Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 13, 1902, Image 6

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    . . _ _ _ . . ' _ . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .UJ , _ , . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . _ _ " _ I _ _ _ _ I _ _
M 1' , t 1I- , , O < M "C1 > O * < < b
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ORtV& L > orKnm < . '
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ToLl g h t
" /'V'V. . " ' ' ' ' + . )
d < * 4 > 4 : . . , 4' )4)q , II' < Ql4 > < Q ' Q >
. . , ,
' " - " " - - - - ; - - - - - - - -
. . . . . . . . . . . .
CHAP'I'lm111 ,
MI'II , Ii"OKtel"shoIlH' III (11'1'111 Clllliher-
tnnll 1'1110 Will ! IIno IIf I hl ( l' 1.011111111
, h\"cllln ! I whn l' 11111111' III 1.I' IlII. ( It Willi
ull nnll un now , It 1'111111 > ' cOIIIIIII'xlon
clnrlwnl'11 10 H , II'C' ' I > ' hl'lIl1'lI h > ' II-'u ! : ' 111111
IUlokc , 111111 ItM 11111111 ( lIcll',1 , 1111,1 , CI'III1I '
frolll thl ! WCIII' 111111 It'/II' of Inn 111I111 > ' LUll'
.ann 110111101111 , It 111111 11,1' I'UII'II uC IIlIrlUW
1\'lrulowtI , 1IIIIccII Ihl'I'I' , to 111111(1(11'111'11111:1' ( ( : ,
, ahnlb' nil htH'1II'OIi ! : , 1111 Cor II IIlIIltull'II -
: rlel ; ' oC pOUl'd shrllh : ! .
, 1111h lip wnM till' c hnllllll'r Oc the t'o
Mlllfll'lI 1"110411'1' " ; for thl' Ilwl'lIIlI.t ; wnK lint
II. 1lI1111111nll tiC 1I1111111111'd Splle ( ' , 111111 this
I 1f\0 \ 11(1111'1' ( clllllllhl'I' Willi11I',1' l'IIPllhlo
IIC COIIIIIIIIIII Iwo hellll 111111 tWII 'nllll" " ;
, tnllll'llo ( ! \'II with till' 1I11II0'lt l'OIl'ltlillt lid ,
ltloll oC II I'er ' , l1l11lnntll'e F 1'11 I'll 1I1111t1.
Ami thollh ! n tln ' 1'00111 Olljuhll'll It ,
\dllch lIss I'olter , ; ( 'lIl1cll her cll'l'lIslut ;
1001111 It Illclol > ell 11l1' II'aC ( flll f01'1II hilt
leldoU ) : tor Iho 1III\'IIullllO oC n 'UIIII.lor :
Ilst r'/j IIlIrlllllllg' nttt'lllinn 1I111111Cllic Sill : '
, felltlons ol'crhlllllw'cil nll ' of thollu uhJec-
: tlOIlK whleh Gl'iIl'\'lev ( ! I.'olliur wo1I111 oth-
I uwlfio hit 1'0 III'J.I' ( II IIgnlllHI Shllrllll : I1I1Y
II I ono'8 IIIHrlllll'nt ( ,
{ On IhlM " " ' ; LIICPU hnll bOl'1I cllll'
t mlsse1 ; 1I1I1Il1I1I1I ' ellrl ' , nllcl III1H I'ostcr ,
"au hm'sulC (1IIttluJ. ( : the III1IMhhlJ. : tOllchcs
i to her lullct , whllo Ill ! I' IIber ! IItOO I
h UIOIIJ.htfllll : ' welJ.hlllg : the rollllh'IIH'rits
I ' ot 1IIIIk 1I11c1 hille , heCore IIdl'etllll : IICCOII'
I termeulK Cor hur erlll ( ) whllo J.rllIlIlIlIlO ( ! ,
I "I shell III 1I0t wOllller , " she ( IOllllorcll
J .10Ilcl , "If 11I11111111a docK 1I0t IJl'J.ln ( lit unco
I to lIIuko IIIl1ch oC her , jllst nK If Kho WOI'O
. . \lIoHt \ , Mumlllll III so IIl1certalll that I
, tAJI no\'er Cuel slIre or hCI' . " ,
"nllt 8he IIstonK to rCllllon , " OlHIC 1'CI I
! he chIcI' slstur , liS she ( Illt 111 her emorlllil
'tarrlngH ; "lIncl wo 1111\0 had n III'ntllhlo i
I tall , to\elhol' \ ahollt 11111 St , UuorJ.o. : 11lJ II' '
b 110 I'clnth'o oC 011I'13 , 111111 JlO gllOtlt-lIot
tTen I1n IIccllllllntancu. hc Is hOl'e Cor II
.pecJlII IIIII'I'OSO ' , 111111 she 1111181 be Icft
to 11111'8110 thllt ( llIrlOKO con .clUlIlIOIIKI ' ,
I I It .IB , Indeecl , tor her Hnl'e hat I have
argell 1111111I11I11 to Ict her contlnllo her
ttucllos IInlllHtllrllell , "
" 1"01' " her 1Iltc , or cOllrse ; nncl , 1IIIIced ,
tor mamlllu' ' " , 100 , " ohsorl'ocl Vlc\ol'lll \
. 'ostel' , , " [ allllllll wOlIllI h ! ! the \"cr ' IIIKI
in the worlll to wIsh Cor II110thcr1'011'11 \ -
, ap lJalljhtcr. "
, , "An IIwkwllrll , IInellllcntecl dnlllhll'r ,
I 'too' " pllt In lho chIcI' KIlm' , COIIIlllIcI'Utl . ,
I "who will hn\'o IIU Illcu oC the 1'01' ) ' CUIII-
mouc1lt 111111\08 \ oC guoll Hlldul ' . 1'uohl
, lUlllllmli hllll too IUllch rCJ.III'1I : Co I' hcr
. " , n rellItlltlon ( , "
, , "I don't III nil 011'0 with Will IIhollt
Mias Ht. GCOI' C'H 1II'IIIIt ' , " SIIIII'lctul'ln ,
prcsently. " ( ; ul.tnlnlr I In : ! 1hcr ollir fill'
. 1111 11 II t ( . , hilt I thlnl , her st 'h ! will lIut
\10 tllldng 111 I.UllllolI , "
' ' ' 1'nl\lIlJ.I' : ' cchocd lIHI Foster , with the I .
tallllcst contclIIII , "Who III It lo tulw'l.
The sIl'l will he nt hel' Icsllons , IC her
bellllty HIllItS ! lIHs Archcr , nil the hotter -
ter ; hilt who else cnll It IIlIIlto "
"Will , He Is cOlllhlJ. : this c\'elilng , 'Oll
know ; IInd ho seclIII1 ! ! HU IIIIXl01l8 IIbOll1
aeolng hel' thllt ' ho wl1l bo
( ) ol'hIlJl/4 / COlli-
log ortcn , "
"Will IN wlsl'r thnll ' hnnllIe , ' '
'Oll ! ; , 1'0-
Jolnell Ihe elder tlllllel' . " 110 Is 1I0t enc
to 1I1111'1' ' UII 1111 IIICOIIIO ur thl'oo hlllHI'cll !
PlIlIlls ( II ) 'CIII' , You 111'0 II jUOSC , ' 1'UI' ' .
( < 'nslell Ihlll 11I'licelot for 1I1l ! , "
'l'hllll the Iwu gh'IK stooll fllclllg cllch
other hcCol'o the tollot tllhle whcn tlwh'
1l1Othl'r ( ! IItcl'c,1 , thc 1'0011I : Ulld IIhc IIlIIiI\Jl1
as she 1111\1" thc ( lI'utilcs I'ullcclcd In the
tlIulll-hulh rllir 111111 concct , with I'ea-
" ' , t 'CIl 1111 III 11 rl'cd h ' nll ' cccolIU'lcJty ot
. . ' ebal'luhH' : , IIlId ( Iulo lIhw O'lII ! , the lire ur
, ; ' vyhlch C01I1l1 IIl\'er 11I1I.t the ! III' ! ; ! ! , whllo
i lids , It I\'UH clulto UXClllllllllc In 1I's , 1"011' "
, ter.llo LQ 111'01111 ' or hOl' IIt 'IIt1h IIUllghtcl'S.
. ! l'ha \1'1'rllllrlltlll'r '
\ ; Hllllllhi 1111\0 be-
tllIclllhclI Gcnedol'I' , n 'clIl'I ' IIICOIIW ot
f two hlllllh'cll ( IOIIIIIIs fOl' II0cl\et IIIUnl'r ,
iIoeclllcd to thu 11I011\1' II 1II0st nl1 IIl1'u I 1'1'0"
ceeellll ! : , cUllslrlel'ill ; : huw IlI'uttllt Ucnl'-
I vlcl'o nhl'II ' 1 ! l'I'ccl\cd the old ' 11I1111 : hilt
MI'II , II'oleltor 1011111 '
Oune\'h\'o'H : hll\(1I1 ( ; 1U1lI1'ICd ( the fUl'olllosl
- \ plnco III hCI' Idndlr , Hclde he.ut ,
" 'Vcll , IIIl1th\\ \ ' , " IIIII I'ustor fill hI , "I
{ . . BUPPOSO Ol'tl Ht. ( l1'01'\0 \ III still 1)111 ; ;
O\\'n , You will leu0 hcr to 110 110 , 01'
tOIll'lie , "
. .j - " : : ; ho 11111 : lot II ( ! Ilown nt nil , lilY lIenr , "
; rellll'llcd 1 : ' ! : ! , FOllhn' . "Shc hnR heell
\ unlIlcldng ( , lilHI no\\ ' she Is with Mills AI'-
cber In the I > chool 1'1I011I , "
"Wh ) ' ,1111 1I0t lI11H Archer go hOlllo
tbl8 nCternooll , 1111 118111111"
"I thought It wl ol' ' ' ' eXllallll'd lrs ,
Fester , "lIl1d , ImlelI ! ! , I\hlllcr"-with U
tllllid 1111' or ' "
dCIII'ecutlolI-"to IWI'II hcr
Ulls'I'lIln / ; . lIs11 Ht. Gcorgo 11'011111
bn\'o Cdt 10'el' > ' 1001l'1y , IIii 'L'ol' ) ' wOlIlII
1I0t consclil to IIluu ull\'l ' IIl1d sta ' with
lieI' . [ wish , o\'ell 1I0W , thll t 'Oll woulll
- atll ' with he ' ' 1'01' ' "
) , , ) .
"NOIISI'I\IIO \ ! " oxclllimell'Ictorla , with
ulet cUlltemllt , "A\11 I to hc nUlllc II
.chool 111'1 jlllit to ( llulIso till ! : ! litter tllI'lIn-
( er , COI' whum wo ha\'u do no n gl'I'lIt ch'nl
too milch IIh'OIlIl ) ' lu alluwlll her to CUUlO
r bere nt nl1'l"
"Bllt 'UII nre n Ichool gIrl , ' 1'01'r -
, marlwll hel' molhcr _ "It 'ou WI'I'O not ,
" " ' ) IY sholllll lI s AI'chcr IIl1d 'IUI' lilliS-
Icrll COIIIO o\'cr ' 1I11 ' to tellch .you'i I
bOlle11Y Ih'nl' , thnt .ou wllllleo the 1lml-
sess ot whnt [ ( lI'OlOse , anll bO 111111 tllle
" teu wilh lItS Al'cher IInll ) ' 0111' 1I0W com-
t4110. "
" o. Inlleell , mnmllla , " 8alll tbo 'ollnG
lady , hotl . : "I will 1I0t b& IllIt down III
tllll : ! WilY fOI' 1111 Illtoriollor , I tolll 'OU I
1 . . mllilt dlno with 'Oll to'dn ' : hl/lecll , I
1Ihnl1 do Il ol''ry dn ' now _ Wbllt ha'o 1
, In common with thIs IrIsh , ; II'I'/ , '
"Tlwn 'Oll l'efUMO to .10 . 1111 I nslY01l1"
" Inqllired the Illothcr , riMing , with II slh : ,
, I "Cerllllnl ) ' I 110 , 1 \'I'1I 'Oll , " IIlIdcd'Ic ,
torln , 111111011I11 tlcli II ) ' , "woulll he sOI'r '
, fOllrsclt nftcl'wnrll , unll IIshulIId , too ,
, lor b'ha\'illg' so ) to 4 1I11111hter or se\"ell'
tten , Genn knows \'cr ) ' well thnt I nm
. as gl'OWII'III ) lookln ! : n8 she Is , nnll thllt
I onJht to 110 eXIH'tly nM she doclI , "
: "XOII thnll ; do It aUer to-IIay , It you
. . ' will jllst k'ep orn CO\11llall ) ' on thl8 Ol"
. calilon , Rho 1001s so'cr ) ' h'nogo IInll
\ ; Joncly. Will ) 'Oll ? " .
" o , 1I111111mll ; 80 110 not ! Ilk mo nn ) '
more. 1 hllte to rctllso , ou , "
. } tnthl'r , slowl ) " nnll lInwlll"11 Aln.
\I i'oMtt'r c'lItol'I'cl the school roolll-a IIl11all ,
t Mull " 1II1rlllll'lIt III the bnele ot the hllll-
\1 1Htl hllll'cllst'll
110 ( IIpOIl orn thdt IIttfOr
t1I. taUuue ot her Iou& : Jouruc ) ' It would
hI ! crtlll tu 11,1her , to lilliI' II'llh thcln ,
Uwt01'.1 Cd ! Ihlll n 11111111'1' III 1.011,1011
IIll1Ml lit ! 1\ InllIInll / wt'III'iMnlllL' orllcI : ,
f1'U1i1 whlr'h111' " lIIolhl'r 111I11 1II't 1 liJ\ll.
h' , l'I'II'I1I1CI } 111'1' ,
I "I ! lhllll I.'I'I'V . . , flnel of ten , " IIhc IIlIhl ,
I whl'lI ! ! Iho nllil Ihe IllIiet /OI'I'I'II"tC . wHh
Iltu tll'cd eJ'e , WCI'O loft totl'thl'l' 1lJIIII1 ,
" [ 1111I'Cl' ' hllll I'r : are 'Oll , , \li"l1 A 1'-
clll'l' "
"Ollly rathel' , " l'ellIe , IInlNI Arclll'r ,
with II HIIIUU COl' Ihe Ct'IClldl ' , hl'hht. :
facl'lI J.lrl : who waM " ' 0 Crp h II riOI' her lOll ; ;
JOIlI'IIl'\ ' , 111111 till UUMlIhlhlld ! in Ihl lIuhJu-
J.II : tllIl { 1I01lHl'hoJII : "I IlIlI'l' 1I0t hlld II juu L'-
111'1' , 111'1 ' 'fllI hlll' ( ' hllfl , "
" ' [ ' lI\'e hnro nlwl1 ' " Hultl
hope .I'elll \ 8 ,
01'11 , In hOI' ( lI'ettJ , ( ' 011xllI'olt'I' ,
"Xo' " fiK Arl'hl'I' IIIlSWOI'CII : "I COIIIU
c\'el' ' IIIUI'IIII1111111 / J.o : II WilY II t , I " 'doel , ,
[ 1I0l'CI' h'JIUI'1I11I 'uel 1'\ ' ( > 11 tiO latu liS
thill , 'J'o'lIlA'hl llw fUOt1ll1l1l , , , to IHl' ! lIIe
hOllle nt 10 , "
" [ II It fill' ? " Iluestiollct ! orll , luuIII ] : ;
I'lIrnl'HII ) ' IlIlu tlw 11'01'11 flleu , 111111 1I:11,11I ! :
lho ( IUcstlon III no HIII'11 ! or clII'IO > lIt . ,
" [ IIY I o hOllle with ) 'OU HOIIIO du ' 111111
scu ) 'our dugs 1"
Pp to Iho ! 'OOtH ot Iho hnlr , nlrllIcI ! '
IIllrlllldoll wllh gl'II ' , Ihullow , ' 111I11ICd
culOl' lIIuulIted III the Cllce to which IIU
101'1I1/ ; , 1111 ttul'lllJ. : wurllH hnd on'r III1Hie
Iho hlush fll III I 1111 1' , llut Nol'II , ill hlJl' III'
111110 1II01Icst . , 1I11111'1'tlioUil 110 tIII1St ! 1'01'
Ihll ! , : : ; 1lIallllot \ ( IrollIIwtlIel'lllg ( ! IlItlwl' ,
11I111111'1' hl'ol her sllltl'r '
, or , I'M her UWII
IlellClltIJ fucllll hall J1'lIl1lll'd lit OIlCU the
Il0sllhlll1) ' of Ihel'o hl'llIJ ; a 101101 > ' 1101I1IJ
IIitc hCI' 0\\11 : hut oC COUI'lIe litls AI'chl'I'
111111 dos ) 111111 ClIltl , IIUlIIICI'hllIS ( IlIIIiI ! 111111
ehlclwlII ! , 1\tlel-lIh \ , O\'CU Ilel'IIII(11I ( 11 tllll ,
urowlI hOI'so 111(0 BUI'III. hhmllJlr ! 'l'hell
wh ' hall Kho colorcil IIl1d loukcll HO lIull
lit tlw 1II0lltiou oC Iwr hOll1o ?
"I oUJlIl 1I0t .to hlln' lI"ked thnt , " COli'
Ccsscil Norll , hlllllbJ > ' , "ulltl1 I hllel trlull
to IIIl1lt1 ! 'Oll tllko lIIe liS II Crlcm ! . "
" 1'I'clleltly ; , " 1111111 Helell , 11I 'llIg hel'
hallll ou till ) jlrl'tI IIhullhler , " 'Oll wi1l HCO
how lItt1c 'UII wi1l uu tCllllltlH1 to I1Il1lw
11I0 a CI'lmlll , buwu\'cr I IIII1Y wltlh tu cull
'OU so , [ ' -IIIY 1101I1 ( ! III IIuoll \ WII ' off ,
IIHH HI , Gem'\c \ , through 1IIln ' u\I \ ' ,
lIuls ' stl'eets : 1I11t ! [ hll\'o 110 dUII ; , nu CIlI
CI'ell , 111111 there Is 110 0110 hilt 1II ' olC. "
' ' ' 1'111'11 , ' ' Ohllul''celorn : , IIpclIIllIg'er '
OIIl'lIcsll1 CIIII olll ' hlJ. : thllt 11011I0 eln '
'Oll will Ict 11I0 COIIIU 11'111'11 ) 'UII kllow 11I0
betllJl' fOl' I ' ' ' IUIICI ' I
, 1111I I'II'J' ! , too , 111111
hn'U hlld II JUIII'I ' hOlllo , "
"Sollie lIayl" cchol'll I [ elen-lInrl IIlIIlIed
thclI , 1'01' Shl' cuult ! lIe\"el' glloss what thllt
cOlllill Willi tu IIIUII U ,
" lIl1s AI'chel' , " cl'luIl1I gn'olco nt the
dOOl' , 1111 It WIIS OIICIII't ! II little WII ' all.1
n hcnd WIIS ( IOIleli ( ( III , "llOw do .OU liIe
'uur IICW ( III pil'l Is 1I0t she hClllltl-
XUi'll , IIICI'I'I' Ih'CIIIIWd uf Icdll : ! : ; 'UII horu !
'I'hcy-I-I thouht : they tolll 1110 'uu
WIJI'O rClthll ; . "
WlllulIJ.hh : ' 1'ollter , was III the 1'00111
IIUW , IIhllkiul ; 1"lth " lII'II'1I haulls lit OI\lU ,
111111 luoklll ; ; Illtu hCI' fllce with the IIIUtlt
UIIOI' : dJlIht : lIuli IIlIfl'lJ.ncd : 11I1I1I11'II1Iuli.
, "I 1111I tlU glllll tu HCI ! 'OU , KO rcjulcoll tu
WCICOIIIU 'llll III III ' ulllthlJl"s llOutl\ ! . 1
CIIIIIIUI tcll 'Oll whll t n jorClI1 IIII ' tbls
IiceUlS to IlIC , All Ihc wu ' tl'OIll UIIIIIJ.
fOl'11 the II'nlll seclllcll CI'l1 wllll lIIu II
11111111. 1'0YII 1111111 it wns dcllghtClIl , 111111
wCllt to Hlccp : hUI I II'IIS 1I/I'U\'lItud / ; tn
UlIlIIIICtlS , 1\110\\111 ; ; 'UU wUllld COlIIc bCrOl'I'
I wus hCl'u 10 wclculllc 'OU.ul'a , ) 'UU
bn\'u J.I'UWII ( IIIUI'O bCllutiful O\'CU HIIICI'
wc 111I1'luII a wcel , II\U. \ "
" . \ 1111 oltIm' , " : \ UI'II IIlIpllcmentcel ( ,
stl1lllllllg hncl , lIJnlllsl the hcn I' ) ' , Colol'leslI
CIII'IIIIII , with the ' ' .
CIIII { ; I'IICO which be.
10 II : ! ! to hm' , "Du ' llI 111111 11' . l'u 'u
\ ' 10l'thl'I"t" ;
" : \u ; hilt I"o 'nz Is oh'n down nt Hua-
tOil , 111111 lie Wllti COIIIri ! ; ; Ull to.III1 ' , Whcl'e
IIl'e Iho 1 'ls'i" . ' . . '
"Whu 111'1' lIio Jil'ls1" IlIquirell NOI'n ,
wIth n IlIlIgh ill hCI' c 'es.
"Slstors , &r COUI'SC , ' 1'111. ' ) ' Wl'ro nut
fi lII'e 1)- " 110 1111 ullell , : tlld tumod 10
III : > I AI'chel' .
" 'rho l1sHes FOllter are 11t home , " IIho
IIUIIOIIIICCI , Iu that Ulllllller oC cllIIl't lI\a-
lh ' which JI'OWK un ! ; llllll' ' lIatlll'cS , liS
tIll' 1II0llSI'OW ! ! UII tolltllr ' '
\ ; ; grn'eil ,
" " -hilt 111'0 theh' nllll'lI11' ! : , I'olter" "
11:11,011 : Ol'll , IHIII with Iho 1111I110. III hl'r
e 'es : "I IIl1l1crslood thllt uno Willi II Iltlll !
1:11'1 who woulIl llnl'lI with 11I1' ; nllll now I
CIIIIIIOI tcll th\lll nllllrt. "
" 'L'hc ' IU'O IIwClllly allle , " allsentell
WllI , III his cOI'11l1l1 WII ' , "onl ' Uenn Is
cllllllel' 111111 CIO\'l'l'cl'-Uelle\'I
\ - \ I'o hcr 11111110
I : . , bill wu cllll her ( ; CIlII , IlIdccll , [ 1'1111
hCI' .1 CIIII ) ' 1I01II\lhIlCS ! , hili sl1l' ohJects tu
thllt Oll'11II1 IIbhl'ul'llltOIl ' '
; ; ! , 'l'hl' othCl'-
'tlllr CclluW-IHIIII ( , IIcal'-ls Vklodll. 1
1IIIIIIIOgO thl ! IIccont ! hcll willl'iug III II 111111 ,
IIlu or two. I IIII1Ht 1I'cII , ! ! 1/l0 / IIhllllll ; : ; .
Once mul' ( ' , 01'1I , , lUlU' , It Is IIclhhtCIII : to
lIec ) 'OU hOl'U , GooI'h , ) ' 1I0W for 11\0 mill'
utcs , " '
" Ir. I"oster thlllls , " obser\'cll Miss
Archl'r , after ho WIIS jone , "thllt 'Oll will
111110 with thcm , nlld he w1l1 be IIIMII-
11011111'11 , " AIIiI thl'1I she lonl\eel lute thc
Ih'l's facl' , with II (1011'1'1' ( or scrutlll ) '
which \I'OWS \ IIntlll'lll to 11 tlklllCul tl'lIchor :
IInll , nllll081 liS cnslI ' 1111 IIho hlld renll
OI'U 's IIhlllllu ' '
IIJI'Ullsl'lOlIIlIlI'SS or nll ' -
thin ! ; bl' > 'ollil the oltl l'hlhllllh CI'lelllhlhlll
What challe : wo1I11l It lIIale Iu the bcau :
Ilrlll , Ih'lIlIh fneo whell It sboullI be
Imown 11 \ Inst ?
Bllt thl'lIO tholllhts , at wblch orn"ns
so un'ollscloIlS. Wlr ! , ' 1I0t allowel1 to IIn-
Jer : : on this . l'I'ell i II : ; , ( or NOl'n chllttoll
( lh'lIsnlltl to the : ; UWI'III'SH , now qllnlntl ' ,
11I1wllh .
II110xilectoll tholllhtCuhh >
; ss , \t I .
alwa's with u charm whleh ! Uuelo Holen.
Archcl' wOllller II1l1ch.
" 1111\0 'Oll rellll ' finished ten , : \1188 ! : It.
George ? YOII Wt'rl' so hlllltI' " , ) ' 011 8alll. "
"I hl1\'o I'cnll ' lillisholl
) , Wbat are we
to .10 . IIOW 1"
" " ' 0 II1I1Mt go to the llrawlllS ; room. "
: \uru followell lIss ArcIH'r UI ) ' the
stnlrcn80 , nlld Illto a Inrgo , hllb rOOIl1 ,
with thl ) ' white chnlrs nnt ! cOllches sll'ln ,
1\1011 tI\'l'I' II Jlllie gl'l't'n ellrpct , IIkt' 1I1I\1.h-
roomll 011 : l sll100th Jlntch ot pastllro IlInd ,
1Iss Archer snt llown IIcnr the willi , 111111
relllllllclI the klllttllll : she hllli bl'ollght
fl'OIlthe school 1'0011I , but orlweDt at
once to ono oC the whlllows , lluLi 100kcLi
bctwccn the closell cllrtilins.
"I wonder what It Is nllllkl' , " IIhe nld ,
UII It tlJI'aklllg to hOI'lIelt ,
A rllstllllg 80llnd b'blnll neTer dllltllrb-
ed01'4 III that : nze whll'h "bowed hfOr
80 Uttle : anll it " ' 111 with a .tart thl1t she
_ J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, IlrOIIell the cmtnln wilen IIII Il'ollter ,
, pnlullll : l'lu I' hl.tililIIIJI' , 1'01IltII ' ) ' I'C-
I IJIII'Pltell hcr 10 co ! MU ,
"Ouu Ilkell oll'g , ,11'11 wln 1'0011I 10 he
' ' ' ' , III.ullel.I > . . . . GI'III'\'lol'c ! ! IIIII , "I\ \ t
thl'II\\1I UIIlI1 ! III Ihu Htred III thlll hlll1.11
III' Ihht , "
" : ilt .10WIl . , IIHII SI , G\or c , " HIII11 Ihe
11\f1 ' or tllo IlUlIsl' , In 'I IlIlxull tOile , CUIII'
11/lIllIlull lit the dCPlh'o tu ho JUIIIIII 1111I1
( hOI' HIlII--whIlSU l'UXlltlull hlill IlI'ell
\'I'r ' nllplIl'lllt ) III , /llIlIcr / tllI'ollgh UI'II's
' ' , ' ' - the dctlh'o to IIIJ
1'1'11,1 , , , nllil IIh.IHU hUI' c1l1l1lhlul'fI. "Huw
lOll ! ; 11111 ' 1I11 > llIr It WIIS HIlICC 'ullr J1'lIlIel-
Cn 1111'1' cllmn"
" 'J'WU wIl'ks ! , " IInMwul'uc1 OI'II , with nn
IclllI1l1u M III hCI' I'oll'c ,
' ' ' ' ' ' . " ' ' Irtl , [ . . oilier
1'11'01'01.11 / , 1'01'1'1111'11 ' ,
plliellJlr. " 'I'hl'll I thllll ( 'Oll Khollill hll0
: UI'I'I\J 011 'Olll' flrl'M-lIlllccI , , that ( J\'cu-
hl ch'cs IIIlght ha \ ' \ ' uecII. untlrcly ut
CI'CPO , I IIlw cOlIsItullc ' , "
"YUM , " luddUI'II. . "I Ihollght \\'ollitl
he Inl'ollsl lellt Iu hll 1'0 crole whclI I
cOIlIc ! 1101 IIlfol' It , "
"It III IlIclln : . tllcllt nut to hn\'o It , "
11I1II'IIII1I'l'd II's , Fo : ! ! 1'1' , looldll ; ; It ! IIl1ly
Inlo Iho , ,1I'1'H fIll' 1' , IIIOIIJ.h : I'alher pllh-
zlell : "I 110 lIot J.O : IlIlu flll'lhcr 111I1.tlclI'
IIII'.J , 111111 1iIlM Archer dllco\'ol'ull : ! how
' ' ' Imclal'IlI'1I ' ' "
l'OI' 'Oll III'e
"r CM , " l'ullII'lIml : - . 111'11 , IImlllng , liS
111'11'11 1'lIMCII 1It'I' e 'cti fOI' u molllcnl , "Hhe
( 'ulIlll lint hc wllh IIiU two 1II11111teR wilh ,
Ollt tll rol'lJI'illg Ihllt , "
" \1111 110 noilicelll 10 tlllw the fnct IIIlIch
' " ' ' UlHw\'lu\'e ' hlicit
ohscl'\'U b'lng
to hcnl'I' \ \ \ ,
III hOl' enMY ChiliI' ,
"I'orhlllM tlw ' tale 1II0st to
( thllljs \\0 ;
hen 1'1 II. ! tlilk ot 10Iltlt , " sllid Nora , In her
1llIlut , Clrect ! WilY ,
" 'I'hcu IIrc1' 10 IInllel'l\tnnl , that ) 'OU
c10 I'call ' gl'lo\ , ! ! O\'UI' 'Olll' Igllorllllcu 1"
"I-I flolI't kllow' " Hho allllwcl'cc1 , still
wllh deell eOllslc1crlltlUIJ. "SullIuthllc8
[ ' 111 nCI'lIld thill , IC I wcro not ohlljoll to
lellrll , [ shollid CIII'O to elo KU ; IInd thun
KOII\\Jlhlleli [ ' 111 110 IIHhlllllCIl Ihu t I lung to
lelll'lI nil dar IIl1d III1ht. I- "
Vlctol'la I'ostcr , hlld Bllt 1I0wII to the
( lIIIUO , IInd dlll/hl'll Into a brilllllllt wall :
80urn Htoplccl ( , IIlItclllllj ; In ! : ! llollc ( , frll11l
Ihllt mOlllcllt IIl1tll Iho Ius I 1I0tO WIIS
sll'nck , Ih-Ien Archcr , rl'om hcr dlBtlint
: lcat , watchud the & ; 11'I's Cace nnel wun-
dUI'II. !
" [ lss St. Gcurl' ! , " IIlIld Gene'lc\'c ,
cllllllllng her IIttl'lItlou dellbcrnlol ' , jllllt
1111 SlIlIwone calllo Inlo the room , IlIId 0(1- (
( lrollchel1 her ChillI' , "Kllrul ) ' YOII plll '
'uIII'/iolt ? E\'or " ' III thcse
/ \ ) gIrl Illa 's
1111)11 , "
" : -\0 , they c1on'tls8 : Fostor' " contra-
dlctell orll , sImply , "COI' [ cllunot , "
' ' ' 1'h ( > n , ' ' returlll'd GCllc\'io\'c , clellrly
aud slowly , "JOII slnl : of COIII'SC. "
" [ -c1oll't I\now. "
Nol'II hlld becII golll ! : to sny shl ! cOllld
Klnl { 1I'lsh bll/illcls / , 111111 a few nil's she
hlill IIlclwel 11(1 ( Crolll COIiIl-lIllcI WlI ! , too
-III the old tlllle ! ; : bllt sOlllchow , whcll
IIho IlIId ucgllll hcr IInSWCI' , 111111 h' ,
1'0 ' 1I IIael cOllie 1111 to hCI' IIl1d Offl'I'cd
hOl' hIli hUlld thc ' ' IIl11u1cd
, 11'111'11I , ! jruotlng
111 blM e 'el IItOIICd ( ( tIlt' OXlIUlllltlOII ( : unll ,
thollJ.h : shc CII II elClI nt that mUlllcnt tbat
IIIIHKluh' II ml\ht \ nut IIIl1ttcr whether sIll !
cOllld or cOll1l1 nul sill ; ; lis oc1l1catld ! Hh'ls
lillI , 'II tIll ! colur cl'cll ( III to hel' ill co
whcu Ihe cXllallaliulI ( fllilcd hel' .
" 1'111 uCruld 'Oll w/l1 / fiull it \ 'Idim -
IlIlt ! to Icarn tol11I \ ' 1I0W , " ohlcl'\'cd . : -
torlll , turlllug oil the IIIl1slc stool , "OIlU'S
1illI\'s ; IICI'UI' grow IIlmble 011 thu 1\C ' 8
1IIIII'M8 ono ueglns to practice IJuIte olll'ly
III liCe , "
"AIIII thll t , " ohserl'ed l\IlIrlc , "is IhH
! ! Olll or IIll1sic-COI' UIIO' ! ! tillgcrs to ue
nlmhle on the kO 'II , "
" Ol'll , " sllill Will , In II lowcrcll tonI' ,
ns bo elll\JI'ly 1111H'olll'll1lell ( a SClt ncxt
10 hel'o bcell so 11I1111 with III ' 1II0th.
cr. " 'hcn , hefol'u tlillner , [ just 111 11 Ilt'
Ihe tlmc to l'IIKh Into her 1'00111 to IIsl ,
hCI' how she lIIell 'ou- [ heg 'Olll' (1111'- (
11011 , hut , of cOIII'se , I 1\lll'w she mUKt like
'OU 1III11I'IISelsho 1I11'cr slIll1 Q WUI'II
lIuoUt 'our Hllelllln : ; nut of lIininj ; with
us , [ clhlll't clljo ' the IIIcnl a hit. "
"I elljo 'el ! lIIiIlC , " I : ! a hI 01'U. " lIss
A1'ehel' , IIhlll't 'ou elljn ' ) 'Our h'lI T'
'l'hlK WIIS tuo IIIl1ch for 1I11 ' woll-ol'/nn- /
Izell CI1IUII ' to slllIll , 111111 Ihu"er ' IIHII'I-
cil HlIclHe : nnll lltiffllcSS which W'I'I' III'
tCllllel1 to IIUl'nch thl' : ; ol'el'nl'lI $ ' ( los..lhll !
I'cpl ' ( lrnclallllcli the Cuct nt once. I Istl
. \I'chel' , wlthnut JoolllI ; ; liP , went on with
hcr Imllllllg ill Iwr SCllt 011 Iho h"I'lll'I'lII1I1 ! :
; - . : 01'1Willi Iecnl ' I'"sclous , , or IlIl\'ltlJ ; In-
\'o'ell ' n chili 11(1011 ( thl' IItIllO' > [ lhl'I'I' : IInl1
Will mOI'ecl his U 'I'S uuculUroltllbl ' IIU-
dol' his 1I10tlwl"M ; : mw ,
"Dr. Arlll"tl'OlI ; : . "
'rho allllOUnCCIIll'nt cnme acceptnbly
now , It lIu\'or bcfol'c withlllol'a's IIll'm-
or ' . She I'ectcll hilll jllst ns Iho ollwrs
did , nnd then she found hel'sclC wonllor-
111 : ; lit his courtl ' 11111 II lIel'S , no\"er Jue/i's-
In ! ; how cnretull ' ho hall stlltiled thl'1II
Cor this IIIht. ; WIIl'II , In hIs OWII Imllgilla-
lion , he'IIS to Htllnd 111 cOlIIletltlOIl ( with
the IUIIII nnlnHt ! whom the worst passlolls
In his nllture wel'e 1'1'1111) ' to rise iu rl'\'olt ,
he wntl'hed hIm nl'o"t 1111 the IlIcllus 111
theh' till'll , IInll th11 ! , , , , It himself beside
tho. 'Ollller Jls Fuslcl" anti Cllh'rtliin
her eIlMII ) ' , In hl hlnl1ll , ttllellt WilY. She
sa IV thll t " 'ill WIIS ( lJ.'a.l'J : to see him ,
nnd thlltlrs : , I"oter smlll'ti \ \ hen hc
spoke to her ; nnti RO she wOllllerud whether -
er she couhl hll\'o kllOWII uel nil hcr
IIrl' , IInd 'ct have beu blilld to his excellence -
cellence ,
Tbe dlng ' Rchonl I'oom In Orent Ollm-
herlllnd I'lllce wus'er ' sllellt this 11I0rn-
III ! : , not onb' bccnllso Its two OCl'UIHl1I t ! !
wore busy , hilt III'clIlIse nelthr th glad
A'lI ( lIIuslc ot the coulltr ) ' nor tIll' restless -
less 101l1llHlIslition ot the tOWII cOllI II l llll
Its way thl'ouJ.h : the hl1z ' window Innes.
"I lIel'er 8hnll romlmucr' ! " sa IIIorn. .
In a tone of ( ler1 > ll'xlt . . without rliltling
her e ' ( 's trolll the list or ' ) IIt'sllons o\'cr
whIch she was "ontiel'lug , "who hl'shlcs
George IV , " , as cnllell 'tho IIrst ! : elltJl"
IIIl1n III Europe , ' I hope , whoe\'cr h ( ' wns ,
he hod moro c1nlm to the com"lInll'nt ,
' 1'bls Is the lost 1III1'stioll hilt Olle , 11I111
1'\'I lool'ell 1111 through m ' reCcrenco
bools 111'Dln , 'l'ell me , IlssI'cblr. .
Ah , dol"
"I.ouls d' Artolll , " the gO\'crness IInswer-
cd , 811111111g lit the h'lsb conxllIJ : , 'l'hcn
era bUllied herselt IIj ; III In her uook ,
hurr'lng to do her tnsk , becnuse she
l\Dew n plluse wOlIlII be slIro to take her
thollhts ! aWllY beyond the hou' ( oC recnll ,
"En'n y't , " tholl\ht \ lIs8 Arc1wr , be-
taro bl'ndlnl : ber O 'I'S IIgl1ln Upon thc
exercise she was eOI'I'l'etlnl : , "It Is onb'
by 11 renl l'lTort thnt Hho Clln 11"lI ( ' her-
self. But she mokelj the
efforl brn\'I ) '
IItl1as \ she hils mllllo It all throulb the
) 'eor. "
In IIpltO o her sturl11 IIpplication to
bel' tntlks , It WOll 81wDri with 11 very
IIU811lcious readiness thftt Nora welcomell
I1ny Ic ltlmftto Interrultlou ot th'lI1 ; anll
10 DO' ' ' , "hess , atter a rap upon the door ,
' ! :
. - . . , . _ . _ _ 4-6111. _ . .11 . . . . .
Mr. Po 'n7. cntcrcII the IIchool room , IIho !
\\'n IInl III 1111 1111\\111I111 : to trnll1Cl'r hcr
nltl'utlull trUlII r.olll ! ! lI'Arlol1l tourk [
hllml'IC.1111 111'11'11I'cllel' tllrnell from I
111'1' I'ol.ft'etlolll , nlHI lonk 11(1 ( hl'r I"Utllll :
willi II r:1I : h of JlII'IISIII'O 1IJ1011 111'1' flll'l'-
for whnt 11I01'0 \\1'1011\1' hl'I'III , hlill that
sl'hool I'onlll IIfo 1hl111 II l'llilt CI'OIll 0110
whn . .el'IIII'11 ' to hll I'e tlllwlI them bUlh
/IS / rl'll'llil'rIlP"S nlld IlIltlllllllko ?
I " " ! II't It II ( , ltr' " 6alll orll , ; ; 1'I1\"ely ,
hHr 1111111111 Collllll ! Oil 111'1' hllok , "Ihllt they
I nro oil 0111'I I 11I1'/111 / II Jllty for 'III1 , Ir.
; l'o 'n ? , IInl fOl' 11M , AllcI > 'UII'\'I' lanon IIWIlY
thl'PI ! whole wcels hn'I'n'l 'Oll ? ll'd.
Fostpr will be SfII'I' " tu IIIII1K 'UII , "
" [ HhUlllil hI ! su pcl'ulllllj ; ! > ' , Ol'r ' to
mills 1Jo < ; , 1'OKtI' , " fl'tU111oJII n 1'1" trllll-
" " I IlIlcllel to'lllt Cor her " .
I ( (11111 ( , ' "thllt to \ \ fl.
J tlll'lI. "
" 1'11IlCrlllcl / tlle ' m/l / ' Ilrh"e II JonJ :
wnOI'U " wCllt Oil : "lIlhl Ihl''c bCCII
gOlle IIhollt tl'll IIllnll'I ( > , "
"lIardb' tCII 11I1111111'8 'ot , "
"DII , 'Otl kIlUW , thell'lxelalm'd Norn ,
with Iho lI\'cllcllt HIII'III'lso Ihul ho slloulll
hllCOIIIC III unelel' tbosl ! ch'cumstanccs.
"Y ca. "
( To lP ( 'ontlDIICIU
JHRCU\'crCll hy l\cchlcnt.
All ful'lus of lJltUllllllous pavements ,
wlwlllel' IIII1IlUl'lIctUl'c < 1 fl'OIll IIntur:11 : or
lI\'Ullellll IIsplllllt , lire III fnet lU'tlllcllll
tilon ! ! IIII"HIIII'lIt8 , The Itlliustl' ' stlll'lcli
wllh the Use of 1I111U1'IIII'ocl { usphalt
1'1'011I Ihe IIII1ICS III the "III de ' 1'1'11\ 1'8 ,
( ; ullloll Nuufchutel , Hwllzul'lund , 'l'h"
1I1111lS were dI6l'Orel'cd III 1 21 , but It
18 HJ t1l11t Its utlllt . road '
WUIt liS n CO\-
m'llI ! ; wus Ih'st 1I0llced , Tile rocl , was
thell Iwlll ; : ; milled for the IHu'I > ese ot
extl'lletlllg the hltulIlln contuilled III It
Cor the USIII llIedlcltw nnd IIrls. It Is
n JllIllstOIlfOUlld hlllll'egnllted with
hit U IIIIJII , of which It ylcllls 011 allal 't"J
from 8 to lJ pm' cellt.
It was ohser\'ell tllat pieces ot rock
which fell from Ihe wngoll were crush ,
cd h ' the weight or wheels , alld ullder
thu comhlnell 11I1I1IellCe of the tl'nlllc
III1 heat of Ihe 81\U \ a good road surface
WIUI pro uced , A maea ll1l1 road ot
nlpbalt : ! rock was thell Illude , which
/11 / \ 'e'el' ' good results , alHl ti lIa 11) ' , 111
1854 , Il p01tloll of the Hue Blwt.el'e ; wali
laid 111 1'm'ls of cOIllIH'eSHed IIsphlllt 011
a COIlCI'ete foundallon , III lSS ; a stili
hu'gur sUlllple was Illld , I1nd from that
thne It has l.1een laid 'N\I' I.1J' 'ear In
Pal'ls , FrolU Purls It e : < tl'lHle ( ) to 1.011-
dOli , belllg laJ ( ) 00 'I'hren < lllecllle street
In 18i ( ! ) , IIn ( ) Chenpslde In 18iO , and In
slwcesHI\'e years on otller Htruets- .
nlcllllll , T aUi'll 11 I und Ellglneer.
A Clou ! . . ot' nlc'cIclJ.
Alphonse Duhnlllel , at Paris , baB
Illude thueplece that stan s 1 feet
hIgh , and Is COIllIWSI'1 cnl1l'uly of hi-
c 'cles 01' 11Ielr COlllpolll'nt pal'ts ,
' 1'ho frnllwwol'k Is u hugo hle "cle
wheel , Ul'OUlll1 which ure ul'I'l1l1ged 1
ordlnu1' } ' slzc wheels , all litted wltb
pileumatie tires. A 1'111I within the
IUI'c ! wheel lJeurs the fl/mes / for the
huut's , Ihe 1lU\'es ! themsel\'cs belug con-
sll'ucted of crnnl { l'ods. The lIaulls fil'O
mnde of steel tnlJlng , which Is ued : for
the fl'lImuwol'k of blc 'clcs , 'l'he mInute
stl'olws on Ihe dlul ure sl11l1l1 olckul ,
pin lell sl > oles.
' 1'he top of the cloclt Is un IIrmnge-
lIIent of 12 hnu lobal's , ' .rho clock
st1'lkes the hoUl'S and the qllnrters , hi-
c.rcle heIlA of comso Jllnl\lng the
chimes. 'I'he pcnnlnm ) Is mll o of n
hlc 'cle whcel , nll the penllulum roll
of r/H'lous . of hlc 'cle fm .
/ 1)/\1.ts / u lIIe.
lt Is slIld that the cloclr , besIdes helng
u CUl'los\l \ ' , Is nn cxcelll'nt tlllleplecu ,
It Is to adorn one of the pUhIlc hu11l1.
Ings ot I'/H'ls / ,
. - - . . -
Not. UI' to Hot' Idcals ,
/ \ . little ew 1'01'1 , J:11'1's Idea of 1\
fnl'lUl'I' Is e\'hlel\t1 \ ' IlIlwn from the
flllltl. } ' plctmes 1II'IIIte bJ' the papel's
of hl'r nntI\'e town , 'fhls JlartIculllr
lllt1e ' Is ' In AllJan "
gll'l visiting' , an
while out waIl\lnt. ; the otllm' du ' wnH
IIslted If she wUllted 10 go 110wn through
the l\IhIle murlwt 111111 see the fm'mel's ,
"J.'nl'IIIOI's'l" she anld , ; '
"Yes fnrmel's , Don't
, you Imow wllut
farmers III'e1" uslred her escort.
"Oh , 'es , " was the nllswel' , , "The -
wem' boots an straw hats and people
selt thelll thIngs. "
She couldn't quite mnle the reul
thIng gIbe wLth lieI' cornIe plctul'e l eu _
-Alball ' J ournul.
" 'hy Ho ! < 'nlt Hull ,
"Goomol'ulng ) , , JUSIOI'1 I am vel"
' ' " ' of ' ' "
SOI'I' tu helll' J'our domestle tI'ouhle.
" 'l"anlr'e , suh , but I halll't Imowln'
jlst w'at sOI.ter treb le 'o' 'fers tel' , "
"Wh ' , ISII't It true , us I 1110 heard ,
thut 'our wie bns 1'un awu " fronl
} 'OU ? "
"Dm' hnln' numn' 11I0' true , sah. "
"Thei 'ou CO'tllllll } ' must feel had
nlout Lt , dOI't 'ou 't"
"I alII' 'n'ln' dut ut ) '
} ( e presen' tme
I fcel I'udder had , "
"At the pl'esent time ? I don't know
what 'ou lIIenn y tllut , "
"I mean , slh , dat she haln' J.1 hOd
tme ernue tel glt so fnr awu ' as tel
make me plul sho' she holl' nobber
comll' hack-Boston CourIer.
A Ontun ' Ctt7.
"a1 l\er . , Mass. . , [ rolm'es lore
''s ot the
thnl 11 plllt
cloths 11110 II the Ulied States , hU8
olesevelth at a1 the BIln les In the
COUl try , IIld a out a fourth of these In
: \ow Enlolld , Illd more tul twice as
many us Iny other cl ' II the COUI ! " .
Is IIB tml out lore tllan 1,500 Iles
of cloth ' ' \ dn
cOtOI e\l'r worl\llg .
JandJnlnt , tl Hntl l\rn the ' .
One of the newest '
seelnlteB 101'19
thIs senson Is the hald-palnted hnt
'rhe other da ) ' I so I ' ,
al exqulslo el'CI
ot black , 'el\et 0 brim
tOI \ wih qult1
In ' n way that the \'e1'et apl > r-
elt " Conned grat rose pl'tals , on ench
at which was n palltoll oldcn feather.
-Lndles' Home .Tourlll ,
Among the tew possessIons ot a .
Ills man you w1 always Ind a worth ,
less dog ,
The protundlty ot Borne peple ahow.
10 teir hrnoranc
; - ,
. .1 J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ,
1'cnnnl ( Ilcllelhl ( cclrrll tbe
WurM ( h'cr-SnJ'II ' thlt Arr Cheer-
fil to 011 nr l'III"IIIJ' Hclcc'
tOIH thlt 1 \cl'yhb' Wil 1 IJo ,
" ' , ' ' ' ,
"SI ,1 qIO'Il'c Fa1'ler Ilyrlx
"whlt 11Mth ( ' ' rlc li thmn thnr
1001' rnl < I'IIp ( VOWI tlIh' I'I 'T'
I , , I ' 1 hi' ' -
PeachlBHI I'pplll el-
, " News ,
' '
urcd .I'OII lun-Chll'n o
- -
rntlnt COII'IIlnl. I"I .
"Ohl my poor womanl My bear
bled8 : for OUe In 'our conditon I"
"Thanlts , SOl : 01 wus thlnkll' the
snme ot the Iwf ofoul"
PlttlJ HII Rhht.
TommMnmmn saId 'ou only come
hero on nccount of the luncb.
Rev. Fiddle , D , D-lm'eafter , my
dear chl ( ) , I shn1 come fet dhmer , to.
: i \
. ,
. ,
Customer ( nt book depnrtment-l ) waut to get "The Last or te MoW-
cans , " I
New ' - ' , I guess YOU'l nd that at tbe remnant counter.
I1nornnt , hut Not nlssful.
Miss Clt "bl'ecl ( n country ) - 'hat
kind of n tree Is that ?
Uncle In ' , 'lx-'lhat's an apple tree.
MIs Ct 'hl'ed-Why doesn't It bIos.
som ?
Uncle ITayrl"-I's n ltle too late _
[ s8 Clt 'll'Nl-0h , then-ll get up
real early In the morIng and see I
hlosHom-Chlcut.o ; News ,
Most , AHslredly. '
"Do 'on kno\v that 'rom kissed me
Instnlht ! ? "
"Wel , I declare I I bope you snt on
him tor I. "
"Oh I "
, Idl Most nssuredlyl"
- - - - -
The Truth ot the Ilnter.
lr , " ' -I '
I"alntI wonlln't thlukot read-
lug Ohrlstm s ghost storlC to my chn-
ren ,
[ r. B-Why not
:11' . FulltWel , It mIght scar
them , aI1-0'er-they make mo nero
"OUR , too ,
Innoccnt Woman. .
1 TI ' nre JnkinI a lot ot tU81
ahout t\se "sweat 8hOI ) "
Sh lnteed ! I wonder It
IUlrke them cloBe the Turkish baths ? ;
Is Orhln.
Iodrlck-I wouder who .
nllted "rlllmage Blles ? " frt orJ.
"ln AllJert-ll'olably sme man who
wmH to hunt tor In bls
sOJotblnA bu
I'can ( Irawer after his wlf. bad
\ - Now
tht\uih 1t-ChlcUlo ,
, ' " ' < ' - '
" ;
- - - , . -
'Vnntcc to Tlrn J . .
"Lot'l wlfl WIZ tmllcl ! luler n pie.
( 'I ! nH , " Hlhl til' old colored citzen ,
"cn ' ! f dl' ( In 'H of IIIlrlcles wmm't pa"
NI Wie I'll IORl 1 - lelper BOllle Ilnl
ll IX de Lltwl IeI' turn mine Inter a
WI'I's tou ! , 11cellesl"-Atnnll COlslU
- - -
Cnl ! " of II" lln ( ! '
1 ( r. OOOlllnn- Your Itc plnymnh
R'I'IA nlt
WlloI'H , fh' . He hnd tc stn1
' '
h011 flulII Hcloul 'esthl -
" 'fhl hl'I1 AmI ho's Hlll on l
"No , 111' ; I'H tl'cllRe he hnl tel com.
hnl'J , Il't Hchool tNlly-Plllldelphl ,
HccHl \
Vilnln81 VI ( ) r81
MrR , Illhrell-l's 1 slu1e tlat 1
pOI'lel's Il'e IWI'mltell to Ilut the unme.
of soch'ty people In Ihe plpels.
1rs , HI.the-lndecd , It Is , my < lenr ,
'I'he ) ' alwlJs 11u1 minI wlng-Tho
Smart Iul.
K I'cccd to l : chnnJe I.
Customel-I wunt to luy nn OI
brela ,
Dealer-Yes , sir : something for aboot
$ ?
Oustomer-No ; someting about 'J
Im golug to a IIU.ty ,
A GaO Cntch.
Tom-When I went fshll dow at
the lcaeh this sUlmer Illned ) a twen-
' ,
t pounder
Dck-Oh . , J lande a 130pudc
'rom-Whnt , a fsh ?
Dck-No , a girt-Chicago Nes
In the Iook Store.
Josh Wa 'bek-Gmme a lot 01
ll'rench novels I hear so much about
Mr WIIrhack-Wbat : ( ) o 3'01 want
tem for , Josh ?
.Tosh Wuyhnclt-Wel Inndy , we g
n lot 0' space to fl In the new hookc6
and tle ' tel me them French novels . \
' hroad.
" Uetnrns. .
Jcnv .
"What buslncs lJl'lugs the henvlest
rohn'ns ? " asked the mnn who wanted
to know.
"The lerry lUSllCB , " ! lghe t1
struggln author , 16 he opened a two
pOlnd l'eJected toolr IIIHcrlpt.-Phl.
adellhlu Recor ( ) ,
J quntznJ 1luter .
Knox-Don't . 'ou hele"e In te1o&
YOlr wife el'er.thlng thlt happel ?
' - - ' - can't bn' '
lrox -Wel--1 suy that '
I do i le\e In telng her some thlngl
thnt . don't huppen , - PhIadelpblu
Hoord. ,
The Eurolcnn Plnn. /
Lanlold ) ( ufter fnlr glest has tnlo
e ( ) at slht of her bl-Jean ) , I linn
sent the boy for n glns of wnter fOI
the Indy , and I want } ' 01l to see that 1
cents Is added to her bl Undestand'
-llegen e mneter.
Co 11 Jl J.
Sh l heUc\"o '
\ 'ou arc marring meter
tor iny money alone.
HeOi no ; that'l be gone BOn
The Aftcrmntt I
Iusbnnd--Come , sit on my lap , m ,
denr , lS you dId In 011 old coull
Wlf Wen , 1 declare ! I haven't
cel\"ed BlIch nn for an
Invitaton age _ _ J
I tshnnd-And-el-lJrlng n nee . ,
anl thl'ead wIt you , my lovc.-Now
York .
"eeldy. . 'I .
nlln't Glvo 'Em A.ny.
Mr , Justwed-Do
YOl sel trk01d
POllr " Dealer-Wel I don't 1o
lke a Ihlantllroplst do I -
Atl"vcrcd the PlrpO e.
ITer NieceAnd thl , aunte dear. b
a renl 011 muster. ,
Aunt ' .rnbltha-Don't you
' fret chld
It's just O ! goo ( ) us Bome of te no ,
O .
A StJc ton.
Angr Father-What do you e . 0
pet me to ( ) o-Ben ( ) you al the mone ,
'Ol usk for , m' calmly alow you to
Into go
The Sn-You mlgbt do both-Lt.
Bore " 'Otl Cltvntut
l Whnt do you think
nbut to n
crhes In kisses thel'Y ?
She ( cheerfll1Y-I'\c ) heard that we
couln't ) get along
wihout cerIn klnd ' .
of Ilco-be.-Puck. .
An 11 Thnt Cln.
Sllco&Unve ) 'OU notce that mO
heres are mnrll > len ?
a Cynlcalr ever mamE 0. . I
berPhlldelphl Rcr .
. , .
, J