. ; " " , _ v- : ( , ' . , , v" " v" " " ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' [ ' , ' . \W \ 1'7 ' ' ; ; ' NQRA'S : EST DarKness From $ ' , " " . . ' 1 To Light ' : ' BV MARY CECIL HAY > " . , . : . . . . . . . ' . . . .A" " " " ' . . A. . _ " . " . . . . . . " " ' AA . . . . " . . , . , . . . . . . " A. , A ' " . ' , . . - ' A..b " . " . . . . . . . 'V' ' , ' .I"'A-'h..A'M Oo./V ' ' V.v'.uJ.AJAJ VV " " "vv- ' ' _ " _ ' ? _ ' ' ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . .V . . . , , < .t' < & ' < I'W'V' ' 4"4' . .w' . 'V'Y-v. . . ' CIIAP'1'gU VI.-ICuntlulIl'lI.1 -rIll'n } 'Oll will IIUllhlll't ! hl \ ' ( ' thl9 /Willdow / blot-ltetl at nucl' , nnll , IIR this ilonr IOCJIS-J'OIl tolrlllle thnt uo otlll'r 11111 Oll will decide , 1 fe l KUI'C , to Jell Vu the .t.Y h're , 01111 lotlt : allll Beal the clnnr ulltll J.1r. Doyle'll nrl'h'lIl. IN thlt : what ) uu btend'l" hllllllrull Iark , coull ) ' , nN ) 'OUIII : Corr , IIllltlCI'III/ / ugl'1 I ) ' , Khullled nUOKS fIIle hall to thl ! Crout 11001' . "All ) ' 011 IIlle , " retlll'ned NIIO. , Icily. "Whnt " 'nil Corr 11011lt' "Oh , wOI'I.hl"iul { , of l'OIlrII' , " 'tn4werell ! Mork , with the Iceue t h'ullr , "Oil hili bcc" hcfol'\ ! the 1IIII'Iue , tnu Iicl'lIIoll to bow it nil h } ' IU4t1I1tl-nr ! : hv III'U'lolIl ! lnowlell l' or 'UIII' IIIllnIIKe I would ' 0tolu TOU 111 hlK 11IA.III'nCl' : ! . I1c . hllK II IIIllrltuul ; COUIltHlllnCl' , hllM III ! 1I0L t. "lIo 18 n 11I1111. " rl'lulIl'Wtl ' ! DI' . Arm. .troll , Ilollllellly , "whoMe l'eLllliulioll " 11I/01111I / kuo110 IIl11ltll of 11lW' 01' Iit't } ' , tr : rOil Ilijurcil hllll wlthollt Clllll4l' , " " 1"8 , Ill ! look ! : ! tI , 'InlicllrcJlhollu , : , " . nJoilll'iJ Inrlt , cooll ' . " ow. IIhlll : we Ju'lp Hrceu1 AIIII thell ) 'OU wllll4ual thlll our , , , : ! th IIIJ" IIHKIKtlllce. I hlill hOtJl',1 , to 1m hulf wn ' to 1"IIILol1t1 b ' thlH tlllle. " Dr. AI'm h'oll 11111 hill 1"II't " cn 1'1'1'11 I , } ' , ' ( ' ( 'IIII/ / ; how kcclI wcrl' till ! l''Cii that . . .n tchutl him , l\llIl hllIIcx lIH'O II ! I Iw : IInulJ which Iwltlcu. Anll thull 1I\'Jt : . 'o'or. , wllJwII : a WI3' CJIIthu old hOIll'iC , ! .1owly IIlId Lbolljhtfully , III Uw whlLl'll. : Iia WII , CIIAP'J'I lt VII. The Inllllcst WIlK orer ; the : llItlclllatel1 'ferillct ot "ncclllllILIII ! uellth" hlltl bl'cn rclurllcll ; nllil fOl' thu 1II'IIl tllllc wlthill ! h'c-nnil.thht ) ' "I'\1'/1 / , the 0111 hrlck gm \ \ ot the St. Glol' ! etl wnt ! ollenell ; while , t. true Irish fllllhioll , the IleOIIIl ! crowllcll lute thl ! Klh'lr ! dlul'chYllI'I1 to IICC thu hllll' 1Jnoll-callltI 01T MO 111111 11 I ! II I ) ' 10 hili 1:1'111I oM ngo-Illhl bUllllc till ! } 'ouIIg wllc who hAd bcguu to Ille 1111011 her wUlhlln ; ; II II } ' . , ' 1'hc hw\'ltnhle ' ' ' 1111,1 , \ CUI'I1II0lly ! wnll O\'CI' , Gilly cOllltJntslou I'or the orvhnll gil'l hull , rc\'cntell Itll bulllg 'u'el'Y hollow uoll kllllII'ellt olle. But H1II11111h ) ' for IIcl' while sijc 1110011 hl'lilLll' her Irllllilfnthm"H rl1ve hilll gl\'l. ! WIII'lIIth IInu feollul ; to th dr'II'I'y III'ocecllluJHlULlIIIIW ; 1111 tlWIJO " ' IO , ilul , 110111' hefol'l ! , hull IItiHll1 with hel' at the ' ' hutl in thl chhl open JI'II\'I ! , lIIet ! AIUI glool1l ) ' IIltllll [ ; 1'l'01h u t 'fl'lI'CI'I ! ! , nthc ! ' n\l1uKed In their O\\'U llIiullli , must .t Ihem , to thlnlt whllt 0 fnrco IL WUK to " 'nit tor II will wbcl'c tllIru waK ou1y lIeUIIto Inhlrlt ! , Ce\ln \ PllIulnton ; allt bOllld Norn on till ! hearth , wbul'e till ! call ! IIUII Llo 1\ III ) ' jusl no oC old , lIud Dr , AI'lIIltU'on ; : IItoUlI < ' 1hlo her , wllh one hU1l11 ou till ! hacl. ot I1cr chulr. Shu WOI'O no olil.CallhlnnltI blnclt cnllco Ih'es ! ! , which Nhu hud "l'Llt " III IlI'r hex for "I'-Irs. beca III ! ! ! Rile hnll tll.OlIlbt It 80 "CI' } ' II/Iy. / : Uut whnt nlhcr mOIlI'UIIIJ ; WII III her II \\'I1' ! . whcu IJhu hllil tlot IJ\'CII 0110 ilhllllllIII / thu wOl'hl ' / Clllu WUII UI'IIJIl1 ! ! Ilrottll ) ' , UHlKunl , 111 U thin , 1ll1\'u-colol'cll Ih'lls ! , which stooll hl'r IUlitl'nd ot mOlll'ning , ntHl whll'b IIlIc hnl1 "ccol'ntell funol'lully ! with juuut ) . bows e [ blnck l'lbboll. I At the tahle ucnr Noru snt Will I.t'ollter , emlllo'lu ! ; the IlItel'\'al ot lelslII'e In . .tud'IIIS n "Uralhihuw" which W'U ! ! OIH U hcCol'c hllll , HI ! hnd 1II'I'I\'ClI C1'U11I Bng. Innll ouly 011 the II1'U\'loUH nllIt ; , ha viu ; ; beell oblhed to eHCOl't his Kill tor homu I ou tllo UII ) ' IlCtcr Col. t UUOI'lu' tluntb , tlut dltermlncd to l'ctUI'Il tor the tUllel'ul , 61111 , It WII8 not tor his own l'utul'n that Ito was IItull'ill thc tlmclI ot tmluK lIul1 .tenmerll IIOW , tor he Imew he 111111 to a\'o by the ulI\1I thut night , alld tra'el . . . . .lthont IlaUKc , 10 l'lnch lIeu tou in lIlIIO tor his SunLiny morning Berdeo. 011110. , It I ! the girls , ahlO lit the tuhll' , 811t the 1 IlIw'lr , nnd h' . PlunhJtou ! , euch iu bls Iml\'O I1nd lIol1lber hlack ; anll flll'lher off ; , Mark l'oJ'uz , halt IIlltlns IInd hnlt 1ennlng n nlnllt the hlb ; , nll'row1'hulol \ ' 'III lo seem cd to hll ve little to 110 with elthlr ! whut W Ii occunluj ; or whllt wouhl eveutunlly occur. At 1I'll l , when he hnll come Crom the church'arll , to 'I'rareol'o , Dr. Arll1Rtrong had IiUI1'ely hlllUh'cll It be had IIny bllllluNIS to trnnlllwt tlwrl ! , puttlu : : Ibl ! questloll KO Illlroltly thllt h" telt lI' . l'I J'n7. wnnhl bl ! tOI'cll ! illlu .qulvoclltlng In hit ! couCusllltl. ItntlleR\'lug thc prellll1eH ! n t once. Bllt Mr. L'o 'llt had done notllln ot the klnll. "I buvo IIttcullell Col. S1. Ucorge'l. ! tuneI'II I 1111 n Cumlly coUU\CtlOIl , " hu slllll , " 01111 b } ' thal rhbt 1 wnltlntl1 UU ) Iu coIIIIILlI's all blillinl.ss ! mattll'li ! o , ' ( 'r , 111111 18 rlIII ! ) ' 10 ICIH'O till ! housc hlmnlr ; tor I , hlll'lHl to rirc hlll1 act ! to 1.'intoll.I. " "Wonh { 1I0t II tel'\'l1nt do 1111 well1' 'Iu. qulrcll DI' . A.l'UIIIU'OIlS , 8ullerelllou Ir. "Po ibl ) ' , " relillcllIIII'k ; , with Iho ut- nlost cOIIIIIOSlU'C ; " 11111 IIclthlI' ! } 'OU 1I0r I , Dr. Al'Il1stl'ong. hnn' ' ' ' our o\\'n 8el'\'nl1ll1- lIer ! ! InlIsI ; St. ( h'ol'ge'li hUllc. " So thu 111'gumellt hllil cullell , nlld Nuel Armsh'ou wus cousclous oC lootlu : : ; u Jlttlo bllllhHI , thoul > h he schooled his Cac' dctcrllllncllIy. " 1 hnr tor a lonl : tml ! ! . " ohserveLi tJJO attorul ! ) ' , III Q clcur , , buslnesii'liko tOllc , "h8d Iu 111) POSIII'lslou the will of the late Col. St. Geol'ge. with 11 lottlr ! ot trnlt. ! , All 1111 the IlrOlll't ! ) . ot which he died pOlllesscd lIIust be coutalncd III the 11'011 chcltt wbleh WIIS In his own cham. blr , I pl'ollose , senllcmell , thalt We nd. journ tbero ! irllt , thllt wo llUI } ' a"ohl dls. 1I1IIOlutllllUl ! and lIIo1'tlficatlon. It Ilos81. ble. " It .wns SOOIS over , the dhnlng out ot the cb ell t , the scarch In It and tbo wenk tllr- r'llIg hopo-alilloon o\'cr. 'I'be satt' was fOl1l1d elllllt ) ' , sa'f ! for II tew l11ust1 110. pel'll' ot no vnlue ; ) 'et It wns patent to the IIlowe&t ClltJll < : lty thol'O tbllt the lock had ne\'er been tawllcred wltb , DOl' the lIen1 brolten , And now era had to henr her . .rnnd , lather's will , nnll to kuow the while that ItVas n hollo\ , . mockery , aUll thntIII h could bequellth to her was the elLi rulnell house Dud lhe 118cles : ' ! IInhnuls. ut thh was no UtilI1ln ; tOl' Nora. "I :1IWl1)'S knew how (1001' ( I WI. , " 111\ . Inhl1 smiling at the \'Ieu' . ' 71111111HJ ) ' "dldnt : ) 'OU " " " .A Ilerfectly correct IInd 1\1 tnrce , ' obsl'rvel1 It' . DOJ'II' , ilK ho rt'tohlt'd th , Vllier. ' ' 'l'he onlJ' Be-nllllalo thlll tbo h u\nn hu clopc , Ibll OI'II , Is to It'a ve ml flole , , "l1fllllln and exccutor. Dou't ) ' 01 t1J1nJi so ? " . . . ! .hank .rou , " luld Wora , ai-lib' ; wbu . : ) ! 'f.-w. . . . . . . . , . . 'r ; " " . . . . " " ' " ' ' ' / ' " ' ' 'O''r. . . . " . . It \\111 be 11 IhunldeH ! tUllk for ) ' 1111 , Ir , J > o'lc , " . "no YOll thlnlt , " nHII'11 Nuelr01'on : ; , IlCtln his eJ'l'H Cor th ( ' ! iI'lIt tlllll' CI'OIll Nora' fllll\ : where ! Iw } hud 11\,1 them. IUl'cII ! ! wHh fl1II'J'hll' , "thnt IJIO Il'th'r J'JU holll IIln ) ' Clliliulu UII IIiCIIJIII' ( ' , whll'h wo1I1I1 throUII > ' Ihht U\lon \ Ihlli IIIntlur , ' " Do'lfJ'l" " ot the alhhtcltnl1 1 ha\'c l'e ll the lellcr tlll'enIlJ' , " rCllllelJ thc atIIJrne ) ' . " : ; t , { lI'UI':1 ! ! /:11\1' / It to me 10 0111'11 , unll wIsh ell nle to l'eIJ , It. 'J'hls1'111 1''nlol'l4 , tlH' Il'lIer0111 ; hut the lI'tlor ( 'un throw , no IIghl 111'011 ' IhlH h'l'ltntlll : ; will : ' "Iii II IHI > lllhll' ! , " 11I1)lIln'll ) Ir. Foster , "thllt thnl h'oll ( 'hl't1 hUH 8eerol reculltn- elI's , II I'ullie lIucll , III' UII'thlllor / tbllt kIDII ? " "I tllUIljht or that , " rcturnell the Inw. J'CI' , "IIH I ( 'XIIIIIIIIUII It ; hilt " 011 \\111 lIu\1 Ihllt the IIIO,4t careClI1 IlIenSllrl'ml'nt will 1I0t IlKelol ! C n SIel'et l't'C' H , : -10 , tlwl'l ! Is 110 dOllbt at ull 111'I'IIIILIIII us , thulIlh Ih ( ' hOllso shall be wull IIcllrclwll. 'J'Itc ollli' I'U" or IIIhl ut ull In thi ! ! gloom , 1I 1113t : , ( J1J0 ! ' ; t' . III } 'our I\\'n IIl'l'Iuus liS' 8111'lIneC of-3'olll' lirellllll l'ulIlillol1. " "Yes. " Hnltl01'11 - ' ; , IJllletl > ' , "or C'lIrtW , 1 kl1Pw how \'I' ' ) HtClr II'lH I , I ha"1) 1\1111\\11 It nil III" II II ! , bllt I ncvlH' thollght of It 1111 II fl'I" aln11 ngo , wh11 I'allllln told IIII' ( IIIW I Will ! to Poarll I11Y 0\\11 IIvlli- ! hood , " "Uh , bc told ) 011 Ihn l ? " 1)lIeHtlonld ) tltu hl\\'CI' , In'llIkl" . "Thllt hetl'lI1I II Irunt Ill'nl , Bllt I wOIIIll IIcal'cel ) ' ha0 helll'\'l'll UVOII thllt fol'l' hOIlht , III hllll. " "Anti he lIe.lI'l . ) ' cOlltellled , " Illlt In'iII 1"ostl'I' " , enI'I' ! } ' , "tlulI Khl' 11111I11111 IICCI'II 11 III'ol'OIJIII ' or my mothul"H allli ' ; 0 to Ell/ / : ' Inllli 10 HtIlIJ } ' with III ' ) 'Ollnger sISllI' . Whnt do , 'OU thlnl. of thllt , Hh' ? " Qilletl ) ' , MtanlJlIl ; ' : with 1I1s III"'I : ! be. hhul hllll :111,1 : , hlN Itcnd bent ror\\'nl'll , tlirj 1I'llIh In W'IJI' IIlJtel10ll to till. ! uIIl'olJIIS , ( of II' . I'o tel" & III'Olotitloll ) , IInd nOlluell hili : lI'III'o\'nl ' moru than once , "It Itl the \'cr ) ' heau 11Ieni ot : I llll1u. " ho slllll , helll'tll ) ' , ' ' 'I'lIeu , It ) ' 011 CIlIl1J1:1U. : IIgo lhlll } 'eII' : ot stlldy , lIl1s or\ , ; you will I" , all l'ight , nnd the world will be J'onr o"HICI' , which } 'Oll , with knowledJl' . will OllclI-ch 1" "Jr 1 CIIII I'enlly IIlTol'cl thllt , 'en.r's stlld ) ' , " salll OI' , III hl'r rI'I1\'C , IIImlght. fOl'wnl'd WII ) ' , "I Khull not Clal' ! . 'I will WOl't ] so hUl'd thnt whell thu your Is " O\'II'- " 'Vl'lI , whell till ! , -ear Is O\'l ! ! , ? " luter. rogl1tE'11 : 'III' , I'ellllllllrm. ; with II 1lIIHe , "YOII will IICC , " Hilt ! I1n.i\vorull. and Hhe 'Ivell 1'I11\II1'u ' , too , "It III (111) ' tnlk , Nora , " whlsllor ll Dr. Armstl'oug , Ullllcl' hili brellth , "YOIl will hu'I ! 110 nueal to work. You forget , Do'lo , " III ! alldllIlreSI'utl ! \ ) ' , n\olld \ , "that 111I tlmc of IlI'l'llIlI'ntion IIl1d stud" III l nrhlllll-nH ml1l'ltell Ollt h ) ' II' . 1.'osllJl' , nnd , : HI ho 11\'Crll , his motherli4s ! t , Georgu UlUlJt bu ) ) II lesMcd' of fUlldtl. alll ) 'OU hllre Just IlIrol'lIIeal her thllt sho.ls without thlli neecssllry n juuct. " "Tllen whnt UO you III'oIIOIIC' ! " It Willi : 'IInrlt who put thu queiltlon , for : \11' . Do 'lo Hceml'll In no hate ! to rCIII ) ' , UIIiI the IIthel' gcnt.uIII)1I oub. gnzl'd bhmlt. Iy nt the sllenlll'r , "I III'ollose , " rejoined Nnel , "the only COllrRO which 1 tlUO 011l'11 to Ill } ' } 'oung relatlve-thlll ItI , to n&ctlt & ! ) the holUu to which I I1IU waltlllg to courhllt her. I 11111 II IduHI1IRU , nllli I hl\"u sulllclenl IIIcnns to Ilrovlllc 11 home for hlr , 1 Wiltl /rulIII'lIlhor'lI / ( trllilled tl'lenll , 11111) ) ha't heeu her &tl1nrdlull & nnal IIlh'lser nil her IIfl ! , Whnt lUorl ! II11tlll'I11 thlln that lihu "hould come to lilt ! uow ? " "All for thnt , " lIaiai Ih" vlcnr. melJltn. th'el ) ' , "I > hu would ho ver ) ' welcome , IC she cnlllu to 1Ii1 ; hut wo nl'o thiolduJ ; ot the Cutur ! ' . , lIuLi Cor thllt11' : . I.'oster'i 1Il'oje\t : holdH out much greuter nll\'nlltllll'lI. " "Yes , " Iml.1 Ol'll , smllln/ / . : lit Ut'lIn : "ldnl , 118 ) ' 011I' thoughl II. ! Mr. POllnln . tall , t Imo1 could not work hale Ntl'IlI : , lIy elloujh It I Ih'ed with CllIu , It will he hllrll , ot conrse , In allY CUII ( ' , liner m ' IIHc lire , but It would be blll'dt'sJ : or all : it the , 'Icnl'ne ! , " " Iy offl'r Is bellt , Is It nnt , Nora'r l1ull'it'l1 Dr , AI'mlltroll , I1Ut hln ; ; a little In hit ! UIl/CI'lIess / , "YonI'll Is vcr ) Idll\l \ , too , " IIho nlls\Ver. ed. while Will wll\tlll \ brel\Lhll'lI'I" COI' thlll rCIII ) ' ; "hilI I shonillnot thlllit ot thnt I . tOl' oue mOll1ellt.cell I sn ) ' ultulu how dt't'rmloctl 1 am to work , IlUll nul bc IIl1e ' / " I " ' ! 'hcn If , " Imt InIr : , PCllnlngton. "wo could IlIslolw ) ot 'rl'uVel'I'I- " I A wlRttul IImle eurlltl NOI'n'IJ 1I1lfl , " 'Vho woulll over ! lu } ' 'I'm1.1'0 't" she sttCII. " ! "ow. too , " added Celln , "when the I billt. or It 19 enl ) ' henl } of rnhhlsh , " "It IR not ot rury much vahll' , " Illter. I posed the nttornt' ) ' , Nlwnldn ; ; IHI It dcoll In Ull'ntul cull'ulntlons ; "hut In tIll ! cnnt ot nil the nllll11l1Cls 1:01111l'lth It , Norn. 1 I Imnw u PUl'dIiINcr. " " ' 1'he Un1lU111111" I.Il\hl Norn , wontlerlng , I "Pcople hu'I ! oftell 5111d 110 Olle but jrantl. : t Iln would huve ] ; : Cllt BOl'llk or Snow. AIIII , there nre only thc LIII. , ; Kitty hns Idlloll the InRt ot the poultry nonud the d0111 , I are nil 110 0111 unll Inzy , und , " UII her Iye tell on till ! hl'l\rth , "Ule CI\tR- " " 'I'hera 18 ! lot a very creat1:1rJotalllo ; : 'fnluc , 110 10 Sll'ult , In n cat , " obslr\'ed thu In W'l'r , "bu t still , lerhul18 , my client wonlll Inehlllo the ClltH In his Iurchaso , Bud bo Incllnlll to IInY accorlllnly. ! Ot courlle I IIhl1l1 In.qnt'e ! uhout thnt ; m'au. while wo will cOllch\lle thut the llurdUlso money ot ' 1'rn vcero suppllt's you with . I funds tOl' edncutlon nnd lloclwt money lit prellent , Miss era , and thnt the tn. I ture wl1sleuro \ Its III'ol1ts1 ow , sen tic- men , 1 thluk that III nil I lIeed Ilocldo to. I day , In 111) ' oew calnclty ot guarillao Bnd trustee. " "It 19 well to recollect 711U hold that ' olUco , " I ntol'l'ulltod Nuel Armstrong , IlIIr' I cnlitlc\lI , . . "UJren thouGh 1I0thllll , ; Is 111. ' trustd to you , } 'on nre , ot course , stili truHteo , nnillt Is an IU1l'0rtnnt ' otllce. " "I gree with you , sir , " rltnrncdMr , ) no 'lc , atrnblr. "Now , 1I.s or , I will 'IBh rou 10011.by tor the pl" sell1. l'nck UI } 'our things as soon os ) 'OU cnn. " "llo" , will lItlii St. George trnvcl to Euglanl1'1 ! Inquired Will , his (11111'8 ( on bl" rnlhva ) ' Il1itle. "UnrortllllntlI ! } ' , llIlU ohllll ( to lenTe tonlght ; bllt 1 could w\llIlIge to COIIIO 1II'IIIu tor her. " "Ql1lte Unnl'cehnrl , " Il1t'rnlltell ( Dr. ' J.nu.tI'Dr ) , tali 10" , uaooth lone. UOUIIU. v . . . . . . hllrrlcll "I IIhall m'lIol t"kf nlly now. } [ " my cOIIRln to gUJtlnnd It I e\'l'ntuulll . low her to go. At prcIlI'nt ' 1 do not .loe Ihot I Rill culled lI\1on \ to do so. " "Not helng ICIIII gUlIl'dlnn to your CftUl' ! 111.-1 dill I/ol / hefore this mlnllte know ot thnt nellr rollitlollllhhl , " 110111 tr. Doyle , lllpcllll"-'Oll ha'e no nled : to WOI'rl > 'IIIlrlll'lt 11thc O1ntt' r , 01' . Armltroll/ ! / ; , YOII will , ot CO II I'IW , trll\11 with IIMI Nora It "Oil like ; nt the /llime tlllle : ) 'OU clln nlso HInre , YOllrKelt It 'OU IIkc , tor I ! lha 11 corlnln Iy In"/lclt IICCOIIIlIlUY ( lilY wllrd to :1ljlnlleJ : , to mnlIC 1111 nrrllll e. IIwntK wllh the larl ) ' who 1I11H Idnllly Ilror. fel'cil Jwr coopel' llolI. " " 'l'hnIlJt "Oil , " Hnltl Will , henrtll" , thollh hili henrt fllll11 111m n IItUu 118 he 1IIt'turciI hpw , 'nl'lnblo hili 1II0ther'lI co' operll 11011 WOIIIII he. AIIII then n Cew fllrlher mnUIrll wcru .IIH'UHKerl . , nnll II' . PO'IIZ , nnll the altoI' . IIC' ) ' prcpnl'cII to len \'U. AH Nora hllll 1It'ndfaIlU ! > ' l'efll lP-cl to lell\'c 'I'rll\'I'lre oud Kltt } ' thnt dllY , Cella Willi dltcrlllioell to . IItn ) ' with hUl' ; nl\d [ r. Penlllllgton1rllvo. hOllle to felrh hili wlfl' , ns well nil a 1'1111' ' ket ot )11'\'lslol1f1 ) fl'om Iho vlcnrlJc iardl'r , which IIhould HUlpl ( ) ' the Iluicll'ncicR ! lit ' 1'1'1I "CI'I'e , It Ihey 1111 stn'e 10 chcer Norn. ' Mnrlt thollght'thoJ' were lltill nil chnt' tcrlll ! : with ll' , IIIJ'lo In the hall , Will'll , ilK ho hl'ollght down hl hlll'H ! ! ! ! trom till' " 111'11 , Jw 1111V Nol'fI IHIIIIO alulIl } Crolll thl ! hnel. Iloor , nnll 10 slow ! ) ' dllt 1111I0111 : tIll ! lutnra'il ! 0111 tre09 , Sloll,11I1 ( , ; hl9 IHIrIlC ! ! , he stooll 111111 cnllld ! her II } ' her nlI1W ; III HIICh n IIl1turlll , ( 'UKY wn ) ' , thnt though HIII' hllil KlllrtclJ lit ! ir/lt , IIho lUl'lIed IIl1tl calllo up to hll/l rl1l1l1lu . with eo1l1t1l' glnlhws4 ! In Jll'r CJ'eK. "AI' ! ! J'IIII &toill/- & / : lit OIlCI' , Mr , 1'oyn1" IJhu IVHHI. ! "Yoll hnlll1't lIuhl "ooll-hy to lIIe , had ) 'OU " " "Xot 'ot , Art ! 'OU contcut with whnt hMJ bee II c1eclllll1 tll.du ) ' ? " "Yes , " Hlae all4\\'cl'lJtl ! him with simple enrnC4tncss ! ; "q II I tlcOlltent , nl\ll nr > ' JI'ntetul to tIOIIC ! wbo have put It Into III ) ' 1I0wer to work , " "You will like Irll , I.'ostcr. " " 1'1'11 ; Will 611 > ' 8 80 , But 1\1\'cr hili Ills- tel'-I IIIl'all , I WIIS thllll < ll\l ; jllllt tJwn tbnt It IIIlght he Iwttl'l' fOl'IIC to go to some Hort of gl'OWI\-II(1 schoo ] , It thel' . ! nl'e lIul'h thlllls Iu JoJIIJlnnd. " "But theru aru not. School9 ne lr Irow 11(1 ( 111 BlIglnnll. " " Ir. PO 'IIZ , " ! Inial roi 0 1'111Ilu : : , ; her o'cs 1111011 him with IIII ! frul1ltlst RCI'U. tiny , "lI1l1stl1't It be u curious pel'80n who hllH houh ; t ' 1'1'11 " ( , l'I'O ' 1" "I thlllk not , " nnllwerl'll Inrk , rellec. th'cly. "I bcllc'c thel'o \'ol1lahle ere un the IlInrl , nnll ROIIIU Khl'cwd ellellt ot Ir. UOJ'le'H hl1l4 C01luII It out. " "I hnro Co Ulli I It Ollt , " snlelorn , IlIujh. InA' . "I sutlpcctcil It IIl'Corl ! , but I wan Icd hI . , I IIhl'\\'d clIcllt ot to ! sUI.e lnow ; : the ( \ \ : \11' , Do'le'H , , and 1- " lIel'l ! IIho ul'Ole ; : nIT , nlld he nn to Rlleat ] "CI'Y cnrnc8t1 ' . "Oh , Ir , POrll ? , how guolllL wns ot , 'oul ' 1'ho Inlld Is wUl'th nuthln : . ; : nllil lit COIll'SO rOil Imoit. . AIIII the " - , ; ! ! I C0111rl 1I0t hell ) the IUlIh ! comlll ! ; buck to Iwr eJ'es-"ul'o us I1sell's4 ! aull hellllcs8 Uli I -as WI ! Ita VI ! nil hcell u t ' 1'1'11 veel'u ror yenr" unll 'eurH , Aud there Is Kltt ' , She Hn , ' " sill' 19 tll Ih'e on herl-l1l1d . Bl'l'l'n , Oh , Ir , PO'IIZ , how 0011 } .uu are to Uti ull ! " "Bul I nm tlot keeplog you on nt 'l'rn- , -eel'I' , " eel'I'0 , " she Rnlel , with hcr bcnutCulswlrt ! Hmlle. " " 011 al'o doln ! ; stili 1I10l'c for IIIC , I "hnll owe nil mr bettcr life to ) 'OU , 1 "hall worlt-oh. 1'10 hurdl Ailil 'Oll IIholi i\OC ir 1 IIIn-e wUHtol ( It all ; though"- with u retgl'etrul slgh-"I havc wustr sn much nll'clillr. 110(1 ( I IIhall be so slnw com , Ilnrell with whut othel' &tlt'ls & woult ! bu , " "GoolIb ' , " hc snlel tJlI ! 11 , siring his hnl1l1 to orl"wo ; lI1ay meet in Ellg. IUl1l1 : ' "Only mayT she questioned , too ntlx- 101111 for his reply to nollco how closely UIIlI how ttHlIlel'ly he held bel' haud to the 1IIt : momcnt. "AR 1 l1uderstand that you nre to be Il1l1'lell In heel : : : for the whole year , of eOl1rRe no resurrcctlon on behalt ot IIn old frll'1111 III to bc hOlled fOl' ; 110 ; ; ooll.h - , " "YI'II , I shull he1':1'1' : . vcr } ' b11I'1Y ' , " liS' , ; I'ntoll roiol'a. with grlmt grit \'it ' ; "but RtlJl I hOlle I sl1ull SI'C 'ou sometimes , e\'OIl when I hn\'c tlot tin1to tl1lk , " "Anll IIsI : Iuestlolls. " "Oh. Ir. l'o'u , ? , " she snld , with' tolal challe In hcl'olce , nnd : I J:1'I'lit dumb 41Ue ! lon nh'etd ' In her hcnuticul e'OIl , , "whllt shnll I cio ill 1' ' ngl1nll ) It I mllY 1I0t ask questlolls ? It I U\lt you , I kuow I "honlll hurl ! a h1ll1l1red l'lutly to nslt , wllChlug ! mc o"n lIt1el'nnd ! 'Oll woulll be so shoel.ed , and 80 disappointed 10 ' ' n1 < ' . " 'rr ' me , " rcpllcd Inrk , lau&hll1onll & / ; L1111I he tU1'l1ell almost qulcld ' fl'om her to hill goo II-by to lIl1s Penniu Ion , Oil ! } ' In thc hl'lerd i nHHllll'l' hud he re- IIllonllell to the luw 'el"8'ul'lcd rl'nllll'ls wht'n th'y renchell Filltonn , and11' : , DoIc olTl'l'ell hh hnl1.1 nt 1III'tln : : ; ; tllen he nnlll , without , n : ; I "plrnllon : "You will src thntlitiK ; St. Gcor'e ; ; hns monl' " with hur , fOl' her own nUllw\t'ss \ ! h'l1l1h t9nclell ; b.l1'\ ( ' cats sell well , ! } 'on know , " "GII1l'rnlly , " IIlIs'ntell the attorne ) ' , with n twlnltlo In hlR e"l ! . "AUtl , It I wlro ! YOII , I wonl.l not Ict tbnt one tcnnnt , ) 'OUII ! : COI'I' , Imow just } 'ot thnt he hns I1n EnslIsh landlord , You utllll'rstnnd ? " "PertectlJ" . " ( To be continued. ) CrUIl'I\1 Yf'l\r of lUII1'rlCil TJlfo , ' toll.s hn'e ' ot 'Bol11o \'e n wn declnrlng thnt the Urst 'enr ot their mnrrled lIfo 18 the most tl' 'IIII : , " wl'ltes I dward Bol. In the I..l\(1Ies' 1I0me .Tournnl , "Uut where one gets 1\ close Imowledgo ot seyernl tnmllles tbo con ylctlon Is brough homo tbnt the , tryIng pOl'lod les beyond the Il'St yenr. I should Ux It rather nt tbe third yenr , when the pret- ty troulsenu Is showIng wenr nll I needs replenishing ; when the wedding presents hnve lost tholr lustre , nld thIs tblng hus WO\ out nnd thnt thing hns toe replnced ; when n ltle tnmly Is crowing up nnd doctor's bis nre Introduced - troduced Into the fnmly recltonlng. Thut Is the tr 'lng period when lnter- CRtS Ire npt to become 'ery closo. LIke wise calculntons. 'llen I Is that the snvlng ot the C0l1nrnU\ely cnm.Cree and less eXllens'o Urat J'enr ot murrled lte comes In hnndy , or Is slly missed It the Income wns then lwd uJ ) to In unnecessary II 'lng flld toolsh enter taining. A grent lleul ot hnpplness In thIs world Is ' \ecked by deb nnd gen. crulY the debt could hn0 been f 'old. e It ltte more cnro ad comwon leD\ bad bo e.ercse" . . - - - - - ' , - , - . . . . . _ . _ . "w.r . . . , , . _ . . . . . " . - - " - THE WOMAN AT HOME. nlmE Is no plnce where the gl'lces ot true womnnltnd shine 1 10l'e cOIIpll omly : thnn In Inlercourse ot thl Ile eOUn11 d/ly flIIJ' . PntluJcc , genth'neRR. telller J'IPlthJ' , lo\'e Ind forhenrlnre here COII Illto plnj' with u torce 11d Inll' 'nte fel In no ether plllCO , Hero those , \'It lWIIII'h IUH'e tlull' SOlrce In the Dh'lw Iltle , tnd Ihllr lost congellial illlHplwre. Let them he IICltilg , 0" " IIY of them , nnd the harmony Is hrol ; : . "I , and peace ulld .oJ' dlpurt. I Is not to he Ilt'r8toot tll.lt the hlpplness ot Ihe fn mJ" rcJu ton does not u 180 depena II I Il'ge Iellml'e upon the chll'lcler of the hUBhlld uml the fltwr. lHte IIRllt onlj' tllt tlo 1IIII'Ice of Ihp wlfo Il1d lothu\ here Is tie cllet nnt Ilost uSHelltul thhl , 'lhe home Is , PI'II' ' 1I'lIj' , wh/t Rhe mlu'l It , I t Is lur tn- 111)1 ) , Iwr thl'UIW ot power , If shl lhoo ls to nugluct her dutes nt the be , heMt of Iocllt ' . or hel'l mi of otwr out- I . side Jlltlr'sIH ! , th" hOle sulerll ( froU ! her nhselce. Ild thl fllly los's 11 lhll Chll'l Inl hl'l htlwss which her Il'Clence 610ull Infu\ There Is dln' \1' , we IIllrehtl , II thefe dlYs of proJrcsH HIJ "reform , " Illrtcllllrly In the Iltel' 0 ( "WOIIII'S rl hts , " of UII' der\llullJ Ihe IllullIce nld Chll'uctel' ot the ' , 18 ' famlj' lfe I MOlt'LllS , talked of ni I lll t'r of slnl cense quence II COIPH'IHOII wih thlt R' enled wltur ! phel'c outRide of honH' dutes. to which Ilny ure IIRfllrlllg. But let the IllIth be elphlslztI thll , the motWl'S of totIY bold the levers of the wUlld's tHIOI'row , Let I 1 pu fi ' , d\'ort Il1d dlRSllslol elteI' thu homes of tht' puople. let the he " fally lCe CO" rUllted , 11111 lsl'lse Il1d Ielth wi fast- el Iulf UpOI the \11111 of the Iupuull' Bld Is dl3s wl' he lulherld , 10mel' te hlPlllleKs Uldll'lus Iltlollll stl'cugtl wd ' ' . II'ospcrlJ' the we ' alt nUller lP' pl'onch to the Idenl home the less we Ihll hn'e to , fea for the tltur\-Lu ! : ! , le'8 Wleldy enty nm } lrelthin . Correct hleathlng Is the Hlst ar to : ultvlto In tie 111'sult of heuty. Just It Is the ' ' , fS tl'st step towlrd' ! upro\'e meut In Iwulth. As a WOIIII hreathes , so she Is ; for the poise 01 the chest Is the lej'lote ; : to the whole lgue , When tbe ch'cst Is II Pl'Olll' posltol. tie Hlc poilts ot IIltStC weullng IPPllel nlt 11 the ltle fris of Iasblol I r sel Ute to lest \ ' , \ ' - 1t\'nntlge B\'cl lumlle ia- terllis Issume u ( : el'tulu elegllltc hlll- erto uulmowl Uut If It Is em'l'jell lall- I ' , the droops fgle ant fuls Into ugly Ingles , Nothing setH wel ; 10 gnr- ment seems rIght , I Is'nl wn's wrong to mllw the loue struct1e to most of the work In Iwellllg the lodj' ull'lght , 'lhe muscles slluld hold It lu positon , otherwlRe gl'lce 18 out of the qucstol nnl god healh (1lcult , To IJenthe correcty , I.cp the chest up , out. for- wnrl. as If puled uply a huton , Klep the chil. th ( lps , the chest on a lle , H ld the sh ullelH all n lne wih the hips , 'lhe olservnlee of thee Ilre tlons wi Insm'c to gaIt slh'ts ; : slh'tsll rnln-day costumes ' dl nlt , I 1'(11 Ill plctlresquo elec lrcate : upwf'd and outwlrd , ns If allt to fy. drlw- Ing In the nil wIth slow. deep hrcaths nnd INtng I O\t enty , 'rhls can , sclous deep breathllg repeatel1 ten or twenty tmes at Inter'nls duing tle dny telld ! to eXllld thmchest Icrmu. lenty , to give I clnsslc pohl Inll stj'le , Hepented fort ' tmes. I Is fuld to be a clro for ' . - . L , F , Bryson , In Harpr'l Bnznr. RCORcvclt't ViCWHOI 'Vomnn'h Snfrnsc Iose\'elt Is the Jrst Pl'eslllent ot thl United Stntes since Abrlhum Llncolll who hnd exprussed himself ) lllcly In ( \ ' ofoman ' hefore u , I \01 \oman sul1'lge taln Ing the PI'eshlenc , . Cleveln 1t pl'o\'eL himself fll vor le to It h ' actons ' than ' , he sllIed , Il'athcr \ IS ; lls sl\'lng womell pm'Unl Buf'l'uge In ! " ( \ York when he wus Go\'ernor of thut Sta to. IuJ'cs fl vored I In his ! llet wu } ' , 111 helilcd the IIllor edior 01 the Womnn's J 0\1111 to gl't I WOlln'S rIght resoluton tll'ougl the IIltlollnl HCI1blcnn con\'enton ot IS ; : ' . Ueld reco lled Is Jrowlng Import- nncc , He suld , "Ln uh use may. l1t It nslde us n jest If we wi. ItecI ) It out of Congress 01' Jolt'nl cum , } algns , Btl the \OUln Illwston Is rl81ng on our horizn Inl'ger thnn the flze of 1\ \lln's bnndnd tOllle SOII' ton ere long thnt queston must thld , " Some other Presllcnt ! ! were bele\'ed to be more or less frlndly to It , hut ( oosevelt Ind 1.llIcolll ha vo lren thl' enl ) ' ones to put themBeh'cs consplcu. ously on record Prcttelt Girls In tle World. A mln wbo has tra'cled fnr und wl e o'lr the taco of the In'h , , 'Isltng < nearly e\ery counh' ' Imown to cl\l. znton. declares tbnt I nRkei where tbe prettest gIrls In the worll1 ' . to bo touud hoolld unhcsltltllly re , pl ' In Lhuel'lck , Irclnml. ' 1'llre Is n Cl'eshncs of face , lustOUSIHSI of ( ' \'el. henlhfulness of color Ind conlllexlon nbolt the 1.lmerlck girls ( 'n IISe that ( ' oc the swcepstlkes trollh The girls ot COl'k. nnd ot the Ink's-II tnct of the co\ntrJ' nU the wn , ' down from Dubln-aro sonHwhnt } ot the Llmlrlek order. Iq term they conftute I hllP' py medlul between the rot\ld l n"lsb mllis ncross one chnnnel and then Pnrlslan bp'ond sylphlke demolselc ! ) the other. Uut the Limerick taco Is tha pertec- tlon ot femule benuty-a humon ce rnmlc wihout a blemIsh Tbo Llmer. Ick clrJ Is oh te blChst Qamvle' - - - - - . exquisite wit nnd IngenuouflcRs-nn I ( xt'nol'dltr ' nH81mlntou , to he ! ' , In othcrords , whie Hle In not In. sensible of Iwr 6Jlrltle of wOl'tl ! he seemR Ilte one who hns ncver 1001H'1 I trpnenUJ' Into I ml'ror. Rhe hlM 1'1' : ' nud ' tepth \IlI' BOnltle "er pretty nld It hel' naRC 11 of tel Ilcllel to I'e- t'O\fHe alld tlel'e Is 11 "I'IRh I'XIJ'S' 6101 of mouth" thellc hut fild pllUlucy to ber otllr helltCul fCltmcs , Jeauty of ! Implclh' . 'hc fad for 1urfect Ilnlll pleccs or Cl'llture sti Jourlhe . the cololnl : , style II mlhonll ' nlld tl dnrJt "clth cred elk Illecl'f lwlns tw flshlonl ll hOUR ( Itmellts of the honrl The WCI thcl' al It Hel tUI II ofIry ! oed desll , and 11 luHhloned In h1oWI rOln skil. LS II conl4lderud hest Corl , the cushlonR } luced wih thouga of the leather Itself , These "eathel'el ollt setles fre ne\'er UlholHtered , hut m't' ol\o's clshloned , On tw ( ontl'I' ' , the plall colollll Hofn , orel caled n Dn'lnJol' . wih Is ht huclt , Is ' strll Ild hlJh elds nlwlJ' : uJholstlI'ed II some mntellnl oPIroprl n te to the ' , lel'lod ' 1he very In test Itels Il'e emhodled II thesl two plccls , Ole of the lest Jolnt of the se\'erely sImple outl tIl "ogue now IR that 01 ( dotsl't tre of them Ol Ol' dols ot the IIJhtwel ht 1""d8 , ' with - O'IUIHlted mnchllP-lnllH stlmped out ornnmentltlons , Anothl'r thln . they wi 11'CI 1001 ; : bad 6t 'lo , uven nfer thlR fnll his pnsset. " 'nr on " . DoclcnJ lor"eA. . MrR , lcs Stlll lsh , of New Yorlt , wih other lu'omillult \omen , hls Inlt. ated n popllnr lo\'llwnt. whllh hus i ; for Is ohject the hiI I'll of dOl'ltcd hl'les 1111 ni horsl show : nnd thl' enlltnlnt of I e I Rlotlon pl'o'ldll se\'cre Iwnnlles to I' thlllld other fO'lS If CI'IWI" toward hO'SPl Cl'OlllWd I'l I'g 0 ld ( 'li tlis dlsqnall ; dOJ : IIM , IH.III , I r 0 1 competng III most of the Import:1t IWlllel shows In Ihc aliI world. Indllsu II tbe new , nnl thesc women hold thC'c Is no l'eaSOI whj' this dC'rcc of uxcluslon should not he I'xtemled to horses wbose t : ls hn't hecn docltd , JotcJcclin nt $ . , no n Dn- . The Queel of Eng llld's retnue oC ser\'nnt5 111es a stlff whh'h would IPIml nn Amerlcun housckeeler. [ 'rhc salllles aggregnte $ BOOOO II yel 1. A Jlnled Is 1 lst of SOU1 of the flnctolll'les , nnd what thc ( o t of their sU''lces : Wlxfter.'ho nr- rn es ni the candles , $300 a , 'ear : n Il'st nnd seeoIHllnmpll hter. $500 l'llh Ilr 'enr ; ( h'c tlhle eclel' , who let , the rO11 tnlle , $1.410 : chief lutlt' . $2iOO , yenr : chef. $3,500 u YI'al' ; fonr master coolts , ench $1.00 n 'enr ; celk : ot the kltch ( ! , $1./OO u yenr ; confec , toners. $1iOO and $1200 ench : wO'I- ; : ers In the ro 'nl Inuudry , nJ legae : wnges , $10,00 n 'enr , Beside ! the amonnt that Is plld for lousplold In' lor. the trldesp'ple who supply the eatnbleB receive on nn nyerage $860,00 , a yenr Wben ViJln Sik Unoml. Nevcr enter a sickroom In n stnte ot persplrnton to rllln for nllY tme. for when the hOdy beeomes cold It Is In 1 ftnte to nbsorb the ; ' Itely Infecton 101' ' \'IRlt n slelt Ilrsoll-lf the cOlplllnt he 'of n couta lou5 unhlrl-wlh 11 empty stomach , In ntendlng n slelt person do not stand letweell the pntnt Ind Iny Uro thnt mny be In the room , ns the hent ot the Ure wi rlrR\ the In- fectous vnpor In thnt dll'l'ton , - ra _ . n _ h Mr .nt r - A comblnntlon ot Ince WII every tnb rJc. from the thInnet musln to the hen \1(5t wool ; Is to be en regIe. Tbe Gbsou wnlst , ole of the Intest Rhh'nllts. . Is spe lally becomlllg to women wih poorly ( Ic\'eloped tures , A new squlre-eut collar , Duch In evl , denco on sprIng Juckets , Is just the bIlzer coUnl of se\'ernl sensons past ' , rellvh'uB No dainty plce ot Un erle Is eOnplo these dnys wIthout Its rlblon Unlsh It neck nml sle\'es , IHI here nnd there for trlmmlu . whether In rosetes or rowt ( at rlhbonrhn beading , This 81110n wi hl' no excepton , Snyhnt yon wi the plnln chenie ioUl1 tuUe nnd ser ne veings nre tar lore hccomlng to Amerlcln WOIIII thln the fll'lful and monstrous fg. ured nets wblch disfgure fOUe tnces , . ser "el Is bl'comlng to n womnn. hi no one cnn pretend thnt the mathemut cnI n ure fnd t1e apllshld design. nnd glnnt wnCers nsslst In dllcerlllnl the god points ot a temlnln tael' TI 'o strnnge veis are stortlng , nnd tht. I tat c be ad for tbem , - - - - . 7 . , " - - - . - . Boied HIU A fr , mn 1,11' I Ni tll4fntory Bel'c- :01. wnsh 1111 Nl'fPt' til hlll ulltl Ieln. Ild tl'l let It Itllll II frtsh . . ' ' o\'cr ht. ' Bllb. i'ut'r II II mU'IIIIj tl . . , , ' It 0 ' ' ' hIlug J1I' , II klttl' 01 I'I. . ( ' . . l'oolt ' for , " 'uter. I.t I gl'It 11 luur ' ' ' thl'ow ' ' If 1\111 ) 'OU UI II I l'lrl'ot IN ' ' to the VOl' ulNo Ilel ( 10 Ohjl'l'tol tn . ! Jrlg or Illl'Rle ) ' , or I t'elo'cK IIld n ' ICI\'R , to ! ult the tlllIID Ihl' IWlt Is dOlle Jut It tlllll II the ilIIO' ultl ( ' 001 thll Iln , 'II ; It JI1 ' HiI h'lIdl'r.l'lr - ' ; hol nn ' tIl 11'Jlt 1'rel.hit 11 ( It nt I ; ldtl' II 1 IIIC' autl dOlI ' 0 JI' ( ' tll hll 1 11 ( ' Ip- , ' ' . ' " ' It ' : ' ( ! HlIrll'I' 0"1'1 wih hl'l:11 lI'lm,11 \ ' ' ( ' , ' ' II the l\'hl'l 011 HII II'OWI l ht J'el , Til ! Ilt 0111 , " 1III'I\'l'g t hI tn- I'or. hut 1ltNI It IIOtsl hie to serve Ul9 mie 11 hl It Il hn I , Crllhcrr ) ' TI mhutcl. Takc two ! UII'IN of l'l'tll I'I'rles. tour ! UIS su : 1111 I WO ( 'IJt Wtll' : wlIHh \ld Jlek O\'UI' III l'rlhll'l'll'S lnreflly , . pht Ihel In a IUl'UJII wih two lIIS ' , IUI'I' , con'l' 1111 tll'ti tellllr ; Ihell ltlil thl'll tu'olh U 8Il'\'l' . I' IIil the lHI ( 10 Ul 1 : Il'l'llnl111 hol 1ll'Ol Illules ; Ilhl tIl 11lr 111 str jUtt 101 elolh 10 . ' he \d bol : ; m.1 mgur ; rlllMe OUI tlc Ilmhnle 10lda wltb cold \IIPI' ul I 1ll'I I Ide wlt I'IIUllllt'll tAII' : JOI' til' l'lulIl'I'rle8 ' ' ' cold the molds , whel l'ul'IJ' Ilto ud set In u cool phl'l' I ; 11 11'1 , ' cef8tcul 1111 Onlo1" . B\ol the tleal. O\'l'I' I hc Il'c. helnl 1'1 I'ell to \1 It 1 tt'l ; a Cer It t ooked place Oi I Iot } pllltlr :1111 put II thl' O\I wlh 111 ( duhH at IJlnr 01 I. Put two Oll'e : ot'CI'y lIel1 : hoJlled ! lul 11 n t'I' 'IIIA plll 11)1 Ily , ' , ght ll'OWI ; 110 that Illt thrce ollolH , lll'ed ' ' ' ' , Cover thl' ; lll'ed'el'j' 11' 1IIIIIt co Iltl tendpr. thel I'utl'e the cover ld Ihe ' " " uutl the cOlllle l'ool"/ lUlls ' ' ht ' , In 011 UI'I' I l hl'OWI turvll ! ' thc 01101 : Ild gl'l"'y over the Stul I. . Frcnch-Frled 1'otntocl Peel sOle POllllOl'1 ulI Clt II Inger ( uugths 1I0t too t hid ; : , cover \\'Ith Ice wuter. Illtif tley Il'e old I It heltel to ' , l't tll ttlnd 't \0 huls , Ul'aln. Wll19 11' ' . fl' III fnt ' " hollllg Inl 18 II'alga : hIJs-not too IIIJ' : t : tle , When thcy nru U nl'e UI'OWI 1f the blskot fl'OI thl' fnt. "II'III.le with 111. Ihlko Ihe ; I'u/ce 11'01 Ihul Inl l'l'10\'C with I 51.lmmlng 8JIOI. l'Ul 01 Ilpcr and scn' ( n t Olce , Ihcf : Broth , 'Vash wel t\o IOu\l of lenn h e cut II slnl Illeces , und plt to lol In three IIUH'ls of .cold walel' . 81:11 ; : fr . : ueltly whie hoilng. : nd wlwl r Iuced to 010 < 111't tllw flol pot nn stmll HelU11 10 Ilot wllh hult a pould ot leln heel chopped tue nnd wul Ilxedlh tl e rl w eggs , Bcut } ul togl'lhur IIntl'etl\ tl'e , Uol bnI feusot Ut hour to , 01' tuste Ult , clear , twl strlln nnd , r . Brolcd Y0l1 Steak. ltm. the gl'ldh'OI wel Ind broi the stell. over u hot fre ; when quite brown 01 both sides , talte out nllput 11 n shalow pan : Into the pnl put n - lte white Itol : md l out two ouuccs ot bnter. Set thiN In the o\'en COI' lve minutes. tuke out the vcnl , Illd to the stok II the pa1 ntd n gi of tOlut snuce wlb n bit of hO'scradlsh , nnd pour oyer thc vcal before senlng , , Slol c Cnlee. 'fhree Cgs , ole lul 1 hnl t cUJS of loul two taule8poollfulR of cell wnter , one tenlloollful of ClClm oC tal'tlr. Ind a hnlt telllolfll of SOll , Put ul of the IlIgl'edlentH tutthcr nt onlO , str ahout lve mllutlH : lalw 10 I quick oven nhout twent ' IIIUt'S , JCII ; LUl 8011' . "nlt thl'eo quarts of whie stocl. , slrsoned wih whie plllel allil macj Into It , put tilce ounCIS ! of sago - - Home Notc" . Od oalt tUnll'e CHI he tbolougbl , cleluecl h ' hoilgulhcl wih hot leer. WlOll ul HpOts :11 dh' hu ve bcon re moved , polh II the usual wu. wIth buswux ' } , ( /nl tl'lUntlc The whie Icnt thlt Is used In paintIng - Ing II olll 111 which . IIY be bought at un ' shop whel'e l.t Imilts lre sold , 18 the helt 111 shUllluit SO' ot cement to meld chinn , I Is Sl dumble thnt dlslus men e wih It can wlthstuud wuter , A ' 0 economize soap In the Inlnch' n lttle pipe chl" mny le usel tor kiche cloths lud other mucb ' . solel artt'les. I I Ils a'elY clelnllg efect Ind If ! ltte he dissolved In the wlter only nbout hnlt the usuII amoullt of soap wi be rcqulred. To soften \UleI for Iluncry JUrpSC when 'ou ha'e 10 rin wntel HUIPly It Is plnn to drn w the ' ' Wttul' I I Iooe tll'eo or tour days he tore It Is needee tor use , nne to eXllose It to the nlr , This wi I render It qulo soft. IIn < wi mnko soap eltl'r eltrely unnel'e8 ary , or at nny rnte. wl mnlt nery Imnlqunn- , of ' tty I 8utl'lent Where I Icwll ! room Is not n vnl- I nble the Sllltl'S8 wi fnd I ru ot Ilen ( rnKl IWl'lnps two Ylrds sltlrt ' , ' 1 great ( ol\'enlelce 'lhls In ' hl put under thl Ilchlne , sewlllg ehnlr nm' , ( 'utlng tllle , nnd wi 10t11 8t'IJI und , I lls ot tlr'nt Crom the carpet ald In tnrn protl'd dpll'nte fnhrl's from the . dust ot tl 1001. It cnn le munrred . J ' nml , . III'ln . tal III kept In sei"vlc .otlloir. .