Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 20, 1902, Image 1

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    L\brnrtl\U \ toctot ) '
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. . .
. . I j S'l'ADT4ISlIgD 1882. 'rng OPPICIAI4 PAPgH 01' CUS'1'J R COUN'l'Y. LAl ( aS'I' : CTl\CPI A'j'ON ] Ol ANY PAPJ H IN I'HI COUN'l'Y.
- - - - - -
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e011P.\ I ( ) Fen ourl'
W.\IW WOltt'lI
A 1ight" . nlten'll from origil1111
r lil1c to fittht. cutl1l1lllitthc casc.
" Daillty ril1g for dnll1ty'el . r- . .
l.tS. l oOlltllstc.hcnllt.deslrlllll-
it \ ' . ser\'icc nllli till ) ' priccs thcsc r
mc : thc parts that go to l1Ial c .
the wholc. lit thi jl'wclry store
I ofIim' allIl'ours. .
I t is "trolllilc to show goods , "
hill I alii ill 1)il1cSS to hc
trouhlcll. 1 lerc011 art' nlwlI ) ' ! !
wcJcOl1le to look withollt'llll\-
l1g nl1fllc.II\'C withollt illlp\llicilt fl
\\I1ortll\\lI1g' .
Af.ld ( 0 \ )
A. . . ; ;
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or'l ; ClIlIegO'
Irlldllllh' IIc/lIU 0111 hllimio
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e QV\Q1 " " " 1ID .
. . . .
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- - - - -
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{ School Books
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< -t J. G. Haeb rle 's.
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- - - - - - - '
'f . PC ! Ie ElizalJ th Field ,
I ID ' 1al ) ! 1 1Jh l1 jIJ i1 ]
Ol } lICE HOt ! H $ :
I I ) a. m. to 12 Ill.
1 : O to 4 p. 111.
Or hy appointmcnt.
.lf'ir'Ofiil' : ( > ovcr . \ I11cntJJcwelry ; lorc
in I el\ty \ Bled : . Brokcn Bow. chm ; ka.
. . . . . . . . . - . , , . . . " . . . . . . . .
- - - - - - - -
R "S. SKIN gH ,
Repairing of all k lllls < < Ionc in Iirst-l'lns : >
IIHmner. I'lowor \ : :11111 horsl' shol'il\ ; . {
a spcciallRClllcmhr thc locntion-
thc 11&\\ ' sliop wcst of COllllllcrcial holcl.
- - - - -
Jk WitIH.'rs Oltaha ! painlcgg
denth.t , at ClolJl' hotd March 24
a 11 < 1 25 , s < 'c him ahout your tceth.
22 year cxpcricncc. t Anslcmo
2lth. 31)-40
- - -
I ll resh f1owcr , Held and gardcn
sccds at .1. C. Dowcn's. .
Snyder Bro ! ' ; . haa \ large and
complcte line of dress goods ,
1lIlics fnrni8hing g-oods and their
prices arc right. ' 1'he ) ' can sa\'e
" .You monej' . Call and sec thcm
for bargains.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
l\loney loaned on 0 IIl1pro\'ed
7 18 tf Brokcn Bow , Neh.
Whcn children hav car aela' ,
aatnrate" picce of cotton with
BAI.I.AHD'S SNOW LI DtlW'l' , and
placc it in the car. Jt will stop
the pain quickly. Price , 25 and
50 cents. Ed. McComas Broken
now and l\lerna.
. . . .
- - - - - - - -
o 0 . WAN'rHD-A geol singlc bug-
glC a nd harness. Addrcss , Box
101'1 , Broken How , Nebraska.
. . . - - - - - -
F.\Il\1 : I Ol { S.\IH-I6o acrcs , ncarl\ ' all
" hlnck loalll soil , all1llHIer fcnce. 65 iiCl"C5
in pnsl1llc. IlIJOllt &J ncr 5 unllcr culti\'a-
lion , : ! acres ill hog pmture , halalll'c !
prairic mcallow. So.1 hOllsc 2.rX26 shillI I .
gl ( ' roof. ill goofl cOlldition. h\'llmnlic.
\\11. allli willd mill , fmnw hum" for iix
c horscs , nllrt corn cribs. One mill' cast of
I lInptht church in I.oup . near .
Cllmro po : > t of1 cc. Clcar tillc. l' lis i a.
l.argaill , pticc : \IOUU. : .50J clsh. Tilllc
will bc gl\'CII 011 thc lmlnncc with illlere"t
at t per ccnt.lor { particnlars cnlJnirc of
: \lrs.HlizalJcth Scll.lIrokcll BOcIJ. . J9tf
J'nr Hale.
. . . . .
, . } , [ ) ' rcillence ! ' poperty in west
part o town. AIo ! ' good family
dri\'ing horsc , hugg " and har-
ncss.-W. n. Poor. 31) tf
\ . , . . . . . . -
. . -
[ : : if : : : : J
Butter and egl"S want d at J.
C. Buwen's.
'l'hc COUllt \ " hoard : uljonrnl'(1
'l'ucsda.niglit tu Jnne 3.
C , Donde of lWm 'l ownship ,
was a fricndlr callcl' 'l'ucslay.
"VAN'mu--A g"00l1 dining room
girl.--l\lrs. L. .1. Uaml\ , " . I ) tf
Sherilr Armsrong ( took John
Ll'C of U org-etown to thc a y-
hun at f4111l:01n Sumla ) " .
Mrs. D. W. 'I hemp on and
daughter Hazlc left rot' Payctt
Illallo on 41 yc tcrda " mOl'i1i ng.
His rC'portl'11 that the mctho-
lli ! > b ; will huihl a suhstancial
: uldtion to thch' pal' ( ) nage this
Hpnng. ,
I4aura nl'egg will tI < . 'Jiver a
Il'cturc Sunday afternoon at 3
o'clock in the ' ; .1. g. ch 1l'ch on
woman HulTragc.
Sunday night mcrcury rl'gist-
cr < 'd 4 degree > ; hc10w 70 < . ' 1'0 , hl'ing'
a drop from 511 to 70 a ! O\'l' , mule
it appear very cold.
U. N. l awson went to LtII-
on ] Wednesday night to meet a
cOllsi n who is ln hl'l' wa . \ ' to Den-
vcr from V el'l11on t.
M. C. Warring-Lon anll Or. A.
g , l ouerlson of Mason C tj' ,
wen' cit.y \ ' sior 'l'ue , llay ' looking'
after business mattel'S u'dore 111 ( '
count ) " boat'd.
'rhc nroln n Uow Bqual it \ ' Clnb
wiB meet at the homc of' Clara
A. Young l' riday c\'eningi\1arrh
21. AI1 arc c01'l1ialh' . invitet-- !
Jm.lA , Scc'y.
Mrs. Bcntelr , thc wifc of g\'an-
getist BcnO..l < .ft here la t l"dllay
morning- Onawa 10wo whel'l'
8hc will \'isit a short timc b'forC' '
rcturning to her homl' at. 14int1
f4. n. Carstcnson , formerly
night operator herc , pa ; se(1 (
throu ! \ . .on Mondamorning's
train n his way t ; "lasrJn to.
relievc t.hc station ag' < 'nt of that
T acoh I a1 < . ' 5 of'fcrna , who
was befor thl' count \ . judg-e'
' 1 l1 < 'staon ! till' chargc oj'assllll
on ( he ) erson of Charles
ghlin , wa bound o\'cr to the
llistrid court.
' 1'he IIorticu1tural Su ict ) ' hl'1 < 1
a mceting in this citj' 'l'm'stay !
afternoon hllt as we werc uJlahh'
to attetHI Wl' are not ahle to report -
port it at t.his time. Wl' lInl1L'l'-
stand' another 111 < 'ctin/.f / will hl'
hcIt ! in August.
. \ Villforl'isl'r was arresh'd
yestl'1"tIa\ ' anl lo11g'l'd in tIll'
cOlin t \ . jtil : on thc c It arge of ill i-
cit 11terl'oursl' with thc thirtecn
.rcat' old daughtcr of Isaac Barcu ! ;
who makes h < 'r hOl11e at \\'l'st-
hrook'snorth side.
1. A. l encau is arranging to
1I10\'l' to his ranch on the Middle
Loup in a few days in orcl < 'r to
ha'C ' sions or his
\'C personal SlI persions
Stock. We prcdict that his stay
Wi1l11ot last \"erj' man ) ' 1I10nth ,
as he leave ! ' ; enc of thc finest residence -
idence propertil's othe dty.
.1onh Scott and Henry JIl'in of
Westen'illl' , Idndly n..inemIK'red
thh ; OfliCl' whiIL' in OIl' l' t \ . one
day last. wcek. Ir. scott e lrdell
home with him a copy of the McKinley -
Kinley hook which he hlll left
his onll'r for , ome till1P heforc ,
and Mr. J1cin ad\'ill1ccd his
subscription a couple or Yl'ars.
Arc VOlI Rick ? If BO , iu\'eti- ! '
gate ttic merits of IIHHIII H. It
is a conccn tra tCll med ici nc , the
dose is small , yet it lJllickly" produces -
duces the most g-ratifyiug' rc ; uHs ,
digestion impro\'esl thc1ip and
chcelm losc thcir pallol' , the cye
hccomc ! ' ; hright and the stcp
clastic. Price , 50 ccnts. Ed.
l\kComasl Hrolcln How n 11 < 1
Prof. M. F. Knox , of whom we
made l1ll'ntion lilst wcek hils deli -
\'ercd rour leet urCH ilt the court
honse this wecl , on mel1tal sci-
ence. Lust night hin subject
was the law of healing , tonight
his suhject is to hc how to educate -
cate the child , and ll'ridar nig-ht
how to u\'erconlC death : llul ! i\'e
furever.Yhile he has SOIl1C good
thoug-hts amI is a OUl'nt anll
l'lolluent spea1\C'r w < ' . regard him
an l'xtrcmist. Whilc he dOL'S not
Ileny thc Bible his thories are not
consistant. with its teachings : lIul
arc unsafe. As a phrenulogist hl !
is a fair delincator.
- - -
111' ' 1'1\1 :
Bl okan Bovl' ' State. Bank ,
, . ' , - , ,
Chnrtor No , 540.
111'IIrJlor.1lll1lh. . RIa' " "f Xl'hrI"la. IIllhl'
cl" . . . . "r hU'lIIll' > lf ! tarch I . 1''Jl. '
1.lIallllIll > 1cctll111I'1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I3. . "IS 'i'J
Ihl'nlra ll"Iun'II 1111I1 uII".cun.II. . . . 51 5. '
1..uruhur'.alllll'lxlnn. " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IIHII' "
. . . , . . . . . . . . . ,
Chl'clj" an.1 .11'r , ca.h 1".111'1. . . WI If
IInl' fwnl l1alllll1al , "lnlO
anll I'rh\I hanll" , 111111
\'anl".r. ; . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . :2. ; 421 11'
l' \\II : . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . I' ' f 'i UI
SII \ , 'r :11111 lill" ! . . . . . . . . I ; :111 : It .
'l'I'lal'a"h 1111 halll ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , :1 : < " , 4 : . :
- - -
'l'IIlnl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . I i3i5 : 'J.1 .
- -
( ' : IIltal'l'"clc ( ' l'ahlll1. . . . . . . ( . . . . . . . . . 2\1 Ot"III' '
SlIfIln" fllllll. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIuO ,
JJlIllIl'hl. Ilrulll'l. ( " " ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1m I"
, . . . . .
111I1I1'11Iual Ih'I.Il. huh.
.iecIIII ched. . . . . . . . . . . . . : : : I I ' ) j C , )
DI'n\111111 ccrlltlcalc'l IIf
IIl'ptl..1l \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ' . ! 1 tI
Ihw III olntll nu,1 , trl.
I'alt ! hanl ( > I :11111 hallkll' > ! I 4' 1 I l 145 2t . : _ i4
- - -
.rlllal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . li1 ; Ji5 ' ) J
- - - - -
S1'\1'I ; 01' XHnKMIJ.\ ' . . . . . . .
C"U TII' CIIsTlm. ,
It 5.1 < ' Wnrr ok. 1'II.hlo'I' ; IIr Ih. . ahtl\u
lIal1ll'lI hanl ( . , III III"lIIlIh' " " car thaI Ihl' nhll\11
' 1laleull'lIl I. . Cllrn'CI lIu,1 , a trull CIII'Y III Ihl' re.
plln 111:1111' 10 1111' Stnh' Hauldllll' hlllll'tI.
H. 1 < , \ \ ' /\IlUCI .
" "esl : -
J. : II. KrmllI/I.I : : < : C\ . I1lr'lvl' .
S. \\\I/IUCK. . 1IIn'I'lIIr.
Snh."lh.,1 nlll"II'IIrll III h"rlln' IIIIhl" ! . ! Ith )
. .1:1.f : 'I1.lnh. I'III ! . nu , , D. PIC'I\ .
1'1'\1. ] III:11' ) ' 1'1111\1 ( " .
. . . . . .
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
'j'hc assessors held ( hl' r aunual
m eting" in tIll' city 'l'lle da ) ' .
l' rn'st Shnll anti family went
to York on 4 'rl1l' da.night. .
} 'or all pulmon : ry t.rou le : ;
taken in t.hc earlr stagcs , proves
a certain tlntl su're pelTc. ' It is
equally effccth'e in' ( TOnp .11111
whoolil1g' ; coug-h , aud if u cII in
l'ason pre\'ells the furhcr ( tlc-
\'lopl'lllent or con u\l1ptiou. Price
25 a cen ts. Ed.J cComas
Brokcl1 Bowanll Merna.
. J.\I. Kil1lherlin ' Wl'nt to C1"in-
; 1\11 , Iowa last Fnc1a\ ' night Oil
n'cl'ipt of a 'll'gralil tha.t his
fatlll'r wa dangl'ron h' sick. On
hl'ing" inforllletl hy ( he' physician
in atte'ndance thit his father had
impro\"ed so that tlH.'n' was no
illltnediatl' danga , he' returnecl
hOI11"csteJ"la ( ) ' Illorning to reei'C
the sid news by tclc.rram ; that hi ! ;
father elicil at 2-15 "Vedrll'sclay
mOl"l1 i n g. 'l"'he RIU'lTIIT.IC.\K ex tenlls
to Mr. Kim l'rling" the sinl'l're
sympathy of thl' COmml1t1ty , in
lii sad h.r \'cml'n t. -
'I'he sp cial meetings .that
ha\'c hecn in progTess in tIll'
Baptist chnrch of this city for
the past three weeks hy E\'angl'l-
ist Bently closed list : Sundar
nig'ht. ' 1'11C 11Ie < 'ting-s from tIte : .
human point of'iew Wl'n' a.
great ; utcess and we trust thcy
may pnwc tu hc from the ! ipiril-
ual. 'I here were hi or iO profcs-
cd con\'crsioll or were nc1aime(1 : :
during the mC'etings. ' 1'herc' '
haw becn 31 accssioH ! ; to the I
church by aptism , an < l 8 hy l'X-
periencl' . Nine morc ha\'e becn
r < 'cc'l'd for haptism and the
prohilities arc that there will
be sl'\'eralmore yet. 'rhe church
has heen gTeltly ; encnurag-ed.
A numher wiJl be baptised Sunday
at ( he dose u r the morn i ng Serce. .
While here Hl'Beutll' \ ' nHt < lc a
host of friends both in "and out
of thl' church and he is. held in
hig-h esteem by all who heard
him. Shuuld hl' e\'cr rcturn he
will bc warmly wccomcd ! hy aJl
who met or hlll" : < l him , H left
l\Ionday morning" for Shcridan
W\'om . lw " ' . where he will commence - :
' of - \Ved- '
mence a senl'S meetingsVed -
nesday nig-h t :111 : < 1 from there he : .
will g-o to Fril'IHl. l cBentler.
was with us Sthn'e weeks. JI '
llid goml , earnest , faithful wurk ;
: lHI the penpk' showe < 1 their
appreciation of his services last
Sunday h ) ' contrihutingbetwlen
s"iO.OO and as a fnc-wil1 !
oJTering' to him. "
P arl L gg'it , the l11il1iJll'r will
g'c a puhlic openingnex ( 'I'nl's-
ela11areh 25 at her 1tre in tIll'
reilty : hlock south siele uf public
SfJuarl' . A tine display 01 pat-
terens in no\'clitics , ] wts alYII
mil1inef gnb ( will he Oil l'xihiti-
on. I'c ! 'j" lally t.hat ealh , on
Op l1ill f < lay will bc g-i\ ' { n a
chance on a'ery handsome salad
elbh. Uont Jorg-et the date
rl'uesda ) . rc 1 25.
Sl'Iwul 11I101 rlet ( 'UIII'II"
- -
Pursuant to cail a school
caucus was hel < l in the south side
l , ; chool house Saturday afternoon.
'I he mceting was pn'sidcel O\'l'r
.l by the presillent. of t hc school
board , J. J. Wilson. . Mr. Wil50n
I placcd UpOI1 the hlack hoard a
statcmcnt of the receipts and cx-
pcntlidatrcs , cstimating the re.
mainder of the school year ho\V'
il1g thcrc would lie a sl1rpll1 remaining -
maining in the gcneral fund o {
$2.t2,17 , 'i'hc statemcnt a
itemizcd is ag follows :
1II lrlct'I'IllllIOII 1t1I\JG ! \ II ( ) , which
wllh II 11\11110 \ , " , nU'Ullm. Iu U , .
1J' ll\lJtI. ' I'or rOIl"r which 11'11lllotll :
to /lv.Unllll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8 III 41
1I.lIroll.1'olu'II.'on ' ' 1 BiJ : ( ) . ) , 11I111
1 ' 1. nil IIV/llhthl" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! o fill
.hllle tHah' 1I1.1'11I'nmcl\\ . . . . . . , . . . . . . IIltl HI
lIectlnh' r ' alt ! -1'1"111 ' 1I1I".lIt. . . . . . . . . liit : \
\'ullln" hum CHII ' , , " 1'h'lIl\r8. . . . . . . . . . 'Ill HI
11 , ' ' ' ' 1\ \ , I CrOll ! 'I.l' or u,1 : II lulu. . . . . . . . I Il'J I
\II dll' " ' "l1r rill" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'iI /
II" " , "r pch"nl " . . . .Ihllllll" rJr lIulntll' '
r.hool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t ! r.o
- - -
'I'O\1lltcomo r'lll111)1 ) SOurCCII . ! . . . . $ r. lXl1 :1\ : \
T TAl. UI'F.N8K : : !
II l'ncbllU ltlfdt 1,1111' " lJoclllll1hl 6 lIIolllh
. \lIIC ) ' , J r..iJttl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.'J(1 ( (11) (
" ' /trm , ! ! " 1\ iI , Sl , x I . . . . . . . . . . IHI r.u
" " "IIIV , 12 jt\J , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1101\1
1111\\ ' 11' " t : ! ' . 4.1\11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j\1 \ 01\
1.'I'.I.1il\ \ : " " ( \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! IIitl
Whl , . . ' f'1mxtl. ' . . . . . . . . . . , II ) till
l'uckllr , C $ , , ' ' 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :110 III
"untwr f , . hll . . . . . . . . . . . III II' ' )
Jo'lIlIke $1011\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : llIta ) 2 IIHO Ikl
tlnn ror rom..trllI ! : : I mtllllh . . . . . . . . . . I I ' , II 1111
l'n l. bnlh pities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o :12 :
WIr..nt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : " 0 I I
lIlIIlr ) ' tI"I"I1"1'P " , nXIII' ( " 11111Iltilltll . . 11 : :
crrotnr ) ' pnlary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NI 111
lclt'I'hono . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I : : ( KI
. 'rlll.n. . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411\ : ( I
I'nld hl Urlllll ) " III 8hvnnr. ' Ii'I1f . , . . . I'JI r 1
IIllcr , . t 1111 wnrrnllt 11111'111,1 , . . . . . . .I\MI ( \1
lIullI.cI , ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'J Ii
- - -
' 1'01.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . H' 1':1:1 ' : : :11 :
It was 1I1l1\'cd arlll carried thlt :
t he caucus proc'cd to'ote 011 t. wo
Catll1it 'atl'1 ! for lUelUhers of school
hoard.allli that thl" polls he h < 'pt
open t ? 4:30 : and the two calH1i-
clate tccci\ ' " the " '
tcccing" g"l'catcst num-
cr of'otc he Ilcclarcd Ow n01l1i-
nccs. 'I'he chait' appointed a
clerk ami judgcs , MCl1l1l1 ! \ ! ;
Rublec , Young' an (1 Morgan.
'l he names of .I. J , Wi.OI1 ! , L.ll ,
.Jewctt , Mr . .T. .J. 'l'ool 'y , W , B.
l asthal11 and1\lr . Clara Young
werc puton innomillations.ln ; .
Young dcclim'(1 t be a cantfillatc.
'l'h t'c ; ult of thc hallot wa !
Tewcttf 'H ; Wilson 41 , 'l'oolcy 2 ,
] ! mthi'm 1(1 , Young- . } 'I ssl'
Jewctt. , lIul Wilson haviu/.frccc / \ ' -
cd the highest numuer of'ote
was dcclarcd thl' nominces.
- - -
( , \I.Ilm lm.'J'I : tJ' .
Of the Anti-Saloon T4eag"ue tf
he helll at the court house 'l'ues-
( lay , March 5th al H p. m. , fut
th pmposl' of pcrfl'ction iUtl
cOll1mittcc organi rtion , :11111 : t11l
tran atijon of such other husi.
ncss as may come hefore the
lIIeeting. If YOU are enc of th (
101) tnrolled ; , it t.h opnin/.f / I11ct-
ting last 'l'ncsday c\'ening , thh
call is to you , pel'sonall.y , as we !
as t.o all fricl1l1s of tl'lI1perat1c < . ' .
C. Y. AI.I.ISON , Scc.
'I'u 'I'hl/so Illlm''sh'll.
- - - -
Chadron , Nehr.larch 8,11)02.
'l his is to certify t.hat Mr. Frell
J4. lrak ( ' , Manager of NO\'l'll \ '
l epairYorks has bl'cn in olir
cil\ ' for a month and has done a
lar'ge amount of work in his linc ,
giving satisfaction to all. IIc is
an expert in his prof < 'ssibn and a
p < 'rfcct gentlemcn. His \ ' tit to
l'hadron can wcll hc counted a
tin1\'ly onc. In fact he tilled along
long- felt want. Vcry 'l'ruly.
D. S. I ltHxHH.
Publisher of Jour\1al. \
. 'uipl ' UI'IIIIH' .
Miss Laura Gregg , Sta te Ol'g-
ani cr of the l' ' 1nalitj" Association -
tion and Ilon. A. 1 . HUlllphrl'.r
of this city will ( lchate the 11ues-
tion , Hesol\'cd , 'fhat the right of
Citizcns to'utc shoul < l not be
dcnied or abridged on account of
sex , Monday nig-ht , March 24 , at
thl' Court hot s , at. H o'clock.
Special Illusic will he furtlishel1.
.Admission 10 itl1 < 1 15 cents.
SEm . \ ( j \I , UI'E\I\I : : \ : .
( ; ClIIIIIII'lIc1l1 HalllnIJ. ! : 31tHdl , JlO ) .
We olTer thl' largest line or
sJlecialitie this F ason of any
prcdoll' ; oJlcning' . [ rs Hall hls
Just rctuJ"11 < 'cI from Chicagl ) anll
ot hcr eastern dties with a tine
lin < . ' of pattl'rn hats of the \'f. ' "
lict < 'st st.le : , tIll ! castl'rn l11arket
affords , "a..d d'lIr milliner ) ' depart-
lIIel1 t is now complete in e\'cr ) '
particular 'Vl' also carry tIll'
the IJest atltllanrc. t HIll' of ladil' ;
wrap" , ! 'kirt , ami suits in ( h < . '
ci t ) ' . A II nl'\ ' , ' anl nohby and
the very latcf.t , \'Ius frol11 < 'ast-
ern mlIHlf-ll'tm 1"i. SiJl : hil't
waist il : Jlccialty. \Ve ha\'l' ah..c
added a fine "a'sortment of dn
goods , r 'o iom , t1rc ! : J frill1ll1in1i
etc. If YOll der.ire a 1I0Ilhdres. .
pattern 'coll1e and inope ; t our
he fore purchaing' ! . St'cond doOl
north of P. O. Broken" Uow Neb
l n. g. Predmore.
- - _ . . .
: \Irs , C. H.'UII I JtIISCII , of l ilbullrJ\
Wis. . was nlllctcII wilh fotlomilch trouhll
nlllll'onstipatioll for n IOIl lilllc. Sill
I says. 1'1 han : lricI ! IIH1IJ ) ' 1'r < < parnliolJi ! hu
, 1I0llC ha\'t ! clolIC mc lhc lhllt Chllmhcr
'Iaill's ' lomnch 1\1111 I.hcr 'l'ahlcb. . '
Thec : 'fllhlct ! ; arc for sale at IIIIc1)crlc'
IlrtI torc. Price. 25 cClltj. ! Samplc :
Cce : ,
. . . .
c \ .
Cluar 1t Her'lccII.
P. 11. CllllltCII.
At the l' . n. ( 'hurdl 11l1l1mortlhl
the suhjcct witt he "neholll tht. 1,11I . "
I IlIIlI ill thc c\'l'lIilll { " 1.plll1 Hc'd\ . "
A rc\'i\'nll11l'ctill I in ) lron'.ot IIll'II.'t.
CClltcr. A WCICOIIIC tu nil.
l'HJt tI\"rl\ltI.\N \ CmmclI.
! -icn'iccs IIcxt Sahhath ill t1lIIu1'lliu
tll J I O'clOl'k 111111 tit 7:30. : 111 the c\'cllinr ;
thl' : . . , witt ! 'l'nd
pt.tor ) I I It special 6Cl111011
I to thc \'oung lIIell. 'i'he ! ! lIhiect witt he
" ' 1'he i. . l\l1It. of I.ire. " Thc IIlceli\lgs \
tl\lri\lg \ \ thc wcek hn\'c hel'l\ quite well
I IItlcllllcd. Hchellanl ) ) of I.ltchlield
will ) lH'I1Ch UII nncl tomorrow e\'cllinlj.
Nl'xl wcck hcgining 4\IO\ulll ) ' c\'enlng till'
, ) lastor witt hc nHsistcllII1111 C\'lIlIgdiHt ,
lht. ReChns. . 'J'II\'IOI' lir Lincoln. 'I'll\ !
Pllhlic is conllntly"in\ .
lI.'I"rl ' 1' CIIl'HCII.
I'rclldling ill the Bllptist I hnrch h ) ' the
Pllstor tIlxt : SlIilllll\ 'I II. 11Smllh \ \ \ '
I IIchoollltlo II. III. . ' 11. Y. 1' . 1. ' . nt7 p. IIi ,
A hllptislmlll H r\'icc witt fotlo\\ ' the
mornillg scrmllll.t i:30 : ) I. m. thc
pnstnr witl prcnch ntl'llc\1lll. H\'cr\'hnt\ \ ) '
I conlillllill'itcil to IIttcnll thc "lIho\'c
lI -
Prcaching ill tltt ! 1\1. H. dlllrch Inlllll\ ' .
I Mornillg slIhjcct. " 'I'hc Di\'illc J.II\\ ' il'
COlltclltment. " 'I'ext. ( : l'II , \:9-11. :
H\'cnill ! { slIhjct. " 'I'lte tnr ) ' or I III III' . "
I A corllilll wclcollw is cxll'IIIIllto IItI.
( :1\0. \ 1' . 'l'ltJTIiH , pll tor.
l'lIUH'I'I.\ 11\ : atC 11.
. , Thl\t' " " 11111 IIII1II1Y ccc . All
l'slll' ! nlly illtl'rcsl llg Hlltll'II\'m' UICl'l IIg
1I11r111) ' c\'l'lIing. ' 1'ltt' slIIJjel'l 011 llollll'
; \tissiolls. "Ollr o\\'n for Christ , It Rlllllnh
, R'cl'on. ! IC\llcl' : . A cOlllillllatioll of Uw
slllll ) ' of Pra'l'r'l'dllc"dn \ ' c\'cllinlt ,
Conlliti\lll o [ l'"c\'lIilin I'rn\'cr. \ : \t rs.
Ico. I1cewitlll'lII ! . YOII"witl 1\e.1
YOllr bihlci III tlH'sC mcel llgs ,
C , Y. AII.IO ; ; , ! 'Ilinistcr.
I 1I\'IUt \ 0.\1 , l'lI1'IICII.
, l 'I'hl' tollc Rllllet ! A WIIcrnlll \ 1II\1 !
, Bl'l \ ' ( 'I' ! ; I\tlltllTlal ; chll l'l ! , Cl'orletowlI :
I \III Hastl'rilllHlny ! nflc\1IlIolI. lit : ! lI'plcwl : .
: . Flltl Ililltcr ! ) lrogl1llll. Hllstcr tolclIs.
OITcrlllgs for llH' I'IlIIrdl hoanl' ; .
- - - - - - - - - -
: } 1 fJ { SA1.H-Barll , HlxlS fCI t.-
J. A. AHMOUH. t-30 tf
' . . 'UI& . . . . . . .
I PWl'IWS-CUl\I lllNnS-A t tIll' U. I
H. Pal'sonag'l ! Ial'ch } I ) , 1902 , at
3 p. 111 , l\lr. Wilhcl' S. Pd < "I'H
I amI l\li Ul1ic D. Cummings
both oflilhnrll , this county.
- I e\ ' , II. E , Myers olliciatin { .
Wl' join thl. ! ' lilanfriellt ! ill
wi hil1g a long , h al > PY all < 1 pros-
J > crUlI li fe.
I S"I Nlm.-C I , ( DHA . ) -
I At the home ofII' . neall , at
S : . O p. 111. . Mal'ch 11) , 1')02. " '
1 lorad ( ) Rldnner anll Mis ! ' ; II"I'
I . Graham , bettel' Jmuwn as
I.oUie Dean , Ren. . B. 11yrcs . I
ol1il' ating" . 'I'he nuptial tie.was
l'onsull1atc(1 in t he pn'Sl'l1 e of a
number of im'itC' < l g"uests , n'la-
tions of the contracting" partics.
Mr. L'o Dean anll 11t's. Adie (
II all acting a ! hest man .and I
hri < l < 's maid. After l'ongratula-
tions and well wishes were said ,
the bridal pail' and frienls sat.
< 1o\\'n to a tempting feast of gooll
thing ! ; the table being J1'ath'
d < 'colated with f1ow < 'rs and fruits.
Mr. and l\Ir Aln Burk in their
1I10st alTable lI1anner assh tc'll in
reech'ing' Oil' guests anll waiting-
on the tahll' . 'l'he grooll1 is Wl'll
an < l fa\'orahh' known ailn honor
able , inOuc ial , citiC'1l and
Sllcccssful fnrll1'r of this wunt\ .
an < 1 his accoll1p1ishell hride has : l
hmit of friends in Brol\Cn : How
and \'icinity. A nllmJ'r ! of
l > l'auti ful anti \'aluahle pr < 'sentH
wen' lIestow'd upon the newly I
marri < 'd pair. J lere's our ri' ,
1'01' a jolly trip ( lown lifl"s pros-
perolls stream.
H'rn.-H" , rl' Cu'f : "
A Nit ' ' ' 'u , . IC" CI7I III' , cnl" " .
' . " , , lIv" " " . " . . " , , ' " 'l'nl. " ' , , 'ur" II c'"Illn
ollll.l-y. Nil Cll.'Ill ' " /IV 1'111" : , ( 'collin
- - - - - - - -
. : W If i
I -
Paints ,
Oils and
I 1
r i
Wall Paper f 11
I \ ,
. .at- . "
I' '
Ed. McComas' \
Drug' Store. r
! . .
- - - : . ' . .
- - - - - - - -
: m mxf : ; 1 j':4 : : : \ * mt\mmm :
re.- : , ; ; " . ' 'U " < .C\o ' ' ' ' 'G < ! . .l'\'oC\.C\"oI"Jt-.N"/\.e'"o"IMC\ ' ' ' ' ' ' 'M , . . . . . . . . . . -O " " " , . . . " . " " . . . . ' . . . . . .
.Job printing . at thi'o \ icc.
- - - - - -
1411hricating' oils of : t1l1cinds : It
Wilkin's dl'llg' store.
. .
- - - -
Ne\\ ' Heeds ! All fresh , 190t
g"rownat J. C. Howen's.
Pep in GUII1 , two paclmg's for
a nicle1 al Willdns' P1Iarll1llc ) ' .
- - - - -
1)1' . ' 1' . W. BasH , dell tht , ol1 ce
northwesl cOrller of l ealt.r Block.
. H-l tf.
Moneto , loan 011 impro\'cl
i farll1-1.--Mool'c : & 'l'aylor , Hea1ty
I n ( ) k. 1-23 tf
. . .
- - - -
I 'l'he1)02 \ lat t dCAigns or wall
paper , sidl' , cetling an < 1 hordcrs
all cost . Ow ame at J. C. Bowen's.
- . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - -
If yon intend to build call at
Dierl < g I ull1 her Co. and g'ct priccs.
I hav for1"ent 100acrcsofgooll
corn Jt'l"OlIltll threc a1l < 1 a half milcs " ,
from Brol.clt BO\v--J. , ti. Painter.
Snyder Bros : ha\'e al large J
asortmcnt ! or'l11tcr g'oOlIH that , .
they arc clo ing out at hargnins. .
- -
FOH SM.H--Lots 1 , 2 , 7 and f : ! ,
hloch' 5 , in . .1 wctt' \ addition to . -
Brokcn Bol nCJuire at t1is
ollicc. 11-n : : tf
J 'OIt SAr.H Olt 'l'H\Dlt-'l'oWtl
lots and a few Ji\'c acre' lots ill
this ci tj' , for ca We , horses or farm. j
lalld.-Allcll I cytlcr. - . .
Farms fOI' sale al.d lands for
rell t. Now is tkc time t.o get a , . ,
: farm cheap , as the chcap farms , .
arc all going , and priccs are ad-
' , lItcing rap dly.--.l. G. Brenizer.
A few allli hlanlcts
can he had at Snydcr Bro . for
Icss than rou can 'buy the material -
ial amI ml1w : them. tall ami sec.
FOR ' ' wcll ' !
- - illlpro\'c < ,
farlll. JAMBS 141mWICII , '
Broken Huw , Neb. )
Dierks Lumber Co. has in stock i'
a car load of finc cedar posts for
the t.nule.
'l'hc 01 < 1nll 1 reliahle firm of
Diel'l < s T4nlll cI' Co. is th ( place tn -J
go for lumbcr or coal. A g-ootl : "i
Hnpply and gnulcs to mect the
wants of thcir customers arc al,1
ways in sod ( < . 32-1 tf ;
- - - -
Chillrclt oUcn tnherit ( eehle . ,
digestivc powcr and and colic of
a more or ICBs SC\'l'rc cnar tcter rc-
! mll , whcn fO\II' ( ; taken which
is lIimcult to digest. Wm'l't's
C1ttAl1 : VIWlIIlIUGH : acts as a gCII- . .
eral and permanent tonic. Price. 1
25 ( cns. Ed. l\IcColllas Urolcll
Bow and r-.terna.
i ,
- - -
. . .
- - - - - - - -
: J3arbed ;
anc ] a large lol ok hll'fral\t. li'urnitUl'c to b , < 01(1 at. low prices al :1 :
. _ _ . _ _ . ,
t--- . . . - - . - - .
- - - - - - - - - - -
71" " 'I' ' 1' ' 1' ' 1' 'i' " 1' ' 1' ' 1' , , < : ' 1' ' 1'11F rF ' . . . ' 1" . " ' 1' ' 1' ' 1' ' 1' , r , 7 { ; j.
" 'I' 1 have agl\ill taken ' ! ! ! \ of " 'f "
"I' 7f't'f : ,
1 ArulllllJ 1IIIIHIlHhly 1'll'rHli , , ulIlllilting it Ill' Wi 11 mr < lljTll tt >
{ 7 \ " ' \ ' . till" IlItlHIII ! ! lilY 111I'HtH "VMY lO ! lIfor' , ill. . * I
. . ' ! ! - ' ' ' lIlilh ! ' " \ warm h d I\lId 1.100111 ! lolll'tll III ) 11 fl j "uloI. * t
; : \\'ihllli : llrrl I Iwlit.jt the p\lrollBgo : of all lilY ulll 'I' _
i'- ' CnputlH and , ' ' .
lItallY IHO'lIIl ! ! 1
f ; R. A. WA'I 'TS , J..3rop. ; :
: , ' "
; ' 'f"
' t { 1' Yrl. , , 'I , , , , ( . t. , t , , . \ , , It. , I , I , . 't. ' ' 1' : :1. ' , I , , I , 'It. a ' 1'J. . I
. . . . . . . . . . , , . .
t .
' . '