
laas 'dlwo llIoreY AIlxnlldl'l"K hlwhor
Ru\de Alexl lldel' liS ht ! hlllllll'lt tl''U.
11M , Atu' whnt IIInll or'OIllIlU CIIUllllt
Jook LINck to UIO dl1 ' 8 when the IIl1tllll'll-
tlo ot fill tbnt 18 be : > t cnmo Crlllll 1\ , In-
, . .t tencher ! 'j'bllt lh'bt or Irlllllutle
ij , , ' . _
. ' " "
enn neTer be pl1ld. Whl\t lire the ftOo
compll81unl"nt " ot mllllonnirea bl tb ,
' ! ot thnloetul liCe ot11011 : Brllcr.1
Which 18 the grenter , to fnuhlon mnto-
rlnl tblngs or to tnuhlon "ollis ? ' 1'0 1m ,
Ipre88 olle lite tor "oolll IHtter than to
I11nnllllllato UID merger or two "reat
rallrondl1 , To turn 0110 IIro Illtu Itll
proper chnJllwl8 18 greater Ulall to or ,
anlzo n trust. All hOller to the con.
sclentlolll'l ' tenchcr , IIIB work III nol
blazoned to the worlel lIut bo la next to
Oed hl1ll8elf.
It Is I\hvn11 n plct1sut to record the
rise of n Ulan tl'om the bottom of thu
Inc1der to 811CCC8R , It II eopccltllly pleau.
IlIg to note the rlso ot a lIIan In a
country where , In the Inn/l1l1lo / of
Jame8 A Garflold. Roclot ) ' IR otl'ntlfied
IIko the roCleR , ono Inyer holding down
the ono heueath. Wllllnm Orooles , torty
yenl'/I n o , WAS nn IlImnto ot n I.olldon
, vorlhoIl80 , I.ert In Ruph nn environ.
ment ho re80lvec1 1180 boy tllllt he woulrl
maleo hl8 wny upward tlJroll h dllllclIl'l '
t ) ' , IIr8t ho sccured lL llosltloll at $1 It
week , He lived on this $1 nl1l1 taRlId
( or lho first tlllle seml.lndcpclIllcnce , ,
110 next npVl'enUced hlmselt to the
COIllJer trnde nnel worlwd for otIC mnn'
He\'UII 'ear , 'l'hen ho was thrown out
of worle by strlle , IIo beJltn bllslneHII I
tor hlmsclf In a smnll way nllil wnR
fHlCCIf8f'ul ! , 'l'odny he Is n lIIelllher of
the I.ondon city cOllncll and mnyor of j
nn gllBt l ncl suburb , lIe Is chnlrmnn
ot the Loudon Indllstrlnl 8chool com. "
mlttee , 110 Is 0180 chairman of the
\\'ol'lhoIlRe committee , tbo snlllo com. I
mlttee thnt Rcnt him nnd his tamlly to I
\\'ol'lchollHU ! J'ears a o , In 8hort he
Is It RIICCUHSfll1 IIlId uRetll1 IlUIU In hlH
:111 ' 111\11 CIIIJI'IIUn ( nnd 18 hl hly reo
! IICcll11. ! [ t III ImpoHslble , nccldents ,
IHlde. to Iwep n Jood IIInll down. It I
lie hllK IJI'IIIIIII nnd chamctcr he will
.vln an hlll10111hlo [ lInce , 110 IIII1Y not
! ecUl'U CUllle IH' wealth hIlt ! he scelll't'S
, , 'hilt IH hetter-lIIanhooc1 , Anll tills Is
.I'no ullder evca'y torlll ot : mclety , It Is
JHIlCclally t1'110 In this cOllnla'y where
:0 1180 the Garllelel phl'llHeoloy , , our
! Oclely Is not 1I1.e the earth's stl'lltn
'hut Is tIlte the yielding WItVUK ot the
! ell where the lowest drop mny rlso
md glitter on the to } > most wllve , "
The Ohoctnw Hnllroall Oompany ,
.vhlch opcrlltesln Oldahomn 111111 States
llOrdul'llIlt Uant territory , hils gone lute
1 new llno at bURlnel\s thnt may well
mgo"e the nttclIUon ot les9r8. 11m mll1
Unrrlmnn , the Yanderbllt IInd otbcr
tnnglllltl'fl who are now devoting tholr
JIIUr time to the tormntlon ot , rllte
> eel , the consolidation of } > l1rnllellineH
tlul the cemelltlng at communities ot
IlItCl'ust , In one ot the Ohoctaw Oom.1 I
IlnIlY'K cnrs at rot Heno ( Oleilihoana ) the
) ther dny the conductor tounel II bnRket'
olltallllllg n little hnby , 'l'he child '
mppllel1 with worm , 80rt clothing wIIS'1
11. nurAln bottle fillell with milk , On
the hlll1lllo ot the bnHltet wn8 a nolo
1111)'hlg : III h:1vO : no pllrunts. 1'leasc tnlo
1110 to the lIoxt Stl\tlOII. " The cOllductor ,
helll c1lflhllIned ! to IICt without orders ,
tole rl1phed to hCIHlqullrter8 nnd waR
nnthol'lzccl to tnlce tlw lIttle ono to th. )
ncxt Atatlon , Whell his trah } pullell Into
the Rtatlou at which the chillI wlla to hu i
Imt on' the cOllductor recel\'l'I ) further
orllers tUl'ectlll ! : him to retl\11I ( > osseH. I
SIOlI ot the IIICllllt. IIR the cOll1pnllY hllc1
dechlud to nllollt It. 'I'ho Choctaw
HOllcl' < < wlll'll Is IIOW In Wlohltll hOSIII. I
tnl , IIIHI If It 1I\'e will 1m ralscd IIl1cl
( 'du atect ut the eXI > OIIRe or the co 111' I
Ilnll ) ' . It 18 lIotll1entiollOl1 whether the
walt II' ' ! n ho ) ' 01' 111'1 / , hut lu olther cnRO
the COll1lmll ' < ; houhl filld It n Ilrol1tnhlo
lJn'IR ! 1I10l1t to the till ' '
! IteelJ ) sl1'I\I er
ulIII ellucute It for n cnreer nK n rull.1
rOIHlor , AIIlposlll It Rhould lIu'n out to' '
hn\'o the ndmllllstl'Utlvc ability of u \
11111 or nlol' ! nll or II lIelly Gl'cell , In
such nil orcllt the Ohnetllw Hond woulll
hocollw a tranHcontlllelltal utTnlr with
n hOUl'd or dlrcclm'lI COIIIIIOSl'll oC lIIen
worth lit Il'lIst $ ' 10,000.000 elich , 'l'hll
n\I'ugo rallrond 1'0lnllllllY IIII ht wull
nl1'OI'd to rHlle : ! rio.ono hOll\cless \ lIttlu \
OIWR , It 110,11I01'HUIII , OUlIl-l'l.'ut clllllnill '
of IlIlhtRtr ) ' coulll h ! ! de\'elollcd III the !
entll'o hutch , II I'll IIleH , II / ; 1I1/111 / '
IIIhlelIIIIJht thn8 hll\'o bottoI' tnat..1
lIIellt tlUIII thl" ) ' llI'e IIkl'ly to ohtalll oth. I
erwlse , Uw l'nllronc1 COIIIIIllllc'l : : ' do'
HOlllothlul : fm' 1111' IllIhlle III I'uturll tor
the Ilrh'lIe/'cs / : thur , eujo ) ' . It tlwy will
tulce thl ! I'xtrn huhll'Hllnlll'uhHl Hnd 1c1u ! ,
cat ! ' I hmn ono or the Sl'l'lous III'ohieUlR
or 1lvl1l1.utlon ! will he sol\HI IIIHI 11
rn1\(1 ( oxell1pllllcution or the flllt : thu I
COI'lHU'UtlOIIK 1II11 ' hll'e liollll ! h ' lilloI"
lion will 110 tllrlllsh ( ' ( ] '
- - - - - -
nl"OIllIMol"to hnL Entlwprbtln/t. /
'l'ho tollowlllg cUI'lolIR IH\'m'lIselllellt !
Is tlllClm rl'OIl1 ' " ' '
It jOlll'llul : 'l'hls
nll'nltlUllt. \ / : . n\'lor HIIIIIIIIOIICII ItWllY
tlll jeweler , Rlohllhl I III 111 II Jn. trom hl
11111 > 1) to IUlother nUll II het h r world , 'rhu
umlrsllIed ! , hll1 willow. wll1 weel )
IIIHII1 his tOlllh , ns will nlso hIs two
11uu/hhn's / , HUd IIIHI glllllllt , the torll1el'
ot whom lit tIIal'l'IClI nUll th ( ' hllter IR
open to 1111 olTl'l' , 'rho fllllumi will tllite
( lllIce to.morrow , 11111 I1IHcollso\nto \
willow , VOI'olltllllc 1IlIUln n. 1' , : : ; . -
'I'hlhl'l"u'uml'nt / wl\1 \ lIot Inlerrullt
0111' I'lIIpln'mellt , whll'll will hI ! ( 'nrrh'd
011 1114 IIKllal : enl ' (1111' 11111 eo ( It I.UHl1l1'sH
wl1hI' \ l't'II\O\'I'd frllm : I 1.I'RNln Ill ! 1,1ln. !
111"11'1'tn" / HUl ! III' I h ; Inlll1'I' , as OUl'
I'nKllllI Innll1ol'll hlill raINl'11'thu runt , "
- - - - - - - - - - -
1\IOtOl' OYOICH in Italy.
'I'h lIumher uf mltur 1''cll'lI nUll 11I11.
tOl' l'III'S' hI HilI ) ' 1'(11'Vhleh Ihe IIwucrs
111I hI till' tux IlIlIt ) "l'lIl' III 111 : ; . 'rill'
1'I'OV\IICU \ tll' ' 1'1II'lu IWIII ! ' ! 1111' IIl1t wilh
1110 vullh'll'/I , thllt of lIInll cumlu ! ;
\I ( xt wllh IH. It III lIuhl thnt thorn nl'\\
lIIulolllftelllr IIII1I1Y mor mllltlr 1:1I1' :
thun 1I1i1 In Itllly ,
ACtHr 0110 womnll hils ( ' 011lJ u'cd , II
mUll thnt Hho would IHo tor him. hl' 11lI-
; . : I1IH tel look vlIuuly ! nrotand to N < ' \ ! Ir
there urn IIny more ,
Whnt hUJt OO < 'OrtlO ot the 0111 111..11 ,
lUlled 1111111 wlto hUllhie / lothw , . \ \ 11/1 ,
III 1& 1 ( lUKplcuoul place !
t j.- ( . . , . . , i : . . . - , _ . ' \ -
Notllln" r. l'orther Cronl the Truth
th..n the JJellcf thut Culture or tll
Boll DoeH Not Jlc'lulrc lilt Much Ex.
vemllture or JJruln Ult Mod Trude. . .
The lsho ( > ot ShrewHbllry , preach.
Ing III II hllI'VeHt Cellt1\1I1ln hla elloce8l' .
, mudo HOIIIO Interesting renlllrkK con.
I cernlng luhor on tbo IlInd. 110 Kuld It
! WitH Imposslblo to be UllaWllro of the
tact Ulllttherc WLIS Q growing dlstllKte
for this ; tlautthe lot or the lIJtrlculturlll '
lahorer118 111 thought of , e\'ell loukl'tl
down UlOIl ) ; that there wlta IIn unwlll.
III IICB : ! on the part or the hulK who
hllel tltlt'l ! 10llgelit lit IIchool luul prof.
Ited by the good educlltlon thut WIIS
'IIOW h'cn to go to farm work , as
though It WUR II culling IJonenth them ,
otlll they were fitted Cor tlouaethlng het.
ter-Cor clIIllo ) 'ment III tOWIIS , In Home
of the IIrts IIl1d crllrLs , the IIInnufuc.
tures IIl1d hmllnclJ8 whIch Counel their
hOllle In them ,
lIe deHlrml , In opposition to tbls
vlow , to ulhold ) whllt he did not heHI.
tllte to call the dlgllity ot the work ot
the cultl\'lltlon at the Iioll , Cerlllinly
It was the olcIest oC 1111 h\luHt1'lell : , u ) o
poillted by God BhnHelf tor man , Ut. . .
Core 11IUII Cell , III the da's of his hmo-
cellce , the ' rend . .that Goel tool , the
ml1l1 whom lIe hud made" nlll' ' ) lut
blm III thu Gnrden of Eden "to ell'CSIi
It 1111I1 to Ieep 11. " "uel lifter the full.
the lIecesRlty wu f.itlll Inlll Ullon mun
to cultl\'ntc ! the soil U8 the cOlldltlon
of ohtllllling Crom It hili dull ' 'thrend ' ;
thouJ.h , UH pnl'l of the pelanlt ' of tilll , It
should bo with dlllIculty alld with eITol't ,
I\I\I In the Hweut of hl8 hrow , such af.i
ho did 1I0t expcrlenco before , Cor the
cal'th Hhureel the ' which '
c\ll'so mlln'adls-
obedlullce bl'ought upon hll11 , lind , lert
ulltlllcll , It would 11I'IIIg forth thoI'll ! !
alld thlHUes Ulld worlhless weeds. But
UH hUlibllllcIr ) ' IIl1d luIJor In the fields
were the oldeHt huhlHtr , ) ' , so It was the
most necesHnl'Y IIl1el ulliversnl , Cor mun
IInd lIellut a1l1.0 were dependent upon
It Cor exlstcnce. Allll though nil tbat
the eartlJ ) lroduced was God's gmclouB
gift , IIe guve It IH the rClHlU of mlln't ! :
caretul , toilsome lubor , And so It fol.
lowed thnt there was no IndustrJ' to be
comlured ) to It Cor the nUlllber It em.
ploycd , nor wali Cullure In IIny branch
of IndulJtry , or 111 all put to elher , to
be COllll > Ul'cd Cor n momellt to tbe los9
which would bo Intllcteel on the world
tf , through the nbllnelonmcnt of 111lJ01'
on the lund , It wa ! ! ) lermltted to go out
oC cultl\'lltlou and the 8UPIII ' of food
were to ceuse.
' 1'h08e who did not know , continued
the mHho [ > , becuu8e tiley did not think ,
were upt to Imuglne thnt there wns no
skill In IIll'lcultural Illbor , wherellH tbe
fnct Wus thut an expCI'lenced III borer
who WIIS relldy Cor IIny and u\'el'y kind
of work thut n fllrm demnneleel , needed -
ed , und Inlleetl pOHse8Sell , nil Intelll.
gcnce mol' ! ! keen IIl1d vlII'lell thlln
nlllllY ChlSeH ! of mechllnlcs , who
Uu'ough the Hnhlllvision 01' the worlc
which lre\'ullcd In e\'er ) ' kind ot' mIII' :
UfllctHl'e , wca'e engllgetl dllY lifter dll '
till II HllIgle piece or IU'odu'tlou Qt. con.
structlon olll.nml WCl'O IIOt l'ellulreel
to go he 'OIll1 It. lIe usked them to
tulco thnt thought with them , thllt they
might recognize the dlglllt . of Iuhor
In the Ilelllll , thllt the ) ' WCl'e Ilrepurlug
the WII ' for God hhu8clf to worl. .
'l'lwrc1'ore , he would HII ' to tlh Illds
luul 'ouuger mIJII , do nol thlnl" muullly
01' 1'111'11I lu her , IlIi thuugh tlW ) ' wm'u too
eel ( 1'01' It ; hut bclJm'o lhnt It offered
to thcm 1111 emplO'lIll'lIt III which their
llo\\'urs of bed ' , ulld IIIh\I ( , tOil , lIalght
hu heulthll , ) ' ele\'CIO\ll'll \ IIl1ll the ) ' might
helll to l > cl'petllllte fOl' Ihuh' fa thcl'llnd
II rlglH'ous , hl'lI'e alHI ludolll'IHh'nt
mcoul'l ( \ Lane [ Xpl'CSH ,
- - -
1.0d" oC lifc uml l'rUllcl"ty
Jluruao ; u
I1rlcC l'cl'jllll.
; \ tnhle bUR hen COIUllllcd IJ.r tlw lu-
HlII'allco COIIIIHlU1I1 ! 01' the losse ; ; h ) '
ell.ctrlclt , ) ' UI'II1 the nine 1II0llthli cud ,
lug Duc. 1 , ' 1'\\,0 hlllldl'ud , ' , uul fot't"llx !
Ill'rsolls hll'C hCClI elccta'oclllec1 11111'11I1 ;
thesl. ulno montini , 01' 1111 \'C'lIge of
1I11110Ht lhh't ' II month ; Hi 1111\0 hel'lI
mllimeel , 1l : . ! horsel ! huve hec.11 \\led \ \ ,
111111 there WI'l'e H : . ! Jlws , Ia ) ' thl'
\\'ashlu/toll / 'I'lull.'s.
I [ n thllt tllhlu
IIU accollnt hlH Ul'CU
la'ilt of the lIulh'oct Itcchll'lIt1 thl'ollgh
the 11110 01' cllI'lclt ! : . , SlIch 111 : ' the tl'ol.
h' ) ' car ucchleuts. ulectl'le ulObilu IIccl-
dl'UtH , IIlul thl' IIl'e '
' , bllt oul whel'u Ilw
dln'ct uhetl'le ! Hhock cllllsed th , ' Ill'nth
. r IIIl1lmlllg 01' the IlI't ! .
The IO HI.'H h ' cll'Clt'le Ih'l'R IIlolle hll'U I
1"'m'II ( ) cI OVl'r II 11I1111011 dnlllU'1i II
11I011 the ' 1'III' 10llsetl hll '
u \0 hecollle II ! )
111'1'101111 tllllt till ! lII.'chh'lIt. life 111111 IIl'c
hlRllI'lIl1ce COlllllfillh s HI' " l'OUHhll'rlllJ. : ;
thllu\\"IK:1hlllt : ' uf tal'llI ulIlll'clllelioll
1I lIhlllt tlwlII. 'I'he lJlHIII'IIIH'l' I'all' III
t hl''Io ' l'OIll ) > lIl1ll.'s Wilt ! lwII \ herol' ( ! II\ ( )
gl'ellt 111\11 hll'I'I'IIHhlUsn / ot u\ecta'll'lt \ ' ,
111\11 tlw ell'c.'trlclIl 1'1111.
Wilt ; 1I0t t1 III'I'(1
III. tiO thllt till' rntes HI' ( ' lI ) > set 111111 I'l'- :
' \1111' \ ( ' II n'I\lljlllltlU.'lIt throllh , 1111'111' lid.
lilt' " :11 : hl HI'H ,
I 'I'hn whltl'r IIIOlllhs Hhow IUlIru 111111I'
II/'O / : h ) ' l'h'I'trll'lt ' thall till. 11111I11I1'1'
IIIOllt hs. l1urlll the /llIlIIlIIer thl'rl' IIl'e
fO\\'I'I' tln'lI 111111 lIot ! III 11I1111 , ) ' l'll'l'trco
l'lIt1uIIH'hl1l' nth'r m'l'r ' W\'lh'I"R \
Htnt'lU thl'rl' It ! n IOIlIf IIl'It of 1'1I1111I1I1I1's
111111 hlHl'Il"lt trolll IIII ) > erfl'ct ImHllllllull.
I'rossl"IIIHI \ hrol.ell wlrl'H IItHl II1lsll'll
l'IIrrelltl\ .
i Whlll' Oil 0111' Hltle hl'Uel' I'lIl1ltlltlulI
1111111)11 \ 1t'11 1 111111 HUI'lclIl , Cllrl ! 11I'1' tl"I\lI-
hito / hlon'nlle thl ! lell th M the II"ur. .
: I I' h\JIlllln IIfl' , thlJ 1101 Ollll\l' \ II t nt IH1W t111111I'r IIctli I\H IUI tltTsl't to
whllt'ollhl ntherwillo ho 1'1 < > 111' lIln ,
It 1I11I1l'l to the cllrtt delltlls hy 1'll'C.
trleltr the IlIlUrcct , h'athK worl' III.
chilled the totl l 18 tlulllciont to IIIl1let" "
nn appreclnble chan e In the d itk
rnto , ' } 'ho Brooklyn trolloyllnell alone
nro rcsllonslble tor about 100 deathll
per anllum , and with the development
ot the trolley system flnd the IncrenAe
III speed the number of duath8 Is keepIng -
Ing pllce ,
0110 of the results Is II. great Incrctso
In IIcchlellt Insurallco. It Is hnrdly II.
Bcore of 'ear8 slnco nccldent Insllrnnco
WaR III\'entcII , nnd now It hnA become
nn exteliBlve alld profitable braucb of
the lnsuranco field.
Tbe l'laJor Wn IJetermlned , I'ven In
Denth. to Not Otic , . .
Mnny allluliing stories are told of the
grent Cormllllty blended with II humor.
'OU8 lIl'u81luenc8u IInd Indellelldcnco
which chnrllcturlzed ellrly Ue\'oluUon ,
1'y dll'S , An Incldellt oC calllp Ufo Is
reluteel by the nulhor ot "Homunce and
UeallslII ot the Southenl Gulf Conlit. "
In } jUS the ( Irst United Stnte8 lroops
thllt cUllle down UIO MlssIlJslppl wer ; )
qUllrtCl'cd lit I.'ort Aelams , Oenurul
WlIIdnson , Colonel lIamtrl1lUck , Ma.
Jor UUtlCI' , ClIl > luln Grl'Cn allel other
olllcers were Illurr ) ' o\'er their puncb
ono night , IUld the < 11'JHral : , by some IIC.
cldent , gotlals queue ! JUt'ned ocr , An t. )
nt tbo Illugh which tolloweel his mls.
b.IlP , he next tiny Issued an ordcl' ror.
IJhll1ln" III1Y olllcer to IIppear with a
Iluuue. ObedlCJlt to O1'elel'fl , all tbe 0111.
cers IJut Major BuLlor cut , oft their I
queues. '
"Tho vain old prlgl" 8nld the Major.
"I'll. aee him hnnged before I cut oft
my qlleue to gratify hlml" and he bolel.
Iy nl > llCUred wit bout cbanglng the style
of bl ! ! hl1lr-dresslllg. I
'l'heajor : WUt ; put under arrest , hut
he decillred oblitlnl1tel ' tbllt he would
spend the rest of his lito In prlfion bl' "
Core he would comply with such a
Hilly commlllld. Soon afterward ho waN
taltClI Yer ) ' lll , nnd reullzlng thnt he wns I
at the point of dentb , be ga0 Illstruc- :
tlons for his burial , wblcb bo knew
would be wllnessed lIy tbe wbolo com. I
monel , .
"nore fl hole. " salll ho , "through the
lIottom of my comn , rlgbt under my
hend , and let my queue cOllie through I
It , thnt the old general may see tbnt
even whun de:1d I rcfuso to obey Ws
order. "
And tbese directions were lItcrall.r
carried out. '
An Aneotloto of CAvour.
In tbe recently pUbllshl'd rcmlnls.
cenct'S of the Count ot Helset , for lon
It'rcneh nmhassador to Italy , Is tound
the tollowlng unccdote ot 'OUIIJ : ; Cn ,
your nt the time when ho was for 11
hrlef Ileriod page at the court ot Victor -
tor Emmllullel , IITlle pnges , as Is
known , servud tbe King , tbo Queen , I
ulIlI the Princes and Prlncesscs ot the I
hlood at royal tetes , Be 'om1 tbls they I
were forblddcn to render an ) ' service"
All these lads belon/ed / to the noblest I
tllmllles of tbo Il1nd , Ono ovenlng
little Camlllo Cayour entered the
throne room , henrlng n trny covered
with Ices , which he olTered to the KlnJ : ,
till' Queen , mIll Princes ot the blood.
But , ns he was gtlng bnck with some
Iccs still on the trny , a mnn ot hl h
rnnlt Rteppcd up to him and took 11\1
Ice from the trny , Cuvour drew him.
self Ul > . glllred nt the nobleman , nnl1 ,
l'lIllllI the llOrcl'lnln tra ' as..blgh as 'ho
could , let Il smasb In n thousnnd plocos
0\1 the tloor , ' 1'0 the chnmherlnill's rt. . .
bulte for cl\llI11lncss , he rcplloll that ho
bad elOIlO I t on IHn'pose , 111'1 ' tbo ollly I > O-li'
slhle retort to the Imllgnlly which Iw
hlld sUn'ct'Cl ] , " The nITnlr was the 1m-
IlIl'dll1to cause ot Cavour's lC 1Vlng the
court tor the mlllllry school. ,
\\'holl Ahrontl , Spenk Bnlllllh. ;
The En1-tllh-speallng ! tourfst whQ I
wastes halt un hour at tillie , temper
111111 ' In h' ' toIulte
cnor ) 'lng \ \ Rome I
dweller In n torel n IlInd tu\l1UrHtand' '
his had 1.'rench or SIHmlsh , only to he
Nhoclteel at len tb hy 80mo such 11
IllIcHtinn ns "Onn't you Apeal. BlIgllsh , "
Is nl\uost Ut ; common nowadu's liS the
tl'l1clt.walldng t1111l'l1ll1n , This Is a lit. i
tIe story of his experlenco In 8paln , 118
lolll h ' ' ' 'rho Dominie , " In the , '
IlOUlO .Tournnl : IndleS'1
"Ono l1u ) ' we nil entorell It little Khol )
III1:1I1l'hl : nnll ' rho Captnlll' begl\lI to
speal 111 HIH\Ulsh to tbo h'l who \
lIehlnd lhe counter , She tallell to IIn.
del'stunll , lUul so ho ti'led n 11In. Once. .
he tried nnd trlell IIml .
and lI nlll , stun.
1IIt > IIld up hIs whole \ 'ocalmllu'y.t' '
IIIKt In hlR : Ittem\lt \ toI1I1'e hit ; \\lean. :
III plain h ) ' IIhlstrntlon ho tIt'cw from
h1lnel.N ! \ case a cnl'll , nUll with It
Htl'okl',1 , his chin , ' 1'he girl tell Into JIts
ot lauhtor : , IUld In pel'Cect l nglJHh
I'nll'Oh ! what you wnnt Is Hno-tooth
comh. ' "
En/tlhh / SlUlrrmv8 Are 1\IIIIJlld"'HI.
A relLt deal of nonscnsu III talkc ! !
: abuut IIl > IIrrows driving l1\\'ay other
hlrds , 1lIeo the downtruddeu italian
lI\ul uthl'l' IW:1SantH tl'om the Uld
Worlll , the 8p/lrrows / nl'lJrl'lJaretl to
110 hero where others ? \'o\lhl Ktllr\'o ,
'l'lwr It III no h1'rtl8 , We 11\1) too \\'Ollt to
nttt'll > ute the resu1ts of our own IIIIR'
IICl'tl or shortcomlngri-the hurllllr\tll \
of 1I1\l1ln \ r ' tllshlonfl'Ilutoll 8Inll h.
\1' \ mU Hlllernlllng nK 1'1101'1 , the IlIck ot
o\l bh'd 111V8 und the ellforcllllof
UI'III wlll'o : Juch exist-to these trnll'
hlc nllle , lIol ' , lual'rel OIlHI IIttlo
fla ! tl1l'rl'll III11II1S , 1 < ' 11 leel to survl )
aftl'r l'\'uturlef-l of comlll'tltl\'c strll '
Jh' , lilt' ) ' CIIUllot l > l' l'xttH'mlllll\t'd. . \
well tI' ) ' tn ellmlnnte thnt olher trl.
\IUlllllllllt 1U'ollcnn IlI1ml"lIIu , Iho
(111115) ' , CI'OIll 0\11' IIchlJeltjo BllII' :
chnn 111 L:1I11es' Home .1nlt'mll ,
. \ Henl Need.
" 111'ro'ti 1111 hl\"lmtlon thnt eUllhlcR
'uu to ROO the mnn who rla1S ! ) 'ou Ul )
orer lho telephone ,
"Tlml'N well Do\lJh , But what III
1'1'1\11) ' ncCtll'tl Is Homotllins thnt will
cllnhle ) 'Oll to IH\nch him III the In\v. ' '
- - -
1'00 uctl'lI when n mlill trl to pinch
othl'r" ho hurt. , blmlielf ,
I _
. . . . - - . . . . " ' . . . . . . , . , -
Ollf..tlo Tunn"L
'A ' !
The subJcct of a tunnel conneot-
Ing Ireland and Scotland hl18 boon
brou"ht before the Brttlsh govern.
ment. nnd the proJeot will be pushcd
It the rcqulslte nnnulul supurpt.
can bo obtained. rhe estlmned test
III eI5,0\I0.OLO. The route provIsIon.
nlly sulectcd 19 trom Scotlalld to 1Jel-
tast In Ireland. The total dlstunce
Is t1 ' mltcs , at whIch 34U mites
would bo tunnel nnd 25 mites of the
tunnel would bo undcr the scn , along
II lIne where the mnxlmum depth 18
480 feet. Elcctrlc motors wrlUld be ,
used to drlvo the trains nt un aver.
ego speed at sixty to sevcnty miles
per hour.
AD Uoueet ! IRn' Opinion.
Vermont. 1\10. , April : ! 8-lt what Ir ,
J. B , 'l'lIler , of this place aaY8 Is trllo
-and none who know him oubt hl
hone8ty-the new reml'ly , Dodd's Khl.
ney 1'11I111 , 18 A wonderful medIcine In.
deed. Mr , Tillery sa'H :
"I had Kidney nnd r.lver Trouble for
Tenrs. I had u8l'tlmnllY medicine" , ! Jut ,
could et notblll to cure 11If'
"I hel1rd ot 1now called
Dodel'lI lCldney Pills IInd hegan n U'eat.
ment , with the result thl1t 1'as very
800n on the mend ,
"I kept on using the 1 > lI1a alld 11m now
entirely bettor , I hOlle tly do helleve
thnt they nre the gn'uteat rllIIl'1ly the
wOI'II1 hnll ever seen.
"I am Itlwnys willing to help II. good
thhlft , nnd I cnnnot Inl too IIIl1ch tor
one that helped me .0 much.
"It I didn't kllow thl1t Dotld's Kid.
ney Pills would do 011 that Is clnlmed
for them I wouldn't lay a word of
Drnlse for them , "
Cnr No. 13 , on the street ranroad
ot St. .Toscph , Mo. , had tu e talccn
oft by the company. 'rho colored
folks would not ride In It , deeming
the numher very unlucky. It fan
tlH'oU h a dlstrlot largely Inhabited
by negrocs , aud nlthuu/h / the other
cars wera ottea. uncomfurtably
crowded , No. 13Vus nealry always
The most rIl'lId ( talkcr In the house
at reprcsentutlves Is Charles E , Lit.
tlefleld , of 1\Inlne. He Is u. terror to
the 01I1clai stcnographer , sometl I
gcttlng very close to the : lOO.words.a
-mInute record , ctabllshed by Henry
U. Johnson , ot Indiana , who servcd
several terms In congress ,
Wise Is be wbo knows where bls
knowledge ends and biB Ignorance
Impoverished Blood.
Whether due to inheritance or caused
by a depleted condition of the system ,
is lhe cause of much agony.
V ogeler's' , Curative Compound ,
when taken for this trouble is a means
of salvation. It creates new fresh
tissues and pure red blood corpuscles
and by giving strength and tone to
the great vital energies of the body.
it enables them to perform their natural -
ural functions. The reader should
not lose sight of the ftet that V ogeler's
Curative Compound is made from the
formula. of one of the most eminent
Send at once to St. Jacobs Oil ,
Ltd" Baltimore , for a free sample
MRS. MAIIV . HOItTLBV , 26 COllrt , Gosprt l'h'eer.
Coventry. . . .riles : - " Several ) 'cau ale , I hlel "ilh an
acrl Ol\t throuh ; a bll.11l1rlini'lII hand ao It.ldly Ihat
I was unable 10 use Ihe me ( Of'i'e / wetl ( ! , lined
cverylhin , ) ; I knew of bJI did /lot Icocive L"y b ne/it / ,
1\IIally.u a la,1 I al'nl d SI Jatoh.Oil and
alter usin ; ; Ihe 1i. 1 bnu I o IJ move I1Y linlerst ;
Illter Iho < : Co/id boUle I could 01" ' ' ' lilY hand anQ
finall , I 'egAlned the . . .0 uf my hand . , nd all paIn lell
/lie. II Wal nnly by Iha use of : ; t , Jatohs Olilmt 1 am
now ; tbl. to follow lilY CWplo1I11cnt. "
In GlqsgO\v water and gas ale Imp.
plied hv the olty. , Slx ence tor eaoh
I pOllud at rentl1lls the UOllll111 chllrge
for water ; that Is , a house reotln/ / {
for .eGO would Ilitve to pay 30 slli1l1ngs
I per Ilnnum tor water. Ga.s Is supplied -
plied at the rate ot two shillings and
. sixpence for 1,000 tlct.
For Infants and Chillrcn.
The Kind You HavB Always Bought
Boars tho71 ? / /
Slgnaturo of
- -
A frlcm ] was tel1ln Il dro : ! story
to n. 11. 'McCullough , ot Harpers-
vllle , . Y.Tho \V\S : rl'.overlng
: from nn attack or pncumonln. } Ir.
! McCullou h lallKhod so b arLllr that
hlmerrnnout ! brought IIn a lit of
hlccolIghlngl which could not. be
stopped , alld ho died trom the con.
I stunt spasmodic movement , .
- - .
, - - . . ! ;
Health '
, I
U For 25 yeara I have neYCr
mlued takln& Ayer' . Sarsaparilla
every spring. It cleanses my . "
blood , makes me reel sirong. and
does me good In every way.- " I
John P. Hodnette , Brooklyn , N.Y4 ,
Pure and rich blood .
I carries new life to every "
part of the body. You r '
are invigorated , refreshed.
You feel anxious to be , \
active. You become strong , !
steadycourageous. Thatts
what Ayerts Sarsaparilla
will do for you.
SI.OO . bottl. , All dtllullta.
bk yonr doctor "hat hll think. .f Yllf' .
B"nllpRrllla , He kno".11 , .
" "IKHlt thl. "ran4
old tl\l/Il1 , 1III'Cllrln. , FollolT W. .4.lollan4
W' "III bll . . . ' 10 Rrll ,
J , C , A.1:11 Co , . roD"ell , ) fall.
Or".th ot the J'ngll..h : t.un/ul\ge. '
' 1'0 give some Idea of the tremon.
dOlls rowth of tl1e En 1\sh \ langllng ! >
It may be mentioned that the wordo
and phrases undcr the letter "A"
have Incleased In Ufty ycars trOOD
7.000 to nearly 60,000. Intelll eD'
persons , even t1wso engn cd In Uut , I
learncd profcsslons , do not mnlee us&
ot more thun 6,000 to 8,000Tords. . ,
an told , although there arc properlf
belonglug to our languuge OVefi"
Cut Oul the Uf'd ,
It Is a gopd thlD tor a YOUDg mnl'll ' <
to try to make hIs Inllrlc III t.heVorlBl
so long us he uscs somctlJlng besldc ! ! .
red paint In dulng It.
RClI1orkn1Jl. . JUeptomouln. . " "
The .I'rench ! bavo produced tho-
most remarkable kleptomanIac om
record. This Is un old womun whos
passion for smokIng has Impelled bev-
tn pilfer pipes trom ParisIan shoPll'
wIth such Industry that DO fewei -
than 2,000icre tound In her lodg-
Ings. All were meerschaums nD. ) .
thlrty.nlno were \Vell colored.
It trouble drlvo you to pray ( i" .
prayer WJIl drive away trouble ,
t12 t
ENT PILLS ( ChocoIatt
Coated , 60 doses , 25c. ) , art
a new , tasteless , odourless ,
economical substitute for the
celebrated liquid CUT 1-
well as for all othel' blood.
purifiers and humour cures.
Each pill is equivalent to one : i
teaspoonful of liquid RE-
SOLVENT. Put up in
screw-cap pocket vials , containing -
taining 60 doses , price , 25c. .
ENT PILLS are alterativ
antiseptic , tonic , and digestive -
ive , and beyond question 'the ' ;
purest , sweetest , most successful -
cessful and economical blooct
and skin purifiers , humour
\ cures , and tonic-digestives yet '
COm lele TrC41lmcnl $ i
Coml'leta external and Internal treatment
for livery bUlllour , consisting of CUTICUIU.
SOAI',2Jo , . to clenns8 th8 IIkl" of crU8U
and scalM , al1l1 soften the thlcCened Ot\t.
lelBI Cm'IOUR.A. OINTMENT , liOo" to In-
Itnntly alla1 Itohing , Inf1unmatlon : , and
Irritation , and ! IOO&lIO alld boa1 i Bnd Om-
CUUA U& . OLVIUT PILL8 , 250. , to cool ana
oleaWlII thl } blood. A SIYOr'J BRT fa oftoa Guro the most tocturfnl : . dt.-
figuring. Itchlll , bllrnillg , antIIlCBlYllkR. [ --4
Icalp , and blood hllmonn , eczemasraa11e .
I\Dd IrrllatoM ! , with l < m of balr , from.
Infancy to ago , when all else tall. .
Ctmccu n'W"I" . " , ' " lI'I'O"II."t .
" ' " " W1
> o14.
. ,11 ( . " Do" " ' , tt4l''utehou..8q. , . 1Aa4. . . . F.e"
l > tp"h II Rue d.ta Nz , hrta. 1 * " . . Dave . . .
Caax. eo. . . . . 6..t.l'rope. . no.ta , U. 8. A.
- - - - - -
I . . , . . . . , . .
. ALABASTINE a : : : : : !
NOT A " " ! .SOMIHa
} ' 0rn11 a pure aud permanent coat.
illg aud does not require to he taken
off to renew { roUI time to time. Is
a dry } lewder , rea y { or use by
mixing with cold water.
We are expert' ! lit tbe treabneat of
watt. . Write and Bee how helpful
we can be , at no COlt to ) 'ou. In get.
"Ifau : 'hI Ute ' r Slut "enl\inr k.lS - . . - ( I
ml , , l 1(0 , .lfl7'AI\u.\lTI n"l. . .hilt I tiug autirn1and healthful homet.
. .It for an4 what I , . . .nl. "
ALABASTINE COMPANY , Grand " .plds , Mich.