Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 10, 1902, Image 1

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    " ! " "IM ' . . . ' ' "
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' ; ES'1'ABI ISHED 1882. THE OFli'ICIAI-4 PAPgH 01" CUS'rEI COUN'ry. T AHGES'l' CIRCUT A'I'ION 01" Al\ry PAPgH IN 'rlI1 COUN'I'Y.
" , } ,
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, . . . . . . . . . - , .
, . " .
I glassc arc 1I0t wom 115
r . 1111 OrJ\UlllcUt , hut thcv IIccllllot
I hc lhc rc\'crsc. 111 fitlill glasses
I : IIrl' IIclirly ul\\'uvs ! 1 ! ; fi lIriI1J ;
perfect fittill olie IIl'\'l'r. 'fhc
skillcil opticulI1 takes illto l'OIl-
t-iceral ! ol1 thc si/e a1\l1 ShllPl' of
lhe wearcr : ; fllCC , 111\11 I'l'lllces '
lhe ohjectiouahle fcatures to II
' : lIIiuilllllll. Perfect fittil1g glasses
cost 110 lIIorc lhall ill fittil1
i O t r.s , :
. ,
' \
"rllllnt\11I 0 , CblCRI/II 0\11 hnlmlo CUllCI ; ( , ,
. ; . . . .ene..e C e
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' - - - - - -
-SCh ) ( l Buk ,
, I ll'SCh
: - k
' 1' '
, I \ ! . ,
' ! ' I ahlets
' 1'
* -\NJ > -
! ! ;
t , School Supplies ,
$ ! . .
" : -0\1'-
; 1'
i" . \ ! .
" 1'
' : f : J. a. Haeberle's.
I' - - - ' . ' . - - . . - - ' " .
: , : : . - : - - - - -
i" DR. Pelle Elizabdh Fi ll ( , . \
mD J } ! ) : n l1jB IDh : jBjnj
9 a. tn. to 1'2 111.
1 :30 : to1 p. 111.
' , , , " . Or hy appointmcnt. .
1 61"Ofiice O'erllIlerSOIl'S Jewelry Stem
in Heatly IIIock , Brokcu 1I0w , Nehmskn
: . _ _ _ _ _ - - > . . . . . . . o
If lro\lblcll by a weak ! likestou ; , los
of nppctitl' , or conotipalioll , try a fe\ '
Iloscs of Chamher1aiu's Stomach aUI
Li\'cr'l'ablcts. H\'cry uo" warr\IltcII
For sa1e by J. G. lIaehcrlc.
IIcft"ty H'1(1 ! H rC1I1 : UI.
Are desirable. Y Oll arc stronf
alul \ " g'orous , whcn your blood i
pnrc. 1\1 any-nay , mUHt-WOI11Cn
fail to propcrly digcst their food
aud hecomc palc , Hallow , t1l il
and wcck , wh.ilc the brightneH
freshness and bcauty of thc ski ]
and cou.plcctionl dcpart. I cm
< . dj' this unpleasant edl , hy cat
iug nurishing food , and ! akin !
a mall dose of Herhine aHe
each meal , to digcst what YOI
hayc caten ; 50c. Sold by gd
McC01l1as llrokcn Bow and } .lenw
! tlnrlu 1 U4.IJUrt fur 'ro'ny.
\\'hPht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .1
lIMlc ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0111" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
lurn. : . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 : ; @ . '
H'o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '
1Ilittor . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '
ICIIR. ! : . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
l''t81I1c o I'pr lIuAliol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
OnIOIl" . lIer "nB ol. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .
1 lIlcleu , pur tJllund , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IlClIC , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ij ,
1''Wi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' :1.2r : , Gel a
II\I.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.5' ( ( 5.
' 1'1IIt.CStl , Icr , ' .ollod. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
f'llr"W , pl'rcwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
JI.IY. Nt'w , ! , or ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .
tUl\nr. ! Iler cwt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r. .
- - - - - - - - - - -
[ : : : ; : : : J
\ :
" 'arm meals at all hours at the
B. & M. restamant.
S. 14' nnd P. D. Glo\'cr of
Dry \'alley , were city viHi tors
yesterda \ ' .
J. lb'Valkcr of Walwortl ,
was a friendly cnller at thiH ol1icc
I . L. Francis sold 1\11' . Prcth'-
man two car loulH : of cattlc f r
572.00 a head.
Ben Gates sold thrcc car load
of cattle Monday to Jas. PI'cH.y-
lIIan for $75.0U a head.
fb A. Scrihner of Sargcnt , is
to bc tried in this cit\ ' ' April 15 ,
on the charge of' lceping a
g'ambling , resort ,
Heay\ , steers wcnt up to SO
Monda ) : in Omaha , allli hea\'y
hogs to S,85. No farmer tha't
has either cattle or hogs to sell
can complain at these price ; .
J. H. Dean of l'no , who has
be ( n in thc city 3cyeral wceks
under the 11octors carl' , iH still in
I a serious cond i tion. 'l'here is
uut little hopes of his reco\'cry.
Barnes , the optician , cye specialist -
ialist of Dt'nver"anc1 Omaha , wi11
he at thc Grand Ccntral , 'l'hurs-
day , the 17th of April. ' 1'he doctor -
tor comes well recommended a1Jl
will make rcgular yisits in thc
future. Consultation free.
MAHlmw-At : the rcsidence of
the hride's parents , April I } , 1902 ,
uy HeS. . \V. Richards , l\Ir.
Walter Loyd and Miss l\ary
Ca\'wood , both . : If Broken Bow ,
Nib. 'rhc RW'UUI.ICAN extends
congratulation to 1\11' . and Mrs.
1.0)'d , and wish thcm a long ,
happy anll prusperouH lif ( to-
l"rank Ste\'en of the Crete
I . Nurseries was in thc city Hatur-
day delivering' fruit , forest and
ey rg-l'ecn trees to his customcrs
in this locaJity. 'l'he Rtock was
apparentlj iil most excellcnt
Hhapc and the p1rchascrs ! werc
well pleased. Mr. Stephens will
makc anothcr dclivery here ncxt
wcck. He informs us that he
will hc arou nd in J u nc awl make
o l pcrsonal inspcction of the trces
he has sold and to dircct in their
cult \'a tion.
.101111 \Vhecling' of the 'Vest
' 1'a hlc , sh i pped ( ,4 head of hog
to Omaha last week that brought
. him the top of thc market. 'l'hc
hunch weighed 17420 , pounds and
brought hi It1 $1,175.41) , less thc
freight and comll1isHion , which
left him . nct. ' 1'u thc
first school bo ) ' or girlout side of
, Broken How uuder IH years of agc
that will tell or writ mc what
Mr. Wheeling receh'cd a pounl
for his hogH gross , by computing
from the aho\'e fig-lires we wil1
- gl\'c them thc Rm'uDIIcAN frce
for one year.
We note from \Vashingtor
orrcspondcnt to t hc State .I our.
11al 'I'ucsday that Scnator Det.
rich has rccommended the al '
pointmcnt of Dr , II. C. MilicI' te
succeed \V. II. Harrison as posl
mastcr of UrlIul Islanl1.V. . H.
Harriwn is a brothcr of Fran1-
Harrison , publisher of 'l'hc Nc' '
hraska State Record , at T4incoln
'rhe Hcconl b ng an anti-'l'homJ' }
son-Dietrich organ nm ) ' not haYI
ut any t gure in the change 0
pustm sters. Dr\J ! IIlcr is .
dl'ntist and uscd to make DrokcI
Bow 011 his professional rounds.
- - - -
- -
- -
- - -
\ Fancy Seed PottLtoes ,
' - " , ' Select GtLrden Seed.s ,
Select Flower Seeds
, Stock and Poultry Food-s.
. o Chicken Grit..Eone na Shell
, Casoline and Machine Oils.
: , \ ; 0 Harness Oils.
Yours for Business ,
I I " Purc Old ' 1'RADE Cider Vincgar. . J . C . BOWEN
_ . - - .
School \\'arran ts wanted. Highest -
est mar1wt priccs paid. 44h
J. M , KI1I111I\HLING. \
.TUllgc Hokomh uf f.Jincoln ,
spent 'l'uesdaand " \Vedncslla ) '
\'iHiting' wit"tl relath'es aud
HeClaud Houson of IIoO ! ier
\'alley and J. M. Esley and fam-
ilyof Dunlling , were in town
I Mr. Stevcns , a deputy organizer -
izer of the Highlanders ls in thc
cib' looking after the intcn ts of
th lodgc at this place
N. 1" " . McClurc went to Omaha
last ' . .l'ucsdamortlin . to attend
a mceting o.f the High committec
of the li'orestcrs of wh ich hc is a
mcmhcr. lIc returned Sunday
morning' .
l eShetlcr Pastor of thc
Presb\'tcrrian church and Jas.
\Vhit head wcut to Kearncy
' 1\wgI1ay to attcnd the session of
thc Presbytery. Mr. Whitehcad
rcturned home last night.
Ner Hartley haH put down a
new walk in 'front of his re dtl-
ence property on weHt , Maine
strcet. He suggests that Romc
of his neighbors could uencfit the
puhlic as well as impro\'e their
property uy doing likcwisc.
lIa\'e . , 'our eyes . tested . h r , . thc
famous Opthalomcter Just II1\'cn-
ted. 'l'he most complcte and cx-
pcnsiye instrumcnt madc for
testing the eyes. No charge.
Solid g01 < l anll rolled gold framcs
at less than half thc rcgular
A. H. Copsc ) ' of Westerlle ,
was a friendly callel' : tt thisol1ice
Jonday. u iuforlllB us that
thc Forward boy who acchlcnt1y
shot himsclf last weck was his
granllson. 'l'he account of the
accident is given by our 'Vestcr-
yille corrcspondent' .
Oscar l nglsjenl of Hounll
Valley , cal1cd 'I'ucsilay and had
his subseription'ldvanC < ' . 11 another -
other year. Mr. gng'lesjerd made
a trip to Norway last fall a 11I1
only returncIl a few weeks ago.
He repol'lH ha'i ng cnjo\'ell his
trip \'cry much and sa , v man ) '
things of intercst 011 his journey.
' 1'he enterprising' tirm of
\Vilson & Drakc Ims somcthing
special for the readers of the
HHI'UJIIICAN this wcek in form of
a four colum adyertisement. If
yOU are in thc market for anything -
thing in .their line it .will pay you
to takc tunc to read It oyer and
thcn call on thcm and 5ce their
, mammoth stock.
Dora , the t wclyc ycar old
daughter of 1\IrH. Lillie King 01
this city who has been sick for
scycral wccl < s was required to
submit to a surg'ical operation
last Frida ) ' causcd b ) ' an ahcess
'of thc lungs resulting from
plenrisy , At tbis writing
the paticnt is reportcd as gctting
along nicely. Drs. 'l'aluot ha !
, chargc of the case.
' ' ' ' ,
'l'hc Ccntral 'I'elcphone Com
paIn' will soon .hcgin the con.
stnidion of a party line extcnd ,
ing northwest from Brolen Bow
_ conneding J , G. Painter , Hoga.
boonc , 'l'yson , Barrett , Jeffords ,
Hcesc , ] oh 1son , North Big-g-er-
sta IT , Omstead , Rcam an
Russom. Another extention hm
been arranged from \Veisscrt tc
Elton and from \ Vesterlle t <
Arcadia connccting the principa
farmcrs in Lee Park.
Miss Lottie HichardH ia\'e :
rcception to her Sunday schoo :
class ' 1'ucsdJY aftcrnoon. He
class consists of about thirty fiY4
boys and thcy wcre ncarly al
prl'Hcnt. 'l'he boys report havin {
enjoyed a fine time from 4 p. m
until ahout 9 o'clock when the'
returned to their homes. 1 ;
addition to the amusemcnt
their teachcr had provided fo
. the hoys an elcgant supperwhicl
was servell and rclished b ) ' all.
F. C. Emhrcc of Ortello vall c' '
passcd through hcre last Frida
. on his way home from an oyei
land trip with his team ani
wagon to Park and Maso
City. At Lce Park he laid in
supply of alfalfa secd to BOW 0
his \'alley farm. A t Mason Cit
he boug 1t a thoroughbred Pof
cd Angus bnll of J. A. Amshcrr
to lcad his heard of cattle. 'I'h
bnll was a year old March 1'2 an
in common flesh wcigs ( ,55. IIa
he heen raincd he would ha\ '
I easily welghcd 800 or more. H
is registercd No. 50950. M'
. . Emuree is justly proud of him.
I' U. . \ .
A Hpccial cssion of the M. n.
A. lodge will uc hcld 'l'hU1'sda '
April f7. All member arc requested -
quested to he prc cnt :11\(1 especially -
ly the mcmhes of the deg'rce team.
( 'hnl'l h H'rclltioll.
' ! 'hc rcceptio-i ncw mcmbcr
in the Uapti t chmch last li'ri-
day ' night was ttuitc ! muce sful
all'air. 'l'hl' prograui as ad\'el'-
tiscl1 was carried- out in dctail.
Bye 1' , " person on the' pr grlIl1 :
was prl' ent. At thc concluston
of thc program rcfreshments wcre
sCl'\'cll in t hc lecture room to all
thc mcmuers and gucsts prcsent.
Attontlon l'tllllllUlI ) ' 1.
You are conllnandcd to mCl t
for drill , inspection and target
prac isc on Monday April 21st
1901. You will ass'emule at the
Armory at I ) o'clock a. m , of said
day. 11'herc will be scrces on
dccoration day , May Oth , and
you arc ortlercll to asscmblc at
the Armory on said da'I'he
da\ ' drills are set as fol1o\\'s : 'I'he ,
first Ionday after thc 15th day :
of eachl'l month until furthcr
orders , if thc 15th falls on Mon-
da > ' , thcn that day will he the
l11'111 day. ' 1'here will ue no day
Ilrill in May , l'xcept on llccoration
day. By ortler of
IIorracc li' . Kenncdy , Captain.
N. ' 1' . Uadd 1st Sergent.
. ' 11111 ] 101'1'19 Allll11ll1tctl.
- -
l'hc yacancy in the ollicc of
Supervisor , itiDistrict No. 11l1ade
by thc resignation of H. P.
S'a\.agc who has heen appointed
post mastcr at Scargent was filled
! ast Saturday uy the conllty.c1lrk : ,
Judge and trcasurcr appol11tmg
I" . , S. MOl'ris of Sargent. ! \r.
Morris is enc of the old rcsidents
of the count > . , a man of gooc
judgment and strict intcgrit ) ' .
We pl'cllict that hc will ma1C a
g'ood oflicer. A. II. Copscy of
\Vestefyille had bcen urged uy
his fricnds to hc a caudidate for
the pI acc'tlu t he decli net ! 011 the
grounds that he could not an'ol'd
to neglect his priyate business
for what therc is in it.
A ew ' 1'11110 ( 'm'll.
'l'he State Journal of thc 8th
gives J. } i'rands' opinion of thc
new time card that is to g'o into
efTect on the Burlingtort May 1st.
No. .n that Ict\'cs : Lincoln now
at 11.10 p. m. and arrivcs , at
Billings at 4:15 : a.m. sccond day ,
willlea\'e Uncoln at ] :30 : a. m ,
and arri\'c at { 3:45 : a. 111.
next day. ' [ 'hat will hring 41
into Broken Bow about ( , :30 : a. m.
instcad of 4:04 : as now. No. 42
will arriye at JAncoln at 1:10 : p.
m. instead of 4:45 : a. m. It's
timc for Broken Bow will bc
auout ( , or ( , :30.Vhether : therc
arc to be : ill V changcs made on
43 ant ! 44 is ilOt stated , but as 42
will comc in here on 44's timc , ill
all proabilitythere will uec1wnge
made in the time of the local
trains. It isc1aimed the changc
contemplated will cnablc the
road to make more satisfactory
conncctions at hoth Kansas City
find Billings.
1i'oH SAI.n-Baru , 16x18 fcet.-
J. A. AIUlOUH. 1.30 tf
' 1'110 Bus } ' lice.
'l'he llu\ ! : , lice is a name which
! \Irs. Amsberry adopted somc
ycars ag-o for her Sunday School
class. ' 1'hc memhers of hcr c1as
rangc ill age from niuc to twclve
rear ! : ) . And while thc memhm
of the BUB ) ' Bee nccessarily must
challg-e hy graduation and by th (
the admission of new recuitH , thc
name has 5en'ed the 5amc c1as
of loyal workers for the lasl
dozcn or more ycars. 'I'his Bus )
Dee Society mcets at the homc 01
, itH tcachcr c\'el' I"ridny aftcrnool
after four u'clock for thc worl < o.
I thc society. 'l'he ocicty clect :
s its officers frotU it mcmhcrs
l'An election is heM once a mont !
:1 : when a president , \'ice president
hccretary and trC' l5urer arc elect
cd. ' [ 'he scssions open witl
scripture rcading , prayer :1111 :
rcading of the minuets. A mem
uer5hip fec of jh'c cents a month
is collected which added to till
a money earncd h ) ' sewillg carpe
rags , tying comfort1 ! , etc accumu
lates qitite a little sum which i
used as the society mOl ) ' dmignat
for charitaule pUl'pOSC5. In th
wintcr of 94 and IJ5 whcn ther
were so many needv in our mids
thcy used their mcans to proyid
'e for the poor. 'l'he ) ' frelucntl !
: e contribute towards furnishin
r. the church uy helping to 1m
carpet , win ow ulinds for thei
cta s I'oom , soug books , etc.
\Yhcn a lar er expcnditure than
usual is dccHled upon an occasion
social hll'R heen held. ' [ 'he society
has an 1ndianschool ill Oklahoma
to which it contributes anl1ual1y
about Christmas , One of th
pleasant features lIf the Bus'Hee
1\ ! ' the Easter Egg hunt which
1 Mrs. .Ant ! bcl'ry prO\'ides fOl' an-
i nual1y on th Saturday hefot'c
: Easter. ' ! 'hc last egg hunt vas
, one of the 1II0st pleasant. PrlZCS
are awardcd to all the hunters
: and the mO1t ! successful drawing
llirst prize. ' ! 'hc ttttlnucr of eln-rs
hidden is regulated bthe ,
lIumbcr in the societfrolil three i
to six fol' each meniber of the
class. On last Saturday a week
whcn the huntcrs had 'omplctcd
their work haying found cycr ) '
egg hu tone t hc , ' were Hcn'cd
with rcfresl11ncntg , consistin ! } of
icc cream , cakc , fruit etc. 1'he
frequcnt meetings of the society
an < 1 thc work in which the 11Ie11l-
bel's arc cn1nged helps thcm " , to
grow up 1I1to intelligent and
active worlers in the communit ) ' .
- - - - -
Ilcrhlcu , Curctl.
} i'evel' and Ag-ue. A d ( ) c witi
usually stop a chill , acontitntancc
always cures. Mrs.'m. . M. .
I Stroud , Nitlothan , 'I'e m , May
31 , 1SII ) , writes : "We havc lHlt l :
IIerhinc in , our family for eight :
years , and fO\lnd \ tt the best
nellicne we ha\'e C\'CI' had for la
g-rippe , hilio\ls \ fcvcr , and ma-
laria. " 501 ; . Sold uy 1 (1. ( lc- .
Comas , Brokcullow : l1ll1 lcl'l1a.
'rhe.elcctiou . 'l'ucslh y passed
ofT qUlctly , hut was qlute a surprise - '
I prise to C\'eHoue . , in its rcsult.
l'he citixcns.tickc carried hy a
yote of ( ,0 , to ( ,1 to 3f amI 38 fm
tcmpct'ance.Anslcy Chronicle.
1"1'om " thc abo\'e it appears that
we wcre not correctly informed
on the vote at Ausle , ) ' as given
in last wcek's issue o ( thc HH-
I'UIIIICAN.Vc an not clear
whethl\1' the Uhronicle means to
conycy that the question of temperance -
perance carriell h , ) ' two 01' other-
wise. A t any ra tc t hc yote on the
tcmpcrancc antI citizens tic1\Ct
was \'cry closc , enl ) ' ol1e majority.
Cilurcil Hcr\'lcmt.
11.\I"f/HT / cmIHCIr.
l'reachiu ill the IIlIptist church next
lIndllY at II n. Ill. anI.H , p. Ill. l1I\1l\y
school lit 10 u. Ill. JU11l0l' n. Y. 1' . " . lit
3 p. 111. , allll oenior n. Y. P. , ! . lit 7' p.
111. You are cordially il1\'hcel to IIttclld
Ihese ! > cr\'iceH. . \V , R1C/I.\JWH. 1'n8tor.
' ' ' , . .
l'UllIS'I'ru. crrvnc/I.
Hun < < lay school at Jo II. In. Ch\lrch III
11 a. 111. fiIlll 8 p. 111. V. 1' . . C. 1 . at
p. III. Praycr IIIcetin , Wl'rlnesdny , lit ! : I
p. 111. V. P. S. C. H. Icmlcr-Prof , . 1\r.
lIlue. l1hject , "Gi\'illg ; " tH law , it relied -
lied ! ! iulluence.-2I\11 Lor. : SI'5. : 'J'he
SUllda ' ' will he lII.
ser1l10n ) c\'cning e-llec : )
Iv to the yomlS { people. Suhject , "Possi-
tiitities. " ' 1'wo 1I1OI'C IIlhlilioUH u1\dllv \
c\'cuing , heing II ! : in all sillcc the IStl f
Pehrual' ) ' . 'fhe puhlic if ! illvitcll to lit-
tenc1 thesc ! ocrviceH.
u. 11. CllunCH.
Sunday sen'ices lit the P. II. chnrch.
In\llay School lit 10 II. 111. . preaching at
I L.a. n1. . suhjecl , "Iitth : Foxc : ; . " Voun
peoples' lIIeclill lit 7:3u : ; tuhject. "ni\ ' .
III ilt Cliffonll\larljuis , leader. l'relll'1I'
illg III 8 ; tmhjccl , "The Great COli iii ct He-
twcell Goocl alii I H\'il. " l're\chiu lit
Custer CCllter , at 3 1' . 111. A conlllli iu , .
"Halioll is cxte11llcil to e\'crylllllly.
l'rUHIJ\"rmu.\N ! CUl1IlCll.
, er\jccH ill lhc l'rcsh'lcriull chu rch
ncxl SlIhbath ill Ule lIImilll III II 11. 111.
I \'eninl at H p. 111. J u the e\'ellill the !
pastor will givc his ! occolHI serluon Oil , I
I "Iecognitjon of Fr ll\Ils ill J ( ( 'an'n. "
Y. 1' . . C. It at 7 p.III. . snllject "n'jl1g
Its rIIW. " J1ednl IIInsie will he II ;
featurc of lhe c\'cl1in ! : crcc. . 'rllc !
1Iu1l1lc is cordially 111itcll to thcc :
Preaching scrce ill the : \1. H. ehurl'll
both lIIoming alHI e\'euiu HIIIHlay , Thl
Jallic ) Qllurtl'ttl' will Hill ill Ihe lIlont'
ing UIIIIlhc Youug peop1es rhoro\ls h
lhe E\'cniug. . \11 arc illvitc ! ! .
( lio. 1' . 'J'lu'rfi . Pastor.
H'I'OI-H . . lit ; ; CtHIn
A41) WOIUCH ( ) I I" 'I'IIJ C.CH.O.
l.axlII\'o UrIJlIIII'Iulr.lno 'l'lIblcl cnrll" cnltll1
, UIIO 1111) ' , Ho CUI'I' , No j'jlY. l'rleo fcULI.
, . . . - - - . . - -
M . [ l1 , " . '
, ( I
' ; , '
Paints ,
Oils and !
I Wall Pape11 _
. .at. .
Ed. McComas'
Jrug Sto e. r1tf
:1 : :
t I
. '
. . . . . . _ . . -
- - - ' - - - - - - - - -
r = , , ; ; ;
i : t. ! m mm : i : i ' ! :
I4ubricatiug oils of a111dn l at.
\Villdn's drug' store.
Moncy loaned 011 improved
farms. .r AJ\II\S \ Lm > WICII ,
7 18 tf Drol < en Bow , Neb. I '
- I
Ur. l'V. . Bass , deu.tist , oOice I ' '
northwest comer of I ealt ) ' B1ock I :
8-1 tf , ' : }
Ifill' " " 1'- ' .
My residence ; 1'1 I : 1
part of town. Also good family I : '
< lriying' horse , huggy and har. . I' ' '
t1css.--\V. B. Poor. 3U tf ii ,1
- ,
] rOH SATH OR 'l'HAnH-'l'own 'I ' " ' -
lots and a few tive acre lots iu I "
this city , for , horses or farm II I
land.-Allen Rc'ncr. j
I ,
Go to the n. & M. restaurant , I 1
for cigars , touacco , candies , etc. ; :
A\lC'J'IONlutll. , I
- - -
Sales cried ] Dverywherc. Stock I '
sales a specialty. 'Vrite or sec , me '
for terms and dates. J U ) ) KAY. ' 1
27 tf Box 1 p , Broken Bow , , t ,
. _ ,
' \ VnllutVltllout CrntcIU'N. ; : , I
, I was .much ufili ted with sciaM : ! J
tlca , wntes ] Dd. C. Nud , 10wa'I '
yillc , Sedwick Co. , Kan. "going IJ
ahollt 011 crutches anti sutTcring'a i" )
deal of pain. 1 was inlluccd to : : \
try Ballard's Snow I4inimcnt , i
which relch'cd mc. I. used thr e i
50c bottles. It is the grcatest
linimcnt 1 c\'er used : have recom. . :
cllded it to a numbcr of persons , ,
all cxpress themselves ns ueing- ; ,
benefited by it. J 1I0W walk ! J
without crutchcs , able to preform ;
a grcat deal of light labor on the ; :
farm , " ' 25c 50c and $1.00. So1 < l :1 :
hv Ed. MCCOn1lH Brokcn Bow :1 :
and Merna.
' 1- -
1"arms for sale at.d lands for ,
relit. Now is thc time to get a I
farm cheap , as the cheap farms ,
arc ll going , and prices are advancing - ' ,
vancing rap dly.-J. G. Brenizer.
If you intend to build call at
Dierks Lumhcr Co. and get pricc .
l"oR HUN'l'--A wcll improved
farm. JAMES LltDWICH ,
Brokcn Bow , Neh.
Dierl < s 14umucr Co. has in stock
a car load of tiue ce ar posts for
the trade.
'l'he old and reliaule firm of
Dierks Lumber Co. is the place to
go for lumbcr or coal. A good
snpply and ! ? rades to mcet the
wants of thclr cUHtomcrs-are ; :11- :
ways in stock. 32-1 tf
ltoYl\l IIIghllUlllorK.
: . .
A spccla 1 mcetlng 0 f t 1 Ie
Royal Hig-hlandcrs will ue held
ncxt'I'ueHda ? ' eycning. Busincss
: of IIl'gent Impol.tallce demands
L the prt.'sence of all memucrs.
Joshlnh'K ( ] um'IKhlll.
. Josiah's Courtship will be ron-
tIer ll b ) ' the YOllllg people in the
hall at Anselmo Satruday night
n April ! ' } . 43-44-
_ .
r - 1
- - - - - - - - - . . . . - . - - - - - . - - - . - . - - - - -
.Yf. . ' . I J. [ V ! ! . . I. '
? I' r' I' "I' " . ' " 1' " \ ' "I' I' I' "I' "I' " " At ; " 1' "I' ' 1' "I' 7f'J
'I' 1 have agnin tnkon POBBORSOD ! of I
? tt And am lhorcughl } ' ( JI'nl1il1 and \\iug it up with modern *
I illlpr"Vlml'nll ! , thlltl ilHlnrlug my gnP-R'B I'v ry uomCort. in- ? : "
! f. C1lul1in111'1111 \ warm . 'c'lIs and good. hOH'lt ; ! fqll1rO ! in"t
With thid I { fort I HoHoh the pUroD : go or nil my olel
" fnoullK RUll many new onus. ? iEj
* *
B. A. WA1.rrs : Prop.
J/ . , , lc. :
'I' ,
. / 'k ' L " " - * - t J ! . ! . ! . , , ! . ! . k ! . ! ! . " ! . , , . , ' *
" .