Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 13, 1902, Image 3

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. Culorl\do 1\IInorlO ( 'UlIlht. U , . .IIlollnlnll1
A , ' "Iullch" .
'rho most tenlble snowslldo nccl-
dent Imown ' Cola-
ever In Lead\'lI1e" -
mdo , caused the death of from thirty
toO soveuty-h\'c men at the LI' 0 : ty
Uell mluo on Smugjtler mounlalll , ,
A lLbollgh the scene at the disaster Is
scarcely two mllcs from this towu ,
IlIfol'Ulatlon Is dll1hmlt to obtain UII
account of the precipitous cbaracter
of the rt ad , . . and the mst amount of
inow. _ Nearly all the bulldngs of the
LilJerl ) ' HeH mine were carried down
by the slldeaH the books which show
the numlJer of names of thA mell
cl1Iplored being lost so that the death
' 1st can hardly bo known for many
flOurs , possibly not until the rescuers
have removed the Immense quantity
ot sunw , rocks and Il1gs frolll the can-
fen whem the victims lie buried
, It seems that two slides occurred
practically In the same place , the sec-
Dud bur 'lng these who were trying
to rescue the victims of the first ,
'J11e first sl1l1e occurred at 7 :30 : o'cloclt
this m01'l11ul-r , while the men of lhe ,
day shift , were preparing tor thell' :
day's work.
I About 200 men arc empl"yed in the
"Jines and mills of the Liberty Bell
, pompany , and less than half of these ;
. . .
. , - were a work at lho time cf the accl-I
- entl. The others were In the boardIng -
Ing house or in the bunkhouse nearby.
I i Doth lhese bul1dln s were carrlcd
down. the mountain side a dlstanco of
\ 2,000 CtJet and crushed to kindling
"mod by tOD'1 of snow. It was 1U
O'clock bef ro news of the dlsastel'
rachcd ; Tcllurlde. At once a numbel'
pC men starled for the sceno. Mcan-
mc , the sunl'vlng employes of the
I herty llell bCJ.ra D the work of res ,
, : ulng lho vlcLlm ! ! of the slide. So v-
erai were lalwD out allvoand a dozen
or moro bodies were mo\'ed from the
snow , which lay pned twenty-feet
, , , deep In lhe bnttom of the canyon. A
little uClel' noon , a second slide , star- !
, , lug a short distance above the 111 al
' > . , ' pnd practically f , Howlug Its track.
' . ; . pwcpt down the mountain side , bur ' -
, . . . many of the rescuers.
I. I A third slide 'camo down at 3
CIOCk' auout ono Ollie below the
. Iberly , Bell mInes , and Gus V , n
> ; .Intel , .John "Pllwell and Paul Dalpra ,
.A' , 'Who were on their return frum the
. : ' t /Socne / 'of the catastrophe this morning-
\ \wcre swcpt away. lIarry Chase lost
Is life at the Llbel'ty BeH , whll as-
fllstlng In the rC1CllO of the unfor-
unate ot the first slldo ot this morn-
: I
. I
r 8aft'en. Shook In Culh lol1 au' . Unnblo to
, : -\I'IH'ur.
; W. B. Carleton o ( the "Florodora"
comlJany , playln In lhlladelphla ,
came here last night In respuuso tu
the telcgram about the Injury of his
tather , W. ' Carleton , In a collision
n the Ncw York , Phl1adelphla . ' \ :
orfolk ral1roae ] yesterday. ' .rhe eldOl'
parl on was unl1'Jlo to appear at th"
, " Jnorodora" performance here last
plgbt , having wlenched his sllne (
&olllewhat , but his son says ho Is
'miTering ' chlelly from shock and lifter
" . few days rest he expects to b able
\0 resume Us role.
- < luaber at De ulllont Canllot be Con-
trullt tI.
Ono of the big six-inch 011 gushers
'of Beaumont , Tex. , was lIt'lul { exhibited -
bited late this arternoon when It blew
eut the section oC plpo connectlug
the great valve , and went wild. It
Is throwing a solid stream of 011 tonight -
night and there will be lI1uch dll1l-
puHy In shutting it all. 'l'hero Is II
bl h wind nnd the 011 Is being blown
ever the fields. DrIlling rigs were
, vrdered shut down and guards are
patrolling to pre\'cnt auy ono taltlug
II light Into dllngerous promlxlty oC
the spray trom the gusher , It Is
estimated that the well Is wnstln , !
" ' 0 thousand barrels of 011 nn LlOur.
Fou" , ' " ' ! lh kull" CruRh6tl.
Dartol Sweeney or Rldway , Pa. ,
an aged farmer , and his daughter ,
ltny , were found last nlvht in theil'
borne nt Vdlcox with blolr skul1s
crushed and the bodies very much de-
compoGed. Sweeney was qulto well-
to-do anl1 the supposition Is tbat rob.
bef1 wus the mot ! vo.
, Jan.n aceglon. tn I erment.
The mining rcglons of Spain are In
& fermeut of agitation. At J\lbujon
j .nd Madrlajos rioters ha vo sot fi 1'0 ' to
the octroi ol1lces alld burned the doc-
Dments they contained. 1.'hero has
, . . . been nnother outbreak of disorder at
Jjurcelona. Meetings nre being held
frequcntly , with the object ot declar-
j Jog anotber general strike. The met-
I . .1 workers nre constantly assaulting
" "heir oemradca who haTO returned to
"Ulk. _ _ _ _
. . . .
. . "
ROB ST _ < : i < BFWKER. I
j'ormor Ncbrllllku111" : I\hu1o a "leUm at
I 1
The fact has jusl been made pUblic ;
that J. M. lluuhton ! , oC Denver ,
one oC the uhle5t stock brolors or the
state , with olllces In the mlr.lng ex-
chaue ! , was robbed of $2.,000 : ) worth
of jewelry and slocks which were
see 'cted In n small box In his oilice
Ir. lluughton has ulwa 's preCerrm1
placing his valualJlcs Into some nook
In his olllce , thluldng t.hat burglars
would JO to the saro for buoty aud
overlook his secret hiding place. 1I1s
Crleuds claim that his real II/ss Is between -
tween tlfty and '
seventy-1h'e thousaud
' .rho b'uglars apparently watched
Ir. nou hton when he placed lIl' '
small bpx away and returned at night
and made the raid.
1\Ir , Hough tun came here from Ne-
braka where he was in buslncs fur
several years prior to coming here.
As ) 'et there Is no clue to the burShu
or burglurs.
lIold nIJIIIon..lhln for Dflllth oC l\1rll. Chnr-
IOlto . Nlohol .
The jury In the case of Dr. Orvll1e
S. Burnett , who has been on trial
charged with the murrIeI' of Mrs.
Charlotte S Nichol of Nashville ,
'renn" retllrlled a verdict or guilty
and recommended that DUl'11ett be
sent to the penitentiary for 1Hteen
years. Burnett's attorneys will ask t
for a new trial tomorrow. The vcr-
dlot was a surprise as Judge Balccr's
Instrul'tlorlS tu the JUIY was consl -
ered ( a vOl'ablo to the defendant.
'nle case was oun of lhe 1l1OSti unusual -
usual that has cver been tried J n the I
Cook ( 'ounty crIminal court. 13urn- ,
ett , who Is a young ( cntlst , was
charged with being an accessory be-
( ore and after the act to the d ath of
Irs , Nichol , even though it was admitted -
mitted b ' the prosecution that Mrs.
Nichol had committed .iulcldo. 'l'he
. ; tate endeavored to establish the
point that Burnett und Mrs. Nichol
agreed to commltt suicide together
and that the man weakened. al1ow-
I ng the woman to go to her death
'l'ho defense disputed that there
had been any agreement between the
two to end their 1I\'es together and
asserted that Mrs. Nlchul had taken
her own llfo while Burnett was lying
Intoxolcated at her side.
Jury nt Donh\"oml 8nl.1 110 Tried to 11:111 :
Sol r.ovhon ,
1.'he jury has returned a verdict of
guilty agalust Leo Wlosberg , the
youn Jew charged with attempting
to It III Sol Le\'lnsnn , another Jew , by I
shooting. Sentence will bo pro-
nuuncod March 7. 'rho shooting occurred -
curred In Lo\'il'son's ' '
\ pawn brol < er's'
shop in Deadwood , S. D. , December I
4 , Writ , o\'er tllo settlement of some' '
bl1slness matters between Ulem. Le. I
\'Inson was sitting at his desk and
Wlnsberg placed a re\'olver almost I
against his left breast and fired , tllo
ball goIng Um ugh the upper lobe of
the luft lung. Levinson dodged behind -
hind U.o c < lunters and show cases , ,
and \\'Iusbor fired three more shots
at him , none taking ellect. I
Wlnsberg enden va red at the trial
to establish self-defense. IIo testlfio(1 (
that Le\'lnson had said he would Idll
him and that on the night of the
"ih'lOtlng Lcvnlson threatened to kick
him out. At the same tlmo Levlnsor.
. , toofler1 down nnd opened a dra\\'j r
In h s desl < . Wlns\erlt \ said ho thought
Lo\'ln..on . was gettln a revol\'er , and
that Is why he shot him. ' .rhe defendant - I
fendant said he had purchased are > .
voh'er for the purpose of lcllling h m ,
self not caring to live after \elu \
beaten out of all his moncy , and hQ
Intended to shoot himself us SOOI1 a
he ot out of T..evlnson's place. Le.
\'Inson has fully recovered and w
the principal witness In tbe ouso.
- - - -
8(101"8 j\1I1 t be VI\OCIIlRt.d.
Commencln Feb. 28 , all Amerlcar.
hound vesels : from English ports In.
fected with small-pox must have theil' '
ol1lcers , seamen , firemen anrI eml.
rants vaccinated , uuless they caQ
ihow that thcy were recently Inocu.
lated with vaccine virus. ' .rhe ordet
1111'1 des LI\'erpoolGlas ow and Lon.
dun , but Plymouth and Southampton
so far are eXl'erted. ' ] 'ho UnIted
States consul ant health ol1lecrs ar.
Instltutln a rhll1 system of Inspec-
tion. If the epidemic Increases the }
may suggest oven more strict meas
Cftl'll\ln Rtref't4'r Inltlcled.
Captain Streetor , of Chicago , clan.
alnt to the fllled-in laud on the lal"
trent , known as tIle "District of
Lake Michigan" will have t.o face
trial on the cha/go ot murder , 11 ,
, \'as Indicted today by the grand JurJ
In connectlcn with William McMan
ners , Henry I101dtke and Willian
Forcc , chargcd with being responsi.
ble tor the death of John S. Kirk , I
watcbml\D employed b1 eDf1 N
per , _
. " ,
< . . . .
. ' ,
, 1
- .
- -
I Gll E'r 1111\1 ' ' ' ' .Ej.jL
Oblrlllo 81.rronll. 11" . A'U-HAr" oC tlf"tl
J'"lr' t1111111100 II. . , \ l'III''nch-TI , , ,
\\'hule t II ) ' AIIIII Xu nunur-.lho..r-
tlOIl. 1 , ' ' ' ' ) \\'h..rt' .
Chlcngo , March 4.-A glare of rell
fire thaL could be seen ( ur miles. the
blaze of hundreds of torchp.s , t hI )
Bpuklo of It1J l'latls of electrlo lights
nnd the cheers ur tholliallds or people -
plo made up the IIr : t taste of Chica-
go's hOIltallt ! ) ' thaL was I\'en Plluce
lItJllry or Prlls9a , upon his nrrlv. , ) 111
this city this evening.
1I1 train arrived at the depot of
the Chicago . Alton railroad nt 6:30 :
o'clock and froll1 there , aCtor he l..d .
been formally weloomed by MI'ur
lIarrlson and the members of the
geneml reCOIlIon committee , Prince
Henry rode through streets packed
with a dense multltuc'le , WI1QSO oheers
oompelled the dltln : ulshod visitor
to bow contlnually tu right and lotto
The prlnco arrived 111 the city at a
time when the street were throngr.d
to the utrn03t , It being the huur
when many thousand : ; oC people were
leaving their plaoes d bu lnesg 'for
the day , aM of all these people It
seemed that nearly e\'ory one wnlkod
over to Jacksun boulevard to awaIt
tl o arrl val of the prlnoo , For the
entlro dlstanco the sidewalks , , ( 're
Bll1rlly ma..sod . with penplo so cloely
Jacked that It was with the greatest
dll1loulty that the line of poU emen
drawn up In front of the ourb for
the entlro distance , could restrain
the people from crowding over Into
the Btreet and enoroachlng upon thu
lIne of carrlajes.
w ELCOl ) (05T FLATl'KmNO.
No moro Oattorlng welcome could
bl\ve been extended any visitor , nnd
It came not so muoh from tbe 0010-
las ) of tbe city 'as from Its citizens.
Every bulldln nlo [ ) the IIno of his
rOllte , frOH ) the depot to the Auditorium -
torium betel , was lallV decked with
bunting , tbo prevnl1lnl ; scheme being
the "meric III aud German fiags In-
t 1' willed , with the black 0I1g1c of
l > rusla over all. Many of the DlIIld-
IlIgs had upon their fronts elaborate
devices made up of hundreds of elec-
trIo lIgh s , .rhere were "Welcomes"
by the ozen i there were eagles and
f1a s , and there were strl ngs of gay-
colored Jights alrlJost without num-
ber. No hint of the decoratl ns In
c1eoLrlc U ht decoratlonswlls : given to
tlte Irlllce until his carriage hud
rolled o\'er .Jackson boulevllrd bridge ,
and was descendln the gentle slopo' '
that leads toward 1\Iichgan ! avenue.
Then almost In the same sccolJd the
Jlghts were turned on , and what bad
been but one . : econd before a lane be-
tweeD dark towering buildings , wus
an avenue oC dazzling light. The
torch-bearers , who were German veteran -
eran soldiers , 1It the ton hcs at al-
moat the same Instant and from onel
end of the bOlllcvllI'Cl. i3etweon tbe ,
br11lgo and Mlchl ran avcnuo , two-
thirds ot II mHe aWl1y , there was an
Instantaneous blaze of red fire from
both sides of the street.
, For thirty minutes be fore the tlmo
set for the arrval at the train at the
depot , e\'ery passageway leading Into
the bul1dln was lined with pr'llce- '
men standing elbow to elLow and
officers guarded every point from the
rear platform of the train to the line :
ot carriages ,
The train stopped with lho last car
In which Prlnco Henry rode opposlto
tbe main ate of the depot.
Awaltlng--lts arrival , Mayor ITarrl-
son and the members of the reception
committee had been standing for fifteen -
teen minutes. ' .rhe German ambassador -
dor , Daron von Hollehen , was the
first to aUght and was greeted at once
by Dr. Walter Wever , the Imperial
German consul In Ohlcago. Dr. Wev-
er was then presented by Baron von
IIolleben to Prince Henry , "nd Dr.
Wever presented to the 1Irll'co Ma'or
lIarrlsm , whu formally received the
visItors aD heha1C at the city of Chi-
Prince Henry bowed his acknow1-
eduements of Mayor IIurrlson'sgreet-
lng , saying simply , "I thank you. "
Mayor Harrison then Introduced to
the pl'lDCO the committee of tbo com.
man council and memhers of the general -
eral reception ( 'IJJltlnltteo. 'l'he sullp
of the prlnco IInri the members of the
reception commlttoo then mlnglod
and Introductions followe i.
'l'ha mayor IInd the prince followC1
by the others , then passed through
the large arched gateway and up the
stairs Into the street. A dense
throng IllIed the street and the slde-
wulks for a square In either direction
and rlnJ.lng : cheers filled the air as
the prlnco passed between the lines
af blue-coated ot1lcers and emerj.ted
Dpon the sidewalk , at tbo cdle of
"blch his carrlaRe stood In wnltlDg.
AI'p.nllll Uclll.IC uf Dillin.
Washln lon D. March
0" 4.-Hep-
resentatl ve Sbafrot.11 ot Colorado , today -
day presented n memorial from the
Colorado le lslature "appeallng to
our national administration to tendcl
tbo good on1ces of Ollr go\'ernment 1&
any dignified and conslstont mnnner
tbat will be conducive at peace between -
tween the SOl1th African ropubllc.R
Ilnd Grent Britain t { ) the end that
tbe English government ma1 be IDe
dUC4d to chll1ie He pr6&ent poUCy.
_ _ J - ! II-
flt.rlke 81ma."th "I' " I\t Norolk , VA"
U'nt I'utloto.
I Norfolk Va , March 6.-A mob 01
600 strll < e s'mpathlzers Urouged the
streetg lIf NorrolK today on which the. .
main \In.o \ of the Nurrolk Hallway and
I LIht ! Oumpau"s cars afO run IU1I1. I. .
the pOlice arc IIIl1lblc to cope with It.
from noon lIntll dark , when the
cars , whldl were guarded by delnch-
ments of military IInd had run with
dlt\lculty \ aU day , were housed In the
In lho county \\'hero the barns are
the military was In control of the
situation. Cars were repeatedly dei i ,
r 11111 , wagon 10..ds of stones were
plied onthe - tracks and free lI htB
bot.\'ecn lhe military ullrds aud the
crowd occurred during the d.1Y at frequent -
quent Intervals.
In une dllllculty a sergeant ran n
lJ''onet Into the arm of II. H , lIar-
mausef , a barher. Mrs , I1armllnsef ,
who was standh\J.t \ by her husband Ilt
the time , knocked the sergeant to
the ground with blllh lists and discolored -
colored the face of Lieutenant Gnlo ,
who was near her. Several sohllers
wcre struck by mllslles , thrown
through the windows of the cars , A
Irrat mhny arrcsts have been made ,
both by the police und mllltur ) ' .
A conference was held today by
Mayor Benman , 1'01lco Chief Veltlncs
nnd Colonel I1lg lns , commanding .
the Seventy-Orst Virginia regiment , I
el ht companlcs of which are In service -
vice , relath'o to placlDg the city un
dcr murtlal1nw.
' .rho police force of 100 men hus
been on duty for forty-eight hours
and Is unable to meet the emergency.
It Is possible that the four additional
companies of the regiment und a battery - I
tery of artillery will 1J0 caHed tor In
the morning to take charge of the
olty ,
Sb"ot 'v rft , IUII'I Jrall10tolt.
Sargent , Neb. , March 5.-'rho town
of 'l'u'lor , eight miles north of hC're ,
! was the sccno of ' 1 shocld ng trngodYi
, last night , t.l1e . result of which Is that
Ira. .J. Lundy is dead and his wlfo
wounded , wi tll vcry slight chance lor
ber rccovery.
Mr" , Luudy was living nt her homo
with her lIt.l1c boy. Lundy had not
lived with hIs wife for over a year ,
I owing to dnmestlo cUITeronces. It
seems that he supected ; her of 1m.
propar conduct with n mnn numed
Gregg , which susplolon Is belloved to
have been groundless. Lundy saw
I Gre g In town the day of the shootIng -
Ing Ulldut once grew restlcss. Ho
had shot olt a revolver one night pro-
vlous neu : , his wlfo's homo , but peo-
1'10 thought 110 did It merely to
frlHht n her. About { ) :30 last even-
, Ing sOlno more shots \VOI'O IleaI'd and ,
I Mr. and Mrs , G. F. Shutt , living
ne'lr by , went to Investlagte. 1'hey
I were shocked upon oenlng ( the door .
to IInd Lundy dead and his wife nearly -
ly so. No doctors helng In the town
'Jf SJr ent. Burwell doctors were sent
for. At 10 oclock this morning Mrs.
Lundy wus stll1 all ve , but thcro ifl
sll ht chance tor her recovery. I
In a11 fIve shots were fherl , three ,
toolc elTect in Mrs. Lundy and twoI I
In Lundy. Mrs. Lundy was shot In
the bacl < anc1 face and Lundy In the I
brcast. When Lundy turned the re-
vol\'cr on hlrnse1f ho 1llIod himself I
Instantly. . Lunc1y ullll his wife were I
middle aged people with three grown
chl1dren. I
Th" l I'trlcll ; Ullrd"r Tr/nl. /
New York , March , 5.-'rho evl-
denco of .10hn W. ' 1'ruesllalo , a handwriting - .
writing expert from Syracuse , was
contlnue today In the trial Clf AI- .
hert T. } ) atrle1 < . 110 testilled yester-
clay that the disputed ! il.tmllure ( ! !
were forgeries of the name of Wlllam !
Rice. .rOI ay Hobert M. Morlrc , of I
Patrick's counsel , showed Lhe witness 1 ,
Barno conceded signatures which ho
said resembled 1II0re closely the dls- :
puted signatures than t1lOse put In I
evidence by the prosecution and the
witness saM It was true Ihat In some
of thorn the "flhader ] down strolcs"
and other mannerism at rIr. nlco's
writing were IUI'klng.
WUlllaJl lUll" . . S\IOIIJlkpftpar.
Kansas City March 5.-Flo Freeman -
man stoat and killed Peter McCaffrey ,
n saloonkeeper , In a quurrel on the
corner at Flttb and \yulnut streets
this morning. When arrested the
woman admitted the shootln , but
'said that she had fired In self-de.
fensc , Mr.Caffrey ha vlng first struck
her , Botb were under the InOuence
or liquor. McCaffrey was thlrty-fivo
ycars of age. 'rhe ! J'roeman woman
was born In IlIlnuls and hac1lt ved at
Hannibal and Quincy , coming here
6ve .rears ago.
S"tUn 011 HIUI.a. Yurm .
Emporla , Kas" March 5.-A trainload -
load at emigrants rrom DuboIs , Neb. ,
reached Emporla this afternoon , The
company Is comp scc1 of twelve fnml-
lies of Swedes , seventy persons In all.
The spcl'lal train which brought the
emigrants was made up of seventeen
I trelght cars and ono passenger conch.
The colonIsts brought nll their effectll
I and goods , Including live stock. The
men all hue oonsld t'8ble money.
_ _ 1 _ _
Uj ' .NltY A DOO'l'Ol
. . 1'1\1 at CAlllltrl.llft'-l'rl'llltt"tll
I Jtll" . ( . " 11. . . . " Itr , ; . . . . ' . "C J. I. . ] ) . -1..1.
I t"r n. " , . th'nr ( 'tltI"1:8 Urllullde Dntl
bh.u . IntolCJIIt In UYlllllnl
11oston , Masg" March 7.-1"rlnce
Henry of Prussia was the guest ( lr
Boston tol1n ) ' IInd his welcome to the
ell ) ' was coretlnl ono. Gov , Win.
throp l\turrn ) ' Crane nnd Mayor Col.
, nctlng for the stllto IIIHI the
city , exteudh11t the 011101111 courtesies
'lo , ' elm , IInd when lho prince core.
nwnlmlsly ret IIrned their calls ho
I went to Cambridge to de1lver the girts
( If hIs bret , er , the ka Iser , to lite
Gernmnlc II\IIS0UIII and to receh'c
frolll Harvnrd the hOI1lrary degree ( If
doctor of IIl\\'s ,
l'rlncc Jlenr"s flrRt nct attho , I1l\r-
\'ard IInlon shortly after he receh'cd
tlw dCj.lree was to propose and lead
three chcOl's for l'rc ldunL Hoose\'cll ,
who Is II Harvard IIhllllnl. 1'ho
prlnco received a cnblc ralll from lho
emperor congrlltlllntlnl { hllll on his
newest honor.
'l'cmlj.lht the prlncoVRS h'en a
ell nncr b ' the city of noston IInd sat
nt II table , with mal'O thatl two hundred -
dred of the representatives citizens
of the commonwealth. 110 will re-
slim e his Jou rnC' ) ? early In the mornIng -
Ing , and tomorrow ho will visit Al-
hany anclthc Unltell States military
Rcademy at West Point en route to
New Yorle , which ho will rench Frl-
dny e"cnln . nrl ht slInlight favored -
vored the dny nlll the streets lIud av-
cnucs were thronged.
Prince Henry's IIrst'Iew uf noston
was of R snow cln clly upon which
there shone 11 sun from II clear sky.
Hurdrec1s of wurkmen wcro busy at
du'lIl1ht elcurl nit the streets thru ) h
which the prlnco and his party were
lo pass and by 8o'clocl < the route was
I J excellcnt condition , the thorough-
lares had been ropel1 011 and dotllns
of pollco were at their stnt.lous.
The bad storm of yesterllay hatl
hnpnlrecl the decorations , buL It did
I not ta 1 < 0 long todny , t.o ropa I r the
dnmnf.te arid ncarly the entlro route
through the city was brllllnnt with
olor beroro tlto prlnco nrrlvcd. Gel'-
mnn lIngs of red , white and blnck
predomlnnted In mauy plnces OVOI
I the red , whlto nnd bll1o.
I Long before the spcclal train was
, dllo crowds be an to aRRcmhlo In the
ilcl hborhood or the Great South sta-
I tlon and cxt.enclcd alon the atl cet , ! ! :
, sslgned for the passage of the Ilro.
i ces..lon. .
'l'ho mayor , with his Recrelary and
I , sevcral of lhe ell y ollldals rcached
South station shortly after 0 o'clock.
; 'l'ho FIrst hattallon or cllvlIlry , ( mu
of the best or lassachusel ts' volun-
te r tlOopS , hlld been dmwn up III
the stillion ready for escort duty. A
r dozen open carrlnges were In wlllting
to convey the prlnco IInd his pnty : tc
II utol Somersel , their first slopping
place In this city.
Ncar the carrlng-es batta1Jon of
the l\Iassllchllsetts na\al brl IIJe was
drawn liP , rClldy to assulllo dllty liS
lIal'd of honor as the prince and hl1l
CII111 ry escort II ppromlH' . d Wit h the
detail WIIS II band. . ' 1he : tral n was
made lip of two engines nnd seven
cars aud olnclllls of the New York
Oontral , asslRtcd by these of Its Boston -
ton & Albany hranch , were In churge.
Olmlt'rlm lIY 'I'lW J\IAYOIt.
1\fayo'r ColllnH and Presldont Doyle
of the board of IIldorman 11m ) Presl-
uent Dolan of the comlllon council
were received hy Rcar Admiral Evans -
ans liS SOOI1 liS the tlaln st , pped , ' 1'he
ol11clals were scorted Into the cllr
and Illtruduced to Prluce Henry.
Culonel Bln haUl , military aldo of
Prclldent Housevclt , led the way SII'
to the big slatlon , where Ule cavalrV
WIIS 1In < : d lip at attention. 'l'hen foJ :
lowed Hear Admiral Evans , ] ) rlnco
Jlcury , AssIstant Secretnrv Clf Stnte
Jll1Iand Mayor Col1lns. lher mem.
'I bers of I ho party brHI ht lip the real' .
Crowds which lwei corne In on local
trains aud which filled the waltlnR
II roOIllS cheered us soon as they callj./ht /
, sl ht 01 tlte purty comlu from the
I train. ' 1'110 prince raise J his hilt In
- oC the -
ncknnwledg-elllenL g-reotlnJt ,
Se\'eral minutes were occllpl d In
cscortlflr tlte visitors to t.ltelr . carri-
ages. ' [ ha t of the JlI'lnco was placed
at the head of 1IJ1J II ne. ' 1'ho prlrll'o
' and AdmIral Evans , who were In full
I' uniform , were cheered at every step
I of their short walk to their ( Hrrlll o
and Prlnco lIelll'Y IIcknowled ed tlte
I greetlnLs by salutln .
I A s the II no of carrla es moved outer
or the driveway lit the 01111 of the
station the Immense crowd outside
bCLan t , cheer , /Ind / the procebslon
made It. way throuLh the thron s or
, persons maklnJ.t most hearty demou-
stra tlons of welcome.
I Elwh carriage WIIS flccompanled by
four outriders , aud belllnd thaL ot
I the prlnco were throe policemen on
Fun.ton N..rtl Nut Go nl\t1k.
Chicago , Mllrch 7.-'l'ho Record.
Herald tomorrow will say :
When Major General Otis retires
from command of the department of
thu lakcs Mllrdl 24. ho wtll bo suc-
: eeded by "Major MacArhur ,
DOW In command or the department ,
I of Colorado. 'l'he vllcancy caused by
I Il1tter's tmusfer to Chicago wtll be
filled by Brlgadlor General Funston ,
who has reoently returned trom th ,
< : < : < EE < : E
; > ; >
Cass county farmers hnve orcnnlHf
nn ussoclatlon.
A IJa.'IIIWn county mnn cnught a
liOIIUUIIlbadger III n trap.
'l'hlrl1'-t\Vo Swedes , nJi rollltlv
I'CCClltly arrlVp.d rroll1 the old COUllt
IItHl sclot I.Il on 2700 acres ot Doy"
- '
I'OUII ty land.
'rite bulhlln ! : owned by IT. W. Gai-
I ' It'er at Humor , wn9 destroy (1 bJj
lire causltl n 10sB of $1,000. , I
Dr. Yorlet1. anti A. Englart were
lin'd $100 each for selllnR 1Iquor I ) ,
Iqally : Ilt Led o 1'ole , ! Jotb plead6d
IPllILy ,
CoulILy .Tllll u Dupin of Seward , ez.
lJOrlenceclallollter stroke of n(10111cX1' (
110 had tbo first stroke on last Thu
Sheriff Luslc of Teknmah , I1rreste
.llIltn WOIIgewnod for the nlleR
lihootlng of Ills falher-In-law , J. A.
) lnrsh , last Io'rlday. It Is no
t.hought . that Marsh will recover.
B. Hoborts hns been sentenccd
Ollthteen months tor forgery. Rober"
Is the IIlun who \V1I8 shot by tLc ma
Ii It nil whllo resl tln l'rost at Wahee. .
SUIIIO three wecks 11\0. \
Charles Mndsen , of Ponder , died . ,
St. Joseph 'a hosl pltal , Sioux Clt ; ' .
Ia" from Injurlcs received tour wccke
1110 ; when ho WIlS utlacked by . ,10-1
lous bu II.
Rov. I . O. Elliot , who hus boon .
resident of Pullorton for the pas'
IIvo or six ) 'ellrs , hecame violent an"
I 1I0W con lined In tlto county Jail to
! lwnlL the I1ctlon of the Bonrd of I. , .
When 11 post mortem exnmlnntloa
f the Infant of Mr. 1hullg , of Mo. '
QookVns , made It was found tha
I ho child had swallowed larlre
kcrow , which lodged in Its wlndplp.
hud caust'd Ilistant death.
'rho cltl1.ens of Valley organized ,
I.ho . Douglns Cllunly , 'relephono oem ,
P\l1Y , wIth a capital stocle of $10 ,
111,000 or which Is paid. 'l'he line will
1J0 mlllncctcd : with ArlinGton , Gretna
IInd Waterloo.
Rural dollvery routes will be cstn
lRhod Al1rl11 frum I rnnldln , Fran
I1n connt ) ' , with Gcorgo F. 9alo nnd ,
S IlIIucl 0 , Sllll'lo\'IUlI , liS cnrrlers :
'ho roules cover elghty-Uve squa. . ,
miles and olrect 850 peoplo. )
gllht : new telephones have beeB
IHlt In as mnnv business houses IG'
'l'"ylor wlLhln the past tew c1aY9.1
'I'hls put. . , L'a'lf1r merchants , In c1o
otlIIlIIuulcatlon with farmOI'D an
l'allcltmon for miles arouud. r
E. E. Blackmail , of the state HIJ ! < r
torlcal soolety , Is Hln lo mal < o .
! HIII1I11C1' campalgll o ( tlto Lewis an '
Olalk routc ulnnJ. : Nebraslm this year ,
with Iho'Iow oC IdcntHlynl-f the va' ;
rlous la 11I1marlH ! desCl'1 bed 1 n th
1n1.3Y [ journaln of the expedition ,
.J. J . Bartholmen , while movln ,
his household OOdH Into Linwood' '
from Bellwood , was thrown from thai
wlgon und ono wheel passed over ,
him , breaking so\'cn ribs and Innlct. '
IIII ! utl'er injuries , Dr. Beedo o
Da\'ld Olty was callcd. He docs neb ;
\th'e \ much hOllc c1' bls reco\'ory. I
Tn the district courlt Augusta
Pruhs hus lie lIn suit lI alnst Mrs.1
Olauson to recover $10,000 damates ! , '
1I1Il' lng that the defendant , fur siX
rea rs , treated her cl'l1elly lhu t her
rllwth was permanently stunted.
1 ra. Olanson has entered 11 denial o (
1111 the nIle atlons.
"Emmott Robert ! ! , who \tas shot II
few weels ago by Marshal Smith of
Wahoo w1l1e ! resisting nrrest , belnw
charged with forgery , has been sentenced -
tenced to eighteen months In tI )
IlCnl entlary by Judge Sornberger.
Hobert's home Is In Newton , Ia. ,
ulld he is wanted there 01 } 11 sImIlar
Chris Schmidt , of Columbus , was
hound over to the dIstrict court 00
the charge of grand larceny. A man
hy the name oC ' 1'etcn aHeges U1l\
Schmidt took O from bls pants ,
while they were slecplng In a IIver1
I smble. Schmidt has been under a
similar charge before , hut escaped 00
account of lack of evldenco.
Willis , sea of George Wright , of
Kearney , WIIS Inn o\'er and killed b1
flel ht train No. 27 on the UnioD
} laullio railroad nt Kenrney. Indlc3-
tlnus uro that the boy was f'atchlng a
rllIo Hnd was elthor gottlnl { on or at !
when ho fell from the ladder on the
&Ide of the car benel1t.h the car wheels.
' 1'110 tral n was slmvlng up nt the
time of the nccldent and It was no'
discovered until tbo trian bad
Sheri II Smalley , of Cheyenne toot
charge ot ll'rank Taylor , who was arrested -
rested by Sheri II B'rues at Ames tOl\ \
the theft of a wutch.
J. W , Dentler , of Engle , was . -
Judged Insane at Lincoln nnd com-
hllttcd to the Ilsylum. He bas been
throwln biB money away on vnrlout
wild schemcs for some tlmo , bill latest -
test treak Lelng tu PRY , jO tor II pil _
ot scrap Iron. 11e nlso gained note
lety by advertIsing that " 1111 lIaJ ,
Cflty , the Devil" would appear i1
ubUo at the Oliver theatre. _ .