Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 13, 1902, Image 7

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    . , . ,
_ . . . - - -
- - - - -
} . ( IIRculnr SorcnMt. !
: A1t the rlsult ot o\'cr-exertlon Rlut ( 'J : .
Olll'c to 11 lIl 1111,1 1'0,1 , or It'om whllt.
\'er COIIIII1ny he Irl'nll.,1 ! 'lIec ! llItIl1l1
by the UIII"nllltllt'nUlI1I \ ut : : H. , Incobs
Oil. A thol'IIllh rllh nJ , : lt : lIeCl'S3ur ' .
bo 011 IIbolll.1 . be RIII.lIl' . " viJorollsl ) ' , for
.t Irnll ! tWl'nt ' 111111111" " , two or tllI'I O
'times ' I1nll ) ' , wbell nil I.nln. . IOrane ! ! ! ! , sllll- ,
Iu."tIs will bc rll1\o\'cll. It wilt nillo ,
rtr\ngtlll'n RIIII hnrdrll the tlIllllclcI. ! I'oot. '
ba1\ \ Jlln'CI'SrllllllllltR nlill nil nlhlutu. : ;
'IU IItHI St. .J ncobl ! Oil IIlIpel'lor 10 nny .
l1.lIr1'11I1',1 , , tor outwnrd 1IllItlcaUolI , I
tror lhe 1' ( ' IIOIt Ihat Its uctiOIt Is IUoro
\11ld IIf1d it" l'lfc.t Ilerl1ltlllen ! . 'l'bon.I I
' , aMs ot ( It'oille nil o\'rr thl ! worlll II\ ! \ )
'antI flX.01l1\11cud St , .1l1cohs 011 for UlIICU'
: & 4r IIorcuen. A twenl.five-cl'lIt bottle
: ts qultc slIl1lcleut to Ilro\'c It II emcaC'f. In
Ullel ! where musclllnr sorClles Is ClIlllplt-
1 < < "ted with 1I1\ cll elllle which relllllrrl 1\11
alternatIve. Y oelel" ! " Cllrnth'c Com. I I
p"ollllli Mhollltl IH' tnk'II. Prcllnl'11 by the
, tit. " JOl'ohs 011 Co" Bnlthnorc , [ Il. , wlt.
111 lIend n IInmple tre , ' .
Net 1Ulllllltlil I.'uflller. I
I UWhat , my daughter lIIarry you ,
eommun clud or a flumer ? Youug
anan , you must be crazy , " remurked
tbo choleric old gentleman. I I I
I We luuked to see the young man In
tbo overalls wither up nnd disappear ,
but Instead he smiled faintly , even
baughtlly , and , Jingling a bunch of
100se change In bls puelteL pensl vely
k-cmarlted :
"Mr. Vanderfel1er , I planted twen- '
ty acres to potatoes last twen'I 'I I
'the crop was a success. " '
"What I" cried the old man , sur-
rlso und rlJUlorso In his tOiles ,
i"twenty ncres of potatues ? A nd I
fal1ed you a farmel' ? You're an as'rl.
: eullurlst , sir , aud I'm proud to have
ou for u souIn'law.Syracuse IIer-
d. , ;
- - - I
" \ \ hy Sn'loI' > I' Trou I'r nra " ' 1I1e.
- , I
. . ' A writer In the : New York Sun
( .dIers t his sartorIal I nforma tlon : A
fJallor's trollsers are cut wide at the
bottom 80 that 111 holystoning ulIlI
\washlllg the dcek , also III wudlll
ashore from a slllall I.JlHlt , l ! , Ilt 11111 ;
Ulem up to the Imee , thl' full 1'011 t
J1ttlng the thing and a sltlail d l II
trap buttons to thc \\I { , , [ , I ) .1.,1 ,
, . . . ) . . . oldlllg them up. Tbey Jut ; L1J
aek , or up. iI i I ,
How'1I Th11 ? I
We offer OnD Hundred Dollars ReW'l\rd Cot
" "y ( 'a o oC Catarrh that cannot bu curot ! by
11..1'11 Calarrh CUrl ! ,
II' . J. CHENEY & CO. . rrop Toledo. O.
" ' 0. the Ul1Ilor.II.11oo , lun 0 known 1" . J. Vlu'lley I
hr UIU L'lSt 1JOMi / ; , &ntl b6l1o\"l.l him \lcrrl.'Cuy
ltlOomblo In all bll ln6.o.s transactlon.i lint ! fillun-
1lA1I ) ' alJk ) W carry out MY ubUgaUoll madu by
l1er firm.
West Truax , Wholesale Druggl\l'I. Toledo , O.
Waldlllll Klnuan & Marvin , WlJollI lIe -
ts ' 1'0 eclo. Ohio.
lIa\1'8 \ Catarrh CUTe Is laken IDlornally ! vruc-I
tlreclly UIIOD the blOOII nnll mlll'IIU : ! louHaces o .
abe 1I'steln. I'rlco 7r.c. per botUI ! . SoW by I\U
Iruubts. 1'o lIl11onlals froo.
IiAU' . b'aulIr 1'llIs are the beat. .
A. ( 'U" till" Co-illcldcnt.
A remarkable coIncidence nbout
We d : Jth of Gen. Lawton was that
he was killed by mUplnos under a
Datl\'e chief cf the same name as an
Apache chief lighting agalust whom
Lawtun wun his spurs. I
- I
) lnI , WlnoJow' . IIOOTHING SytlUt' tor children
ct.hlnlf. MoflenM Ih. . I'lIlUe , redue. . . l"nAIU"UOO ,
\ a.ll" , . . I.alo.cures . willd culle. 2Gc " . .I lie ,
They Work While You Sleep. I
While your mind rmd'Lodyrest Cas- '
carets Candy Cathartic rcpHr : your
digestion , } 'our liver , your bowds ,
put them in perfect order. G nuine
tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold
hI bulk. All druggists , IOe.
want"I.-Wrllr" , to do ropy "arK f'r U..I h" " , , , ,
'M 10 fI' , , , , , 'kIYllt , , 'Iy" ' worl , , ! > < ' 1111 0' ' ' ' ' 'I' ' ru. '
, rll < ) ular. , G II'IIAI1Ier"lullIl" ( .o..UJIII'a , ; Jllil It ,
UJluol. ,
' , KELP YeJUFl SC \ b 'V !
: I i / / / THE ORIGINAL '
, V r : tt WE ; s.
; ' I. .
'J , , } .i. ' ) i
1J / '
/ 'h POMMri ? @ _
. . 'SLUCKE.l !
. . . . . I . . . . . . . ' . . J RIDER AnD SADDLE :
' ( 1/4 THt
, : r.J'tOt'tgJ ' , W ii D t\AtJHARDtT , : STORM
r oA.J.TOWER CO. . BOSTON. M.\5S. 3':1 :
- - - - - - - . - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
. \ Nt" . I 1I1H rAlt ) , IUr 1'01dll.
.A n nssoclllion or nil the l'rtJtcstnnd
educatlolllli IIIstltUloU9 ! In the pro4
, ' ! tICl' or Chili hils hccn It"reetlupfln.
It CI'II1 ' prlscs the Iet huu 1st , l'rcsby. .
terilln , Co II j.t rej.tll lIonal IInd London ,
missions , IIl1d will bo known under I
the lIame or the rel\ln unh'crslt ' ,
The Methoctlsts expcct to secure 1\ 1
chartcr unctcr this lIume bu't n ehnl Re
hus been made so as lo permit the
union of all the l'rotcstunt cduea-
POI' Her Histcrs' Hrtko ,
Stentlnl , 11111. , [ ttl'ch 10.lr8. . Snmb
A. Shrode ot this 111ucc sn 'R :
"I suffered uluch us muny other
women do wIth Kidney anll ntudller
' .r\'tublell. 1 h'lell lIIt1n ' ml"lllclne . uut
ot 110 relict 1Il 1 u ed Dollll's Kidney
' \\Is. \ \
"Nine ot this rellled ' cured ma
completely nUll 1 Ceel It III ) ' dut } . to IU '
Cellow wOlllen to nlllite tltls statement.
" 1 Cl1l1 heartily I eCOU1tnl'lUI them to
nny womun sulYel'lng witb Killney aUlI
Blnlhler Aliments. "
' .rhe wortIs ot [ rs. Shrode w1\1 \ bo
good news to II1nny ot hel' surrerllll ; sl .
tet's. Dodd's Kidney Pills hn ve pl'o\'en
themsel\'es to be slcle womell's hest
friend. Cor tbe ' ure ns ell'ectl\ul III nil
cnses of Il''mnle Weukness as In nt/HI. /
del' nnd Khhle ' Di'leU8e. ! '
Lnlu' of l't'rtulIIe.
On the Man lshluk peninsula , In
'the Caspluu seu , there ure f1\'o smull
Jakes. O.le or them Is co\'ered wIth
snIt crystals stroug enough to nlluw
II mun aed beust to cross Ule lulte on
fout ; another Is ns round as finy circle -
cle and a lo\'ely rose color. lls banIs
of suIt crystal form seltlng , v..hlto ,
as the drl\'en snow , to the water , '
which nut ouly shows al1 the colors !
from , 'lolct to rosy rcd. lIut from
which rises n perfume liS or'Iulets. .
Both the perfil me nlld the I'olor are
the result ur the presencc of seaweed ,
thc , 'Iolet und the pink.
In'JI'l' ! ! . ! rOI' l1ffII'CI'S fl'OIl1 lI:1sal : catanh
wh , . , "t. UII atllll1Zl'l' ! In sllr ) 'III thu dls.
ea . . I ' 1I.-IlIbl'III'S , . \11 tll ( ! hcalln 1\\111
Iivllt'.I : IH'ul'l'I'I l'1 ! or CI'1I111 Bnlm ore
I'dI1l : 1111 the II W ( ll'l'II1I'atillll. ( It 110cs
Iwt l l' ' 111' l ll' H.'rl tiollil. Pdl'l' . Inehul-
lu : ; SIIl'II 'ill lubl' , jj ; l'l'utll , . \t , lrug lsts
or Bly BI'V : ! " Ij WU'l'lU . . .tI'IIJt , ew
York , mail ! t.
Fomftlo Lnbor In l"I'.lIcC" .
Over one.thlrd of the manufactured
goods which lire made In JJ'ranco al'c
the product of female Jabur.
I CoJt ly O"'urulIumt CInch. . .
Scnttered throughout the varIous
Washington departmcnts are hIm-
drcds of clnels an chronometers ,
whlo.ll cost the go\'ernment annnally
thollsands of dollars. ' .rho chronom.
eters are Lho most expensh'e clucks
In existence , nnd they III'C to C found
on board c\'cry warship of tbe United
States. ' .rhese timepieces cost $400
eacb. The ones most consulted iln'
I these In the marhle room or the senate -
ate IInd In the spealer's ; : lOblly of th '
I hOl1se. Hundreds of people dully correct -
rect their watches by t 'h'm. '
lulluf , ' " Jlab ) 'M'Jt 'J : noli.
rhe ra ! ; dOll , so dear to the child's
heart , should he frequently dlslnfec.
tcd hy steaming. At. . the tecthlng age
whcn the child uses his toys flJr
chcwlng' . a rill ! ; of pure gum rubber
should be sl1pplh ll. 'l'ho cracker
ring , although tlJl1of.tlcally valllllble , i
becomes darrgerous whcn lIS a BUCCIl. I
lent mass it Is used lIy tbe chIld to' '
wIpe the fluor. I
A Pelicet Sewing Machine for $5.00 : .
Willi , , , , , udlnR' . . . . . . .11.lur All klllli. , ,1' 111\6
. . . . " 'hlC' , A rtJlB IIU ' . . . .O \cll , . > .11I1I1l tbrlO , I
W rile fl > 2 I'ltrll IIlu. . . : ; nllu1l1 .1ulollll1l1u N\\tlJ. .
! O , . ItO Sl\un H. . NY ,
1- ,
Salzl'a mal'llC' WIWJf-42 11U per nero
, Tb. ' ' ' ' 1 .prlo , " "I . . , arCllhl..m 11,1-1 A , . . , .Iot. . , . " . < rlb , 'UI. nulb.
. . . . . . . . . I. . " " 1 . . . . .1. . Lb. u.t. . . fl. 01. . . " "n.h otltb.k' U. . . , . .
' . .I.'I . ! 1D' U'U1 ( " ' . " CJ b. . , .I. 'r ur. .
- -
Tlul motl..o".I _ . . . . .I. . . . , toc.l ' " " " , " "cIoIrI"ITo. tIt.o II h.hlo
ot Itwo o. . . . . . .t , I. " V" . . . . ,
! If1E'TaU' : ; SffP.S
; r--
- "
. . . . , .
- - - -
Stephen PltlttlllEl hilS wl'IUcn poetic
(1'Rlntt on thIJ nlwll'nt story of UlysseR.
It 18 Itl blaul'CI'SO ; : RIIII three nels , uut !
\\'Itt Itu'e the Hllllple 1It10 "UI 'ssl's. "
n erholtlU 'J'ree III\s RrrRu-telt ! 10 llro-
duce HI1I111 , } ' lit hl [ . (1\111011 'I'lteRtcr.
Austin Dobsou Is III'cllltrluJ ; R new
nut ! l''ll ; etltlon of hIs "ColIl'tl'll
POl'mB. " It will lucltillo 80mo of the
"erlle In his 1lI'l\'utely IlIflutetI'olumo
"Clu'lIIlnlL Voth'n. " Olher I'eccut lIol'try
1J ' Ir. Dohson wItt 11180 RIIIWIU' lu 11
lIellurnte VOIUlllc 'BOO II to bo 1l\lblhJhctl.
It hll8 been willol ' stntl'd Ulltt ( .Ieorgu
Mcrl'tlUr-11J ellgltgell UPUII un uutoblog-
rIlllh ' . 1\1r. MC1'cdlth , It I nuw nn.
IJounccd , hils tlcclltwd to eo III III It It I III'
self 011 the subject IIll1t his lIuhllsllCrs
lilt \'I ! Rnnounccd thn t tlte ' 1\1'e not
R wnre ot nny such lutentIolI 011 his
II1l rt.
George Dougltts , tha nutltor ot " 'l'lta
liou6e with the GI'cen Shuttel's , " n
1I00k which hits bcon slgnltlly tlUCCCS8'
flll , Is n 'ollng cotcltlllltU who cal'In \
the ' 008. wltlt II totlll cltpltlll of .tl j
nnll no Ih'lng rdutJ\'clI Wot'llty of lIIen-
1J0n , trlllllllld dowu flom Oxfon ! to
' .olldun IInl1 sot UI ) fiH II mun or IctlcI's.
Ills III'e\'lou ItlstuI'Y woult ! tul.e OIlU
from Oxfonl to GtU8guW Uulverlllty ,
lIull fl'olll G IlIsguw ttJ L1I1' fUl'lulug 111111
mining lall'lcts of WCtltCl'1I colhlllll.
"l'hc House wltlt tlte lil'cell It\lttl'l'II" .
Is his tlt'st uool ; : .
'l'lte Aelldem ' . n Londou Ilterlll'Y IlI1b-
111'1It1ol1 which SIIl'uluJ with SOIllO lIU-
'thoI'It. } . , hits dl'u wn111 11 list of I he
tWI'I\'e 1..IOol.s whlclt It l' gl\1'IH ItS "tho
bcst no\018 of the 'Clll' . " 'rho ' nl'c tiS
follows : "Kim , " h ' H\l ' Kipling ;
"Slstcl' 'J'el'cslI.I. \ } ' l oorgolool'e ; ;
"Our 11'1'I1.\1tl ! the OIIlU'llItUII , " h ' Geol'gc
GIBslng ; "l'he el'lous Wooing , " l.Iy
John Ollvcl' lIobues ; " 'l'hc White Cot-
tUlo , " h ' Znelt ; ' ' ' 1'1'IsU'Uu of Blout , "
1I ' Al1tholl. } ' 1l011c ; " ' 1'11l lll tory of Sir
HlchlU'lI Cultulldy , " by l..lIcas Mulot ;
" 'l'he OOIUI1111. " uy Chlll'lcs MIlI'I'lolt ;
" 'lu ! LOBt I nlltl , " hy Jullu1. ; . < .Jt'ottlo ;
"Casting ot Nols , " hy ltIchttt'd Bajhot ;
" 'l'he I.or of the Sell , " by M. P. hlel ;
"Thc llouso with till ! OI'CCU Shutters , "
b ' ' . ' . .
) l l.'Ol'jO Dougl.aB.
Former l\Icmbcr III AlI1llzcd Ilt IUch
EquipUlcnt Ilnd l > ccorutlollK.
"Shu e oC lllll Holmllnl It's cnough
to 1I11llw tlw old IIIUU turn o\'et. In hlH
gru\'c ! Aud If DOIJIery ot Mlzzomu
WUH here ho'd Bhorc CI111 In a Ilt 011 the
floor , "
lie stooll 111 the hal1 or thc Hou8e of
nelH'Clontutlvcs contewplatllll ; the
rich lIIahogullY esks , the hnu Homo
fUl'l11shlllgH. tlc gIlt ulld 11ecol'l1t10lls ,
with II dwlel'lc nn dcpI'ccu tot.y e'c.
Ilo was nUlt'cd In billcl. hl'oullclolh ,
Ihl't'st cuI low , sho\\1\Ig a wide ex-
pllnc of unstlll'chcll 8hht tl'ont , CI'OtiS'
ell lJ ' u hlll.l : ; slt'llIg" tie. Ill ! : ! thill'
soled LJUolH of IJofl Icuthel' WCl'e CIII'e-
Cull ' polished , 111111 he Ilclll II 1J1uck
slouch hut III his hllnd.
I "I WitS In CoUgl'CSH III the I1 's of
'l'etl'llll'hllll'ut 111111 l'dol'lU , ' ' ' he slliti.
I "und we hlld 110 HlIch olil's IlS tlWtw.
I 'j'hem chait's , wlt a 11 ttll ! I'ecuulug- ,
, \ \ IlS gooll fo' tell rl'Il1'S IOIlJel' , tllltl
there WIUH't llI1l' ' nu 111111111 clln.ell 111
the desks. lu IU ) ' ll ' the I'ed plush In the lobu } ' wus U dl'culU or uI'I-
Clllul Sllcllllor , I1I1 1 see thcy WUlt
hll'e linl ! lell thm' 60f.'s uow _
" , Alld Ill ! fOl' these lIew COnlllllttee
I'ooms. the 1111111'0111'111 tlOIIS In 11I11'UCU'
ltu' t1w ' alt. '
, Il scene Itllpel'llIlIstic
lIutlill'shuIW ! : ' ! i tlJl1t the CIIOHIII'B ner
Iml1gllle 1 wllllwtl thrungh this 11I0\11-
tll . m ' fect HlntllIg- ; : the IlllideH lu
\'eh'lt cllrpets. Illld c\'el'y 1II0ve l'ellecl-
I cd III the Ilullsh of the lIIallUg'n ' tlllJles ,
i dl'il1'a : : ChUIt'8. 'l'hc81 ! hel'c [ 1111111
COIIgI'csslUell. coru-fed lIroductlJ or the
I West , must feel IUlght ' out of Illllce
IImhl HIICh l ul'I'oIl\1I11n's \ of luxurious.
I IICSi' ' ! l1ul1 1'l'J1I1 Hplelllior. The ) ' tell 11I0
! tlll'rc 18 $3,000 w01'1t1 or gold III the
i ( 'Cl1lllgB or thc SIIelll > CI"tj 1'0011I. by WII ) '
of ( ] el'oratlon , IIUtI that II thlnl of II mU ,
Illou 1I01lllrll : ImH lIecll/ll11t III tI1lu lIud
: multog'II. } ' , ICllthel' . ltt l1ud ! luilltm' .
"Wl'll , I I'c\wn \ IIrtCl' nll there Itlll't
I lIot1l1ll' too good tOl' the 1'el1t Alllel'l.
i el1n pl' l1lc , uud thcse 1111' tlJc I.CIII'CHeu-
tntIn'tJ of the lIeoplc. 11\1(1 till. ' Ilcoille
the } ' llIt 'M the. fl'el ht , " whl'rl'llt Iw
shook hlH hl'utl. SUI ! the WUHhltlJ.toll
Htur , lIud wullwll II WII ' , .
I AIIIIO4t Uulvll'ltlllly UtlO , ) .
The 111I1111 to hllB U cl\I'loul ! hlllor1
Afler the I'evulutlon of :5l1n : ] ) ollllu IJ ,
/I1all ' Frcllch rlllllllles CI11110 frotu tllm' ! !
to Phltlllll'llhlu. where the ) ' IlltroducL'd
thelt. fa0 1'1 tL' IIOIIIIIIl' 11' IIU1UUl'1 , i
thollJh ItllrOlhwel1 IIH elll'l ' n8 HiUtJ
( ruin Sonth AmerlclI Ittto Englnull , It I
WIIS loulwll UpOIl with IJUHpll'llIlI , 1I1I1I
Its sileeilic " [ ' ' " tIl"
nl1l11e. ' 'COll1'8IcUIII ,
rlve.1 fl'om 1)'lwl'l ' , "wolf , " uud ! lurslltou ,
" 1)'II'h . , " l'Crel'l'ltlg to the h11lU'1I1
11111 del'l'ptl\'e 1IlllwlII'lIncc or 1111 fl'Ult ,
Intimates III'Nty cll'arly tll { ' 111111 of ( ' 11'
tllllntlUn III which 11 wns Iwill. It 1:1 :
UO1Iow'or. . nil hili IInl\'erHall ' lIoeJ.
A BI Henrt.
Al lUlli/l / , I\cut. : EII httlll , a IUttll
IInllW AIII/H'W / 1\lu drol'lwd deud rt : ,
Cl'UtJJ' white lu lIhllll ; ; lit It rrlcud'il
olcc. Au nUtolljy showed th t his
JJeltrt WitS flvt' tlUlt'8 the Blzu ot tlt
DOl'lllnl II\\\UIUI \ heuI'l unlllwice the 11 % &
or thl1t of 1111 ox.
It 18 Iwld ot Iota uf IH OlI tbat Ih .J
bn\'c hnr tlmelJ Lerp\uJ \ ; body and ! toul
'together , wllo In81t BIO dedded I '
the o.l 1.0 ,
\ . ,
\ \
, J
. _ _ _ _ J
. I
, JII o\C'r ) ' , COllntr ) ' ot Iho ch'1\17,1'11 \ w rlfl 1\11) \ Four l11tOI'OStlll1" IJr ttorS'"l' Ul CItJ ollo .
8111h'rs lIe ( harll ' nr111)n. . : iot (1II1 ' (10 till' ) ' _ ' ,
. . . . . . .
IIIhht.'l' to Ih.RII1'lItll1 lIuli 111
, 11tl0118 . -
Ihwl'chlal IICI'Ib of Ihl )
e ar I's OIIl\\1ItIO.\ \ 10 till'll'
SISTERS C\I' : \ ' ' ' : \ut 1I1' ' II.SO mill ! \tcrto - : . - ii - :
1I1"lr " uUll/ly / 111'0 Is. " '
- '
- : : \ ; " ; ; J : : : -
GOO 0 \\'It I'II I mnllY chlllroll : to 'J : ' ' :
' tak oar" of 1\llIt to IlIlItoct
WOR' r. Irol11 d mnte 111\(1 ,1I o IlIl' . '
I IhlHl' W 8l' nnll IIrwlt'II1 Iolsl < 'fS " : ' . . , "
1111\ ' " ( " 1I1U1 1''I\II\ ! I1l1l'\'r-fn'lIlI nfu1'ull , : t : , . '
I A l ttl'r rccl"'tly rl'cl'h 1(1 by Dr. lIartllllll1 frum .
tl.c l . nlillo Si:1h'r III OIl'velllnl , , 0 110 , r'IIlIl113 : I fJ/
M : . r
"WC IlllVC lutclyvcn PCrl/nn II trilll ,
for t/1011lIil tilc IIlcdlclnc II'1IS 1I0t ncw to . ! \
IJCI'C \ Illld not trlcd It sufflclcntly to '
I stJfy to Its wortillis wc IITC IIOW rClldy I
to do. : 11
HWC find Pcrunn 1111 exccl/clIt tonic , I
and II i IIlllllbl. : rcmcdy for cntnrr/llli
nffcctlons of tilc throllt. We IlllVC
rccollllliCl10'cl It to our fr/cnds [ lad IllIve '
lOod rCJJorts frolll tllII liS to Its /IIcr-
fts. " Yours rcspcctfully , \ 't '
- ,
. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
Dr. ITllrtmlln receives mauy lettcr\ I
froll1 Ol1thotlc SlHtcrs nil OTcr the UIlIted I
Rtnll's. A rCClIlI1l11CIHI tccuU ) ' reecl\'C1l
I'rom n Onthotlc lustitutIon In tbe Southwest -
west rcnl1s I1S tollows :
A lromlnclIt Mother BlIllerlor BIlY"1
"I l'An tl'stify frol11 ( ! xperlence to the
cll1c1eney or l'crllnn 118 one or the , .cry
bl'st medII' lHs ! , IInll itlveB me lllellsurc
to ntlll III ' prnlse to that of thollHnJllls
who hl1vo USl'11 It. 1.'lIr , "Cl1rlO [ snffered
wltb cutl1rrh or thc Htoinnch nil tl'mCo
.1Il'H Ilro"ItI Vnhll'lesli Cor rchl'f. I..ust
: < llrln I wcnt to ColorlHlo , bOlllnto he
Jtl'llI'litcll hy 1chnn e or climute nnll
while thlre trIenll ullvlsl'd ' '
! n mu to tl' )
l'el'llna. Arter l1sln two bott\l'1i \ I C"1I1111
clt ' milch ' , ' ' . 'l'he
lIIy vcr ) 1t11111'0'I1. re-
IIInllls or my 0111 ( llseuse lJlin ! . now ao
sli ht , I consider 1U'seir cltred\ .et Cor 1\
while 1 lutl'11I1 to l'OntlI1lJl : t \ Ie IIHe or
P < , rllnn. [ 11111 now treating nnother. .
( Illtiellt wltb ) 'Ollr medle lH ! . SIll ! hali
lH'en slt'k with mularlu nnll tronhll'd
with lelleonho'n. I hove 110t 11 IIlJllbt
lhut u cllre will be Bllee ll ' effeeted. "
All Over United State Use
for Catar/'h. /
Tram Cm/wlle Instltlltlon In Cen-
trill 01Jlo comes tile folio . " .111l recom-
melld tram tIle SIster Superior :
, , .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A great fndln En land Is for Ihe
lulles to hl0 : t.helllwh'es photo.
. : raphed us ItIO\'ltlg plcturcs.
llt'lve used PIso's CUI'IJ for
; Ion wll h ( Jed rc/ml lli. It Is IllrIht.- !
.Iohn W. I1pnrYI Box GI2 , lJ'ostorln ,
Ohlol Oct. 4. 1110 I.
The tooth lIrl/9h / plant grows hi
Jamaica. By cl/ttlng / It pleco of the
stcm and frayln the ends the nil.
tI\'es make a tuothhrush , and a dent.
Hllce to use with It Is produecd by
tI ry In and 1 > \'crlzln / I till } dead
Ench paclnge or PU'l' A ( Ii'ADE.
I SS DYE colors eIl'hcr ' Silk , Wool or
Cotton pertect\ \ t ouc 1.10111111 : .
'rho only colorcd mayor ltr the
Untied States Is Isaluh 'J' . tent OI1l'
cry , of Mound Bayon , 1\Ilss. \ Ho Is
the wealthiest DII\II In the city , nnd
was horn 11 sl'I\'o Ull tbo plantatIon of
JetTerson Duvls.
UIiO the fnmolls nl. 1 OreS ! Ball Bloe.
large 2 oz. I'lIcku1o ! 5 cellitl. 'l'ue UUIIII
comp ny , South Bt'nd , hili.
: No person under sixteen yenrs of
lI e Is permitted t enter theatre or
ta"ern In IIcllHoland.
Don't ror Pt n Iurlc 2 oft , pncln/c / Ho.l .
Croti ! ! 111111 IIlue , on I ) ' 6 cent. . The RUBII
Compuny , South I cnd , 11111.
Eo. . . . Duro.bIlity , Simplicity
C& fI t
, celdcul. Ire rare , plt lInr. II IncruactS b ) '
their IIIperlor , Iutlcll ) ' , 11Id 70U can 1nm4
IMflt willt 1'000r Mitt/Ino &Dolt rtqulrc4.
Ollr ulomobtle Urea arc Ju.t II . .re , . . .U. .
fllll10ry aad rellabte. .
ell ' " J TUn , COMPANY , " 't oU.I" ' . '
, ,
. .
"Srme ) 'l.IlIr. IIJlO II Irion" 01 our /natltutlon /
ncomml.lndtd 10 u. Or. IIl1rtlll n' , 1'"run.'I "
IIn ezeelllJ' ' " rtmed ) ' for fh. InflUl".n I wlllell
WI.I " " 111 hlld lIo.trlll I nu wl/ell thro.ttllfd tll
b" III a sor/ou. ehllrllter.
"We bel ( n 10 UI" It and t.xp./encflhueh
wonderful rowl. thllt dlll'o tllC'11 rutllr 1111I
beolllt our 1,1101'111.1 mlll/elnl' fIr III/uenll.J ,
Cl1t"rr. , coliJ , "ouZh IInJ brunellitl5 " I
Another recommend from II Cutlwlle
Instill/lloll ot one of the Central Stllles
'Wrlttell by tllo Sister Superior reads us
tollows :
" , \ 'IIIIIbo ' 01 ) 'tllr. 1'/10 our IIttrnl'an It'll.
cal/o tu Orl rtm"n' , I'I.I'UOII , "nd s/ / , , ( " ( ' II , n
Wt,111'0 u 1. ' " II WW , IVonderl I rt ul . . fJr r'I"
CIIU h ! , C1ldlltlld ca'arrlllli tJISil.1IU11' IIIlId
and .fullluch.
"For grip n llll'/nter'c.n'nrr' , t.p < < ldlyI hns
bee" of grc t . .n'leil tu the IlIIlInlc' 0/1/1/ .
II/Jilllutlon. "
rllt'sc lire snmptes at Icrler ! ' receh'ecl :
I" . IJr. IIl1rlll/lllI Irolll the r/irc : U lor. crs
of Cnt1olle Sisters tilt OIlUtlOtt tlw ,
VIIIit'd SillIes.
'I'he IInll1I 111111 IIIMrl'IiSPS to Ihclle Itt-
tI'rli hll n' hel'l1 with 111'111 frolll re Jllct tn I
111 ( ' Ri'tl'rli , but will bc CurlllHheli 1111011
Olle-hlllC oC Ihn dlHI'1I1I1'1I which IIl11iet
11I11111\11111 III'1 ! 11111' In Hllllle cnt'II'I'hnl 11t'-
l'Utlg'ellwllt or Ihl' 1II111'OIl lIIl'llIbrlllll' 1111-
III ; : 101U orgall or 11I1ISn e oC the boll , > ' .
- - - - - - - -
WItt ) . Cu'u .July llllul EIKC.
An III.torncy nllmed Else , rathcl'
dlrlliulltivo In at'llllre alld lIot IJlItlc
ulurJy I'cs\lectllhle \ III hl9 charnetel' ,
onrcticL : , TIISC\lh \ J eIQ'tI , the \tuted
] lIglish wit IInd Solieltor.Gclwral.
1I lr. " said he , 1'1 hear ' ( Ju hI\'e :
c .lted . me II pottlfol ! ln ! ; SCIIUIIiJ/11
JlII\'e ' ( JII Ilolle SII , sir' ? " "Sir. " HIII11
, Ickylt , \ \ Ith II louk or COlltUI\1L \ , "I
no\'cr I1l1ld 'OI1 were a pcttlt'oler : or
seoulIllJel , hut I said 'UII wcre 'littlo
Else.Tho A rgolllJnt.
Hillin" EIllIarll"llI.
Halln\t statistics HhllW thllt the
eltll ra lIolI to A 1II01'lclI hils rcached
the ligures of JUOOOO UllltIlIIlly. A hout
half of these I'Oturn e\'cntualty to
Italy , the rectremullling ; In thoU
U III tee ! States.
JII."url T , . , , " . . f'rull'Aua
F 0 R S A L E \
. . . r..ncb land. t'l ' UOII" II . . .d
. J.u , " " ' ' 'uul. . . . . . U.J 'r . . . . , rlll"e haD. . . 0111.110
$ 29 1161S
ll-HJQ"olS $ 3
Hohl 10y t3 UOl1 tl\ll Rrtlllld Ihe' ' I.hocdul.tI ,
vpry"I. . r , 1'.41 : TlU I . 'file 1IlUr. . . . h. . . . , W. J. .
lIuul/l. . . I"UIIC iLUiJ 1111. . , " " 11I1"111 011 bllllou. .
NOl ct , nrt'tRlt CJ.atl in , .We k lWII
ISO'J _ 1t , tuo I'olr. .
1811818lI121'nlrtl. .
1i'-7 ! : . : ; , -r.m
! ! I
I _ - ' :
o IS/'I Mora Tha" OuublrJ In Four Yeal $ .
T nI nEA90N8 I
\ \ .1.I'"k."not IfOII.pore rn n' . . . .ooanll
SJ..o . Ill" " U' II allY ell r IWlIII"n'f'u III Ihulorld ,
W. I. . OUIIIIIIII " 1.1.0 aliLI " , UI.III B 1..1 . . .Id. , "y
alt14 wllh s .w ar 1 . . . .00 aJ. . " , . III oU..r IlIlkr. . It. . . . I
lour t 10 " " JII.I as 1I0t > < ! . 'lI't1 will lilli' , , " t"l1
p..ln or onIlrw1 . and 13.110 . ! lou.
Mad' pI the"nth" . If/dud/f/g / / Patnt
OorOlla KId , Corolla and Nat/oMI / Kangaroo.
, . . . & : el.r ! C'.I < I. . . . . AI8. , . ' .Ia.k 110010 1..4.
tf.L.II..I..OO..OIII..Uao" . . . . . . . , 100".110'
au. . . . ' by IU"U SII.'Str. " & . ( : .aul"I"rc. , . '
\V. J. . 1)uu\lI. : . . . Ir"f'kl" " , At" . . .
, . -
' . " , " h , , . . _ . i , A . .iWi
. \ rcn Clly thnt wOlllil net 11I1Inedll1tclr
1111011 the conJcHh'lI mllellll ! ! nwmbrnn. . .
rClltorlll It to Ito 11111'11101 III II h' . WOllld
cOlll.ll'lllIelltly curL' tilt thcse llisense"
Onlllrrh III eotllrrh wherIJ'er 10cl1tc
whcthcr It lIc III the h'jlll , throl\t , hUte1\
IItOll1l1Ch , Idl1m''II , or Iwlvlc orjttlnli. A.
rClllell ' thllt will clln' It In ( I"e locntlo.
will ( ' ! Jr { ' It I" nil IIIClltions ,
P'rUIIII 10 Ruch rcmccl ) ' . 'l'he Slslerlj
or Chllrlt . Imow thill. WllI'n cntnrrhal
, lispnHeliIInl.c tllI'lr OJlII'lIrnIlCC thcy are
lIot II1Hcolll'ertel1 , hilt kilocxnct1 ' wbt'
rl'll1l'Il ) ' to 1It1l. ! . 'j'IIl'He wl ( ! tllII1 Ilrlllll'ut
HIHIl'rH hn ve f01ll1l1 1'1'1'111I/1 / IItJ\'I'r-CtI } .
11It ! IInCeunrd. ; 'rhl' ) ' r'lIl1ze thllt WhCD
tI "I , 'ns" III IIC ctllllrt'hlli nl\tllr ( ' , l'l'r11t
IH the 1''III1'lly. nYHlll'l. . ln 111111 tellll1le
W'II Ime'\H n I'l' cOllllltl'I'ell h ' 1111111) ' tu b.
, 'nUn'h' 11I11'el'eut IIIHl'IIHI't-thnt dysllCl ) '
IIln'lt ! cllt/lrh / ! ; of the IIlullllleh nll.1 fcmale
w/Ilme / 1i III IIl1c to cl1tnrrh ot thl' pelvic
orj.\nllH the Rltlll'rs 111'1' fllll ) ' nwnre con-
aelIH'lIt1.l'erllllll \ . ill their rell1clh. 1"
holh thl'lIl' Yel' ) ' ( ' 0111111011 111111 nlllll "I\1jJ
11' ) 'UII 110 1I0t reed VI' prottlpt nlllllilltb-
rllclor ) ' 1'l'HllltR fro III thl ! llIlU IIf l'l\ruua ,
wl'lte lit Ulll' ( ' 10 ) )1' . 11111'11111111. : : I\'III ! I
fllll HIIIll'lIIl'lIt oC ) 'lIlIr enll' , 11I111 III ! w\U \
h ( ' ( lleuHI'II 10 give ) ' 1111 Itl VIIIIIII lc Ill-
, . .Ice:1'11 IIH. (
, \.ltlt.4' . H Dr. IInrtttlun , 1'l'l'llllent oS
'rhe 11 II I't 11111 II SII II It II dlllll , Cohtlllbt11\
- - - - - - - - -
( 'u"lllllJ : t , ) " Nutllrlll Ih.u\ . J
'rhe 1\1aOl'ls \ or Now r.lm11l11l1 CO )
lltelt' potatocs and ot lOI''cf.cttbll'f :
\'olcilnlc Iwat. 'l.'l1mo lire It Ic"
\'olcal1'l's lit : New r.oaland , and fI' Illi
ot' the JtllltJrlH 11 vc lip III Iho , 11101/1)
t.tlns Iwal' thell ! . 'riley malte tbe
I\ ' Ilcallllcs elo sl'\'cml thlrlJR , : for thorn. .
1IIL the IIl/cel'cHL Is the c ) ( } kltlg. .
A Oltlca o lIeno t llCclallst , Dr ,
Dowd Paulson , nssel'tH that the deslr1
for alcolwlll : stimulants Is In mnUJ
cascs causcd lIy ItIJ.hly : spiced 1004
I\nd the LOO 1IlJerai use of peJpef'j
lIIustal'llnnd similar relishes.
Will ' ( ) II he shorl , of Imy I' If 80 plunt _ I
Jllelll ' of Iltl ! ! III ( ) clIlllly I'rolilio UtI. . WQ
r ; III H 'I'UIIH nl' Hlch III1Y ( > 01' . \
I'rlt. . . , Mill , . . fl.IIO , lUll 11 > 0. .11,110 I. . . . . ' .t\Oa
Jolin A. Ii.llzcr ccill.u. : , La LIOSiL' , W13. .
- . ' - , - . - Island
ROttte t
Double Daily Service
r r Inform.tlon or Rotn. CIII U rI or .clclt. . .
n .tDat Azont. 0'
S. 1\1. ADSIT , c. 1 > . A" f
- -
- a. - - . -
IiUlfl'IHkH : ) \ ALt mE. tAilS.
1I000t COU [ : " \ . rep , 'J' . ' tc 00 < . . . . . . . UN !
I1I1Im "Id lor drlll/lIl.llI.
1& . -
N.N.U. NO. 71 0-11. YORK. NEB ,
' - ' ' - - '
. ; iL'IJI : , - : , :