Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 27, 1902, Image 7

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Bovon Years Ago He Had but
Mow Ho Has Seventy Haatl
Of CftttlO ,
This Is What a Coiip'o of Easlorn
Farmers Learned When on a Recent -
cent Trip to Canada.
Splendid Words About Saskatoon , Roslhorn
and Hague District , Whsro Tlioy
Wl.l Locate.
Messrs. .7. ID. llhim antl .T. Orumpcr
f MnnchcRter , Waslitennw County ,
Michigan , paid n vls'.t to Alberta last
ummer and saw tli re a Mr. Sliant/ ,
one of the good old Potui'sylvniiln stock ,
wlio had eome recently some seven
yearn ! iio from Ontario , with § 'Jl in
Uls pocket. Ho has certainly pro puretl.
as he now owns over seventy liead of
entile , lias a good lot ? house framed
over , also a good Inrn , and hi all rc > -
ispccts look < i a thrifty and well-to-do
farmer , lie hail snmu goo 1 crop * f
oat.s and barley. After spending some
days In Calvary and I'Mnioiiton they re
turned to Iteglnn , Assinlbrtln. and look
ed around the enuntry tnrtli to I/UIIK
den and Ilnlgonlc , where the crops ap
peared very promising and heavy , con
linuliiup tlio Ileginii and Long Lake
road , they came to Saskatoon , on the
crossing of the South .Saskatchewan
river. Of this t'strict ( they - > ay :
"The country here piisetl us better
tlmn any we have seen. We d" > vo out
eighteen miles In n nortliwi'-ci- < d'- .
tlon thrnugli the Siitlth sen'"innt ' T
te a wontlerfnl di-.ti'Iet ; llie > ro\vrh > \ i
uplentlld , all kinds of VIM inniul : > , -
were perfection. T'.ie oldfrM > , li ; < . I
peed buildings of all kinds ami ! ) > ! 1
very prosperous. In fuel wo eanie * u
the conclusion that we hn'l found what
T\'C wore looking for , a good comiM-y.
While the nature of the soil clian-
nml Is In some parts light , in others
stony , and again heavy , gennri'ly '
Bpeaklng It leaves nothing to be de
sired , liny and wnter are nlio ! n
abundance , and wood can be found
along tlio river slopes and Islands. Wo
have decl ed to locate there and shall
certainly advise our friends to do like-
yrlso. Wo also trust that this report
may have the effect of drawing the at
tention of land seekers to this district ,
nnd can honestly advlso all such to In-
cnte there. Tlic.v will ( hid a trend tiling.
As farmers ourselves , from a good dis
trict In Michigan , we liavo come to the
conclusion that properly fanned West
ern Canada will grow almost any
thing. "
Ask for Information from any ngcut
f the Canadian Government.
Ttriiiarkahlt ! I'mllm.
A Kanass paper says that "In his
tatter days Senator Evarts rcacln d a
great ( ildie. ; " This is sometliing
like a Kansas obituary in which it
was stated that , "the h"v dieil in his
youth while still very > oil UK , " or o' '
the reply made by a temperance orator
tor to a man wh.iboas ed that he had
Jived to the great age of 91 years ,
though taking six drinks of whiskey
every day. "That don't prove any
thing , " said the temperance oratm- .
"You might be over a hundred years
old rluht at this minute If you had
never taken any whiskey. "
Anot.'icr Man Altogether.
Valley , Mo. , Feb. JI. Tltere la ti man
in this town who lias undergone a
most remarkable physical eliango hi
the last few months.
ills name is 1'erry Nelson and those
who knew him but : t short time ago
ore amazed nt his present condition.
He had not been feeling well for
so in i ! time nml suspecting Unit tliu trou
ble enmu from his kidneys , which ho
knew were not any too strong , ho de
termined to try a kidney medicine. .
Dotl . 's Kidney L'ills were highly rec
ommended and Mr. Nelson began u
Ireiitment of them. lie was awarded
by a complete restoration to vigorous
good health. lie says :
"I used bix boxes of Dodd's Kidney
Pills and they have helped me a
deal. I feel like another man and can
recommend Doud's Kidney 1'ilKs very
Manly. "
Kntlierliii ) N Oui-ry.
Little Katharine , a Columbus tot.
was presented with a very cunning
pair of whl'e wool mittens not long
ago , which she delights to wear
whenever she goes out in the cold.
Bi'cently her father entertained a
gentleman who had \ery bald head.
The guest made much over Kathar
ine , ami before he departed into the
chilly night begged a kiss. As lie
rifted her up she saw for the first
time his expanse of bald head und
asked , aichly :
"Why don't oo wear mittens on oor
K.vnrj furiwr hli own
.iinillnril , ii u I ii c u in -
I , m iH'Pa , Ins Innkniiviunt
i.n'ivuxliu > wir by ji ir ,
inul > nlue tiii-ri'it I" ' . ' ,
'till ilH'le.'lnlllU' , SJllfll-
lid ol i m.i te , c\i- ll"nt
whitnN and i-luiri'lii-i ,
_ lint taintlon , til li prtcpi
lur'iittlt inul , .rii'i u ruilivir.itm , .tnd e ory
o > kib c I'liiiifuri Miii it tin * ruiiihtldii ( if tlm
} nniHT \\esl-rn ( i , i li. I'r .Tinre if Miinti ibi
tnil tli-.trii is of As-iiiiixii.i , Sn kati'liiwikii nml
A. l MM 'III iiiimls of .Miu'nt'.tii'i uro now H'U i..l
there. Itfdm-i'.l RIUon H I nulunys ( or l.mnu-
n-rKcri mid M'tt 'Ti hew Oirtrirts art * liitv >
oiiriifil ni > tin ji-nr Tli n w 4'l-\ ' \ < -i < i ? AHm uf
\ \ txtiTnCnini'UM ' i t fr > e t > , all upplliMiitii Applytu
K l'-u > . , sujii. r luiiui r MI. .11 , IHUVMI ( .tn or
to W. V 'lluuii'li S' i \ > \ \ Yi.rk Lifo Jtlil.On i.
tin. ScU.L' ( 1.1 I ir tin I , ivrriiiui'iil < - ( Ciiiiii It.
LUIUS WHtlit All tlbt IAIIS ,
Itoet Coutth ti/rup. Taatfrt ( KHUI.
In tlraa. Nik ) by ilniirt'li'ts.
N.N.U. NO.708-9 YORK , NEB.
Helpful Hints.
\Vlien nn Invalid's room needs sweep
Dp. the bi'Mt way Is to wipe up MIC
nrpt't rapidly with eoart t' towels
rrui'g out of fold water. This dlHposc
f tlii' dirt without annoying the pa
lent either by dust or noise , and is
henit'tliod employed by irained mirst'
An iiutliorlty on ( lifting denounci'-
lie use tif fold boiled potatoes In nii.\
fay , stating that they cannot be dl
'estfd. They aru , lie says , espeelallv
iiiiifnl It ) children.
Stit'i should he used to grease cuke
Ins Instead of buiter.
Too much acid In mayonnnlsf dress
n . \Uicihfr vinegar or lemon julti
njnres. If It dues nut actually dehtro ;
litllavnr of tiu > nil
A lilfiidin ; ; of two or more tlavors I-
Dually more pleanlng In gelatine jell.t
liitn a Klnglc derided one.
A n < 'i > il v . scour water bottles l <
o tear a newspaper into small tilt > .
mil ni''irly. or quite , illl the bntilo
' lu'ii pour In win in soapMuK adil a lit
le iiiiimoiiln and sluiKi * well. Uln i
lioroti hly In-fo re tisliiR ilic botilt
Sngitea. . or any other beverage mad *
if herbs should he made In an eartliei
'csscl. and never In tin. as it will turn
lack , unless Immediately emptied out
Hid It may do so oven then.
"Don't * " for YOIIIIK
Do'i'i Din luitter hi your refrigerator
> , ( . ! i u i.'ipplngK on.
11 , , e ui'ti'i for frylnj ; purposes ,
t ' ! " [ u MSin 1 is unwholesome.
hi i ' . i-utMMv ; in ' 'ic ' cellar In
ID > ( | i. i. i > x iM ' 1 lu-y are li : . liie to be
ouie putM.iuius
Don't [ iiuir boiling \ \ . .netor chlnn
) iteked in a pan. It will t. . ! ( by the
tuddcn contraction and
Don't moisten your food with the Idea
if snvlng your teeth It spoils the teetD
tin ! you will MIOII lose them.
Don't use steel knives for cutting tlsh ,
lyHtfiii. sweetbreads or brains. Tin
iteel blackens and gives tin unpleasant
Dou't scrub your refrigerator wltt
.varui wilier. When necessary sponge H
nit ( | ulckly with two ounces of formal
lehyde In two quarts of cold water.
Don't put tablecloths and inipklm
hut are fruit-stained Into hot soap
mil * ; It sots or HXCH the stains. Remove
he stains llrst with dilute oxalic acid
.vnshing quickly In clear water. La
ItcV Home Journal.
Ca n li ( lower , I'lirlninii Style.
Boll ii good-filxed cauliflower until
lender chop it coarsely and press II
inrd In a mould or bnv I i < ( hat It will
? oop Us form when turned out ; put
the Khape thus tniidt' upon ; : dish that
vlll .sttind the heal and pour over It n
.omato Bailee. .Make ? this by cooking
o other a tii'lesoonful | of butter and
lo'ir hi a sitiucpan and iiotirlng upcn
hem n pint of strained tomato juice ,
n which half an onion has been stew-
ad ; stir until smooth and thicken still
jmreby lite addition of three or four
ablospoonftils of cracker dust : salt 10
tiiKto. turn the sauceoer the moulded
Mtilltlowvr : set In the oven for about
ieu minutes , and none In the tllsh It }
iviilch It Is cooUed
Tomato nml Macaroni Soup.
P.reals half a dozen sticks of maea
ronl Into niiiull p ocos. and drop Ink
milling water. Cook for an hour. 01
intll perfectly tender. Hub two quarta
> f stowed or canned tomatoes through
i colander , to lomove all seeds anil
fragments.Vhun the macaroni h
lone , drain thoiotighly. cut each piece
nto tiny rings , and add it to Hit
trained tomatoes , season with salt ,
tnd lioll for n few momentn. If the
o in a to is quite thin , the soup shouk
it slightly thickened with a little tloui
juforo adding ( ho macaroni.
Suit Mackerel CrcuiiieU.
Soak the tish o\ei night , wipe dry th <
iit-\t mornmi ; and liroll on a buttere <
4tidiiin. Kay It on a iiot ilinh ant
make the following BIUICO : One cup 01
\mt \ milk thickened with two teaspoon
fillet cotiiHtarch rubbed smooth h
'vi > ( onspuonfulK of butter ; add salt
? liopped parsley and a pinch of pepper
ot It stand a few minutes , then add out
'K well beaten ; pour over the tlBh an <
Ilnin Omelet.
Boat six eg s separately. Take out
npfnl of sweet milk. Into one-fourth
} f which stir a tableApoonful of Hour.
IVhou ill- milk bolls stir in the paste ,
tdd a little salt and one tablesiraonful
jf butter. anJ let cool. Take two In-
hlcspoonftilp of minced ham , a tilth
'hopped parsley ami thyme , and Ktli
vitli tin- yellows , then add the well
jentoti whites Have n well-greasot ]
.Ullk't. atid bake in a .juicl ; oven.
Toast lib many slices of bread a fire
equlrod , buttiT carefully , and stand
In the oven to keep hot. Take two ta
; dospoonfuls ol Hour and two of butter
ni < l Ntir them In a sauci > pan until the
lour Is ( ooked. add a pinch of salt : un
i .air n pint of hot milk gradually stir
int ; nil the tlmu. Lot It boil up am ,
> our over the toasted broad.
(5inner Snaps.
Boil two tcacupi'iil * ot molasses fo1
hrcc mniiitos and ndd lo II one leu
' | ol buiter out1 ti > asiooiilul | link
i ng powder in I \ I'd with ( loin sutlicb'ii
: o woru Into n smooth ( .uittoi und aid
i tablespoon' d of ground ginger \\ori ,
n Hie tlour u solt us
1 tuftcr the twtter.
" I Ind a ternMe cold nnn cc-ild
hardly binhe. ; I ilu-tuned Avrr'a
Cherry I'cct H al , and it gave me im
mediate relief. " . . ,
\V. C. Lnyton , Sldcll , 111.
How will your cough
be tonight ? \Vorsc , prob
ably. For ii's first a cold ,
then a cough , then bron
chitis or pneumonia , and
at list consumption.
u Coughs always tend
! downward. Stop this
downward tendency by
taking Ayer's Cherry Pec
Three sites : 25 : . . SOc. , SI. All drutiti.
I Cons-ill TOUT itm'tnr. If ho * ll > ltn "
then tin iio 'v . If Intrli yjiii tint
totnke It. then ilmi't take It. lie ktioni.
I.BAVO tt withi W nri villllnir
.1 i AVKUtO. l.uKi'11. Man
1'i'oplo \\inr Tin itiM'lt "t Out.
Many people wear themselves out
icodles ly. siS ; the London doctor :
heir ciui.sck'iii'e Is a t.\rant. An ex-
giM'ialcd sense dt duty l".nK many a
oistin to anxious , eeasless activity ,
( i be constantly doinj something
\crpiinutual , nuvei Idln a seemid of
inio. si'uri ) to rest ; stieh aic In tin-
nii.scioiH nerve tension. They say
i hey have so much to ( In , not think
ing they arc tapidly unlitting them-
elves lor proInUy what wmil'J have
ieen tlicli hist and gieateitoik in
i lei years , helf-eontiol of nerve i
' ' > ITC Is the great lesson of health and
herefore ot life Itself To under
lain ] how to ielix Is to under.stand
urn to stienvthen neives. Hearty
.lighter is a souice of rcl.ix.ition , as
ire iils-i big th'Hihgts ' , as those of
tope , beauty trust or love. Kelaxa-
Lion Is found in diversion.
ISrooUyn , N. V. , 1'i-b. IMtU. Tlie activity
nt tliu latiui.iloiy of me U.u'iK'lil 1'iM Co. l
further i > vuU > iiii > of tuu pupiil inly of thi'lr , over 1'lutl.i ; .MU.i-iON KA.M-
iLlK.S iibiul the 11 in-lie id Uumotlios lust yeurl
llilx VIIMI public apiJiimil spv.iKHoll for
t ic rcmt'UU's. Tliu.v iiru : (1 u livid Teu , ( iur-
, , i > , tl Ili'.Hl.ii'iic l'o 'lw'is. Uiullold Ton Hyrup ,
il.irlield Itollof l'liatiiH. liiiriliMl ISolliidonnii
I'lnstois , liarlleld Uluostlre TubluU uud
( iurQuld Cold Cute.
The Popular 1'olkn Dot.
Linen-colored piques and ducks
having polka dots of color are belli ) , '
nought in great/ numbers by well-
ilre-sed maidens and young matrons.
They carry a certain undeniable chic
I hat proves very becoming.
Qroirtli of < lirii * I'm It.
Work lias begun In the Salt Jliver
valley on a great plan for the growing
f citris fruit i'ldoois. The project
nvolves the roofing of more than one
liousand acres of oiange , lemon and
omeln tires , and Is undertaken by
lie 'ierrittii ial Association of Citrus
r'uiil Gru\\eis.
The Imrpovcment in the last two
entiirLd in suruieal and medical
nowlerlge , sanitation , hygiene and
! u other arts of wholesome living
lave naturally tended to prolong lite
Hullimore Sun.
la C < mltl Not Touch II in Wife'a Din-
MITH , mill They Were "I'll for u
v > /itfrt our esteemed friend , Mr.
rink Cliainl'i'i's ' , of 9 Hvmictt street ,
'iiMtVk. "Kor over two yi'.irs 1 Ktif-
rod utilities fioin itnliKt'Rtioii , anil be-
mio T ' ( lucoil to u incro shadow of iny
ihvnrt sell , 1 would rotnru lioint' from
iy litisitu-'s fi'L'liiif : so faint that 1 could
irdly drij : ? one lei ; nfti-r the othur : my
cur wife did nil slit1 possibly could to
nipt IMC- with ihunly dhlu'ft , and as I
< ioi-cd the house 1 sniffed and thought :
h. how jiooil ; I I. now I can eat that ! '
' . it , alai , ! no sooner had I entrn a few
wthftiK 1 felt hii-k ; severe nnlns shot
nmi b my chest and shoulder blades ,
v ryes bwnin und fverythill seemed
ii-k , nurt I became alternately hot and
ild. and got up from Biich a dainty din-
r heartily Kick of living , and feelin (
IN ore trial to ererjbody. I IIIMJ
eiition that 1 was ul j very innei trmi-
I \\ith a scaly H'iin , and often buiU.
ut one pvniii ( ; I noticed inj wife Hcem-
1 more cheerl ul than tiHtial. I questioned
i .1 ul fo'in 1 t-he had been reading a
itniUi'et ' nh'i'h spoke of nit'ii alilicted
"t ns 1 was , and who hud bcfn cuied by
ogoli'r's Compti'iud. Said he : 'What
M'S rne more faith in it Is that it i *
mile from the formula of an emlncMit
. ; . ilcinn no\v In active practice in the
' -t ICmi of I.ouilon , MiiKlaud , so I am
in it if. no ( inaclv thin . ' 'All riKht ,
.1 . Kt'a have a bottle , ' Bald I. After
' 'ns the co'itonts of tlie lirst bottle , I
'i VOPJ much Letter , and determined to
. ! this r lUf.lj a fair trial , and I can
. . . lU'K'iyou that a few bottles
i > mti ie u tn w man of toe. I can sleep >
il , i at anj thins , and thoroughly enjoy1
! . 1 have told moral friends , who |
1 1- > fi"Ti'riny the ame n myself ,
i.l . th'-\ . ( ill wlbh me to say that they j
hl.e new men. I sincerely blues the'
. i ; physician who ave jou the lor-
"i -.1 Vofjeier'b Ciirutlri ; Compound ,
i I i-o } oiirsel\es for making Its \ii-
icai kiiuuu 'o a siiffcriiif ; public. "
Tin1 St. .1 i. u'i- ' till Co. , Hahiiuore , will
nd n hatniili of Vogeler'H ( Juiupouud
i'u to ii nj one.
Al'ihiit 'ie UT on'v ilnnibjc WH' ! cont-
i t. ' ki r i 'itn'.iu ' nf T.C.I ! n kal om nei.
ill it.ii-r | i-i'i paint foi wndi. U cnn l > -
j J o < plaster , brick , wood or COOTAB.
II utna > tcft lor U onion.
Mcrtern athletics lire now adding
strrm to the muscles and jraee to
the lei n" r mntif vtnuiir women , cv
poei.ilu in tlie lar - < . Thh In
con.lit. tn bring | ji.od results to future
urn nitlfii-i. Lk'hb K.\ninastles and
t'uitlMr ' gimes iiro an liuvntUo to
aeilonshlcli bilnrf chuiK-es In n
oh in leal w y to the blood which are
ncic ary and healthful.
\Ve rofuiul 10c for ovrr.V p.nrkngo of
Pt'TN VM PAnBI.BSS IV1) ) Hint fa late
to in\e tntl fnctlon. Monroe Unijj Co. ,
l < iluu\.llc , Mo. Pod by druggists.
T l tel UttiitniR icxplii nod ,
A St. rcteishirji ; c irrespondent of
the London M.ill explains that the
fieijufiit eiietilatlon of reports of Tol-
stoi\ death Is due totho wide sniead
belitf that \\hen tlie great Russian
shall die tlie censtns will keep the
news finiu the public as long as pos
sible. The ecclesiastical authoilties
e.innot nccurd Chi 1st Ian burial to
him , astheyhuvu iccentlydenounccil
him us a heiellc. and the refusal to
allow tlie performance of the riles of
the church at the grave Is sine to
provi ke an outbtitst of indignation
all over Russia.
U * < ' the liminiis Ied ! 0 oss J'nll IMiut.
Inrjsc2 oz. pin-ka e ft eoitta. The Kuss
company , toutli Hcml , Itul.
salad Is made by using
equal parts of celery and dice cut
fiom crisp spicy apples , coveted with
a very heavy mayonnaise dress ! im
that will thoroughly mask theeeleiy
and apples. This should lie served
with crackers and cheisc , as a separ
ate cumsu at a dinner.
Dun t lore" ! a larpe 'J 17. . paukajje Red
Cm11 * Hall Itlue , only ft < ent < . The ittlas
Company , Si nth I end , liul
A C.ild \ \ Inter.
Young Man "Regular old-fash
ioned winter. Isn't H ? "
Old Man "Gall this an old-fashion
ed wlnteiy It isn't a circumstance
to some ol the winters we used to
have. Did I ever tell you about a
winter we had back In the forties ? "
Young mai "N-o , guess not. "
Old Man "Why , in one of those
winters it was so cold that every time
a minister preached about hell , the
shhering sinners would rush out and
com m it suicide. "
Mm. Uln low' hOUriMM ) S.IIUI' for ohlltrp-
trtlilnt : , suftrnt Ilie i/uin * . rttiliK * < 'i liillttm&llun ,
An Atchlson woman who has an
"artistically" furnished home , madi
a table cover , a diessing case scarf ,
and a pair of sash curtains out < f
one foity-nlue cent curtain. Atchison -
son Globe.
I find Piso's Cure for Consumption the
best nieill ine for croupy children. Mi. s
V. Callahan , 111 Hall Htieut , 1'uikur-
burir.V. . Va. , April 10. 1'JOl.
drouth of
The new register of federal olllce-
holdeis is said to include ± , OU ( )
names , exclusive of enlislutl men in
the army and navy. Jt'is noted that
theie lias been a large increase in tin
number of olllcehulders since the
.Spanish war anil It would seem ( hat
it we could only have a series of waih
the time would come when there
would be olllces enough to furnish
one ftT every citizen who voted right.
Health for 10 Cents.
A lively liver , pure blood , clean
skin , bright eyes , perfect health
CabCJirets Candy Cathartic will ob
tain and secure them for you. Genu
ine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never
sold in bulk. All druggists , IDC.
aj'N Nar ,
In deciding to issue a magazine
dealing with aerial navigation we
make no attempt at prophecy , but
tlieic is no question that Hying by
human beluga is nearer iealiztt Ion
than many people imagine , and when
wo reflect upon what has been done
In other branches of engineering It
requires a very small ellort of the im
agination to realize what may trans
pire in tlie develt pment of aerial
navigation in the near future. Lou-
don Flying.
WA.VTEU-Ltx-Kl * - li m n tn urerr rltr , to ll
Hfll KUI > * II frrfiit IMOA It to Ih" triutu. AriilriM
S * M III.UK .1 MKV Kit. 811.3(1 l.u.11. . bu. Olilt. ,
The German Emperor Is very fond
of modern music and modern sculp
ture , but he has no sympathy with
modern painting and poetry. Re
cently he spoke very sharply against
modern ait. It is believed that his
enmity has a political source. lie
detests the social democrats and
classes with them the modern paint
ers and poets who depict and describe
the wretchedness of the lower classes
In realistic colors.
A reporter who hasn't the scent for
news c..n't Und news worth a ci'iit.
Alam tlnp cnn b < - used over paint or
paper , iialrt or nope 'an lie unel over
AH nMltiP Iluy oniv In live poun'i pai-lc-
* * * > properly laliel J ; take no substitute. I
Mrs. L. A. Harris , a Prominent Member
of a Chicago Woman's Political Club , tells
how Ovarian Troubk may be Cured with
out a Surgical Operation. She says : t
" Doctors have u perfect craze for operations. The minute
there is any trouble , nothing hut an opeiation will do them ; one
hundred dollars and costs , and included in the costs are pain , and
agony , and olten death.
" I suffered for eight years with ovarian troubles ; spent hundreds
of dollais for relief , until two doctors agreed that an operation was
my only chance of life. My sister had been using "Lj'din 33. 1'ink-
ham's Vejvolablo Compound for her troubles , and been cured ,
and she strongly urged me to let the doctors go and try the Com
pound. I did so as a last resort ; used it faithfully with the Sana-
live Wash for five months , and was rejoiced to find that my troubles
were over and my health rcstoicd. Jf women would on'y ' try Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound fist : , fewer surgical operations
would occur. " Mus. L. A. HARRIS. L1TS East Olsr v'u Chicago , 111.
U'hen women are troubletl v. it' ' : irn'Kula.1 , : ; ; d or painful
monstniiition , wi-akuess , Icueorrh M , tlhiplati"u v1 ra ion of the
womb , that bearinff-down fel'lin : ; , iiilini"i ! . f 'V ovai'it * , biiclc-
nelie , bloating ( or Hat uliMiee ) , general debility , i.idij ti in , and nervous
nitKlration , or are beset with " ' ' .cb symiiJoir. ! < : ; . i.mesir i ; , faintness ,
lassitude , uxeitability , irritabilil ; , , nevvon. uc"i , sk'iip'"ssness , miilanclioly ,
"iill-tjoimManl"wahUo-be-left'-al nti'eel' ' " , blues and hoiHjloHsncfia
- ( - - - ( > nt\ , ,
they should remember there 1 ? onirl,1 und tuio remedy. Lyiliit W.
Piukhuin'H Vctjotublo Couiivunud at oncu removes sueh troubles ,
A DtUBUil Noli- .
It is lepnitetl that IfiU.OOO piano
fortes weie sold In the country last
year. How many i f them eomluelnl
to thoughts of Harmony ? lioston
( llobe.
SlATK OI'OlllO. flTV . BDO'M. I
I.UCAI1HNI \ . | j .
I'HANK .1. ClIltNl- lll.lkos Olttll : tliiit lie H ttlO
Fflilol p.irliicr ul tliu linn of l'.1. . t in NI'.V fi
I'd. . ili > lni > tin Incss 111 the I It } lit Tolc. o. I ( nml )
inul Miito afoat n lit. : ui. I tiiat Mild llrniill liny
tin- MINI of DM. la MID | ; : noi.i.Aiisfor CM li
inul our } CUM ) of I'atiinii Unit ( ainiiit t > ui'iiiua
bj UiLMttuul HALL'S C'A'iAiiuii CLIIK
KKANK .1. ritKNKV.
Svuim to ticfuro inu ; " - MiliM'rllicil In my pros-
euro , tliU otlt day of Dn Diubur , A. 1) . isaii.
A.V. . (
Rotary 1'nliHo.
Hull's fntnrrli ( 'urn Is taken Internally , ami nets
illiei'll ) on tin * lilooil mill imii'ims Mirluuoi of tlio
fcjitcin. hciiil lor li'tlliimnUU , frcu.
i' . , i. enINKY : ftco.Toledoo.
llall'a ' iinlly 1'iui are lla best.
lorroIni Troiililit.
\Virrylnn over future jios.slbiljtles
and leail'ul iintielpatinn of the trials
uf tomorrow are but , the bonowin
of trouble. It is impossible to lift
the ton weight at onu lime , lint lesser
parts ( f it may he easily carried , un
til tlie whole load has been conve\ed
lo Us dosl inaUon. So tlie hmdcns
of a lifetime eannot bo borne if
eiowdetl inln a sln lo day. A mi-rel-
1'ul ProideiiCL1 has hidden tlie future
from man , that its cumulation of ill
may not dw irf human elfnils. An
ticipated dinicullv only tends lo make
life tlie more tirievuus. "Sulllelt nt
unto thi : day Is the evil thereof. "
When one Ionics ( limn the crowded
thoroughfare It may si'cm almost im-
i.sSahle , but as wo advance step by
step obstacles disappear. Hy doling
well each duty as its arises , ilfe Is
freed Intin many unnecessaiy trials.
French botanist arc endeavoring lo
vaccinate plants agalnsL parasitic
Self Threading Sewlne Machine Needle
Olvt nuiiiu of j our mui lilnit. hoiiJ 27 lOittH unit we
w III ninll v ill fanitiliWK&J \ * of HHnnrloil. iu ) i
tloiial Aiitiiinutli' N'fiilli * ru , 160 Nauau Hluet ,
wVuiltlltyAKellN Wu'llul.
U | i tf | > iucU r. < r ku'TiTi r , Ir m
na il cuUinh wlio tine tin
atomizer In cprnyltiK tliodls *
( used membruiii s All tlit
liciiilni ! and tnoihliiK pri'jitr-
'li' dfCrpatn Unminri' retain-
t < l in tliu urw | re I'iinitl'ui It
d' 's i.otdry M | > tliii > Urns ,
M Wurrtn lit , N Y. . juulllL
3ALE'"S .
ON ' :
Li/ERYWHCRE : . v--T hjl
Tux lEtMluclloti IK NriM'-Hiiry.
The necessity of a i eduction of lax '
ati'Ui to dhert the'tinneedcd suiplu.1
accumulating in Hie lieasury tn legi
timate channels of business Is more
iippaient than ever. In spite of lib-
eiiii If not e\travagant expenditures
in the month ol December the treasj
my surplus lor the irmilh amounts
to * ! ) .7'li > .iiiO. ! This is at tlie lute of
neailv $ l2i.UO.iuio ( ( ) ami ally , and la
gives lii'sh iiolnt and fun e lo the ar
gument in favoi of sweeping tax re-1
( luetlon.
_ hohl li , firuiiitliolioitiitiiin I , uliMRr'v
i ALT10M 1 h' iuumi > . IVPM tiitf AIIII.JI i f
. ' i t * a ' 'tff \ la
-rr v.w , i K'i r iM.
fliilne : i Mira Than Doubled In Four Years-
THBRK/ISONSl \ \ .1. . UK ui v mi..i'in-cl f ll ui.-irr > ! nfn' J3WMa
t't "inln/i itlminiirnt IT tni m i 't'i In tlirnnrlil.
< \.t. Iini'UHttOia l S3 rol'0f pin ril aide l > j
ililoviili Sj.iv mi | jfl'O flu" ut oilirr innlrt , irf
'iiiirnl lo li- j iu ni r i < il 'n f ) * lll uutwcar two
| Un : ot or.l.u..ry ti 'iy hint i.1.f.u tliuti.
! laJe nt tna be.t liuilierj , Inctuillrtij Fnlrrt
Coiona Kltl , Coronet Colt , unit fmtionnl Kanyarco ,
1 1 | ( olor t'jdfl , . , , 4lniM IIUrL Ilooki i4.
tT.I..I ) onliif .0 ( ) " ( Jilt , l.-r II. . . " r.or.lV. fullll
Nhii v , i.y mull a.lo. fxlin. < 'nlMlii ( ; li < > e.
\ \V. I. . OoiiKlm , Jlriirlcton , Mini. J
gfcj * G&EGORY
/CTC'"STlC . . .
! ? < H..II.-I IM .
Mnrkn iiiinli'iiiTS t iitnlotf Krot.
I. II. ( . .IM.IIIU .V MIS , Bi.rbKI.iAil , u > .
A 0
TF1fyG& $ % " * i
3R A W 0 A .rf.
Double Daily Sen/tee
for I'.foiirttlcn cr Rstu , cil ! upon c'
ceircit ftjc.- ' . , or
S. M. ADSIT , 0. I > . A. .
ST. JOSEPH , ; .io.
fany alltn'ots particularly throat and
'UHR troubli 8 ar. attrlbirabl" to utisin-
Itury wall covering' ' Alabafatlno has 111-
Uorucment of pbyslctaim and sanitarians.
imcVafres have full dlri-o
i ii * Atnii ! .m linisli i on. Ask pa nt
d a ir fc r tint c r < i. ' Mnhn ttnu l-ra" *
rice. Alutia Unc Co. , UraJul I'.ujiia.s ,