Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 17, 1902, Image 1
- . . L . . , . I" . 'T 4"i . - r. " ' ' ' 'iJ''l' : ' , 'Wr . ; , , ' \ " . " ' " . . . " , 'W' , , ' . . " . " , " soo\ot1 \ L\but\t\u 5tato U\B\ \ \ . . - - . . . . USTER OUNTY EPUBLICIN. ; , ' Es'rABI4ISHED 1882 , ' 1'HE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUNTY. LARGES'1' CIRCUI4ATJON OF ANY PAPER IN ' 1'IIE COUNTY. . - . ! VOL. XX , BROKEN BOWJ CUSTER . COUNTY , NEBRASKAJ THURSDAYJ APRIL 17J 1902.uEIGHT PAGES. NO.44 , : ' . . . . . . . , . . . ! . I : : , , : II I I " AI.\\'AYS IN l'HON'I' . , That's wl1l'rc ) 'ou'l1 find IIIC . in watch f'clling. 1\1y " , ate h offerings arc not only the lar - I cst. but rcprcscllt a bigncss 111 I value that I defy ) 'OU to cqual elsewhere. Therc i good tilllc. pnlllcllt" mill economy in evcry watch I se'11. A warrnut that warranLc ; goes with cvcry onc. t i ! d r I rJrntlnlltc of Chlrnllo OPI hnlmlo CIlIIOIO. : . eneO'Ve , . . . .rurrr _ . _ . . . " Tablets' I , . . I. , . ' ' . , . . -AND- ! , . . ' lOol Supplies , . ' . . . . - . . . - , . " -AT- . . \ r. " " " . . " , \ . J. 'G. HaetJerle . : ' , . 'S' , . . - - - . . - : : : : - - - ' - - - - . Pelle Elizab. . th Field , DR. . IDI } 1J ! ) il jB J n illa OPI/lcn IlOUH : 9 a. m. to 12 m. 1:30 : to 4 p. m. , ' .Or by appointmcnt. .c&"Officc owr AllIlcr on's Jewclr ) ' Store in Realty Block , Brokcn 110Nchraska. , . - . - - - - - - 'l'hnVeIIm'lI SIIIllly IIOIII' ! ; . Thc \Vcstern Supply Huusc is thc namc of a ncw firm recently launchcd in business in Broken Bow. 'l'his new firin we understand - stand is connected with a similar COmlanv ) in Kansas City. 'l'he object f the companv'is to deal in all classes of prop rty on com- mission. At prescnt thc comp- an ) ' is making a specialty of real estate. In a week's timc thc firm informed us that it hacllist- cd 60,000 acres of land for sale. H has already established business - ness correspondence with a largc , number of real estate firms in this state , Kansas , Iowa and MiHsouri. The 1 > ril1cipaI promoters - ters of the i rm are B. W. Blair and J. M. Ash. 'rhe Rm'ulIJ.I- CAN extends its good will to the riew firm and hopcs to se it succeed. I The Ihllll1Nt .S IIrlglUlo. ) . : The boys of the Baptist Sunday - ; . : " day school have formed an organization - ganization known as the Baptist Boys Brigadc. l'hc organization was effected last l rida ) ' night with forly mcmbers. 'l'he ofiicers elected . are , La.wrence , Hollandsworth , captainj Hay t Kehe , } ' , 11'irst Lieut.j Ross Armour , Seconcl J4ieutcnantj f : " H.uemon Pigman , First Sargent. E . 'l'he headquarters of the brigade for the prescnt is Hacberle's building on main strcct rccently . vacatcd by J.V. . Cook's groccr ) ' store. Simon Cameron late of the Second Nebraska has eel1 elected drillmastcr. He will have . charge of thc brigade t11ti1 somc of thc mcmber of it are capablc of thc work. 'l'he boys are very 11utch dclightcd with their or. glI1imtion. ; : 'l'hey have adopted , . . a'constitution and rulcs for thc . ; : . : . gO\'ernmcnt of the organization , . . . . ' which are similar to rules adopt. j cd for the government of the state mulitia. The agcs of tll ( prcsent mcmbcrship range from fiftccn ycars down. , ; I [ : : : : ; : ' : : : : : : : : : I Arbor Day next ' 1'ue day. Mrs. Nora 'rurnbull died at . Dunning Sunday. I R. G. Carr ofVCRt Union , was a city visitor'l'uesday. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Grcen of Green post office , werc' city visitors - itors Tuesday. O. C. Murphy of Callaway , was a city vtsitor 'l'ucsday. 'l'his office acknowledges a friendly call. \Vm. Pfrhem ofVest Union , was a city visitor 'l'uesday. He . rcmained ovcr to hear the Scrib- I ner trial. : I City Marshal 'l'owslcy made anothcr trip to the South Loup last Frida ) ' for trees to set in the north side park. Joel Maupin has rented his housc in thc north part of town to John Detts , and moved to a farm ncar Merna. J. C. I04' 'Viselv , publishcr of the Sargent Lea < er and the New gra , was in the city Monday , returning - turning home 'l'ucsday hy the way of Aurora on the 13. & M. J. I . 'l'eagarden , who has been appoiuted assistant in the ofi ce ot' county supcrintcndent , hy Supt. I04ewis , assumcil the duties ! of his ofiice the'lirst of the .montn. i Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ilmlclart , father aud mother of Mrs. . Qeo. , Willing , who has becn visiting with their daughter al Dixon , Illinois , for some time ar again at homc. : , i Peter Bcck of Georgetown , I was a c1ty visiter Friday of last week. He took home 'With ' him c\'cral fruit trees for himsclf anf neighbors purchascd of the Arlington Nurscf ) ' . Roy llarnar , junior editor of the. Callaway C ul'ier , and his , father , Go' W. , wcre city visitors' ' 'l' cs a v : They came over ffoin. . w I Call way Monday afternoon , re- ' turntng 'l'uesday afternoon. A quarterly mccti..g of the Custer County Editorial Association - tion was held Monda , } ' night at the RUPUIII.ICAN ofiice. At the conclusion the boys enjoyed a fine supper at Wm. Davis' rcs- taurant. : Mrs. G. T. Robinson lcft 011 the Sun lay night train for Corydon Iowa , on rcccipt of information - formation that her mothcr Mrs. E. Crawford could 110t livc but a shott time. Mrs. Robinson spent scvcral weeks with her mother rcccntl ) . and returncd home with the hopc that she might cventu- ally get well. . The ordinance passed last weck hy the city council requiring cer- til n strcets to be planted to trees is becoming' fruit in abundance already. Not only trccs ; are being - ing planted where the. or < linance rcquires , but enterprising citizens in othcr parts oftlle cityprompt- cd by the suggestion , arc putting - ing out trces. Mr. J. C. Moore charged me with asking the city council to pass the tree ordinance so I could scll a lot of trccs. I really thank Mr. 1-.10ore for the suggestion , and I have ordcred 500 elms and 500 hackbcrry trees from to 10 feet high , which I hope to ltave in BrolCn Bow for dcli very on I Arbor Day , at 10c a piece.- , \VIIIIS CADwm.r. . ' Rcv. ' 1' . De'Witt Talmagc , thc emmincnt Prcsbytcri n divinc , died on Saturday last at 9 p. m. Six weeks ago he went to Mcxico for a vacntion and rcst with the hopcs of rccuperating his hcalth , without , L\'ail , His condition was not considercd serious until , 'rhursday before his ( lcath. His remains wcre dcposited ycsterday in the Grcenwood ccmetery in Brooklyn , New York where he was pastor prior to locating in \Vashington. o L. L. Tuttlc , who lcft here l two years ago for Iowa , has bcen visiting in the city the past week. He had bcen at Hemm- ingsford for a few weeks assisting - , ing his sister , Mrs. Bcan , scttle . her busines affairs. He informs i us that'Mrs. ' Bean had receivcd all the insurancc monc ) " on Mr. Bcan's life , exccpt that 'due from an order at Alliance , and the prospects are that will be paid soon. Mr. Tutt1e is now looking for a location with the view of . going into , the ! rroccry busincss. Judge Sullh'an went east Sunday - day night. JoInt Mulvancy of Ul > ton , was a cit ) . visitor Saturday. ReS. . \V. Richards will prcach at Merna Sunday night. - Attorne\ . L. Guttersonvas a west ho 1H1 passenger Sunda , } ' night. AUoritey J. n. Smith went to J04incoln Monday on legal busi- ness. He returned 'l'uesday. L. A.Vells amI j'e scribe went to the South ! Joup last : H'ritlay and got overlOO forest trees to trans- plant. I04ast Friday , Maj. V. C. Talbot - bet and his fathcr , l { . C. ' ! 'albot , I " went to Halse ) ' to look after their ranch interests. The Broken Bow EqnalityClub wi11mcet at the home of Mrs. Clara A. Young , 11'riday evcning , April 18. All arc cordially invited - vited to attcnd.-Julia Willis , Sccretary. 'l'he Great \Vest is the name of a paper rccently started in 'Omaha in the interest of the realestate in Nebraska. It contains - tains in each issue articles about , some county in Nebraska or Iowa ! and a list of a realestate agent in i a number of the towns. I J. H. Ullom , one 0 f the prom-I inent farmcrs and stock raisers of the Middle Loup Valley , ncar Milburu , was transacting Imsi- tless in our city Friday and Sat- unlilY , lIe reports his cattle doing - ing wcll , having come through the wi l1te in fine shape. ' 1'he Ord Ouiz has.changeH to the from of maga7. ne , reducing' its size from a 20 inch six column quarto to a 10 inch three column 32 page.Vhile the new form is convcnient for its patrong , Mr. Haskell will fInd it will be more expcnsive than the formcr size. John Wehling , one of the suc- cessfulhog raisers of the \Vest table called last week and left his ortier for a s'upply of printefl stationery. He reJor.ts } he. is having good luck with his pigs this spring. In the past week , from seven young sows he has 47 pigs. . \V. G. Purcell , the senior editor .0f.1 heChief , wife and little daughter - ter , left Satruday night for St. L uis. 'l'hey will accompany the Nebraska Editorial Association - tion on an excursion to the south. Hot Springs , Arkansas , whcre the National Editorial Association - tion mcets is amongthc points of interest contemplated - ed on their journey. S.V. . Lccp of Milburn , was in the city Friday and Saturda ) ' with a span of horses , which arc 15 and Ih years old. ' ! 'he horses were in good Oesh and brought Mr. 1-4cep $ ljO. ( The horse buyer - er , who was buying for the New York market , correctly gucssed their agcs , which would indicatc that the condition of a horse has more to do with the price on the market than the age. Generall Passcn cr and 'j'ickct Agcnt , P. S. EustIs of the C. B. & Q. has bccn made passenger traOic manager of the Burlington System. J. Francis at prescnt general passengcr and ticket abn t of the B. & M. , will suc- cecd Mr. Eustis. Mr. 'Val < ely at the head of the passengcr departmcnt of the Missou.ri lincs of the Burlington will succced Mr. Francis on the B. & . M. and Mr. 14alor , assistant gcncral passengcr agent of the Q. will be promoted t the pusition of general passcnger and tic1 < ct agent of the Missouri lincs.- Alliance Grip. 'l'he Milt > urn & Anselmo 'l'de- phone Co. , the Pleasant Ridge & CummingS Park line , and thc \Vcst Union & Broken Bow 'relc- phone Company , wcre granted permission by the city council \Vcdncsday night to enter the city and establish a station at the Commcrcial hotel. 'l'hc Milburn & Anselmo lincs already have made connection with , the Central 'l'elcphone Co. , which enables them to get the heneHt of any of the phoncs in town. ' \Ve hopc the other companies may b.c ablc to scc thcir way clear and malic similar arrange- ments. 'rhe day is not far distant - tant until ncarl ) ' every farmcr in Custer county will hivc ln op- port unit } ' to havc telephone con- )1cction with the rcst of t 1C I county , and evcry one shoui.i I work to gct the bcst possible ser-I vice for his monc } ' . ! . 'Hon. W. J. Taylar of Merna , was a friendly caller } 'estenlaJ. ' 1' . C. H. llnycrhoffcr of Custer , was a a friend I ) ' caller at this omce ) 'csterday. \ Will Hu danl and wife of North Platte are \'isiting in the it ) ' with relat'cs. . I Ncd Savagc of Sargent was in the city Wednesday 'as witncss . in th cribncr case. : A pound Social will be held in the Baptist church at Merna b riday night April J8 at 8 p. m. All friends of the church are invited. 'l'he remains of 1\Irs. ' 1'om "l'rnmbull were broughtt here from Dunning \Vcdnesday morn- ning for btirial ill thc - Brol < cn Bow cemetry. 'l'he Ladies Aid Society of the U. n. c1mrch will have nil apron salc amI serve ice cream a week ' from next Satmday , April 26. 'The place will be namcd latcr. A. A. Collom , who recently left here for the west , writes under date , of April 7 that he has located in'rhe DallesOregon wherc hc has settled down at houRe l < eeping. Hc is going to engagc in the conl1uission hURi- ness and will handle fruits , \'cg-- etables , flour , fced , Jish etc. He says it is a lo\'ley town of about 4000 , located on theColu11l-1 hia river. . 'l'hc cas of John Scribncr of argent , who IS charged with l < eping a gambling room :1.11 < 1 gambhng" dcvices , occupied thc timc of Judge Armour l'ucsday. and part of forenoon \Ve ne H1ay. I ' ! 'here were about 30 witnes cs in : the case from Sargcnt and vicin- ity. The attorne'ft in the casr. w re County Attorney Kirkpat.t rick and C. II. Holcomb for thc statc , and attorneys Moon of 'l'aylorV , ll f Loup City , and Glldd of tins City , were for the defendant. 'l'he attorneys for I the defcndant lahorcd hard Jor : their clicnt and ma'(1e the ver ) best defcnce possible to save him I but thcy did not succeed. . County Attorncy Kirkpatrick. had so well fortified hit.self with evidence - dence against tMe detendant that it could not wlf.ll he overcome. A majority of thc w inescs for the state claimcd protection against incrimulating' thcmselves lndmfLki their tesf ' ng : 11lo11j'uselcss for thcstate. But outofthc great number of witne ! ' scs were found somc who rema iled true to thc state , satisfying the court that that there was probahle cause for the charge. l'he dcfendant was put under bonds for his appearance at the ncxt tcrm of the district court. S. M. Derris , our genial towm- man and proprietor of the Central - tral blac1 < st11lth shOl } , is not only a blacksmith , with all the high attainments the namc implies , but is progressivc. Not bcing satisfied with the old mcthod of pounding out iron and stecl by muscular force , hc has manufact- ; urcd a machinc with a power hammcr attachment , that not only works like a chrrm , but docs the work neatly and with dis- patch. A powcr hammcr of the latest invcntions costs from $80 to $125. By his ingenuity , Mr. Derris has made one th Lt performs - forms highly satisfactory work. The power is furnishcd by his gasoline enginc , which runs the hammer at the rate of ISO ftrokes a minute , and is capahle of going - ing as high as 200. 'l'he ham- mcr weighs twenty pounds , and is capahle of hammcring out as many plow lathes a day as can be heated by four forgc : = ; . Yesterday - terday afternoon we called at the shop to sce it operate. Onc man at the furnace with a Hoyal blower could not heat the iron more than onc-fourth fast cnough to kcep the hammcr employed. A six inch slah of stecl was heat- cd and bcfore the sccond was ncar hot Mr. Derris had a shovcl plow lathc drawn out , made and ready to trim. The hammcr is controlled by the foot with a 'trcddle. nd can be thrown olT oren on in an instant. As a lahor saver , the machine is a great auccess , and hihlr ! commends th ingenuit } . of it ! > U1\'entor. 'Vnlier'l' . Henne of Spring- fie 1 < 1 , Illinois , was a frlcndly caller at this office 'j'uesda , } ' , and hud his name enrollcd for the REPunrIcAN. Mr. Henne has an I intercst with his hrother in a . half section of land thirtecn miles southcast of this city , aud 'j'uesday was thc fir t lime he had scen it , although he has owncd it for a number of years. . Hc arrived here last l'riday ! night from the state \Vl1shing , where he bought a half section of hUHt in Douglas county , near a ql1llrter section he has owncd for several ) 'cars. He is a hrothcr to Misg T4illie Henne of Merna , and it was with the dcsire to visit with hcr that he stopped ofT on his return - turn to his home in SpringHeld. 'l'rco ItlnllUlig. 'l'hc following good advice entree tree planting is from 'Willis Cad- well , which was crowded out last week for lack of space. In planting trees under the new ordinance , let me suggest that some enc or more persons make a spcciality of putting' out and cultivating trecs for lot own- ers. A good heavl tcam and disc harrow - row arc the hrst requisites. 'l.'lle line for trees shoul ( ! be Orst thor- onghly cut up with the disc , at least ten fect wide. 'l'his g-round should then he plowed with a H- inch plow , leav111g a dead fmrow for thc trecs. ' .1'hen ruu the ( lisc again , thoroughly working the soil as mellow as an ash heep. Now run a furrow aUtI plant the trees , not too deep , as by above preparation you will havc ( Iuite a dead furrow. l'hc trecs shonld he cultivated with one-horse live or seven-shovel cultivator or fourtecn-tooth cultivator at least once a week , cSJlcciall , } ' the ncxt day or two after each rain , until about July Jst. After the .Tnne rains , the trec row , and all ground that has been cultivated , should be thoroughly mulched , 'filling ' the dead furrow full. \Vell rotted manure from livcry barn corrals , with very litlle straw or hay , is the hcst. Dc careful ahout trees unless you thorough1y cultivate after each watering , or ground is well mulched. - - - - - - 11I1 ht 'l'OIllI"-.a'H - Hcolc Itl'OIllOUOli. ' 1'onight a numher of the MOl- sQnic fraternitj' , who reccntly attained the degree pC Knigl 'l'cmplar , will go to Omaha to ho ' , initiated in the orilerof the Mystic 'Shrinc. As thc ) ' were promoted at the Silmc time to the degree of Knight 'l'etuplar thc arc d ! tirous of taking" the next dCl-rrce tog - g tlJcr. 'l'hey are C. T4. Guttcr- son , J. A. Armour , C. 'r. Orr\ . P. F. Campbell , C. n. JcfrotilH" Alpha Morgan , J. C. Howen , I04' 1 . Wilson , J. G. Haeberle , J. G. Brenizer , H. W. Wilkinson , H. B. Andrews : qtd H. W. George. We understand , that 11' . II Young F. M. Hublee and J. J. Wilson will g-o down with thc ho's to see that they do not I-rct lost. We anticipate the crowd will enJOY - JOY their trip and comc hack a h'lppy lot of Shrincrs. - - - - - - CI..rch HcrvlccII. M. H. ClJUIlCll. PrcachinJ { scrvice in the 1\1. l . church : SundlLY. Subjcct lIIornin "Advcrsity I School Mastcr , " 'fcxt 17:12. : In the cvcning an addrcfs upon the subjcct of "Sabhath Dcccrntioll. ! " The lllIlics Cjuartl.ite IInd YOIIIIJ { pcoplcs choroui'l ' will sillg. GHo. 1' . 'J IUTH , l'nstor. ' lU'lliCOI'AJ , CHURCH. 31'11 Sunday ufter Hastcr , April 20 , 1902. l\torninJ { : ; ervice ILt II II. III. Sermon on the" Philosophy of I'ra'crn. " SUllday school at 3 p. III. No cvcning ter\icc : , : : . tlAP'fls'r CIJt1ltCH. I Services In the Boptt ! ! church ncxtI I Sunday liS follow : SUllday school at 10' ' a. III. , Junior B. Y. 1' . tr. lit 3 p , III. , cnior . V. 1' ' . tJ. lit 7 p. III. At H p. III. a conccrt wi1lIJC givcn whcn IIn intcrest- inJ { progralll will he rellllcrcci by thc Juniors. HvcryhOlly kindly illvitc.'ll to IIttenl1the e scrvices. . W. RICllA1W5 , Pastor. CUll' " U" Ie v. I.cnora } ) ecius 'l'urnblltt was born 1\ll\y 15 , 1872 , ill Southern JIUISI\S , whcre 6he Ih'ccl with hcr parcnts. Mr. nnd 1\11'6. John Dccin9 , until shc WIIS . , yearn of IIge. frolll which plllcc thcy lIIovecl to Ohio. At thc I\JC of 9 61\1 : with hcr parcnLq clime to York Nebr. from thcnce to Custer coullty. Auvust 2 , 1&J2 she was IIIl1rricd to J. A. 'lturnbull of this 'vicillity. ' 'J'o this ( llIioll wcrc born 3 l'Ilililrell two SOliS 111111 OIW IllIughtcr. At tile IIge of 15 shc confessccl Christ 111111 hils cvcr remllillell IL faithful 111111 COli- sisulllt chdstillll. JicIlllt UUllllhlJ { April 13th. Serviccs conducted lit Christilln churcn lIy Jesse 'l'engal'lll'lI , lit 10 II. III. WCClIlCSIIII ' in this ' t . . he ) l' } was 1\ IIIcmher of the 111'11 IIlIr order ill which shc carried $900 ilH llrallcc. ' ! 'he lIIel\l- hcrR of t111 order IlarUciplltcl1 in the fnlleral f crvices. ' 1'h ( . RHI'UIIIICAN ex- tCllclq the liympnth ) ' of the comlllunity to the reJat'cs in their bereavcmcllt. HT01' " 'II' COIIGI"I A1'CUvouu : , . . ( ) Irl TIIF. COI.n. luUvr UroIl1Q.Julnllio Tab61" ! cure Ii cold In ono tin ) ' . NJ Cure , Nu I'Jr. PrIce [ ) ceot. . , i mr A A . 1 .J Paints , .i Oils and ' Wall Paper . .at. . . Ed. McComas' Drug Store. 6j . - . . - - " - - . . ' - [ BUSINESS Ii m POINTERS. ] : 'ij , : lrnt ! iI . , Lubricatiug oils of allld11Lls at ) \Vi1l < n's ( Irng store. Money loancd 011 improved \ farms. JA1\uts LItDWICU , ' . , . 18 H Broken Bow , Neb. . : ; Dr. 'r.V. . Bass , dentist , ofiice northwest corner of Rcalty Block. 8-1 H. - , . : , . . . School warrantslwanted. High. . est marJect I > rices Imid. 43-46 J. M. { xl\lmUl'.lNG. li'oH SAItt : OR TIADn-Towu 10tR and a few five acre lots it. this city , for cattle , horses or farm lal1d.--Allen . - - Rcyuer. Go to the B. & M. restaur l1.t . for cigars , tobaccos , candies , -etc. " UCTJONI. : ltn. Sales cried Everywhere. Stock sales a spccialty.Vrite or see me for terms anll dates. JUD KAY. 27 H Box ll , llrolccu Bow , Neb. - If yon intend to build call at Dierl < s Lumber Co. lld get prices. Money to loan 011' improved farms.-Moore & 'l'aylor , l ea1ty Block. 1-23 tf Farl"s for sale ar. < 1 lands for rCt1t. Now is tdtc time to get a farm cheap , as the cheap farms ar all goin , and prices are ad- vllnciug rapully.-J. G. Brenier. . ' . I Dlcrks Lumber Co. has 111 stock a car load of fi te cedar posts for tire trule. , Warm 111eals at all hour" aUhe n. & M. resl'aurnnt. Sevcrmgqoa farms for sale at n. hargain , ihc1J.tditur 111Y OW11.- JJ. : m GANDY. 44 tf If trouhlcl1 lIy Q wenk 11IJcstlon , 10s of.nllctitc ) } , or cOlistipntion. try n fcw 1\tSCN \ of Chllmhcrlnin'/I Stolllach UIII ! Iivcr'l'nlJlett ; . nvery box wnrrautcct. Itor snll ! by ] . G. Hnflhcr1 . Pepsin GU111 , two packages for a nickel at 'Vilkjns' Pharmacy. . ] tllulfoltcrk' . ASHoclallon. Thcrc will hc a mcctiug of IhL ! 1\finb- torinl Amoclation of nrokcn nov 'nt , the U. 11. church on Moutlny. April 21st ; at 10 n. III. A conlial invitation is extclIIl- cd to 1I11minirtcrs of thc city uncI couilty. 1JnnkR ( 'JoKell 011 Arhor liny. 'rhc banks of Broken Bow have agreed to closc 011 Arbor Day , it bcing a lcgal holiday. The pub. . lie will plcasc ta1ce notIce and be go\'crned accord ingly. "o blllh'lt ( Juul'lI1l1l" Josiah's Courtship will be rcu. . dcretl hy the young people in thc hall at Ansclmo Satruday night April 19. 43-44 lURrlut IICIJOrt for Ted ; J' . Whont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 .a > U.rlcy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : \ Oat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r.o ( } orll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.5 @ .50 ltyo. . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 lIu lcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 I ( II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 } 'otllloe , t'l'r hu hcl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I r.o Onlou . Ilor h081101. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.W OblokcnH. Ilor Ilound , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1111 110)(11. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lI.r COW" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'S. @ " .00 . Hh.Ols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II.\O ! @ 5.aO Tarkuy/l.llorllouuc1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CG tlltl\w.llor cwt. . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 l1ay. NoW. per ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W MUllnr. I'er cw' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f > O Ilcrblnc Curc. . . Ii'cvcr amI Agu-e. A dosc will usually stop a chill , a continuance always cures. Mrs.Vm. . M. Stroud , Nidothan , 'rexas , May 31 , 181J1) , writes : " \Vc haveusel Hcrbinc in ollr fami1) ' for eight ) 'cars , antI found It thc bcst medicnc we have ever had for la. grippc , bilious fever , and ma. . laria. " SOc. Sold by Ed. Mc Comas , Broken Bow and Merna , . . .