H- , . . -J nietioncd for Cungrcss in the Sixth Congressional istrict. lIe is the VI\HY man for the plaCl' , uecausc he is HUell jnst nuw 1 hoth by education and hroad I patriotism to g1'aSp the spirit of. . ' the timcs aUlI uur u eds in thl ! work of histor ) ' making' . I should feel especially proud to . \'ote for such a mam , 'l'his is 110t a time for paying old pntit- 'tt ical debts , but rather a time fur . . . ' > : our future place among nations. Should Hou. F. l\f. Currie be nominated , his clection is assured - red , and I predict that Nebraska will ne\'er ha\'e a prouder r'cord than he will make for the state. Occasions make mel1 , hut IUN must he prepared for the occasions. It is always the m s'l' , . .t of political po1icj' to 111eet impor- I fant conditions with men who : make these comliiolls a part of public pride and henefit. 'I'he Sixth Con gressional dbtrid has th oppertunity now to ue honored - ed in the S'l'ATH and NATI.ON. 'i'his h ; written without l\lr. Curric's l\t1owledgc , and without an ) ' regard to persollal friC'nd- ship. It is the expression of a feeling I ha\'e of the WOHK now so urge 11 Uj' nceded hy broad \ patrotic 11Ien in shaping' our coming - ing history. Sinccrely , HH. . lIIA'I"I' . 'J'tI 'J'lw YIllOj { ( ' rUIN S 01 HIIJ'g'llIt. - - , . Sargent , Nehraska , r.larch 1S , . 190.2-'I'h : e qu'cstion of license 01' I no liccnse is to bc suhmittcd to the \ 'il1age'oters at the April election. 1t is claimcd by somc of the husincss mcn that' it is J1ec sa ry to lIa ve a sa 100H in order to ( lraw/trade / and that the saloon enl ' affects those who patro izc it. Tn othcl' words these busi ness men te11 the ou t- , sider , "You let the saloon alone and it willid you alonc. " This is false. 'l'he saloon is a financial - cial ( l t i ment to e\'cr ) ' farl1lc l' who patroni1.cs the busincss mcn of Sargcnt. If 111Y neighhor blows in o\'cr two hundred dollal's in one year into the saloon , and only pays nine dollars per ycar tax , i.t is an injustice tel e\'ery tax payer in the school district. Suppose the district pays three ' hundrcil dullm ; a vcar for school , 'f' I' purposes , has Hit ) ' children on the school census. 'l'ids is an :1\'crag-e of six dollars per capita , 01' the district pay : ; six dollars tuition for each scholar. Ly neighbor scnds livc scholars , of . his tax fi\'c dollars is for the school. I scnd Olle cholar and pay ncarly twcnty fi\'e dollars I school tax. 'Vith no b ttl'r crops , no uettcr natural circumstances 1 help to pay twent ) ' fiv ( ' du11ari per ycar to clucatl' m ) ' neighbori children who himself carns no ; : much read ) ' moncy as I do. ' 1'hel ] " -7 - - ' . , . . , T' . . . . _ h h _ _ , I \ " , I indirectly I am compellcl to pay ! 111) ' portion of what he hlows in. to the saloon. It is a fact that c\'cry dollar of vatuation udded to the propcrt ) ' of the distrkt is a I nanl' al heltl'fit to l'\'l'rr tax paj'cI' in the district. Again the monl'j' paid intu the saloon'i\ : \ SO ll1uch 1l10nl' ) ' taken frolll thc Il'git imatc business to the to\\'n or \ ' llagl' . I once asked thc first-ward grocer of Nort h Platte what pl't. cent he added to his priccs to CO\'l'r t hc loss from hall debts illcUl'red 11) ' trusting" t hosc who patronizcd the saloons of the city. lIe 1'l' ) lil'I , 10 } Jerccllt. So here again on C\'CI'j' ten Ilollars I paid for groceries 1 paid one dollar for the Baloon. It is . true the \'i1lagc district gets its S500 from each saloon. Poss'ihle $ .250 for dllage illlpl'o\'e- nH'nh ; . All of which is an in- . - - ( hrect tax -on the Imtrons who support the business illl'n of Sar- g'ent. ' 1'0 gd a dime for ) 'onr school or villag' . { ' . yon pay a doHaI' com1l1isIiOli to the saloon to collect it. ' 1'h is is 110t a of h'lIlpcrancl' , salon.s or no 1 . saloons , but of busi ness manwl'- mcnl amI COllllllon Ilecellc\ ' . 'l'hcy say if there alI : 110 salools ; the d111g stores will sell alld the con ition'orse than the prcscnt. 1-4iquor or no liqaor is simply a matter of public sentiment. , If the village \\'ants two saloons selling - ing to minors Snnday uack open doors with fr nt screcns ( lown , chair and tahles with their gambling deces. . of course they . can ha\'c thcm , but thc uus.incss 111en of the town mllst do less busi ness and hence add more profit for e\'ery dollar's bnsiness the saloon docs. And this added profit mllst be paid hy thosc who do not patronizt' the salool1. 'V. D. HATT. . Autl-Salllllll I.CIlIJ ! ( ' . A local Anti-Saloon Leaguc was organi1.ed the lirst of last wcck in this city by HeJ. . W. Swall , statc orgut zer , of Omaha. ' 1'he meeting was held in the U. B. chnrch. O\'cr one hundrl members signcd the list. ' 1'he age limit to memhcrship admits al1 o\'er 1 H years of ag'e. 'I'he olliccrs cledccl arc. I'resillcnt. . ' . . . . . Jc sic 'J'l'agancn ! \'icc-I'rcsirlenl. . . . RcII. . E. : 'lIvers : w ! ! Vice-I'resiccut. ! . . Dr. Cliuton'nay , Secretary. . . . . . Ih \ ' . C. V. Allison 'J'rca l\J'er. . . . . Ea1'1ll'st : 'Ic\\'i11iams [ Chairman Agitation Comlllittee , ReU. . A. Shetler. Chairman Enrofmcnt ! Committee. : 'Il ss Groat. Chnirl1llI1 : Law Ent'orccnwnt Conlluitlce , II. 1,0 111 II X . Chairman Lchris1ation COlllmittee , Chas. Ileal. Chairlllall Fiuancl COlIIlJdtlcc , B. K. Wcnd : . ChainnHII I Iopilality COIl1lIlill C , i1nInscs ; I'WIS. Chai1JlIou l'rchs COlllllJilll'l' , ; \lr . Gco. Jel\'l'Y. . - - - - - / . 'clr " 'nlc. ' i 11 r n'sllel1cl.p.op ( ; rty in wcst . part"of town. Also g d family . dring" horse , hugg"y and har- l ness. - - W. U. Poor. 31) tf , . " - - - - - - . - - . - - - . . . - - - - - - - - - - Rasmus ntl lson , J. C. Moorc . ' . ' . " . ' . , Abm. . . . " , ANDERSON & MOORE.Abm. r 81lIlIcI. . for .1110 ulllllent III ( 'nHcr ruullly 111111 IIllJJllllng rouIIII , ' . 1 IIUllico 111111 morl//cs / boul1ht IInd solll 1t trll'l I'I0llllllly 111111 nt'atls 1II1I11u. lJlUcc-M/tI'16upot / ' , UcloveclI.Hh olld 11th VCIIUO , IIrokulI 11011' , ( 'o"l'r COUllt ) ' . NclIr'Itfl. . , ' " ' - - = = " . : : ' : i ' . ' : ; i i i. : ; : ; r.f , : , ! : ! : lin : ; : i ! ' .i : : , " i 'r : " ; : ' i ; ; ' ' : ; i : i ! -f : : . ie. ' ; : : ' i J.rt : i. ' . ; ; , ' : " : i t ; ' 'l- : . ' i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . ' . : . . . : . ' . . . . . : . : . . . . . . . . ' -'iA : : , .Ti..e.t : : . , . ! o.r. : : : ; o.'no.a. : : : ! r.1. ! : ' : ' ' ' ' ' ! : : -f'IiA : /I. ! CII. : " ! f1.tj : 'No ; : je. EAGLE GIOCERYJ : , - - - - 'oi-1 j , : " . " ' , : . . f All Jartics ; indebted to tilu ElIgIIJ Hrouory , arl rrqncHt ( ' ( ] ; ; " : j\'l \ : b' j" : to call ! llllilluttle thuir account lIy ( laBh at OIlCO. I must have. . _ " . . . . , : \ ' : P ! : - . . mouev to flay bills , I Cl\lIlIOt 110 bURill4t\A on winJ. i : "jj : ' " f Yours trill" : ; ; ! f ' , . ' ' . . t . I ! ' ; ' , I , . m W SWAN . . ( : . . ; Q 'i'i ' ! . . iht" . . . . . . : , d' . . : ; . . < 0:1 $ ! P I OpllCtcH. I ! o " i 10 Dars of Soap for 250. ; ; : 0 " 1" . , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :010 , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . ' .w. : . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . , . ' ' . ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . : . . . . . , , / . . . . . . . ' . " . 0" , . . . . , . . " . . . . . h , . : : o o h ' 0 0 / 0 ! . : , " . ' . . : . . ' . . . " " . 'J ' . . . , . ; . . , 'i.t , .l . . : , . . . . . ; : . . ' : } : , . .I&M . / . : . . . . . . . . /1. . . . . . . . : i. . . . , . . ; ' . ; : . . . . . . , . . . . : . OI.a. . . ; ! . . . : . . ' . ) . . ! . . . . . . : . . ' . } ' , . .r . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . ' : , : . . : i. ! . . . . .i. : . . , ' " . " , , . ( . . . . . . , . , . ' , .Ij. " ' , . . . . . : . : . " . . " " ' , ' . , : . , .II..iJ. : o I ' : L 0. , 0 0 TP. . b.-'s \ tHC lP AN " 0 01 I 0 Alwq 11 have , the hest qnality"o Q J 0 It > 0 0 0 o 0 g Lumher MI : otlwr huildlr.g Inl1 o I 0 o 0 0 ; . toria1a at the LO\\'flf t t ) , iCNI. 0 I o , . - . . , , ' ) .IV . . ' ' ' 0 " " 'Phone No. 'jO. 0 . I " 0 o C. R. JUDIINS , ManJlgel'o . . . . . . . ' . . - I - ' . , - - " , ' COME AND SEE US ! . - - \V arc better prcpnl'cd for husiness thnn 0\01' to suit 0\11' customers. . : - : : t"'Ql c"J.1. : or-l ndco - JlI'.1\ \ 810.-1 ' , I , w.ltlht .o.J 1"11111,1" , . : : ! c\l\ro ! 11'0'1 t"oonlo1 > \ I I. C lr\o : : Ma.h'J.o. : hllth Ilr , , ! e l'uu'hroll \ \ 1'llIhl , I I I 1"1111 'I' : . -If A " . .u , .1.1. . Lr'JwII. Itl h rlall , Loea.nIf - . I , r.I"II.nullild . ; = -nl ' 11 ) rR ft nl.I , III' ) " ' h' ' h Itrntll' lor RI Fonl ' . W"IJhl , Ir.ro 1'111111.:8. : : -HI'III hrll\\'lI. 1'lIrlnK IInl1 trl ttlnjf Pr1ncHI'III \\'I\ll1hl \ , 1,1 j IHlIIIIIH. The Four Grade Service Fees : t3.00 10 sa 00 - . - . or . _ . . . ( ) onH nue' See Clhu9 : r A.OES. : . . ondanco In \ll\mUlolh : Jark.:1 : S"fli Dn.de . ) " 4.10. II'O ' . nlltl II' lh ! ! lallOH" : Ioe. h tn".1 J , . .k 01 hlq IIlte In thl'ee \lIIrIH. a lol\lllI'r , lorlllAr 111111 Kllro IIr"ellor , tlolcn IIJJd , $ Ii tll $1 11'11 Jlhclt f'lpInlh ' .Jlok wi h 111,111 , Colonel hl. 1."lnI8 111111" fioo IIm..I"r u IlyllHh lIIuln8. 8crvlo'0 IICR from 1 CO tit * m. III A MUlllllloh .Inele , nlh r RIIIAU , III Dude ' hn'cl.r 01 IlIrlfl' . ety\lsh \ 11I1111'5. WI s"l1 hIm lor $100 Of. If In I'n ROOII.1ot ho will ) ; on Ihe 6UIIIII. 'flulrl' If ! III } II ltH Invottneot lhn 111'1\1',1111 Ululfl' IS 11111 III 0 rIfIt II tnl'IIK ' uny liKe 'J'lw ) ' III sCllrco IIlIIllho ) ' will KG h"\Jer. l't'f > V " , IIIIIt'lkl' I ho > H > IIQnn of 1\)02 \ ) r Ihe Old ! -ilar Ih'm clillt : t nrn. NOli of I'luIIJIl.I , IIlItk II Uuw'hl' . Com" r 0 1 1\tI Ollr sl.lIf'k llt'forJ hr"N ! ID . WO uru hero fur bU3IDe e , lIud I ' 3' ' ' ' ' . W. J. W AN1.Z , P n lil'al OWnnr I\l1d : \11111\11 : ( > [ L. _ _ . _ _ : " _ _ _ _ ! U t. ) . I J HH1 ' ( ) Ju j' O. J\Mlt WIl11'1 1IItAII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hl'gliol. ' . [ < ' .11. YOUNO. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .llocch. . _ . _ - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - j.gll" I , AllIW'rI8h : tlt'lj'J' : > . All IlIh'l'rll..t'IIIPI1I _ 1I111'I'r ' IhlM hl'l1l : II Itl L ChRrll'll Inr nl II/il ! " rill. . . vI ? : I.XII' ( / r 'IO"I ' rllr IIr.lhj"I'rllon. unll WI' 11\:1' : ; .11'lIIrU ' for "UI 8uh cllnu .t hlH'rltoli A " ; . 'llIlIr , , " htI I1I1I1I1M or rrnl'lIol1 tIIl'Jto' . - - - - - HlIll'tl S.II''II J.IIIIII IIlIkn. f 1I11Itl'II , lIowthnHkll. . [ 'lIh. : :7. J 1J1. Noltru 1M lu'r. Ioy IIII'UII Ihnt III 1'1It.1I"II ! I in.LIllcllnllH ; IrOIll Ih. . t'Oll1t11l d'ulI'r : nl Ihn 0. . , "I'ul Iuod (1IIk. 1I11.llIr 11111 hntllY , 'cHIIII III hll bv ; .cl'lloll 21 : : ' : ; , l' . H HI'Y Hilit , " 6111,1"/111"11 , I nclor 00111-IC801 : "I'IIIIII'IHI F'hrllury ! ! Ii , Ilr. I \ . . II wlIllrncel..1 , ( C. 1'lTor III 11111011" ltlo 1111 Ihlt.1 \ Ihy ul " 1"11. WI ! .nl Ihl ( jUku. III. lI'rtllrk 1 III , Iho rulll.wluv Irtll.t IIr Inl'll. 101\11 ; ' 1' ' : ' ' ' - . . " 1:1.1111 r , . 11,11'IIhll' I . lI..rlh. r/lll.1t : ! 1\t'SII1'h 1'.111. " " \ ' 111111 1111 1'lrSll1" ' I him" , 1I1I\'l'ltcl ) " Ihl' "h".11 III\ocrlb".1 \ 14' 1nrf ! Ilthl l. . 1001 , . 1I'Jlr rl'lllII III IIII (1)1&-0 ) & 1111 I.r h't" , , " ( I Ilay ullllvn Ih' 11-:1I111111 : ' , Ir thu fI/lII'"CI'lIil1l1lc ' nlJ hlllc , othcrlll u 1IIIIr rlghtll will he rlllt .Il1'c . .IAM"'IIIII"I'AI. : . HI'I.lcr ; 3H 13-G ! } o'IIAJo : ( ; II.'UIINIJ , IIIccher. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UIIIcotSlnte. [ \ . . 1.111111 Oniel' . l IIrrll.ell 111111' . NI h . 1.1 b. IH. lJi ! ) ' ! . f NulII' " I beu'hy , . : iye/l Ih/lt IIII ! 10111111'1111 ( lIall I'd fl'IIIH 11111 I1lul lIull'lI ' 01 her hlll'lIllol1 I 11111111 11001 I"/lot 111 oflut hi r clnllll , 11"Ih \ , dll prullt II III h. , 111' ' " / olll.llIr , ' II' ' II.II'r 111111 HI c"\\'I'r. \ ot IIrul.uII IIClw'hrll.I : ; " , on hlchJ : ! ! IlIl. viI. : N"NL'Y I. . : ,1 : > 011-.1,1 , . nl lIuos"'r , Nel , 00 ber II. 1 . Nu. HI3 , IlIr lh. . . N , , ' . "I'rlloll L' tn. . : ! II. IIlIrlll. rllllI'\ : \ \I'II.t. lilh 1' . M. I II II1CM I' " rollllwlru : wlllle..e. 101111I\0 her cor 1IIIIIonA . _ , , " ' 111'1111 ulll1 " 11111\11111111 OJI al 11111I1.11. : UIorgo ! \ \ ' : \lInl. ut IIno'h'r , cIJrlI : klhl" : : II .luhu8 'II. ( 'I lIoo.l..f. Nlllrll.l. , I.Jh'lrlt.oI M. HIII'cl. or I\lIu \ ' \Jri Juhn ht"'OI 1 Blul , , ' " 1I0w , uhrlt-IIII ! lHI-21 , lUll"'IIITlIIIA" : . Itq\oll'r. - - - - r 11111' " ! 3tnlp" 1,01111 OI1lr.o. I ' ) ! . ' 1I0w , ull. . I.u c' , I ' , 111 : ! i 'N )1111111111rlJhy ! J.\vnn : \ thai 1I1" hlnwll'l : ( II" " , I "I\Itrr : hliR l1'elll11I' ' Irp . .t IIIP Illlolltlt. . , I. . IIIPI\ \ II lullllUUr III HIII'110rt tor "I clnhn. , ,1111 thlll sa uu'or "III III' 11I1,1t. l'l'lnr" ' Ilt'/ll'r / , ' " 11111'1\1'/1' / " ut IIrokl'lI 11011' , NI" ' . "I , llIil r. . IIQ ! ! , \ ' . ( 'hlrllnr" A. li"II..r \111011111. 1'1111 , , nil IIi" I . I ( No.11. . rur 1110 Iii I'II'H. Nw' . . ( . ! oIw"1 H'ctloll I . ' 1'"wlIh'I' ' : : ' 1 . IIUII , , : : II W. . IIlh . " I IIn nflnWA till' rullo\\ill ! WU'O AI : " 10 , 'IUVO II CUUIlIUOIiH rCbIl'nrl' ! 111I.1111111 c"ItIYIlt1 , , " uhllfilid. \ . 1. : lIolt' " rllrlp ) ' , .11\J.clI : F"rI- 'I'Unlulii 11.011I , AIljjIIS ; J. I1Il1h.1I1I lit.hlll' \ : > I'h. J.HIF8 \ \ II\'CJIII'AIl. 4fJolr.-2'J ; Itt IIHIt./ . Vnltkll Sillti'll 1.1\1111 01110" , I I.luruln. N'h.11111 : : " \J , I\o ! . \ Nolko IsllCrl'loy gll'll1 Ulllliliu lullowlng nlllli. . 'Iltlur hall IJlncUflllCU \ IIr hi" 11111'1111011 III III d 11t141 I'W , " III O\JI'IIOrlllr hi" r'"II1I. : I'ul ( Jut I'll IlrllOr will lie Intl,11 , ! IJcrllre .1. . \ . r.rIflOllr. "IJllIl ju hp Itlllrlll.1'1i IIIIY. Nubr. , fn Ia ) ' II. IIt ( ) ! vi .1 \lfo ; A. II\\'I tllr the Sw ! SIH I Iii ( J.II' ( Nu. .ii'I' ! . ) (0 IlIiUICI Ihn Itlllllw/III / ( wit on. " " . I'I' ' . Y IIII ! ( ' 1I11111\lUII" r..ldellco 111'011 ' " 'hl. ' IIlIh Ilnll. f " 111,1/111111 , / ' .Ierlllllu ' 1',1 r. nrI'II IIIIIY , ehr.\ IIi \ 'II"'IV 1.'lhw. 01 HItIII'II 11,1 N.hr.Iu j Juhll Ii. WI ! . or 1Ir.In1l 111m. ' " IIr4IIIIUIrII' ; ; 1101\011. ur IIro\ell \ nCIII. N IJrll IL. A II ) ' J 'r"ofII ho 1111 he I' I'rotl' t /lJI\III t I nllcllupcn 01 lIl'h 1I/11l1r , ur WII" lnl/W" or " IIlb tallll 11'0'\0)1' . 1I1I,11'r Ihc Il\w 111111 Ih" " ' "II 110118 I.r till' Inu"lor fuI'UII:1 1'1. wIy , _ lilliI'm' ' .houllll101 I , . , 111111WI.II. 'I III he Jln'lIlIlI " 1'1'-1" ' \ty \ .1 1I.t ! , ,11 \11 IIwlIIll/n"J , tllIWo IIII,1' " II C'Ohl - . x'lIlIh , , ' 11'0 ' wit " ' 1t' H III ! l101 \ ' / 1IIIIIln afl,1 , IIIIIITer t'l h1mco lurol.lllII\1 , \ht " " 1'11I ' i fIl , lIy rhI.IIIU11. \ \ ' A. 1u.a : ' . r ( HI:11. : . III Ihtl'r , _ _ _ - _ . . - . 0 - - _ _ _ _ _ _ l'u'll'll : :11'11 : ( ' " r.lnlllllllrt. , I . IIrol. n noli' . Neh. , Mllrch : J. I ! _ ' : \ Notlrt ! II ! lufJI. , ) ' 1\ , , " tlllIl lel.l el- ! 1 h .r IIr " 'rllnk I' 11.110 or W.lworrh. , , , Io'rI 1. has /llell nolleo "t II 'tlIlIuli ! III . .lIbl.flt \ ! I'll ' herorll r jll\ll'r 1111,1 rceOI\r , 1\1 hIlllIoJ IIrlllu1II How NI.hral\ljn. 011 S11urJay rho : tr,1 II IIr MI\Y. IWJ , . .u 1III11Jo'1 rullurc _ l'IllIcl1l1l ' > lI to 'ir.17 fllr Iho So qUllr cr ul " "r.II"n " ' 0 5 , ( 'l'owlIbll' Nil IU , uorlll Itllll\e : o. Ow. 110 nam" . ai 1I1lne .ps : \\'l1l1l1ln I. : : 'Ilrjcnl or Itolllld'Ilily ! , Nchrli Chllrle ) ' Chnpm\1I or HllllllcJ Villi , , ) ' , NelmlJ. Fnmk Dolv of Walworth. NulJraulii I'r"r Chrblv ot Walworlh , NllltrMkli. 1-IU-33. JA tli WUIT&UUU. Itegltor. . Joh work neath' done at this 1 - omce , ! lOAD NOTIOE. I'll , . .bOhIt mlJ' COLocrn : 't'llo rllllllUtl'lourr 1\111'IIlut'll : to'Inw ft rOII\ \ rOlllrn""rlll' : III 1.,1111'11'1 cOllwr III pcellon 3. tlllllllhllllll , UIIO ! Ii , Ile t t } hi' . 11. IjIAtlOIl Stillion No. UrJIlin. / . Chllllu. t.III- , " . Nu. rrumI j f 31 to t IrUlIi I , , ! ltl .1\ : tJ 7 , , . tu : : nr"lIIhi h..tlur CIIII'Ollln AI'clioll 11111. ' . trnlll : ! II S7 16 : : 01 lot : trulu : J II r , t' ! In.1 OIll"MIII'I'lIlh Irrt lOll rill uer nn "ecllllullno. rrum . . . . : In r , Irolll Ii 8 ! ! ' . ! I'I \ 1'J en 1\ hem t } 8:11 : 30 II' j N\ tn 7 Irom 7 8 II W 1\ 4i to ! ! trom tI 1\ i tJ 11 'i'J I n II ! rum II II I Ir , I ) 4 : III 10 III IWIII tI1 M 111 :10 : " " 11:1 : In 11 rr"lI1 11 I' 11 :1\1 : t.1 i , In I rrolll I'J R I" IV III I 10 111 Ilnm 1:1 : 1:1 ! : \ \ ' r , Sf ) 10 I I Irulll 1 I "II ! ( ) 0 11 : If > III In rr\.1U U " \ ! tI1 10 It. 1.ftJrl1l'r hcll\'ttCIi HClIlJlI 10 RlIII 11 , tnwuhlr III. rnll u Ii. Irom 16 " .10 10 17 ( 'orllt'l uf pcelnl1l1 10 11111 ] l.U.IS , tOW1I8hll' ID 1'I\1I1 1I 17 , Irlllll 17 " ! ) O to 1 FiIllIl I 8 1/\ / IY II j 10 III I tilt" , ID , 1:1 : : :11" : II : ! In O ' 11'mllcr bult J"cIIOU"I \ 11I111 U. lown hlll HI. -"ItU 17. rrulII I ) A 11 : 'I } n 11 117 tn : ! I ' /11111 I 1":1 " : : > :111 : \ \ " II ar I II : : I i' rrnnl I1:13 11/ / : 1,1 , In : ! 1 IllIrn 3 0 :1 : I " I : ! . \1 In III I rrl'lI11 ! " 'l IV II III In ! ! : , rrllll1 ! ! ! > /I ' :1 IV II t'i 11I11 ! HUIII ! ! II " \ ! II't : ! S III 21 Ir.lIl1J : /I 31 : U 0 III ir ; III :11i to eectlollllnl' , rrlllll'i : ! " 10 t'll , 1111' Ulllhl'I1 IIrll' r I'll 1. tlOII 21 , 101\1I5hl\llll. 1I'"IP ' 1i , It ro'l'nrll'l\ \ IPlI'ur IIr locllttlllt " " \11 \ rIlIlIIU""I'III. 111111 Nil , ,101 rll'1I11 ' Ihornl" , ur 1'111111I1\ rM tlalllnlI' . 11111"1 h. . 1111'11111 till' ClIlIl1ly I.1It I k" " 11I.0011 Or h'lum IIII'UI 01 Ihll Hlh (111) ' lOr MI\\ ' , I\ \ I . of nrh rll',1 . . .111 IJJ CHlllhU"I1IHI . . .11110111 rer r"III'\llIlolt'IO \\'ltne" , Wh ronr , I h1l1'l' hur\Jlllllo , ! t II1Y hntu IIlill Iho ' 1111 ot saitlJllulv. . Ihl. lilh IIIIY oC \llIle'h , I'J' ' ) : : . GItO \ \ ' . t > twKf. : It ) 1:1 : . ' 11 [ " 11.1. 1 COIIIII ) ' ( 'it'lk - - . . - - POl' insurance and real estate go to Moore & 'Paylo1's in Realty Block. ! lOA \ ) NO'I'IC . To \ LolIt 11I1rllllcern I 1'1. . , rOlOlUlulll'II'r ' ftl'llolllle tl III \.It\\\ " 11111- 11 , , < t'll rOlht CII\11IUCIICIIlIt lit It lIlaI'u or. ChOlelA " ' 11111 01 Ihe Iwrthl\'I..t torocr 01 ftt cUon lllowll' I 1I't' ' In. taIlK"li , : < laUoli SIlIlIon No. 11 ( ' ( . Min. Chllini. 1.lo I , No , i t rom 0 1\ : S 1(1 ( tJ II II ! III t r rUIII 1 II .111 : 11I' . 10 I r rltll1 : ! n I\ \ ! n r. t. 10 a hllm :1 : II ! < II \I II 7'7 10.1 hum .1 1\ 7 .e 0'0 10 r. hOIll ti n I } 0:1 : II 10 II t 10111 1U .10 0 1. . . 10 ' : rwm ' ; 1:1 : I' II : II hum H 1PU t1 I'i ' III1 \ fronl II 1t.1 II 'I :11.1 : hi 10 trll/II / 10 It : J \I 'ill In 11 twm II II 1 " 1).1 III t trUlIi 1.1 : . II 1 \ : : :1 : In 1.\ trlllll If : 11:11 :10 : \ \ ' 1 1" ' : III 1.1 hl'1I/ / I 1\ :11I : \ \ H .11I It' I r , trulI1 111 1\ l\l :10 : II 1'0 : r : lu III trom In II I \ \ r , . . 11117 trOIl1 I' ' ; 1cn u.1 .n tll II ! frllm It ! 11 : U w II II tu 111 hU1i1 111 JI III :10 : IV I' ! of : ; 10J Irum t'O II 17 \1:1 : fil tll1 frllm 111 11"1 15 I' r. 'W It I ! J'J hem J 11 0. : w III 'i' : : III I h"1:1 : : II \U W 11 :11 : III : ! I hom:1 : 11 41 w S n.i Iu 'i frlllil 1'ti It : :1 : 1\3 : : :11 : III : . . I hum tl It t , t } III ! ' 7 1r1l11l:1 11 r.1 tV I : ! II : ! 10 I'll IrlllU A 11 III 11'.1 ! J I 10 II trlllll 0.:1 : II : Ii : :10 : IV II ar III al ) . rruml\l : It : ! , ) II' 111 ' ; lu :11 : trllmll : 11 II OJ \I \ c ; 10:13 : rlUC } : J'J 1\ II u:1 : ! oI III 3:1 : 111 ' . \ uetloll ( 'lIrnor , frnm :1:1 : : II n 1,1 : U In 1I1Irtllll'I'At Cllrllnr lit 1'nll 1I No. I. tuwllthl\ ! III rllll.to Nn. t7'I' lt\lh \ P. JlI . IIRI 111\1ltrl 11111 t/lVI'r ot 1'llIhl " 11I1 ! Ih. . 1'0.1 . thl"t , 111\11 1111 ob. Io'CIIIIII IhercllI. IIr 1'11111119 fltr Ilalllllll' lIIu 1 1111 IlItl1ln Ihlt OOllllt" ( 'h"k'd ttlleo , 1,111 IIr hrr'lr 0 111I1111 or the Sih lIav ot 1oI11Y , 11'\c1 \ , or " 1:011 : ronll will IH' C"IAhll hl'll wtbmlt , rorerunCII Ihero'll. ' III wllnC'R Whure'III. 1 hnvc hure\llllO pol11' Il\IlIt " , It I n llIf Hallt counly. Ihl , 121h IIC\ ) ' of hrc\J. IW' : . ( Ism W. J/lWKY. 40 :1 : :10 : [ sKu..l Cilltllly Clurk. - " - - . :1.4 : C)4. . ' WANTED SUBS ltIltEltS : , _ . . ] OIl-- A n I nspiril1tt Book For Patriotic Readers , Lifo ana Diltinguillhod SorvwcH of WILLIAM McKINLEY , OUlt MAItTYlt PUE:31DEN'1' : . [ D t Y M lira t n8S I ! t oa d , The Al1thor Oolehratel1 :11111 : .Jollrllalitt Wilh Uh:1l1l\rH : hy 11011. John Sherman , GOII. O. II. GI'OIlVOnM nnll 001. Alhl.rl lIalHtoa < 1 , of Ex ( ovcrIlClr MuKillltJ\'a Btatr. lutroduOlion by lIoll. Ohaunoey M. Dopnw. En- Il\rg d to 1110111110 Cloaing Jnyl.l , DCBlh and urial BY A. J. MUNSON , Author and Editor I MO lorial V OlUlllO 01 a Great and Goo Lito , and the CUSTER D nOpU b III Icanl the : omnial \\'h /I 6CIII by 11'11\11:11 : cCIIIH ( ' : 'tlrA. ' TIIIC BOOK AND 'fflJ UgPUBI.IOAN i1.liO ] [ 'T CC > l 'T' . .A. . I l'TS 1:10 : al Clry df llIti aocHlorf1. ! birth I1nd y 011 1.11 j hiH HC heel II r j n- htllIlullt ! ill the Wrlr of III , HIbnllJonj diiltiugl'IHIHd : I\I\IVIO \ H "ucl proll1otion II ) hi3jorj ndmiHhioli to the Imr ; nllotcd pre HHIll1tlng atlornoy j lIIarringo a1\l1 doyntmJ homo lifnj nllllIolt to UOlIgr't1H ' -0\011 tlllll'lIj "hampioll of protnltinlll 110111111 mOllny : UIII Inhorj Gov/'rllor of Ohioj Itll'ltioll lo thn Pl'oH llolIOYj HlloootHfnll\dmin. ! , i"tro.tinuj ro OICOtlOlI ! to the PrI'Hiclunn'r'j triulllphal tOI\1'A throllh ! ! the ulllionj RJlofollcR ! , ' I'rllluiplflA 1\1111 poliuiuHj IIHlliA8ill4tiun nllll do\thj : lrihlltn of pmiHQ hy the Il tioll anlllhu world II ill I'crRolt\1 : virtne , hiH ) lurily of UIart\\llI'r ! , hili h01l0Il ! ) ' of lIIotiYI' , 1\11'1 \ patriotiu IH1rf\OIl ( ' , hiH loyalty to rI hl , IIH : lovl ) of jllfltll' : ' ' , hili I'piriL of mrJroy l'I1lI1Url11 'VIII l\IoKillll ! ) ' to Iht ! Amcril'an ( ( ) : \1111 ivo him a plllllO ill their "tl'ootiol1t1 BOCOllCI ollly to that Iwld lIy the illll110rlal J.iIllIOlll. SI N ( ) YOUB 'I'I lt : " CU 1\lONgy TO rrll OUNT\ ' It1iPUBRIC"N : , Brolon Bow , - . Nuhrt\Akl\ . . . . . : . _ ' $ - . . ' . : . ' : . . . ' . ' ' . " _ ; t. \ . . . . " . , . : " . " : , - . ' - - - . . . . . . . . . - - . . \ " ' : , y I. Nonc . I To 1\ ! lOin IITIll concern : " , Cnmilldnt h"ln bool.l mnde 10 Ine concernIng " ' ' . ' 1111 OI'UI well 011 8 , J : , { ot Bectlon : l8 , 10IVn8hl1l : 1 : I I , 11IInl(0 : II , CUllcr cllnnty , Nohmska. JI D. ' , 'J'rllnl. r0111 OTer or ot rosd dlatrlc& o. ' . ' \Vrlll'lo\VlI hl\1 ot 50111 cOllnly , "horo Rllel Oblll III ItUlllnllllo \ Icrehy nolll , tlln owner of I.ltl : Inn.I I\bOTO Ilorc'rlhHtI , 10 nil orCIlORO to " 0 filled , ' . : I 1I1,1 , WI'II , or CIIIII\O It to I" , A t.lUl'ly cocrod wlth- tll:1O : atarA rrom th/l lIalu of thl.llIlIco. . . It10& at the 111.lr\ltlon ! ot:1O : IIIIYR 1"1111111 uhl well Ind colll'ct Ihe rORt Ihorcror acccmlluc 10 Ilw. nat- I'll Ihl _ lho 13 dllJ' of Jlhrch , 100'1. 3(1 ( IJ : i' J. U ' ! III1UT. re"lI onneer. UtA'l'1'UL l\IUlITUAO HALt : . : N"tlrn IR hOtl'by Ily/lll : / thllt I/y vlrtllo ot . rhlltl..1 morhll/I ! 11"11 JolY' . 1IIIt'I 1811d , Rlvoll III O. If. "hurto ) ) . At. O.burn. . , t : Co. IInll dulJ' fil rut r'cnl'lllll thl'Cuunl ) ' I.1I0r"/I onlcn ot ( : II ltlr OlllllltJ' , Ncllr/tAkll / , un Ih\ ! 1'11Iln \ ) 01 BCllternb\r , A , \.I , 01111 to fCUr\l the I'll 11I0llt of tJlreo \I \ 10 III 1 uor ) 11011' ' ' ot O\'CII IIl1toVllh . 111\11I mort. J.I : . 111111 mlilltlng ono lor II : : ! 00 No. , . III. 18t\.i , 01111 Inr 1:1 : ( ) No\'oolb.'r I , 18011. OliO f"r13.00 NU"'lIIh r hi 1110O , a 11I1 110tvnll ! IRving bl'on , "Mu III the PA'IIII'lIt 01 the Iul , two monlloned I" 1I1\I ! " nr1 1I010p. allil thOiro lIullll : uow duo Illmooll Iho AIIIII or fIG,1JO ; with 7110r COllt lnturr8t Ult'reOI1 trom Jolr lUth 180.1 , WI ! will " , , \1 \ the lrol'l'rly , ' dClierlhCt\ MIll mllrl ( Ale : , thwlt ; Od Ihhn"n Cnllll1lhlA 0 fnnllancRllJr IlIIt Jllnder , IlIlho hh h'At hllller , tor cflHh hI hftnel , on the 'h ' , tllll 011111 \ , IU'JIt ) III n'r10ck III the toru- 110011 n Aultl " " ) ' , III trnnL or Ihn Will. lIavld. hlllC\Hlllltll 8111111 , Oil Cnll.1 ! r HtreoL. belwccn \o'ourlh 1\1\11 I'IUh . \ "ClllloHln till : town of lIrokcn lIull' , UIIR\I'r \ rllllnl ) ' , N"hrnRIII. Dated lit . IIrol.w HillY , MilICh , 10lh , 100rJ H. M. Olloomn : & Co , 311 I 1- tI MoUlts KCo. , . . . . . . . . . - . . - - - . - - - . . . - - - - I It 1..11 Ih" Innh'rl&u ; - , (11111 InCK Intu vonr rCIUllrc1 , . . .ulell tllnt " I'CHUIiN In n I crrcct " ! : ' . . . u I tht lQoW J10w I 'Ulllt tlU\J8 ttIu 1IU811101\1I , "ny bUIIJtlor CIUI buy tllIl 11110 klmlo of U1 tcrlnl that I IBe In rl1lJlllrln ; but nklll Ie Ihl ) most vnllll\lJln ml\lorlftl thnt JI\lt bo IIBoel In wlLteh roplllrhlJO 1\1111 the bUnlllr clln't bu } ' It. . 1 B\IlIl1 ' Rklll fOf wllnt It IA wortb 1\1111 It will Ofl t you leas HUIlI b\1nRlIn nt Inwllf prloce. Ir. W. IJAYJ. S. : , Jowelcr nell O\Llolnn. ( I WeRt IIldo o [ nqlll\ro. ' : . . . - - " ' I , , , . ; . . , . , . . - - I . . , ) _ TIME TABLE .j BROngN : BOW , NIGH. 1.lucoln. nCI'cr. t Olllniln. Ilelcuu. , ChlclIlO , II II tte. , " Nt JUICih. I.ortl"nc. . IC.IIIHUH cu. , . . "nlll.nlce Clts , J I HI. I.OIIIH. , nil . .u J.rruuclHcO . " 11 . 'u'nhl ItuHt , " .ul AU I.ulnt" , \.11 HuUU. 'VcHL. l No. .1J-Vt\4t\hull'll : \ ollrclI ! (11111) ' , LIncoln , OmahA - hA , t. , lon llIl. ItOll8uICity. . : st. Lonll. OM CII , ' alld 1111 JoIIlL IIflst nnd I"OUlh..lt " 41 p.III. No. H-I.ocill IIxl1ros , .111/1) ' , ) , llIcolll , Umah , tHe JIIHoph. ltl\l , oK Cllv , 1'1. IlIInl 1 Chlcilito nil II 1111 Ilolllt tJlIHt lIud Routh . . . . . . . . . . 6 2U am I No. ( n-Froltht : 11I11Iy , Itllvollna , Url1l11l ) KIIIIIII. Aurnrk , : : ! oIVnrlt 1\11111.111(0111 . . . . . . . . . . .003 am ; No , IJ-Frollht. : , III1Uy olcclL Mnndl ) , . )18\1'110" f nllllll1ll'rm , IIIIIJ 1'lIllIt , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 00 )1111 So. 1I-\'CRtlIJIIIOII oXIrllKII 11lIl1y. 1111161111 Hcal. i 110 Uotte. I'urtlal nlltl nil 1'1101110 Coaat ' lIolutR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40UIIII1 Nil , 43-Ioell oxpruPII ellIl1) ' , Alllrtn u Ind i IIIIrrUlI'llIlIlo 1'0111111. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1J401111 : i Nil. ( r-Frolght IIIIUy-lnp" only An8tJhll0 HOlloca , WhltUl1I1I AIII , Alllllllco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10611 alii I No. 7-1 rellht.lull ; ) ' excc\lI UIIIIII\I ) ' , hneclL nnlIntorllll'llInto Ilolllt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IM tun tlIOQ110IIIt.hlt ( allll rcclllllnl ( chalrcllrlcats ( Iruu ) 1I1111ruilKh \ train. . . 't'lckol Bold and bag. . J 1\611'1) checkl'll to 1111) ' polutlll Ih , Unltoll IIll\to. : Bnl CIIIIIIII/\ . No. 41J 1IIHnhonltlllo cnrl' 'l'noBlla'l. 'I'horl' IIIIVK 011111'111111I111) ' " . Nil. II wlh enrry l'IIMorlnr : for Haveun. Orl\lIllll'lIlIlIl. HOWlIIIIlIllIIlIcolli. . IlItorllll\lIon , 1I1111JK , llruo tnhlc. 111I1 lIckot r..l1l1l1l1r wrlto It > 11. L. Or1llslly. IKent , or J t lfralillh. O. 1' . A. . OUlI\hl'i Nubmttkn. " I . I , . OUII611Ar.onl. . I" ' : _ , : -r"l1 : - - _ _ . : _ - - = : 60HIDULI ! OF DnOl < lN DOW MAllA. ( I'/II/ch torYOlt will clemo I\t HI' . m. , except . HIlIIlIIlYVholl It. wllllIcIIlO kt 1III \ JlIII. \ I'uneh , Ol\lt fl/r Irllill No. 4'1111nKaol nl 8 "m I fI/1I1 rill Nu. 41 r.lo o III , 11.:10t.fI. : . 1\1,1\ \ for Anslev I Rlltl Jlnlntol oust IIrr1l11l1 hluulI nurled on lralu NII.'U , U'IIIIIO Tltl ot lIyno I\Dll 'I'nckurvlllc , lIully ox. I ropt nllliay r.10 "H. 1\1 7 II 111 : rlllnrulllJ ( "nlO tllIY I CIiUIHVUY vhl , J\lc'l'IlIlo ) ' Ilnlly uxccpl 6uul111Y . ClnuM tit 7 " III. rlJlnrllhll ( 1\011I0 IhIY. . II/lUIIII Vl1l1u ) ' viII Ure1111111 ! IUlulI 01010 al 7" .1 1I1'I'uIIIIIlY , 'l'hursl1ay 1\1111 Hlllllrll ) 'I' , rolurnlng j Uliitu IIIIY. I' Rlllllllor V\II \ nllrn n ) ' . ( } " / ' enl Ullton ; \ rrlv04 nl II 110. 'I'I"'PIII " ' l' IUf"clny lIull t.1l1tllr. : III\Y lolnrlllliInuvcs lit 1:111 : : 1'1111I1 > IIIIY. . : IH\lIH hnll..lrlllil H.m. . III 1118.0 < 1 I' SII. Huu- trllm:15)1. ( \ . III. lu t } : II. 111. IlIIlIhy bllon IWI"'k IIlIy. frllm ' ; II.II. . 111 H II. m. RUIIIIII\II 8:311 : . III Inlit. . In , OI'II"rnl clOIlvory not oflcn Huu. _ I , I ! ) ' lIIomlng 11ft hnwillroru. L. 1l..I/lKIiTT. 1',111' , I - - - - , I ) . : _ _ - - - _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ . - - _ - _ - - _ _ _ . _ . . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ - ' - I ; 1 ; I' ' " . " _ _ . _ . - - - - rl-- ; _ _ _ .JtI : _ _ _ ' - = - : - ' " . _ ; . I- IIII . Ii 1)1 iQCj ( 1E i' . JmI - "E. m I ] I A I GOiNG 'ro 1 [ - 1 J [ . ] ] [ CLOSE I . ( 1 [ J 0 UT I Jl , 7 [ _ ] . .1 , . , r ) ' . T. R , ! \I\ ' ( Jill in' HIOI.I , of I'lothin . Big Cllt ill Jlrht'R : .j. I I . r < J J - - . ' II . I J g : . " f& : ' ' ; ; ,1 I ( If ] . 'Idiu. "IlJIIH 10 f11111'(1 ( tilt ! Htol'l < . COIIIB : ulIl [ . d J . o # I 1' . 1 ID . hl\VI' ol r IJIl'JtjiH" : IlllwlI f"r 1\ - I : r TAilOR MADE smt , . .1 i , : I j i lrice.s .I r0111 $ .8.50 UI ) , , .1 ! t . - : i The rhors : of winter will see [ I 0 As Goo tll1s : Yo ItVa ut . u" I I be over. , . ! i Pleasanter days ahead. t i DHI't fCHWlt Ihllt WII . : : : I ? r I 1 ] Co Unghtest right things things in store In Men's for DreSs all. & f 1 . 0 S E L L i G I \ ) . . 0 C E R.I E S ] Goods that have ever shown [ ' . 1\ we r ' I " , . r. I a l lt. I I l' rlOI H , nil I I' " ) ' II ) ( I II' b -or seen. _ lu I' ' ( : ; ome anJ look at them-SOD ( ' ' : i. . I : ( ( patterns { or the received Springand { S rhe m- 1 l nU ! h OS t M ar k e'rliCeS t f or rfO d lICO. " mer - Just rom W ( "I - 1 fs1 Hoya ! Tailorsl Chicago , U. S. A. J " . i Everyothlllg made to your me3S' ( , q : . - r I ure-all tI olLer- Im "H R D A Y I ; - time-nev r - [ f Yi ! . ; 11I1 ' wisepricesondrously ! uw. ' , I III l i y Fs' . 0 ! I 'I' ' , : I l _ _ j Ihol.olt Bl' W , N llbrll : > la. ; : dtillC ! afijfl1L 5.f. ! , u" ; aj I ; 11 ; I II- : I I 1-- ' _ . . - _ _ _ - - - - - . - - - _ . - . - . - - - . . - - t I . - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - -