Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 06, 1902, Image 1

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    , ; USTER OUNTY EP1JBLICN. . . ,
, 1 S'1'AnI41SngD 1RS2. 'l'nI OFl 'ICIAf4 PAP1 R 01" CUS'I'BR COUN'l'Y. J4.ARG mS'.l' CIRCUL./Vl'ION / Oli' .ANY PAPgR IN 'rUN COUN'fY.
' < tD . . . . . . " 4 > evec&1 v4 .1
, ' :
Ir nnt leI me help \0" .
1.ltrcatlinl II lIl'crlic i (1JH' of
thc. h\rdcstlhin ! 'l for thl' b ; t
uf 1'\'C'i. 01\11 \ mllrh har.h'I' fer
.Icr "ti\.c olW'I. ! l'B thl' point
whlfC : 1111111) ' uplicillllS fnil in
" 1'll'I\ ' 11I111 l'olllfOllnhlc
: \
gi\ I1
. visionfl. Il'ltllc p.intof , cxcl'lI.
lnlC : : wc l'ck 10 IIllnill. H lllc II
rtirl of glll"1 willlll'l'oIllP1i1h ! il ,
. I gll\mnlcc 10 cnahll'I 10
lhrca(1 n lIt'l.\lI' \ 1m \ , . l' II , ilL , COIII- {
rOl . aliI I II' ; e:1 : ! > I ) II" ; you
e".II. [ ; " o'o"dlfe.
k. de ! G
! . U : : " 4' " . ,
r "
. ' "
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b 1rllluII : : ! or Ch"'olU " ehll h lrnlC CIIII" ! ; " '
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_ . . - - , - - - - - . - - . - _ - - . . . .
f ' - ; Books.
' "
f' / " t !
'I't r , , ' .
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Tahlct\ : \
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{ ' -ANn-
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. \ 1' . l' . ) C h oul S \I \ } ) } ' I. H'S ,
' 1'
) " .
I t\I.
1 , ( \ ' .
-A -
. . . ' : : . ! r.
. . , '
, ' { 7) ) : J. a. Haeberle's.
' ) :
' 1'
, 1'I I
. . . " ,
R. Pl':1 : Elizlh t h F ld .
m 2BD mlM ! ) 1tJb1J jBn ] ]
omllCI. : Jour [ :
, I ) a. 111 , to 12 111 ,
Y' . 1 :30 : lu 4 p' , 111 ,
Or In' appuintlllClt :
lrOfl rl on'r A\IIlcrsulI' : ' Jcwclry tOI
ill Hcalty Block. lilOkclI Io\\ : ' , 1bra5Ii
. . . . . . . " . . . - . . . .
; . SKIK a l , .
R .
lh'pnirillg of 1111 killls ( (101\ ( ill lit'.t.da :
mallller. 1'1t1l'ork allli hr I' bhoeit
' . the luc'alioll'
a spcciall \ ' . RClllclI1bt.'r
\ hc Ill' , \ ' silO } > WCHI of COll1lllCITial hell
. . - . - - - . . . - - - - - - . - . . - - . -
- - - - -
\Y. H. l\'nn anll Co. has ju :
put ill a IWW stoclCtlJple
, , 1ilW of 1I1cn anel bOrs , shoes. Lil
, 38- :
. . 4 and sce tlleT"1
. , J FOH SAlH-Barn , lxlH fcp.t. .
; , J. A. A I 010 UI { . 1-30
. . ,
HI'llIlhlll'lIlI t 'IHI'II ( .
- - -
. ' . Notkc is hC'reh\ . ' t" ) > ' \ ' that
repuhl kan al1Cu : ; will h helc\ \
the c nrt hOllsl' W eclnc da
J ! \I arch t 2 , at H o'clock p. 111. l'
the pnrpOH. ! . ' of nominating" ca
( , llidate f > r ! uay'r , ch'rk , trc:1 :
llrer , } > 011Jlulgl' : , OJ1l' ( ) lJlll' :
man in each ward and till' trar
- . action of Rlldl othl' ! ' hUfinc
that mahl' del'1\1cd Ih l'l'sary. ! ' '
. ' Ii' . MH.lJIII.HH , Chairman'
City ccntral c0lJ1111 th
_ . .
, - - - - - -
( 'lI tl\I' CUIIIII ) ' 1101 til'ultui'al Sw 'I ) '
- - - -
A special ml'ding" of the C1
tel' Count \ ' lIorlicnltmal Rocil' '
I-- . 'wi I 'ilc luihl at Drokcn Bow , 'I'u
da \ ' , l a rdl I Kl h. ' 1'11 is llH'l.t i
"wi'll be of great importln ( ( > to
those who are contemplati
_ planting' trees this spring' . ' 1'
, societ y has made arrang'eml'
with the leading 11\11"Sen' of I
state to fnl'l1if > h trees , \incs i
Bhruh . at wholesale pJ' ccs. 'l'
SJledal olrer i not limited 10
uucielmemhers , but au\'onc
tlirou ' of a\'ailing thc1l1sel\'cs
the opportunit \ ' . An cxcell
program will be'.found in anul
- - - - - -
tCIII UI. C.\"CI'H. '
I 'rherc will hi. ! a school cau
hchl iu the suuth side sc1 :
hui1lling Satmdal'larc1J 15
at 2 p. 111. . for tlte purpose
nominating' lhe I11 JI1hcrs of
school hoard and for till' tram.
" . . . ing sndl uthcI' husiness as 1 .
properl , . \ . comc he fore t hc meet i
' 1 he mell1hel's whose terms ex
are W. B. Esthman an J
'Wilson ,
\VIention. \
LaVIention. tr.r. : : . . . r2 , -
e G. W. Apple's n w ad in
t hm US.IC. '
A. A. Collom wa an cast
bOUlul passcnger t hiB morning.
l\ln . Douglas left la t 'L'hllr ' -
day night 011 a \ ' it at Kanl'a
'l'hccou\1l \ ) ' hoarll of supe1'\'ior !
will meet in adjolll'J1l'11 s gsioll
the II.
l'hi1il.lol111 } on of Orti.l1o. ! was ,
in the cil \ ' ' 1'l1eHlI'\ : : ' \'iitillg' ! his '
. . . '
John Fllg-il who has hccn east
fut'solllc limc al'rived Salurela ) '
morning' un .lI.
MiH Pearl I.iggct t has ! ccnred. .
a Jirst dam lrimmer from St. '
Loui " lhat will as1ist her ill her
Rl'ri ng work.
H. H. Dra kc ret 1l1'ned Monday
mOL'nillg' 1'1'0111 lht' east whel'e lie
purdwsell a sp1' J\/f / , ! 'tock of
goolls for hi ! ' Ii I'm.
No. 41 is running in two a 1111
thrce. slrtiol1s thi ! ; wcel. 10ull'I1 :
\vith l'xcl11'siunht , g'oing' 10
\\1 a h ingto\1 \ , ( h''galldc.
Mrs. Shanley and children
wcnt to 'l'hedfo nl F1' day night.
From there thc ) ' drovI- acre s thc
ollntr ) ' 25 miles to Hrow111 c.
Dr. J. r. Ca llcnder , C. Eo
Callender , Wm. WaHerR amI
oun ty clcrlc , Hoherts 0 l' ' 1' hl.'d-
fonl'crc \ city \'isit rs yestl'nlay.
Mr. Lell wich who has becn
\'i iting' hi ! . hrother Jamcs of thi'i !
city for scvcral weelts left last
: : ) a lnrcla ) ' morn iug" on 41 fet
Wash ingtou.
Watch for the hlnderc11 : l'l : aud sUl > per to he gi\'l'l1 11\ '
thc Epworth Leag'uL' of thl.7\l.
B. ch1l1'ch olll"riday " . a11 < 1 Satrur'
clay of next week.
1\L\IWIIm---At the ! \I. H , Par.
fonag\ , rol\cn Bow Nebra ka
. ! \Iarch 5th It02. Mr. J { ' (
I.'reel and Mn , . . Po\\'cr , boll
of this cil } ' . He , , ; . Geo. P. , 'l'rite !
otlidating' .
J\fiSR Kcolcce Currie , daughtL'
of Senator ClIrril' , wag awardel
tirsl pri.c : in a declamatory con
test hC'lll at Sa.rgc'nt last night
She cdently has inheritC'd SOIl1I
. . of he fath rs oratorical ahilitr. '
c l\jgS Leg'gitt accompaincd h'
I. their trimmer went tu Omah :
&II the JiI'Ht of thc week to huy thpi
spring stock of gOOI ] : " 'rliey wit
ha\'c c\'erythillg' of the lat st il
the millinerlille . that the mark
ets afTord.
w h 'rhe r d\'al 1I1eetino's > lwin' I '
- held at the Baptht chll1'ch b
1. Erlllg-elh : Bl'lIt\y \ clrawsa crowl ]
I't e l housc cael ! nighl. 'l'hirt
' ;
' cIg-ht COI1\'crslOlm arl' rcporte
Lll ll' inC . la t l.'riday nig'h1. 'fh
C lllll'l'i : t IS unabated.
; )
_ _ Will. Bailey , one of tit { ' earl
_ _ settlers ofVe tcrvi11l' , and for
if timc postma tcr then' , llied ye !
- t'rda \ ' morn111g" , from. ' the n'slI :
of a fan 1'1'0111 iL wagon , in whk
his skull wa ! ' fractured. I [ e \\1 ;
. a hurriec\ \ t W l'5tC1'ilk tocla \ ' wi t
I II mason ic honors.
II y ; ' B. n. lJawtho\'J1 \ for1l1erh' '
tl'acher of thh count ) ' ha1"1 !
tl- tmllell from P nm } 'l\'ani l WhC1
IS- he has hecII for the pa , t t\\
Yl'ar . Ill' has talwn charg'c I
IS- . s I the Uroll n } ; ow huspital , whir
was fU1'J1K'rl \lUlIeI' th ll llnag'
ment of DrC. fl. 1\lnlIiTlH ,
' ( ' . Re\.1. RV oorl ! sf 1\1 aRC
Citha ; h'ell hoilling" a Heri
. of incetin [ . ; ' : ; in the 1 ro1comh SC
, IS- tll IIH'llt tl1l' ) lasl'cl'k. . We ul1lh :
, tallcl therc Wl'rl' a number
es- y cUI1\'ertiolls. lIe returned
lg MaRt1l ! ! ty _ to day al'l'oll1pani ,
all h ) ' Ills I nl'nd , MJ' . I ust 01 N (
' Y 11l'k , who is spend i nr a conI
'hc ng' of " , celis "biting' witn him.
nt ! ; Are YOU ! > icle ? If so , in\'cs
lhe g'ate Uie l11erit'3 of lhtHBIN'H.
Ind is a concn t ra lell mellici nl ! , t
his close is mall , yet it. qnickly p
tl1l' cln es the most g-ratifyin r refiul
dedigestioll II impro"csI the lip ! ) a
of chcels lORe their pallor , the (
eut I hecomes bright and the s1
her clastic. Price , 50 cents. J
J\lc omas , Broken Bow [ )
' 1' . B , Bryal1 , formerly of J
ICUS elm. ) who has heen in Ca1ifar
lUol for the paft to years ur more
at ri\'cd in thi city 'l'hursc\ay \ ni !
of with. his family from Bri ! g:3C :
the forma. Ill' has a line lJ'1I1 \ '
aCl" impro\'l'd ill thc vidnilY IIf "
.na'selmo on which he will rc ! > i
ing. : TIe is convinced that the cha11
pire I are as good for making monc'
. .J. count ) ' farming as ill C
A1. Glo\'il'l' and Chou ; . ni1lOp !
ofe'Vissert were f1' cnel1 V callel's
. resll'rlh\\ ' .
I l' t7. nackhurg'h of An\t : > lmo ,
was a frienll1y callcr at thi\
ot kc 'I'ue Hla \ "
'I'he d hit ri t court wil1 l'OIl-
ession in
\'clte in adjournec1
this dty the IO. "
Sam' Swanson of CeorgtowlI :
was a wclcomc'isitor . at I his
ollicc'l' _ 1te1'lla" . .
S. - L. ( Hlwcr of IJry Valll\ "
a } tcndec1 t hl' fa1'll1crs'mcet i lig-
. \ ( 'stel'lla ) ' a1\CI \ last night. i
W' . H. Delano anll wifL' of Lm'
'Park , CaJ1ll' lH'l'r , yesterc1a.\
itttcnc1 the farll1l'r inst itute.
J. .1. Crahl of Nchraslm Cit\ ' ' ,
is in town looking' aftcr matte'rs
in cunnection wit h his fathm"g
cslalC' .
Rn'der Broo ; . ha'C 1I1o\'cd ill
the 'lIorth weHt rOOJll of thl'
rcalty hlock'hl'rc t hl'Y fOl'mly
Wait lintel next \\'ek allli buy
the I ! lj-
\'eJlr hanl11et-rchief at -
\\01'1 h4eagm' \ in the Collom
1 > 11 illl iIff. i .
B. C. nihholls anl1 wi l' of
\ \r L' COU , WCl'e among t hc numher
inst Hutl'
aUl'luting the : farlller
. \'sterdar.
DC. . ' 'V. Ttal\es has llJCH'l'll to
.Merna wh re wc lIIHlen tand he
will C'nO'\O" : \ in I he III'acth c 01
JIlcllici nes. ' "
Al1llrew Sn\'ler ! r l1\'ncd froll1
the easl \\7 elll1esda r lIlC1l'Jling
wIH'l' { ' he ol'llercll hi ! ; spring
stock of gOOlh ; .
1\L G. : 'lontg'umen' wa amung
those intl'n'll'd \ ill the topic
undL'r 11iscussion at the farmen
inst itnll' yC' ' \'day.
} , ll' . : i\orrison [ of Alliance , wllC
, ha hccn'isiting' with his sistl'r
1\lrs. 'l'uc1el'r of this city , ret U1'l1
cel to Alliance 'l'l1'sllay night.
Hc'l'l'ites returned the latc
_ part llf last week from I1lionis
wherc hl' went the wl'1\ prc\iou' ; '
. to attend hi mother's funcr 1.
. 'Wm , n.a\'in ha5 put in' a 1A tau
rant al1ll confcctionary in th ,
room ca't ! or .J a JIll'S Lec wich O !
r the north side of the puh1i
1 square.
- N. C. 'l'arlton of 'Vnlwo\'th
. took a prominent part in tll
l' diselmion of fOl'ilg'l' for stock i :
the I 'armers lustitulc hcld ht'r
' ' Bow Clu'
1'he Broken Equa1i ty
wil1mel't at thc home or'iIr :
Clara JetTord ! ' , Frillay eycning
11 : i\Iarch 7. A full aU ndance i
- elC'sired.Jur.IA \VILT.I , Sec'y.
Geo. Kclley of l\Il'rna. callci
recently whilC' in lhe cily im
had hi's mh cription lnvan\e :
and ordercd tllc paper scnt t
John Millcr of Stuttgart
A. W. nralec has sold hir se {
onll hanll furniturC' tock t
Cl yde Carlos and A ndrcw Sn rde1
'J' 1c new linn haH t11o\'ccl 'thei
g-ood to the 1'00111 il1\'ealtybloc .
It'acated 1. > ) ' Snydl'r 111'0 : ; .
h C. B , Bctts and wire. who ha\
IS bCl'lI in WashiJ1g-t ) Jl fur ilw pm
h cight monthR , rctu1'I1l'c ! Satunl l
ni g'h 1. . 'J'hcy expcct 10 11pU ! !
iI of the11' propcrty here and rl'lm
_ in a fl'W c1n'f 10 t11l' Pad lie slop
rc n. ' 1' , Hohimwn anc ! wifl' rl'iu
ro ncc1 y ( . tCl'elay \I101'ni \ n go fru
) f C01'\'cloJllown , wlwrlthe \ ' ha1
. h \ ' si'l illg' . 1\11' : ; , Hohi II Ol1' ; ; 11\01' \
cC'r' condition hn chang'ell hI
little , hut thl're is ol1le hop
that shl' may recover.
) n
es John L.l\lal'1\l'\ Wl'ster\
, t- was in thl' city' last 'l'hnrsc1i
r1I1aldnf / , proof on his' ! :
of l'forc lhe onkers of thc P.
to lanc1 oflicl' . H , J. l\lills , .I. ,
ell r unnC'1' ancl U. MVl'l.h ft
w comptJlit.d : him as witnes es.
Ilc ( ; C'o. Kennedof lIJ ( ' W (
'l'ahle has houglit At. Uockhoc
tiN'S properly in the nor
It Wl'st part of town. } ,
hi" I uckha ker willl1ore ! to Oma
rowhcn he haH he n lI1 1klnJ 1
ts , he 1l.lti'lOrtcrs for sc\'eral c1ayu ,
nIl gll il1 Beal 11lU\'CII this we
! j'e to the Wantz ranch twe1\'c mi
.ep south of tOWII. Hc start' >
d. wilh 20 head of COW5 ancl ce'"e
.utl cah'es , wag-on aud lcam free fl' ,
dbt. ; Hc has everal boys 1:11
\ 1enouf h to herd ilnd pl w CI
nia anti we prcdict for him SllCCCS
ar. For all pulmul1ilry trout.
'ht 131\1.1.1\1 < \ ) ' : : ; 1I0HHlIOUNJJ S\'H
. .dilaken in the early stage.i. ! pro
, ' a cerlain al1e1 sun" ' spelTc. I
tu - equally cO'ect'e in croup :
idc. whooping coug-h , aud if USCI
ICCS \ seasol1 prc\'euts the further
in' ' ' tof . P
If in''clopcme' consumption.
ali-125 aud St' ' ceuts. gel. l\lCCOI
Broken Bow and Merna.
J. n. McGuire of Arnold , was
a friel1c1ly callcr ) \ ! . \
reports t1lal his daughtcr Bessie
who has hecn at lhc 14 ucoln
Ranilarium unclet' medical treat-
mcnt for ( Hne t.ime ha hccn
6'Teatty impr\'cil and he expect
hcr ablc to COlU h01\1c \ ! ; oon.
Children 01 ten 1tIherit feeble
dil cstivc powcr aueI anll colic of
a more or less gc\'cre cnaractcr re-
nlts , whcn foodlS taken which
illimcnH : to , digest. WmTH's
CHHAM VUJ ( l1J1lTG actn u ! ) a g'cll-
eral aml permancnt tou c. Pricc ,
25 cnt . 1 t1. l\IcC0ll1a5 Broken
'l'JIlI l nl'lIIcrll IlIstilute.
- - -
'L'hc 1.'armc1'g institute held
hcrc ycstl'nlailml last nig-ht
\\'a IIl'cic1eil success fL'OIJ1 II
practical \'ic\\ ' . 'j'hcl'ssions
werc prcsic1C'11 O\'t'\ ' h\.J. D. 1 l'a1l1.
'I'hl' iil'st pcalcr i'lt tIll' afternoon -
noon wm ; Pl'of. Burnett of the
state anltivl'I'slty. H lliscwsell ;
the qucstion or'forage for toc1 { .
He held that cprn stantH , if properly -
perly harvcstcil ilnd prcse1'\'ell
werc W01'th for feed half tI much
as the com thd : g'l"cwun the them.
In spcaking' or cOJerdng' moi -
hll'l' ' for malnring" l'rops , held till'
, g-wul1ll shoulll1 > l' t hOl'oug'hh' cull i-
\'aled in the fall prC'viOlI ! ; amI
conliuued as long' aH the g-l'Owing'
crop will permit. ] lc reCOJJ1-
menlls careful ! -\election \ of RC'cd
I cum by shelling' t hc ears scp rate
and thcn usc onl\ ' that shows a
deep kc1'l1cl. u thinks the hesl
Wil ) ' tu l ut thl ! corn is with a
corn hat'\'cstcr , thcn thrcsh or
Bhrcll it. I' ' . C. Uih OIH , thoug'ltt
it wm chceper to hURk the corn
and pa ltll'l. ' the sta11s. 1f cut
> prefercel cntting'w ih a ha1'\-
, ester then husk thl' hundles withN
. out unhinlling hefore fl'eding''W.
S , Dclano hac ! tried threshing'anll
I' shrclling thc cm'njthn'hing : ! docs ,
, nut damagl' the corn and pre er-
\'Cs the cohs. He was Ilocke 2
cC'nts a hushcl on shrec1cIl corn ,
.1."H. Smith -of Custer. cl1t 10C
ilcres with harvesterj thre'htll ! ! it. .
'J'hc fodelcr was worth in fccil
StuO morc than the co't ! of cutt.
ing and threshingj must he cui
before f est strilws it. N. C. .
'rarlton.ofValworth , had triCI
shreding anc1 threshing' and prc'
ferec1 thc lattcr. .Mr. Perrin 0
e thc ! 'tatc Un \ 'crsitgavc nn in ,
ti.resi ! ng' talk on' 5org"111n ane
alfalfa rai'cc1 ! on thc expcrimCl11
station. Warren of Cnllawq ;
gavc an interesting" talk on SOl : '
s 61'\1111 for fol'ilg'c , He lists hi !
grounc1 and drills two rows in tlu
furrowonc 011 lither side ; cul
\'a tes it same as corn , using" pI all
with 1 ( " quarter inch holes fOI
drilling , ( ro\\'s thc canc Jarge
raisecl 4 tons to thc acre and 1-
hnshcls of secc1 per acrCj mu t hi
cut beforc frost anll stacked Ha1l11
o day. His ligurcs showcll ) lrolil }
of Sl'.4H per acre on thl. ' sorgu11l
lr' or $10 to S12 more prolit pCI' acr
k than olT of eithcr corn or wheat
ncithcr g-ra5 hopcrs nor chint :
'C' hugs hurt IllS callc last Reason
; l Says i lhe hcst fcec1lJe e\'ersaw
I y good lor cows , hogs'l' ' ca\'es ! a\1l \
, i. . horses. C. D. Shuman gave al
'n interesting" talkon raising'alfa1fI :
l' as diel al o J.5. : . Smith. Boll
: these gentle1l1an ha\'l' l'xtens \ '
I 1I1edowR of al fal fn. 'l'hl'j' S ? '
n 't.\ \ 011 pa1cc01' \ unplowcll lancl , c\tH \ ,
11- anc\ \ harrow aftlH' ( ) \\'iug. Willi
It - Cadwell presentc.'ll a oclofalfa1f
' , . sowclilast fall ancga'L' \ an 1
tcrestillg talk on his cxpeJ' C'nc
, in gTowing' it. 'l'he c\'cnin
lC , scs , ion was ( H'cnpiel , wit
1.\ ' SIl'ccheR h ) ' Dr. Peters , Pro
: l l Burnelt , Ir. Pl'rinand Chancel
. or .Anllrewfi of the statl UI
l. h'crsit \ ' . . 'l'heRe lall\s wcre ac
LC- t'II .rtidning" anel alongpractic
1inc nncl lIw ) ' werl''en' 111m :
'st appreciating" hy all whb 110111
: k- t hC1ll. 'l'lw chi\l1cI \ l1nrB ac1drl' !
lh on cu1tme WH ; cJo.ceptioll ll1j' Jin
Ir. For lack of ap lCC , ve can iii
hq enier into a rc\'icw of thcl
li 'J'lw Broken Bow han < l furuislu
mU1ic ! in the aflc\'J10011 \ uud c\'e
'ek ing. 'L'hc utten ancc was goc
les I at both sessions.
in ( ' ( 'ntl'lll T i l I I II ' ; ' -i1-- 01'1:1111 t 'Ll .
- - - -
om In accor ancc with publish
: ge notice the stock bolders in t
) rn Central 'I'elephonc Company he
) . a mceting at Humphrcy's om
.les . : Lltd c.'lTc ted a temporary orgill
UP , a t ion uy l'lclt i ng 1- " 11. Y 0\111
\'lS ! chairmHn and F. M. Sldlhm
t is secretary. After ; lIloptinlf t
article ! > uf incorporation a p' '
1 in : on was nl l
( Ieby elccting Ii\'c c1irectQr5 , 'J
rice directors arc J. . I . Aclums
.llas 'V ill is C\Ldwel1 \ , G. W. Apl1
' . Ji" l : Rublce and .b" . H. Y OUI
Annlhcr Unllk OrgnJlItcll.
- - -
A hank known as thc Callawa ) '
Slate Bank wmi organized lit
Callawa ) ' March 1. with lhe
following ofi ccrn and director ! ' : ,
] 'l'ank 11. Young of Brolecn Bowl
preHi cntj . .IohnIorln : , , 'ice'
prc ic1entj J n .1 f. DcdN' , cnshicl'j
l ral11c L. Haycock and 1\1. O.
G i 1 hl'rt. L'hc 'Ia Her mcn a1'e all
husincss 1IIcn ( If Callawlexccpl :
l\1l' . Gilbcrt who is a " 1'cH dcnt of
Omaha. lr. YOUI1g' i now the
prc 1lcnt of two statl ! hanks and
enc l1atilnal hank in the county.
. - _ . _ -
CnRtllr l"'IJlIlty UlIl'Ucullurul Soclt\ty. \
- - - - -
'rhe following is the llrngram
of thc Custer C\JnJ1t" Horticultural -
tural Sodetto bc 'rcndered at
their tIlectilig March 18 , I'J02 :
l'UOlllluun :
I :30 : II. -II0lurt lit HlClfJAry..J. ( ) l'rllntl r
I'r.ltllh'nt'dIlIO ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. nCRI1I (
l.oe&lIoli I\uIII'/'fII.arlllloll of L1r-unul ! . , . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . rut All Orahanl. . . . . . . . . . . . \1' . II. I'elllllill
1rl1lllulhlllu : , " , "I Ul"tIllIHIII. . . . . Wlllh. IIIc\l\'l'1I :
'I'reu l'hmthu"ull ( .ulL'ynlloll.J. n.lIl'nl1l
Io'ure' r ) ' tor l'aIIllOl" : . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .11 A.Urlllllh
Unrc or Nnrpury tlll.1t l/occl'1:11 / tur. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . I'hUI ln& : . . . , . . . . . . . ' . .J. CI I'alnter
IlnoHlloli IIlIx.
' ' is 11\'itcc1
'l'he puhlic cordially \
to a Ut'I111 these 1IIceti n61'S. A
special 1w lltion ; cxtcndcel ! to
the laHes.
' 1' < HIIIIUrRUCn AlliS ! ! I\h l.tllI
'I'hrough the Minhterial AsO -
dation of this city arrang-emcnts
ha\'c heen pcrrect , l fOI' holding
a union tcmperance1''ice at the
opera house , on Sunday artcr.
noon , al 2:00 : , March HI , 1IJ02.
'l'hl' importance of thi great
work will , no doubt , cnlist the
l arti\.c intcrcst of'ct'r di en ,
who Ilesit'e a peaceful , thri ftj' ,
Ilaw-ahil1ing' , con 111ullil ) ' . 'I'hc .
following" appolntmenl ! ' were '
macle : PJ'l silling onker , II. f40-
max. Ushcrs , B1i.a : Boyccl\luucle .
Farrell , Mrs. W , J.V ooels , .1 ac(1) )
Johnson , D. I , Hyatt. Dr. Clinton -
ton Day. C0111mi'Uee un Dccora-
tion , : Mr . lcrson , I iss alic
\Vhilehclll : , ' 1\1rs. Gutlersol1. 'l'hc
, 1'ollowing progrltl1 is arral1g'c < 1 :
1'1I0llIl.l\lIt ( :
MlIslc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1I1f1I licho)1 11 Ion 01111
MIIPlc hy COlllorcUl\lIon-"Corrm : II" " II
. I'rn'er. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lIev D. A. t = ehollc
! tIIIKle , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OlU..Jn : : ( Jlllo 1:1111 :
HC11llllro 1.tuulI ! . . . . . . . . . . .It..y. W. II. llrojgul
MIIPlc II ) ' ( JIJP rt'Ir"1I01l-"A , " rlci , "
. IMr. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .III" JV 8''RI
MII&le. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hyor uMillo \ { Jllllrleill
1I'.xololty. ' . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . OUII It rt'lull ; II I
- \IUIICtIlCII"II. \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R.v.O.111101
- - - - -
Clt..rc II Hcr'lcclt. ,
Services Suucla ) ' at 11 a. 111
. . ' { ' . '
. Suhjcct , .Spil'ituallefrcshing'
Suhject at 7:30 : IIComl11 rcial an (
spiritual rail roaelil1g. " Y. P
S. C. T . at ( , : ( ) suhject , Io'L'I11
Secret of gndurance. "
- - - " -
4th5nl1ela : ) ' in T4cltt. 11 a. m
morni ng sermol1 011 "Cross BCilr
iug. " 7:70'cning : sen'icc , ! ; uh
jl'ct uf Hermon , itA Yuung' Mal
, of thc long'ng-o. " Lenten Hcn'ic
at lcclory 'l'uesela's and Friday :
at 4 : ( ) .
: \1. H. ClIUHCII.
Preaching in the M. g. chmc1
at 11 a. m. and 7 : ( ) p. 111. Sun
11 day , l\Iorningsuhjcd , "Stephcl
I. the nohle LaYlllcn. " 'I'cxt. Act
( I-H. \'C1ii 1 ng su bject , "j
e Wc g'hty Qucstion , " I'ext
. \ ' Pel.4NH. . You arc corclially 1 :
c \ ' tell to a Hend.
Geo. P. 'l'rite , Pastor.
- - - - - -
I.cllcr . IH.
t. 'I'he following" is thc Ilea
g" Idter list for thc wl'l'k l.'lu1in
h March 4 , 1C)2 ( ) :
L C > lIl1JCh & . 'I'ilylol' , : lJn111 Fo :
forc.'lg'n , 14. l\I. I'hox , Mr. 1 > . ! \
1- Wolf , l\lrs. Marie lIah'crslul :
h Hl'nn' Sl i1\eH , Aug'u3t ! Valul
a \ , . . '
:1\ : .
] , ' 11' - f or.the aho1
'd /trtll' / ! ; ca Ingor. .
" ,111 please sav : ul\'crtlsed.
14. 11. Jm'r'I" P. 1\1.
- "
[ > t
. H"'U.Ug CUt/C..1II / .
11. A1'C"U'VOI.K. . . ttl I" . . . . . COI.n
'd l , : < \ , . lIv" IIroroQIII/IIIII , , ' 1' , , " " ' " cnr" " ro'd
- onu tl ) . Nu Cur ! ! , No J'uy 1'rlo I : l : , 'llIl. .
. . . . _ _
) d I - - - - - - < b
Oils and
Wall Paper
. .at. . .
Ed. McComas'
Drug Store. r !
_ _ _ - . : : - _ _ . _ _ " _ . J.1
: ' ' 1 : ! : : xr. : \ : : : : .1t1m : : : . ' : mm
t : : : it * : r.Nt ! r ; ( J\ttt \ : Mmm ! < < J
Job priuting . at t11 1'ollicc. .
- - - - - - -
Lubdcatiug uils of alllc lIcls at
'Villein's drug store. .
. .
- - - -
Pepsin GU1I1 , two paclmges for
a nickcl \VilIdns' Pharmacy.
Dr. ' 1W. . llass , Ilcl1ti t , ofiicu
north w s 1 corner of Heal ty llloclc.
8-t if.
Mnner to Joan on improvcll
farms.-'Moore : & 'l'ay10r , HeaHy
Block. 1-23 tf
- ,
If you intcncl to huild call at
Di rJs I4umher Co. aud get prices.
- :
I ha\'I fol' rent 100 acres of good
corn g-rol1ud thrce and a half miles
from Broken . 11ow.-J. G. Painter.
, 11lllndll : often rc UlLq fraln ndlonlcr. :
cd cOlldillull of the ! tomuch1111 cOllsti-
I Pillion of lh hwcl ( , close or lwo of
. tlllllnhcrlulll'lI Slolllllch flnti , I.hcr : 'l'l\h
Ichl will correct Uwc : ; di:1ortlem : 111111 cure
. the hcnrluchc. SoleI hy J. G. lInc erlc.
81vdcr \ 11ros. ha'c a , large
assoltl11ent' of winter goods that .
thc ) ' are closing out at hargains.
:1 : - - -
r 1rol ( SAI.H..Lots 11 2 , 7 ami 8 ,
Illude 5 , in Jewell's a dition to
Brolcn Bow. Enquir at thi
oOicc. 11-21 tf
I It OH SALU Oil 'rHAUR-'l'owu
lots and a fcw flvc acr lots ill
this city , for cattlc , horHes or farm
laud.-Al1cll Hc.yncr.
" It'arum for sale at.d lands for
I rcnt. Now is the time to get a
farm chellp , as the cheap farms
: . arc all going , and prices arc a -
vanciug rapi'l1y.-J , G. Breuhel' : .
A few comfertcrs and blaulccts
can be had at Snyder Bros. for
, '
less than rou call 'buy the material -
- ial and m kc lhem. Call and sec.
1 J\I ; { H.ltN'l'-A . well improved
farm. JAMItS J..FDWICH : ,
f ; Broken ow , Neb.
Dierks Lumber Co. has in sto k
a car Joad of Huc ccdar posts lor
th trade. ,
II _
1- 'l'he old anll rclinble linn of
11 Dierks Lumber Co. is the place to
S go for lumbcr or coal. A good
\ snpply and grac1e to meet the
1 wants of their clistomers arc all -
l- ways in stock. 32-1 if
FOH SAT.H-A stirring : plow , it
woollen harrow aUll incubator.-
Mus. } . Sm.t. . 37-38.
Ouc Norman Stallion 7 years
g old for sale or tracle.
J. O. 1'AYI.OR ,
x , llcrwJu , Ne r.
I. . - -
1. . , ! \lmlC ) ' loaned 011 unproye
C'- farms J A\1ltS : T I > WICJI ,
7 1R if Broken Bow , Neb.
- _ . . . -
I'C When childrcn have ear ache ,
iltllrnte a picce of cotton with
I BAr.r.Alw's NOW LUUUiNT , and
- place it iu the car. It will stop
the pain lluickl ) ' . Price , 25 aUtl
. 50 cents. Ed. McComas Broken
. In
I Dow and Merna ,
l ' " - 'I
; ' " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - _ _ _ h . _ _ . _ _ ' _ _ _ . _ _ . " ; " ; " . , _ . . _ _ _ _
" ' \1' 'T' "Y' " " ' 1' 'I' 71' " I ; or , "I ' 1" ' 1'1" "I' ? l' ' . , - 'I' " ' \ , , ld ' * ' * ' 71"
il ,
eel ' ' I 11'1\0 f11 : \i I Il\kf\1I ) l1'1 ! I1IRion ! { , t'J
he -Ii- 7 ( '
: ; - \ -3 Al'cl ' 111Ihorru hly ulf\1\1I111 nllil tilling ilUp with mlorn ( *
u ; : IIl1l'rr'Vl'mt'IIIl1 ' , lIlIF ! inHIII"ng Ill' ; 11""l:4 , .v..ty uonforl , in. . ' *
hl' ellIlllU ! ! dr fill WHm " , .rtI ! nllll " ( l11 , hOIH' l HIIalll , meal" " , . , I"
l'1'I . I , W il h I hid I Irurt I , dili' t hi' II IIrOIlIl O of 1\11 lilY old i
\1\0 \ \ , fncudrlUul many IIOW 0'1 ( < 1\ . " "
: I 1 Bo. Ala WA.t'T6 , JOp. * >
tIe J i . > I' ,1 ( . , I , ( . ,1 ( . , . > A ( . 'I , 'I" , : )1" , I , , I , , I , . 'I' ,1 ( . , ' " , \ " ' 1 ( .
19 : W \ ' /
. .