Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 06, 1902, Image 3

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    _ . . - - _ . -
GREAT IN DI : . Tt-I ,
r.UII Work or \ \ IIIIIUII 1II.ltlnl"Iuwlll : .
. . . If } 'lCtllrlJll ,
Washington , Pcb. 28-At noon to.
dny In the Jrcat hall ot representa-
t.lvcs , In the prescl1' c f l'rcslllent
, tuosevelt , P1'1l1ce Henry of ) russla ,
brother of the ONman cmpel'Orj the
memhers of the cabinet , the chid
Jllstlces of the supreme court , the
. general ot the arm ' aud ol1lcers ot
the ] Uwho have received
. I army , am U\\ :
, the thanks of congress , the IImbas.
- sadars litH ] 01 her dllJloltlalic reprc.
.sLJlltali ves of foreign countrlcs , thej
. - 'scnators and representatives In ( on.
t grcsg and a large numhCl' of dlstln-
I gulshcd JlIesls. . lion. , John Hay , Ml'I I
, J { In les's setretay of sta te , prououu'e : d
" . . . . . . . . . ia eulogy " 1 > n his dead chief.
" , . .
, Four limes before natlona ] memor.
t if ; : , .tal servlc ( ! ' ; for presidents who have ,
; ' , , j , ; ; , .dled in l1lco ha\'e becll held in this
'r ' hall , two of them , like this , iI1 com. .
l' : \ ' , memoratloll 01' chief maglsl mtes who
' " ha'e fallen by the ha nd of asasslns ,
l , ' :
nUllrgo 11ancluft , the historian , pro-
noullculthe ( , lIlo y on LlncolI ] , and
- Billme WIIS Gnrllehl's orator. Jt was
CIIIIlIl'ntl ' 1I1Iing that the last IJllblic
cer'UIIIIJ.tI \ of S01'l'OW for the ] a.
menteel l\II'KIIIey \ ] shlluld t.ake place
in the forulIl \ \ hlch had cchoed his
'TOlcC , In the Ul'eua where ho w ( ; bls
' ; P1l1'8 ,
cmm O AN ANNI VltIISA n ' \ .
, By II stran e colncldenco today was
the tweutleth anulvelsary of that on
which l.ho peerels ; ; Blalnc , In the
salllO hall dclh'cred his eulo y upon
! tlH mart 'rc ' Garfield alld stranger '
, .
J . \"y \ . . . : " 1itlll I he ! .ubject oC tCHIY'S mcmorlal I'
. - , : ' servloe tIle chalrma lIf the
, . ' was n com-
' ' ' "
\ \ ! ' : ' ; mlttJc lllilL h.ld charge of the r-
" : : ' ' " rangclll11nls on that occasion. \ \ ho
f. ,
' , : . then c01l1,1 h\\'e that
f\ \ : ; ; : \ \ dreau\ed \ the
I ' : - 11Iall who csr.or ted the then president
of the United : -itates : and the orator
> . > ' 1. of the day to their places' was d s-
tined to be honored lII e Garlled ] ,
, , with the highest place In the Ift of
his ( 'ountry:1 : < ; to meet his sad fate
alld was hlm"irlf to be the next martyred -
tyred presldcnt above whose open
: rave the natlun would bow Its head ?
Ouly one year , ago , less than JI\'c I ,
days at the head of a' imposing r.v- ! , ,
, . 10 and military Ilrocesslon , McKinley'
, passed triumphantly along P llns 'l-
, " 'Vania avellUe for hi : ; second inaugur-
stlon. Six months ] ater the trllgedy
occurred ' at Bulralo alld an'Jther but
'dllYel'eut SOl L of processlun telldellY :
'bol'o his body through the streets to '
the rutuuda of the calli to ] , where tht }
, rief fUllera ] cratloll wag delivered
O\'CI' his cot\ln and tile trlbutcs of the
nations of earth about his bier be.
1poke the unlversa ] sorrow.
LAS'I' 'l'HI1IUT 010' IlESpnCT.
Today once more , wi th uncovered ,
y' bead , the nation paid its last tribute I
1)f respect find publicy ] expressed its
1lvil1g grief. I
Again the broad avenue was IJJled
-wfth vast cruwds , as they were a 'ear
OJ.O. ! 1.'hen the streets were a sea of ,
glittering hayonets and at wa\'lng
plumes and the air was filled with
t'e hUDdred tongued resplendent
bands , Today all was clianged. 1.'hc
procession was unorganized. No
r"'lrtlal ' music ll htened the feet of
th thronr. . No cheers were heard ,
'l'he ollly pageant was the clatter.
ing of cavalry csclrLlII Prince Henry
and his party to the capito ] and car. I
rlnges here and there convoying 0111- ,
eers In uniform or diplomats In court
, costumes to the place where the cue ] -
o y was bo to dell vered , 'l'hat was
tlH1 extent of the outward spectacle.
To the people that event was ( lne of
the mind and heart r 1t1lCr than fdr
the eye and ear. nut nothwithstand
i mg the rJet procalmed ] III admnco I
I that adlulsioll to tile hall for ropre-
II senlatves and e\'en to the capitol It- i
, serl , was to b J restricted to those I
I ' hodlng ] cal'ds , the people ( : ou regaI I ,
I ted in uUllulllbercct thousands ahout
th ( ' { IreaC marble pile upon the hill. 1
I The ticket holders besieged the
t great brllnw doors to tht } entrance ot I
! he rotunda and overflo'ed the por- , 1
I tleo and steps leading to it , the ,
j cl'owds kOllt b Ick by llnes of blue- i '
I coated pollee. . walled In tht ! three
I sides oC the I.Jload plaza in front of
. . . . the capitol. It they ( : oud ] not gain ,
I ' : " ' admittance they were content to bo
I near the place whore the ceremon '
I was to bo hrld and to catch a glimpsE I
I ( ) f the lrJsldent , whoso accession wat ,
made posslblo by the death of hlll
' who the representath'o peopo ] were
assembling to cummeUlorate , or tc.
I ice Prlnco nenry and the bespangle ' I
dlpomats ] and other dignitaries. The
only emblem of mourning ut the cap.
Itol was the flags l1uttermg ut htHI
I -mast above the , two wings and great '
! 8Io'lng dome
i Before the doors wore open fOl
I ticket holders tllo corridors at thE
capitol were unoccupler ] save for the
guards , Within the hall of repre.
I sentatlves all was in readiness.rl'he
consresslona : ] committee whloh had
oh\r : e ot the arrangemellts was for ,
tunato , not ollly in the selection 01
the person to whom the honor of
pronouncing the Cll10gy was committEd -
" ' " , tEd , but also in the minor dotalls ,
The precedent In the case at the Gar.
field memorlul exercise wns tollowe
bloseh' ,
" I _
. . . -
, .
- - - - -
SIl 001"8 A 'rEAOliEl
Yon/lJ : " 'um" " the "lctJlII-1IInrcll1' " " Ac\ .
mlrf'r , , , , , I lIllor for IInml-Trl , , , to
) (111 n 1'01,11 hilt I'nlh , Tlun Turn. the
\\.RIIOII onlllln.'Jr.
Sprln-tlleld ! , lll" Iteb. 20-1II1ss Eva
Wloelllall , daughter ot ] ) r , W , A ,
Wlsemall , ot CamarJto : , Douglas COUll.
ty , and a tcaeher In the Hlce school ,
was IIIU1dered In Iho school room today -
day by li'Jet her Barnett , uged twen-
ty-three , who then cOlilluitted sui-
I arnett rntered the school room
&hortly aCter school hud be un und ,
lurnl ng to Miss Wiseman , who was
Itandlll In flOllt of her .pupils , ho
lalll :
"You have rnlnrd me , "
I With that he tool a re\'o1\'er from
Ills pucket and dl'llberately ullllO'l It
at the teacher , who stuod for n mo.
ment 1II0tIoliless , and then , scelng
from Harnett's determined attltndo
that he meant to shoot , beggcd him
In frantic terms lIot to ] (111 her. Disregarding -
regarding her plea fm'lIfe and gl\'ln !
nu eXlllana'lon for his deed ! he tired ,
, he bullet enterln Miss Wiseman's
body , and she Cell to the floor. She
31ed In a short tllllO , and was uncou-
Ielous to Ilw last.
Bert. lloI1Cwell , n pupil eighteen
rears old , then sprang to his feet and
: allcd out to Barnett to stopat the
laille tl me stepping forward as though
10 (1 to the rcscuo of his teadler.
Darnett turned his rcv , ] ver on Hope-
well nod IIred but missed.
'l'he murderer thcn turned the weapon -
pen 'a alnst his breast aud I1red , In-
Hctln a morlal wound. 110 fell to
Ihe lIoor and blo d ! lowed from his
wound freey ] In a great pool , But In
1 few I11lnutes he ruse to his feet ,
ItalNered to the door anrl wall < ed an
! lghtll of a mile , when h9 a nlu shot
llIIsef ] and then jumped Into a wen
Iwenty feet deep , wi th six feet at
1\'lIter In It , In which he was drowned.
Barnett was a suitor for 1\IIss Wise.
nan's hand , bnt was not ] wown to
av ( ' had'any troube ] with her.
'caves tl widowed motlter. He has
) eon II schoo ] teacher for 'ears near
ai'UHll'go , ancl his replllation was the
) est. l\liss Wiseman was an aUrac. .
live glr ] and a graduate of the 1111.
ols normal scholl ] at Normal ,
Hullty cor J'mlwzzl""H'Jlt.
Sprl fig Held , 111. , F'cb. 2G.-TIobert O.
Pierson , Corl1101' postmaster at LOllis.
, lIIe , pleaded guilty this nCternoon
In the United States district court to
embezzling postollkt' flJnds and was
lelltenced to two yeal'3 In the Ches.
ler penitentiary and fined S-a"HO. 'he
Imount embczzlcd was $1.200.
Col. John H. Shine , United States
aJarshal : for thc district of California ,
brought Pierson here from California ,
l'he amount was made good by l'ler-
lon's bondsmen. Plm'son , who fled
rrom the state three months ago , was
'rrested on a ranch near San Fran-
tlseo where he was In charge at !
lanchmell. He was emploJec1 In the
Lank ill Louisville before he was ap-
olilted postmaster , and was consld.
hed One of the leading men in Louis-
, 111 e , 11 Is lather is a veteran of the
'ivll wnr.
! II rH. ocrel Out UII Unll.
Pittsbnr , Pa. , " } i'eb. 2 , -1\rs. \ Kate
SoITe ] wife of the )
, llltsburg jail warden -
den , whu as.r.lsted In thc escape of
the ll1 dle brothers and was wounded
dUl'lng the battle when they were
recaptured , was brought here from I
tlJe Buter ] hospital today.rl'lns af-
ternoun she was tak n before Judge
Marshall Brown and was released on
a $5,000 bond signed ijy her father ,
Conrad II , Detrich. She at once
left wi toh her father for his home at
Mount Washington.
Mrs. fotrcl : ; had fully recovered from
her wounds. 1.'hree charges have
been made agalnsL ] wr , one alleging
t.he crime of aiding In the esc3pe ot
murderers and two alleg Ing folonlous
IIssaulL and battcl'Y ,
AI UIIlI'cI II , " Ullhllen.
Clinton , ] a" Feh , O-James Farrell -
rell anct his slstel' Gert.rude , residing
Dn a farm near DeWitt , this county ,
were found today bounrl end gagged
IW ' beaten lute InsensIbility by rob.
b'ers , Both arc sll It u nconsclolls and
will pruhably die. 'J'he supposition
Is that they were IIrst chloroformed ,
but r'galned consciousness , offered
resistance andwero assaulted. 'fhero
Is no clue to the perpetrators , of the
lSe'f'crll n"lul , rrol1l HllcI , . .
Vancouver , n. C. 1'eb. ! 2G.-While
her companion , , Tacli Kirk was aseep ] ,
Lulu WaUs , a variety actress , at.
Nome attacked him in a Ill , ot jeal.
DUSY , and severed hl8 head tram his
body with a razor. 'l'he news wa
brou ht down b ' th steamer CU ) ' of
101n'1f'1 Clnllll I'cu' Un IIII\JU ,
Onawa , la" Pcb. 26-Chares ] A ,
Anderson has flied a calm ] at WashIngton -
Ington , D.O. , for $30,000 damages for
the death at his sistt.1' , Hilda S. An.
ioJrson , who was klll d by boxers il1
MOlHzolia pro\'lnc ( ; , China , in 1000.
'wo ot Mr , Andersou's sisters wtr ,
1.1Iled In China during the trouble's ,
but only one had talien out nuturall.
t\tlon papcrs to become u citizen ot
Uulted States , the other Ono beJni
liubject ot Nor.way and Swedcn.
. "
, .
, ,
- -
I'll. . . . . ,11'7 TI\l\n IU"cll , & 0 the
CAn , \ ' . . , . . .
Wallblngton , D , 0" Feb , 26-
I.'rlncc l1er1r ' of l'rl1s91a nd Butte ,
' the welcoming delo-
kc olllpanied \ ) )
, ltlollS , from both the )1re ) hlont lIud
Ille Germlln emlmosy , arrived here lit
: ; U o'c1I1c1this IIwrlllng-promply
, schedule time , ,
'rho tl'lp lrom lIaltlmllre to Wllsh.
IIIton ! was without Incident , In the
, luUylng districts of na tlluoro crowds ,
nthered tll watch the dClartng ) trnlll ,
and at Ic\'eral ) llIllIt'3 frum there onward -
ward there were IIttlo groups at the
& , allolls ) last which the train sped ,
o stops were made until this city
was reached. ' 1'he trn In COIISIAtcd ot
I he CIIIS Columhla , 01110 and Indlanl\ ,
I ht ) Urat ullll1etl helng the prllcc\'s
"ar , alld the rcal' of the tralll WIIS
Iloscly gUll'tleti ; IJ ' the sel'rct ser\ ' Ice
tllCI1 , with tl carc that will be excr-
'Ised thrClu hJut Its jOlll'flcy dul'ing
, ho prince's slay on A 1\Iel'll'lln SOIl.
I'ltl NCI' No'r I'U " 'I'l } ) Ul' ,
'L'he pl'llIce Clccllpll'd the tlllle dur. ,
IIIg the run frolll Baltimore to Wllsh-
IIItun ! III delJlocmllc fsahlllil tllllllI
rreel ) ' to these ah'HlL hi III , as they
IIsclissed t he country aUlI the details
, r his visit ,
11 e told t hc presldents delegates
that ho wished to see as clearly as
posslblo the 1111Il cs tllrllllh ! ; which ho
lVas tu Irll\el am ] thaLas there would
ho sOllie lutcrcst on I ho part of the
IJtople In seelll hllll as well , he
I hlluJtht It would ho best to lIse open
carriages In the drl\'lng pllrLlon of
thl' Itinerary o\'el'ywhCle. ' ] he ( h'le-
ates told him they would arrange
the mlltter.
Secretary of State , John IIay , Secretary -
retary of the Na\'y , Long , Assistant
I Secret.ary of tate , Pearce , who had
Immediate hargo of the arrallge'
Ull'UtS a tile depot Hnd Count Quadl
11IId two other IltllI'hCS : of the Gel Ulan
emhassy , awaited the a l'I'l'tll nf th (
tra\n \ Ill , the depot. 'I'hey rClllalllcd
In U11 hn pr'ed rcceptlJI1 room , the ,
walls of wilich were hea\'lIy draped
wltll Intcrtwillill Arnerlcan und Gorman - !
man ! lags , The al lJIosllhel'O was re. i
doent ] with the fragrance oC flowers. I
The embassy olllcials were III fnll
uniforlll. A llllgio cail hy II ca\'alry.
mall slatloned onlsldo announced the
nrrl\'l11 of the train. It was halted
jnst outside the depot , the engine
detached und t he cars backed to po.
sltlon opposite the receiving room ,
midway down the train shed. ' ! 'he
wrlcomlnJ , : PII'ty : passed Into tht
p inces "ar and Informally extended
to Ilhn tbe welcome of the CI ty , I
A tew minutes later the par : ,
cmer ed and pa-scd to tllo reception
room. Comman er Cowles , l'resldent
HooseveIt's brotherInIaand Adj't-
tant General Corbin were the first to
alight , and the prince was not fllr
behind them. Walllng rapldy ] and
with thc erect b'arlllg of a trained
'naval oiiiper , the prin o srnllln to
the group of olllcials , detectl\'es and
newspaper men , through a double
line of whom he passed , salIt1n ] with :
a touch of his hand to the lItterlng
chapeau he wore , ho crossed to the
carpeted depot a\5e \ ] und entered the
reception room.rrhere ho remained
ten minutes , A"slstant Secretary
Pearce and Chlet Wilkie stood at the
door whllo U1e prlnco was waiting.
Finally , Pr1nl o Henry accompanied
by Secretm'y 1Iay and Rear Admiral
Evans entered the last of the opeD
carrla es. The carriages were drawn
up In line , and the prince's carriage
drove to tlw head ot the column , I
Instantly the police and military es.
corts wheeled into position , and the
p rly started 1I ( } Pennsrl\'anla avenue
for the Whlto hOllse. Intermluged ]
with the crowd at the depot was a
sma ) ) force of secret srrvlce men , de.
tectl ves nnd policemen. Spedn ] prc.
cautions had been taken to Insure the
safety of the prince aud his cortege , I
nnd to Iceep the people from pressln ,
closely upon the party , Major Sy ]
vester , the eh leC of poll co , had 21 0 of
his IInlorlUmcn : ] on sIleelal duty ,
and 12 ; ' of these were detailed at the
depol. Olhers worc distributed aloOlz
the route to the White hOllse ,
A t the Whl te house a largo detaiJ
of p'Jlco , aslstorl the regular men In
Ju'eplng the jtrlJulids free trum intru.
slllI of unanl horlzl'd persons ,
When tJJ line or carrln t's hearln
tlw prince nnd rIJrteJe startl'd from
'the ' deplJtll platoon of slxtel'n mount-
er1 policemen t ( Jole positIons at the ,
head of tllC column.
Bl'twcen the pollcomen nnd the
carrla r.s marched the mllltufes. .
cert , comprising troops I" alld G ot
the kcond United Htntes ca\'alry ,
from Fort Myel' , headed by the CII v-
airy hand and Fourth battery , of 1I0ld
.arIIllery. ' 1'1oy wore Imlledlately in
'fronl , an hack ot the line or open I
carrla cs ankl ng' tile pri ncc's carrl.
Ule. A score of policemen , on tUllt ,
also marched aon1sldo ] ; the car rlages
on eaoh side ,
1'1"8 Olr..r..cI all } , lJlflr
Washington , D. 0" Feh , -
ry H. New of InlliannpoJls , has heen
otTered the omee of flr"t assistant
postmnster general to succeed WiI-1
lam M. Johnson of New Jorscy , who I
bl : > resigned. I
Mr. New hus not given his final ,
answer , f' is n member ot tl10 1'0- I
Pllbllcnn national committee and Is'
the editor ot the I ndlanapolls Journal , !
The chunge will ocour within t.he
Dut , "wo nlontha ,
, , . . .
, A , ,
. ' . 11. ' . .
- - - - - - - -
, , p ItINeI ON LAl'ilJ
&roo..t..d b , . N"w,1 " "llItIncl natt..rl. . .
anel " " "rlChll' . ttlT'r \ \ COh'flllln-Jnrlllnn
' . . . . . . .1 " II , , ( . . .l-111118 IIf A r" " " , , ( In.
dlca'flct ' \V.r'I""ult'r'tjh"
I Ncw Ym.c , I'pb , 21-Prlnco Itenr
If l'russla , repre.clltllth'c of his
' : Irother , the elll pl'ror uf G rllln ny. II t
'he Iliunchlnlt of the latter'g Allleri.
mn bnllt yacht , reac hed New Yurk
today IInd was l'oflIally ( weicollled II
guest uf the nallon , The lalld bat.
terles that lIard the outer harllor
.oundetl the tlrsl , grcetlug , trI 1pone
'Jeroussaluto of twent ' .lIno guns , tilt' '
rilles of n SIH'clul naval sqllluiron liS'
, enahled In hi honor re.eclwcd thr
u ntll1lcllt , thcl' ( ' wns'erlUlI rcelill s
( rllna till' representative ! ! of I'rosillelli
HOllsevelt the nrl1lY , nn\'y IInd thl'
It ' of ew YIII'I < 111111 n reat crowe !
IIl1cd thc \\'a ' Into the dty to see 1I11c1
ohecr the sailor prillce of Ocrmlln ' , I
Tile rcat stlll'lII 1IIIII1SL ! [ which thr
K ron I'I'IIIZ'lllIelm \ had sl rUI\.tt'11 \ ! I
rill dll 'S , a II wh It'h had lztJ(1 1IH'
t\llnllo \ coast , In 1111 arlllor uf Ice ha (
Iflst Its fUl'l e nlld resl ned Its sway tl
arlh s IrIshlne aUtI chcl'I'Y blue sld's ,
.0 there were no rC l'Cts that till'
ro'alllIl'st was a full day late fur th ( '
ntertallln'nt ) prm'hled fur hllll ,
The \enltls \ . ! of Iareolll relll'hlnlt oul
' Crolll the storlll swept coast had dell- 1
oltrl ' localed the belated II110r alld
OIade certain Ihe hour tllat she \\uu : < I
real'l ) SlIlIdy 1IIIIIk , Thcre'IIS a curtain - I
tain olT the huok early I his lIIurnlng
lId It was arter \ ) lI'clocl ( hefore till'
I\'atdlers catllht the shadowy outlines -
lines ot the cautlcllbly approuchllilT
) IKl' nImAIt AD rmAt , EVANS ,
Rear AcImlral Hohley E\'t1I1S , com.
mander of the spcclnl sqlladron and
lIoliorary nlde to thl' Irlrue : , left the
alshll ) Illinois nt , n\(1 : \ ( o'clocl ( In the
oaval tll llIn. With him wore Cap-
'aln G. A , Cun\'erse his chief uf stan ;
II Flalt Llelltenant Frederick Chaplll ,
El1shn ] , 'rank T. ] ' : vans. aldo , IInd
I Captain Yon Hebller ] ) aschwltz , nav-
, alattache at the Washln ton emha .
! y at the German JtI\'Cfllmont : , They
I " 'ere all III full dl'ess uniform , ' 1'ho
Nina met the I\ron Prinz Wilhelm
beyond 1"01 " t Wa sworthlnd Swln- !
Ing around on the starboard slle : ot
, the liner steamed III ) the h'ay , } 'rlnco I
' lIenry attired In the ulliform of an.
atlml11 : ! of the German navy and sur.
rounded by I'I ! ? oa\'lll and military I
stair HI hrllllant uniform stOi d on
the 11l'Idge of the liner , As the
I caval ( ug drew nearer to the side of
the steamship , Prlnco Henry and
Admiral I'alls I caughr sight oI each
other and exchanLl'd Informal salutes , I
I 1.'he dlslarwc flom sleamer to tll '
was too gretit for con\'ersation , how- :
ever. As lIle two vcssels with
otllla of tUS ! and ol1lclal craft moved
past'Fort Wadsworth the tlrst gun
Bounded , the prlnco ad\'anced to the
end ot the hrldge of the Kron Prinz
Wilhelm Ilnd stood at nttentlon , I
As he passed the big American flnJ : { '
over the tortlflcatlons he touched his
cap In salute and the members of his I
luite dlclllkewise. The flllg at the :
JackstalY of the Kron Prinz was dip.I I
ped nnd the German na\'al band
played "The Star Spaugled Banner. " I
The guns of Fort Wadsworth were
Dot silent beCore these acrnss the
Narrows at Fort IIamllton boomed
out their salute , When that cere.
mony was o\'er UJe ] { ron Prinz was
stopped and the Nlua hauled around j
to her port side and Admiral E\'IIns :
and his stalY boarded her. ' 1'ho -
! en ors wel'e gathered on the malll
deck IInd there was a hearty cheer us I
the admlra ] came lip the gafway. . I
Admrlal g\'ans escol'ted
\ was - '
ward at ollce and IfI the quarters for-I'
, Captain A. Richter , muster of t.ile .
Kron Prinz , ho and the prlnco met. i
The prince came furward and taklll I
the hand o ( tbo naval ol1lcor shook it I
"arI111y. I
" 1 am very glad to see you sir , "
said the adrl1lral. "E\'erybody In the
Uulled States Is waiLln to wecome
1011. It Is my plo 1slU'c , sl r , to form.
any greet YOIl In their behalC. "
"I than you sir , and through you
the people of 'our country , " respoud.
ed the prl nce. "I am very Glae ] to bo
bere on this splendid day , 'l'ho em.
peror directed we to con\'e ) ' his compliments -
pliments to you , admiral , and I do so
with very great pleasure , "
Admiral Evans expressed gratilica.
tlon at the thJu httulness of the em-
peror. lIe presented the members ot
bls Btatf and the prince gave each 1\
bearty handshake and It corrHa ] word.
'rho newspaper corresptlndrnts who 'I
Ire to accompnar the prince on his '
tour through the country were aJso '
'ntroduced ' by the admiral.
Curtel : a I'ruoller.
Manila , Feb , 2-I.-A torce of nntlv
: onstabuury ] at banta Cruz , pro\'inco I '
ot Lagunn , Luzon , hru ; captured Cortez - ,
tez , second in command to the Insur.
ient General ! \tal\'ar , and turned him' '
over to the mllltar ) authorities. Cor. ,
tet was in tancled security In a suburb
of Santa Cruz known as AlIplt , and
. .as ralslnu tunds Cor the Insurrection ,
A friendly native Informl'd Inspector ' I
Sorensen of this fact and the capture j' I
l .orfln ; followed. . _ _ ;
, I .
. ' .
, ' . '
ll\lth AlllerlcRn Murn Tllllher to Uti
' ( 'rlccl lIy l'cIIIIH"lvllllln Hued ,
I ' 1'hl' l'\nllll 'h'IlIl,1l HlIlIl'ontt 18 IIUOII to
1I1'lu , 11n V"lll'I'lnWllt with 1IIl1W 1 < 111\1 \
)1' wood 1'01' licit. Ortlurs hI ) vv Iwcu
plnl'ell nntl IIC\'CI'1I1 eonlllglllllelltH uf tllO
' ulHl'rllll : III'V IIUW un till ! \ \ ' 1I'rum ,
AlIwl'hn , "II 'II : tht ! l'hlludcII,111l
1.L'II"l'I' " , All HUOU 111:1 : thl'olIelli : nnl0
'IH'l'IIJII'lIt10UII ' be lUnda l'ul' 1111Il'llI/ / :
llll ) lll'lI lit llolnta nlollg the 1IIIIIn 11110
ulII III lIuli ' ' '
l'hlilltlellllllll , 'I'll 0
tlei lire of Mom wood , ( liltl como 1'1'011I
I1I'tlNh Uulunn , It Is clnlllll d I'or thl1I1
Ihllt tho. ) ' will Ilslllft . 'CIII'II , the lIm.
vet. belllg vxceetllngl ) ' hlll'li 111111 IIII/i.
I St ! lllIg the Iluullt ) . ur , tlumlJlllt. ) . , ' 1'ho
[ lresont t1UII laNl 1'1'011I I hl'cl ! to tUII
' ) 'cnrs. 'rill ! 1IIIl'chllslllH IlI'lcc 1111111" 1'11I'
lunch tic of the IOl'1l WUUII Iii 1. Ilull
the < leIh'el' ' Jll'lev nhollt 1.CiU. 'file IIH :
oJ' the \\'hltl ! unk tlII , which thl ! r01i11
hllll heell IIslliIII / IIholit ij l'llltH ! l1I1'h ! ,
'l'Iwl'l ! hll"l' hCl1I 1111111. ) ' l"IIlH'llIll'llIj
IIlullc < lm'hllt till. ' IIIHI 1\\ " I' U t. ) ' . 1\ \ \1' . ) ' ( 'UI':4
to 11I'11IUI'I' ! NIIIIII' nlllltl'lnl ! 1'(11' tlUI ! I hlt
\\111 11111I111 tht' Hl'\'l'I'I' tl tll tWill hUll \ Y I
Ililtl fnst. trlllllc , hut tllull fill' nil IIlIl" . .
Ct'sl'lIl t'ISIIItH ! \ hll \ ' " hl'IHI nUIIIII"II. "
: \IIIIY JIlt tClil IICl'SI'I'\1I tI'v 1"'IH'e.1\
hn'U bl1'1I'lslIl'h'll MIIl'Il '
\'U ! \ ! tl } , 1111 CIII'IIII-
cnlll to III'CSCI'I' ( ' the \\'oUII , CClIlIlIt ! l'lI'
enscil III 1I1UI1 ! 1111\1 \ IIteul Illl1tl' IWlll
IlIlu ( wnl 01' slJllll-hnlf lII11unlllllllll' , , JII ! < .
nuw the lal\O here nlltllIehl"I'1 : " '
t:1outhm'n : : HlIllwII. ) ' Is I'XIIOI'llIIclltllI ( III
Ill11111111 lIue , Ileal' SlInIlIlSI ( . ) ' , Ohiu ,
wllh II 1I1'81/n / of Hleol tlos cUlIstl'l1cll'tl
1'1'1111I 0111'orn olll Hlxty.11Iluutlll
sleel I'll lis ,
Ahullt $ UOOOOono IR now Slltllt IInllll'
1I1Ir h ' till ! I'allrouthl or the cUllnll' ' 1m' !
l'IIO'hlUl'nout / ties , It huili/ / ; sU-1
IIIl1tl'li thllt t l , ( } OOOO ) lIew tI1I ! 111'0
IIcutlmllIICh ! . ) "l'ur. 'l'h(1 tolulnllllllwr o
tle 1I0\\ ' III 1111 ( ' 011 the mlll'outls of the
coulltr ' Is ( 'lIlculll tetl ut iSOOooOOO ,
ThlH 11en1l11111 18 HO I'I'Ulllnl1 lilt ! hl'l'e.
tol'm'HOll'CCII of HIIIlllr ) UI'O HO nCIII'I. ) '
exhnll8tetl , HU 'S thl ! Bhlll Dlnlllontl ,
thllt till' IlItel'llntlollnl oelcl ' of1'110 -
( 'Icultlll'c hus IIIl1lm'tulwlI to Ollco\ll't : e
till' gl'u\\'llI uf clltullu ) trcell'Ith HIle'
clul rel'erellcl ! to Ihe IItctl ! of cl'oastleH
Cor AmerIenll l'nll\\'II 'H , Whlto olll ,
cunCl'lIcl , whlto CUtI II r , chestnut , 111110
nllli t'I'lI\\'ool1 , which hll\'H 1111 to tlllll :
tlllle lJel'n uRed 1'01' tlul : , IIl'e IJccomllll ;
too cosll ' , If lIot too Hcm'ce , to RliflII1 ) '
thldemUlld 1'1'011I thin HOIII'Cn , 'I'ho so-
( 'h't . fHlm nBIs thlll the tlItnlllu he
Jllnllll'llnloll the 1'lHht 111' WII. ) ' of 1'1I11.
I'untl II II uslot \ 'ollly 1111 II futul'e ROIII'eo
of SUIIIII ' , hut liS II 111I'UnH of ndtHII10 /
th ( ! plcUIHII'l' ulIII comfort of \ 1'1'elm's \ ,
'I'll's 1'1'01\1 \ tlliH wood , It Is chtlllWll , will
lllst thht ' - ( \ vo 'CIII'8 ,
Spnrl"ow JUIIII'cIl 'VollclllccJecrK' Clnlm
. Ulllt " 'Ult } tul'lo 11'II ht. I
" ' 1'hIs IlIlIt : 8111'lnl ; , " SlIlt } the IIIl1n who
Is fonll of WII tchlllg IJII'II.lIl'e. "n COUllio
of l'clIhanded'oUlllluchl'H slul'tell to
\mll II lIest hi tule 1'I\lh \ ) IJOle nenl' lilY
hOllie , 'rill ! )1010 ) WIIS UII 0111 one , ha111 ; ;
I IlCon sllIcetl ) , IlIltl Ihe hh'lI11 ttul'tClI 10
I < l1J : out II holn lit this point. I thlnl ; :
thut the ' lhouJht WIIOII they HOUIIlcll (
the slol ) Ihut thm'o1111 II I'otten Illacu
wllhln wllll'U ! It wOlild ho caHY01'1 , i
Ulal.lIl/ / tlust. But the ' \\'CJ'O lIuolllcd :
to hu 1III1I1)1I\lntetl ) ) , I'm' the 1OIo'na
111'11I 0111' 111111 the bullllln of theh' hOlllo
Jlro/I'oHSCII / 610wly. 'rhc ' WeI'l. ! rltty , I
1I0wo\'er , nlltl 1'0110\1'11 ench othel' lit
fhOl't II1tCl'\'nls , l1ntl the 'tlll ) , 11111' of
tllch' hills went on IItenttlly : frol1l slIn.
rlso to SUlIsUt ,
" 'l'heh' IICI'Se\'crmce WOIt out lit htRt
nntl thc ' hnd n hume thllt they mlJht
clln thcll' own. It'ol' the IlI'at time In
f. e'cl'nI'eel'l : ! thc. ) ' loft the 81'0t to.
f'ther , Ilr"hnhl ' to cclehrllte the IIn.
Ishiliof / tile lIelt : , Whllo tlwyVero
nWIlY n 611111"OW chllll'cll to ( lIalu\'er !
the hole nllllllrocorrlutll1t ollce tn JUIIIII
the ( 'IlIlm 1I111'Ing thc IlhSIHlel. ! of thu
rlJhll'lII OWIII.'I'S ,
" \\'holl the \\'oodllO'I\IrR ! l'utlll'lIOtl
fl'om thul ' 'pll'hl'lIt.101l " .
! ( , sulrl the' hrll. !
lo\'er , IIC'OI'dlll to the DIll'oll 1"I'eo
PI'CIIS. "they c1lst'o\'erll ! ( thl' ! 611Urrow
lu glllJ ; ! : Ill'llIlltu their home ilK fllst
nil It cOlllcl he clH'rletl , If hlnls ( ' 1111
swenr , thosc two woollIICt'\lll'J \ d'il
whell they Wl'llt 1'01' thnt flpnl'l'OW with
1110011 In thhlr C 'CS , I'I'orn I holl' lIellon
I ! 'nthI' gllillell till' ! lIen thnt thl' ' tl'lell
to Imllrl'fiR him with the fllc't that t1wy
hUlln't hellli01'1111 ; ' : on thnt hole 1'01' It
l1Ionlh I'm' tltl ! flln of thl ! lhlll , I thllll
\ll1I1l'I' the "ltufllhm lhat thl ! IlItI'utter
WIIS 1\ll'I ( ' to CHeap ! ! wIlh Its lifo , "
" 'lwlI li'llthm' ] tlllio the GOllt.
Thl' hOURI' Iii filII or IIl'ulclI
And IIJYiIl'I' ! " 11l'oCullnd ;
\Yc 110 nnt durtn rUIl abollt ,
01' I11l1lw thl' IIIhtl'lit \ HOllnd ;
'Vt' leave the hi JlIUIII1 ! illllt.
A lid 110 lIot sll'ikc II 1I01e ;
1'l1' ! .Ioclol" . ! ! Iwn hl're fjC\'III tlmlI ! !
SllIce Cutlll'l' rOlle the gent ,
Ilc joln11 thc lorl/-\ / ! n weelI \ ; o-
Got 111 nt .1 II , 111 ,
An/I ! ilxtccllth Im'thr'n hrnll hl him 1101\111 \
'I'hou h III' 111"11 III' bl'ollghl Ihl'lI\ \ ,
HIli wrist was lI11rllllllll , nUll Ol1e big I'll )
Hllri'I'nt hlFi SUIIIIIIY conl-
Thpr , ' IUlIst hll\'I' Iwen a 1I\'Ilr IIIIW
'Vlwn ClltIwr rode the goal.
Hc's rellng on till' cOllch to'doy ,
Anll I1racllcln his HIIIIII-
rrh. . hailing 811lInl , wIIl'ldng gr jI
AIIII olJlI'r monkeyshines ;
lIe mlltters PlIss\\'lIrlh ; ' 'uellth his hreath ,
Arul ntlll'r thin ; : " 11l"11 (1IIIIte-
Tllt'y 1I1I1'cb' hl\ll 1111 C\'cuJIII'H WlIl'k
When Cather rOil\ ! the goat.
lIe hall n gllr ( 'OIHJ uniform ,
All ol,1 , 111111 I't'lilIILl hlue ;
A hnt with flluml , . IInd 'ellow hraid.
Anll 1:0III'n : hOtl ( , ! I , 100 ,
Dill , lIouwholwhl'n Wl' mention It ,
lIe W'ZU'I ; n 1001c so grim ,
\YA woudl ! ! ' It he 1'01111 the goat ,
Or If the Ollt 1'011" him ,
- - - - -
Wheu II mlln IIUt ! his wife dress for
1 Plll'ty at tl10 sallie tlmt > . It nWllns thut
he 18 kOllt hlls ' wallinon / him , nucl
throws on II few ( 'tIcIea nnd halrl1lnw
lJotween times.
< : EE < : < : E
2) : > : z > ; > ? > : : tI- &
1'alrbIIrY 's fulr wilJ bo held Be , .
temhor 0 to 12.
Hosemont partlcs nro prospccU. .
fur coni nud ha\'o uncovered &om.
; 11\1111 deposlt.c ; ,
'l'ho Nebraska conference of the
N\'ullItellcal Lutheran synod Is In . . .
' nt Iearr\cy \ ,
' 1'ho rre byterlnns will ereot B 850.-
000 hull < lllll { nt Omnhu to be used at
a . theological semillury.
Crete wlU decide nt the sprlnjt elco >
lItlll whether the city shull own BS
electric I1Rht plllnt ,
New mllchlnery Is being put Into
the Columbus woallen shoo fnctorJ
alld the output 19 to he incre sed.
] 'I\'o hundred ersfJns Il'ttendoct tbe
IIS Cuunty 1"lIrl1lers' institute a'
\\'ecJlln \ \ Wllter ,
McCook I the Intest place to lune
nn at.ttwk . of the 011 crllzc nncla com. , .
Jlany IJ ! be to urHnulzed to sink n tcs'
well ,
' ! 'he Congrogntlonallst'3 at Taylor
have made the III\t ! pllyment all the
( ] \1ht wh leh hils been hllnglng over
the JlarSllnll o.
'l'ho Fl'iel1l1 Telegraph hns started
In Oil Its twellty.l\f1h \ yellr nnd Is strn
. .hie to IXIJJ'eSS ! Ils editor's hleas wlth-
tlU t stutterl ng ,
ArUclcii of incorporation bnyo been
mcd with the secretary ot state for
the state ballii of Stuart , with n paid
up calltal ) stocl , oC $ IUOOO.
Bridget McCawley at N preolnct In
the slIuth part ot Seward county , was
udJutJed ( ; Inslillo ulld w1ll bo takell to
the lHJSIJltulut Lincoln.
, Tackson CCJIlnty farmers intend sow. .
I nu a lancer ncrenlJo of sUHar beet.
than e\'er beror J. ' ! 'ho tops maleo
Rood foddcr alltl the roots are used I
Lhe IIJlllltlfucttlre.of sngar ,
, "
tlr lllrs entered the store of W , D. .
1Illd er & Co , nt Arlington and hcl
cd t.hemselves to n ( ew palrR of shoCSol
Nothlll else Is mlsslnJ { , They nln.
cd entrance throtlgh the trent door.
Lhreats that the ncw
court house lit Celltcr will be burned
us SOOlI a5 lIulshed , the Knox countY
cotllJlllsslnnCls al'O keeJlug I" clu5t\
watch 011 the buIlding ,
A , ] .1. " Ynntls of Niobrara was bad
I } ' bUCllcd auout the I1rlllS and tace b
the explosloll of a gasoline sulderlng
I torch , All asslstllllt smotherlllg his
Ihtlmlnclothes \ : botore dawu o r
I sui ted ,
, ;
At n Dll'etlng ot citizens at Vanoy
it was decided to forlll tl stook COID-
pany with a capital of $10,000 , to os.
I tabllsh un Illdependent telephone
I "lIIpUlY " : , e\'ell tll II II , ) ' to conuect with
: Jther IlHlepeudenL 1II'es tlm1Ughou'
I the state.
I H. O. nussell , formerly commls-
: lloller of pUblIo Innds and ' ) Ulldlngs ,
I IBid that the old soldiers of Nebraska
I would usk I ho stute le Isaturo ] for aD
npprnprlatlon of $7 000 for a neW'
hume at l\Iiltord \ nnd repairs at Granc'l '
I6laud ,
noy MctCec , at Columblls , the hotel
cleric charued with the larceny of
checlis aggre allng l 8 taken from
letters dcposlted in I.he private man-
IlIg box lit the Merldlall hotel , WIIS
aCf ) II i tted upon prell 111 Illary examlna-
tloll before Counly , Judge Uaterman ,
A , 1IIoor8e , who passed 1for ed
heclc for $1 OO on the 1'lrst National
hallk ot Fremont has beeu arresslecl
In OIdaholllll , IIo is said to havu
passed sl III liar checlcs at Orand JsllOd
ItrltllCallsas City. Ills ! { lll10 was to
represent himself os slewanl tor a.
go\'erllll1ent survey part , , ) ' .
l'ho company which has heen or-
gnrJ1ze at , Valp II'tlls ! ) to prospcct for
ual has decided to go uhcad aud con-
tl't1ct with experts to put down II core
drill to a RulBelant depth to ascer-
lain wl'eUlcl' ' there Is coal 10 that \1.
c j III ty ,
ElIsha 1t'erguson was brought hl1e ) "
Crom Washln tn uy the ClIstel
county authorIties ( II suspicion thut
he was concerned In a hog-stealing
cplsl de. lIis preliminary hearing fe-
'Wle ' ] in ucqulltal , tIlerc beIng no
e\'ldence against him. Ohrls Jhnbop.
who lI\'es in Custer county , was not
so fortunate , but \\'US bound 0\01' to
Mand trial In the distrIct court
Hey McKee , former night clerk ur
the Mcrldan hotel at Columbbus , has
been arrested at David City all tIle
complllillt ot Landlord Wlsentlno ,
who charges him with taking two
letters , contalnln\ \ . { checks for $108 ,
hehllllting to one of the guests. The
Ullssln letters were fuund in thu
room occupied by McKee , nftcr bls
! 1lparturo. lIe donles aU knowle go
: It the letterd.
SherllT , T , D. 1tcOrlde went to the
tlome ot Petel' Peters , three mlJes
e 1st fo A voca , and arrested his sent
George Peters , on a capias Issued
last : . fall by J udgo .J essen , and took
' 11m to llattsmouth and placed him
n jail. In 181'17 1\IIunie Kllllau had
George Peters arrested and secured
jUdgement against 111m for 513OObut
lustead ot paying it ho mo\'ed t.o
Iowa , where he has been In hldlnar
until hi.ll return lsat week ,