Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 27, 1902, Image 1

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    ( . r , ' 1. " . " .r , . "tJt"\Atn-t-lr rllflll\tv9lltl r - . - . . . , , . ' \ . " ' " 'T 'T 'T H " . . , .w i" " ' " . . " ' ; ' - " " " - " - " ' ' ' "V ; ' I ' ' ' ' : . 't.'V , . ' ; ! I' " IJ'rr.r . , . I. " " , ' , " . . ' . ,1 . .
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Ji : \ , ' . . . . HS''ABI-4ISngD 1882. 'l'In O 1'FICIA T4 PAPBR 011' CUS'l'I R COUN'ry. 1-4ARGES'l' CIHCUI-4A''lON OIl' ANY PAPBR IN 'rIn COUN'l'Y.
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. .
. .
SI\Hh \ ( your eycJ ! with my
colorcfl glaR11l'R. II l'\'des . ha\'c ,
I a tcnc1cncy to inducc.fl1ti ul' of .
the optic ncr\'c , rct 1m ami oe-
culnr mnsl'll'S , IIml proll1otc
l'ongcstion of thc c.xterJIlIl cyc-
halllllullills , hccausc of expos-
, urc to wi1lfl , 11u11t awl snn. ; Uy
a. t 1llcll gla scs will protcct yonI'
. . c\'cs from 1111 thc IUlno'anccs
itichlcnt to wheeling.
- -
IflIl1ulltu or Ch1C/l110 / Ollt hlllmlr. 1:1I11CgC' :
. . . . . . . . -.cD8Y.e QD .
- - - . : - : : - = -
, I
School Books ,
I , . . )
I , t Tablets
. ) o ! ! . '
I 'I'
, I .k ,
I -AN-
. ) oi ,
k School Supplies ,
' I , , . : . .
I .M. I 1
I' ' , ! , . '
J . . rl , \ . - ,
. -
\ :7 ' J , G . nae .b arle s" .
: 'i , ' .
. ' 1' , . _ _ . . _ . . _ . . . . - -
t . < t-- . . - ' - n-- ' . . . - . . . ! - Mol. . - - - - - , - . . _ - - . - -
PClie Elizah th Fields ,
\ ID lm n : MB Wb JBjrm. .
9 a. m. to 12 111.
1 :30 : to 4 p. 111.
Or hy appointmcnt.
rE , " ' fficc over Alllierson's Jcwelry Storc
in Rcalty IIIoc ! : , Brokcn Bow , Ncbraska.
_ ' - . . _ . _ - _ . --r"-
l\lrs. C. H.InDcl1clI ; , of Kilbourn ,
\Vis. , was afHctcd with stomach trouhle
and constipation for a long' timc. Sh
' "I IHI\'C hll1
sa's , \ tricIl1llHny prcparations
110lle ha\'c Ilone 1111 : the that Chnmlcr.
lHin's Stomach 11I111 rinr 'l'ahlct ! ; . "
'rhcsc 'rablcL- ; arc for sale at Haehcrle' !
dru Storc. Price , 25 ccnts. Sample !
\ 11'oR SAlon-Barn , ! ( , x18 fcp.t.-
; J. A. Am\lOuH. 1.30 tl
" - - - - - - - -
1".nrlet It Iorl ' " r " 'Or1U ' .
\\'bllll& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.
, 1II\rlu } ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
: ( JI\I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r I
, Cnln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ! : @ .r.
I Uyo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
lIlIlIcr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
NIltI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
l"t I.\ , _ , I' ' r hllRh)1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
01111111'1" " "u hd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \.1' \ '
1'lllckcII . I'ur ' l'ollnI , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
lIoll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
( ' "w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - II ' . @I a B
Hr"u.B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Jr" ( , I i ,
.i'1I1ku'tI.l'l'r1l'\UDII. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
1-I11"w I.crcwL , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .1
n y. N\WoI'Ur ' ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . III
Bllllnr. Ilur cwt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ , ( '
m Local
m ention. . . ,1
S. T4. OlO\'er of Dn' Vattey ,
wag a fricndly cattcr at this oCH c
J as. Linlttc ) " of Ansclmo was a
ci ty'iRitcr Sat ureta ) ' : 'l'h is
otlicc acknowledgc ! ; a friendly
ca11.He \ . . \V. ' 1' . Powerg and wi fc
of Wci ert , wcrc in thc city
att'lt < lar.r as tlelcgates t ) thc
count ) ' tcnlpcrancc convcntlOn.
n. P. Sa.agccom 1 ssion a
post mash.'r at Sarg'cnt arrivcd
la-t ! ; week 'VI nnllcrstanc1 that
lr. a\'ag' will take charge
April 1.
Ma ) ' 20th has been designated
as the date that Uncle Sam will
withdraw hiR troops from Cuha
and turn thc gm'crt1ment of the
isiaull O\'l'r ty the Cuhans.
C. V. Richardson is buillting
an additiml to his residencc
i property he rec < 'nt1. , . hought just
l1orth of thl' court housc. Wc
[ 1t1111erslanc1 that he will mo\'c in-
I to his ncw pnrchasc as eon aR
I the workmcn ha\'c comp1etcd
thcir work.
'Wilson Hcwitt and \\'if of
Mullen , werc'isiting in the city
Monday. 'I'hc ) ' ha\'c sold out at
Mulleli and wcre on their way to
New York whcre Mr. IIewi is
g-oi 111 { to take carc of his fath r the
rcmainder of his days. His
fathcr has uccn in poor health
1'01' some time.
Arc YOU sick ? If o , invcsti-
gate Hie merits of HHRl1IN1It
is a conccn tm tcd mcd icinc , the
dose is smal1 , yet it qnickly pro-
dnccs thc most gratifying rcsults ,
digestion improvcs , th tips aUll
c11ecks losc thcir } > al1or , the eye
becomcs hright and the step
clastic. Pricc , 50 cents. HI1.
1cComas , Brokcn Bow and
A \Vomans 'l'cmpcrance Union
was : at Whsert Jast
wce ' .1. > j' . state organ zcr , l\rrs.
\Y cHou of li'airbury. ' .l'he organ"
7atioll ; startcll ont with : ( ) 1I11U -
bcrs. 1\rs , W. ' 1' . PowersPrcsi-
dent , Vice Presidcnts Mrs. John
Camphell and 1\lrs. S. Powcl1 ,
Mrs. Jicles Haull10nt rccording
Secrctary , l\r n ; . J. L. Sams cor-
rc ! ' > ponl1 ng' Secrctary and Mrs. P.
M. Case 'l'rcasurcr ,
Bcrw\'n , Nehraska at the hrides
home in presence f a com pan ) '
of rcla ti'l.'S and f1'lCllds , March
23rd , 11)02 , hr I c\ ' . H. Bellis ,
Mr. garl J. Iiickmal } of Ansley ,
alHll\iss Bertha : : ; ims of Berwyil !
Nehraska. ' 1'he Rm'uDLlcAN
join the fricnds of thc hapPJ
con pIe in congratulations and
whlt ; thclll long , hap ( > . \ ' au pros.
perous tife together.
On thc 20th 11151. Judge
Arlllonr and a jury wcre occupicl ]
in the trial of the case of Cha- ! ; ,
. H , Hokom b , reed n s , of 0 ] (
f , Farmcrs Bank of Cwtl'r Count )
. plaintiO' , against John W.13rewer
' 1' . l\l. Brewl.'rVm. . A. rcwe1
and Jacoh Klump , llefcndants
'J'he suit was 011 a not ( ' for tIlt
slim of 830U.00. ' .l'hc jury afte :
tieing- out ahollt thirty minu . '
hrought ill a verdict f ( > r : the dl'
reJllant Hnlling110 cau-oe ! 0
adiot ! . J. B. Smith appearel
for thl' ilefenllants and C. II
flokomh , aml L. B. Kirkpatrkl
fur the plaintitT.
- . - . . - - .
- - - . -
. - - - . . - - - . - - - - .
\ . Fancy Seed Potatoes ,
Select Garden Seeds ,
Select Flower Seeds
Stock and Poultry Food.s.
Chicken Grit.Eone : and. Shell
. ; . Casoline and Machine Oils.
/ . ' Harness Oils.
o Yours for Business ,
Pure Old 'l'RADE MARK. Cider Vincgar. J . C . BOWEN
j . ; i : ! , _ . _ _ . _ . I
01' 'J'"I :
13ANI ( OF CO vlrvlERCE
Chnrtef No. 00.
IllcIII'\'rII,1 \ at ] ll'ol < CII 1101III III , ' Sialu o (
clJr"II. lit Ih" cll. . . . ' . ) r bllSlllCH
March IS , l'IlP- .
T.oallQ alllllll.IIIII1I04. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . $1111(01) ) ' :8
Ih''rllraIH. ! I'cllrel 1I11111111 . .CIII. .I. . . . 10 25
SIII'kfl. l'IlIl'llh'04. jlllllflllCIIIH. clall11'1 , .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hh
clc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "IS II
. . . . . . . . . . IS M
Ih' " ! ; tllck : lIlIllI'l'alli CUI h\1I1I.
11:111111111' hllllkl' ( ul'llltllr"llIlllxIIII'CH. . " 5\1 UI
IHh r 1".11 O'Htal' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4i5 ( 1
Clln"1I1 "XI"II. . . . . . alllll\xcH pa1.1. . . . . . 5 05 55
Dllt' rnlll1 11:1111111:11 , Hlal" :11111
h'alllh.IIIIIHl11i1h.lUk"r9S 5 ' .2'\2 I
'J'lIlal III ca h "lIlmllll , . . . . . . . . . . . 3 355 ij 557 9'.1
- -
' 1'\al. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 r. . ' 1'I ! '
( ' :1tItl1 Slnelt 113\,1 \ III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ I \Io ! nO
UIIIII\'hh..1 1'\11111" , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . : > . 3
T 1\1111'1111131 , h'p".II. . quld.'ci tu
clh'\k. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S HiS & )
\C \ 11\1111 ccrlllicalu > I IIf IIc.
II \
Jlnslt" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 \I "
' 1'111111 , ' , 'rtl1katl'Q " "I'II..h , 3 .100 Ull 13 "ij 4 ( ,
11111 JII'ahln. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . : . ' I
' 1'1I1al. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : I. . 55'1 1) . ' } . : ,
- - - -
HTATH ( II' NJ'III ! . "I\ , ' . . . ' .
ll' 'r111' CUll flW. \
T. I. ' . : ' 1. HC1I1.w : . 11I.'sh1cllt ur Ihe ahll\'c
11:11111',1 hallk. , In I'nlo'IIII11) ' ! ! wear Ihat , Ihc aho\ ' ! '
1.lh'II1"UII" ( , , 'n'cllllhl.l l1'u. ' enJl ) IIr thl ) fl'-
1'1I111II1Il1" IuIII ! Hlah ! 1Iaul(11111' hllanl.
1 : " 11.IJULltI : .
Alt.'fll :
. U. ' 1'In'sus. \ . Dln'ctor.
I . 1Ih111.1J : : . " 'rectiII' ' .
Suh.'rll",1 \ " , , 'urll IU hcfnr , ' nlU Ihltl21111
,1:1) ' uf 1\1an'h. I'llr. : . " ' . n. 1'"SrlIAJII.
! ! m\1.1 NUla1'uhlh' .
. - - - - . . . . . . . - - - . - - - - - - . .
1 ! x--CongrcSS1l1an Haincr of
Aurora wa attcnding court in
this city ll'riday.
Attot'tlCY J. C. Portcr of Ans-
ll r , wa ! ' itUenlling 11i'trid ! court
hi this cit V F'riday.
, C. C. G nlncr ilUd Fin Morris
of Sargent , were ci t'isitur ! '
last 'l'hursda.r retnrnillg Friday.
A torncj" Moon of 'l'aytor , W lS
loolnng' after legal bUSll1csg 111
the district court in this city
gx-o\'crn l" O. H. A hbot of
Grand Island was in the city
Friday looking" after matters in
the district court.
Attornc\ . B. Brcga of Cal-
laway " , was in the city li'riday ,
looki"ng aftcr legal busincss n
thc district court.
1\'fr. IIcipef , five milcR south
cast of Ans1cy , had his honse and
contents and * ( ' 0 in cash destroy-
ell bj' fil'C 'l'ncsllay of last wl'e
Harry \V. Burdick and Mi s
Bertha Cra\'dor \Vcstcrvi11e
were married 'Vcdnesday of last
wccl . Re\.A.G.Smith ot1 ciatillg.
G. B. Cadwel1 arrived last
Friday from Il1inois with his
11Ouseholcl goolls anl1 a car of
registercd Hercford cattle. He
movell to his ranch south of to\\'n
thc first of thc week.
'Vhcn childrcll have ear ache ,
saturate a piece of cotton with
llAT.T.AHu's SNOW LINIMUN'r , and
place it in the car. It will stop
I , thc pain quic1dY. Pricc , 25 and
50 ccnts. 1 11. McComas Brokcn
, Bow anl1 Merna.
Oscar Carter and Miss Ursula
Kerr of Anslcy were marricd last
'l'hursday night at the homc of
the hrides parents 1\1 r. and Mrs.
J. H. Kerr. J. R."Tood officiat-
ing' . ' 1'hewil1makc their home
. in Ha\'cnna whl're 1\11' . Carter is
cmployed in thcRa\'cnna mi1l ! > ,
Dad McGugil1 of "Talworth ,
, was a fricnlllv ca11er last Satur-
day. lIe SiqS . : the rail road fever
h spreal1ing. in h is vicinity again
and that manv ar < ' . quite san.
g'lIilH' in theirl > lticf that thc road
will hc , huilt in the carl ) ' ! 'pring
- on the su\\'c . made throngh
thl're lmt fatl.
l\Ii's ! Kittic Gephart of Ansle , '
. has hccurl a positon as salcs.
lady with \Vi1 011 & Dralcc. Mis
( ; cihart 1ta had sev'ral'ear
expcrience in Department storc
hoth in Omaha and Nebraki ;
City an we ha\'e no douht tlH
pa on5 of this popular store wil :
nnd hcr \'cry competent 5alc51all )
Where sho\llll \ he stcps takcn al
once by t hc ci t izens of llrokel
Bow to secure a general plantin
of trces on the n.idl'ncc strect !
of Broken Bow this spring'
A cal1 for a mass meeting tl
.1Ilopt somc plan hy which thi !
may he done shoultl he held a
once. Who will assume the re
spons ibi1it , of the call.
'I'his locality was fa\'ofell wilt
. rain from Sunday until'I'uesda'
morning. It did not rain ver
hard any of the time , nor cent 1i
ously bnt the sun did not make hi
appearancc until bctwccn CJ anI
10 o'c1oc1 'l'uesday , thcn enl ) ' fo
a 5hort tunc , yesterday was c1ea
but a strong wind" prevailed
'l hc rain put the ground in m05
exccllent shape for spring /1'ail / ;
that has been 30wn and greatl
improves thc condition of HI
winter whcat and r'c. E\'er'
. I enc is rcjoIcing over the prospect
for crops.
'l'hc l1cwalllitiol1 ! thal 'l'reasur-
er George is having build to hig
house will vcry matcrially im-
pro\'e its appearatlcc.
C. O. 1-4ind has movcII his
family to to\\11 and is comfort-
ahly located in hi ncw r ltcncc
pr perl ) ' , a mile sout hcast of town.
li'oH SAI.IJi'ivc acre8 df land
in g-ooll staH of cu1t'ation ad. .
joining Drol < cn Uow fOf SOO. : !
. Inquire al this oCHee. 3-27 tf
'l\hcrc will he a social at thc
north sidc school house 'l'hurs-
Ilay e\'cnihg April 3rd. Admission -
sion wcn be chargcd and rdrcsh-
IlIcnts Candy booths
will be opt'l'ated by sonic of thc
pupils. 1'hcrc will also bc a 5ct
fish pond. Procecds to he used
for ! 'chool expenccs.
Mrs , Wi111'ry ! and chihlrcnleft
Sunday morning' for De Quccn
Ar1mnsas. 'l'hcj' will vhut with
rc1at'cs at T incoln and Kansas
itbefore , complcting thc1r
Journcy , Mr. 11 rey left today.
He hm ; sold a half intcrcst in liiH
cattl to Dave ' 1'ho111pson who
has rented his ra nch south of
town. . Mr. Fry . wilt work for
the Dlcrk8 Lumhcr Company at I
De Quecn.
County 'l'CUl)1l1rUnco ) lecl1l1g.
A vcry cl1thusimticmectingwas
hel < 1 in the court room Saturday
aftcrnooJl , March 22 , pursuant to
the call of the ministeral Association -
tion of Brokcn Bow , to dicUHS !
il county tcmperancc organim- :
Hon. 'l'hc meeting was called to
ol'der hy Rc'I'ri tcs.hQ , read
thc call. On motior C. 'V. , Bcal
was choscn chairman and G. P.
'I'ri tes Sec. , 33 clelcg'atcs respoml-
cd to 1'011 can , all of whom were
i\1\.ited \ to participatc in the
delibcrations. Aftcr thoroughly
discussing thc matter , it wal > de-
cillcd to organize a county organ-
izaticn undcr t hc consH tu t ion of
the A 11 ti-Saloon Lcague. 'rhe
oflicers clected arc as follows :
Pl'csidcnt , C. V { . Beal ; vicc-prc i-
Ilcnts , II. H. An rcws , G. P.
'L'rites and \V. D. Hall ; comity
supcrintendcnt . G.Easthman ;
secret an' . , Gcrty 01'1' ; and treasur-
eI' J : D. .l eam : A collection waS
takcn to co\'cr co t of printiug
and mailing call. 'l'hc county
supcrtendcnt was then instructcl (
to visit and organize localities
where a league would be l1elpful ,
a col1cction being' takcn at each
place org-anizcd to 11efrav . the
expensc of samc. County .presi-
dent and secl'ctary ordered to
ha\'c printell and irculatcd for
signatures , a numbcr of rcmon-
strances against the issuing of
anj' saloon license to anyone '
within t1 e county bj : the .board
of snpernsors. l\Icet111g adJourned -
ed to meet at call of president.
. . . . .
- - - - - -
lUluiOlllc School of 1111111'11(111011.
Grand Iccturcr , Rohert l"l'ench
of Keal'l1cy arrivcd in the city
Saturday night and wmainctl
O\'CI' until \Vcdnc , claY morning.
lIe hcld a school of iIistruction in
thc Masonic Hall , Monda ) ' and
'l'ucsdaj' , holdingthrec sessions
a day. He highly complcmcntcd
the Masonic J-4odge of this place
for its proficicncy in the un"
writtcn work. Brothcr French i
\'l'f.\ ' popular in l\Ias nic circ1eg
allll his periodical visits herc arc
I always enjoyed hy thc members.
. " . - . - . . . - .
mtl (1IIR tltIlH ! JI'r.llu .
A citizens temperance mas
meeting will he held in the 'Mg : ,
church Monday . night at H o'clock ,
All who arc .il1ter sted in thl
L cll'dion ncxt 'rueslla r arl' Ul'g'C ( '
, to be prescnt and hetr ; the issuc !
lli cusssd by ahle speakers ,
Special mURic has heen prodcI
for thc ocassiun. 'l'he rlIowil1
} 1'rsons will spcak. .1 ; H ; . A
Whtehcad , Dr. C. Pickett , l . 1
Kirkpatrick and Judge II. i\r
( "I't1 ( It 'l'1ullllLij
Wc , thc undersig'necl , hereh'
extend our inct'rc thanl ( to th
fricnds and tll' ghbom for thci
assistance dud ng' thl' 1&1 te ick
ness , death anti burial of ou
dcarly" belo\'l dmother.
W , S. BOYlH. :
" N. BO\'CH.
' " / GlLm wr Boycn.
o Mus. P. n. luNJ : .
Mns. } , IAHY lOORE.
i\Im ; . J.\1. : OYCF. .
Hooll . 'rl"f ! ) SI'1'\'lcn.
A "Thrcc Hour Sercc" wil
he hcld in the El'i'copal churel
Friday aftcrnopn , Marcl.128 , { n ) , .
2 to 5. Addresses will c. IU. I
on the " 'Vords fro u the Cro s.
1st 'V'ord , ' 8t Luke 23':34 : , Hev
Oeo. P. 'l'dtes ; ' 2ndYord , St.1
J4UkCi 23.3 : . . , HcS. . 'V. l ich-
al'c1 ; 3nl .Word , St. John , 11) : ( "
27 , Rcv. C. V.Al1isonj 4th Word ,
St. Matt. , 27:46 , Hcn. . l .
Mycrs ' ; 5th Word , St. John ,
1':28 : , HcJ. . H. 'L'eag-ardenj Mh
\Ynrcl , 81. John , 11):30V. : . II ,
Doggett ; 7thVord , St. 111 < e ,
23:4 : ( " HcD. . A. Shctler. AU
arc corllially invited to attend.
CInrch HcrYlcc" .
Prcl\chil1 h ) " the pa\tor ! In the lIapti l
chnrch ncxt S1II1Ill\ ) " lit II o'clock R. 111.
1\11117:30 : p. 1SlIhullth \ school I\t 10 II.
m. , junior n. Y. p , U. lit 3 ) I. 111. RlIll
slmion. \ . Y. P. U. Rl1 p. m. YOII I\re
conUlIlIv . Itwitccl to oUcul1 thcse sCI'\'Icc\ ! .
S. W. Rlcn.\itDS , Pastor.
Gooll lllR ) ' , 1\1 II rcl1 28. 'flu'Cc hour
scr\'ice. :1 to 5 p. 1II Addresses 011 the
"Wonlll ( rom' the Cro ' 4 , " hy till the
1IIinistcr. ; of BrokclI How. Hnstcr ( lay ,
i Mllrch 30. 11 II. 111. IlIOr1lin ser\1cl'
with scr1llon. Authcn , "UnAter pruisc"
( Portcr ) . Anunlll oppCnil1j ; fOI' missions.
71. . m. Ch lllrcn'R Hllstcr scnice , cllrolll
III \ drcss , Hnslcr egg ! ! 1\11(1 ( pnperfl ,
chihlrcn'lI 1IIissiol1l1n' olTcrin . H\'cn'
enc eorllialh' . in\'i1cd : -
W. H. DoamtT'J' , Rcctor.
: \to Ii. cmmclI.
A , specilll 111 issionnt'y "cl'\'icc lit lhe
lIIorning hour in thc i\1. H. cluIrch Suu-
11111.'tl' I " 'l'he Why , whut 11I111 whcn
oMissions. " 'I'ext Mlltt. 6:10. : In the
nfternoon lit 2:30 : the \lastor will prcllch
to thc ch lllrcl . Alltlc chilttrclI of the
comlllllllily in\'itcd. At the c\'cllin
hour a tcmpernncc progralll with IIpccial
1IIusic 11I111 IIn lIt1tlrcss hy thc pUlIlor on
"I.icCI1SC or No I.lcclIle ! which ? " 'rhe
public is contil\l1y hwitclI.
Gl\o. P. 'l'llI'I'Wi , Pastor.
l'JU gn\'THlll N Cmlllcn.
I SCl'\'iccs next Saubath at 11 II. 111. IIntl
(7:30 ( : p. III. ReChn' ! , A. 'l'nylor will
\rl'ach \ hoth 1II0rninl : : \Iull1\'cllin1' ! Suh.
I Jcct of 1II0rning cnnou , "What III Yom
I.ifc. " H\'enin Hubjccl , "Thc Inspin.l
Word. " Thcrc wiH be IIn Huster Sun
rise : -Icn'icc H o'clock [ \ , UI. III the
aftcl'llooll thcrc will be It chihlrcn'f
licn'ice lit 3 o'clock , cO\ull1clcll lIy tIll
e\'ungclisl. Y. 1' . S. C. uI6:30. : Spccial
1II11ic will be l'cl1llercd hoth Ulornlng lilli' '
c\'cl1in . Allurc wclcomc.
DIn. . .
l\lAUDH-lluughter of 1\11' . 0I1111\1r9.JI\9
Chittick , 'l'nesdl1Y 1\11I\'ch 25 nf brn 1
fc\'er , ugc I ) 'ClIl' , S 1II0nths111 \ 1811a'lI ,
ReS. . W. Richarrh1 contlllctcil sho\ '
rcligious Iil'r\'iccs lit the hUllsc ) 'cstenlaJ
1II0\'llin \ IIftCI' which thc \'cUlains WCrt
tllkcn to GrUllll View cCUletcry of DllwftOl
colUlt \ . for } mJ' nl where thc parcnts hlt\'l
two cftildren hu\'ried. 'l'hc RJ\l'l1l1f.TC.\\ \
extcnds to thc ) ltlrcllts the n ccre 11)111'
pllth ) ' of thc cOllllllnllity iu their bC lrt1\'C'
\V. W. 'l'nollNToN , who hils l'cs lll'Cl fet
thc pnRt 11'1 ) 'carll on his farm iu Wcstcr.
ville township , depllrtcclthis life n littll
uftcl' millnight on J\llIreh 23. 'l'hc fUller.
ul look placc in th 1\1. H. chnrch on thl
mO\'J\ill of the 25 , The RcW. . H. .
l\Iuthews prcacltcIl thc scnllon mut Ull
\\'oodlllal1 l'Ul\Il' aHcmlcll lUul IIsslstCI1. .
1\11' . 'rhorntoll wus 45 ) 'curs 0111 lit the
tiUle of hill dcath. lie hml lcCJI R mCIII.
lcr of thc 1\1. I . chnrch for ten yell\11 allll
WtlS I\t the tillle of his Ih'ath , Cla-ls-I.ert. :
dCI' , SlInllay School Snperintcndcnt 111111
Rccording StcwanL IIc ICII\'cS n wife ,
chilll\'en mulll hoftt of frltinlls to mourl !
his loss , which will IIC kecllly felt.
Nancy R. Suulerson : Boyce wm ; homl
Jalluary 7th , IHI5 ill I'crr ) ' coullty. Ohil
ul\Il ut dCllth was IIgcII 87 YCUlS , 2 11I0nl !
IInd 14 da'lI. Shc unitc < < 1 with the Pretl
hyterinJl church lit Ule age of scvcnteclI
rCUluininJ { 11 f/lithflll ml'mher in thl
i chnnh of her dlOicc until thc YCU1' IS7'
whcn she united with thc Chri'itial !
chnrch , conl nuinj. ! ( \11 cllrnest cOllsistclll
1IIemhcr until her Ieml clIell ) ) hcr hOllle
'flw IleecuRcl'as ) ullitcll in m/lrriugl
to John U. Bo'ce , Janullry 15 , IH35 it
Hockillg , cOlluly , Ohio , of which 1111101
wcre hem elc\'cn cltiltlrcn. hix SUI1I1 IIIU
fi\'c Inn htcrs. Shc g/l\'e tu hcr COlUltf1
in its hOllr ofcri ) fou\ ' OIlS two of whuli
nevcr rctumcl. Threc sons 11I111 thrci
dllughtcrs remain to mOllrn her IOSH
lIeI' christian lifc wus sillclrc : U\lll \ on ih
tant ; \'cr clltlea\'orill to lCllve III
, eXl1l11plc IItll11irnblc nmollJ ; her acqltll\l\t \ \
IIIII'CS 111\11 acccptnlllc with IwGIUl. . Sh
leacs to the hcrclI\'l'll thc riche t hOOI
of parelltal h ritlJc ; the chi\llrclI \
l ar1icot recottcctionH bcillg IIIollic
lCl\llillg thl' scdptllrcs. 'rhc fllllclni WII
. he\llat \ tht : rc idl'nce of hcr clUII htel
.l\lrs. 1' . II. l\Iullk of this citSnnlill
lIIorning' , HeJ. . H. . 'fcaHjnl n ofI1cinl
hll { , nssistcll I" . RIAlhson ; pastor l
. thc christiun cf1llrch. Thc RHI'I'IIIICA :
. txtcnlls : to tltt. dcccnl > cd in thclr grt.1
. hcrcu\'cI1lCllt.
HTOI"tt Till ; : COUGII
' " reo WOJUUt OI I' 'I Jut COI.n.
. 1 , " "t1ve Urolno 1J111111110 'i'IIMul. cllru n cold I
ono , Id > ' . No CUll' , Nu l'ay. l'lco : If'reute.
. rfSJ1
Paints ,
Oils and
Wall Paper
. .at. .
Ed. McOomas'
Drug Store.
_ _ I > .
_ _ _ _ A ;
m < < " : tii
Job printing at this o ice. .
Lubricating oils of a11 kinds nt
'Vilkin's drug store. .
Money loaned on improved
farms. .T A\Il\lt : 14ltDWIClI ,
7 18 tf Brokcn Bow , Neb.
Dr. 'l'V. . Bass , dentist , office
northwest corncr of Realty Block.
S-1 H.
Moncv to loan on improved
farms..Moore & 'faylor , Realty
Block. 1-23 tf
Snyder Bros. bavc a largc aud ,
complete line of dress goods , '
lacHcs furnishing goods and their ,
prices are right. They can sav'e
you mot1c . . Call and sec them
for bargalus.
Snydcr Bros. havc a large
assortmcnt of winter goods that
thc ) ' arc closing out at bargains
FoN. SAI.H-'Lots 1 , 2 , 7 aul 8 ,
block 5 , in Jowett's addition to
Brolccn now. Enquire at this
office. 11-21 tf "
lots and a few five acre lots in
thiscity , for cattle , horSC9 or farm
lanl1.-Allen Reyucr. \
li'arms for sale ar. < 1 lauds for
r ren t. Now is the time to get a
fa rm cheap , as the cbeap f rms
arc aU goil1 , and lriccR are advancing -
vancing rap1dly.-J. G. Breni er.
A few comforters and blunkehJ ' , , I
can he had at Snydcr Bros. for
lcss than ) ' 011 can buy thc material -
ial and make them. Call amI sec.
FOR RnN'l'-A well improved
farm. J A1\IItS LRPWI It , :
Broken Bow , Ncb. . : ' ,
Dicrks Lumber Co. has ill atock
a. car load of fiue cedar posts for
thc trade. " ' , j
'l'he old and l'etiable firm oC
) Dierks Lumber Co. is the placc to "
. go for lumber or coal. A good" ,
snpply and 'rades to meet tbe'
wants of thetr customers are a1- 1
wa's in stock. 32-1 tf
\V AN'l'Jm-A good single bug- . 1
gic and harI1eRs. Address , , ox : h , )
lOll . , rokenllow , Nebras1m. 'A 'j
' :
} 1\1t1\l I'UR SAIH-lbo lIercs , nearly a11 ;
black loam HU l , nl1unllcr fehec , 65 acrcs :
" in pllstur , IIbout 80 IIcreslllIler culti\'a-
I liOIl , 2 acres in 1toH pa9tilrlf balrmce ;
prniric mca ow. SUll house 24t26 thiu- ! .
, . J.le : roof , in good cOlllHtiou , hYllraulic
- wcn , IInll willd 111111. frumc hum for Hix : : , . !
:1 : . Jlotsc8 , 11\111 \ corn crihs. One mile cast of
UapliHt church in I. . < > up township , ncar
ClIlIlro post ofiicc. Clcar tille. This is a'
IJlJl'gain , } , rice $1,000 , $500 C4S1t. 'rime : : . I"
will hc g1\'cn un the'tJalance with iuterest :
ul H pCI' cellt. POI' l'ariiiulara enquire of J
Mr .lml.uhtth : SelllIr kcnllowNeb. 39tf
Children often Ulhcrit fecble
digestive power and and colic of. : ! \
a ntor or lcss scvere Cllaracter re- . "
m1ts , when fOOtll taken which 111
is difficult to ( \ gest. 'VUITIt'S
- CR1tA I V HlMtl UGJ acts as a gen- '
cral and permaneut tonic. Price ,
25 cents. Ed. McComas gen'j 'j
n Bow aud Merna.'t .
' - - - - - - - - - - - . . . - - - - - - - .
l' " .
r , , . ? . t . , 'I' I' ' , ( , ' 1' ; 1' 'I" 'I' , . " ' , , * ' . , tF' i . .7t'm7J' ; ' I " 'L , , 'I'
, , . ,
' \.71' I h:1vO : again takan pOllliC81ioD ! of
< i :
, . ,
, ' . ,
Aud am\ly o'l'Rnln ' BO fitting it I1P with modern
improvements , UI\\8 inlHuiug my gueBtl ! lIVery oomfort , in.
IIllI in 010"0 'WarJ I'cds Rnd good , honcst 'quRre mealli.
11 Witb this fffort 'I BoBui' tuo patroDage of all my old ,
It frIcnds au many now 0'.1011.
1e. .
: ' j