Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 27, 1902, Image 8

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    n r-Old Steers and
Open for Contract for Delivery Between April 1st , to May 1st , 1902.
M We have the placing of contracts lor 12,500 carefully selected one and two-year-old HEREFORD , DURHAM
SSTFjRKS AN ? ) IIRIKKRS for delivery between April 1st , and May 1st , 1902. These cattle AND POLLED
Jerseys , Ilolstein , Lump , hi\vs % olc . , uotto be accepted. We arc in position to sell these cattle in contracts are guaranteed for in every way.
one or more carloads
at very low figures. Correspondence invited.
Anyone desiring stock entile this spring should take advantage of this
opportunity to
buy as of these
These contracts must and will be sold at once. A chance of lifetime to many cattle as they need.
your get what
want in
you stock at .
a For
bargain. further
information write us at either of the following addresses.
rHUEl Union Stock Yards , Chicago , Illinois.
Union Stock Yards , South Omaha. Nebraska ,
Sioux City Stock Yards , Sioux Citv , Iowa ,
Union Stock Yards- South St- Paul , Minn ,
jj Kiisincss nnd
Professional Diicrtnry. J3
II. O. MUTTON. 1'rnprietor.
KlrHt-cliiHH work Hour Ituoin of llroki n I low
Slatti Hank , llrokon llnw , Nclirnpkii.
Alfalfa Seed.
I'urohaHO Before
1'rice AdvancoH.
Fruo HamplcH on application.
Park , Nebraska.
T-\ R. J. K. SNYD1CR ,
Osteopathic Physician ,
| 37"lllcc ) ever HwBn'n ( Iroccry Hloro , llonm
H u. in lo 12 in . nnil ! i lo 4 p. in. ItoHldiMivu
CJmul Uontriil Hotel. Clironlo CHIOH HiiocluHy.
. . . .Dealer In
Pumps. Wind Mills , Tunkn , Pitting * , Oiwollno
Knginen , uta.ctc.
llrokoii llnw ,
Krou InrtmctlniiB liotr tn tiika niul ilcvolopu the
picture wltb urory camera cold
ilonu forumutiiron.
Latest Styles in Photographs.
In 1B91.
I'roprlutur of-
ItuitAiirautiV Lnnch Couiilur. Ijirxu iiortniont
of Confootloimrlcn , OlunrK and TolmcuiiB. Mortl
tildoof I'lilillcHgimru. llrukon lluw ,
hl o Justice or th I'unui. Special uttrnllnuKlioi
to collection * l.'cpoplllotix titUn , puiflon vouch
cm neatly cxcciitod and nil klntla of li'KHl paper
IJ written. Olllco In th rear of ( link of tommercu
llrokcn llou , NubrnHka
JQRS. K. U. & W. E. TALBOT ,
Olllconvcr llaoli < 'rli''H Drni ; Ktorn.
broken How , - - NuliriuV
Dealer In
Uranllo , Foreign niul American MarliloB
Ornamental Work a Specialty.
llrokcn How , - - Nulirimkn .
Physician & Surgeon.
Olllco In rear of llio Honk of Coiniiicrce. H
donco ( Jtli lionso ut-Kl of tlio Ilaptlut clmrcli.
llrokL'ii How , Nilirnskii.
All klndn of work In our line donu promptly
and In Orit-cliiNB onliir ( V/ led ( Hlmp tin ( In
comer wunt ot tlio tioio liouno.
< 2IV1 : DH A TIC I A I , .
llrokon How , - Nubraik * .
iH and uatlinatui on Bliortnotlco.
llrokcn How , Nobraaka
Physician § Surgeon.
2nd Stairway from wo t end In Holly lllock > ;
rosldciice , 3rd wo t M K. clmrcli , on fiamu eldo
of Ntroct. ( % r ] irokfii How , Mobraika
W. K. UAKHU.l'rop.
For a Koclal K UIO of jxjol. * J-NortUof Itxrou-
Z40AN Odloe , Urokon How , Nobrteka ,
1'roRresnho ! > ( '
A friend writcH IIH aH follows :
CditorH VVomaii'H Journal : I know
i man who I'H an anti HiiffrngiHt
That may not bn peculiar ; thorn are
lotibtloHH many inon who arn the
lamo. Hut this man in nn oxuop-
ion ; ho II.IH thought about thin n ;
lu ! H a roproHontativo of the lnghcct
ypo of Htndonl and Hcholar turned
out by the boHt WuHturr. ooodiuia-
ional univorHiticH. Moreover , ho
iaH livoil in Bnolon two yoarH , and
iaH had a olinnuo to gain breadth of
viuw. Hu in a pliilorionhcr , candid ,
'air. foarltHH in bin ideas , and
ibural-minded in neatly every other
roHpoot. And yet ho does not be-
iovo in woman Biiffrago. And ho
liin oppoHition on this ground :
'We do not , " ho nays , "olaim to
bo a democracy , oven approxi
mately. " Ho HcoutH the term ,
"utnvorHnl Hiiffrago" ( i have hoard
acutu a man UH Prof. A. Lawrence
Lowell UNO the term with naive
faith in UH applicability. ) "We
haven't even universal manhood
Htiffraga , " ho nays. "Tho d'lHfran-
ohiHomont of the Negroes in the
tSouthorn States in right ; their on-
franchiHomonl in tlie lirHt plaoo WDM
an crroneouH Htop. It would ho
butter il ono-lmlf tlio present votorH.
( inuluding a good hnrinkling of
oollogo profoHHorn ) wore dinfran- .
Wo want individnalH to
vote who think , who iinderHtand
oonditionH , who o-in build up a
government and eonduot it on
Huientiliu principles. Suuh an end
ean never be gained under a HyHtem
of w'dely ' extended Hiiffrago. " To
the objeotun that II'IH HyHtem would
This slRnnturo la on uvcry lmof tlio
Laxative Bronio = Qnininc
the roiuody Umt ciiroa it cold lu mio luy
K K MrCunm , I'rop.
Kje I'loiir , lluckulivnt , ( Jrilihiu , Kted , ute.
Hit T. L. KAliNHWOUTll.
io 0\cr hwanV Grocery.
I too m p t ) and II ,
Rualty lllock , llrokcn How , Nt < h.
llrokon How , Nelirmka ,
A New Line of
Buggies , Surreys ,
Spring Wagons ,
and Farm Wagons.
G. W. Apple.
load to an oligarchical form of
governnumr , thin friend of mine
blandly roplioH 1'iat that would be
the bum typo.
How IH one to nrguo with hiich a
man ? If , with I'lato , ho boliovoH
in the wisdom of a few "guardiaiiH"
of the Stale , if ho docH not HOO
participation in government an a
right of thoHo governed , how are
you going to roach him ? IH it
worth while talking polities with a
man wlioHo faith in a few euporior
HpiritH JHHO uiiHliakable , and whose
dibtniHt of llio intellectual poworH
of the roHt of the people IH HO
Htrong ? VVhat IH it that oaiiHou a
man in thin way to Hot hiniBolf
agaiiiHt the democratic tendencies
of the age ?
If ho granlH that IIIH ideals are
entirely theoretical and incapable of
bo n tf tn an lift rl in Urn rtf li n It ti m o i\
laturo being what it IH , but eaya
that in no reason for inoreaHing the
iroHunt ovilfof an extended suffrage ,
what ! H the reply ?
In short , how can you change the
viewpoint of an educated , keen-wilt
ed , arintocratic tlunkor , like thin
man , to that of the pamo HOI t of u
democrat ? IH there any prescrip
tion by which wo can introduce in
to hin HyHtem an intuitive recogni
tion of the right of the individual
to a hand in the nhapiug of the oon-
ditionH in which IIIH individuality
miiflt develop ?
I tear not , but I would there
were. For I fool about this friend ,
HO far aH bin political ideaH are con
cerned ! , much an the little girl Mr.
Jacob RUH tells of , felt about her
kitten accidentally nwotliored
"Hi ro'ri a perfectly good oat
Hpoik-d ! " J. T.
Cambridge , M.irtH. , Jan. 24 , 1902.
Probably , the trouble with the
thinker in qiiOHtion in not HO much
one of riKiHoii ; IH of temperament.
But , admitting IIIH poHition for tbe
sake of pr iimem , 1 nhould like to
aslc him whoihi'r cox in , in itHolf , a
diMjtiahuVilion foi taking part in
government. VVlicn ho ha olimin-
aloii all the unlit m.'ii wlio are now
votorH , may there not bo many
eminonlly tit and capable women
whoso participation JH needed ? AH
in a well governed and administered
family there in need of both huHbpnd
and wife , father and mother , bread
winner and hotiHokeopor , will not
II'IH ideal Stale need llio cooperation
of the bcHt men and the host women
lo bring out the linoHt rotuillH ? IB
ho quite ooilain , for instance , that
in English politics and nooioty the
change from the four Georges to
Queen Victoria waa a change for
the WOTHO , or that the elimination
of Quuon Victoria and the Hiibatilu-
lion of King Kdward VII. will bo e
change for iho boiler.
The HlrongPHt of all argutnonlfl
for woman Htiffrago ia haHod on iho
eternal and ineradicable difforoncoH
of HCX a difforonl balanoo of the
human qualities winch are common
to both , created by nature and emp
haniKod by all iho educational intlu
onccH of aflor life.Vo need , in a
uorloct government , both the masou
line and Iho fomininooharaoloriHtioB
After all , ia our friend'n theorcti
oal poHition altogether inoompatibl
with the democratic principle !
Lucy Stone , in 1807in her addronH
before the Now Jersey Logifllaluro ,
thiiH defined auffrago : "Suffrage in
the nuihoritativo oxprension of an
indiviuua ! opinion in regard to
prinoipleH , moasureH , and men. The
OHRonco of Hiiffrago is rational
choice. " Now , if her definition is
correct , no one incapable of making
a rational choice in capable of ex-
oroiHing the right of Hiiffrago , and
bin going through the form of voting
ing is n violation of the principle.
Therefore , if some men are incap
able , they should bo excluded. If
all wotnon are inoapablo , all women
should bo excluded , If some wo
men , like Home men , are capable
and othcrH incapable , then some wo
men should bo enfranchised and
some excluded. And whoti wo diu-
prinoiple , because wo exclude oit-
UOIIH capable of making a rational
choice at the ballot box. Wo inter
pose as insurmountable barrier
which no worth of intellect or char
acter can overcome.
But any theory which is incapable
of application in human affairs is
purely academic and illusory. Who
is to decide the question of individ
ual filnesR ? Who HO wise , so olear-
sighled , HO free from prejudice , aH
to be outrustod with the duty of
sitting in judgment on the mental
and moral qualities of his fellowmen -
men aud follow womeuP Are the
nalions lhat to-day are governed by
limited suffrage bolter governed
ban ourselves ? Certainly the irn-
uigrantH who dock to our shores do
lot seem to have acquired habits of
bought and life superior to our
native population. Our North End
of Boston is not an altogether model
community as a result of Us long
subjection lo autocratic control by
a privileged class. Hut if wo nre
to repeat the old experiment of
'elimination , " lot us not begin by
eliminating our own mothers , wives ,
sinters and daughters. 11. B. B.
It looks as though nil of.our neighbors
are on the move HUB spring.
Fine weutlirr for this time of thu
yonr. Ciittlo Rraze like it was pununor.
Miss Judge pnssoil through Sand
Valley last Saturday on her way home
to thoT. L. V. ranch ,
Wo henr that Mr * linnet ) baa sold hla
ranch to an enetern party. Wo nro
sorry to IOOFO him AH ho Is a Rood re
Jerry Snoll starts the -iOth Inst , for
his old linnio in thu eastern part ot the
state , Hiid George , hie oldest BUD , will
take charge of bis father's ranch.
Our nursery agent , Mr. A Pool ia do
ing all he can to get tl'o people in the
notion of putlng out Btrauberrira. A
good plan. We ttiini : email fruile will
do wel ! bore.
Mr. Kurble of S-uid valley , and Mr.
Mi I lor ot lena
, have purchased two or
three car loadd of horsm in anil around
Anselmo and Merim. They lire still
buying nud shipping to IOWH.
Mi s Edncy Kurbeo gave thu Sand
valley school a visit last Thursday , und
then wont home with the teacher , Miss
Thorpe , and took dinner witb Mr. aud
Mrs. W. 11. Andereoa , Mhm Thorpe's
boutd ing place.
0. . I. Fischer was dipping his cattle
hint Friduy and Saturday for the itch.
Pretty cool went her for bathing.Vo
are told tuat they have the itch among
the cattle on the T. L. V. ranol1 , If so It
is time for all of us to keep a sharp
B. V. l tnpfiold has bought a team
of mares of Ed. Licbtcnborgor.
Heavy thunder \\iih rain and
hail yesterday , reminding UH that
spring is coming.
Weather moderate ; snow all
gene ; roads drying up ; looks like
February will go out lamb-like
Very htllo if any small grain
will bo sown , Farmers are tired of
feeding bugn , hut arrangements are
made for a largo aourago of corn.
BOUN to Mr. and Mrs. U. Q.
Emph'old February 20 , 1002 , a
daughter. Dr. K. U. Talbot in at.
tendance. Mother and bubo doing
BOUN To Mr. and Mrs. Uncle
3am on last week , triplets. Throe
unnu minuiutmnr nf flrta
homa , Now Mexico and Arizon. 1
HUggost that they chit ) in and buy
the paroi.tH a new suit of clothes.
liiiuneri Heetl Var Hale.
I have a limited quauity of Ein-
mer Heed for sale at my farm near
Kearney Neb. This now grain is
especially adapted to semi and re
gions as it ripens about the time or
before winter wheat. It stands the
early spring frosts and should bo
sowed very oarly. It is very nu-
trious and is excellent feed for
horses , cattle and hogs. If out
when middling green the straw
makes fine food The yield is pro
lific. Last season 1 raised 000
bushels on 14 acres.
See sample of seed al the KK-
PUHLICAN office , Broken Bow. Price
M.00 a bushel at my farm or do-
ivered at the depots in Kearney for
10 couls addilional for two bushel
sack. It takes two bushel to the
aero if sown broad cast or one and
one-half bushels
drilled in corn
stalks or fall plowing.
31-37 Kearney , Neb.
Jof Nebraska's promising incUiatiiea
the jiulilialier of the Nebraska Dairyman -
man luui made it possible for us to offer
H year's subscription to that journal for
ten cents. All ttnit is nccuRStiry IB to
OHFFR FRFFTO"18" Jour enb'
< pton ) t ( ) our
< All of Our
paper for one yr r
-bUltttKlUbKb- Huilyou are enti-
bUltttKlUbKbtlea J0 , ) ( ) th , , „ , , „ „
for $1.10. The pamo inducement ib ex
tended to all new eubecribers who pay
for one year in ndvanco.
Tb ) publisher of Nebraska Dairyman
wants to add 5,000 more subseribers to
itR li r niul Knu ninilft ua n vtrntknciitinti In
nolp do it. If yon urn interested in the
creamery or dairy industry , or new
idoan mid up to date methods of diversi
fied fcelentillc and experimental tt .rlcul-
turoyou will bo interested nnd beni'lltt-
od by reading tlio Nebraska Dairyman.
Don't Delay I Renew or
Become a Subscriber Now
It iHii't tlie iiiulerlH )
tiiat lute vour
repaired wutcli tliat
In a perfect
that does the business , nny bungler
can buy the line klnda of material
Unit I use In repairing ; but skill
IH the moot vnlimble matorml that
: nn bo iiBod In watch repairing :
and the tninitler cnn't buy U. I
Bell my skill for wbnt It la worth
aud It will cost you lean than
bundling at lower prices.
F.V. . HAYKS ,
Jev/oler and Optloian.
West side of square.
Get aboard at Omaha , Lincoln , Hastings , or any other
station : it which the tram stopb yet off at Salt Lake City ,
Sacramento , San Francisco , Fresno , Ualcvrsfield or Los Angeles.
There 's the whole story of a trip to California with one
of the Burlington
Overland Excursions.
No changes ; no delays ; no bother about tickets or baggage ;
porter to do your bidding ; experienced excur
sion conductor to look after you ; fast tune ;
finet.t sucneiy on the globe.
I 1J > . v iit d II in ! Tin ilH ii mukil .u i- , ucslS rite f " < iiv
\ i l mi J l'i rD 'er A ent N I
Every one Should Secure the Beautiiul
IH giving fruo with the inane of
Sunday , March 2 , 1902.