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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1902)
- ICnster County Repub1fcan I - - . : = - - : . . : . . _ : : : : . - : - - :8. M. AMHUnltllJd : tnr ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " - - . : . . . - - . - - = = , . : DUOJtlCN Bow , . . NltIlIlAHIL\ t _ - . _ . I' , ' , , ' Tllel'o III't' nlllt' WUII who 1'1111 stalHI _ clUHI' ' ' ' ' IlIh'II'nltV , I ! IJI'OHI1lI'1I ! j' 1101' ! , " tlO'I I A thl'lItl'h,7.1 . nll t'l II ! ! 1 'ohUhlY tlO' lled lIecul1su his 11II1t' ( ' II/IS / wlllgR 1I11t1 : 'Ues , - The 1I1l1II0 or 1111 11I1I11I't.1I11 ! docslI't nee. " $8I1rJI ) . hu10llg to thu mull who hus the 'IIRl brell II , > > Istlllleo or 1IIIllllwr tlocs 1I0t 101111 en. r.bnnhllellt to 11 YOIIIIUlun's / \'loWII 01' II 'pretty eft'l. "UIJU'nrl1 , e\'er 1I1'Wllrtl ' , " Is now Ohl. ago's motto , thu fjl'YRcrul'ul' limit hl1" . , Isa b < 'Cu tulwll ol'f , Whllt n Jolly world this would bo Ir all UIU mllllollllh'es wo1I11l Hhut up IUlII Nt 1heJr mOlluy tull" Oenn ot loel'JII w hll ve IlCen dlseov. IIIZ'Cd at the nntloll l cllllltllJ. 'l'huy have ; hen , 'Cry remiss In their hushwlIs. Alm08t nny 0110 clln hllvo the CO\11' . lIP ot his convlctJolIlI whell he IR su..o that bo 'won't lORe nnythlng lIy It. A. Doston proressor SIIJ'S l'cOllle IIIny 11ft to be luO yellr8 0111. Ot com's ! ! IhPr mny , but very row \ot \ thuIII do , A. man hus hl'ClI Hent to Jnll for t1 vo monUts tor stonlln IIn ulllh..ellll , Jus. tice must 1111\0 hL'C1I [ welling thnt time , BlesolnKB coull1 he usel1 to hetter ad. . . . .ntago by 1II0st pooplu were It not Cor the d1t1lculty In [ Jelwtl'ntlll IImlr dls. , & u1ae . It Uteso tellow8 who 11ll their wlvC8 and then cOUllllit sulehlo would ouly ' \"crso the order It would be mor aWng , A bnc1ltlnd ot railroad lI1erltfr 18 tlmt , In wWch two 1II0ving trultll ! try to pnss . < < 1 the snmo track In the center ot a 4I&rk tunnel. A dch OhlclIgo JUnn Jlut O , OO Into a 118'W' . Most Jleople woull1 [ lretor a snfe. tr (1Cl'oolt hex , hut there 18 no account. .s..r for anl11lonnlros , WItCIl Senator Hoar gets Iill the nunr- eatatJJ 80nt away to 80llle remote IR1I1I1I1 ' 1M might tm'n hlH uttentlon to the lleo- . . , , 'ho llrod wJth tholr elbows In n . . -.wd. fte hlggest beggars In thl country are UtO big unlverslUM , ' 1'he more they . . the mOl'o they seem to need , A JUt or mllllon8 only satl llca the crav. . . . momcntarJly. Catching contagion rrom unclenn 1Hmk note8 Is lignin explolt < > . tl III the . . . . Vllpers , hut n8 usull1'tho great ma. , enty do not bolber ubout the con tn. triM so that thu ) . urc abe } to catch Ute aetta. " 1110 1'h11l1l1011lhll\ nJulrer wants to ImDw flwbothcr a I1IUII ownR his own Itn.lns " ' 1 'hat cellenl1s ! , It he 18 In woUUcs tor ollleo and oUke only , some ft8 we own8 his bralnll , II well 8S hl8 IInIeches , A Dutthomntlclan ImR calculated that Q. Irtreot ot hea , .on OCCUIY [ 124,1\)8 \ , . 'I'l2OOOOOOoooOOO cuhlc teot , 'l'hltl 1a ) " bo comforting to [ IU1'80nS who IIvo Ja mortnl tear thnt they IIIIIY 110 jammed up ngalnst dltmgt'l eablo nolgh. hrs In thllt hetter land , 'The lIlbulldlng or the West dcpemll1 . , on the occullnllcy by fJottlQrll ot ev. ry aCt'o ot groulld cnlmblo ot Intollslvo etdtlvaUon. No schell10 at dlsp08111g ot Ule public lends whlcb shuts out the amall netUer cnn 11roll\oto \ Its do.olol ) ' IItcnt lJy mnklng the Wlt more POlU' 10UIL Gmml opern will no\'er commnnd the wide npilrecilltlon and It , , ' 111 Uc\'cr reach the gUllol'l\l "oguo III Utls country that It enjoys IIhronl1 unUl Jt cun be IU'41nt for $1. 'l'he big wU/llc hlllls nre the first step townrll the solutlon ot Ule Itroblem ot how to mllke gl'lIIlIl olern ) tmY. It must appclII to the mnllSCS , It must he wlthlll the rellch or [ 1el'SOnR ot Inodc.rnto ntealls befOl'o It cnn ue su..e or um.llrJ'IIIJ : HncceSH trom n box-otl\clI \ poInt ot view , ' 1'he t1'onblu IR HUlt the mnjorJty ot Uu cltlzcns lire uot [ lrllctlclIl In thulr [ ulUc8. 'l'hu 8G-Clllled l1ructlcnl [ 1011. UChlJ18 0110 thnt torgots his Relt. Ifllt lutcrCtltH , It ull citizens wcro situ. IIftrly IIttentlv to their OWII IntercRts , which Itelelllls ) on the welturo or th" cllY. the ) . woulll lie Bcrnlulous ) In un the IlutieR of cltlzuIIBhl [ ) IIntl on electlon dllY would helll' III mlnll HlDt thu ) ' nl'e VUUII fm' 111l'1I who will cOlldnct the blitllnesH of , tlw voters , ' : : = - : : - : - 'L'tlN'u will III . hu ' leltlm'- : W/I / .H 11nrtJ' : - IIhll' , nH tllel't ! hllt II\\'II ! ) ' ! heen , Iell of ext OIII\olllll \ 1 lIllIIc1t ' w1l1 So to the i' ) i , ( Gr the fnrcu ot 1I1'111ns , which Js t'ometlllIj. } : " 1'1' ) ' IUl1e"I'lIt from the hess l"ullllg , , ' the cuhesh'l ! ) lower o ! J1uhllt : i JhIlUh'l' . 'l'Iw tJIJtI 1I11)lellls ) to the In. tollJ.\'lIct' ! 111111 ) llIll'lutie Impuls 5 ot the ( ll'tIle , The utlwI'll\'IS , 1IJ0"e8 nUll hU8 ! JIlt hulll ; : b ) ' hlH cont..ol ot part ) ' ) lllt1'OU. n u III 1111 It'III'lml forms , The INlder , 18 'n ' IIl1lnl'lll 1'\'lIllI1ll1n lit our Ilolltical 1)'sJe1l1 , . 'I'lli' hess 1'0 111 III , from n sel118b , "fl\I' \ -C.t ! : 11111. : UIIImIl110r:1'II \ / : hhlllg lh. . VtJI\IJIIIJIII ! \ IlIi II WII ) ' of IIhllorhlllg 110' 11 ti I I \\1'1' , \ - . - ' 1- . \ \ ) ttllll'I'I' ' hni'dworlthl.t ) IIIltn ot ) , ' 1111Rh'I'I. ! . ( JIW , o ( thYIIU vhl ! , III\I. ! \ . . . mooo " 01' : ! IOoQ 11 nUl' : l1Id , ijt"u gl\ , , ' . . . : ' rJ'fb . . 10 I" _ . _ - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - to 1c1'11 whllt tht'J' 1111\0 nWIlY frolll the othN'II , Will ! hlQldllg loolII ) ' wlwil II Crll'llIl f'nlll to hllll : "I wlllhV1I8 [ n. 1U1Ich IIf II 1IIIIII0llniro 1114 J'ou lire. " Hllid tlU ! ollll'r : "YIIU lire ( h'l'nlllltl , [ 11m IIU 11I11I 101111 I r ! ! . " Hilt he SOIllI 1IIIIIIlttcd thllt he WIIH II 1U111101l1l11'l' IItlellstlll thlo HeJIIW , tha t hu IloHHeJ > Rcd lhllt CorVhlela h woulll lIot tlllw II 11I1111011 , HIs fI'lt'llIl lIulll to hi III : "U ow IIIJeh \ cnsb WQultl'OU Illite ( (11' thul 1IlIJthJ' ! : IIr 'IIII"H'I' \\1111111 J'OU llllw 11 11I11110111" 'J'hu l'el.I . ) ' Willi , of CIIUrHI ! : "Not 11 11I11. 11011 , 0. . U hUlldl'ed 11I1111011/1 , 01' 1111 the III11IW } ' III thu wOI'IeI , " AUII thcu Col. lowed the ullulIl Hlld l'I'SUIt ot IIsldug fUlld ClIlhm' IIlwut hlH t'hllel , "SIIJ' , hl VI ! [ lolel ) 'ou nhout thoHC two bo ) ' 1 1 culch eohl lu till ! heud 1111 the tlmo flllIlIlIllI 011 thu III'III/-u / : wutchlllg the II'IIIIIR o thl'ollh : the lIIIIIIUl , 111m 1I0t ( 'XII t'I'Utlll ' wlwlI Il1ny thut my oillur hOJ' , IIttiu lit ! he IH. IWOWH 11I0..0 ahout ell lucs nnd rnl1l'onllH IImu I d-1I1It1 till ! } 'oulI eHt IWIls [ mo III thl' ZOlo lclIl ( Jlll'llulIIll / dllY StlllllllY , 110 Imows 1111 the 1I111111Uls 111111 CIIII IlIIltute thum 1111. J 1111I olllJ ; to lIIulc II lI:1tlll'lIlIst ot hllll , " etc" ctc" ete , Artur IIhout fit. teell IIIll1ues ot thill , IIlIowed to tell n few I'ulllllrlwhie thlll s IIhout his chI ! . [ } I'CII , 11 fcw ex tJ'\0 I'll It III r ) ' [ 11111111 for Llwlr el1ullctloll nlltl thc chllllce he IIIUllllt thclII to huve , he wall tlulte rellly to ndmlt thnt It hu WIIS 1I0t a 1II1I1I01I1IIl'c , hu WIIS n go0(1 ( dunl huttcr I > ft In SOIllO wn"s , 'l'ho IIIl1n who wnuts III on c } ' nud Ue [ lowur or Rolt.lndul. Iuuce Is mmnlly IIOt'C1.y [ llltlont whell rou tall , to him of his othur hiesslllgs. But nH 11 IIIl1ttor or rnct , the actunl 1II0IW } . II ! the II'lst 11II101'tnnt ot all , \ \ o 11IIlly [ Ht1'l\'U for It. It II ! 11 phnse ot lIIulle"lI lifo , Our exlstellco would hu hlll'l'ell , utterly worthlcsH , hut tor lho hlltlt'uu , worlh tell thOUIIIIIII ] 1II1lli0llS [ I'IC ' ! ! ! . lhc Cl'llIlIlshlllH thnl ICll color lo lII'c nllli thl ! truc Urrmt1lmH ! that IIIlllw tlw 'cllrs [ II1HIt ( Iuleldy , - - - - 'J'hnt III 11 g1'l1t1Cylng IIhcovm'J' which Prullldcllt Eliot hUH IIIlIllu with regul'd 10 till. ! cl1cct ot succe8S or flliluru 111 'Ithletlc Rports on the lIumber ot Htu'l lellts ellrollel1 ut 1I1I.\'UI'd , It 1111ara Ihut this en'ect , olle WilY or the other , I : s HO Alllllll liS to he negllglblc. Har- I'llI'll victories do 1I0t mellll 1111 Illcrellso .n attclldllllCO , IIn..vurtl Ilefc-nts do not lllenll Il llcc"cl1se , YOUII fIlCIl SOCIU to' : to to IIlIl'\'lIrll tor l'l't\HlIlIS quite 1Ilart rrom lilt. ! IItl'CII/-th / : or the weukncs8 of lust YCllr'1I crcw or tOl11\1 , llero Is a .eS8011 . that ce1'tnlll other colleges might lilY to hOlld. It hns ucen In wnllY [ , IIICell Il theory Implicitly HIUlctlOl1ed , It IIOt olCnl [ ) ' IIvoWlad , thllt IIthletlcs must llC fostered III order to spreud the fuUlo ot the university 111111 uttruet aluc1cnUl to Its duol'S. A 'gool1 tootbull tenln hus hCOlI Iwld to be OI1C ot the IIcccssary tcutures pf Rucccssful IlIstltutlon ot Icurnlng , Hence the cll'OI'UJ of the tnc- IIlty ns well I1S ot the atudonUl to et n Kood telllltogethel' , Helice the 8trUI. : ' Glc hetween rlvnl colleges to secure the servleoll ot the hlast 111I1yer from the lrelIlrntory RchQols , Hcncc thl'll brlllging III ot hlacksmlths 111111 brakemen - men to Htny In college till the enl1 ot the tootllllll Sel\ROn , lIence the resort to o\'ery Itilld ot Iluestlonubic method [ n tile frl1ntle nttemlt to Will , It hUll hecn "I nil 111110t / pla.ln , that hn8 been uPllcrmost In the mhlllf ! ot collche8 , IIInllll e1'll : mIll studentH , A defent tor tlm tellll1 hn8 been re/-llrlled / : us 11 bl w to the < 'Olle c , 'fhlA eXUKernted ! notlon of the value ot nthletlcs hUR dOllc rent hl1rm , It III well .thnt atudents should lulu , exurclse , It Is not ao well thnt their tl1klnjt ot exercise Hhould Ileveop [ Into n vust aystem of nthlellc edllhl. lIolI" tJ1Cllnt to Ull\"erUHe the cOllege nl1l1 lelullng to lJgly tel1turos of profclJ' slonnl1sll1 , ' 1'he nct 'of cent t hetwecn 11I1111 nnd lUun IInll Imtweol1 telllU anll tel1l11 Is not without IhI educlltlonnl ct. fecta , Whut lIeells to be elhllillutell 18 the r.lorillclltlon of uthletlClt ut the ex. ( lNISl' ot other more Imllrtnnt ( ) clements [ 1coli eKe trltlulllA' , Prmdllent Eliot hltH flhowl1 tl1ut lerltllIS collugcs nro mls. I tl1ken In tltlnldllK tltut tltelr [ lrOWl'IIS with U10 onr or nt the bllt hus u grent tlelll to do with their lIu\hrlul proser' Ity , At nny rute , he hllH shown thnt Ule two thlllK8 hn\'o no conncctlon ut : Rurvnl'tl , 'I'he grent worlt ot the unl. vel'tllty gol'S on whcther the tOUtnlt win or not , ThiN III us It IIho"1I1 110 , A Tusk tbr Iho Coole. A goo(1 story III told of IL co..tnln Dllln who hntl sUddenl ) ' blcome rich whollo de8ro ! to "shoW hhllflul ( oil" WIIS only oxceellell uy his hnorlllwe , At tllnllcr. . one day enc ot , his KueslH , u well.known lltl1'1try elel' Yl1ll\n , s/l1l1 : "I d hltlll 1t X's , nUll he h"U Vt' us Q cn\lltnl \ eplll'I\lI1 at dtH I'rt , " 'I'he "nllw rich" WIIS IlIlmlllnt < ' . (1 , Ho IIIHI no e1l [ l'nl1l , Afttr , his guests were IlIne he cl\l1oll hili cook , "Didn't [ glvo .ou c/lrty / hlnDchy tor thl8 dlnlllr " ho tlelUllllllcd , "Yes , sir-you IlItI , sir , " rtrpUl'1I the cook , "AIII1 1IIIIn't 1 tell yod to hu.u : overy- thinA' lhnt an'bod , ) . IIn111" "Yt'S . did " , slr-J.on , Hlr. "Yl'f'ell , now It Hcoma thnt at X's they hll\'I ! ell [ l'llmHIt 111'iI ert , 1l11l /0011 / ono ! ! , too , I\nd roUt mls 'mu willm thl' ) . come here. IIW , ) 'on'l1 ha\.e to servo nl ) eplll'111\I1 , 1\ till , whlt'll 1II0re. cool. 'mll hettor tlln ' " II 111I ) tlno else ! - - - - - - - - Chllrotlnl 1 ( " , 'l'urkuYH , It hUB been IIHct1l'tnhioi1 by otlt'rl' : [ 11I1lt thnt t\ll'lwJ'/I tllnt l1t chl\.colIl mlxcll with thoh' fooll " ( 't lIea\'ler thl1n nlht''H , 111111 tholr IIll'nl IH moro tender IlIdottt'r \ 111vOl'"II , - , ' 1'lIn Plnnt In Jmlla , In IndJI\ the tea (11 ( ant I nnturllll } ' 1\ tree , hut hy mUllnll tit' Ilrnnhlj. : It IN IW1t [ 110 81111\11 thut It fleOUlII to he tin I ) ' 1\ hUllh , . - Only the unexllocletl IllterItli ! U ! ' ! , IIlstorJ' rucords the rl\CO wnll II ) ' tlill I cI\B/-olne / : tortoille , bnt SI\'K IItH''I' ' II wO"11 nhout the wall ) 11rcYlouli l'I 'l1j WOI1 by tim bure. , 4' , " . l- . _ _ . . - - . " " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' A 1.lrtlllt. : : 'tillchilte. 11c d\'I'u IIho\\1I III Just tlw thin/ / ; tOl' tilt' fll1'lII tllll t 114 oJlerll ted II } ' OIlU IIIUII with OI't'IIHloIIUI hulJl. liS L'1I1I1Y CIII'IIIH 1I1'e 1'1111 , A 1IIIItOI'm , ot nny dl , 1I1t.lIllolIH ! dOHIt'ell , Iii IIlIlIt of hell \'y ollit ( l1UIIIH with II holc cut III the IIIldlllu In which Iii hlHel'h'1l n Ilost mudu ot tltnhl'l' three OJ' fllu. . IIIch08 SIIUI1I'C , . \ 9111t IH t'llt III tlllH ) lost tu I'xlcllIl lIeurly ollo.lIulL' Its lell th , 11I111 III nn Illch 11I111 11 IIl1lr whlu , Thu le\'er Hhould he 11I11110 ot thllhul' olle IInd II hnlt Inches wldu o liS to lit sllll I > ' III tile slot , 'l'hls le\'or Is hollcil 11110 posltloll. A numher ot . ' . \ , , " .u - . , _ = , _ . _ . . . , LU'TIl'W MACIIINE. holes shoulll he ho..ed through thlii IC\'er 80 thllt u loucr ! nrm mny be 11111 ] , , on ono sillo ot the [ lOHt when wanted ; OB 11 I'ule the lo"el' wo..ks hest when It extends nbout douhle thc dlstnnce on OIlC tilde. It the ohkct to bo mo\'ed Is III.n'J' It mny bo hest to 8l1to [ the pint- form to the ground , whIch I11I1Y he renll. lIy dOlle b } . the use ot Ionwoollen / [ le 1I d..lven throu/-h / : holeR bored In eneh cor- nUl' of tltn [ llu ttOl'Ul , It w1ll be notlcutl thnt two holeH arc bored In thc post , below where the lever nrm Is fnstenell , [ IlII'lIIlttlng the operutor to lower the 11111I to suit the wo..k ho hus to 110 , 'I'hIR lifter will be found very hlllldy In mov. Inlogt / ; , grnln In bn s nlld ether heny ) ' thhlgB\ \ which must be banded [ on the tnI'm , Growln ! : Borlbultl for Stock. The tallu..e or the corn crop ] ast ) 'cnr will Induce turmcra to [ liunt more or less ot other things the coming seuson , Altnlfn , mlllet , Rorghum null 81'ltZ [ wlll ull be tried , nnd In some 10cnltles one or more will bc toulld n most de. slruhlo tuldltlon to c..ops tor stock , 'fhe culture or sorgbuw Is extending , nllll tesUi bnve proved that Its cu1turo Is Dot conl1l1el1 to \'ored sectlonll , bllt thllt It cnn probl1bly be grown with 8uecellS wberover corn can be & 1'0\\11 , Tbe plnnt Is drought.l'eslstln , It yleltls hen vlly an the Htull'8 , It IIroperly curell , are cuten und rellshetl by nil tnI'm stock , The mnln trouble eXlerl- [ encell with sorghum Is In the curlnl- the crop Sl'Cma to be U8 enslly rllIHId ns corn , but It 18 best cured under hy settlng It In smull shoeltR aloug the wnll ot n Rbed , It mnJ. ho cured In the ficlll , lIIte corn , It put UII In slllall shocks , E\ ' I Ery fllrmer with . COWII or IIwlno shoulll give up nil acre ot grouud this Hllrlug tor 80rj.thum , You muy 1I0t bo Ilblo to grow It with full BUCI'ess this yeur , but will leam Its needs thoroughly , RO thllt the IIcxt sell' son It wlll ho II SUCCCIIS , Jome-1\Imtc \ 1\1111 , Aerat.or. It ) } n 'R to use Bome tllntlllrd devlee for nerutlng Ilnd cooling the mfllt druwn tr 'ih from thl' CO\VS , The nern. - - ' , . , ' , ' " " ' C tlon ot warm mlllt lit \'cry Imp 0 r t 11 n t when ficvIrnl ! l'OWK nre 11I111'011. Forl sma II qunntlty or IIIl1k III shotgun cllns a home.nullie ( lcvlc\ ! cnn he utlllzed , 'I'ho IIccoUll'lln'lug c tI t tlhlltrllte8 ItR COli. ( ItI { A I' : U\TOn , Rtructlon UIII [ u e , Procurel:00l1 / : hlllld hello'Klud hnn. ! a tinsmith lIohler on u fllIIllll tln tuht' , with n "rose" IIttuchlllCllt Ilt the bottom - tom , Bomowhllt lIIw thnt flhown at A In the cut , n relm Rlmls n brnce sol. dered on to rualtu the nttnchmellt more rl1-ltl : , A clnmll CIIII bo uttnehl'd lit 0 to tllsten to tlll ! 1'1110 ot the Cl1n , thotllh the hellows CIlII be enslly ollernt1 without. It mil ) ' bo ncce Bnr ) . to extmlll the tuhe ot the bellowil ut D. ' 1'hlll Ill" runJI'lIIclIl wlll WlIl'lt HutlRfnctorlly In qulcldy 11l'eutlll n cnll of wurm milk nml ( 'un be done whllu thu cnn Is Rettlng III wutor to cool down-lIollrd'lI Dlllry- 1111111 , } ) oe > l AliceI' " Un 11I111j : ; Pay. ' 1'0 this I\wllllull [ t hl ! t hl'11 fll Iller on iIllld ut u Inw'niliu will IIIHlollhtl'llly . aUHWC" ) .OS. UIIII the 11I111011 hljh "rice Il1nll no , It WOIIIII 'WI'III liS If tiOllll'- thin ! ; WUII wren with this stl1tt , nt' nf- tnh's , Y'Ul' hy j' the rnlHIII ot IIhoel1 In Inr ( ! nllmhers chl1l1.t's ; tl'Om the hlsh "rice tllrm to the OIlU'huro In nil III chel1I , It mlbe trlle t hn t Iu the 1 1I8t whe..e furmll IIro holtl I1t prlcl'H mOl'o limn Ilouhlo thnt I\Rkltl , for 1111111 In ! ctlons ot the West , tl\rmerH Cllil 110t ntfortl 10 rnlso HI ) ( ' ll , J'ot why not ? In MY scctlon " , hel'u SheCl [ l nn ho rnll1ed without thl ! wlntt'r senson tit teetllnJ ; bell1g too long Rhl'l'll Hbould bo 1'IllsctJ with "roUt rognrdless ot tltlJ I \lulIl \ "nluo ot the fl\rm , within reaSOll , " or courso. It tH [ llr/-I'IJ' / : 0 question ot Intellhent mnnll CmCllt , JlIst n with I , . - " nny other crop , g"erJ'thln ! teem" to I.ulnt . to n dcchlct1 chllne ; In IIwlllocl ! ! dllrlllg the com III ; ; ) 'ea..s , and thi ! tholl/-htCul / : Ca'lller with SOllie Imowl. ell e ot HIHt'1I ! l'ulRlnJ ; 114 hl'glllllhlj.t to fe1 tllat hy lOl'llllI ; ; III ) thc tcrtlllty of hlR fnl'lI1 ho11I / I'nlsc Hlwep 08 [ lroUt. nbly for hIs 1J1111'Iwt UII hIs dlstllut COlli' [ Ht1tor Cor his. i . The Tllenl 1'.l1rlll 1I01lle. [ o'ortJ. } 'I.nt'H 110 lhlH sUhject woull\ hn\'c lIIeallt fWIIIClllhl1. : quite dllTm'ent fl'OIl1 whllt It dlles ut Il1'escllt , fll1YR [ n. dill nil FII1'IIler , ' 1'11011 11 plnln fl'l\lIIe 1111 11111 IIg , wllh plllHtercd wulls nnd 1\ 1II'Ick l'hllJllltJ' would hn ve fll'C1l1Wd 11 /-rent / : nd\'nllct 011 tlw dOli hie lo cllhltl , with Its stlcl , IIIld lIIuli chllllnev , nt eltlll'r ' ( lilt ] , the wcll swcep III the > 'IJrlI , t'IIIl'ir'JlM rooHtllIJ : In the tl'uell or III j IIw fl ont 'lIrd WIIS not deelllell out of place In enrly dllJ'H , 1\1111 Rhl1de tl'eeH , , shl'lIhbrry ulld 1Iowea' bed8 were ex. i ( 'optlonol , It 1I0t ullimown , ' 1'he Idenl flll'lII home ns we now re- nl'll It , must hl0 mnny ol'lIalllelltal fl'l1tlll'eR 111111 IIUlllorous cOllvenlences thl\l In [ liolleer dllJ's were UlltllOIlJht of , As to cxternnls ollr tlrHt thou ht III re nrdlllg wnllts nlld dl'I\'ts , 'rhey should ho dry und clean , : \hl Rhouh1 not bo trl1cled Into the hOllric. and to prcvellt this { tI'n\'el should he usell fl'cel ) ' , not only to mnlto walkll to hllrllJ'l1rdq and outhollses , hut to build 111'1\9 r'Om the road In frollt to the WU OIl shed In the r\nr. A Hhed or co\'ered WilY ollht , to cxtelll1 from a Hide porch ot tl10 house to the drive so the Inlliell cnn enter or depnrt from the curl'lnge d..y shod. It III list hl1'e a telephone connecting with nil the nel/-hborhood / : 111111 the towns IInd vll. Inges nenr , It cnn hll Ve a dllily II1nll , which It cnslly cl1n hnvo If the rends are whnt they ought to be , It l1Iust hll\'e shul1c trecs , vines , shrubbery alll1 Ilowe..s In the blue'gruss In wn , and a sl1IlIll t..nlt us well I1S \"egetuhle Jnr. den. wellstochad with the bCRt "arlc- tics and well tended , and It shoultl be convenient to the kitchen , so liS to bo most \'a11ablo nnd useful. Shletd ( or the Crnmper. ' J. F. Granger , ot Wuuleshn County , Wisconsin , wl'ltes Iowa HOlllestead : " ] enclose n sic etch ot II good plun to keep II horse thn t Is an hnbltunl crumper ( rom gettlng hi ! ! I. ta I ! over the Ilnl ! and giving troublc. II ucltle two fa ; ] len/ths / ot Ilgllt loather trom hip Rtmp nround the tall I1ho\'e lho breechlng , mnltlng It I1t el1slly unliloosely over the tull , lo'rom the buclde ot the cl'lIPlwr on each side tasten a perl1endlcul1r [ strnp on el1ch IIlde ot the rump , Mnle ; : n leathcr network down to the bottom plcce , and one w11l bave a devlco thllt wl11 let HIP hors ( > switch his tnll and at thc Bllwe time w11l prevent uny trouble coming from getting bls tu11 over tbe Uncs , " . " .heat nil StocI , Feed. The Topel , " Stnte , Journnl snys thnt a mll1er und grain deulcr In McPherson , Kan" 6118 there Is less wheut [ n Mc- Phe1'80n CountJ' thull tor mllny 'el1rlJ nt tbe same dute. ' 1'he sCllrcUy ot corn ami Its high llrlce 11\\'e , led muny to feell It to "tock , III. clllimed to know of some who had ted out 5,000 bushels , nd one man , who soll1 7,000 lJushels Inst , July , hull since bought 8,000 bush. ellt to ( cod o.1t , and unothcr hall bought triOOO hushels tor lhe slImu [ lUrlosl , He C tlmnted the Ulllount fed on the ( urmfi In thnt county nt not less tbuu uno bushel , . ' 011 euch farm , und the to- tnl as not less thall halt the crop ot ] 1)01 , While We thlnlt thusI. ma ' he n litHo ecaggernt.ed , or mote thlln n little If upplled to 1IIore t hall the enc county , we do not l1nt ! fuult It the ' ure true. Though In thl ! EUHtern Stlltes , wo used to think whent Hour hrenl1 n luxury coml1lu'ed to thllt I11l1do fl'01ll cornmeal , 01' "I'ye nnl1 1nlllnn" 111 t'lI I , It the tarmers tiler , ! enn grow whent 110 that It costs 10\8 thnll corn , let them feed It , liS It hUH ahout the sumo l1utrltlvl ! "nluo , Not Ulnny yeurs ago the farmers ot Knnsall nnd Ne- brnslm were relortod [ ns burning their corn because n ton ot It woull1 not buy I ton ot coni , allli 1IInl1e n butter fire , Now It 11 lJuRhel of grounl1 wheat will fa Hen ns IIInny Hteers or hogs ns n bushel of conlllwnl , nnd COStll loss , let them use It-\1IIel'lclln Oultl\'ator. Beet J > ull' [ US Feed. So\'en t I..m . nllli Hhelp alltl triO IItl'ers nro 011 fced on the beet pUlp at the l'ort OollltlRColo / , ) Hugnr rel1l1ery , 'I'he Cil1llIIUlY [ nlHo Bcll8 the llUlp lit :10 : ccnts : per ton , nllt ! the shcep cut hetwl'ell tenant ant ! tlrtcoo Ilounl1l1 ot It ench dllY , while each stem' tuclg n WilY 100 10 H O ponnds 11nlly 1111I1 oCtlll ! bnwl8 tor III ore , ' 1'he Cl. ] ) lIg Is hl1'S IJ' of the ' ordOJ' ' . ' ' ' expel'lmentlll 118 J'ct. 'l'ho oll1clnls HIIJ. thllt theJ' will ItnlOrl [ some grain In ortler to 11111sh the anltullis [ lroperl ) . IJctore 8elllUng tho111 to lIIar- Iwt. COllt ot I eelllnt. : u Hen. ' 1'hl're Is cOllsldorll hlo , Utrerellce ot I oplllioll 118 to how lIJuch It costs to ItecI ) n hen , 'J'hc cost lIelUllds UpOIl the hun's I1hlJltJ' to COI'l1Jo , It 1M a lIavlng 111111 cluur lIlu to COU\'CI't l'oCuse Into c s IInd IIIt'nt , 'hc COllt ot 1'elllllJ { n hen ha 'hl'en varloulIlJ' t'stl1lln l'd nt trolU r.o h'lIts to $ t.r O n , ) 'Iml' , It COfitS lIIore In the orthern Stlltt ) ! ! than In thu Southern Stlltl'S , It CORtS more If thc hel\l \ lire con filled thall If the ) ' are nl. 10wI'11 to rUll , - - A Barn ( ur the Cows , Don't Itt'ep cows In flUllle hurn with other ! ftock , 'l'huc Is 1I10llUY , therefore the hurn Hhoultl be COII\'olllent tOl' clellll. IlIg out , tOl' foelllng IUIII tor getting cows In nUll out , It should ullow un nbmulllpco ot sunshlue , 'rho t , I ollar 1I0te , kllowlI ns the , "nutYnlo HIli , " hus 011 It the tllco of I ) I 8 llcll1t' , . I r.lw thor , r.yl . . , ' " , . ' / " .1 .j . . - - - - , . > 'ii HOW THEY DO ABHOAD. In I.omlon 'J'hey J IJle ' ] 'holle Who OTer- crrl\Ytl : ttrcct : Curll. Henry Cuthllua'l. n jOllrllullAt ot Old nl'ollll IItret. elt ) ' , WIIS HlllllulOuell nl l.olHlou l'Ol\l't \ for 1II a lilt III Thomus . .Juhu'hllillg , IIIlIlInglll.t ; tli I'ector ot 'I' , , J , Whltln ; ; & SOIli : , 1.lnlit. cd. ot 10'IIIiburs : , u. W , llt'IIUII'I' Hnnce , 1.1. , D" nplI'lIred ( for tilt' COlli' plnlullut alld 0 , V.'olln ; ; deJIIICll. 'l'ho cOIIIIIIII Inllnt suld that 011 the mOl'lIlog ot the IUlh ot No\'elllhl'l' he was a pn\lIellser fl'UIII Bn'lIet to U"olld street. 'l'he tl'llin pulled nil lit DlIlslolI JUllction 111111 us thel'e worl ! I1h'eatl ) ' tWo ' IIniSCII ! el's III the carriage o\'l1' - the l'\'C' ogulzcl1 oUllllwr he ( Ir , Whlllu ; ; ) l'e' sell led Ihc uttempt of the del'elllllllt to cllter , A [ lol'tea' 111114lsIl'd ' the llul'eudnl1l anll whell thc ca"I'lugo doo. . waH open lad the doftnl1unt ! pulled him ( : \Ir , Whit. In g ) out 111111 hlUlself ; ; ot lu. uud III the struggle his hnllll'IUI hurt , Mr , lo'Ol'dhulII- III'ot.fsterl to thu Ilorter puttlllg lIIore IJeOllle Illto au ove..crowdel1 ell..lage IIlId still he did so ? 'rho COlnllnlllnnt- [ \ ' es , Mr , l'ol'llhnlll-1 ; ' ' ' - Imp' bt' UUl'UHlOl1l1 ble , but [ klluw I Hhuulll ha'u III'otust- ell , It Is ubumhllllJlt. Ihal IUlssou : m's should be 80 lucou\'uullIl'l'll 111111 IJnlll time thut Ileuple kllcIhnt Ihe ' 1111\0 no l'lht III ' ' 1'1111 ' ' , ; ; un uh'IIIJ' ClIl'l'luge - But Ihe compauy tloUIJ lIot uI'llCal' ' to ; cnl'l' so 10llg us It CUll sell Its tickets , 1'11' , Whiting ( comillulug ) snltl the de telll1nnt IIlId he tl'a\.eled In the snDlI ! cllrrlnge to Brand street alld whell he got there he wanted to give the IlItter Into the custody of n rullwuy Iiollco- wan. Ir , Fordhum-nUl he dill not tnko him ? Ml' , Whltlug-Nu , : \lr , l'o..dhulII-'I'ho ; mllwflY constable Is In II dllTerent posllioll 1'1'010 the 01'111 , nary one , 'fhl'h'ells , him up to hnl. tate the others , but he hus 110 } lowe..s , He Is renlly only a SOl't ot scnl'ccrow , , ( Luughter , ) ! 'l'ho deCcndnnt sa1l [ Mr. Whiting Btepved out of a carriage. lIc ( tletend , ' aut ) thus sn w an OlllOl'tunltJ' [ for n sent anti steppel1 In , A . .nllwuJ' Iorter wus called for the detonse , He I1dmlt. ted td'lug to put unother passenger In , to an ult'enl1y overcrowded carl'lage , HI8 duty was to I1nd seat8 tor the peo- ple. ple.Mr. Mr. Fordbam said he trequently ex , perlencel1 the Incon venlence ot this o\"ercrowdlne anl1 the mntter wus made much worse , whpD the rl1l\vay ! servantH willfully contributed to It , lie could not hclp thinking thut the rail , way cowpany WIl8 In a me Sure re- svonslhle tor tbls assuult. He bellevcl1 : \11' . Whiting's 8tory of the nffalr. says the Lonl1on Dnlly Mull , and tln'd the defcudnnt 20 shillings nnd 2 gulneaft costs. A PRETTY FAIR LIAR HIMSELF. Story thut 'Von the Doctor a Ilccord 118 n PrevarIcator. They wcre sented around the stove In the , 'Illugo store Olle cold e'ealu , ; . dlsculJslng rewul'knblo IlIcldents , 'rho ichoolmllster hud p..opounded this qUes. tlon : ' 'It u JUnn tells 11 lie 80 often thnt he llnully comes to bello\"c It him. selt , cun he be snld to lie. If he continues - tinues to tell It ? . . All were silent tor a tew minutes , but finully the doctor suld : "I think not. In fuct , I can rurnlsh 11 case Wh01'O a wnn told a fnlsehood so often that It tlnully Ile'elopcd In o n truth , " "How was tbnt1" nslted the teacher. " 'Vcll , " suld the doctor. "In the town where [ beenu IlI'netice there waR n mnn nnmed , Jo11II IIIj.glnR , who W S known to he the greuteat lIur for mlle8 urOlmd , One of his storie ! > ! W1l8 flhout his war experlencc , Now he hnd never huen In the lII'my. liS e\'ery one knew , but he ullell to tell stories of prl'ntlolls , hnlr.breullth escnpes , nnll bllrl.fought hnttlps , He hnd UIIC pnrtlt lIlnr story which cnuHed much lIIunsemeut , It wnR nbout being wounded In the sboul. I dor with n mlnle bullet. nml when be : hatl nn nttncl { of l'heumuURm ho l lIed It tbe pnlll trom the old wound , 1Ul'llIg nlwu's , thllt the bullet hnd lIe\'cr becn extrnctel1 , lIe told the story so orten i thl1t he CIUlle to bellcve It tlrmly , 11nll wellt flO fur I1S to cOllsUlt me liS to tlJo al1\18ublllt ' ot extruding the bnll , "To humor him I mal1e nil eXllmln/t. / tlon ot his shoulder , I toutHl tht' scnr , nlld 011 feellll tilt ! lIesh dhcovel'ell tbo presence of some hurd suhstance , To cltl'rJ. 011 the Jolw I mllde 1111 IIIClsloll. used u [ Irobc11111 / hrought out n hullct 811Ch ns hl' hlltl dtserlhed , " "Did you I\ny , " Imlll the Rtorekeeper , " he wns the hh gl'8t 11111' In that 10cnlltJ' 'I" "Yell , " replied the lloctor , "nl } woulll lose his rellutntloll If you lIvell therc 1I0W. " remllrkell th , ' mer. chnnt , nH he , III reSlltllllle to n RI nnl from the schoolllll\ster , IIIISSI1tl urountl the cI I\"s , I-rtlbnhly Corrnot. 11Il1ulrlll Phllostlllllt.'r-To whnt do S'uu ntlrlbute till ! IlIercuslllJ. : IIl1l11b r of ohl mnltla III thlll ectltlll ? . \stute N'utl't.coullin't [ ! Julle Imy. , but Reemt ; to 11I0 11 ! ' ! It It mlht : Iw due to the Illercl1t ln' lIumbur of old bnch. Iors "bollt hero. In 'rllllO. "now do .ou cume tu hi' cehhrntlllg roUl' j.olllt1l1'hllll . Bllllts'ou"'e 11l11 - , hl'I'1I II1U'I'lIad : t II 1'l'U J'cu rs , " I " [ IUluw , " : mltl Blllks , "hut Illy wlte I1ml I wc'd lwltm' hlwt ! It now . wlll'lI Wll I''nll ) ' lIel1t1 tht' , oltJ.-Uar. \ > el"s Hn 1.11 r , Not Her Amllr , [ rs , Pllelte-Wh } ' , Btl1l1dl1 , the piano bUK slJ ; weuls' Ilust till II ! BI'lhlln-W.'I1 ] , 11I1111I , Il1ll1't to hll1mc , [ 've beell he..c 0111) ' thl'llt ! wt't.ks ! , . . . - - WOInl111 l1'o\\'s 0111 nllllut ml j.rl1eetul. Iy 8S Hill' dlmhs out ofI / hllmllll1ck. I . . . - - - - - - - . . - - , : "T"I r'1' ' ' ' ' , ' " ' ' ' ' " 1 1 , I , I PccuUa.r to ItseU. \ 'Thb applies to St. Jacobs Oil used ( ot fifty years , Jt conlal1l5 Il1ltredlcnls that arc unknown ! to any 0110 ! Jut the manl1- faclurels aud lhelr truslcd cmplo'ees , Ir. paIn killln/t / properties arc muvclloulI : , aa tcsllfiedlo by Ihc Ihousand" of on e cllpplcd llUl11an ! Jelns ! ; now made \\'cll and free from p31n hy Its use , St. J.ICO ! > ! ! ( Iii has a reconl of cures greater th:1Inil othu medicines. lis ales aft. ! larger Ihan Ihose of ! lny olher prnprlelary me ldnc anti len times reltcr lhan all olhcr cl11brocallons , oils nnd lini- mcnls comhined , f'olmply ' because It has Lcel ! provc to La the hest. Wea.1c : and Sicldy Children Who , pcrhapt , have Inherited a w digeslion , conlinu.llly .iULject to 5t om ap. ! trouhles , loss of flesh nnd geneml wenkncs can be madu heallh ) ' an slrong by the use of Vogclc. . ' ! ! Curalivt. ! Compound , Every doctor who Is at nil up to date willay ! that Vogeler's Curallvc Compound will make the ! Jloo pure and rich , Illing colour to the chefks , and put on flesh \ \ here health de > - mands It. Children who have ucen weak nnd slcldy since birlh shoul be treated wlt Bmall doscs of Vogeler's Curalh'e Compound. from two to five drops , h\lce daily , most satlsfaclory resulls will fotlow. It is the best of atl medicines , becausc It Is made from the formula of a great living physician , ! ; ample " "ule r' ennllr'tlnn , . IlIlbe proprietor- . , St , J\Cub Oil. I t' , M I 1I1'1111h > ' IIHII"'ct , "So this Is a hca1thy tU\HI ? " Inter. rogated the nelV arr\'I1J. ! "Healthy ain't no IlI1l\1e for It. stranger , " oastm ] the uati ve. uWhy , we have only three patJenl4 In the hospital. " "Who arc they ? " . "Why , the doctor , the .undertukc& end the tombstone Ulun , 'l'bey ar. there tor ] ncl { ot n Jurlshmen t. . " - Ohicago Dally News , Thrcw Ills CanC8 AwaY' . ' Snult Ste , : \ Inrle.lIch" : Mnrch 24- Mr , O. L , Smith of 300 Anne street , th. secretary ot the 'l'.ndes Couucll , hUI wrlttcn this sturtllng statewent tOL" pUhllcatlon : "I teel It my duty to mnko pUblle ths- tacts ot my recent l1lncsR nUll reeov- cry , I wus very slele unll sore , amlhnlt to wnlk with the nld ot two canes , It 'was n "Cl'y palntul attack , but I don't know whut It WU8. Some Rllitl It was , . . , 1.\ll11bl\IO , nnd ethers thut it was Sciatica - atica or Itbeumntlsm. "I was told to tuke Dodd's KlI1neT Pilla , and beun : a treatment. Arter 1 hall usell one box I could wnlk wlUII ono cane. und litter two boxes wer& used 1 could wa1k without any belp. 1 kept on aurl three boxes cured wo completely - plotely , "I UI11 now well nnd happy wlthona a pnlll or nn ache , nud I con very truly Bay thnt DOI:1d'R : Kll1ney Pills arc worthy - thy ot my grcatest praise. " , . . . . . Juh" " ) " , , Idc" ur J'nrCIlu , Here Is a lIttle gem clipped fuM D Bmall ' "Par. boy's essay on parents : ent8 IIro things which hoys bllve tll look litter them. : Mtlst I-tlrs ] also have parents , IJarents consist ot pas antf. mas Pas talk a good deal nbou& what they are going to do , but most. . Iy it's the mas that make you mind. " . l\Joro Faotorlell l"lcedetl " mnt the 'Verrtern towns need [ a mo" manutacturlng Industries. Take Unlouville , Mo" tor exam'lle- [ Ten yc/u's / ago it was on ordlnnry COUll" try tOWl1 ; tlHlny It Is tbe best town I _ North Missouri , because In this town It located the Putnam Fadeless Dye OODl' pauy'R factory , which aUllulllly lUanutaCo " " tur s three million packaits of l'utU m J1'ndelt'S8 Dyes. Tbls not only giTeS employment to , large number of men , women BIIII chit. dren. . bnt It mnkes tbl ! postoffice the best I1aylnlr ofilcf ! In North Missouri , Tht mall trom this firm alone runs from O'l to 7,000 letters per day. Itliso largely Incretles the expresl\ \ tl'll'gr/lllh , and raUroad business , besldef Indlrl'ctly benefitlng OTery business ia towa. , ( ) ou1cln't Ii. . " All ) " Clotblli. Ethe ] 's mother told the grocer ta- send let a dressed turkcy , and when It arrived the Htte ] . : uiSs said : . . "Mammal the turkey Isn't dressed at all i It's perfectly nude , " CHANGE OF LIFE. . , Borne Sensible Advice to Women - men by Mrs. E , Sailer. If DEA..B MRS , } > INJtU..U ( : - Whea I rassed througb wbOot , is known JUt change of life , ' I had two yeara'lI11f. lcrinsr-sudden bCllot , and all quick cbllls would paBIl oyer me ; my appetit. "ILS vlIorlo.blc and I neyer u1d tell for MRS. E. SAILEn , rlMldent Germm ! teller Aasoclatfoa. Loa Angelo. , Cal. n day a. time how 1 , , , ould leel th\51 next day , Five IIOttll'R of J..ydln E. X > > Jnlchum's Yeg'ltablo Co HHlUd I changed 1\.11 tlmt , my dltys ecame day. I o ( hl'lIlth , aud I have , enjo 'cd every daY' 6il1c no\V sit \I'arlt , I " We u' > tl conlldernb1fJ of your Yegetable Compollucl III our . wOl'lc , ns we find thllt to restOl' II. poor mother to health 60 she can support her- I aolf and thosa Il"pndent. upon her , it fiueh there be , is truer charity than to- give ether /LId. You 1mve my hearty cmlorfScU\cnt , for ' 0I1 Imvo provol1 yourself 1\ true frlentl to liutTerlnlf W mcn-Mns. E , S.urRII , 7 , ( j 11I118t" 1.09 A DJ'elus ; , Cnl.-S5ooo fo'filt If boc. t.- C/monlall / , not q'III/II' ( : , No other person can r.'IV6 such Jtclpf111 ml"icc to women whc. are sick ns cu.n l\ri. : l > lnkJuun. lor no uUwr hus 11I\(1 such grent ' ,4' ' cqltlrfenco-lwrultlrcIs : Is Lynn. 1\TUSN" I\wl her advice freo-If you are sick write ltOl'-'OU are j I fool18h If ; ) ' 0\1 dou't. I . !