Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 13, 1902, Image 8

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    T _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
JrA , r. J.unc1y Shool HImself mill WIe
- I
L'a"lor . was till' scenc of the
most .shocking tradegy thaI C\'CI'
oecured in this section Sunday
night , uetween nine and ten
o'clock. Ira J. 1-4l1ndy mortally
woundld ! his wife , then fired enl !
uul1et into his forehead and two
through his hcart. Lundy had I
not Hved with his wife for over a
year , as they could not get along
. weB together. Ile sl1jpccted her
of improper con uct with otll r
men , but it is bdie\'e hisw1pic- ! !
ions were grou.dles ! ! . He had
tii'r tne to wipe out the entire
family timls ! . . .vithollt numulr ! ,
and they lived in constant fJlhr of
something- likevhat accur d.
A few years ago Lundy trIed tu
cut his wife' $ throat with a
bntcher knife. He was taken
before the insanity board but
was released. Lundy was in
Sargent a week before the shouting -
ing , and purchasld ! a 32-calihrc
revolver of Barstow & : l'lrrin. !
He also secure a secolHI-hand
revolver . of the 'I'aylor hotel-
keeper. He made hi ! } will a few
days beforc the shooting and
wrote to a rclat'e in Iowa thlt ;
by thc t 111e the letter was recei-
vcd his whole family would be
dead. He threatene his son a
few days before and also sllOt
under a window of his wi fe's
hun . 'l.'hc day of the shooting\
h sinv the lI1en in town wholl1
he suspected , and at once grew
restless. It see1l1s that he waited
to JdB'them , but a < ; they di(1 not
appear he wcnt to the h01l1l' of
his wife who wao ; living with her
12-year-old SOl1 an(1 ( a neig'hhor
girl. He ordered thl ! boy and
girl out uf the hOllse , telling'
them he was going to IqIt his
wife. 'l'hey weut , 1\1rs. Lundy
telling them to go and secllre
hclp. She tried to get out of
his reach and he shot hlr ! iu the
back just abo\'e the hips , thl ! hall
passiug through her spinal conI.
A'3 she was falling , parelyzed at
his feet , he shot again , the ball
passintr almost through her facl' .
Hc then turncd the ' ! '
re\'o\'cI : 011
himsc1f and fircd three limes , m
, stated abo\'c , death resulting
instantly. Neighbors heard the
shots and went quickl'y to Mrs ,
Lundy's , and upon open i ng the
door , found them lying in hloo(1
I on the floor. No doeler hcin
in town , Drs. Ames , of Sargent !
and 'l'hurston , of Burwel1 wcn
sent for. Upon arriving the )
took the hal1 from Mrs. l-4ululy'
chcek and made an inc 3ion It
invcstigate the wound made I
her back. Upon Hnding' that thl
ball had passcd through tIll
spinal cord , it was at once
rcaHzed thai there was no hop
to save her lifc. At last account
she was stiH alive. She had frel
use of the uppcr part of her hud
at1 < 1 her arms , but was paral'ze (
from the waist down. She coul (
talk rea il ) ' , and seemed resig'ne (
to hcr fatc , saying that she hat
expected it for the past twent'
years. Besides thc bo ) ' mentiol ;
cd above Mr. and Mrs. I4nd :
had three grown childrcn. 'I'hl
Lund } ' famil } . had lived in Custer
county , ncar Coolc'ton , fOl'
many"cars , and arc wcl1 Inown
to ncarly aIt our readers , to wholll
the news of r undy's fearful act
wi11 be a grcat ! 1hod . MI' .
I.4\1ndy'9 brother , from Atias
Iowa , will UC herc tonight to
takc the rcmailH ; hack to Iowa
for intcrment. 'rhe daughtcr of
Mr. ami lri. : I-4undj' will also
arrivc froln Iowa tonight.Sar -
gent Lcadcr.
- - - - -
UUolC. I\XCII "N ( ' ,
< n.llJf ( 'I'hclI )
; \largle I ; crr closed'lI ui : . 11I011 ths terlll
of school tit Hudell I ridll ) ' , Thut IJhe
hus gi\'ell ! iatisfuetloll i' ! IIltc1ted IJY the
IIIUII ) ' wordfi of prnise of the ! ; chool ! lpok-
ell b ) ' lhe putrollr. . At the du e of Ihe
'IdlOOI,1I liIemr ) ' cutel tuilllliellt WII ! ; gi\'clI.
W , illllllenllllll llllli flllllil ) ' Idt ytJler- !
dup IlIorllillg for < " ; i\IJII \ ; ( ity , 11Iillu O ! ,
\\'hel e 7.illllllel111:111 : will ellgu . l' ill bWii.
lies' ! . Dlll lIg their leliidlIIl'e here the ) '
lIIade IlIall ) ' Wnl1l1 fl elldu. who will I e-
glct their departure. . 'fhc best wishcIJ of
the ClJlIlIIHlllily go wilh the III tu tlll'ir
IICW hOlllc.
( u.loy l IIlmjelo , )
: \1. AlIIsuelTY hm. ! uoughlthe fa I' III
oWlIl'd uy \lcCorlllick : IIur\'estillg ( u.
lit AI elllon. :
AIcIuon : : : 1/1' ) been awarded the
contract , by the gO\'erlllllcllt , of carryill
the lIIuil between Allsley ul\l \ Arcullia ,
\ 'iuVe : tCI'\'iIIe : tllll Lee Park , ul $800 n
j. P. $ harplcsJ ! returned 1'1'011I Heliller.
5011 coulIly , I\Iillob \ , laslJulldny : , with
1'011I teell helld of I e iteretl ! ) ! Jlwrt hol'll
y nrlillg heifers : llId llIee ! nhort hOrll
) 'earlillg bullo ; . ' ! 'wel\'e head uf the ; e
were for B. j. 'fierne ) ' nllt ! the bnlnlln :
for hiUl'clf. ; ' 1'hey are the 10dowlI
blody lilld , ] II color they arc led ,
c'cept two. which lire the fllshionnhle
roa II l . They arc uelllticn. 'l'hi 1I0W
lIIake'l ll. j. ' ' ' a totnl of twellly-
lIille head of these registclell r.horl hOrllt. !
( OIIl:1I'.v : l'Oll I I' )
H. I . Burdell uhippld a cllr or hore1
'fhum.Ja ' O ' wher will be
) to : l\'cr ; : lhcy
tUl'llcd O\'er to lh Britih ! g'J' : ' l'Illllett ;
for service in Suth Africa. :
n. "I.Vltl nhippclla CIII' or hurte:1 ! :
1II01l < 1a ) ' lo hi < ! hI1I1C ill I\Iilloi \ I , wherl'
the ) ' will he fitt' I up for Ihc Chicaj o
Prank Allell who a.cillelllly shol hilll-
'i\clf \ lallt w ek while goillg out hUlIlJlI !
h ) ' tIll' gUll slippin helwclI two sIal ) ill
ilia carl 1111,1 lli'I.'h'lr cl , il repol'te.l
' low 111111 sUlall for hb ' ' '
\'ery hope-l ; reCO\'l'r )
ellh rtllilled. I'rliltVor,1 W.I < ; recei \ ' -
e'.Ithis 1II0rllillj thnl Fl'lllIkie AII'II 111I11
1I1111ergolll'II slleisful : operntionlaslllight ,
hallg his a 1'1 II IlIkell ofT aho\'e the clhow.
alld is HOUle hettel' with hul slilll ChIlIlCC !
of I el'O\'ery.
N. 1' . Nelsoll , B. W. ImH' 11I111 AI. \ .
COl'llish shippcII thrce carlomls of cattle
11I111 hogn to OUlllha ' 1'ueslla ) ' .
'I'he Iolli post olTIee han ehllngell hallds
n1.ain { , a lIe\\ ' 1)3l lIIastcr nppoilltell atlll
takell possessiulI' Olle wou11 ] lhillk that
Ullcle $1111I hilllsl'lf residell al ] , Olli as
there hils heell three ChllllgcS ill olle week
with tha post oOice lit I.olli.
fnnwcH III PrC'shll'ut ( h. . . . IIn\l \ ( ' ) " .
'I'he fol1owing intl'r sting account -
count of the farewell J'l'cl'ption
tendercd to Hev. Geo. Bailey at
Sa1l Lake City , Utah , will douht-
leg. . , be read with plcasurl' by the
citizens of Broken Bow who
know him and his excellcnt work
d nri ng' h is long' paston\ her .
'l'he HIO'UtIT.ICAN congTatulatc
1\11' . Bailc } ' Ol his reccllt promotion -
- tion , and sharc with his fathcr ,
mother and two sistcrs , who arc
residents of Brokcn Bow , in the
- _ .
- - - - - -
- . . -
C > : : S.A.EI. . ESS.
For the last three years I h\\'c hL'l'n ovcr-stoc1\l ( l on far111
harncss. 'l'his fact puts me in a position to sel1 a11 harness at If
per. cent. less than the market valuc. I have a good farm hat'Jtcs
at the surprisingly low price of $20.00 , worth $2200 ; , and at $21.00 !
, . . .orth $22.50. Othcrs at the same low \:11uc : up to $30.00.
New linD of Farm Implements.
Sulkey plows , Disc harrows ,
Tl11 : e wheel Climax Listcrs , Stecl pi pc harrows ,
'ValJdng' and riding culth'ators , Acme and Champion mowcrs !
1.'ul1er amI Johnson bugg'ies , Uraml Islaml Hog fencc , .
'Wagons , Barh wire ,
Cook stovcs , and Nails ,
Quick Mcal ranges , Cullery ,
'l'inware , and a complete Hne of shelf hardwarc.
Alfalfa , Milet and Cane Seed.
OUR MOTTO--Under : Sell.
c. W. APPLE ,
'Vest Si e Square , llrokcl111ow , Nebraska.
" ' ' . . . ' = - : . .nUJJ(4"- .IIJ LLL . . . . J. .L. . _ . . . J l. .llfl.'T.- , . . :
pride tItcy taln ! in the success ofl
their son :1tHI : brothcr.
"Presidcnt Baily wa < ; gh'cn a : .
farc\vcll hanquet last cvening in.
thc parlonrs of the Jir'it PreBhy-
tCl'lall church. lIy tltc J\1inistcrial
A ; sociatilJn of this city of which
Ite was : -0 long all ahl secretar ) . .
'l'Itc junction laste(1 froll1 110 :
until 1):30 : and. was atlclulcl hy
nearly all tit' ' . ! memhcrs of tlte
As odation alld their wive < ; ,
'l'hl'sc witIt invitel guests 11Iade
a 1argc disl'Jay ' and it wa ! : > :111 : interesting -
teresting cOlnpanj' and an inter-
eting ! t 1l1C. Presidcnt Simpkin
of tlte Asociatioll ! presidecl in
hi llH1al ! happy \'eill , and till'
tallies were sel 'in an atlract'c
Htylc that reflected great L'redil
on tIlc sleill all(1 ( taste of thl'
Ladies Aid 'ocil'tv of thc firHt
church who also 'fllt'Jt ! ; hed the
! Jolin teollo ; a nd well prepa red
! JaIHI lel. : : ; peeches wcre made
IISec" . . . J. ' 1' . A:3ctoll of Ihl'
Y.UlIllg' I\lellB Christian A ; socia-
tioll , I l\ ' . I ) . A. Browlt of thc
It'irst Balti } t church , He" . Dr.
K C. 1\IcN ieee , dea 11 of the
laculty of Wcstnillister Collcg'l' ,
I ev Dr. Padcn , l c\ ' . I ichanl
Wah' , l ev. 14' . 1-4. Amold , pastor
C1l1lrilll ! ; Mm. I\IcNiecc for thc
I\Jinisters wi\'e ; , and thcrs ill
onler. 'rhe speaker.s all d wel t
011 the guod services of the late
pastor of Westministcr church
and nuw the cxcu t i't i ) ( ) fV f cs t-
11Iini tcr ( Nel Sheldon Jackson )
collcg-c. 'l'hcir apprcciation of
his worth and his prospf'cts in
store for the young Preshyterian
instituti'Hl , Hey. Baily responded -
ed in a plcasant wa ) ' expressing
his Ihank for the kIndly fceling'
manifested , the pleasure he had
'akcn in thc work in the citv
an(1 ! : Itatc , alld his hopcs and ex-
pcctation in the work 'yet to he
accolllplished. At the close of
the banquct , "Blcst he the tie
that binds , " was sung' with the :
IIIclllucrs of tlw cUlllpany stalul-
ing' alltl Itolding hands in a circle ,
helore the pronouncing of the
hcn diclion. Prcsilent Bailcy
will ha\'e another tcsti11l0nill :
this eyening , when his farmer
congregation will tender him a
farewell reccplioll at the
minister Preshyterian church.
l eUeo. . Bailey recent pastor
of Westminister Prcsbyterian
church of this city and now presi-
dcnt of Westminister Col1eg'c ,
ICl" : R shortly fOl' Washsngton
D. C. to reside for the prcsent
in thc intcrest of the colleg-e.
Mr. Bailey was horn under the
shadow of the g'l'eat cathcdral at
Durham gnglanl , in Augnst I
18,7 ( , and was educated in the
local puhlic school and after-
wanls took an ar't. course in Firth
lollege , Sheflicld , and was 1lter
graduated 1'1'0111 Hanmoor Divinity -
ity college in 181)0. Aiter taking'
a post graduate course of study
in London Un'crsity , Mr. UaLey
removel to .America and studied
at Illinois Weslcyan UniversIty
and was a : miUcd a ml'mber of
the 'Cns tcr coun ty Nebraska bar
in UiCJ5. In 1')01 he was gi vcn
the degree of Bachelor of Philos-
ophy. 1\11' . Baily was ordained
! Jy the Presbyter ) ' of Kearney
Nehraska , -eptcmher : : 18n and
was pastor of the 14'irst Presbyterian -
terian church at Broken Bow
Nehr. 1'1'0111 .Augnst 18n to Sep-
temher 181)8 in which tillle he
huilt a new chmch and manse.
He was calletl to his Salt Lakc
I charg'c in Julj' ,18')8 and camc to
tltis city in tlte following month.
Dur t1g' his last pastoratc the
chmch houg'ht a IIC\\ ' site at the
corncr'of Pleasant AYl'nuc and
It\mrth outh strcet , a\o \ ! property
for a lIew l\l ission at 14'ourt it
, North and Fifth West Strects ,
in the same time 77new members
hil\'e blcn ! receivcd into the
chmch. Mr. Bailey was moderator -
ator of the Utah " > rcshyterj' in
lXIJ' ) and permancnt c1erlcinl'JOO. "
'l'hc Dcscrt gvcning News ,
Salt 1-4aI\c City , Utah.
I Thla elr1llltllro ; III 011 o\'ory hex of the CIIIIIIIU
) Laxative rome = Quinine TalJletli
UIO I'CUlOOY tha.t. , cures 0 oold 40 0110 tluy
Wh ) ' lIot misl' 75 to Ho Imshels of COI1l
l'\'l'ry ) 'l'ar , ! Jllre to the acre thall , take
all ) ' chalices. I.l't liS sell ) ' 011 all Irri at-
ell farlll thol tOlllUmw ) 'OU l'all tllrn
watl'r 011 IW acres of it a .foot liceI' if ) ' 011
walll to , 111111 as 1II0llY tlllles a ) car liS
) ' 11\1 \ dl'sire , lIot ha\'illg to pa ) ' IIII'thiug
fill' till' IIse of till' water , as it gtws willi
thl' place frcl' , Ill'illglillIeI' II pri\'ate
lIildl witll IIlalltillles lIIore wall'r thall
IIlIl'all IISl' . II ) : a litl1e expellsl' 155 aCre1 !
l'all he wlltered , ahollt 75 lines ullder cui-
l \'lIt iOIl. lIIorl' t 11011 t h rce.CJlla rtl'n ; clay
soil. 'l'his fal1l1 call he hOllght if tnkell
lit Ollce for 'f.J5 per IIcrl' , :51101 casll , hal.
III1Cl' 011 IOllg tillle. sel'lIrell h ) ' 1II0rt a e
011 Il\IlIlol \ { , per cellt. The hest watel'
power alii 1 III ill Hite ill the slate on the
adjuillill clailll , 20 fool fal1 , water wheel
Oil rollllll , the lIIi11er who I'Cellres this
l'lllLllce has n fortulle. AI1 illlluiries IIlllst
helllrcs. ( . l'll to S. n. Butcher. Brokell
1I0w , Nehl1lsko. 39 tl
li'or insurance and real estate
g-o to Moore & 'l'aylor , in l ea1t ) .
. . . . . _ . . . . .
- . . . _ . . . u'n + III lI : - - -
l'Ollllt } . 'fclIIllerl1UCC Icctlug.
We , the 1I1111cr\iS ! lIetl' lilClII of < : lIolel'
rOllllly. Nchrnsln , hen'hy IIlnll' a call 1'01'
II ( Olllll ) ' 'l'l'lIIperalll'c ( oll\'elllioll , to hl'
hdllat Ilrokl'lI 1I0w , Nl'1mIQlm. 011 Mnrch
22 , II ) < I ; ! , at 2 o'dod p. III. , at the court
hOIll''aid'oll'elltiou : ! lhnl1 lIe n < Il'le-
: : Jtl' ( 'OIl\'l'lIt OII , all.1 the reprew'lItntiou
10 raitc'OIl\'l'lIl ! elI Ahal1 he as follo\\'s :
Elldl towllshiill saill cOIIlIl ) ' shnl1 II ( ' I
l'lItitlctllo fin' I \ ( 'Iesates. : Hlll'h cit ) ' IIlId I
'illngl' ill IIII II cOllllly shall he clltitlell to I
fi\'e . Hlleh church i .
\ lIelegate-l. IJIWIII 711.
UOII ill sait ! ( ' 011 II t \ ' IIhllll he elltitlell to
Olll' .Il'leglite. Itneh lIlItlllY school ill
IIlIil COlIlIl ) ' ! lhull be elllitlclto olle tlele.
gllic. Hadl lelllpel'HlICe < . ill
sa tI COllllt ) ' shall he elltitlcl lo two dele-
: lItl"l.
Thl'11I1I1)ISI' ot snilt ( 'Oll\'clltioll Hhnll bl'
to f01'1II a p'rll1l1l1l'lIt orgnllillltioll. nll,1 to
do I1l1d trallsal'l 111111 other 11\I'lilll'\s a ! !
shall proP'rly l'Ollll' hcfore it. The oh.
jl'l'lof ! laid sodety will he lhe prolllotioll
01' hlllpel'HlIl'l' , sobriety mill gellerallllol'-
alily. 'l'he cll'll'gulelto ! saill cOII\'elltloll
shull uc sclcl'lell by IIln.t ; IIIcelillgs. or ill
< ; 1I'h othl'r IIlallller 11'1 the rcsi < 1clItl ! ! of 1I\ \ ( '
IO'lIlitit'J ! l'lItillcdlo represelltalioll 111111
the IIlelllhel'H of till' orgulli7Utiolls elltill.
cll to select deleWltl'I ! , ilia ) ' tleterlllillc.
Tun 1\rw 1ST 1llIAI : , As'I'ION ( ! ,
Of HrolwlI How ,
nlio. 1' . ' 1'ltl1'1i5 , Pres.
W. II. DoGGIi'l"I" ee.
fCIl't'CUti. ' .
'l'hcre will hc a school caucus
l1'ltl in I he ! ; outh side school
building' Satt'lHlary March 15 at
at 2 p. m. , for the pttrpose of
110minating the members of tl\'c
chool board allli for the transact-
iug' such othcr husincss as may
properl ) " comc bl' fore the ml'eti ng.
'L'hc ml'mber , WhORl' terms cxpire
at'eV. . B. Esthman a1(1 \ J. J.
- - -
C'IISt'I'CIIIIIIIJ ! 1111I tlcultuml HI'll'I } ' .
- -
A special mceting" of the Cus-
tcr Count r Ilorticu1tmal Society
wiB bc h ld at Urokcn How , 'l'ues-
day , March 18th. 'l'his meeting
will he of great importance to all
thosc who arc contemplating
planting trees this spring' . 'l'he
societ Ita . made ' "
y ! : > art'ang"cmcnts
with the leading' nurscry of thc
Btatc to furnish trees , , ; ines and
shruhs at wholcsale prices. l'his
special olTer is not 1imitcl to the
society . ml'mhcr8 , but an\'onc dc-
sirous.of a\'ai1ing' themsclves of
thc opportunity. An excel1ent
program will he. found in anothcr
- - - ' - - - - - - - - - -
C , IU"ruln $ .17..10 nlld netnrll.
Tickets 011 sale April 21Sl to 27lh , May
27lh to jUlle Slh , Augllst 21111 to 8lh.
Iiheral stop.O\'cr IIrmllg"elllclltl1l1H1 ! re-
till'll lilllits. POl' nrilliliullni inforlllatiull
( wk thl' lIearl'sl agcllt. IImlillgton Route
or write fUI' a ( : tlifornia folder to
j. PltA ; > . ; CIS.
eelleral Passenger Aj cnt ,
BlII'lillgton ROllte , 1
Olllaha Nehl' .
39-5\ ,
Couldu't help getting a cold
ncver curl'S it ; but carrying homc
a hoUle of BAI.I.Alw'sHOImuouND
: : ; yItUl' , and nsing it as directed ,
will cure the worst kind of cougher
or cold. Price , 25 and 50 cents.
l d. McComas llroken Bow and
Merna. J
1.0w nATliti NO' TII''I1tiT.
"In nnrllll t"n Iiolite.
' 1'0 lIi11illgs , MOllt. . . 1015 00
' 1'0 COil ) ' , W'o. . . . 16 75
' 1'0 lIelella lIIlIl Butte. 2u 00
' 1'0 Spokalle. 'Vash. . 22 50
' 1'0 Porl1UH1. 'l'acollln ,
Sell1c 11I111 Rosslanll. B. C. 25 00
Aho\'e rates.will he in effect e\'er ) ' tIny
in 1\Iarch mHl April from Missouri rh'e\ '
lerlllinals 11I111 frolll nearl ) ' all statiolHl 011
the B. & 1\1. R. R.
A wonderful opportullil ) ' to'isil the
The Big Horn Basin of W'olllin is a
countr ) ' of grent resourccs 11I111 now un-
lIe\'elopel1. It hils just heen 1II\lle : ac-
cessihlc h ' ' lille of the
) IIlIe\\ Bur1inglon
Route , mHI preellts : 111\11) : ' attractiolls lethe
the hOllleseeker.
Foltler 011 lIi Horn Basin free 011 rc-
For tickets , rates , or lHlllitiollal ill-
forlllation nppl ) ' tu lIearesl ugcllt , Bnrl-
ington ROllte , or write to
j. Fn\-lCIH ,
GCllernl I'u ! senger Agcllt.
315..t6 Olllaha , Nehr.
, , , Hti"'I Q "I . .II .
Rc\'ivnllllcelings arc in fillc progress
at the ; \1. H. church uudcr thc pastorate
of Rev. 1\1nthew1l.
John 1\Iills hm ; lensell lhe 0111 George
Copsefllrlll. . Perhaps johll is thinking
of chillging his halchelor wa's.
Miss Bergc is ing gOOlI snl sfaction
as tencher of the Westcr\'ille school.
Wish we conlll sans lIIuch for sOllie
nelghhoring ( listricts.
W. W. 'I'horntoll hns hecn confincllto
thc honse for two weeks with serions
i11ness. He'is olle of our o1llest nlHl
1II0st wmlh ) ' IJioncers , mHl we Hhoulll hc
Iad to IIII110llllce hi1 carly rcco\'cry , c\'cn
If for nolhing clse than to take thc oppo.
site silte in puhlic cOlltl'O\'ers ) ' ,
Dr. J\ll'ArUIIII' hns WIIW 011 a strike us
tclcphone o'pcrntor. ' We 1I0tiee the
wurth v Doctor takes a wl'ekl ) ' chow nl
JIll' 011 ; po1ilical mg , hnt the fnctiollnl
llifTel'l'IIl'es in the rcpuhlican ranks of
Wester\'ille nre 111scltlell \ ; mill , liS the
pops nscllto say. nre sptl1ell ri hl.
'l'he pleasantest thin ! for us to nole
lhis wl'ck , is lu IInnounce that the finest
1I111111105l artislie IlwclIillg honse in thc
whole Clenr Creek valle ) ' is occupied b ) '
john Welsh 11I111 falllil ) ' . 'l'he ) ' arc cer-
tninl ) ' entil1cII to the cOlllforts and Iood
lhin ! J of this worlel , if these hlesslllgs
i lire to he cnl1led h ) ' 1i\'ill on honest
c111slil1l1 life.
A. D. Hunt's ! ! pcnt Inst SIIIHlay nl Ed.
Day' ! ! .
CIlIIutc Kel1enharger has returned from
- - . . . - . - - . . . . . . - - - . - - - - - - . . _ .
V- ' -
_ . .
Jasper olill Rachel Benls lire quite : , ick
with the IIIcasles.
: 'Ilrs. jO'lIer slJellt II few du's nt Broken
I/ow / la t wcd ; .
PurtllC'rs nrc hegillillg 10 prepare 1'01'
thl' f11I'iIlI work.
Hllwartls npl'utll15t week with
hil ! IllIUg Iter , l\lrH , 1\luore.
SIIIII WUdllillgloll IIHllle II lrip lo the
enstl'rn pal l of tIll' slut lasl'l'lI : .
! \1m. ] : mtgc Cllllle hOllle Il1slVClll1l'S -
dll ) ' hut relul'llelt to Brokell Bow Sal
"laUie POIII'e and HIla Dn ) ' arc 11etnill'
ell frolll schoo tlurillg the aellce ! of
their 1II0lhers.
RcSlrickler fillctl hi ! ! appoillllllClIl
henlust SIIIHInight. : . lIb : ! ; ter ae-
l'olllpallicll hilll.
A I'l'lIl1elllan II\ ' the nallle of Graham.
from'lIigh HiIJ , Io. will work fOl' \\111.
; \IOOl'C , thi ! ! year.
We lire inforl1lell of the lIIarriage of
] \Jary Whillle , ! ; ince her relllrll to Iead
City a few week aw > .
Rev. j. II. Hl1Ihree of II ch 1'0 II , IIrrh'ell
'l'uesdny for a few Ila's'isit with his
hrolher. P. C. Jolllhree. :
1\lessl' ! lIip ley Ulul $ lIIith , awl lhl'
"Iissl''idalllan. . fl'OlII J\laple Gru\ ' { '
npl'lIl last SllIlIla ) ' lit C. I I. IIaYI : .
So IIInll ) ' ncdlents ha\'e ICellrrcrt latl'-
I ) ' that \no shoul < 1l1't Ill' supl' sello ( hea\ '
thal 1\11' . I > : l\'is' Imgg ) ' hud hroken I10wlI.
j. F. Bnh'l' wns lIIis ill a couple of
Ilan ; lasl week. Of course , we lli11u't
kliow where he wa < ; nt , bul we call im.
alll "Ic ( illllh ; ' Hall' last Priela ) ' wa
, 'cry we1lallelltJl'II. lie " , 'iI\III0\'C \ o"er
ea l of AII5ellllo 011 llan'e Allltrews
Mr ! . JUIIl' < ; had quile nil exciliu ruu-
away la ) t Fritla ) ' , Her horses hernllle
frightclle.t and 1'IIU , fillal1y l'oJliltiU wilh
a trce mul throwillg Iler olll. he wa < ;
lIol seriousl ) ' illjurell hul WII ! ; pl'elt . l)1ul.
I ) ' Bhakell up.
Lillie NllriH ! a IIcal ! , who has hecu
Sl3yillg with IIl'I' gralulparelll' . ,
Da ) ' , lIIet with aUllccielellt la'1t Salurda ) ' .
he fe1l frulll II winlluw , fracturillg a
hou ( ill her mill. Dr. II aI , I' ! , who wn !
iu thc dciuilr , wns calle1 ! awl l'aretJ for
the Jillle olle. Iler parc.'ut came up that
lIighl , takiug her hOllle with thclII lhl'
first of lhe wck. Mm. Day lIccolllpaui-
ell her hOllle.
! 'iJLNU " "I. ' . ' "
Last SUlllla ) ' wa1 the fiuc ! > t tlay this !
willter , '
alll AtlldllJ WCllt to Allsellllo last SIIII-
tin ) ' 011 husiness.
lInn'e Kelcnhuger callie lip to J irh's
Inot 5alurtla ) ' lIight allli spent ullda\\ \
with thelll.
John Bales fIIul ! ; Oll , ni hlllall , jlllllpell
up a wolf thal W\l \ < ; lo lIIuch for theirtl"s ! :
in 1'IIIIillg 11I111 the wolf got n\\ay.
There is $ IIII/Iny Sellool iu SlIIul VaJlc ) '
lJistrict , thc ) ' orglinizelilosl SI\I\la ( ) ' ; thc
hOllr to lIIeet is at II. o'clock a. III.'e
w oultllike to see a1l outllext S\II1I1a ) ' .
' 1'011I JIHlge ) > sased through $ :1Jul : Vn1le\ '
lasl SUllda ) ' , looking aftcr the t'lepholle
wire ; He sai lthcir callie me l'tiug alollg
n1l right Billee thc ) ' , lippell lhelll ; 0111) '
lost fOllr hel\ll ; the ) ' arc \\'intrrillg 50
heall on the ' 1' . I. . V. milch this wiuter.
\\'e IIn' , pleasellto , see a worll fl'OlII 0111'
lIeighhor ] he'r : , I coulll lIot he a
I [ ( Josier. for I wn ! hortll' in 01(1 ( IrelaJlll.
wlll'rc Ihe sea IIJls often l1y , HUll as I
grew a little older alHl was all\lost a 11I1111.
] saOel ! for 0111 Alllerirn so pure allli
graJul , 1ll1ll1l0W r : \III \ ill Nehraska j\lued \ .
up in lhe S:1IHI.
" . nrlu t ItClu.rt lor " 'uloy.
\\'h" t . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 .r. )
118rloy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
OlLIs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ro
Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. ; C j ) .f'J
H.c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
I1lItWr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . H ,
1tL11i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II !
P"I'Llol' , I'or ' IJtl61wl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I : ! l
Onlon- . per IItlllllel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ( KI
( 'IIlckell . pllr 114111I111 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , '
1I"1 ; , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r , I ; : ,
( 'nW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! : l. : ! & 6 : C : lll
HI'.OlR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : l. ) @ cn
' 1'IItkOS.AI'Ort'Olllul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11i
: -IlrlLwIorcwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
IILY. , NlWl'Or Inn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II t '
I : ! II IIIL r , I'er ' ew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r. 1iIJ
- _ . . -
- - - .
- - - - - -
wQm.Fii ! fjiiJJijij ! [ ) ! ffiiJ
Business and lID
Professional Directory.
j@fJ"clfWJ .EaJfl ! ) Biiiii ! !
Physician \ Surgeon.
Oll'cn In renr or ' 100 Bllllk or Cnmnwrco. It..I.
IlJVCO mh hon.o WOH or Iho IIlLptlR church.
IIrnkcII Bow. Nehrllijl.n
- . " , , . . " ; ' " ' "
. ' .
. "
! . '
. .
lllia ! : w1l5. ! IlQ ' llliQ
All & lnrtM"r wurk Iii ullr IIno IlOilO promlly ,
/11111 / In f1r C-cln. MI.r , ; VHM Sbop 1111 Ihe
Cllrller "OAt 01 tliu hmo IoIlUMU.
( a' . . Illi ' " TItIAI. .
JlrolHII ! Bow , . - - . NeLrn ! ! , . ,
o It 0. L. 1\1 \ U I.LIeNS ,
Physician Surgeoll.
; ! n,1 8blr\V ) from WA.t NIIII ! : ncnlly Block t
rcMhlonco , 3rol IVUII ' p. elonuIo. : I'll M/LnW pIh- , . .
of .Irect. t t'1JlIII1Ien lIow , Ncllru kll.\
B I 1l l lt'H poor. 11 ALI. ,
II' . I n.Ilm. . Prop. .
" 'lIr II M"cl/LI"/lIIII' " lit 1" " " . . . . . , . .urlh of IlIa'uD'
1.leAN OI1l . ) , IIwkl'lI 11111lehrll lm.
II. O. IIl1"'I'O P'nprl'ur. '
I F'I ' I-rlll. . " " ' " 1I1"lr' II. . " " , of IIruk 1I 1\01\ \ '
I IIIIII II/Lllt. , IIro ell lI"w. lJUblll kll.
11g HUAN LON ,
M -PrOllllctnr , , ( _ .
1t"AI/1nrllnl , ' ; 1.l1nl'II Cllullter. I nrllll A.'orlment
. .r 1'tJII\"tlIItHIIc' ! . CIIItP H.I . 'J'IIIoIICrAl . Norih
I ,1,10 or I'lilolic llllur. . . Jlrul1n ; Bow. NcllfIL t.Il ,
- -
\ )17 ) ' 11'11011 PSON ,
, , 'V . ' . . ' ' ' " ,
( 0.'I'1"1 1')1t& II"UIIEU.
: I'II"q 1111I1 r tllII/lI"/I / nil hnrtnullcn ,
IItlJkl:1I lIow , 1\ubflLijkR
CAi\II HON & Bl ES ) ,
. . ' , Q l
III - -
r 0(11)035 c..OlJ:9CC. : 11 rs
A'l fAII' .
" 1I"m 8 Ilnlill. IIL'nll ) ' : , IIrol.en . lIow , tlIJIJ.
. _ _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ . _ _
WII.LI10i\WlJI.L ' [ :
nID 'W : ra $ llitl Jf ! ] wlli..9Zl"Q !
. . _ - - - . - - .
A . H. lIU II'llltln ,
ltornru = ot = 01U ,
) .
Hrollrll IItIV. Nd'flLpka.
I. 1 > . ( I.AE ,
. . . . . .O"orr : In . . . . .
Orl\lIlIo. P"rchzu ILnd . II' rlcar Marl-IcR.
Ornament ? ! Work a Specialty.
Ur.kcn BIW. . . - Nul raekll.
CITY 1\111.1. ,
It 1 < ' . MCOIUIIII. Prop.
II ) ! ! Plonr. IInelwlarnl , Or'1lahm , 1'11. ctc.
- -
, 'I' r. I4'AHNSW ) H'I'II ,
IH ) . . . -no _ _ - - - _ _ _
r..zr omeo On r S\\'lIn' Grocery.
0. II.CONH D ,
. .
. . . . . . Jlc/ller 1 n. . . . . .
Pnmps. WI1II1 MII1 . 'J'ant. . Fltlll1gp. Gu ollD.I :
JIt ilLl'II , ote. , cle.
IIrokcu Row. Nohrnllilu. .
FrOo Inp rllellons Iow 10 IILllft 1'I1I111 vclol" h
pitluro : with I'vory rallllJrn polLl.
FIII'.hlll ' ! : , Iollu for 1II11 1l1r"I\ , II
l.atcst Sf y les ill Photographs.
Est Itl" hcllln ' 18\11. \
- - - - - - -
J.'J. SNYDElt , .
l " f ? 111 AN ) )
DJ1JlB pln lli NO
j ill ) Ji , lC.
ul6a JIIPllc6 nr Iho I'c.u'u. . l'rrll\llIllo'utnll ' ! Jhcn ; :
In colleclluu" l'rllO IIOII taln. p"nploll , 'ouch.
lr ncally , 'xeclllc.1 " 11.1111 I.lmls tlf II' HI J'ILI'l'r ' '
\HILICII , Ollleo III the r' r or 1I..k . of l ommurcl ! .
IhnlwII lIull' . NehrnHklL
DHS. H. U. & W. K TALBOT ,
OlUo\ ova lIaeh'lII" Jlrll Siorc.
Urokc.1I Unw , - - Nllhrn 1.a.
Osteopathic Physician.
t : ' 1"'omc. , flVCr HW u'l ! ( .weery Hto" " , . nOllr -
\.1' . m. 10 12 III. 111111 2 In 1' , m. ltcAIIJrllon-
( Jrlln,1 OCllltnl lIolt'l. Chrolile curcI ! " HI tclalty.
1JUl..fLf1..rLfU"LJUUl.J JLS1J J"1ILJUlJ J
q . . . .
Alnerica's BEST Republican I
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