- , . . , \ " SIt" 11 - - " / . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . ' . .L1' ' ' . . ' 10\\1.1 , . . (1" ' " ' ' l' ' , n M I' - " . . " " USTER OUNTY EPUBLICIN. . , . . . ; " : . . ' BS''ABI.lISngU ( lRS2. 'l'IIB Oli' ( ' ICIAL PAPI I 'Ol. ' CUS''J ( H COUN''Y. ( T.lARG l S'l' CIHCUI4A'l'ION Oli' ANY PAPRH. IN 'l'IlE COUNTY. " . ' \ N" : , , " , ' 'i' - ' : , " VOL XX , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , APRIL 3 , 1902--EIGHT PAGES , NO.42. , " r . ' . , t" . , . ' . " I ' h : i . < . ' . . ( . . . \ , , . " . . . \ ' , ' , . ( , . . . " " . . 'Ii i ' " , tt _ ' . 1H. WINK - :1m : UI.l I { ' Blillk . " 'hclI ' IIn morc. " 0111' t'1. cycs titc nlld achc. Wlll'lIlhe\ ' . hecolllc "wuleralii I \ ! lIlrlrf. < ' \ollllltlsl"willk" . : , \ \ \ to gl.t ' clear ' OII.Vhell "hlillk" , I " . \ S OII. YOIl ' ; : ' ill II hright light. WIIl'II ! ; ce . . ,1. heltI' , . with OIW c"e clos cl. r : . ' : \\'hclI "Crow's fcel" first. ap. r. \ , pcar. Whell lIatlln. ' thus wnms : ? --that's the timc to take IIIl1a- r < ! HlreS to ) lrcscn' , 'our \'l'S , UlIII .l \ ' cOIIIlliclih ) 11 c-tO tmll- ) Ies. IIa\'c thelll t'xalllillcli at ' f' : . " OIlC ( ' hy a comlcllI1t ) opticiull. , . : \Iy ClIslOllllrslrC III ) ' hest acl. " Ilh CIIIClltS. Will yon lc OIlC. I , 1\ 1I I \ ' t' i I , ' . k _ . . . _ _ _ - - - - - _ . . . . . . . : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " I , ' ; School Books , 1 " 1 . , ; ! i " " . . - , , , ' " /.11 / I ' \ ' " Tablets I' hI1' . ' " \1' . ' . . . ' .H / ; : " , . . . . . , ' , " , ' , I , " " 'jt " , , , , ' -A n- , I , , ? ' , , ' . . . : t ; SChO I IJlJllieS ; , , . , JI , ? - 'I .1 A1' " \1' ' . --AT- ' o'- 'I' " ! ' j I - . 'I' 'I'J. . ; G. Haeberle's. , .JI , , - ' 1 \ . il . _ : - . : : : , . . PC ! l Elizab. th Fields , DR. , . , IDtj' : BD n. lJJn ID1 ] 1Jjr ! } ] llPICH 1'10Ul : , 9 a. m. to 12 111. I 1 :30 : to 4 p. 111. , Or by a ppoi n tmen L n6Y.Officc o\'cr Allderson's jcwclry Slore in Rcalty Block , Broken Bow , Nehraska. " " . . . - : " . . . . . , I If lrou ) lcrl hy a "eak ltigcstiOll , la' s I of IIppctitc , or cUllstipatioll , try a fcw doscs of Chamherlaill' : ; Slolllach IIIHI 1.'cr , Tahlels. Every hex warralllcl\ \ ' POI' sale hy J. G. IIaeLcrle. \ ' - Auc"'r ( NI.I ! : It. I " - I , . . / Salc : > cried ] \'crywhcre. Stock : salcr a spccialty. \\Tritc or scc mc I for terms and elatcs. JUD KAY. 1 2 tf Box 111 , Brukcn Bow , I Neh. " 'rodn ' . IUnrltC' UCIHII" fur ) \ \\'h"/lt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .n , ) I Hlillcy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I , UI\tK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .ro eorll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 : ; @ .4 ; I H'o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Hlillur . . . . . . . . . . . . ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O ItL ! H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 . I'lIllllnc. . pcr hltAhcl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Ii . C)1I11I1I ) 'llcr 1111911111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.IMI 1'IIIIIon _ , I'tll' 11\II\lI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I't } 1I0IH , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . Ii . , ' I"w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'a. a . ,0 HltI"II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If I. : ; , co I ) fn 'rnrkl'.HI'Orl > ollllli. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . lli Hrl\w.llurcwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 1IIY. Nlw.l'cr ' 1011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r.llIl Hn ; < lIr , I"r ! cwL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.10 - - . _ _ . - - - . . . . . - - - - - - - - Loca f. . ? ? Mention. . _ r' ; " 'r : ' . ! E2a , rarmmeals at all hours at thc . ' ' : 1\1. restaurant. .Toe 11 acmc of McKinlcy , wa a city visitor 'l uesclay. J. Il Chapman of Callaway " , was a ci ty yisi tor 'l'uc cla ) ' , .llIlcs Haull10nt of gIton. lI1acle this ol1ice a social call last ll'ri- llaJ' . C. 'V , COl'ni h of Loeti , was transacting' Imsincss in thl' city ' ( 'uesel l.\ ' . JOl111 l 'a-ic ! rdut'llcdlot1 : ; < la\ ' , night from a few clays . \ ' sit : it I l incull1 anll Milford. FOH Rm'l'-A foul' room hOll ! c , with sUll1mcr kitchcn in north ast ptrtof : town.JOIn.LAUI'IN. : ; . C. fb Guttcnwl1 wcnt to Lcx- ing-ton Sunday night on ICg'a 1 husincss , returuing'Vcdncstla . \ ' I morning' . } . \I' cal'pen tel' work scc n. E. Bauder , in huilcling' acljoining the college on norfh sitlc. ' . First class work guaren teell. . Sa rgel ; t's'ote on t hc sa loon licenRe was 43 to 2 fur saloons. Onl.f 15 majority. _ A not hcr ycar that small majority ought to he easily O\'crcomc. le1'l1a will do without 1ic nse anothcr ) 'ear. 1\Icrna is setting- an l'xample that some of thc lar- gcr dllagcs of thc county would do wcll to folluw. ' 1' . n. Iussell of 'VI1 tman , madc this oO cc a husincss call while ill thc cily 1\lonelar. Mr. l ussell is encriwed in th hotel b h busincss at 'Vhitman. 'rhc Brokcn DowBllualitr Club will mcct at thc hOlIlC of l\lrs. Claucla Snyder li'rielay cvcning' , April .1. A full attendancc h clcsircd. .lUIfA'VII.IIS , Scc ) ' . LilIcolll is to hc cungratnlatcel o thc Jine ' ! howi.ng' 11l l < 1e 'l'ucs- clay against saloun licensc. Out of 4(18 , "oteR cast th rc'c.'rc only ( J majorit.r for 'saloons. ' Elcction was \'cry quiet in thh , city' ' 1'ucscla ) ' . ' 1'hc ollly intcrcst that was manifcst , was hy thc i1l1 -saloon c lctllcn t , who \\t'I't' : UII the alert to scc that their vuters were all out. Dames , the optician. eye spcc- iali : of Dcnvcr ancl Omaha , will he at thl' Orancl Ccntral , 'l'hurs- cla ) ' . the 17t h of April. 'l'he cloc- tor comcs well recomtllcneleel ancl will makc rl'g'1I1ar \ ' sits ill thc fnlurc. Consultation free. ( o'rom tIll' 1\ing'woocl ( Oklahoma - homa ) Recorc1 wc noticell that \V. ' 1' . Cannon allll son , 1leln former resielents of Anslcr , ha\'e Jl1o\'ell to the new cou ltry in norl ht'rIt 'l'cxas wherc thc r will scck a hOlllc.-Ansley Citi1.en. .Tohn l\uh'anl'Y offason itr , who \\'as ill the ity Saturclay its a 1Ilctllher of the G. A. H. count r relief conllllittce rl'l'orkcl ' thiit the so callcil al'lnworm is cloing' consielcrahle dainage to the winter wlll'at ancl rre in his \'idnitr. N. B. Pr cllllorc of West nioll who is also a mell1her or that boarcl statecl that thc ) ' were thick in his vicinitMr , Muh'alll'say : ; they are "not thc arlit ) ' \\'oi'lII lut ; the"olcl fashione , ! Cll twoI'm. . . . . . - - - - - - - - - ' - - i WALL PAPER I I . FaJncy Seed Potatoes , . ' Select Garden Seed.s , i . i Select Flower Seeds. I Stock and Poultry Foods. , " Chicken ctrit.--Eone and. Shell. . . , Casoline and Machine Oils. ' . 'Uarness OilSn " ' Yours for Business , " . Pure Old 'l'RADE MAI Cider K. Vincgar. J . C . . BOWEN I . . , ' f.L. . ' . . . . - A nslcy ga vc a majori ty of2h for saluuns. A hoil c with , rooms and 2 lots for salc at a hargain. ' , , Appl ) ' at once to .I , ll. Smith. . Hcnryoorc : ; ( , who has bccn visiting in Illinois for sercral monthg , returned homc this morning' . Mrs. ] . D. Gallup , who has spcnt thl. ' winter with rclath'cs in New .lcrcy , returned to the city last wecl { . C. II. Kcnnccly of thc Com- mcrdal has rccently had huilt a nl'W bus to l'lIn hetwccn thc clepot a IHI hotcl. Ccxing'ton is anothcr town that staid by its fUl'mcr cOII\'ic- lions last 'l'"ucday ! by clectin r a majority of the councjl against saloon liccnse. - . O. II. Co l1l' : 11 1 , son and daughtct' Arthur and Viola drO\'c ov r to Gothcnhu "I. ! ' , Sunclay to vigil his claughtcr , v i\ln , . Allcn " ( . " : t v IIc.'y. 'L'hey returncd last night. t J. B. ' loore , the abstractfl'has llal'ge new sign that ad01'lls"thc ! front of his ol1ice calling attention - tion that his ollice is the pla e to I . ! ! et reliahlc ahstracting dond-i ' \ Our dealerg quote hcavy 1.lOgS al $ ( , .20 per hundrecl today'anll stecl's $5.00 tu . ' $5.50 ; hutt l' 20 entsi cggs 11 j potatocs 81.25 and. onions at $1.50. llc.n ' is that for repuhlican times ? , . O. C. Murphcyof Anselmo , is in the city today. Hc re lOrts that his stock has gonc through the winter in fine shape. Out of -300 head of cattle' kept OIl' the home ranch hc on 1) ' lost 011 ( ' : IIa d your c'es tcst d by the famous Opthalull1eter Just im'cn- ted. ' 1'hc most complete al\CI \ cx- pcnsi\'e instwmcnt l1I lIlc for testing- the cycs. , No chargc. Solid g-old and rollcd gold frames at lcss than half thc rcgular price. Mrs. Ada Philpot , fOl'Incrlv of this place , but who has. bc u a resic1cnt of Michig'an fOl/the : past eight years , arri\'cl'i' ( 1 " , 'the city yesterclay morning on a "isit of a week or 'n da ys. Shl' has a honse in Ute' ca te1n : part of the cit ) ' she is offcring to sell dlCap. The attt'ntion of the fa1'mcrs is callcd to t.he ill\'crtiselll'nt ! of the Brokcn Bow l ollcr Mills of this cib' ill which VOII are olTl'l'cd allbl'ilnel of their' 110111' in ally anioltnt at cost price. ' ( 'his t ) thc place to ( ay in a slIppl ) ' for the : ; ea on , anc1 show your appreciation - preciation of homc industry. C , 1\L Blowcrs was O\-er from Amotl 'l'uescl ay. Hc reports the mat'l'lag'C of N. .1. Maylancl of Cripplc Crcek , to 1iss ( Hattie 1\1. l obcrtoer , in the 1\1. g. chlll'ch Suneay ! , l WehRtcrol cialing- . An elilbaratc \\'l'dding slipper was sen'cd to a la rgc numhcr of invited guests in the Dcgree of Ifoll r ] lall. While 'V.V. . Burton was hauling - ing il loael of ! tunhcr to hig placc l'ast of town last Wellnesday , the wincl hlcw the lumher over onto thc horses throwing" Mr. BllI'ton olT thc wagoll and causing' thc team to runaway. 'l'hc ) ' ran through iI barh wire fcncl' ilne ! elOW11 into a deep can\'on ancl be- Cilml' entangll'el in the harness. No Ilamag-e WilS clonc to horsl:5 : or wagon.V estcrn lou lid Up. Will MOlltgomcr ) ' of Milhurn , IS in the city ill the interest of the West Ullion , Rounel Valley Hwiss Vallc'clcl'honc ( l'ompany wi th thc vieof eithcr con nect- illg with thc Cl'ntral 'l'clcphone Company at this placc or of cstahlishing a sta'tiol1 ill this dtThe l PUBl.ICA woulel be'plcas cl to scc conncctions macle with thc Central compan ) ' on satisfactorr terms to buth parties as it wciuld : allord bctter sen'hl' : than could all hull'pcn- dcnt statiull. Sample copies of thc month ly magazinc HoolllIuusekccping ; , 'I the Orange Judd I"armer , wcck. ly , and thc Wceldy World. } ( crahllllay be inspeclec1 at this office , 'l'hc IJWUIIJIC.\N has I rcccivl'el authurity to continuc the olTcl' of all ll'ce uf these publications to one pcrson fO ! one year for $1.25 , including , witllOut cxtra chargc , the hand. somc large Ii lhographeel picturc ! 11'l'ug of 'Var. " Wc arc enl } permittccl to make thir , ofTer 1'01 two wceks longcr. _ UIJOI'Io 1.1I llllC'lJ. l , Gcorgc Pulliam was killce J'l'uesc1a ) ' , at 'Waterloo , Iowa , I whcrc he was working' in a rounl house. 'j'hc ( hstrcssing' ncws was convcycd by telegram , nlHl no particulars wcre givcn , cxcept that hl' had bcel1 crushcl hy an ellginc shortly after 9 a , III. Gco. was a 80n of Mr. and h's. O. S. Pulliam of this place , he being ncarly twcnty ) 'cars olcl. He \Vcnt \Vatc1'loo thrce wceks ag-o to accept a position working' in a round house for a railroad company. 'l'he rcmains arl''c(1 ( in Sargent Wednesday night and the funcral was prcac1lcIl at the l' lllialll home nt 1 p. m , 'l'hurs- clay . , March 2ith , hy . HeI4islc. . A large assemhlage of friends gathcrcc1 to hcar the sermon atHl aftcl'ward followed the hearse ! to the "Tcst Union ccmctcl'\ ' I whcrc the intcrmcnt took pla : It is scldom , indccd , that wc arc called upon to rccorcl a dcath so sad and sudden as the abo\'c. ' 1'0 the gricf-strickcn parcn ts at1 < l relativcs of the tcceased ! thc full- cst mca urc of sympathy is out- pOlt1'ctl by the people of this community. . I CI1I1 1.01' Ih llIIl.Jtlcnn Stnto COII\JlltlOII. , - - - Cl1airman B , C. Lindley , has issued the call for thc H publican - can State convcntion to be held at f.lincoln 'V cd ncsc1ay , June 18 , at 2 o'clock , for thc 'purpose of placing in nomination candidatcs for tatc ollices. 'l'he hasis of reprcsentation is bascd on the I votcs cast fOt. Hon. Samuc ( H. I Scdwick NtH'cmber 5 , 1')01 , g' \ ' - Itn' cach county enc delcgate fur ca h 100'otes 01' major fraction thercof and onedclcgatc at large. Custer county is cntitlcd to 20 c1elcg-ates as apportioncil in thc call. Wc will publish the call la tcr. Hl'olwlI Bow Sulttllrs ! 1101101'11 - - - In t\IC \ I.lincoln Ncws , undcr thc caption , Nehragkans brc\'et- ec1 for gallant conduct in Cnban and Phillipiues , appear in thc list , the namc of First 1.lictlt. V. Claris 'I'albot of Brol\Cn How to be capta ill for conspicious gall- an 'Y in action ncar 1\Ianila , } i'cbruan' 22 1Slr ) , and Sccond J.licut.Vilfiam n. Osh01'lt of Ii'irst Nchraslw to he li'irstJAcut. for distinguished action at Wuiug'ua l''cr , Luzon April 1 , 181)1) . Ice ( } I'CllIn. 1 will open up an icc crcam parlor in connection with my place of busincss as soon as thc scason w 1l permit. I apprcciate t hc liberal patronage of the puh- lic in thc past , anc1 in soliciting your liberal patronage for thc future , sh all cndcavor to mcrit ) 'our continucll good will. l\1HS. L. J. CANDY. Nutlclto ' \ " ! ' ( lflors. - - C. g.Vatson , Deput r Com- ' missioncr of f4abor , csi'rcs thc sevcral assessors to fill out a short ' ' thc important report , co\'ering' - portant suhjects concerning' the tl\.c ragc anet yiclel of thc principal - pal crops. ] n many counties f the state thc reports ha\'c hecn 'vcry incomplete and ummtisfac- tory. ' [ 'he papers of thc county arc requestcel to coPY or call at- tcntion to the impor'tance of thesc statistics being' takcn , II rhJllc : Curc. . . . Fen'r and Aguc. A dosc will usually stop a ch ill , a continuancc alwa's cu1' ( s. : ; \frs. " ' 111. M. Stroud , Nidothan , ' ( 'ex as , May 31 , 1HCI ) , writes : " \Ve have usc < 1 lIcrhinl' in our family for eight ycars , and found it thc best II1celicnc we ha\'c e\'cr had f.or la gri ppc , hi liou. ; f c\'cr , and ma- laria. " 50c. uld by Eel. Mc- Comas , Brokcn llow iUHl Mcrna. - - - - - . \ (11'l'rI..tllllI. ( 111 thc mattcr of thc ' 1' . J. B. eta I petition for a brid c : tcross thc micldle Loup rivcr that came 11p fut' considcration at thc rcccnt I session of the counthoarc1 the record docs lIot sh w that the t minority report which fa\'orcd thc granting , the p'tition was 5ccoluled bJ' Geo. Grcenwalt of that di trkt or that his \'otl. : was cast in fa\'or of the bridgc. I am oHicially informcd that th I record was incom plete in t lla.1 , instance ancl that Mr. Ccecmwalt 1 seconded the minority rcport and \'utecl for it and that it Wt9 principally throug-h hi pcrsonal efTods that the hriclg'c was ordcr- cd with the majority rcport ' ! , gainst hilll.-Nn. U'crllUolI to t1W 1\1I'lIIhOl'8 \ , 'l hc mcmhers and fricnd of the llaptiHt church will give a puhlic reception to the new mcnlbcrs , 1i'l'uay ( , April 4 , at 8 o'doc1 , p. m. All older mcmbers as well as all new mcmbcn ; arc rcquested to he present. He- freshlllcn will bc served. ' .l'lIe following' is thc program as arranged h ) ' thc committee : NlO-HUlIIl'l\lItlllrl'CI' : . Huull' , Atltlrc"I.lIlh' , . A 1t1-l\lrll. 0. \ \ ' . AIIIIII' . HUIIIlhIHIh'c"Mr ! , , . n.1\I , AI1I"IIt rn' . . \Iltln'-Jl. Y. I' . U.-J. n. \ \ ' . 1.\\\\1. . , Atltlrc"-\II"MlulI'I-lIIrM. ; : . I : . l.e\\'III. SIIIIIr. . \tltlrc , , -\\'llIltllr . Wurk'rR'11'11. . ArnlUllr. , \II < . . . . . . " . . ] , SI1IIIII ) ' HclloulD.M.AI1I"tx'rrr. . HUIIII' . , \tlI. . . . II--Jlllllur 11. Y. 1' . U.-l\Ir'l. l\\C ! ) ' . , \llth'C"II-Chllrch Ol1lclnl.-J'"hro Arlllollr. Hu 11 11' . Alltln ' 1'1-I.'rIUlII1N 01 Ihl1 Church-Jul ! 1'111'111:111. : Alltll'c 'I uf WCICOIIIUIIl Brhnl ! ul Church-Ru" , H. W. IUrlumiH. SUlllr. Rclrclllll1l1JlIlPI. l\llllhnorlnl \ AN8oclntlol1. . - - - r Ic regular mont hy ( mceting' of the Assucia.lion will ue held at the llapti t church , Monday , Apl'il ith at 10:30 : a. Ill. All the 1II111isters of thc cOllnty arc cor- ( Hall ) ' invited to he prescnt. \V. H. DOGOH'l'T , Sec ) ' . CIurcla HcrvlcclI. 1'IutSIl\1'I IU.\N CIH/ltCU. / Scrvice : ; IIcxt Sahlllllh at II a. III , 11I111 H p. 111. III thc lIIorniug the cOllllllunion will he IIChllillistcrcl1. In the cvcnill the first of two Sl'I'1II0llS un the Imhject , "Recogllition of fricnls ! in lIclI\'cn" will he preached hy the pllstm' . A featurc nf Uw c'cllillg sen'icc wilt hc Hpccial IIIl1sic. Thc Y. 1' . S. C , H. nt7 ) I. III. all Fritlny e\'ellill services lit 8 p. III , HI'ISCOI'M , cmmclI. 1st SlIlIclay IIftcr Hllf tcr , Aptil 6lh. II II. III. lIIornillg serlllon , castc" lIluslc' Autheu ; Renlloll uu thc "Philosophy 01 hnlllorlatit ) ' . " 7 p. m. postpoucll chilllrelHI castcl' ser\'icc ; carols , ncltlresI , castel' e s ( Inti ) lapel's , chillrclIs ( lIIis. : ; iollary orrcrill . A corelilll iu\'itutiol1 to he prcsent i ! ! cxtclltlcil 101111. WMTqN . 11.\1.1 , nlc.pJ\'I"l' : , Rector. . . ' ' ' ' ' . 1I.\I'1'IS'I' CHURCH. Sen'iccs ill the llplist church next SUllcla ' liS foHows : Preachiug' at II n. III. allc 7 :30 : p. III. $ lIlIclny school at 10 n. III. , Jlluior II. Y. P. U. lit 3 p. III. auell selliol' II. Y. 1' . 1. ' . lit 7 p. JI. At the I cluse of lIw lIIoling serlllon the hallll of fellowship witt hc exlcudcello the lIew m elllhcl's , ulIIlthe I.onls Supper will he Illllllillislelecl. Thc Pllhlic ts core1iatty illviteclto IIlleulI thcsn scn'lces. S. W. RIClIAIW9 , Pmtor. - . Clllus'rlAN CIIUHCJI. Scr\'iccs IIcxt SIIIICIIl } ' morning at the IIsllal hOllr , in the e\'euill lit S o'dock. Thc 1II00'lIillg' suLjcct witt hc "The GelllscnHUlcs of ) , ifc. " H\'Cllill suhject " . ' the Worel. " "H.ilhlly Di\'iellllg Spcdul IIII1SIC III thc HnllclI'or. Thc IflClies Aill 'Sodcly ' witt"h'c " II social lit lhc hOlllc of Miss Jlllin Willis : a progrrtllle witt hc rCllllercel. Olle Ul \ dition Sl\Iulll } ' C\'CU- ill l\Iul grcat illtcrcst is hl ! l1J. { ulllllifest- Cfl. The Pllhtic is corelially ill\'itecl , Thc ladies eluartetl gll\'c II finc produc- tioll SUllday e\'cnillg. 'I'he tlonble quar" tette will slllg IIcxt Snllday evcllillg. - ' - - ' - nuto. 'I'hi l'Olllllllllllty wa shockcl yester. cIa > ' 1II0millg to Icarn of the clelltll of l\IJ Mlllllie ) { err , who pa'tMII ! IIWIIY lit hcr hOllle at 12:15 : yeHtcrclllY 1II0rnillg. AI. though shc 1\l1l1 heclI in'Cl' } ' poor hcalth for se\'cral ycars pa"l , IIlIel hrlll heclI a relll snfTercr , the last change fol' thc worse tlill lIot COIIIC ulIlit Wedllcsday I lIIornin , whclI she was tlll:1\l1 elnllgeroll - i . Iv iIlllnrl hcr lif ( ' was dellmircil ! of. Shc. " 'IIS cOllscious until the latt , a\lll ancl lo\'illg to those IIhout her. S Ie hll ! ; Ii\'ed ill this cOllllllunity frolll cllrly chilel- hooclnllel hils JIIUIlY fricllds who siucercly IIIOllrn her loss. Shc WII9 sixteell ) 'CnrR of IIgc , IIICkillg ! lix elllvs. Thc fllnernl ' \'M cOlHlllctcd th t aftertlooll h ) ' Re. . . Richards uf lIrokclI lIow. 'l'hc hcreu\'cll relati\'es ha\'c the s"Jllprtt , . uf all ill thcit. " s1lfl hcrcavClllclIl.-"A lItle Chrolliclc. The Ilcceosecl ; WIIS the dll\lhter ) ( of Mr. IIl1eJlrs. : . j. JI. I"err , who werc umong thc early scWers of the Hll : Crcek COUll" try iU1l1 for ! le\'crnl ycars hovc re ! > illcd ill i\lIsle } ' . : 111' . UlIlI : 11m. Kerr ha'c the fillcer ; sYlllpathy of II hO'lt of friends ill Cllster cOllllty. H'rOI'H 'III' CJ ( II ANn 'VOIUCH ( ) I I " un COI.n. Luallvo UroUlII QIIII.IIIO ' 1'lIhlul. cnru 1& coJclln OIlUIIIIY. No Cnre , Nu [ ' 11ft l'rlc\J 2.c.nil. . . f &J 1'JjlJ Paints , , Oils and Wall Paper . .at. , . Ed. . McComas' . Drug Store. _ _ _ _ 4 , [ BUSINESS m % D t : i : Job printing at this office. . I.lubricating oils of all kimls at 'Vil1dn's drug store. Monc ) " Joancl ou improvcd { arms. JAMHS LUDWICII , 7 18 tf Broken Bow , Neb. . . 1 Dr. ' 1'V. . Bass , dentist , o c'c northwcst corner of Realty Block. 8tf. . Motley to loan on improved far1t1Moorc & 'l'aylor , Ucnlty lllock. 1-23 tf , For . ' . I - My resitlcnce property in west part of tQWI1. Also good family driving Horse , buggy nnd hat ncss.-\V , B. Poor. 39 i C.dlfurliia .41.40 .uu1 netHr. . . , . 'rickets on Rale April 21st to 27th. Mny 27th to jun lith , Allgust : :21111 : to 8llt. Jihcral stop-ovcr nrrmlgc111crtls nuel re. turn limits. } : or mtditiO lul infonnntiou ask the nearest agcnt , Bllrlington Route : or write for n California o1clcr to J. FIlANCIS , Gcneral ) atSellger Agent , Burlington Rotlte. 39:51 , IWlhu , Nebr. . " l 'oii SAIn-Lot's 1 , 2 , 1 and 8 , block 5 , in Jewett's aldition to Broken BQw. Enquirc at this office. 11-21 tf FOR SALH OR TRADn-Town lots and a few Jive acre lots ill this city , for cattlc , horscs or farm land.-Allen ReYl1cr. Go to the B. & M. restaurant for cigars , tobaccos , candics , etc. FOR AI.t-Fivc acres f ! amI' ' in good statc of cultivation ad. . joining' Broken Bow for $200. Imluire at this office. 3-27 tf - ] i'arms for sale aLd landa for rcn t. Now is the time to get a fa flU cheap , as the cheap farms arc all going , and prices arc ad. . . . vancing rap clly.-J. G. Brenizcr. If you intend to build call at Dierks Lumber Co. and get prices. FOR RI N'l'-A well improved farm. J AM US LRDWICJI , Broken Bow , Neb. Dierl s Lumber Co. has in stock' a car load of finc cedar posts for the tradc. 'rhe old and retiaulc finn of Dicrks Lumber Co. is the place to go for lumucr 01' coal. A good snpply and grades to mcet the wants of their customers arc a1.- ways in stock. 32-1 tf \VAN'I'HD--A good 'siuglc bug. . gie ancl harncs . Addrcss , Box : 1011 , Brol\Cu Bow , Ncbraslm. . - - } : AIl\t : IrOll Su.p.-I60 uen. : ! , nearly 1111 hlack loam soil , 1\11 untl r fCl1c , 65 acres in past lire , ahout 00 acres uncIer culth'u. tion , 2 IIcres in ho pasturc , halsnce , pruirie lIIctclSod hOllse 2-tX26 shin- glc roof , in good cOlutition , h'I1raulic well , 111\11 winclmill. frame ham for lib : horsl li , 11I111 corn cribs. One llIitc Cllst of Baptist church in I.ou } > \ \ ' ! . ) ' near CUIIIW post office. Clear title. ' } tis is a. bargnin , } , rice $1,000 , isoo cash. Time will bc gwcn on the : balance \\'i l interest lit 8 per cent. For llucticulars enquire of l\Irs.Imlahcth ScIlDrokl'1IBowNcb. 39tf , . . - - - . . - . - . - - - - AnlI/un / thOl' ( ugbly ol'J\ning ! Rnd fiUing it np with modern impruvcmelltp. thus insuring my guests every oomfort , in- oillcliog CJIC'lUI warm . 'cd ! ! Bnd good , honcst _ quaro mealli. With thit : ( 'ffort ' 1 Roliui' the patronage of aU myoId friend" an many n w O'JOII.