Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 17, 1902, Image 4

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    . ,
. , .
, . ' . . '
I. - ,
( 'JgUl1et \ ( f 0. : qcpubUcnu
- -
t'I1 JII'ld . onr ) 'l'II1Ir@IIIIT n\ the Cnullty II\ .
D. M. AMSmmUV. . . I dltor
.I.\flIco In nll lor lllroclr. F'onrth AT" . , " , , ) "
- - - - - - -
ntercd ntit. . . VOIIOmco al lIrokrll Bow , Noh. , i
a. lIor.onc\.aI IIS maUor for Ir.n tnlpeloll throlllh (
Iho U. 8. MIIII .
. . .
- - - -
8U\l \ CJU1'TION f'ltlOR :
Ono Ynllr.1J\II.lvnllcu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1\.00 \
0110 COIUIIIII. Iler monlh,17.00. Ono.lllllt col.
, Ilor lIIonth. SloW (1.lInler colullln , Ior
mOil h. ! : IAIM thlln 'looll..r colllllln , C.o
cent prr loch Ilor lIIonlh. . .
Clmls 011 111111 1"IpO : , ( , ( ) 'C llt I'cr ' Iuob , per
Local nlverllllln/ / { 1cellill "or IIno rllch
UOII.Notlcl' of lIlIrch blrll. lIoclahlclI and nntertllin.
mcotll \ \ horn mOlley I clmrKrll , olll.huifRlell. ! .
SoolOI ) 'Icllces 11111rOlnllltloll \ \ , one. half rnlc .
Wllllcling "olces froe. hllf prlCI' for IlulIlI.nlng
IIs1 of 1I11l.
Delli I notlcoll fr..o , IIl\lr IlIlo' ! rur lJ11bll hllllt
obituary lIollcOlI , IInd cnr" ur lhnnkll. ! ! no II CO" III rUt'S pruyhll'd hy . 'lIIoIU of
'l'hnrsdaJ" April 17 , 1902.
'J'IIe ' ( ) lIh lnl Cnll IIf ChnlrJII II H. C
JhuJ'In ! ) .
'l'he rcpub1icans of the state of
Nebraska are hcreby called to
mcet in convcnion , at the Auditorium -
torium , in thc cit ) ' of I icnoln ,
We ncsday , June 18 , 1902. at 2
o'clock in the afternoon , for thc
purpose of placing' in nomination
candidatcs for the following'
offices , to hc voted for at the next
gcncral elcction , to hc held in thc
state of Ncbraska , Novcmber 4 ,
11)02 , vi ? : Onc governor , enc
IJieutenant g'o\'crnor , enc Secre.
tary of state , one auditor of
public account , ; , one 'l'reasurer
one Supcrinten cnt of the public
instruction , one attorne ) ' gcneral ,
enc commissioncr of public lands
and Imildinrs , , and for the transaction -
action of such other business
as reg'ularly come before the con-
' 1'he basis of rcpreen tation of
the se\'eral counties in said con-
\'cntion shall be the \'ote cast for
Hon. Samuel H. Sedgwick for
jud - of the supreme court , at
-rcgulrr election held on No.
\'cm r 5 , 1901 , gh'ing one delegate -
gate for each 100 votes or major
fraction thereof so cast for the
said Samuel H. Sedgwick , and
one delegatc-at.large for cach
county. Said apportionmcnt
entitJes the several counties to
the following representation in
the said convention.
Adami. . . . . . . . . . . . 17 JelTerllOn. . . . . . . . . Ii'
AIIICIOI > O . . . . . . . . . . 13 John.on . . . . . . . . . . . 14
lIauller . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Kel\rncy. . . . . . . . . . . 11
Bllno . . . . . , . . . . . . . . : : KeIth . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1100110. . . . . . . . . . . . Ja Kera I'nha. . . . . . . . . "
1I0x lIuII. . . . . . . . . . 7 lUmball. . . . . . . . . . . : :
1I0yd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . II Knox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
lJrown. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1l"'n a.lor. . . . . . . . . . & :
IIUaAlo . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Llnooln. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
lIurL. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1'Ollnn. . . . . . . . . . . : I
Uutler. . . . . . . . . . . . Jr , Loup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! lladllOn . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Codar. . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1 : Ucl'erson . . . . . . . . . : :
Cbuo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ) Ierrlck. . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Cb..u1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Nnnce . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
fJboyoune. . . . . . . . 7 Nom aha. . . . . . . . . . . . Ii' I
Olay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . III Nuckoll. . . . . . . . . . . . ] .I
Colrax. . . . . . . . . . . . \I 0100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cnwmln/ / : . . . . . . . . . 12 " , , \Vneo. . . . . . . . . . . 15 I
( 'u tflr.'O : I'orkln . . . . . . . . . :1 :
Jnkolll. . . . . . . . . . . 0 I.holil/l , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 i
Daw8. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 l'1erco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . \I
DII\V.on. . . . . . . . . . 13 1'laUu. . . . . . . . . . . . . II'
Dullel. . . . , . . . . . . . . /I / l'olk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
DIxon . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Hell \Vlllow. . . . . . . . II
Dodj/o . . . . . . . . . . . . . HI Illchard on. . . . . . . . : .1:1 :
Dougla"1:1 : Hock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
DuDlly. . . . . . . . . . . . . Nllllno . . . . . . . . . . .
Flllmoro. . . . . . . . . . 18 8arl'1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . II
I'rRllklln. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 8anurlnrM. . . . . . . . 1.11
l'rolltler . . . . . . . . . . H IJcoU..Ulutt. . . . . . . 5
FumRII . . . . . . . . . . . . 1\1 Howard . . . . . . . . . . . III
OaIlO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :13 : Hhcrhlan . . . . . . . . . . 11
Oarftolll. . . . . . . . . . . " horlllon. . . . . . . . . . . r.
OO Jlcr. . . . . . . . . . . . . C , 8Iuur. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . : I
Orllll . . . . . . . . . . . : / IJtAntoll. . . . . . . . . . . ' 1
Oroely . . . . . . . . . . ' 1IIIyer : ' . . . . . . . . . . 11
1Iall . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Thom. " . . . . . . . . . . . . : :
Hamilton. . . . . . . . . . 14 'I'huralon . . . . . . . . . . II
Harlan. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Vlllley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . H
l1aJ8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 'VlllbluMlolI . . . . . . . 15
Illtchcock. . . . . . . . . r. 'Vayllo. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
nOll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1& 'Vobeter. . . . . . . . . . . . 13
lIooker . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Wheeler. . . . . . . . . . . . : :
Doward. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 york. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Jl
Total. . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I.R\S
It is recommended that no
proxies be altowed iu said con- i
\'ention , but that the delegates :
preseut thereat be authorized to
cast the fult vote of the count ) "
represented by them.
Notice is hereby given that
each of the odd numbered senatorial -
atorial districts in the statc is to
select a member of the state committee -
mittee to serve for the term of
two years. By order of the state
committee. H. C , LINI > SAY ,
JOIIN'1' . MAT.T.ANRU. Sec'y.
Ex-Senator J. M. 'l'hurston , it
is claimcd , has been tendered the
appointment of Secretary of the
Interior to succeed the present
incumbent , Mr. .
Ben.Vnde , a prominent confederate -
federate g'encral , at one time leader -
der of the democratic party , gov-
crnor of South Carolina in 1876 ,
nnd United States Senator from
1879 to 1885 , was burried at
Columbia , South Carolina , Sun-
day. He was born in 1818.
Congress has hy , special act
givcn Mrs. Mc1inle ) ' , widow of
Late PresidcntVm. . McKinle ) ' ,
a pension of $5000 a ) "car. 'l'he
bin was passed almost unani-
mousl ) " in the house , the dcmo-
crats joining' with the republicans -
cans in the passage of the bill.
Thc latc Dr. ' 1DcVitt 'l'al-
mage is enc of thc fcw mcn who
adopted the fad of parting his
. . . . 'ff N. 1'L ' .
namc in the middle that made a I
! HlCCCSS in lifr. in spite of the fiut.
It is hilt anothcr evidcnce that it
is not a mllll's name hut his rcal
worth that cnables him to ascend -
cend t hc 1 adder of fame.
- - - _ . . . . . - . -
'I'he real tllg of war will COllie ,
tile politicians are sa"ing , whcn
Custcr count ) ' is calted upou to
dcclare its choicc for govcrnor.
It iH undcrstood that thc county
will not ask for a govcrnor and a
congrcsslllan , too , hencc it will
bc a pretty sllItare issue bct wccn
Govcrnor Savage and Senator
Currie , who is a lcadingcatHlidate
for congrcss in thc Sixth district.
\Vhen that county convcntion , is
over thc situation may be con-
sidcra bly clari ficd.-Sta tc J our-
'l'IIe trial of Scribncr of Sar-
gcnt , un the chargc of kecping a
gil.lllbling placc. in connection
with his saloon , which was had
'l'ucsdaj' and Wcdncsda ) ' of this
wcek hcforc Judge , Armour , de-
\'clopcd that thc \'icinity of Sar-
gcnt has a large number of men
who coultl 110t tcstify to what
thc ) ' saw going on in the base-
IIlcnt of thc saloon , which is
carpcted , lighted , and furnished
with tables , chajrs and cards ,
without incriminating them-
seh'cs. 'rhe greater number of
thc thirty witnesscs could tell
nothing about what thc ) ' did in
that bascmcnt without self-in-
crimination. 'l'his would imply
that thc ) ' wcrc engaged in gam-
bling. Onl ) ' about three of the
number dared to testify tQ poker
chips and monc ) ' being' used for
belling on the gamcs. Less than
half the witnesses called , who
acknowledged being in the ccllar ,
would commit themselves on
gamhting devices being kcpt
there. Had the ) ' becn as
thoughtful about disgracing
themselves and families bcfore
they wcnt into the joint as thcy
seemcd to be on the witness
standi they would not have been
associated with it , and would not
been under the nccessit ) , of ap"
pcaring in Icourt , claiming pro-
tcction from incriminating them-
'J'ho Doers Naulo Term8 or I'cace.
From those cIo ; in touch wi th
the Boer leaders it appears
that the latest secret dispatches
from South Africa outline the
peace proposals now under discus-
ston at Petoria. ' 1'hey closlcy
follow the summary givcn on
Saturday , last by the Evening
News of Edinbourg with the
following additional details :
'l'hc Boers accept a British lord
commissioner , with a Boer executive -
tive , both to be residcnt at Pre-
'rhe country to be divided into
'districts , , vith British district
officers and a Boer committee ,
chosen b ) ' polling by the bur-gers.
The veto right to be reserved to
the British government. The
majority of the British officers
must be conversant with the dutch
Johanncsburg to be retroceded
to the British , with complete
British organization.
A war indemint ) ' of at least
10,000,000 pounds to be distributed -
ted by , mixed conll.nittecs.
Disarmament to accur whcn
the first ba ch of Boer prisoners
is sent hack to South Africa.
No war tax to be levied.
BollI languagcs t be recognized -
zed in the schools and courts and
in official documents.
'l'he expense of the garrisons
in South Africa to bc borne b ) '
Great Britain.
The pre eut 1J ; er leaders to be
retained in omce so far as possi. .
ble. '
Timber ror the stutt , 'l'lckot.
Under the above caption the
Bee gives a number of clippings
from the papers of the state
noting scveral candidates for
Crete Vidette : The friends of
Mr. J. P. A. Black of } i"ranklin
county are booming him for
O'Neill Fronticr : Hon. H. C.
Russell of Colfax county is
spoken or as a cnndidate for the
- -
, ,
. . .
nomination for . .
: republican gover.
nor. 'l'here arc bcttcr qualified
mcn in thc ranks.
PonC l Journal : John D. Has-
kc11 \Vakcficltl is saill to be an
aspirant for thc rcpuhlicannomi-
nation for govcrnor. Mr. Has-
Icll woulrl surel ) ' make a strong
. W. D.
I ) 'ons Sun : 11on.
Holbrool { of Dodgc county for
lieutenant governor would bring
great strength to the ticket. Mr.
Holbrook is an ablc statesman
and his intcgrity is unquestioned.
I Neligh Yeoman : Governor
! ( anticipatol'Y ) Robertson of
Norfolk was looking over thc
Ncbraska Held 'l'ucsday morning.
Sa's hc hasn't yct rcccived from ,
nor lIladc to thc Bartley-Savage
com hi nation , an ) ' ovcrturcs in
rcfercncc to pooling thcir in-
tcrests. ,
Plain view Republican : If
northwest Nebra ka is expected
to furnish a successor \Villiam
Stuefcr , Pierce county has a man. .
. '
who would fill the bill. Hon. II.
S. Beck of Picrcc would be a
strong candidate if he would con-
scnt to make thc race.
Nclson Gazcttc : J. P. A.
Black of Bloomington , is namcd
as a strong candidate for governor -
nor in the coming racc. Mr.
Black was a deli gate to the republican -
publican national convcntion in' '
18 % , and he is one of the able
lawyers of the Fi ft h con'Tessional ,
Columbus Journal : Prospective
candidatcs for the nomination
for governor on the republic
ticIcet arc becoming quite num _
erous. The friends of Judge
Paul Jessen say he would make a
winning fight for that office and
give the pcople a good , clean ad-
.ministration of affairs.
Minden Gazette : The candidacy -
didacy of J. P. A. Black for the
republican nomination for governor -
nor is mceting with considerable
encouragement in different parts
of the state and if he can go inte
the convention with the Fifth
congressional district solidly be.
hind hhn , he will be a strong
cand idate.
lIayes County Times : Neatl ) '
'every republican paper in this
part of the tate has come ont
for Hon. J. P : A. Black for gov.
ernor. If the boys will enl ,
stand together we will have E
governor to whom the boys from
the western part of the state wit ]
need no introwction every tim (
they visjt the capital.
\VayneHeraM : J.P. A. Blackl
a stalwart and active republicar
of Bloomington , in the Fifth congressional -
gressional district , is a candidat (
for governor. Mr. Black is all
able man and was delegate to th <
repuhlican national conventioa :
in 18 % . Should he be choscn II (
will make the state an excel1cni
Wausa GazetteVc : are re'
liably informcd that Shermal1
Saunders is not adverse to making -
ing a race for the state treasurer
ship this fall. Let northern Ne'
braska get together and stan
firm for her gallant son.
more worthy or better qualifiei
man for that responsibly POSitiOl
cannot be found in the state.
York'rimes : Judge Jessen oj
Nebraska City , is holding . couri
in Haul11ton county for hi
brother-in-law Good oj
- - , Judge ,
this district. Mr. Jcssen is
republi'can and would accept th
nomination for governor if il
should be tendered him. He wa !
in York between trains and calle ( '
on several republicans in thc in' '
terest of his candidacy.
Kearncy County News : J. p ,
A. Black of Bloomington , was it
Minden rnst Saturday shaking
hands and getting acquaintcd
lIe is a man 'who leaves a ver
favorable impression with tll (
people he meets. He is genia'
a good financier and is possessed
o great executive ability. 1 :
nominated he will be elected. I :
elected he will make a gooe
FOR SAr.n-20 acres of gooe
farm lnnd joining town , one ha1 :
mile from school house. Inrauirc
at this office. H.4 !
. . f . . _ ' _
' 11. ;
- -
] DI'rJ\D nv AJ.T.m n. I'nI.K1tV.
- -
"Tho JndlfferC'lIce or Womea "
- -
It is often said that whcn ever
the majority of women ask for
suffragc , they will get it. But
it is a simple historical fact that
cvcry improvement thus far made
in thc condition of'womcn has
becn sccured , not b ) " general demand -
mand from thc majority of
womcn , but by the argumcnts ,
cntreaties , and "continual com-
ing" of a persistent few. In each
case thc advocates of progress
have had to contend not merely
with conservatism of men , but
with thc indcfference of won en ,
and oftcn wi th active opposition
from somc of thcm.
Whcn a man in Saco , Me. ,
first employcd a salesw01uan , the
men bo'cottel , his store , and the
women remonstrated earnestly
with him on the sin of which he
was guilty 111 placing a young
woman In a position of such
publicity. When Lucy Stone
bcgan to tf ) ' to secure for mar-
ricd women the right to their
own property , women asked , with i
scorn , "Do you think I would
gh'e myself w1)ere I would not
gi ve my property ? " When Elizabeth -
beth Blackwell began to study
medicine , the women at her
boarding-house refused to speak
to her , and women passing her
on the streets held their skirts I
asic e so as not to touch
her. It is a matter of history
with what ridicule and opposition -
tion Mary Lyon's first efforts for
thc education of women were not
only by the mass of men , but by
the mass of women as well. In
England when the Oxford
examinations werc thrown open
to women , the Dean of Chiches-
ter preached a sermon against
it , in which he said : "By the sex
at large , certainly , the new cur-
ricuhn is not ask d for. I have
i ascertained , by extended inquiry
I among gentlewomen , that , with
t.rue feminine instinct , they
eithcr entirely distrust , or else
. look with downright disfavor on
so wild an invasion and intefer-
, ence with the best traditions of
I their sex. "
In Eastern countries , where
women are shut up in zenanas
, nnd forbidden to walk the streets
L unveiled , the women themselves
are among the strongest upholders -
ers of these traditional restrictions -
tions , whichjthey have been taught -
ght to think add to their dignity.
, The Chinese lady is as proud of
I her small feet as any American
. "anti" is of her political disabil-
ities. Ramabai tells us that the
l idea of educ'ation for girls is so
unpopular with the mass of
I Hindoo women that when a
progressive Himlo proposes to
educate his little daughter , it is
not uncommon for the women of
. his family to threaten to drown
I themselves.
AU this merely shows that
_ humane nature is conservative ,
. and that it is fully as conserva.
tive in 'women as in men. The
. . persons much interested in any
reform arc always comparatively
1 few , whether among men or
women , and they are habitually
regarded with disfayor , even by
those whom the proposed reform
isto benefit. Thomas Hughes
t says , in "Tom Brown at Rugby:11 :
Lt "So it is and must be'alwa's ,
my dear bo's. If the Angel
Gabriel were to come down frow
hea\yen and head a successful
\ , .
RaiD and . " . .e
) 1) .
t : : elcl
"Itb ElUtu liarU' J
DIU au. Ie n-
.llta k. tb. .
CI' .on damPI #
able. Sdtcli" rtf
do IIIIt break.
N' 'I" ' , \ rr\
fac. to chaf. .
IUIdctll. n. '
llanaue aot , ! I\ \ \ \
011I1 kte ' \
looklJu [ hk.
' ' . Dllt . \
. .ar. .
a. 1011I by th.
. . . . 01 Jiwcka
- .
. . . .
_ _ Ii. . . . . . r' 'I" , . . , " , , ; ; i r.r . ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' fr : - . . . < < . - : - .
. "
. . .
I - - : : ; :
Fancy Seed Potatoes ,
Select Garden Seeds , . '
Select Flower Seeds. ' :
Stock a.n Poultr Food . . 11' I
Chlckan Grlt.-.Eone lBind Shell.I I
Casoline and' Machine ilsi
Harness O'ils. ' I. '
Yours for Business.
Pure Old 'I'RADE l\IARK. _ Cider . _ Vinegar. J . C . BOW E N iii .
- - - - - - - -
- -
rise against the most abominable
and unrighteous vested interest
which this poor old world groans
under , he would most certainly
lose his character for many years ,
probably for centuries , not only
with the upholders of the said
vested interest , but with the respectable -
spectable mass f the people
whom he had delivered.
Women as a sex are not bt'lli-
gerent , and under whatever conditions -
ditions of injustice or hardship' '
they l1ave been placed , the
majority of thcm have never
Take LaxatlT8 Dromo Qulnlue Tabletll. All
dru.K II\ ' refund Ihe money If It fall8 to curo.
E. W. OroTo' , IIinalUre : I. on each box. 250. .
- . .
protested. Prof. J ames Bryce
says , in "Transcoucasia and
Ararat" :
"Nothing strikes \Vesterner
with more disgust than the way
he secs women treated in Moham-
Sovc tbc I.oved Oae81
Mrs. Mary A. Vilet , Newcastle ,
Colo. , writes : I believe Ballard's
Horehound SJrup is superiour to
any other cough medicine , and
will do all that is claimed
for it , and it is so pleasant to
take. My little girl wants to
taka it when there is no need for .4. .
it. " Ballard's Horehound Syrup
is the ! Tfeat , cure for ll pulmonary -
ary ailments. 25c 50c and $1.00.
Sol < 1 by Ed. McComas , Broken
Bow and Merna.
. , .
A New Second Hand Store !
Hugh Kennoyer has opened up n Second-Hand Store in the
building on the west side of the public square , at A. W. Drake's
old stand. He has a finc line of
I ron Beds , Sprinls ! : and Mattresses.
A complete line of new moulding and new saws. Frame : work
a specialty , and satisfaction guaranteed. nm-Rtpairing and upholstering -
holstering of aU kinds promptly done.
. .
At and Below Cost.
Munk's Bargain Store to be Closed Out as the j
rJJ.parties who have purchased the property want to t < J
make improvements , commencing as early as possible -
ble , so I must vacate the premises , and would say to t-3
you people , if you : I
8 Want Goods Cheap , Lots ofThern
For Little Money , you had better attend this sale. 1o. I
o Yours Respectfully , L- "
; p H. MUNK.
Bolls tbe John Deere , David Bradlev Rnd Orand Delour ImplemQnts , lull line , at
bottom prices. Also tbe Ohio end tem Winder RtdlDK Oultivator.
uggloa and Sprina : Wagl'na. the beat makes and new styles from $45 and
up. HarnessdO : dlUerent kinds to select Crom at Ootalogue Houee Prices.
. DeKalb Glidden Wire ia the cbeapest.
Rlces Garden Beedllin butk. A huge slock of Stoves , Hardware Cutlery ,
BIcycles. ete. Furniture. a compete ! slock. Bcd room BUItS. chairs , tab\ea \ , car. .
pets , curtains. etc. Con fit you out for boulleke ping from $26 to $126. Wblte
OWIDg Machines tbe beat on earth $26 to ' : JO.-See these machIne8. For good
I goods end low rice8 , 966
: GrECvvJL.L.XNrO" : : : : ' . .
A lu11l1no of Undertaking Hoods. Calls attended to night or dar , 'Pbono " . .
toro. No. 71.
l I
I 1
For a First Class Smoke Try the : ,
Martial. and ' . :
' I'
Corona Grande'
. -
Cigars.l I.
Broken Bow , . - - Nebraska.
- -