Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 13, 1902, Image 2

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    i ' " 'lJ",7'I"- , ' ' ' ' , - , ' : " ' ? " \ ' ,
. ,
I ,
Iustcr : COli nty Republican
\r \
. M. A ll'InIltlIT ' , Jclliurnlllll'ultllllhfl'
, .noJtR . ' { Do" , . - NI IIIIARKA
. .
, - -
I.aure/\te / AIHIUn'K III'W 1101'10 , " " 11'
Jcthef , " rellds VCI' ! milch IIk rngUIIII'
10un < 1K ,
, . .
" - - ; :
3. .T. IlJlJ toll1 till" rllrlll'r" " , tllnt tllo
.aUon IUlll lIIuch to t' II'l'1 rrolll thow.
' 10 have the rulll'oIHt , tly the WilY ,
' : rho city ot Bln oveslcllenllk , III ARI.
atic ltuRsln , Is elljuyhllt 11 boo III. It
) Gund. as It It were enjoyln" 11 0111'01.0 ,
U' . a lucky thlll ror the IIVerl1"e
paan that he domln'l Iwuw flUIIIC ot the
Jblngs that other ( leoplo know about
It Is expcto\etl tllat the memoIr. ot
.mprc88 Eugenle will he Interelttlng
, bte y tor'the thlllSH Khe Kerulllliously
That prorCS80r In Uhll'ngo University' '
rho hns dlscovel'ed the KnCl'et or 1m.
'lD1Ul ' lite IR not nble to belli Ir. Itocku.
, I f.e1ler' & dyspepsia.
! \ . '
\.j j , It takcs n genuine phllusopher to dls.
, ' I Yer n number ot uuod nnd RUlllclent ,
i I l'Ia onK why otller peuJlle Hholllct be :
I . .tlntled with their CtIlIlIlLIl1I ( Iu life ,
I _
- -
; 4J'he South AllleI'lenll 1''II"hllcR are
on'll lenruluthnt / the IulII'oo doc.
; trlno IlIlIot It unrrlN' behlllll which they
tAn IIlde Crom thl'lr IcllIlIUltu ; credIt.
.r .
: j
, The glrllcRJ ! tell'llholle II IwlllJ ; IIRcd
j i lIorbe CltlcH , It II IISH III'ohlhltll n cer.
I In chllracter or Hl'nllulIllIlI fl'OlII Ulllk.
i ' ng nn aHIl ot hlllljolt In till ! Inllllll'1I ot
1 dully toll ,
, ' 11 the descl'11ltlollll ot the t'Orrcslon.
J I 'cntll concernlll thl' rich traJlJlIIIJ.s Qt I '
the ErnprcRII I > owlI er ot Uhltl/\ / are .
j Jrue , the power ! ! thllt lout ell , elrtnloly
\ jd } not eet nll till' Hlllft.
\ : That WIlR sUlllewllllt ot an Beltoowl. i
" 11Ient ot the llOwer ot the 111'0118 ,
, that bow ot the El11llft'IR Downser to
, J ne\V8111lpcr cU1'reSlloJllentH at 1'0'
eo AmI the tJlspll tches 8111 Bhe I
I wed low. " '
I 'I
' 'Tho ' newcst 6tea11l8hl1)s have a tlt"-
' e on tilt ! brlllJ.e hy which all tllo
'I IJewpnrtwent dOOl'1I can bo cloued at
"cc. Wllh anotblr uppllnneo or Lwo ,
ennblc the mnu ou the bridge to
, , feed the Ih'e8 and rt'J.ulnte the cuglt1tJ8 ,
e vesselo would tlo UK rll'lIrly uuto.
, tlQ n. It would be Sl\fo to 11Iako
t IIoro thnn slxteeu tboullnld prlsou.
tin throughout tbo COIIU try bl1 vo
fledged Mrs. llnlllugtoll Booth to trl
4h live n better lite. 'l'ho gl'UII tcr 1ll1rt
, t them peralst In their cl1lleuvor. I
. . . .sbades ot the Ilrlaon.huule , " Wl'ote
. . . .ordllworth. 1IgllrnU\'eIJ' , "he lu to
.Iose UJlOU the gl'Owllll : bu ' . " Ira ,
JJooth'lI 01HD ! duor to I'Cforlll Wl'll 11.
' &astrates lIlodct.o phllllutln'ollY IIn l'OU.
hauted with I he oldcr I hl'orlzln .
liany a mnu whu III HII11I11IUUl'II nR It
jUrol' ulIIClIlllea thu Htl'eug'th ot his
.plnlon tor the 6alce of \'ohlltlg j\11'Y \
.ervlco null othIH'S. too cOllscleutloll1l
to ohlrlt n Ilut ) . . tlu the ! Hlllle thlll lu
IIrder thnt Utero 11111) ' hl ! IIU mIRIIII\ . ! ilK
to their Iltness. COIISlHI\1entl ) . . 11 1I0t
inrr\luently hUllpeuK thut the hellt
1unllflell mell IIro CXCIlKl't ! Cl'um the
tury hex , while thos\ . ! too IlIIUl'lllIt : tl1
bnderatllnd tlw Rlgnlllclillce uf lu tI.
fnony or too IllItlll'm'cllt tu be l'clIlly
tru8twortb ) ' tal:1. ! theh' pinceR ,
' 1 _
, A Coogress Is 011lciullJ' Imown hy
\b \ number ; the Ill'ellcllt 18 the IIflJ"
Seventh. It II ! becollllllg a CUIllIUUII
r:1etlco to tIcslgnute thelll UI ! the "first
tJrlllp " the "third Heell " Lho "
, , or "soc-
, nd Hendersun , " which wuuld bu the
Ivery.tIn ) ' tleHI oat1on of 111111 ouc. Oc.
ra lonnlly Cungress Is nlclmnmcll for
; - omo tIh.t1nHulshlu IICCUIIIIIII hlllC'lIt ,
'Dr ' by some Cault nlleced 1I IIII1Ht It hy
the olposltloll , liS tllo "BlllIon.Dollllr
pongross" ot tWl'lvl. ! ) 'enl'a IISO , 'l'he
practice ot 1Ilclcllnlllln 1\ Il ! lslutl\'o
bOdy hns Ulnny oXlIlullles III CIII'I ) ' gll.
J1Ish parllameutnry hlstorJ' . 'l'he IIHt
lncludes the "Lncl.r.t-llrnln " Parlll1.
.1Nlt , the "I.oug , " which hucllllle the
-RUIn1 , " antI wns followell h ) ' "Ball'u-
bones' " PU1'UU men t IIl11unot / l1era ,
Altred MoslI ) ' , n wealth ) ' EIIUllsh.
lDan , who IUlt ! 8pCqt SOlllo tlmo III UIIId
ountry , snJ'K Amorlcau hll'K 1IL'l
"rIghter t11 1n l nlIth ; hOJ's 111111 sc : ,
leats thnt n cOUlmlsslon be nlllll1ll1tml
to como over to this cuuutrr IItIlI IUllh
tnto the tmlnlng uUlI l'l.1ucaUun thai
.werlcnn bo's rucl'h'c. l1' . ( oteIJ
.0ubtluRs olWalts or the AlIIlJl'lcall ho )
In Ule mn8a , 'l'hero Ilrn uxcelltollS ! , AI
a rule , howo\'or , the AUlOrlclI1I boy I :
tbe bl' 11(1) ' ou t'lIrth , HI. ! clime :
by It llnturall ) ' . lie l'IlIl't helJl It. HI
. . . .as bon1 110 , Alld thl'lI III IHh1lllun tl
l1eredlty hIs eu\'h'oullllmt IIIllltel hh ]
ambitious , lIe wautli tu gl.'t ,011 In th' '
world. ' 1'ho 1 lIgllllh hOJ' III bOl'n t ,
"placo. " I f or the lu"ur CIUSlil'jI h
IUU8t till bls hat to hl HIIIICI'lurs. (
be dOl\j\n't actllnll ) ' till hlK lIal , aN wa
the eURlom lit torUII'I' tllI1l' ! ! , e IClnll :
tn the agl'lculhu'\1 dlsl rlcls , ho live
tn an ntllloHI1here or sOr\'lIIt ) ' . I t I h
EUjlIsh hey Is hOl'lI to IIrlHIIIl'rnc ' 11
1& elluentl'd to [ 101,1 , Ills Illaco III Ruelct. .
and It conNUllteA hlR II\I1IJ1tllln \ III lIulIl
lID. Tbe t1lIfm'encl' hl'twel'lI the gn
IIsh nl1l1 the AmerlclllI 11(1) ' IH to h
found In the dlft'lrl'llCO hl't'IOn tll
RnJIIAh society nud Ihllt ot AIIIN'lcI
IJUllllty worklug throulh ouorlltlot :
has made UIB Amt'rlclln boy whllt he I :
ItYoman 1.1 to attalu her ( ' 011I11101
Indepolldeaco In this contut. , WI' 81
' : ! - . " , , > o i. , : , , ' , t\ > " , . I./ / . . " , ' " " , _ , . . . " 'Of
'I " , 'I /
' "
110 rl'nson why . .ho . Ihouhl nlhl'ro to the
'Olet.tIIIt ! ! Ilrlltllee ot wnltlo tOl' l111iL' [ .
prollus1tlolls tl'OI11 the
'flex. ' It 11 Woll1nll lIudtt wllllt she Is 11:11' :
1)1 ( ! ( ' I to 1''KllrllIII 11 11111111111 IInl'nlll $
why 8houlIlu't ahe Iuale All olTl'f tor It 1
After IIluelecn Cl'utlll'11 ' ot IIro rC'II'4
why IIhoultl "ht' bt' subjl'ct to 1UlII'ot
R'utlultutnl ! HI'lWIII ' : ! oull cal.rll'l'fl . ?
' ' ' wel'I'1l IJ ' Hcv ,
'l'hl'ge tlUestloll ! ! 111'1' tlll )
i Ullarl'H I , . 1lo 'I , IllIHlor or 11 C llJI'Cjl' :
I tlullnl ChUfCh III WchKt'r ( lrovl ! ! ! . \I. , .
'Ulllild hnll not hepu nth'lIIl1u to hll1l. !
IICK III Wehllll'r OrOVl'S , Ont ot nee
1II1lIIherll ot HI'V , Ir. Klu81' CII ( rC Il'
tlon t hll'r ! were ouly lIozen 11I11 rrln l't !
/lOlell1l1lzl'lt InRt YI'ar. Hev. Ir. " :101111 :
Is dlRlloscl1 to hlllllle thl" WOlllen ror
the III'evl\lIIl1J : dnllll88 III UIIIIIIIII ar.
Calrll , It It hllrl h11 the eUHtum tur
WOlilen to III'uI"IIII' "IICII n condltlou lit
' ' existed. At INUIt
nft'nll'/I could oollln\'o
n hUlldred or the \VoUlt'n ot the l'Imfch
wOllld hn , e cloRctl 11011I11 8orf. ot n mat.
rlmunlal hnrnlll durin : ; the ) 'enr. It
wOlllcn nre to becollw "lIIen's cconolllio
eellllllR" they HIIIIIII < < 1 do the IlroposlnJ ;
the/ll I-lveH. HIIYII Ht- " . I r. IJ088 , lie
nl'I'III'R thnt IlInlmueh ! ilK wonllm now.
odnys do lIut let men IJrIIOKU IIl1t1l thul
nru really thel'c III no rt'UAon why thel
shollld lIot hn VI ! nnll eXeI'ellle the fla/110
rhht ot IlrolHIII ( ) nil lUen. 'l'he nl' II.
/IIellt or Rcv. Mr. I\.loH 11'1lOUIII ) . 'l'ho
tlmhlll1 or mnn haK filled thc worhl
with sJlItJ8terli. Ill' I , . 1I0t ollly tlmlll
hut en rosRed In the IItrenUUIIS IItrllA' lo
Cor wenlth. It n WOlllnll cOUl'tlves ! II
IIIIIIA' fur hIm nnd n dl' lfe to take him
tor her In " , rill husbnlld she should not
bo rCRlralnl' < < 1 hy the toollsh clIRtoml or
tlw JIll ! It tl'om pllttln ; ; n IIl'OPORltlUI1
IOIlI < lIl 10 n IIIntrlmonlnt cOIIIJlnct 10
flllch KhnlC ) thnt It muy ho favorably
conHhlel ed.
Thill IH nu n o or fllllllcn < < 10tl8 engl ,
ncel'llIJ { wOI'k8 , Au enll ! ll'l'mll to hn0
CUIIIC 11/ till ! CUlIltl'lICtiOIl ! ur gl'cat
tl'lllll : lIut'1I or l'nlJwny ullOn lilt' h..lIt'r
ImowlI cOllthwnlll.11I1'1'11'11 , gUI'UIJU
111111 Allln hu\'o heen 8111111111'd ; hut the
"Clille to CIlII'O" I'IlIJ"ny IH 11I'lJl.cted ( !
'for Afrlcn. nnll the "Pan-Auwl'h'all"
lIlIe tor Celltl'll 111111 HOllth AIIIII'lea.
\ ! enterJlrlscH ot Hturtllllg
/IIaA'nltude ' nl'l ! In 1"'oS ; 1"11 S or nt'a
(11al1l1lHI for ollelllllj ; HucK or l'on1l11\1.
nlcutloll hy dlJjlng throllA'h the sur-
rnec of the l'al'th , or by tllllllUlluJ ; b
neath the HIII'taee. ' 1'heI'cat : Mun.
choltter shlll.cunnl , the Gerlllllu guv.
erl1llll'nt cnnnl bet ween the North Sun
nnd the BaltIc , alld the ChlcaJo drnlo.
" " 0 r.auul nre I1l1lshed. 'fwo tunnels
alrl'fidy pierce the Alps. Rud a thh'd
w1l1 00011 hI ! open ell. 'l'llI ! rttJlII.1
tUllnel through New York Ully rl'OIll
end to oUlI Is Ululer rapid conHtruction.
'l'bo Ist1l1ulnn cnnal n walt8 tllnctlon
ot CougmsK. wbleb 18 lIure to be fa. .
vorable , 111111 In a tew yenrll all arU.
flclnl wnturwny will IIelmrnte the con.
tlllents or Nortb nnd Houth Alllerlca.
' 1'he luteHt Kchellle , brlllll\nt In concutr
tlou aUlllllmollt unexnlllilled III lhe tIlt.
flcultieH to be encollntel'ed , Is thu con-
tltl'\\CtlOII or a double I'IllJrellltl tUlIl1el
tl'OlII NlW ! Jursl'y Illntcllth the l1ulIlon
Hl'crllId lItmellth the Rtl'euls ot New
Yorlt to 1\ huScHnl1'1I1 HtlltlOU , there
to divide Into tllree tuunels to llI1RS un.
tiel' till' ICullt It h'er tu Brooklyn. When
thll'l " ; I'l-at e/ltt-I'llrlse / Hhlll1 hll'e bceu
IInlllbl'll II JlIIBtleugel' I1IIIY lllkl ! hIs HCllt
III Il Imlucc"I'III' lit I'oolI 'lI , aud not
1111ght fl'OIl1 the tmln until the mr
1'011"1 lute lIn 1.'rnncIRco. I.'ol'ty mil.
lion tllllhll'ti to be Rlleut h ) ' 11 1II'Ivllte
COt'lohlllon ! : 1I\'e . } 'CUI'8 ( II' time for t'on.
IIlt'uctlon ; IIU ulltlurjI'ouu < 1 station In
, NtYtH'lc City little ItHJ ! thlill u thh'd
ot 1\ mlle louglUll / IUH'lng t wu miles
ot tl'llC'ltH u Hlt-l'l tulle nelll'ly nllletten
feet In 11Iunll'lt'I' . lh'1\'I'n thl'ough the
11111I1 of tltl ! II udRon Hh'el' IIl'd , elshty
feut bllow hlgh.u tcr nll1rl ( . nnd rest.
In ou Hteol IllIhll's gl/III down 0110
hUtHlrec1 feet to hlll'll pllU ; lII trulns to
hl ! 1I11 1'nh'd hy eh'ctl'lclty-tllCRc arc
Olnl ! ut Ow wlllull'I'1I of thl ! gl'cut U11'
Ihn'I/lltlutf. In OUl' duJ' such hUgl ! en.
tel'IIl'IHCIi nt ! this t'xclh ! fill' le s H\II'-
11l'IHUltHl / attl'Uct lI1uch It'SH II ttelltlon
thllll wert ! hl'HtOWl'l hI ( UI'UWI' tllUI'H on
wCll'kh ' e'el'.dn ' .
thltt III'e now e\'el' ) occur.
renccs. I'l'OhnlJI ) ' tile l1mll hnll not
becn 1'llIehed. 'fhe next JNIIl'Uthin : !
l1Iuy Ret ! Pl'lIl1ce , BnJllItHI lIud Iroillud
conllelled ! b ) ' SlIhllllll'llIO tUlllwlH , IInd
Atllu Jollied to NlIl'tb AUlOl'lc/l / by n
rnllwllY bl'lthc. ;
AoU'PrOIHIHn 1 < ' 11' ' ' En/hlcli. /
At till' Ilrosent time tUCrnre 81'\011
flolf'III'lIl1elllog IIro cnj.lnl.'s In the l'oun.
ll'y. 'I'hese In the BUlltouIUtlH ( : , ) lie ,
III\rtll1lnt hll ve bee11 10 t > eI''lcalncu
1801 , nnd havlI IIl'O\'l'd ot CI'eut'nlue ,
Endl wcl 11H ul'al'ly nlue tOUtI , ut nr
e/lsler to hllndle thllll those 111':1 wn b )
I bonws , 'l'hey unllWCl' nlllrlllHIud IU't
! mueh bellel' hill cl1111bel's HultJ thl
bOl t ! engilles. 'I'he 1I11'gl'st slzc l'n
glncK thl'ow un nvol'Rj.o ; ot SiO Illlun
IL l 1lnutut'l ' , I1l1ont twlcu the /lmount 01
w/ltor / thrown h ) ' the n\'el'age horse en
glne.-PlttHbm'g DlSJllIllh ! ,
Grown 1\,1' 1"I'oIH.
' [ 'ho gl'owhlj ; or tlOWl'I' I tor JlertUlnl
' 'ot ho ' Industl' ' Iu thl
11111) 11 IIl'ofitnlJlo ) :
l ! eounll'y : eUllllltlouN III thc HoutlwrJ
Stlltl'II , nllll IIH'llcu1:1rl : ) ' Iu ! lOuthel'l
Cull fornlll1'e Ixcelltoulllly ! ta VOl'l1 III
e ror lu ustl'lell ot thlR kltH1. It III b
lIn\'ed that 10 Cnlltul'nln the ( , sKl'ntin
n oil , or nttllr of l'Olll-H , IIIlghl ho l"'IH.lllcl'l
on I1n otollsln ! scale to In'llt nd\'IH
tnge ,
OI'Iln , ot 1H'mbol. .
'rhl' orl ln or the H'mhul "cwt. " to
hlll111rNIwolht ; Is all rollll\\'H : " 0" I
tlJlJ luHlnl letter tor the I.ntln Will'
J' CNltlllll , 1I1l'lIIln- : ! hll1l1l1'I'I. nUll "wi
I ; uro Lhe first IIUlI hlKt 101 h-I' or tli
; - word "wellht , " IInl.1 lII'e 1I11t'tI II > > a ( ' 01
' 0 t rnl'tlun to I' It.
1. Hhol'rn o uf Nutlve An\ml\ls.
lii Owlug tu the deln'dntlons ot IIntl'
II.151lOrtslllon , tllo IIIHe hid. Calr to b
COIllC oxtlnct In l"rnnce. 'l'bls Is t1
tu firllt III"I\/10n thnt hUOI , hl\u blt"n h
! O , ortod tNIU Uuahuad.
A. . . . . . . . ' . I . 1.tIt ; .l.i' . < ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . " , i. . . . ,
" . , . .1.0. . ,
' 4t _ _
- -
. ,
- - - - -
\\111 l'rc\'cnt llIny n Burn. \
nenl'hlll 111101111 0\1'11 IIrlt-r It 111e . > r
'OlIlIt Is till' I'll UMe Or UIIIU.ot . till' 11I11n.
, 'III hurllH from whh'h t hI' hOIlHl'\\'Io
i IUrrl'fll. 111111. 110 11I11 tier how l'arprul I'Ihe
9 , the IIcclllellt will hnlllll-ulllllllcl'\'IIls.
i : ' 0 rcdlll'c Ihls dllll l'r to II mlullllum.
'wll ' lit Ihe HUllIe IImc IIrrol'd thu l'oolt
I ht' ollllllrtllllJtl to 1IIIIIII'd till' IIl1ltlu
'llh l'IINl" I'ulllhroke O. Illlrtoll , or
" 1I1I1I11I'IlIhln. I'n. . hllll COlliI'I't'd I hI'
IIhelr 81ltlu ror O\'CnH lII/oWII
n tll ( ' nCl'olllll11 n 'ln drll WItIA' . 'I'hu UHU'
II shelr 18 retllined. nile ] till ! Il1lpfov
! - - - . - - -
' , r I
I' HlIIr.1" al.IDI . 'Olt Till : OVI N ,
Dll'lIt e01l1l1811 ! In till' pl\'otl(1 1.111' . nllil
, mll'llet nttlll'111'11 to till' 111I1"1' ! lldl > or thl !
llIl.t door. Thl' Itll'nr I'lld or lilt' hur
'f8 ' nttllt'lll'd to n holt IIl'lIr Iht' 1''Iller or
Ihl' slllott. lIul1 II 111111 011 the Iloor with.
Qrnws the Nlll'lt lit lilt' snllle lillI\ ! , the
nat lJnr 1II111l'l'lIl'ath nhlO ! ll'r\'llIg nK 11
( lartllll slIllllol't tor Ihe wl'lJht IIho\'o.
rhuR It III l'ay to hllHh' 111111 RC'IINOIl II
fowl or rOllst. 01' Ihl' (11111 ( III1lY hI' IIfh'tl
! \'I'I'tlclIlI ' tl'OIll I he , III'It , a ftl-I' n Sl'Cllre
! I'IJI hUH bcclI ohluilletl Oil the hlilldle , ,
! . ! l11I1 there Is11111111 chnl/l' / ! ! oC n burn , ns I
't III UIIIIl'CCIIHIII'Y to thrust tbo hauds
lito the oven lit ull.
UIt : Snmhvlchc .
' 1'heRo nru lIot to be Illude by n recipe
( \'hlch ouce 1I11J1ellr d for Ihem : "Boll
frcsh t-Jg8 11\'e mlnutell ; pecl : tule a lit.
tic white oft Crom ellcb end ; cut the
reHt In fOlll' IIlIcell , ntHI put bttwl ! i1l
h'cad ! nul.1 huller. " 'I'hut compoUlli1
woull.1 lie lIUL little lIetter IImu the egg
III Itll lIuturlll Billte , Illlrd"bolled eggs.
tor IIny purpose , Rh u1l1 be l'ooltl'd 10
wllter jUHt below tbe ! Jolllllg point not
ICIIS thlln twenty IIIII1Utl'S ; thell the
fulle , IlIlItend ot helllJ ; tough. wl11 he 80tt
, , "d mealy. To.muke . sllndwlches , lUIO
( 'g ti t hUR boiled ; eholl tln ; nelI ! n ten-
8POOllfui ot butter tor ench egg. and Rnlt
IInd pepper to IIl'nSOIl : mix wl'lI to-
gether. ' 1'ho butt'r In tbe mixture holds
It. togethcr whell cold. SJlI'clIlI 011 fllleetJ
I ) ( butl'tree ! bread. nnd put them to-
, ethl'r , A IIUle chopped hllm mn ) ' bo
11bcd with tbe ( ' J : ( Of \'I\I'lety. .
Checlle CI1I" .
Put a pillt or mill , on to boll. bent
tour l'Jgs lIht IIlItI slh' lute the milk :
Wlll'U It Is II thick CUI'I.1 rt'lIIo\'e from
the 111'0 nlltl wllCII cool ulIIHII It'I'I' '
Ihll' : nl.111 to It rOI11' Olllll'\'K ot hl'l.'n,1
I CI'Ulllbl ! , HI'lIt to n e'ft'1I1I1 hnlt n 1I0llud
ot hutter IIl1d hllif n IHHlIlc1 ot HII lIr.
I \IIld the t'IIl'd , ; lIuli hl'l-IIII : bellt fOUf
Hg1i until \'CI'Y thlek lIull lI ht 111111
pOllr them lute thiN mlxtlll'l' : thclI 111111
/1'llIluall / ) ' olle tllhll'lIllOOnfli1 or sllt'rry
111111 one of IJl'IlII1I ' IIIHf oue of rOAl' WII'
uud n telllllOOuful ot clnllllilloll ,
ulIII IlIltI ! . n qUIII'tl'r of 11 ( loUIlc1 of Clll"
rtlnts well WllflllI'd. Llul' elthor Ille
I Jllnlel ! or thllilow l'lIl'e PUIIR wllh pufr
; ( lnste , POIll' III tIll' IIIlxture IIU1I hlll:1' Iu
a qUll'l : O\'l'n. ' ' 1'he.v should be Ren'ed
' : old IIUll en tell the till ) ' thl ! ) ' lire Inlleed
In the 1.l1l1l11lry ,
.Alum ( used Iu hlllllll1' ' wOI'kl Is prln ,
1"al1y'lIllIuhle for Clelllltlll1 wutet'
" , hll'h It 'I ] 1I'-l ! RUr ' to Usc 11 Rel'olul
thill' , t.lthl'I' " , IIPI't' the SUIIIII ' 1'1 " 1'1' ) '
IIlIIltt'd 01'01' \ othl'r ) :00c1 rta-o ! ; II ! I :
thuu h It , jOCII ; without t'll1ylll Ihut.
whel'o therl' Is plentJ' of lIoft Wlltl'I' to
be hnd. tla're thoulI1 he no slIeh thln
/III 11 Ht'I'Ollil UHe ot the SU III l' WII tN' .
: W\'en n tuhful of slIds whlt'll IIII1Ht he
lIcll ugulu. n tnhlt'IIoollt'1I1 [ , of IIhuu
tlhollld 111' (1IsHlII\'ell III n IIlIIuli ( } lInutlt '
of 'wntel'-the eXlict umoullt uut hl'llI
Ulntl'I'lnl-lIlIll ) Iourellillto the N\IlIR , Illl !
hl'llI ' SU1'I't'll nUll theu
whol" ' lulel:1) )
ullowell to dl'lIr. III uI'J' IIhol.t tlmo
thl' c1enr WlIll-I' t'UIl he )1ourt'1l ) elf , lell v.
, , In the ( 'tlhllellt In the OttOIll of lht !
tuJ ! ,
! Chld.ell roth.
Cut the fowl Iuto q\1l1rterR. Lay In
! AI1Hcd wutm' OIU' hour. Hemo\'I ! IInli
) ( lllice III three l1unrts ot' watel' , brl1l llI
. It'erJ' Hlowl } ' to II boll , Boll gl.'lItl . UII'
I i U1llquor hnll dlllllllhdwil ollo.thlrll , HI ! '
r 11I0\'e chlclcn. SenHon the IICJuor. tlrln
It to n hell , nllil stmln. Stir n cuprul
ot hot mill : ulowl ) ' Intu two heatCl :
e.n ; : , then add thu IIIlxturl to the broth
ath'l'III , Hluwl ' . Ualt tl H qunntlt ) ' II
I ; ; l1lUell'ut to sOn'U 110 111\111111 two 01
thl'ce tl1m'l ! .
I l'eU5 ! In l'otlltll CIlHefl.
e : 11l hIx 01' el IIL bollell polntol' ! !
" Add hllttCI' IIUlI IIIl1k Iu the IIHIIIII'II '
II Wlwu w\-l1 IIII1t1ht'd IHIlI 11 IIttlu 11011
II to Hl1 hll ' ! ltltTIIiI thtJlII , 1 11l Jrl'II I'1
I' plltl . IIIIIH wlLh tlte Ilututo , Iltlltlu .
JlIt-ee ot bl't'l1I1 III the cluLef ! of 1'lIeI !
WIlI'u thl' ) ' ur lIrowlwd till'll tllI'lI
Ollt 1'1I1'1'fulln tulto Ollt the 1II'I'IIl ! II lit
:1 : III thl' hollow Illude by It 1111 wlLh . ) ' 011111
s wel1'l'ooltl'lI 111'1111 , whit'll 1111 \ ' \ . lWI'1
: ' ; 1'IIHOIlt'tI with n 1I1UI' 01'1'1111I. PI\lIII- \
IIml I > ult _ Sen'e 011 11 hot 11111 tt el' ,
11. Clenutlne"HIi.
! > 'Ilth 1111 'wbcl'e 11111) ' hl'l'Ollle the relll
III Jlll1ee for gerlll whlt'h Ihl'culen urt
'l'h ! 1 ! lu lIulI clothlu ! ; ol1ghL to he 11
It m'III'I , . alllhH'lltic Ui Ilotllllhle , ' Hlllt th
0worh } dOl's lIot Iwow how seldolll t lJ
Ie : ! ther hulf tllkt' u lilith , "Oh , thllt tb
11' world wOllld'Ilh Itllelt : " Is titer , II
tbe aatl"'lltlc retorlller ,
- " . _ . , . . . , . , , . . . . . , < . . . - ' . . . . . . . . . . . -
. . . . . - . - -
- -
- -
; _ r '
JIDffii ! i I _ JmmmJm !
- " " ' "
- -
II lot ot 11 would.he unlversnlly
Vi ?
pO)1ulnr ) hostes ! ! III by 110 meuns
a hUJl)1'y ) olle In 80clety , fOl' the
snare or the IlltClIlIa sprl'lld 011 o\'ery
Hide tor the uuwnry ontertllincr Is I
glon. In tr'lns ; to \'old Sc'lIn she
IItrul htwa ) ' encoullters Chur'bdls. nnll
ulllesH she hns the tuct ot a diplolllllt ,
the I1I1t1ence or II Rnlut uud till ellefJY
ot a gunerul , she will ne\'ur Whl hcr WRY
to the desIred goul of her ul11 ltlon. If
he trIes to sntlsfy the lIlelect Ccw , she
offenda the 1I111l1y-whlle to recognize
the I11l1ny la hOIICleRsly to nllellnte the
few , who l'efuse to uttulld her CUllctlons
on the groulld thut they uro too mixed.
On the other halld , those \'el' ) ' pcoplo
tor wholl1 she hila al1crUlced her HlI1art
trlends uIIsratefully crltlcille her efforts
tor the roaROO thnt the select few al'O
not prellent.
Ir. Nohody , tor Illstance , who r
eeh'cs un lu\.ltntlon to tIlnevlth the
Tlptops feels flotteretI lit first , but II I I
when be gets to tllU tIluller ulld l1uIIs :
thllt the 911111rt olles arc COIIslllcllOUS y I
theIr n sellce he feels allJ'thluA' but ;
JrllteCul to the ' 1'llltops , who would
hl'e dOlle much bettor not to hit \'e
usked hll11 nt nil. "WhoVa ! ! thel'e1" i
he excllIltnH wrnthtully. "Wh ) ' , jl1St !
the Jleople thut they thought they ought
to tie ltlud to , It wus 11 mORt o'lous
CIlBe ot' the hlghwll8 nll < 1 h'wn's. I
couRlder such Im'ltn tlOUII un IlIsllltt"
' 1'111' Illnucr IlnnCl ! , which hus become
such 1\11 IU9t1tUtioll oC lute yenl'S , whereby -
by socIety It'adel'li ha'C succeed ell
s01\1ewhut lu curtlllllug' the uumber of
I their guests , Hhould lJl ! most tactfully
Illalulgcd , Iuny hostcHses Sl'cm to goo
on the prInciple that hulf a lonf Is bet.
ter thun none , and Invite In ufterwal'd
those whom they tIe not wish to IUd.
to the pl'elltulullrJ' cJlnner. 'rhl Is n
fntul tulstnlte , which no WOlUlin who
wlltheJ to be considered Iiolmlur ahould
ever ( .1IDmlt. She ahoull.1 muke the tlln.
ner Int' e enough to ha ve enongh
duncers , nd It she wIshes to Include
every enc sbe 8hould give U second or
thlrll I.1lnner dunce. It not , she should
never try to putch up woundetI teellngs
by nn Invitation which Is ob\'lousl ) ' not
u compllrnelltary oue. 'I' et'e Is n'ery
plnln rule to olJsel'\'O 10 such cnlles.-
New York 'I'rlbuue.
How \Voltlcn tibolild Stnnd.
'VolDen who lIavo Cormed thc habit
ot stun < 1lng In n bent'tIenedut-
tJtude e'Xaggernto this bud position ot
the belly when t11t ! ' wlllk-cspecially
It there Is 11 sense of "hurl'Y" In the
bruIn. Cannot e\'ery wowun1.10 reads
thesc lines cnll up the wen tal picture
ot somc nelghhor hurrJ'lng In 11' ' surt
of dog.trot gult , allout her wOI'I : with
. n belly bent forwurd nearly one.thlrd
I tl'OUl the ullI'lght , till' hend alld shoul.
dm's tieing Clulte In ud\'auce of the rest
, of the hod ) ' , as Ir the legli could uot ,
or would / fast enough fOI' tllo
Ilmpatlcnt brnln nnd uod " ( ' 1'hls Is
I . tbe "hllste that males wURte , " Such
n p081t1011 mellllS 5t1'l1lnlllS ; ulHl enfeebling -
bling the IIUOl' bul' ! : . IIUll It UlllIIii : In.
tel'fel'CIIe ! : wI th tll'en thing , clrculn tlon
and digestion. It Is com.tln hea vlness
of UlO\'el11ent , heavlneBH of 8111rlt , nnd
ollluess of bOlly. It UllnOIllH'eR thllt
the womlln Is not lUuHtel' of hl'I' worl : ;
' wOI'le tlIltI llt'l\'cs
1'I1ther her wUHter ! > \
her. Now , we ull lIIuat IlclwowleJge
thut this Is wrong.
A WOIllI1I1 with much depending upon
, her lihould. Ilrst of 1111 , be II hIe wisely
to direct bel' IJod ' In hnr wOI'I" 11I1d ,
Becoml , not tout \ her wOl'k own bet' ,
howlvur llIucb It tuny be 111 quuntlty.
When enc Is well-poised , free amI tJuoy.
ant In bodlly 1110\'elUent , one can wllik
l'alll111y , or even run , while dolug ono's
work uI1l1 surrer none or the exhaustIve -
Ive ctrects that :1lw:1)8 :1ttellll the
spirit or hmr ; . . . An Aruu prO\'Cl'tI wl'll
11l1ts It tlilit "HIU'r ' 19 the tIL'vl1. " Shull
we not Ieop our el ves Becm'e 111111 fl'ce
! rom hill IUlilIgn Inlluence1-\IlIrthu :
\'an Hensselucr , III Chnutau1IUlUJIug. : .
! lzlue ,
True Syltlpntby wIth Chlhh'cn.
'I'herc I1re I11l1nJ' cOllscleutlous flltbers
nlld mothel's who lUule theIUHcl\'s un
their chllth'cn mlliel'lIhle b ' tnkln
) 'outbtul rolhll's too scrlousl ) ' . It IR a [
Illnatl' proJlenlllty ot a chlhl 1)o S1'8Sl'l
of \'eru/c Jood henlth IInll Hllh'lt te
I mulce ohler Jleoille luu h with him : no
lit him , Imt at the thln 11 thllt seen
amuslus ; to hit ! owu sense. And 011
mother who hnl the blithe aUll l't'IHI
humor to enter Into his fun becouH1
hIt ! most fl1lclnutlus ! ; com)1unlon. ) HI
heed1J h r relmles I\nd bemls to he
eOl'l'ection without 111 tcellnJ. ; , wbel"
, sternness would nrOURe his pride nlll
Ire , for he la nllsm'ell that she Is relld ;
to shlno nll his Innocent II1'unls , 11111
tbl\ her 11lsapIU'O\'ul hus no foumlu tlo :
III Impatleuce 01' lujulltlce.1111 whe
the tlu ) ' ul'rlH thllt "chlltllllh thing
I\re 11\1t uwa ' , " uIliI the grown mcn 1111
wowen look hnl'k wwl to theh' enl'1
bOUIe , with what 11 Lhroll of Jlleusur
they liaJ' , when th108 ; happen. " 100
el' WOlllll aJlprcclntc this ; tlhe hud th
lulcleRt } Sl'lISO of hllmol' of anr WOl11a
' " Unlll.'l'1I1'ath Ihl' '
J'ou e\'er sl\wl" AIIII : !
lI ht wordli Is the thOIl/ht / , "lIow 11111
py thl1t tletil' muthl'l' mlllle me , IIl1d hU1
I IlI\'e hel'-I.'lol'cuce ! II 11 11 Wlute
! Jul'n. In Womnn's Homo Com)1nnlon ) ,
- - -
Thc Cure of l'ullll" .
About 'nil 0111' IInlms relulre Is thl
nil lhillt be kept oft the tolll/o. : / 'fh
Iii or the utmollt ltullortulIce , IUI p/lln
poslth'ely'eruse to do well other\YI1
See that tlley hn'C moltture sUlllll1r
to the 1'00til as 001'1100 ' , "bleb In 8111'111
anl1 .ulUmOI' sboultI be uoout eY/u
dAY. In fuU nnd wluter tilt' rtlll.'J '
. . . . , , ' . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " ' : " . . . . . . . . .
' ' ' ' ' '
only moderate wnte\'ln , 'l'hey cnn be
growu from Heed , hut It Is ul6w worl (
nud It Is better to get those nh'eaHlli
stnrted. 'l'he acnle Insect Is their worst
enemy. A wash ot dilute nlcohol will
. kill It , but lllUSt be wllahed off well
, . nfterwnrd. A wllall or wenl ( lye sonp
Is the best prcveut".c , but. like nlcollol ,
mUllt be we1l rll1"if'll olr lit ouce , Go nil
o\'er the ) llnut and I ell \0 no spot un.
touched with the Koap , Pulms shuuh1
ha0 n soil composell ot ooel garden
8011 , lent and mold , rotted t'OW mnulll'o
nnd snnd. one.half of glll.t1eu 11011 nnc1
the other bnlt CtIUal pnrt. . of the relit.
'I'he l'oots grow dowu wnrd , consequellt.
Iy thev require n ell'ep pot. Put Iu pots
just Inr e enough to supply their
wnnt8 , lt1l1ke the Boll 1I ht and 111'111 ,
nl'rlluge tor good eh'a hlll C , und plllco
the erowu so It will ho Just IIbo\'e tllQ
soll.-Good lloU8elwllllng.
1\'bell n 1\'omura U c. . . Powder ,
Iost womeu USIIOWdcl' ou tllelr
fnC'C'iI 1I0Wl1dll'S 1111ll It Is well thllt tbe1
JIIOW the best WII ) ' . It Is hnrdly worth
while to o lute the lt1l1tter of the pOSe
slhle Injury thnt powder ml1Y do the
SIIII , Iuch Is flnld tor nlld nnlnst ! It.
Its nd\'ocntes clnhn thnt It Is better tor
the pores of the slln to be fIllecJ with
clellu white ! lewder thlln with' the tIust
of the streets ,
'rhe best methl ( of nll(1I ( 'ln powder
IR h ) ' mellUS or nhsol'hellt l'otton , 'l'he
cottOIl should 1) ( ' tllll(1cd ( III tile powder
lIud tIustetI ' ' the rlll'e , '
O\'Cl' co\'erlng ev-
( ! I' ) ' Plll't. ' 1'heu It sllould be l'ubboo
In thOl'Oll.lhly with the hnlld , ' 1'hen the
fnce should ho wlpee ] oft 1Ightly wIth
n sott cloth. Powder shoulll n\'er ! bo
! lerllllttetI to rellInlu on the Cllce o\'or
night. It Rhould he wnahed oft' lll1d
the altln mnssnged with cold Cl'cnm , ily
this method It Is clnlmed thnt the skin
1s not Injured. Pure powder Is tlle
tlrst rt'lulslte. Inny of the expcnsl\'e
powders ure hnrmCul. A flUl'e ve l'tn'
blo powder should be sou ht. 01' m'cn
coruatnrcb or rice powcJer. 'I'hey ennnot
hllrm the complexIon.
MnkluJ : Clal1dren IInlp7.
Our quiet hours with our children
shoull.1 first of nil be cheerful bours ,
Sydney SmIth hns said : "if you wllkc
children lIappy now , you mnke them
htlppy twenty yel\rs heoce b ) the memo
orJ' ot It. " I bellevc thIs to be quite
true. We should mnke the hours with
our children full of joy , ' then twenty
yeul'S trom now we. too , cau recall how
hnpIY the ) ' were , how we hen I'd their
me'rY'olces ! nud wlltl'hell them pIny ,
nlld We clln 1001 : with pride on our cbll.
il'en whew we loved tlnd who wcut tc
, Grown-up Innll. " ' 1'hen , too , the quiet
hours with our chlldron lihould be lo\ ' ,
Ing hours , How mucl/ the RllInll touch ,
es ot n mother's lo\'o mCllus to th
cbllll ! E\'eu If It Is 01l\J' \ to whistler te
your Mon as he starts to school , . no ,
I member , mother Is thlnlllI , : : about 'Ol ]
1111 elll ) ' I1Ull cXlwctlug 'ou to he n oo
bo ) ' , " how much hetter the ell'oct 01
8Ul'h a fnrewell than to hurr ) ' him
uway with some Shill'll I\nll lIel'\'OU9 re-
buke-Plttsburg Dls11atch.
; }
A .
i $ rir " . . . .1b
. ,
v. h
It _ i
/ 1 , }
: } 1
_ . . . . . { ) _ _ . . . . . _ . t-
"Here la 1ood wny to make n pall
of creeping dra wers for Inster Rnby , '
su 's n writer \Iotherhooll. : . " 'l'llkt
1111 old )11th' ) of cnslllllere 01' other Htock
, I In s. 1I1l' e size , Cllt oft the feet I1l1tl1'UI
, I a cltslng uround thu 1\ Ilk II's rOl' nnrt'O\1
I ell1stlc. Cut dOWI1 the sellUlS elgh
Inehes trol1l the t011 of each stoclll1 !
, : IInd joll1 , 'l'hen put n Illeee of wltll
: elustlc thl'ou h tOl1 CIlIIIII , I1l1d thl
dl'llYel'S 111'1' Ilnlshed. ' 1'hee : Ul'e rC1l1
IJ' excellent Cor un b ) ' , IIntIl1InJ' ! Jo worl
eltbel' o\'er or uudel' his dl'e8."I. "
AU's " 'ctl thllt BUllw 'Vetl.
A llnchelor sat lu bls ehldr-and h ,
And III ) Illude 1111 his mind that b
woul u't he eU\l ht :
And ) 't't h ( ' wnnted to do whnt ho ought
And hI' thollght , and hl' tbought. on ,
he thought.
A little : \10111 Silt In her chalr-nntl sh
.A nd sill. ! made up her nllnd thll t 1111
wouldu't be eall/tht / ;
And yet she wonlc(1 do whl1t she ollhl ,
An hl' thought , and sbe thougbt , an
she thought.
I , A Bachelor Hilt In n chnlr-aud h
, thought-
And little : \laid Slit by him-Just ns 5h
II I or , alns ! they forgot about not lwlu
II caught.
s But they tbou ht , nn they thougb
II and tbl.'Y thought , /
y Grecn Soap.
e Gl'el'n sonp 13 \'l\lunhh > lIrepnrntlo
1'1 for the WOll1l1n who would pl'esel'\'C tli
o 1l1111tl'C IIl1tl l'll'hl1eKH ot Iml' huh' . It
.l , . I 11l'ellnl'I'tI Iln IIl'e8cl'lbetl b ) ' IICI'HOI
e I who IIlnla sllcl'lnltJ' ot scnlll tn'lI
) " . 'l'nle ellllul plII.ts ot the , 'er
I\ ' cnRtllc . wntl'r , IIlcoh ,
. lll'st Ireen , ! sOUI1.
r. nlld SlyclJrlul' . Heat the \ \ ' 1ItrIII
shlln' tlw SOlllllllto It. Then HlIr It O\'t
the t11't ! IIl1tll It Is pel.tectlJ' SUlOOt
It Athl the b'cl'l'llIe 111111 Htlr llJultl \'t1
Is thtll'Oughly. 'l'ho n Icohol li ! ndh'tI III
IW I ot 1\11 , mixed with two OllnCl'li of l'ste
a. tlnl 011 ot nllY Ilretel"l'cd scel1t. A II1UII :
'II quantltl ot 011 or ort'l ! > J1\'t'8 It sugge
I lion of vlolt'tThlle 011 \.l'henll I
'Y 011 of 8\Teet frrl1ul1l1u Ih'etI 1111 l
re tukl.J& , wbolM08te lie t ,
" , , . . . . . . . . , . ' . . . .
Tclls JIow JIosllltnl Pbysfclms :
Use ntH } Uc1y 111)011 ) I (1ia ( E.
' V Cfctablo Com.
Pjnhnm'8 } ; ,
II DFA Mns , ! 'rmrtAU : - TwclT
coutlnuous Lcrvico nt the sick
yel1T8 l'll In 611I110 01 our pl'omincnt hospi-
t.119 ns wcll nR ut privnto homr , h" .
I , r'h.dn me vnricll experiences with the
dlscase80 { womcn. 1 have nurscd some
" _ ' . ' 11. : ' .
\ . . I . . : . : ti' : ? " : ! " " . . . . , '
, II .1il.tlm ; , I. '
{ . "
" " " ' ;
, . : -1 cU ; ' , ; ; . ' '
: . . . '
. . . d.s- . . . ' : r- , < . < < . . . .
, . . - , - .
" , .1' --i\\-- . . : W - :
' . . . -
r ,
: , . . , . , .v ;
: \IISS "JltnINIA on.nns : : ,
I'rcldcllt ot : ; ulscI'bLUejullouW llJrtOWJIN.Y.
t , . , , , t dbtl't' ; ' ' , bill cmc ! : c ; . ! inflammatioll
Illltlucl'ration , ! othe o\'u1' es anll worn . ,
I have \mo\Vn \ tmt } doctors used Lyd13
E , l : > > lnkluuu's Vegetable Com. .
llolmd when everything else failed :
with their patients. I have ndvlsed my
patients anll friends to 11BO it and ho.v.
yet to hear of its first failure to cure. I
" Four years ago I had falling of the I
womb from straining in lifting a. heayJ"
patient , and kl10wlng o ! the value of I
. } 'our Compound 1 llcgm to use U at. !
once , nnd in six w el:8 I was well once '
more , and have had no trouble slneo. 1
I am most pleased to hI ! . vo hall nn oppor- ' !
tllnity to say a fcw words in pralso ot ,
, "our VCg'ctlL le Compollul1 , nnd 6hnU ;
blee every occasion to recommcnd it.-
MISS VmorxfA , OnAxEs.-$5000 for/.ll 'f I
I abOl'l ! tuffman/a" / , not , rnuln" .
I , L ' (1ia I . Pinthnmts } , rc e ' 1.blo
COJlll1outUl I1ml stoOtl tIlc tcst of
I time , nne1 has eurcli thousands. '
1\.lrs. \ Pin1dmm nclviscs sielc women -
men ree. Address , L3'nn , Jlfass.
I Capsicum Vaseline . - \ :1 :
Put Up In Collapsible Tubes.
.A. Suhstltute tor an Surlor to MU8lard or AD'
ether pili , t.-rlIn,1 . wlllllot "lId > ! r lho mOit cJlkft" 1
. , ' al and cUl'IIlh. . lit
.klll 'fltt ! & 10 lylll ! : qUlillUu
thb IIrU. le are wonderlul. . It , . , ' 111 dop the wa'lA-
ache lit once , anll . . , Ueve br/ldllcbe autlaclaUcL
W. , reoommeDlllt al lhe Len 110 J slItr t exkrn. &
eounter.lrrltullt known , Illio a.t 110 eJlternAl rem. .
4y tor Ialils In the cbtl.t IAn" .t..mlWh auel aM
rlleumatlc , neurllhlo and Iouty ! comlllnluLL
trial wlU VroVII whl t ' 11' ' ' clllim tor" , &llel I'
, I will bt ! tound & 0 be loulullble III tbe hou.ho1 .
. .
lalaoy people . . . . .It 11 tbll but ot all your " " 116' ' "
! ratloo. .
Price 15 ceota , at all dru llsh or other d le"
or by lellahl ! : tbll amount W UI { D poltage ! It& lpo
we ' 11'111 send you II tulle by mltll ,
No artlole .hould be acceptud by the publle UA-
, IUI the sume carrlu our label , 115 otberw1aeU 10
Dot genwne.
17 Slat. SIlc < II. New Yar ' 111.
Fvery tunner hla 0 _
lallll'lIrd , 110 Ineam- I
brlUc , , , h18l > l\nkaccoQI1I1 I
Incl\Uln yell I' by l"ar ,
I ntl VU1116 t ,
itoo. ; lncrlusluf. ) t lm ) . I
did ell III u te , e'o.'I"'u
I sllwol1 IIIu1 , IIII'Che. .
low tlxntloll. IIl:1I ; : vncet
l tor ( 'uUI" IIIIU 1-:1'1.1111. : ow rnllwa ) ' r..t"R , uu.1 ev > ! r ) '
, . . . .sslll e l'OlIItort 'l'hls Is lhu cllluHUou ot " . . ' ' 'f '
furmrr III Weslcrn ( ; nrmda , I'rovillce or ) IRI I" \
I ami districts ot Assliliholl..i\\skatclll'wlln : IIIId 'j
, , ) llIurlll. ' 1'11Ou811n118 or AIII\'r\o:1I1I8 firl ! 1I0W seUJI ! < !
tlllre. E'duCOl ! rutel 011 1\11 fIIllways ror bome-
. . . , < , kers IIlIti , ] ieW' dlricU 11. . . , btllJ
o\OIIl'Il \ Ul' lltl ) " 'lIr , Tit" " lew 4jl-pn ' )1)o ,
WeKtrClIllcJ/ trt'o tool uPIU"anls " , A l'Ily to I
) " ,111 0) ' , SUllt , ot 1111 rllUllI , OltllWII. Cnn. o
10 \ V. lellucU , MIXew Ynrl. 1Mo Bd , . OIM-
ba , : lJb"genL tor tbe GovOrllCut ot Can& " 'rlln : CooKrn ,
'he auto rph letter Is rpidly be-
COl I ng a thi ng of the past , Short
hand and tle typewrier have Itied
, "No busIness
I man uowadays wrie
a letter with his OWI hand ; he sup-
ples the matter and his signature ,
r , I and his tyist does the rest. I is an
I agl ! of short cuts , and cyen lterary
e . I men Ind It more proltahle to dll -
I tate than to write thei' copy. One
1 I of the most successf'l ' ] of modern
r I
t ' newspaper proprIetors confe5sed the
. ! other day that he had lot writen 9
; ! leter for seycn years , a ] thoulh his
e : private correspol cllce amouutd to
I. more than ,
Ify leters daiy
1 Cabiet : mlllisters alone Ilng to
the old trdition ,
Lml Salsbury
abhors a typewritten leter , lud Mr.
Arthur alour wrl tes a lar part ot
his correspondence hImself , Een
e : r. Chamborlaln , who Is rsgentnl ,
up to date , seems to regard the .
wrl ter lS alogether I n fer lor to th
telegraph as a vchlcle for lonvcylng
e his oplnlons.-Ioudon Taler.
. -
. - "One of daughter had a
terrble : case my aSlhma. We tried
almost everything , but wihout reo
lef. We then tried Ayer's Cherr
I , Pectoral , and three and oue-hll
hotes cured her.- Emma Jane
Entsminger , Langsvl . O.
I I Ayer's Cherr Pectoral
Is I certainly cures many cases
It I of asthma.
' And it cures bronchitis ,
01 hoarseness , weak lungs ,
l : t whooping - cough , croup ,
II. winter coughs , night
" ; coughs , and hard colds. P
I' nr. am I Zc SO. $1. Al U"I. \ ,
' . , COln" 7"1 doalr. I h. M7' . tt
! UH1 > 0 U 10 1" " , I h. ' toll ' 01 D' ,
lr Co tk I U.u con' , 'Ih I' . U. J _
. I " him. We ' . .
Laro I "ll 11'1 "III
, _ .
I , " Jo .YJm CO.Ielt %
if i f
. . . " . _ , - , . . . - - . . - - . , - ' , - - - . - - - , - <