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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1902)
Why cannel tJU'ulny ti'lmolsw \ l > fpt up in viiiter ufl well : IH in HUiniihuV It i < n tlelrliiu'Ut 1 Suinlny euhool work in a spuioly Hi'tth'il ' iiutrj to lie tl \iilcil by Hi.'ctnriniiii-iii vli > ro tlit'io IB only a tow of t'lioli itciiuinlnuiir n , PortutCH ot'Iy two or tlii'.o inilit1 * * t Pitch ulni c'l ' Unit uill nttxtnl ntul i\n > williniz tOtiytok' | l lli I' l'O'H'H , IID'I III 1011 the funtlri ( uil'h'-M Iho Sunday Schou HUH' iliH ilvo lloviniifili tiottur il woulil li if Hut d fforont dpnotttintlotiH would throw u > tlit'ir jin-jinl cos nnd couiu lo < t''h < r M > Pliri-'tHi H nujr\t | to ilo ntul liHVii i in Sti d v - 'i iila th"ii tliiMi' ih t < t * not , h i" i ; ti ihmi- Ohlllollt'H Ud'lld ! . Ill U i-ulll l ( ) OMIlt * iitl'l ri'Cii\ti IIIMMII lion i d I'lirn ID love I'.iblo .Situli' H , hut iti'-ii'ml MI ( hit tlie\ s\y , "I w-Hi'r 1:0 to lint c'-lav bi.hool tli y d MI t wint rtny lijiv t ort > but Ihoir own i-iii'ph iiiuuilmr- . " > l ty I'.n . l.nril d div -r iii < liom tli" Hi'lf-ti .IM- | ) ' . III 1 I Hie III 111 Illllt I > M'\ . ll II til" IMII ily iiilar n ti.e \\ortln , " ili Lord lilt-Ha n"1 mid my wit'- , tny - .lohii anil hia U ticV ( Htly , hut rnrJnik. . " If \\cuoililall H'n'y our bihl-'a ni'u > nnd llie Ihtilts oi . Ihor el.urcu. P ' ( " we uuuld noon all bu one iti Cliri-U Oh fur nioie lolerutioti mid loan We nre having spring weather tio\v , H. F. Hthuudrt Into t telephone in hia homo now. Mrs. ( J. O. doyiicr has bet n hiving nn attack of La Ciripp. Bert \Vtiihlinjitoti went to Hyno ( or a few days vloit thin week. Miss Mary Whittle roturncd to Lead City , last week. Mr. fttid Mrp. F. 1) . Dny wore In thn / valley .Sunday ami Monthly. Jim iMilne , who ban boon in Iowa lliu piiht two weekH returned List Monday. Arthur White and wife have moved into the housu on the old Edwards placo. Mr. niul Mis Hill went to Hpiltiir Creek MM tiny to Pee Hil. .lohnxon who is eull'ering frrnj uoni-uir.ptien. The prot rated Her vices closed last 1 Friday night , without much vinblo results , but it strengthened the members of the churdi spiritually. i ( J. . A0ht > Aiif > li and VV. I ) [ Blankciiship di parted Moi d ly j morning for Kej a I'al.a county. Mr. 1 " Ahhbauj.'h 0 ( s to ee about his bud there. Quite a f nun Ily reunion watt held .it He home of Mr. .lnhiiHon last Sunday , when David Johnson aud wife arrived from Wilmut , Ohio , | where the former went in 18'I. ! ' J t < . H. Johnson of Broken Uow and 't T Mrs. Anna Ackerinan of Mason r City uNo uamo homo and all was ' ? uomplete sirpridct to their parents. i , W do not know whulher Duve has " , come with the intention of loeating X or only for a visit. P Cards of Thanks. i I heruby oxlond to the frifiids and nni hborri of Broken Bow and . vicinity my Hinoero thankn for the } ' kindneHH and courleHies i-hown mo ' . i in my recent great boreavornont and , ' for the aHHiwtancn in oaruing for Ti i. and burial of my beloved Imchnnd. M its. LOUISA DYK. U , S. Land Office. JAMES UIIITKIIBAD ItvRl IM1. YOUNU Hecclrcr I.UUAL ADVIiUTlSUMKNTS. All iMlviTii-unnnU utiilfr tliIn tu-fiil "III lid rlmrutd for ni lui-nl rutr * . vli : Jl.POpi'r ( | < fur linn ln orilon , niul ttx.icr tipiuro Inr riirli ptibi't-qito it Inxi-rtlon A "nuaru" | , K ten linos' or ( rcctlon IhiMio' . lliltld Mali' " l.iillil IMlke. I llroscn lou. ! Nub . 1' , U rJ f N'ollio IH lu-tobyxl\cn ih.-il thu InllowttiK limn- ril n'tllt-r him tllnl not In' of her Inli-nilon to make llnul proof In ruii ) ort of her claim. and Hint nil. I proof will bu Hindu buforc Ili-glrli-raml lie- uilM r. at llrukcn llou rti'lirnnliH , na Match . ' ? , I'W.viNANCY Ij.HNbLL , of HuoMer , Ni'li. . on IIIT II K Mu. xia , for ( lie Nc'i , i-i'Otlln , ' < ) tnwindilpSU , north , rniiiii S3 west , ( ith I * . M Mir names I ho following \ \ ltnei"ii-- prntc her con- tlnuotin residence upon and cultivation uf raid land , \ Ittcorfo : \V lldomcr , Ni'hriu- kft , Kiln * U Joliinon , of llnn ! > ler. Ncbrncka. ClmrhH M. Slit-el. of Ilooslur ; John Slnwt of llroKfii llo\\ , l cbmpka it. II il JAMES WlllTKIIKAD , t'nitul tnU-x I.inul Olllcf. ( LtroKi'ii llou , Ni . ) , Kohrnarv 7. liu - I N'ntlco bunny ( ilvcn tliut the follottini ; mini cd potllt-r IIHK tiled no'lco of hlx Inluntlan to maku Iliml proof In support of ht-r claim , niul that Raid pn of ulll be made halnr" Ht-plett-r and HeerKt-r nt Ilrnkrn How. N < luiiskn , on Kridny. Marih 91. I'Htt ' , vlr : .IK > SIK .1 ACOIIS. of Nun lleU'tm. Nntir.iiika. on her II 1C , Sn Mill. for I lit1 \ \ 'i N-H. KVi S\v > 4. flection s uumhlp IS. N. . rnngi' 'Jo , wont , btli I * . M ll nametliu follow InjlliipixuB tu | irovo his coiitlnuotiH roxldcaci upon and cultivation of rand. \ i/ Mti-us ( I MoiitKOtiitT } , \ \ IlllainV. . Tooloy , Dennis VVnl ton. * S. Tooley , all of llrok-n Him , Neb i"i.4l ( Ifi JAM ! s \ \ IIITMII.AII Lulled states tnnil Oflleo , I llrnki-n llnNnbr flka , .Intiutm , ' . ' . \W1 \ , ( Notice 1" hiTiliy Klven that the1 foiluulni ; nam i'li HCtllcr linn lllcil notUo of hlri Inti'iitloti ti > make Html proof In nupporl of hln cliuni , unil ( hut HHhl pro ) f \\ill ) > made hcfori ! Hc lxlcr ntul lieu Ivi-r at llroki n llou. Nuhrnvkai on bVliru irj ' .T.IUIW.vly JOHN T. MACKHY , of Wi-Mer MillNconiHlu for tlio II. K No. isll , N't ' N\vt | , Kccllon 2(1. ( township 17 , N , IUIIKU l\ pxt IJinniiiii the folhnvliiK ultuwmoi to prove In- oiintlnnoiiH rofldcmu upon iiiul cultlviitlon of tmld land , \i/ : Kolivrt.l. Allllrt , John 1' . Hannur , ri > or i'V. . \\Vlsh , UKrcnce Mm Uuy , nil \\i'Htir\llhl , N hriiskii JAMUH Wnirnii\ , NOTICK OK rilOHATKOKII.U I'ho Slntc of NohrANku , I ( ; u tcr Uouulv , f a 'lo nil thu ilcvlHiv'K and h'KAtui'fl , nnd All InliTcHtcil | u thu ( Btittu of Uunlel . Ulihri'Hx , l.jdln A I-I'WR | , of pnld coiinlj , him Illcd In inj oillonnii liiBtruinoiit purporting to lie tlio lust ulll unil tOftmni nt of Uaulil I.II\VH | , ih < - I'diiM'il , liiloof eat I ( Oimty , Hint R petition prny I tig to liti\c the HIIIIIO Hduutted to prohutn , ulilcli will rtilatux to hotli rrul mid pirnouul intuii' uhi'r 'iipini I IIICN , ' iiipnlnti | > il tint 'J-'nd duj of Mii.'li , 1'lf. . nt ID o'rlock In tlio lori'iiooti , lit io\ < HUe , In nnlil niunt } , ti thr tinio nnd phiii1 > uu ami ill LOiici'riit'il , may appnir and rontcHt Uu prohnto nf thu HIIIIIO II IH fiirttivr oidi'rcd thnl s Id putltloniT Khi' notuf to nil poraoiiH Inter- mtcil inHnld I'RtHtiof pi'ndi'iiuy of thu jii'tl lion , mill thu tliiiuiind piino nl fur hunrli j ; tin sunn' , by niiistni ! n eopj of till- order to Im puh llxhcd in tlio ( TiMMi I'm MV Hri'i'iil.H , 11 ne\M pipt'r pnbllchlid In llroKcn lluu , for four roiiMciiihtuiiUs prior to tlu > day i > it for I t-ir In * ; In ti'hiliiiiiii ) ulKTCdf , 1 IIMMI liuiclinto fd Hi } hand anil nUixcd my ollk'lil i-ial thif 'JUlh dn > nl IM'O narj , I'K'-J ' J , A. AuiioiMt , : ! 7-lu LM IMEAI ] tountj NOTION. In thu matter of thu application of Alfred rinidy for liquor IKen-o. Till-- l tucurlllly tint Alfred " "uiidv hnIlltil n petition , on I'dinury , ai , I'd,1 ' ) , with thu Connl ) Cleil. of CliHtcr roiiiily , Nuhrnnka IIH rtijulnd li ) tluifliitiiieHof Nchrcnkii priiyliu ; Hint n HHIIBC limy b-KriuiH'd to him. the said Alfjid Knnily. to sell mall , hplrltoiH anil MIIUIIH Ilipiorx for the tiKC'il ji tirr-inlliiL' May I , I'lOj , in a liullilliiK Hlln ntuil mi I it : i in lilni-K 4r > of tliu nnlni iiriiornled vill-iK-ofOi onto , In Wood Ulver Touiihlilp , In < niter Count } , Nct > in-ka unil tl tit H linnrlnr up on unM petition luforotho hoind of SupmlHiri- of wild county IKH-LCI ) for on or aft"r Jlardi II ' ' us the finl.1 llonrtl of 8llporvl' < orH may . OFIIV , Dcvvin , ( HKAI. ) Clerk of duster Count } ami " , ! ; I Olork ol tlio Itonnlol SupeilHirii NOTIGHTO CHiiITIIIS. : IiiC'niinty ( Jniirt.Ulhln ai.d . for CuHtcr conntv , NuhrnsCa. In ( hi- mailer of thu enlateuf Amlrcu AndtirMiii , ihceaned. To the credltorn of raid cclatu' You nro In-n-hy notified that \\llirilt I lit tlin i onniy cniirt moin , lit Ilioken llou. In hHld county , until t Sl8td.iv of April , lUIJ , cm MiuJlHtilnv uf June , ll'OJ ' undo the'Jl t ilnv > r Aiiiiiiit. IIKIJ.UIIL ml II ) u'cloikn. in. , nt calil day.torcoiihcnnil txanurif all rl lini > ajj'ilnet hah ) citatu , with a v'uu to their mlmst. incut and a ) low mice. The tlmo limited foi tlio presentation of Lltlma HKHlust ti'ild eetald Is alx iniiiithe from iho Jlstday of lrL'hrinirj , 1'JO.1 , an Ilif time lin.lted for payment of ilolitn lt > onejunr froineiild Jlnl day of I eiiruarj , 100.VltnoKM my hand anil HUH ! < f nald ( onniy cou.t , this lillli itnvnf Krluiiary. IIKU. J A.AUMUUII. l1"-1- * " IHBAI. ] County Jttilie ; OUR CLUBHINf. RATKS i cpubhcan and Kansas City Journal . $ i as cpublltan nnd Inter Ocean 150 | rpuhlicnn nnd Twentieth Century . i t > 5 . epubhcan and QlolJE-Ueinocrat , bemt.w i 83 epnbhc.iii and Stnti Journal . . . i 85 cpuclican and ebraska Knnner 1.85 Lepubliciin and Life of McKinley . 150 Knsnina Anderson , J. C Moore Keul Estate Abstrjctor. f T IHurts for palu unit rent in I'nttcr coiintj UIK ! lulMiniiiK cnnnin . htiltlCH | and moitK UCH uouuht anil sold Ah'tinitH piomptl ) ami m all ) niadi OIUcu Main stri ct , Ilctweeu Ith nnil r > tli Avunui'llrokon How , I'nutiT county , Nohraska. . n . " . . i ' , ' * . " . ' ; . . . " . * -m . ' . * V . . ' . : . ' . . ti ' . . . fmf , ' . jit f . . . " ' V'R / . * si * ' > * ' " . ' * < AGLE GROCERY. I / r * /jet i * . ' ' . " * * M * - .1" y . i. . * K isf. All partiofi indebted to the Knylo ( trooory , are requested fc'T * : i's3 ' V--'j i to call and suttlo their account by cash at onuo. I inuat havn ' ? ? * ' ' ' * V' f l monny to pay billa , I cannot do biisin&ss on wind. foi YOUTH truly , W. ' " ' * * * ' Proprietor. ; 'V j&j 10 Bars of Soap for 25c , * ' ' ' THE P. D. SMITH COMPANY , * * * Always havn the boHt quality of j Lumbnr and Author builJing .na- * ft * " ii { , , , terialn at the Lowest Piious. | 'l ' 1 * 'Phono No. 70. i -u C. R. JUDKINS , Manager. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. Article I " Im > n uf said corporation ( hull bo Central Tel- phone t'otnpiiny. Attlrlc 'J , 1" c prlnrlplo iilscc ' tnii'Ciutlni ' : Itn , liu inr ( ph ll hu In the ody of Itrokun llou , Nilirnnm Article n. 'I lie nutlirc of tlu > lin-lno to tin trminni-lcd I > v orporation rhfil ) ho the urectlnn nml nmin U'tiM > riM > f pdcs , wires , nwllchl ) rt . telephone * ami llMnriH ncici ry to operate ni'd trKiirni't a KiMicrnl lolephctu' I'ttnlnrufi tn eudi point * mid iilBCi-n within raid filnlo an thipnhlU lntcr ( i-tc and hmaiulH mn > rrqitlie. nml lo Inilld , on > l I'lirrh mo , I r mi nnd i'1'crnle MI h iilditlonnl li'i < -i > and In ni-li MK m 'is l Ininli I. H | of Hut corHM tlon jiict f > , ai d to carry out rnhl purpose Mini corporation ti oinpoMerod to lea * * nd puccliHic l ( -11 1 cxtati- and erect fticli liilldln a thereon up the Intcn stnof tlie lompany may rciptlru. Article I 'I'hc anthoilrvil cnplltil Hiock of nild loriorn tlon shall he thlru-tlvu thoiHinid dollar * ' } , ( ; > , ( HKltloi to hu dl\hfed Into i > vun hundred nnn ii-ii'rHHKble i-lmrc 8 of Illtv dollars ( 'lO.tXM cm h 1'otir hiindn d of mid i-hiircn to bu Htihecrlhod and p-ild lor nt or brforo the date of thu niKMil/itllun of nht corporation , The romalnliiK three linn ilred sharoi tha.l be lu'ld In the tri'.asury of mild cor ; oration to be sold and nl > pc M-il of unl ) for I ll'cli.inlliK. lea-dnu and \tClnlliiU : thu line and in. proving tlio faillltlep of tild inrrmrMlon pro \ . ( Ini thnl nld t runt ury i-Uuk n > hold dull not bu ol\idci d boar UK until the Kainu IH told .Huil iHxiinlliv the ( llircts of nnlil corporation , mid thai ( tin Kold sliMl bi > at imrviliio Article ft. Tliocxiftcmo of thin corporation utmll com mt'tiio on tintlmt da > ol Match , 1' ) ' . ' , ami tun- IlllUe fora peliod ot twenty \onti. Artlcli- I ! Tin1 hiiKlni-FRof nald corporation fhnll ho ron t'tieliil by n lloird of Dlnctors compciHcd ifiUo nuulii-rr , who hlmll be oiccted by the ntock lioldnrtof piild corpoiHtlon from amctiK thi-lr nun her The election of mid lloatd of PI-IT tots to tnki' place iininiHily nt thn vcnoral t llhv of raid i-oiportition on thu Ilixt Monday uf Man h , In eadi V'ar. Artlclo 7. Tin' i Illrerx of t > a'd ' corporation i-liall con-mt of n pr ( cldent , \ ict'.prei-ldent , ocrctarj .truabiln r. and Kpnnrul .iiiuinirr. AH olUccrx of the corpora lion me lo lie eli cicd In the Mount of Dimiorx Nothing don-In eball prevent uny pnrKnu Irom holdlu ; one or more of rnhlolllccx. Artlclu K I'he hl''hi'r-l liiilulilcdiHiM- t\hlch xaid eorpor- in Ion t-liull nt niiv tliuc Mibiicl lleclf .shall not ( \i ( i d tuo tlilnlflof UK uiplial block Arlh .e II The muctliiKH of Mild Hoard of Din c tors nnd tlui melhiiilH of comltK till ) . ' the litlflliniix of Mild ( OiporHtl.iii hhull ho determined itnl Het out In the Ily Laws of sMd lorpoialh n hutelnaftt'i tube adoplul Ii ) HHld Hoard of Dlm.tors Article 111 Thtfu attli'U'B iiiny lie amended atany time In the manner ptovlded by Ihu IHWH of the state of NehruKka. In ultniwherenf , the niuleritlKni d Imvuhnre unto fliliM rlhinl thtlr iiniiifs thlx Clxl ( hi ) ol hrliimio , A. 1 > . I'.Hi. , ,1 i ; . AIIAMMIN THANK II. YutiMii. V nt Id 111.1:1 . U K WAIIIIIUK. A K. IlL'MiMinm . 1) , M. AMsliKitur. ti II. CosiiM ) ( i. W. Ai'rl.n. \V II IASI.\\M. : Tn.iiNBV tluos , Hy U K'vniisoN , t r.Tlermy , I'.M M.U.I..MAN. It M SUM IVAN C.ll JlSKIOItllS \V It 1'tiNNMMtlMN NOIICKO1I'KOHATK ( ) ! ' WILL. I'lie Male of Ni hrimka , ( Custcr rorint ) , ( To ail the DevlnoeH und li atce > ' , aid all peiHMiiH InterthlL-d in the IMatu if yii"iin K lludil ilci CIIHI d ; \ \ hrrciiH ( ieniu | ; K N. lliidd of xahl county , him t Itil In moHUi an ItiBtruiuont purporlliiK to bo tlio hint Will anil TuHlmmnl of HtihAn 1C , lliidd ( lectiiKi'd lute ol said Comity , and a pi'tltlon iiriij Int10 have tin -HUH' admitted to probate , which Will lrht - ti-i both real and pi'rhdiial CHluto. uhiTcnpnii I have appolntud the ' Ith , t.\v i.r M t. h IUO > M ( Id . , i > li.t k ill thn flint noon , al m > olllci-III Kald ( ' .unity , - thu tlmo ami | ilaec > ou nml all concernc'd , may appear il cimtuft the piobuto of thu eamu. In Teetlmony vVhereof I have hereunto et my hand aud afllxed in ) olllc lal nual , thin 17lh day of rehriiary 1'JO. J. A ia-L'ii IHKAL ] HOAIJ MITICK. I'o whom It iniiy concern. ' 1 ho Com.r iHKlnnrriippiilntcil tolcw iroid ( ommilK Inj ! at Htatlon Nn IH the ' 3 comer on north Hide uf Section U , Towuxhlp W , HniiKti IH , from ctal on No 1 south Ml rhali e no link * to . ' -'cluilnn ncioha drim lo Hiiitlon J , fran jlallon ' . ' wixt 1' elnil'M'S nn llnkato Htallon .1 lo u place 3(1 ( rotlH north of the iv corner of riiCtlon I'.1 , ToMtiKldp IM , Italian IS u , Uth I' . M , Im * ronoitod in fuvor of i itahllshin iho rord thoriof , nd nil oliK'LlloiiH theritlo , < ir claim * for ditmuuH , must bu llled In the ( 'ountv I'krK's oflli-o on or hifore the ' 'Ilh of IUDXI iiniiii of duy April , erich ich roud will hn iMatillHlitd withuut relerence theri'lo. \VltMHH\MiiTeof , I IIM\O her unto il in ) hnnd nlid H'lil ol Miiil lonnly , this I'JIh duv of l-'ehruarj , PJt ' Oto. W DBWKI lii. < 9 I'l t'ounly ( . lerk. In the Dlxtrlct t'ourl , I'liHlur County , NebraNkn. .lohii Collier , i Ininllll , v * Uaniul llurrti * , etitl , [ U'lnndndls. To C.dollne lla--er ( , and Iliionnr , % \ hose \ > t > < iiiiino H unknown , but whole ( he limdmml of tin' nan ) Cfirnltnn Hacker , non-roalddMtili'fi'iulmi'B You , and ench uf } oii , utn uku notice Unit on In'.lid dav of I'ohruary HOJ , the plnintlll John i'olller nind IIIH pullllon In the District Court of 'MHtor Louuty , NcliraHl.H a aloU v > u nnd esdi iifjou , nml nibi'iih'fenilanli' , Iho objxt mid I river of vhlch ari to foreclose two certain iri HKex i xecnted by D.mlc 1 llariln and katc VI II irrln to the Iowa .Morlwn Co , both of ulilch moil H 'Hri nro now ovvnod and held by Mild plain till , and the llr-t of xald monuiKo uivm by the Hsld Daniel llnnl * and Kuli' M. ll.irrN to aid limn Mort 'ijt-Co upon the N K. 'i ot ( ( lion 1M , lunnxlilp IT , Kmo 17 tu Ciihler i ( iiintj , Nvhraxkii , to nccure the tiamunt of a certain unto for thn mim of tf.'iOd.iiU dnli-d Atu'ilrt lii IVi7 , dun enleinbcr I , liilij There x ii i duo upon mild nmrlnuKe Drat uieniloned JWX ) INI ulth Interest i hen on at IU per tent from Veptrm ii'l iHt , ] Mi , and wild other inorU.iK" mi'iitlnned and di i-crlbtd In rnl.l pelliion wan iveu to occurelho imymoiit of H note of S-WMII duled Dioinibir Hint , H J iluu Janniry 1 , lb'J * > , ami raid morliHie ! vva Kti n up I. thu S W. ' 4 of ' cello i 17 , ' 1'ownxlilp 17 , Unlike 17 In Uuittcr ( 'onniy , NohraHUa , ami theru In dud upon "aid isHt mi'iitloni d note , thu i-iini of jMHi.OU to 'i-'liur vvllh InlureHt then on from thu llrnt dfij of , lan nnry Ih'J.I ' , and for which KI Id HIIIII with IntcreHt ihiircon , plulntlll pra > H that cald inortKH Cf may ht < fiucclo-i'il nml tlui H ( vcrat HIIIIIH due upon xnhl two notes and morti-aues be nec.i-rliilueil Hud lixeil liy thu Court nnd ih ireid to bu llrxl morl " ! ! " Ih us upon Hiild Hi'veral tr.'ictH of land and th"t It he di cried Hut the dufeniliintu he required to pay ld xevcral Hum * , to tthur ulth liuurcet thereon il the cot IB ( f IhlH Mill , within tunny dny from lliu dale i f ihe i nlry of the decree In thin cane , or In default thereof , that mid prcinlKUx niiiv bu vevcrall ) itppraUi ( I and soi'l by thoflln rill : UH llponexcutlon to fiitlffy euid tevural nuioiintu fo found due \oti and each nljon arc u.jnircd to r.unxcr 'Hid ' petition on or before Mommy thu 'Ith Oa > of Man h ItHi-J Dnlid l-'ubruary yrd lln/J , JOHN Ciil.l.iKU , I'lalnlllt < > .ts-l.J lly ( ; . I , ( InrKuwi.N. Illx Attorney. r Bros. hnv a largo and ' omplete line of dress goods , ladies gooiis and their prices ire right. They nan save you money. Call and see them for barg- 'UIIH v - * * A - - * M . . &JMlWttUJMW A FREE PATTERN S CALL'S [ S CALL BA2TAR , All Allowed and PfrtordH tit thow 1 t i * ' i ' ' " * el ' a * ' I ' ' ( I' in OKJI > eeti h t - d t i by ut u n THE McCALL CO. . II3-ll5.7West | | JUtSt , StW YORK. I AM GOING TO CLOSE OUT M ) entire ntoi-k of clothing. Hiji cut in priccH of L-nlios bhous to reduce the Htook. Oomo anil have your tne.iHure taken for a TAILOR MADE SUIT , Prices From $8.5o Up As Good As You Want. Don't forgot tlmt wo SELL GROCERIES at ( lush 1'ru'L'H , and pay the Highest Market Prices for Produce , Broken Bow , NobraHkn. from 111 ' ! o G d.ri lo ' 'D from 'JO H 'in w l ! 'IS to a I Iroiii : . ' ! M 7 n : < IU to i > from L'.1 K HI MU M I'J 7 toJ.I fruin 'ji : H lit ItO ii 7 7' ' to , ' ! Iroiu ' . I B -1 'M w I VI to U''i from "ii h 111 'M n ! < its tu L'li fiom'il H : w 11 7 HI to lit from . ' 7 II o II HI to .JH from -'S n Ih 111) ) w s Irt lo ' , ' from 'A > ts 13 n fi 7H to l f'lini HD H - . ' W w s ; u t , , : i | fiom .11 n I'w I Ml to ! IJ from : u B Ml I'.H w r. H7 to 'IH from : l H 6 "J ) w I Kil to 111 from : n in mi c u so 10 : n from II N I'l ; > n u 'I Til to 117 wlilih IH thn norlhciiHt lorner section I'J , town ship IH , ran' o 18 , from nl'itlou 'M ninth 80 chalim to utatlon 87 , nhlch would Im thn iiortlumHl cor- nrr of ciollon IU , townnhlp IS , ranto IH , hn re- pnrti'H In fnvor of Inintlni ; the road theruof unit all ohjeetlcniH therulo , or cliiliiui for dmimpiN , niiiHt IKllled In the < ounty vlork'n odlco on or Im. fen noon of tlio Ith day of Aprl. , PHK , or nilh roiul will he ci-tnellc hcd without lufoiuncu llieio- to In wltiii'HHvliLriiol , 1 Imve hurcnnto nut my liund nnd Bunl of i-uiil iniiuty , tlilH lUth day of I'Vhriiary , IIW. WHO.V. . IKWK > , atl.W 17 Comity C'lurk NOT1OK TO NON-KKHIDKNTU. Woxley Mallutt , Kiln M. .Mailutt , Harvey K Chapln and Mrn Ilar e H Chapln , wlfo of ll/ir- \ y U. Chnplu , dofeiidaniH , will tnko i otlco that un the ( ilh duv of Kuhrimry , 11HI. , Kllza A llulllh , plalnllll liuriilii , Illol her petition In thr dlntrli I mint of Cnati'r toniity , Nt'branla , aKiilimt mid dufi'iidiinlH , Iho ohject and pruyur of uiilch uro Id foicdofo a ( jrtiiin mortKnk'u di i d , iixcciiltd liy H ld Wri-lcj Miilhilt and Kiln Mallalt lo and In fuvor of ilio Nehmska MorlK K'i ami Trust ' 'oin Imoy roi.M-yliiK tliu cant Half of the norlliuiil nnd the cant hnlf of tliu sunthunHt ' | tliirter of MM . tlon.U in townnhlp tyi , north of r mo1 ; ! , west of Oth I * , M. , In NohniMka , to aLCiiruthu paynifiit of ono curtain rual I'flatu llrft miirtuak'o liond In the HIIIII of $ f > ol } , dated on the -'Hn ilny or.tnnunry , U'.H ) , duo Hiid | inahh ) on Iho Hist day of Kutiru ary , I ( < H5 , with lnt rent llierron Ht the ralt of 7 per cent per annum , tlii'r.i IH now dnu upon Hiilil fiend thu fald cum of J500 , with luturtwt thureon from the llrnt dny rf Kubruary , IfciTi , ut tt'O ' rat of ten pur cunt per annum u d the following noiei > tlui f nun ) buli'tr Intorott i oiipon notex to- wit. NotiiK dnu Kchrunrv anil AiiKH"t , IHHI.Kuhr nary and AII IIM , IhiU , Kuhrnary nnd AIIKHNI , I8TO , Kuhrnary anil An ni-t , I8'l ) , end Kcliriiary I , IH'.l'i oacli In lliiiBMin of ! JI7 Ml and drawliiK inter i nl from thu maturity of vuih thereof at thn rnto of HI per ciiut per annum , for which nald rer- tiral HIIIIIH Hie plalntll nrnyn for a dccreu that the defendant * ho ( ( 'quired u pay thu eamv or miht lircuiUeB may I > 0 aold to aall-fy tlio amount foiinl duo You am recjulroil tu aimwiir mild putltlon on or In-fore Iho 17tli day of Mnrrli , I'HU Dulcd this nth day ol KclirunrvMJ. \ . KI.UA A. llul.l.lM , Ill 87 li Ily JAUKH LKDWICII. _ Her Altornej MAKTKIt IN CMANOKltV NA1.K. Notice la hurUiy uivi'ii. that hy vlrtiin of an or dcr of Hulu iHMinn to HIM from tlio District < oiirt of Cimtor ( ounij , NcliruHka , Uion n dfcrte of forerhiHiiro rendered In uulil court , at thu 1'tiliru- nrv . IIKIIJ , term thereof , to-ult On tlio Jbth day nt Ki-urimry , IIHKI , In favor of Arthur U llrinui , K A htnck mi. I William It. Wlli-uii , pUlntilTo. and iiKaliict I'otur J. Krun/mi , Mary A. Kranr.i u , 1 onntaln M. shnrpu , 'I'linit A. Sharpi , lil ulfe , and Wllllum Di-trlnK und Company , ilefitiiilanln. 1 have Icvlml iipnii following ( lincrlheil rial txtate. to wllAll ( if hUick HCVOII In Dan li win' addition to thn town of llroltun Itow , Me lirihku , and I ulll , on thu 17th dny of Match , I Wt a. nt two o'clocl. p. in.nt thu cant front dun of lh court liousn , In the city of ItroLen llou , Nehravka , In Hiilil i ounty , m II Hald n al CHtnlc at liiilillc : auction to the liiithout hlddur tot mill t < i ntlnfy Mild ilciree , ) ntelenl mill uintc. tht iimoiintiliKtlnreon ftiiiountlinf to tliunm of iM7Uiii | with pi per rent Intori'nt from Koliruun - ' ' . HII , and court coitit aiuoiinllin.- } ' ( ! > . ! "md uho\u diHiiiliud rim. eMalu ulli bu Mild eilhjeu * lo ml prior llena ami Ini amhrwuK , ai * pur cortltd ittcii on II 10 in dh tr ! ( ) t cli.rk' iffliiMted ililn I.'ihdltyof Ncluiury , WH WII.LIH CADWULL , Maitt'r in t hum ury jA. H. Huui'iniKV. Attorney _ _ j'ilti JO KOAI ) NO'Ilt'li To whoni It nia > concern : Tliu Loininlarlom r appolntid to m . * n mad i niiiniuncli ( , ' nt Ptntlon 1 U a point H i lialu and < i llnkH i ant of liuiuh-iipt corner of thu routliwuu' ii.iartcr of thu cuutln nit tiuirlur , til BILIICH , o tuwiiHlilp l , raiigo 17tht , St Uon Stiillon No. I ) ( | ? Jlln Chalna , LlnL . K < > fr.un I n ; (7 30 w I I ) . tu trmi a H K > w 4 Ai to fro' " a n 2 w 10 b. to l from t n til w 0 fct to 6 from 6 n 37 w U w to n l mm U u M 3D w 6 GO tu , from 7 ft 'Jo :10 : w iu : to Iroui 8 a 74 an w U ! ' > In b from U u ( l | n- 11 -in tu In f'oi.i IU n 0 ; w 0 IV lii I from II n Si ! 30 W 3 j- m i. ' trolll I , ' H "i JU b 'il to > riiiin U n bl aj w f "I to 1 1 from M 8 1" > tn I i U tiie Kinthwi it Corner sui-tlon t , l.iun hl | 14 , iiiiu-e 17. IJIIK ripurled in luvor of I. eaih. tliu ri.nd tin roof , and nil ohi i'.tloiiii thuri to nr i In. miler lor ilbiouiiin , mint Li llled In tliti muiit ) inika iillU-H on or before noon of the "Ith < lky ut AII | l > ' . ' or euch i jmt will Liu lnc ted \Mtlmin ri < r < r ulitu thureto luwltmvi ) uhorenf. I bavo heruiinlo NM | my Imnd ami i < u l ut ald uiuuty , Itiu U'tU duy . .f rVhruury , l'X Oso.lKttK \ , -IB Lounty Uort ollioo for job work AllTOllO flfMlilllil II K It I I ill ill - > t Tit t ino ( V ( lutokly aii- 1 1 mi on i i i it ii.ii tn i > u lii'iiit'i i iiiveiiliini 11 i > r 'mi i > i i i M il i. ' t I'luii \ ' iloiiHHtrkilv ii Ililenilal II n II "K i n i at , i tent fieililileii IH.MM i v 1m HP nun1 i in n I'aliml i I ill II i " > 'i S i"i * ( i' . i - . in IJ'rrlill ' iliif i i iili "i ! < tmri i' . Hi Hi" A Imiirt'ti. . " . - ' > I ! " i ivi IM. .1,1 Cllliitl'iil , r a vi " ' ' i' M-iir. f nr r i.ii > h -J I > i , I vtrnnUi nut . ' UOHEDULC Olr UliOKEN UOW MAIL . 1'oucli for wool will clone ( it H p. in , tixrcnt Btindnyhun It , will c.liifu nt HMfi p m , I'Diii-h , i'a t for Irnln No. UoloHiiH nl H a m ntul foi No. ! ! clofdn nt , n.'M a.m. Mall for Anclny- and polnti ontt of ( Irnnd Inhind c.iirrled on I ruin No H. Oronto rln of Hyno and 'I'liotorvllle , dully e.t- rupl Suniln/cloHnH , at 7 a in : ruliirnliiK name dny Cailaway via , Mc'Klnley dully oxcvpt Hiinday clo't'h at 7 H in , retiirnliiK mime day. lloiiml Valley via ( irt-tiji ami ICIton cloto at ? it. m , Tiii'Bdaj , TlniMtlay ami Satnrdajm , rutnrnliiK i < aici day. Murmur via ( lunn > "y , ( leoruetovvn ami Uptom nrrrlvUH nt II 'M. Tnt'i'day ' 1 InirHiliir niul bntur- day ruturuliiK ) nu lit l-in : ruimi day. OlUuhourH from H 00 n mtoB.IK ) p m sun driyH frnin t > : l5 p m lot ) I.'i p. m , l.obhy mioii weekd ya from 7 n , in , to 8 p in , Hllndluo M'iH' a. in to UK m. ( lenernl divhury not open i-un ilny inorntnt ; as hurctoforo. Li. H.JuwiUT. I'.M- TIME TABLE BKOIvliN HOW , NKB. Lincoln , IX * liver , IMlllltill. IlttlUIIII. lliittu , . I'orliiiiut , JK.IIIIMUH City , HCIII LuUo Ml. l.oulH. A ml Han l "ritiiclHvu All 1'OllltH ItHHt AlKI All I OllttM AH I Hillltll \VtCHt. Nn 4J"ViHllhuli'il nxprcHB dally , Unooln , ( linn- lit. l JoHiipn Knn City , St I.ouU , Oltl i-a o anil nil pot lit' * east lUiu lunilh . .11 41 p tu. No , 44 l.ociil uxprDHs .nul ) , I.lnculii , OniKhit , Ht. Joiiupti , KannoH ( Mtr , Ht , louliC'lilciiKu niul itlllioliiU onutiuid ninth . . B " 0 HIU No. Hi KrolKlit tlally , It.'U'otimi , Uraiul lulniiil , Aurora , Hewnnlnml l.tnioln . iloJam No. IH l'rollit. ( ( Vtlly oxrupt Hundnj , Itnu'nn * and iiitutiiii.illatu politic , . lubptu No. 41 Vertlllnilnil oxpn' mt lly , llulniu , Kent- Mo , Iluttu , l'urtlaid nnd nil 1'aclflc Uoutt polntH . 4 ( W am No. Ill-Local , nxpre rt tUlty , Allluuci- and Inlvrinedluto | iolntn . I'J Illutu ND , 4r > _ 1'rtilKlil ilitlly topa ciuly Ans lmo Kmicr * , Whitman Mid Alllnncn . lOAKuin No. 17 I'rolKht , dally except timulny , and tntorint'iltnto potntj . I Sft pm Hl)0iliiL' | , dli.liiR * n < l roclInltiK chnlr earn ( ntat ! free ) on throiiKh trnlnc. Tlclips told anil hK- KBKO rhockcil to any point In tin United blitlri itnd OiMintln. No. 4HlmH nn rcli&ndlso care TnomUya , 'Ihiirt- iliiyxuniliJHturilayu. No. 4il will carry pa nor KITH for Itnveuni llrmid iKland , Sowitnl and IJncoln , Infornutlon , mnpn , ( linu tulilui tnti tlckut mil nn or wrlto lo II L. Ormihy , ti < eut , or J , (1 1' . A , Omnliv , NohraHkn. 11. L. Uimaur , Awunt , -ro it-- Inspiring Hook For Patriotic Readers. Lifu und DiHlin ttiHuml SorviooH of WILLIAM MCKINLEY. OUlt ftlAltTYR I'KKdlUlCNT , The Oelehratod .Author and .Tournal'iHl > r With Ch-iptiirH by Hon. John Sherman , ( Ion. C. II. GrOHVonor anil ( Jol. Albert MalHtond , ot ICir ( .overnor MuKmloy'H Htatf. Iiilroduolion by Hon. Chuuncuy Al. Dopow. Ku- Inrycd to Include CloHin Uiiyn , Duiith and Hurial BY A. J. 1ITOSON , Author and Editor. Volume ol a tat tile , lithe the Official i 1'aper of UT WT i Iml B | thu county IOIIHTY gnus ® . \ \ hen "flit hy n.uu : o vuntrt extra T11IC HOOK AND Tlllfi Rlfil'UUUCAN tl 50. tiin ntory of hiH anootUorH , butli anu youth ; hid Hohool d y < ; on- liHtinont in the War of tin Kobollion ; diritingnitihed BorvtooK and promotion to Major ; admiiimon to the bar ; oleotud proHoouting attornoj ; inarriayn and devoted homo life ; elution to Conyroen Kovon tiuiL'H ; uhatnplon of protection , no und nionoy aud labor ; Governor of Ohio ; Election to the 1'romdenny ; Huuoeaaful admin- iHtralion ; ro-oleotiou to the I'roHiilunoy ; triumphal IOHTH throiifih the nulion ; HpeeihoH : , printnpleH and polioieH ; aNHiHdiiiAtion and death ; tribute of praiHo by the nation : ind the worhi IliH poruonal virtue , Inn purity of iiliiuuuter , hin iionostv of motive , IIIH piitriotm purpoHe , hia loyalty to ruiit ; , Inn love of jtiHtico , hlri ? puit of nionn oiuloarnlVm AIi-Kinloy to the American | iet > plo and yivo him a plaoe in their affutitiona sucond only tu that held b > the immortal Lincoln. SKNU VOl it 1 REPUBLICAN MONEY TO OUN'l , ! liroken Mi.w , Nebraska | |