Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 01, 1902, Image 1

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    " ' " . . . . . - -
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, , ' . : USTER OUNTY' " EPUBLICAN. ' : :
. . , . . :
I "
- - . .
. .
Thc wnteh-thc fi11cst 1110-
l'11 nc-thc ' ' of -
- s11011)'m 11crfcc- :
ti JI1 in the IIIcchnnicnl world.
\\'hcn ) 'on hu ) ' enc bc snrc you
hO\'e 1II0re than a wutch if ) 'ou
: wanl. satisfaction. Watch sat-
isfllction is worth somcthing.
'rhe wa' . to nct wfitch fiatisfllc-
tion is to hu of lIIe. I know :
the wlltch wen enough to make
of it n tilllekcepcr , in case it
I shou1l1 prove nothing' hut a
wfitch. A watch is an orlln-
IIn II uice thiug to havc
hut there is more athfaction in
haug' a tilllt'piccl' . Thllt's
what YOI1 get hcre , 011\1 a gUlr- !
: lintel' that gl1l1rJ1ntecs'Ith i
IIbility to lIIakl' it. sui'll.
t pd r.s\ ) i
, . , \
. l , , J
rnthl lo of I.'IIII : IIII 0111 1IIIImiu ( 'ulloge.
. en8"4D .
- - - - - - - - - - -
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' "
" "
' 1' ' } ' a 11 ets , ,
'It. . ; - .
; , -
, y-
yr -AND-
. \ chool Supplies. .
j\ ; . ,
, } - . . .
I' - AT'f" , .
' . "
' '
{ ?
"i"'I' "
; 1'
7 J. G. Haeberle's ;
- !
' "
_ -,1- L ' -U , _ . . . . . . . . . . _
- - - - - - - - - - - -
' " PetIe Elizab th Fields ,
m Bll ! lB ID1 jB 111L
OlIIIICH I10Ul S . :
. . - ' 9 a. 111. to 12 m.
1 :30 : to 4 p. m.
Or br : appointmcnt.
C6fofficc ovcr Anderson's Jcwclry Stor
ill Rcally Block , Drokcn Dow , Nchraska.
-.y , -
- - - - - - - - - - '
14ubricating oils of all kinls at
Wilkin's drugstorc. .
- -
' . Good things to cat at
Cash Grocery Co.
Dcalers in
Staple - . F : : : Y Groceries
'fhe bcst linc of frcsh vcgeta-
bles , rcccption good , fanc ) ' ; lric
fruits , Advo Pancalw : D lour ,
lunch canncd g-oods , and thc
highest price paid for producc.
- -
Good QuaU.ty
Good : Prices
GOQd Weigb.t
'Wc cater to the clas ! of trade
who appreciatc "Quality. "
- Our stock of Staplc and
Fancy Groceries win
stand a closc examination alH1
'comparison as to "Quality"
and Pricc. 'Ve sell and"
recommcnd the
r , , , : , Ad0 Foods & Gold ! -.lcdal ColTecs
La\ulo llletlll. , . . . . . . . .20 cent !
Mexicanll1end. . . . . . . . . .25 ccnt !
'l'hrce Crown M. & J . . . .30 cent !
li. r8 : ' S8'O RN&CCU
Realt } ' Block , Broken Bow , Neb
\VI \ Antion.
'l he WesterdI1e mill ha started -
ed again.
l amah Hyersoll is transading
business at Etna this weck.
] cv. B. II. Hunt and wife of
Georgetown , werc city \'isitors
1'he'Veisscrt store a UtI post
oft ce were movcd last wcek enc
mile south of its formcr location
near where the M. E. church
Loyd Rusk of Rno , died last
Saturday c\'cning bout 6 o'clock.
He on lackcd three days of be-
i ng' t , vcn t-t wo vcars old at th
time of his death : -
Mace Fonwth , who has. .hcen
in poor hcalth , is spem1ing' a few
day ! > at his fathcr's , ncar Ncw
Hclena , with thc hopes of recuperating -
erating his health.
\Vright I ankin of Brcwster ,
accompanicd by MI' . Philpot of
Nebraska Cit\ ' : who has a cattle
ranch in Log-in1 county , was vis-
iting' in thc city Mon < 1ay.
Ii' . G. Brock of Mcl'llu , callecl
Mondaanrl had his IHlme cn-
rollcil for thc oft cial pnperof the
county. He reports thc mall
g-rain in his vicinity as looking'
J 11l' .
N. .T. dun of Round Valley ,
was a fricndly callcr rcstcrcla"r.
TIc says thc ' \vorms arc'still thi k
in his vicinity and that he' " wi11
postpone planting hi corn for a
couple of wcck yct in thc hopcs
they wil1lcavc.
S. Powcll of 'Veissert , was a
friendIcallcr at this ofiicc ycs-
terda ) ' . He says his small grain
has bcen badl ) " damagcd b ) "
wortnS and wind , but that Bosc
Campbell has as finc a field of
wintcr wheat in the ncighbor-
hood as he cver saw.
Leonar < j nady of Mason Cit ) : ,
was a eitj" visitor Tucsday. lIe
says that while the army worms
has done considerable dlmagc to
wheat and rye in his \'icinity ,
that they lUl\'c not destroyed thc
whole crop. ' 1'hat they only
ta1 two to three acres of the
DiahVoollrutT of Gcol'g-etown ,
left hcre 'l'uesday night' for Hyannis -
annis to look aftcr his rnnch.
He has 500 hearl of cattlc thcre
that he has not visited for eigh-
tecn months. He is fceding two
car load of four-ycar-old stcers on
his homc ranch t.hat hc will put
on the markct in a few wceks.
'l'he dcmo-fusion state central
committce met at Lincoln last
'Vcdne6day and dccided to hold
their state convention at Grand
Island , June N. 'I'hc democratic
committec had decidcd to mcet
at Lincoln , but Didn't Put it
Back Portcr , whose influence
seems to be abo\'e par in thc populist -
ulist councils insisted on holding
it at Grand Island , whcre he se-
curcd his nomination a fcw years
L. P. Scritsmicr of 'Viscons 1i ,
was a fricndly callcr at this office -
fice 'l'ucsda ) ' in com pan ) ' with
hislbrother , R. P. Scritsmier of
Lillian , this county. It is his
first visi t with his brother , who
has becn a residcnt of Custer
county for thc past eightcen
years : He cxpresscs himsclf as
bei ng'cry favorably im r.l'essed
with the \laIity of our SOIl. lie
is an cxtcnsin' farmcr in Wisconsin -
sin , where hc has residcd for 32
years , and numbers his acres b ) '
thousands. For the past IIvc
) 'ears , he has heen dealing in
brratll and runs an ele\'ator in his
home town.
J. H. Bdmiston , who , for ! Sev- .
cral years kcpt the demo-pop ship
anoat , left his cattle ranch at
'I'hedford the first of the week
an went down to Lincoln to SfC
how "UncIc Si" and his court
reporter arc getting along , and
incidently attcnd thc mceting of
thc state demo-fusion committee.
Mr. ] dmiston has not yet forgotten -
gotten that he was not appointed -
ed court rcporter , but he consoles
himsclf that while "Uncle Si" is
supremc judg"e , he has a cattle
ranch , about tcn by fourtecn
slluar miles stockcd with six
hundrcd hcad of cattle , from
which he reccives a revcnue ,
t worth se\'eral times more annual-
I 1) ' than the best job at the dis-
I posal of the state. He and the
. Ju ge are 110wthe bcstoffricnds.
} 1oardcrs wanlec1 at Mrs. l \ ' : }
I al.t i n ' .
liBs Mab'l Hiatt is visiting
in California.
Jndgl' Armour was an Atlslt ) "
' sitor ' ' " .
\ j'cstcl'c1a.\
A. H. Humphrey was ! 1I1 Onla-j
ha passcnger ' 1'uesda ) ' I1Ighl. I
J. . \Vilson amI Alpha Mor- ,
gall went casl on .I : ! last night. :
' 1'he IIC\\ ' mayor allll council
will be illstaIletl ncxt 'l'ucsda ) '
C. S. larlin wcnt to Omaha
Monda ) ' night , returning' last .
nigh t.
' 1' . n. Buckncr of Oconto , is ,
working' ill the ofiice of the
county treas\lt'cr.
' ; I'h05. S'mith is lmilding an ad-
( tition to his residence property
ncar thl' 1\1. 11 . church.
More tl'ces ha\"c been pllIlt'1d
in Brokcn Bow t his season than
c\'er beforc in one .year.
'I'his localit\ , was fa\.orcc1 Sunday -
day nig'ht with a tine rain for
the g-rass antI small g'rain.
\V. B. Poor a 11I1 family Idt
'l'UCSI ) lY morning' for LOH A"nglcs ,
Califul'I ia , with tllc'iew of locat-
i ng then' .
Mrs. K Gift of Custer Canyon ,
llicd Monday , aftcl' ahout H rcars
uf ltlTerillg ; and was hurri"ed at
Custer CCII tcr 'l'ucsday.
l ugular scrvices at the Pres ! > ) ' -
tl'rian church Snnda ) ' . Puhlic
installatioll of the pastor next
' ! 'hurgdav nig-ht at S o'clock.
HcS. . 'V. Richards hag ac-
ceptcil an il1\.italion to prcach
thc class scrmon for the graduating -
ating class of Merna Saturc1ay
aftcrnoon , .May 1H.
Claullc 'Vahl RoM his intcrcgt
in Wahl & li'rccd's barber shop
to his. parc1ner , Man'in Li'rcl' \ ,
and left for Oreg-ott last week ,
whcre hc expccts o locate. .
Albert Go\'ier of Weissert , who
waS:1 friendly callcr at this 01'-
licc , MOI day' reports most of the
smallgTatlt on the road hetwccn
here and "Tl' ssert in tine shape.
\ V.V. . Cowli"s and wife returned -
ed last Ii'rirla \ ' from thcir visit in
Illinois , whci'c thc ) ' lJa\'C hccn :
for sc\'cralmollths. 'I hcir many
friends arc pleascd to have tlti's
estimable couplc amongus ag-ain.
L. H. Harris of Dunning , was
a friendly cal1er at this ol1ice yes-
terday. Mr. Harris is enc of a
number who hav'e g'ovcrnl11ent
land enclosed in his pasture , and
will be very much inconvcnil'lIccd
if compellcd to mo\'e his fCllce.
J. S. Baisch anel wifc arri\'ell
in this last 'l'hursda '
city ) morning -
ing from Mallison with the rc-
mains of II. 11ooncMrs. .
Baisch's fathcr , for burial. Mr.
and 1\1rs. Baisch remained several -
eral days visiting with friends.
Miss Ama Amsberry's school in
thc King district , gave an cnter-
tainment at thc school house
last night that was postponed
from last Frida ) " night on account -
count of the inclement weather.
'l'hose prcsent rcport havit1g- -
joyed the cntertainmcnt vcry
much. All who participated did
well. 'l'he school closed last
Dr. Ilalccs of1\1erna , the county
health ofiicer , wcnt out to Green
post ofiice and \'icinity la t Fri-
date malce examinations of thc
rci ortcd small-pox cases. Hc
found sevcral case ! ; that 111' heW
was small-pox. 1\1 rs. Alex. i\l c :
Grcw was one pf the most pro-
nounccd. Hc qmu'antinl' < ! not
enl ) ' the families afllictcrl hut
those that had. been cxposed.
' 1 'he Green post omce i among
the quarantincd from exposure.
I.ctu'r 1.I"t.
'fhe following is the dead
Iettcr list for the week cnding
April 29 , 1902 :
Genc "Tright , Mr. P. 'Valters ,
Barney McDermott , gmma Wells ,
A. D. Munson , (2) ( ) .Iohn Home ,
1\1. D. , M. D. Phillips , Mary
Phillip , Mr. G. II. Hanmann , C.
Maith , J. M.Ialone (2) ( , 1\1iss
11ax , Kate Anderson , John IIerh-
erson , Haih Gosice , J. .u. I ather-
1) ' , J oh n gllis , Scot tJ. ( ; aronettc ,
I.illie Eagcr , Madge Col , Alice
Brown , Dr. ' 1' . .u. Andcrson ,
Marj' D. 'Velch ( carll ) , l'rank
\Vadcr ( card ) , E. E. ButIcr
I card ) .
Partics calling for the above
I wlll please Ray ad\'l'rtised.
J4. I I. J 1\\\1\1"1" \ \ P. M.
Xl'r IInl.tlny Cch'hmlclIIIM ! Uh'Ultln ) ' .
Yestcrda\ ' , April 30 , waH the
sixty-fifth ann \'cl'sar ) ' of NCI'
Hartl'y. 111 appreciatioll of the
ldlllhll'sS with wh l-h PI'O\'illencl'
has favored him aJtll of the es-
tecm 11 ( clljoYi ! among' h is acClu i 11-
tances hc ill\ited : in a IItllllher of
hii ! comrads and fril'ltlls to llil1l'
with' him at tIll' Gandy Boarding"
Housc 'cstcrlar even i ng' in honor -
or of Ius ixty fifth birth c1aj' .
'l'hcre wcre fomtecn that sat
at the tablc eujoying his
hospitality in the ceiebmtioll
of the c\'cnt. ' .l'hose present wcrc
Jas. 'VhiteheHl : , 'V. W. Cowlcs ,
Joseph Skclton , H. .u . Glass , .1.
\V. Brucc , l . C. 'l'aI1 > ot , C.V. .
Both , . ) ohn Snycler , G. N. l aw-
son , . ) ohn , Lowc , C. B. llavcs ,
his little companion glma l lam ,
D. M. Amsherry , and Ner ] [ art-
Icy. 'L'he tahlc was 1lIlctlcc1 with
the best thl' marlwt alTords and
was \'cry much cujoycdas all of
Mrs. nandy's llinners arc. 'I'he
tahIt : was ) I\'c \ idcd 01' hy 11011.
Jas. Whitehcad , who afterinvok-
ing" d'illl' blessiug's read a touch-
iug fu'cwell : poemh" a boy to his
mothcr on Il'a\'iug' Iiome to join
1.he Union Anllof thl' c'il war.
( [ 'hc scntimcn t cxpressccl wai !
cchoed iu thc hreast of each of
: Utc comrac1s prcscnt , who in like
pll ulucr with patrotic heart hade
their ll\'cd oncs the last farcwell
in answcr to their country's call.
Net' Hartley cnlistcd in Allou ,
HI. IBh 1 , walking 14 mill's from
hi homc ill three hours to cnlist
in Co. D.2i IlL , infantry. ITe sen'-
ed threc .rl an ; ald ! foUt' days .anel
was woundcd t Wtcc. He rccen'cci
his' t rst W.II1 ( ' . at thc battle of
BeIlJ1ount , No7 , 18)1 , in the
Icg. lIe was shol through the
hOlly at Mission Hidgc , NO23 ,
18,3 ; thc ball passing' through
his bowels. TIe was ( lischaq ld
Aug.24,184. Sevcntccn ycars ago
he locatcd ill Custer couni. , ) ' ,
whcre he ha since rcsid d' aud
ac u1l1ulatcd a cOI 1petancy. Several -
eral ycarssince lca'ingthe farm
he has rcsidcd in Brokcn Bow.
I''l Jl'ml In ! t ( Jollie IOWII.
'l hc efforts of the stockllln n ,
who havc g"H'ernnll'nt Iqtll : cn-
closcd within thcir paiture ! fcn-
l'CS , to get thc l'ctretaJ'j' of the
[ ntcrior 1 < ; modify his ordcr to
ha vc t he fences I'cmO\'C'd. Ita'C
not provcd succcssful. Wc wcrc I
shown a lctter last Friday bj"
Senator YanBlIskirk of Alliance ,
that he had rccc'cd from ecrc-
tary Hitchcock in answer to the
petition of thc Northwest Nc-
braska CatUcAssociation , asking ,
for an cxtcnsion of timc 011 rc-I
moving thc fcnces from thc go\- !
crnmcnt land. ' .1'hl' secre- !
tar ) ' hcld that he could not mOl1i-
f ) ' his formcr order and that IIn-
lcss the fcnces were remov11
without delay hc wOlllel be under
thc necessi t ) ' of ha \ ' nff them
1I10\'ecl. It secms from thc prcs-
ent status of thc casc that the
stockman will ha\'e to adopt the
old plan of fcneing thc land of
their neighhor farmcrs antI let
thcir cattle roam the priaries
undcr a loose herd. It probahly
costs no 1II0re if as milch to fence
the farms in the sand hills , pro-
dd i ng all ranch men will Joi n
and cach one barc his proportion
of expense of the county in which
he Ii Yes.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sixth l'tlllll'l'jjlnnul ! UlHtrlct !
- - - -
'l hc ixth CongTC'slional Cl'U-
tral Comlllittt.'l' lIIet at Grand island -
land last 'I'hlll'sday to lix time
and place of holding' the ncxl.
congressional con\'cntion. 'l'hc
meeting was callcd to onler at 2
o'clock in the afternoon hy tlll'
Chairman N. P. lcDona\(1 \ of
Kcarncj" . .T. H. Hanna 9f Kear-
nc ) ' , was elccted secrctary and J.
L. Me Intosh of Sidnc ) ' assh tant.
Roll call showed twenty-fh'e of
thc thirth-thrce counties repre-
Rcnted. On the second ballot
Crawfurd securcil the location , as
.Tudg-e Kincaid , who ban activc
candidatc , had a larger dclega-
tion frolll the north part of the
district than had either of the
aspirants from t.heir localitics.
'l hc'oters in the south pal.t of
thc district wI're lli\'idl'll bctwecn
Grand Island , J'rarnC'and Bro-
lwn Bow. 'I'he clat lixcd for
holding" the convention is June
12 , at 1 :30 : p. III. Jllllgll Aaron
\Vall was clected temporary
chairman. 'I'he candidates , It
Hw IIIceting were F. M. Currie ,
A. E. Cady , M. P. Kincaid and
. - ,
li'1'ank B eman. J ndgl' Grillles
of North Platte , has been an-
nonnced as a ruHlidatl' : hut was
not on thc gl'OUI1CI . W'ehcl hasis
of representation is one Ilelegatc I
for each 100 votcs or major fraction -
tion cast for Jl\lg-l \ ( Kincaid in
1')00 , anilolll' delcg-atc at larg' ( '
fl'olll each 'I'his
connty. will
g \'e Custl'r cOlin t ) . : ! lI clclcg-a tcs.
. . - - . . . . . _ . - - -
Xmr 'J'llIIn ' 'I'nllit' .
'I'he following' iB the ncw time
table to go into cITed hcrc May.J :
nrN'us'r. .
No.16:0.1 \ : II. III.
No. ,13-11 :5H : ) I. III.
( WIN(1 1i.\S1' .
No. .p-6.17 : II. III.
No. . . - :33 : II. III.
'l'his arraugement will be quite
an im } > w\'l'mcnt over what wc
ha\'c had. It g'cs liS thrce .IIay
tmins instead of one , allli gl\'CH
11S the Satllc opportllnit.r to rlln
clown to Iincoln in the night and
back next c\'l'ning" .
- - - -
et.ul'cli Ncr'lcc" .
Scn'icc1 ill' the 1I11)1tistlIIrl'h ) \ IIcst
uudav II follows : Prl'achill lit II a.
III. 111\11 H p. III. : SUlllluy Schuol lit 10 a ,
III. : jUllior 11. Y. 1' . t : . , ) ' III. : SClllol'
11 , Y. 1' . e. lit 7 ) I. 111. ' 1' IC l'uhlie is
1 > .intll ) ' illtcll tllllt1clIIl thcsl' SCI'\'il'cs.
S , W. RIClr.\IW ! : , Pastol' .
; \f. H. CII1JIICH.
" 'I'hc IH'siousibilit ) ) ' of Pllrellts" is till'
Buhjcct fo\ ' thc ShllduInont n ltiSCOUI'Sl'
tit the 1\1. H. dlureh : 'I\'xt. Dcnt. . ( , : .
The Jud l's 'IlIlIrtdtc will Bill 111111 lit thl'
close of thl' I > cl'\.il' ( ' tIlC\'l' will hc II
haptisilllal I > l'r\'icl' fol' l'hilclrell. Thl'
c\'cllin HuhjCl'tVolIlll''s , . 11I\11
prcscllt" Tl'xtl.llke S:2 : . l\l t I Slil'1'cC
Miss llannah I.\'cll will rCllder. Bacrct1
Bolo entitlcl ! "l olllc o IIIcsse1. ! " Wc
conlialh'illvitc . the IJllhlic to worship
with us .ill thesc hcn'icc/ / ! .
nlo. ( P. ' 1'1t1'1'1 ( , llasto\ ' .
\1. 11. ClllmCH.
J. R. Strcet will fill till' IT. 11. pulpit
SUllda ) ' . The ImBtor : ocs to Iloo lIer to
heM 'IlIarhrly : IIIccting' .
- .
1UAIU& litO.
0' \ - IOI.CO IJI-l\ I. th resiellcl' , !
of hc hride's pllrclIls , 'l'IICStlll ) ' c\'l'uin
Ht 7:30 : , l\liss VCSStl lIo1cOlph 11I\11 Claris
O'BUllioll. Rc , ' . licn. 1' . I'ritcs omdht-
inl . 'j'hc IIdllc is the oiliest daughtel' or
C. H. IIIt,1I : . I1olrolnb , tIIltl hntroWII !
\1)1 ) to wOlI\unhoot \ ! in lIlis city. Shc is a
ltuly of strong' lcrsollalitics , culll hm ; bee II
II prolllilll'nt It'ndcl' IIIIIOIIg' hCI' IIssocia"
tions 111111 IIl1l11hcrs II host of nll11irillg (
fricllds mllllllg' hcl' actllIIintallces.Vc (
kilo1I0thillg pcrsollallx of the groum ,
hutllndcrsttllllllllllt wllllL' hc is ' '
1'oung' \
111111I w lhollt IlIcallH , hl' pmscliscs ; till'
'Iulliitics IICCCSSIiIT to SIIlrl'SR : mill sttlllllo ;
Wcllllillong' hi < ; aC'IuaiIlIHllces. I Ie is II
c g'ar lIIakcl' hy trnde a,1 , , hIlS hC1:1I CIII-
plo\'ed in H. I I. DalheY'H cig'al' fadoof
thiii plllrc. 'J'lll' hl'sl wislll's of thl' "RI- !
"I'hl.IN iH cxhllc1cll . : to tile IICCOllplc. . .
- - - - - - - -
cAnn cur 'rIlANnH. :
We herchy l'xtcn1 ! to onr fricnds HlIII
IIcifhhors : 0111' Silll'l'rC thollls ftlthl' \ '
IIsslstance III It I during thc latc
S lkllcss : , dcath IIIIt \ hurinl of Oilhclo'cil
daughter , Ro iua. .
. .Iun.
DH\N-III thin dty , April IH , j. II.
Deall of lliahclis , nge , 65 yellr ! ) . Thc
derca ! > cll hall hcclI a rcsiltul ! or thc
cOllllty IIhoul 1\\'I.I\'e yems , Iollling : herc
direct frolll Il1iuoi. to cllgageII thc
hotel husillcss , his falllily Iollsi : tillg of
wifc , 6011 alld daughtcl' . Ill' lellst'll the
Glllhc JIotel whilh : hc nUl for II lilllC ,
1ntcl' filiu , all II hOlllc&tcad ill the \ ' l'inity
of RYllo this COUllt > ' . lIe cOlllillUe(1 Oil
thc hOlllcsh'aclulltll1l few wcel : ! ; hcforc
hi ! > dcath whclI he Illl11e : to Brolam How i
to receivc mCIli1'U1 trcatllll'lIl. 1 Ie Wit ! . II ;
IIImlllJ ( r of the \lasollic fmtcruity III It I
was pro\'idcI } with lIurse alltl watcl1'nl
through h ; siclmcss. I1vcJ' ) ' } lossihle
carc tI1ltlllttclltioll WlH gi\'l'1I hilll Ly his
fllithful wife Hlltl fril'lIds Il\It all thcy
coull1 do was uf nil a\'lIil. For scvcral
dlt's his frimlt ! kllcw that it was 0111) '
Itlllatter of short tillle' ulltil hl'011,1 \ ,
hllvc to go. 'I1 rClllllillscrc takcn ill
chargc hy the 1\IIISIIIIic fratcruity 111111
: .hipPIl to RYI.\O \ , IIlilloiH , his 0111 hOllle
for hurial , whcre thcy Wl'l C hUI ril"1 with
Muslluie I COlIor5. J lis sou Curtis 111'-
cOIllplllicll : the relllllillH. ' ! 'lit : Ilt cenSl'11
ll'H\'l'o II wifl' , t\\'o hOIlS , Imuk 11I111 Curt !
1I\1111\lrs. ; , of Chiellgo to 11101'11
h ! ; dcrth. ' 1'lIl' RHI'I'III.IC.\N extl llIls to
the reillti\'l's the S'llIl'lIth ) ' 01 the vicillity
ill thcir hCrCII\'l'lIlCnt.
CII\I'lx-1'ul'sduv , April 21) , Rooilll
C , . . dllughtcr of 111' . III It I \I1H. C. A.
of this l' t ) ' , with ,
IIgel Ii ycarH , I ) mOlltll ! 11111 II ) Iluys.
The dCt'ea l'll WI\S Ihe bCCOlltl daughler of
: \11' . a\llll\In. . Chapin , She WIIS ! , it'k only
about two wccks wilh thc fatuI di'icuc. ;
Sltc wus a IIIcmher of the Christiull
churl'll aUllul1 active WOIIcr in thc CII-
de'cr societ.y. Shc wus highly cslccm.
l'llullloug her young sr.ociatcs ulld will
Lc lIIi.scd h ' wcll from
grcatly : : ) them as a ! >
thl' hOllle circlc , ' 1'he funcrals hcIrI
yc tcnlay afternoon in th ( ' Christiall
chmch. cQiulurtctl hy RcA1lisoll alII I
hcr rClllai\H laill to rest iu thc Brokl'lI
Bow CClllctry. 'rhe RI.I'UItl.IC.\N exlclltls
to Ihe IICrea\'cr } fUlllily the. sincerc S'III-
pathy of thc COIIIIIIUllity.
II , Ir II' " ' 1'ltH ItA HT.
, . , , , lIur.h"ltuli JIIUlitC.
OIlC fan : for the \'ou\lllt1' p to Burris"
Ill\rg \ , 1'a. , ; \Iu\ ' I.I 10 II } .
Rcturn limit JUIll' 3U.
'rickets good \'i. . Chit-ago 01' 51. Iouis.
grcat opportunity to visit thl' Cllst ,
IIalf rates frolll 1IlIrrbhllc to points
I iu Pcunsylvania , Murj'ltll\ll 111\11 District
of Colulllbia , l\I1I } ' 21 to 24.
Ask the Burlington agent. 46-48
. , .
. . . , : . . . . . _ . . . . . . . , . , . ' . : . .i..lL'.o.
- - -
, .
Paints ,
Oils and ; I
Wall Paper .
. .at -
Ed , McComas'
. . . . . .
. . - . - . - : - - - : : .
I ' : t ' !
. , , , , , , , , , . . . . . . , . . , ,
. " . . . ' ' \1'1 1 ! . . " , ' ' ' ' ' ' . . ' ' "m'1' ! ' ' ' ' . " ' . . " " , " ' , , ,
j ( H' ; .t. " .n n" " " " ( ' ; I\I"j\II\ " t\on
Mouc ) ' loancd on uuproved
farllls. J A\IItH : J4HDWICH ,
i lS If llrokcn Bow , Ncb.
- .
Dr. ' 1'V. . Bass , dentist , office
northwest corner of l calty Block.
H-l If .
lJ'o insurance tlnd reat estate
g"0 to Moore & ' 1'aylol' , in Hcnlty
School warl'ltttswanteli. ; Highest -
est market pl' ces imid. ' 3-46
J. \MnHIUING. : .
FOR SAI.I O ! { ' .L'I AIt-1'own
Iols and a few five , acre lots ill
thh city , for catlIe , horscs or farm
la.nd.-Allcll I e'ller.
Sevcral g'ood farllls for sale at
a bargain , including t1IJ' own.-
JttssH GANUY. 44 tf
Money to loan 011 improved
farllls.-Moore & 'l'aylor , l callr .
Block. 1-23 tf
, ,
1i'J ( { SATlt-"Ft\'c : hcul of cows ,
coming' fresh this spring , and
otllcr cattle. Buquire of S. F.
Clayton at n. Dl ) 's storc , 4 tf
, .
li'olt SAT.n-Good : quartcr section -
tion of lanel , four miles south-
WCgt of Brokcn ) Jew , good baru ,
wcll and largc graucry.-A. ' 1\
Sc'holt. . . 4648I
Ii'un. SAT.n-Onc : top hnggy ,
ncarly new ; one Iumher wagoll ,
at 11Ifar , . ! '
11I\ III 12-1C-20.-1'rank
Norto I. l4'U ( :
AUC'J'IONIiJ < : It.
Salcs c1' cd Bvefj"where. Stock
sales a Rpccialty. " 'rite or see me
for tcrllls and datcs. Juu KAV.
2i tr Box 1 I 1 , Bl'Oken Dow ,
1.'a . rms for sale ar.d lands for
rcnl. Now is the time to get a
farm cheap , as the cheap farms
are all g-oinl7' and prices arc ad-
vancing" rapully.-J. G.
Dierks Lumhcr Co. has in stock
a car loall of J ne cedar posts for
thc tradc.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ h _ _ _ _ _
\VAN'rHD-Cattle to pasture on
the \Vill Prey ranch six miles
south of Broken Bow.
'J5.4 ( , GIOHGH It'IUW.
For Wall Paper Go to
J. C. Bowen's.
I.'OR SAT.ItLo ; ' 1 , 2 , 7 and S ,
block 5 , in Jewett's addition to
Brokcn Jlow. l nqt1ire at this
omcc. 11-21 tf
_ -.0-- . . - _ _ _ .
- - - - - - ' " - -
. ' \\'urlct 'VI ( " ' n.CIU.totioll.
White's Crcam Vermifug'e has
ach \'cd a world wide reputation
as being" thc bcst of all worm
destroycrs , and for its tonic in-
111Il'ncl' on weak and unthrifty
childl'l'n , as it nClltrali7.cs the
acillitor SOllrnCiiS of the stomach -
ach , 'improves thcir digestion ,
alldlassimilationof food , strength-
cn their ncn'Olts system and restores -
stores them to the health , vigor
and l'laticity ! of spirits natural
to childhood. 25c at Ed. Mc-
Comas' , Broken ] Jew and Merna.
H'ru 10M Tn 10 : COJHI
ANn " 'OIUCH ( ) Jrl ' ) ' 1111 ; COI.f ) .
I.nxlIvn ! lmlno.Qulnlno 'l'lIhhh ! cllro n cold In
ono till ) ' . No Cur. " u l'ny. I'rlcu ; CIIUtJ.
- - - -
: tlnrlct atcllort for Today.
\\'hral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .00
11l1rll. ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -t : ! '
Oltls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1)0
eorll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .I : ! @ , fIJ :
Ityu. . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
! lntl"r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
ICIJ.CR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
I'nttlln s.1rr IHI81101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I r.o
OnlulI..llor 11111111'.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 t.o
I1hlnkcneor IIOllnd. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 116
\or \
1101(8 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " tJ t1U
Cow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 3. @ " 00
; , 8h.OI8. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. fiG @ 6 \ !
.1'I'orlw'HtlICrI1otinll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (0
tlrl&w.lll'r Cl\t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
I IlIA ) . New. Ilor lon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -t.W
, HUSllr , Ilor cwt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fI.W
II ; , . . , , . : , . . . . . , . . . . . ron \ . . , . . . . . . . " . , .