Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 27, 1902, Image 4
( fluster ( do. Jlcpublican t'ubUdidl UTI ry ThnrmMy it tinContily S < t 1) . M. AMSHKICItV. lluitoi 1 lllock. KoarthTP.fc < > Kiitcml nt tin1 ) > o tninrn M llrukpti llnw , Noli til pocomUalMii mutter ( or tr tiMnl lon tlirt'iiKl the U. 8. M SUHSCKUTtON I'MCK : One Yt'nr. Jl I" ADVKItTISlSU RATRS. Due eolnmn. per rowth. J ? 00 Onp-lmlf t' < \ umn , pi > r moult ) , SlUi ( Jtmtrr column , ) iCl month , 52 M ) I * * * ( Inn aa-trr culuiua. M Cetitc ] > tr Inch l > cr tuoiilli Cr.rili on fliftJpu | ( * rout * | < rr Inch. | Hi mcintli , tacnl lulTtrllftltif ; 6 enu per lire racli li.ier lion. Notice nf rlinrch f lr , MWtahlr * ami entertain- ineut * wlicro inoncjIn ctmrp'I. mi.-.IiRlf rote ? Soclvttintinii en.t ir * > mtlon . ontvlmlf tn\vr. \V willing i'i'tlc 'S lu'r. lull I'tlcr tor pnlill'lilnj : lift Of ( irirvlltf. DrMli noticefnr , half p lr > fern n tiris. nil r ro > i t r uf > pf I'ilUKSDAY , KttH7 , .Prince- Hint ) of 1'ruMin , r < > pri > . genlntivpof hie bro'hor thcctnpctor of Got many nrnvid nt Now Vork Sunday , one day late owing to iho gavore MOMC at Si-a. HP was cor dially welcomed on Inn arrival. Thin oflico in p'o'i-od ' to acknow ledge the receipt ! tint Alluincu Herald , thp ollioial pnper of Hex Butte Count } , published by T. .1 O'Keofe , until ruucnily thu Herald been publihlit'il at llninuigford. Il is a domooratio piper of the fun- ion clans. Wlulo wo do not endorKi ) ttio politics of llii * paper , wo like tlic spirit of it ami arc pleased with tlio opportunity of exchange. AH there has been no fusion papi > r in Allainou tlio llnrald fills a long fell want in that viumity which in man- ifoHt by tlio liberal patronage it ro ooives from tlio Htart. The Chronicle takes exceptions to our artiolo opposing any mm at tempting "to force his noniimti > n on a party" in wlnoli wo alluded to D. K , Thompson as a striking i-\- amplo. Mr. TlioinpHon'H naino wan usrd simply because in our ostima- tiou' hit , course illustrated tlio point. Wo conoecd tlio right , of any law- abiding oitixes to asjuro to ny position - tion within tlio gift of tlio public But wo do not approve of iiiaoliino politics nor of any ono who resorts to machine tact ? to foHlor hiniMilf on thu public against the will of the majority an WHH plainly the 0380 with Thompson's candidacy Wo insist tliut when any man be- oomoB HO indifferent to jmblio opinion of his party that ho will resort to dishonorable InotioH to HC- cure n nomination or olootion , that ho ia an unaafo man and should not i\n nil n itl < t < i f/\ 11 i\ nf\iiiml' . f I. ! . . uu UUUIILIUU lu ILO COUI10US 01 1IIK p rty. To-day notwithstanding D. K. Thompson was defeated in his aspiration by the foroo of public opinion , he had his plans so well laid that while ho does not occupy a soul in the United Stated Senate , ho is uontroling the federal appoint ments through tboso whoso election ho secured. Wo maintain i that all appointments should bo made on the will of the people and that they should bo removed as far aa possible from the control of cliques and rings and that all ap pointees whether fedora' ' , state or county should only bu medu through the endorsements of the county or atato central committees , who can bo hold directly re sponsible for their acts. Wo print in another colum : copy of the article of incorporalioi of thu Oontral Telephone Oompany Their company takes ovur the tele phone system now owned ant operated by J. E. Adamson of thi city. In addition to thu inuorapa ration , J. G. U.ioborlo , .1. 0. Uowei and Willis Oadwell have takei stock in thu now company. 8UO , 000.00 of the uapilal slock is al ready subscribed for. This give the now company the Adamson line clear of all incumbratiuu and c\n1 in thu truastirery for extension o new linos. The plan of thin com pany will bo to build now line throughout the best improved see tioiiH of the county an fast as th demand will warrant. For the ex tontion of now lines treasurer ; stock of the company will bo offered od for sale to farmers along th proposed lonlo of new lines so tha if any suulion of the county want a telephone line all that is necessary is to Hubsuribu for a reasonable amount of stock and thu line wi bu put in. Every business mau o firm in lirokon How should take ditui > of stock in this company ; und tl > e loading farmers and r.uiohiuen ihioughoul the count } should call tnaHrt innetii'gH in their respective ocahtics for tlio ( iiirpoMn of sub scribing stook and becoming a part of Ihiri company and having lines milt into tlii'ir nuighborho > d. The otnpany holds their tirnt annual neotmg Monday AHrcli 'lrd , 10 a. n , for tlu > election of a Uoaid of CITY IIICTION. : : Thr tnno is drawing near for the innnnl cit ) i lection. The question ho Hhall suci'oed iho present in- uumbnntH in a matti r in w li oh all an > nero or ICHH interested. Those whoHc term expires with the present ear an ! . A. Harris , mayor ; Krod iinne , olctlt ; O 11. Conrad , ' , fttst ward ; Alpha Mor gan , second ward , and I A. It * noati M the third Whether any of the above arc andidnlo- * for reolcutton wo havu ot boon informod. In fact wo < nnw of no candidates for any of lie pl.u'i" , nor wo Imvu not hoard f any ono that has Higmlifd Ins villiogneHM to accept a place on the epublicau ticket , or any other for iiat matter. The linanoiil condition of tlio ity is suuh that men ot oHiuionoy s well aH character Hhould Im ohos- n for the several positions. If ny ono ha'i any candidates bring horn out. ) r Answers Armstrong's Hoply. Aftei leading Ihc fetid effusion which ppcaicil over HheiilT Armstrong's sij-na- ire in last week's papers , I sat down to nsvver Ivli's mephitic friend. After ritiny ; about a half column , I reviewed and decided that il was almost as mean s "AunstioiiK's teply to Di. Hakes. " 'hen I lememheied that I AM A c.UN- I.KMAN , and I piomptly dc ; lioycd the opy , decidiiiK to acce ] > t the verdicl hich the intelli unt people of Ouster ounty will lender after reading my first clter and the alleged iely ] , which the Icauicd friend" submitted to Arms- lionjr , and to which he attached his ( \ ) uirk. In the so-called reply , Kli and his "hydrocephelie ft lend" brinjj several chaises against me to wit : 1. I have written slush. 2. I have lied. 3. I have graduated in Latin. I. I am ignorant or a knave. 5. I helped Riobeits TO intiiu ; Tin- : iio.vun OK sm'uuvisoKS. 6. I wanted to inn the County Hoard , .ounly Clerks office and do Ihu head . ( ! i\i \\\t\ \ uiiirr * , < fnr jk 7. 1 am a houuuopath. lie than closes with "a fair ofTier" \N1) THIS I ? 1.1 AND HIS "IIUII.I.IANT \MANtII .NSlS , " CAM , A UIU'I.V TO A MUliCT AND Sl'UCIl'IC OK MAI.ADMINISTKATION. Now , Mr. IMitor , I crave your iudul - nce and ask pardon from the public for irielly reviewing grave charges. I'he first and second , as I have already aid , I am willing to leave with the peo- ) le of Ouster county. They shall decide who has wiitten " .slush" and also \\lio is the MAIL To the third charge I plead guilty but I wish to inform the heavenly twins who wrote and signed the icply , that I was never graduated from a school that taught slang and billingsgate and so much of their cffott was lost so far as I am concerned. The foutth ami fifth charges I pass by \\ith much the feeling thai I culeilain for their authoih. Concerning the sixlh charge I \\ill simply suggest that they miuht have ad ded the office of Allot uey to their list for 1 do not diaw laigely on my egotism when 1 say that 1 feel full } competent to give as good legal advice as Kli's friend has evidently given him concerning his annual repott. There remains one mote charge , the seventh "I am a homceopath. " This is awful , and when placed along side the chaige which I bring against the sheriff almost makes me despair of salva tion , but 1 can only plTer this condoling assurance. In dealing with the sherilf's office 1 have decided to tutu heretic and shall administer NO HOMOEOPATHIC misits. In icgard to the "fair offer" which they make , Kli tells us thai he has joe on deposit and proposes that I de posit a like sum ; you all remember his proposition. Will some one please tell why I should he asked to "put up" a forfeit ? Kli is the man who is charged with maladminislration , not Makes , and belli he and his "valuable assistant" know that I do not possess one-tenth of the sum named. Now , Mr. Sheriff , if you are honest in this mailer make your offer to forfeit the money without requiring impossibilities , and if I do not succeed in getting thai fioo back into the "General I'und" where I believe it properly belongs' , if you have taken it from the sum paid to you by county warrants , the county hoard may assign muwork and 1 will donate my services to Custcr count } foi the rest of the year. This "fair offer" looks very much like n "bluff , " il I am allowed to use a word from the vocabulary of your "fiieiid. " Tlin dni't of Itmoi'MiR'o try to explain what were thu Items for which warrants wi'ie drawn In fuvor of the Mii-rlll' to UK amount of flixm Thny.slalo that It was U lolinhiirsc the slicrllf for "car fine , board Mini otliur tX | > i > nsi'M Incurred In uaptiirlnu erlnlnnK" that II was to pay back money Unit IIP had so advanced that thc3i > war rants were drawn. Let us sen. The clidni' made out ASM ) SWORN TO by thnshcrlll hliiiscIC , without the ulil of tin * ftlnnil win writes Ids "reply , " ouiilit to bo the Iwsi i > vldi-iice. 1 Imvn carefully examined all the claims ( Hod by N ] ] . Armstrong , ot that have boeii cm tilled to Urn board In Ids niiiiin during thn year I'.Htl , and llml that thi ) total amount so paid by him , ao- ( nidlng to Ids own Itciiil/.cd bills , whlcli be swore to , ami pri nnted to the hoard ol supervisors AOIMHUATKSTIIK WNoll- MOLISSUM OKI07. This sum was not included In my former cstltniitii and I still boldly assert , that the county \\m \ \ paid to the sheriff IN I'KIW during the year Hiol , approximately f.lOCO Docs ilih sin prise Miini'oiii1',1 KOI me show you how lie nets II : On the 2'itli day of September the comity treasurer tnunto the sherllf fui Iy distress wat rants all against icsldeiits or former residents ol Sui enl township. These lorty warrants weie taken by the shcrlll on the same day and were all taken to NurKi'iit at the same time , were all le- tnrned on the sainn date and on the back of each of Ilinin , In the handwriting of the sherlll's olllcee lind thn follnuliiL ; : "Uec'd this wariiiiti-'jralter ! ; searching llml lids man mil In my county. " Then follows the fees. AND ON KACH ONK 01' TIIKSK KOUl'Y WAltltANTS WIO KINDTIIATIIHIIASCIIAKUKDFHOM js TO I ft MI IKS or for the 10 Im charged ( 'lister county \vith 11X ( ) miles traveled , made out a claim for that amount of mile- a e , swoio thai It was true and correct , cashed the wai rant which was drawn In payment of the claim , and has the money yet If bo has not , spent It or shaicil It With tlio "valuable lileml" who acted as Ids scribe and wiote Ids "reply to Dr. Hakes. " One moro Illustration. Wo llml the fol lowing ictimis fioin Cliff township : miles charged ilno O Kennedy ' : : SA McClmds Sin Win Smith JM t ! li howls ; io M .1 Lewis ; ; o W ( ! Newnlan ! iri lamina ,1 Newman vi.r > Homer Yeclc o Chas Itassett m Total ! > ; u These persons paid the sherlll for y.\\ \ \ mlle.s travelled tor seivlng warrants on CllirTaltlo and ( i. I , . Lwls tells me that neither the shei111 nor his lepiesentative over saw him on lids business , but that they sent word by Ids brother , who sajs that ho can led the news not only to Ids brother , but to S. A. McOimils and to W. ( i. Nowiuiiln. The sherd ! ' visited Mr. Lewis on the e7th of December , 1901 , and was on his way home , having come from Ainold to Mr. Lewis' place , and had SHUVKI ) WAUUANTS ALL ALONd TI1K KOA1) ) , but note , ho charges each ot the persons named with KULLM1LHAOK I'HOM HKOKKN HOW. I could fill your paper with facts like the above taken trom the sheriff's loturns In his own haiulwrltini , ' . In ( Jraut , Wayne , Kllm and Delight , the same unlawful course was persuuil , only the sliowing Is worse than the examples Unit I have L'iv- en , hut 1 must close ; I roltcrato the state ments made In my lirst letter : 1 The sheriff's report Is not a correct statement of the receipts and expendi tures of his olllco for the year 1001. 'J The report Is not regular In that It was not sworn to. ! ! The amount named In the report us all the fee.s earned In I'.KH is too small by SKVHIIAI , MHNDUHD DOLLA11S. I The sherlll is not entitled to credit for mllea o In settlement of his excess fco ac count unless ho chaws the same on each Item In his repoit and piopeily accounts for all milea o earned dmim ; the year. Lot Mr. Armstrtiiifj answer these 'jharg- es to the satlstactlon of the public and 1 will ai once stop kicking and acknowledKO that I have done him an Injustice. C. W. UAKKS. THIiISLANlOrrGUAM 11Y II. II. ItlA'lT. Agana , Inland of Guam. December - comber M , 1901. HKI-UIIMOAN : The ship "Solaoo" has just boon hero on its way to Manilla and hns loft us ( ilnmlnnuu of turkey , duuks and ohiukons for Uhristmas. The weather is so warm that it sooniri moro like preparing for thu > lth o July than Christmas. Wo are gett ing inoro good fruits now than n tiny tiino since we uaiuo. With tht exuoption of a touch of Grippe whioh oanie into our olinrito on the North East Trndu windn , wo havi been enjoying oxuollunt hoallh Homer ban a job in thu PnymtH'.or' Dop't. , and ho uamo homo a few days ago , and reported a ouriou "find" among seine old papurn. I Was li HKOOMMKNDAT10N tO SOU ) ono , given by Silas A. lloluoinb governor of Nobr. Doubtless KOM of your readers will rooognizn th NAMIS and DATIJ There is no inonoy on this ishnc exuept Mexican silver dollars , tit. less thu ooppots in use are money. PorhajiH there are coppers of nil kinds to the amount of $100.00. Mixioau dollars are plenty and very ohcap , 1 am reminded VICKY , VKUV ) foti | that the gicathainpion ( oi free Hilvi-r I'H n Nebraskan. My only atiHwor to this is that I am lYom "AlitHOtiri , " 1 nee that Towno , Stewart , JOIKH and ; > 11 the carlcy vlv-K'att'H of Kri'o tiilver are now > uk ; in the rcpublic/in pirty. They act on th < > poltoy that the majority : ias spoken against tin in and that ond-f the imUitr. It in to bid such IMCMI rilled "Ho- moil should hav-t ( - " ' "lltiforinem" those ( irinors , , are who Hold certain thingH to bo right oven against majorities. The strength and ootitHenc.o the repnbli oan party has always oarriod with t , bus boon u. the faut thnt it never turned aside nor uaturod to tbo tran sient will ol majorities. Its own lelorinined and Hlraight forward UOUIHO lo.l thinking business men , o bolirvo thu party was I onest. When thr po | > ulists at Omaha cont- iromiscd with iho Frco Silver ad- v.ioates . of the western states there was no harm done Iho honor of the lopnlitt party , biuiaiiso they made 10 oomproinist of men or principle t was the humiliating HIIIKTS and 'KADUH atld AHANDONMKNT of AM , ) rini'ipals with Dryan Demooriuy hat has made | ) opulism a taunting 'IIYvrUi > . " 1 speak of this not to ppologi/.o that I was onoo a mem- ) or of the populist party , for I hink I am the on ) } man in all these vestorn posKUssions , who will ( ion- oss iho faut. Almost all the naval ollicals hero are from the eastern talcs and look upon Populism as a undo ! mild anarchism. 'I because f this bad naino being given to the rgamzi'd Populist party is wholly no to tbn later alliances and 00111- iromiflc" made with associates of ad political repute As abhor and despise iho the so call- d populiHt party under its rotten xtlilioal fusioiiH , yet 1 still hold : i ngii regard for the intolligenoo and lomsly of Iho true men whoorgan- /.cd the early "Indeoondont party. " 'o asHociatt1 fuuh men with anaroh- sts is wrong. No truer men ever ived than thousands of these v/ho oted thu populist ticket in Ouster ounty. I only \\inh these same nen to day would mo in tboir loner and might and wipn out Iho tanding diHgrace whioh cllicu neek- ng "reformors" have placed upon hem. Air. Anihbnrry this eiTiiHion of ny politiurxl feelings is railed out , by the gentle plcasantrioH I always icar on each pay daj , when I load ip with silver dollars , I am al- w.iys ruiuiiidod that Bryan is from Nebraska. Had lirvan over born i pop I could endure IIIH name and amu n ; shame. I thoroughly do spifiu a man who is ashamed of Ins own free rocoid ; and it is a species of cowardice which all men should late. I am pleased to say I find 10 dispute nor dispargumont even u-ro in standing by what I once lold an populism , The only thing that works "corruption of blood" is the illigitimicy of fusion and sinful cohabitation. 11. I'l. HUTT. ICmmcr Heed KnrHulc. I have a limited quanity of Emmer - mer seed for sale at my farm near Kearney Neb. This now grain is especially adapted to Bemi arid re gions as it ripens about the time or before winter wheat. It stands the early spring frosts and should be sowed very early. It is very nn- trious and is excellent food for horsop , cattle and hogs. If cut when middling green the straw makes line food The yield is pro lific. Lust soiison 1 rained ! ) OU bushels on 1 t acres. See sample of seed at the KK- A Rocxl looking ' lionutniul poorliiote- , - , -TJT , Inu ItariioBU H the J v ttoi > t Lluu bf u corn * bliiutlon. Eureka Harness Oil not only mnltMtliolmrnrs nn.l the 1 lmr i t < * , k tH'tti r. hut nmliiM tli I It-utter uoR iiiul iilmble , jnitb It In con. . , i . Ulllun to luattulco in lone Wkilt , orillnurily uouid. 6M teir b n la caui til | nl M .u. . . / ' / STANDARD OIL CO. Give Your Horse a Chance ! T TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN To parties that have L. lost their trading place , or that are dis satisfied with their 19- present place of doing business , we give a Q _ cordial invitation to TJ TRY US. . " "D Our Latch String- CD is always out. Yours For Business , J. O BO WEN , olHuoBroki , n Bow. Price M 00 a bimhol at my farm or do- ivcrod at thp dcpotH in Kearney for 10 contR additional for two btiahel Hack. It takes two bunliol to tbo aero if 8own broad cant or ono and one-half MihholH drilled in corn stalks or fall plowing. MM 11. IVBU.UU. .M-37 Ivoarnoy , Neb. i.vtier IInt. The following IH th * > dead loiter lirft for the week ending February iifi , IHO'J : May llfiiderfioii , Dr. T. H.Andur- son , 8 T , Allt-n , Italph Morgan , J VNarioe , John Tu suhur. Brice Blair , ( u ) 1'arlieH calling for the above will : > leAK nay advertirted. L. 11 JKWKTT , I' . M > > CIUIH A COI.O IN ONK I , \ V l'iiln l.nY'itlvo Jtrniiio Quinine TnlilctH All IniKRl'-tp rofiinil HIH money If It ( allH to curu. E \V. Uruvu's Hlguntliru l on each bovJSc TUST TO ENCOURAGE ONE I of Nebraska's promising induHtiies J the puliliHher of HIP Nebraska Dairyman - man bus made it possible ( or us to offer u year's Biihtcription to thut journal for teneentH. All ttint in noecRHHry IP to ' n'now lour nub- OKFl'K' 1'KI 1 TO ' ' < < vji i i i\ i l\iL , iwecr.ptloii to mir CAM of Our ! paper for ono y ur > c and you are enti- tor $1.10 Tlio puiiio iiuhictmont IE. tfiiiltd to all new mb'cribms who pay for ono year in advance. I'hb publisher of NohrnBUa Uniryman \\antH to udil 5,0(10 ninro BuliK-riliern to its list ; md Ku nuulo IIH n propunition to help do it. If v' u urn interested in ttif eri'amury or dairy indnatiy , or new idoiiH and lip to duto tnetl.odH of divrrHl- liiul t. ieiitiiic and expeiiniontal nurluul- Hire you will bo interested mid bonelltt- ed l > y reading tlio Nehraaba Dairyman. Iion't Delay ! Renew or Heconie a Subscriber Now Are you nervous run down , weak and dispirited ? Take a few dunes of HEUHINK. It will infuao new energy , now life into tbo ex- hautdod nerves , the overworked brain or musaular system , and put n now face on life and 'OIIIHIIOHH. Prioo 50 cents. Ed. MoUoma ? , Broken Bow and Merna. Tlie in the plae w hero grcatont care should l > given to thu furniHhingH. We Irivo some low-prieed Hi'itH thai ou ht to p'eas. ' ) you. 1'2-loot oxteiiHion tabli > , oik or walnut , wi II polinbed , 10 00 Handsome Hidoboard , with boHiitiful carvingfc2 ! 00. Cornfortabl ohairn , leather or e.aue Heats , HIS forfl.OO The whole sit , inoluding sin ill serving stand , $21. ,50. A , W , DRAKE , Furniture Dealer , \\Y tSliloSiii | ri' , llrokru How , Nuhraekti IMPLEMENTS ! IMPLEMENTS ! GEO. WILLING Sells the John Deere , David lirudluy and Grand Odour Implements , full line , at bottom prices. Also tlio Oh'o and Stem Winder Riding Cultivator Unties and Siinrii ; Wa oiiH , the bt'Ht makes and new styles from $45 and up. Harness , SO different kinds to eeloct from at Catalogue llouao I'IICIB. DeKull ) iilulddn Wire is the cheapest. U'ces Garden Seeds in bulk. A largo stoiik ot Htovon , Hmdw.ire , ( 'utlery , Micycles , uto. Furniture , n eoinp'oto ' Block. Hed room puitH. clnurd , tables , ear- pt-tH , curtitiiiH. etc. C'an lit you out for houPcKet > niiiK from $ > J. to $1 ! $ . Wldto > uv\inf ! Mtu'.hindfl the heft on earth f-H to : it ) . See HIPBO machine * . Kor good Koodn and low prices , oo A full line of llndeitnkiiiK Hoods. Calls uttonded to nij-ht or day , 'Phono wloro , No. 71. First C1ISS Smoke Try the Martial and 1 1 Corona Grande' ! Cigars. I 1 MANUFACTUKKD BY 1 E , H. DALBEY , I llrokcil How , Nebraska.