Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 27, 1902, Image 3

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    A Httii'Mtient Issued by tlu < elgaruink-
CH of 'NOW York shows that yiihMHiil
vns Hpeut In sustaining tlie strike ol
tenibers In the .State recently.
The Lead City ( S D. ) .Miners * Union
toasts ol one of the building"
fwned by organized labor In Ani'-rlea
it was completed in Hie spring of ISI ! )
It IB llirce stories hi height , wltli t
tasem nt. is built ol' cut stuue. aim I-
lOxll'J feet. Tin- building wan ereetei
it a cost of ? ( .il)0l ) ) ) .
A terrific- labor war Is expected li
It. Louis Tin ; hulldiiig trades deiuiiti
liat all work In tlielr Hue I'mtli
JVorld's Fair be done by union uiei
the dull rut-tors' Leamn- has Issued \ \
iltlumiuu ) . In which It Is declared Hi. .
lynipatlietlc strikes will not be toie ,
tted and imn-uiiluii will be- lure ,
i'lien insei-ssary.
Sir Cliarlos Dllko. M. P. . spoke eli
juently of the Irish trades unions li
Dublin. He IB In favor of tlie tnioV
Inloiis and the Intlueiire they O.M-I-I b
hirliameiit. He urged the dt-li-gati-s li
Tnteh closely the Inerease ol' naval an >
ither Koveruuieiit work In Ireland , an <
b see that thr work was so placed n-
io favor tlie Irish Industries and Irlsl
Itostoii Is the latest city to consldei
tlie iirojeet of building a labor temple ,
lud Iu all likelihood the workluxuieii
f that city will have out- before loim
After agitating the question for sev
iral years tlie Central Lalinr Union hr : >
> et to work to accomplish the object
( nil a commit tec has iu-eii appointed i
Son for with the Itulldlng Trades Couu
til aud Report plans for the erection ut
1 building.
Hoot and shoe workers of Clileagi
Jiid the West are arninxhig " cam
pnlgn to unlonlx.e all factions now nut
tide- the fold. The light will pi-obnbl.\
begin hi Clii'-nyo. It will be on tin
fuerrilla order , one employer bi'hifj ap
proaehed at a time. If an eiuplii.vei
refuses ro pay the union scnle. thui t
; trlUe will be called , and until It Is set
lied the schedule will not bo presentee
to any other.
The paper-hangers believe that thej
have at hist secured undisputed au
tonomy of the piipor-hnujiiuj ; tnidn
mil that they will soon be divorced
from the painters and decorators , wht
have- claimed control of the paper
bangers heretofore. The recent con
veution of the I'.rotherhnod of Paint
'srs , Dcconitors and Pjiper-Hnu ers
' 'Detroit , voted by n good majority tc
p-iiiit autonomy , and if tin- genera
. membership in its referendum vote up
holds this decision the papeiMiaiigen
will bo free.
Kce aii Wns Caujrht Umlcr Tree
TiKer Toolc iriu liont llonic.
John IJoegan. a tanner of Ciulf Sum
mil. Pa. , went out upon a hill near tin
house 10 cut down trees , taking will
liim IiiB do Tier. lie cut a tall oak
whlcli fell in sueh u way that
knocked him down and Imprisoned hln
In a little ilepressiou. Had It nu
been for the depression his life wouk
bave been crushed out. but as it wti
bo was held a prisoner and , struy i
s he- would , he could not fruo him
He shouted and his dog appeared
Tiger apparently reahx.ud at once th
dangerous predicament In which hi
master was placed and also the fac
tual he could do no good on the spot
lie lugged awhile at theiiuprlsoiie
man and then started off for homo o
a wild rush.
Arriving at the farmhouse he set i
such a howling that the attention o
every one on the place was attructe
.o him. All wondered what could b
the matter with him , never suspei-tln
the true cause of Ids trouble. No at
tontloii was paid to his noises
to scold him.
The dog now made off back to when
Ids master lay. and a few moment
iator was ngtiln heard howling nt th
farmhouse door The Hist person wh
approached him saw Hint lie had on
of his master's boots In his mouth , an
It was at once surmised that somethin
was wrong with Ui'cgan. and Umt th
Intelligent brute was trying to conve
a nic'ssngc.
The dog barked with delight who
ecvenil of the farmhands set off wit
him to see what was up The men , foun
neegan almost unconscious and suffer
Ing greatly , says n New York Worl
tpcclul. The unfortunate man was re
'cased ' and was found to have suft'c-ru
ao Rorious Injury.
Tiger Is now a great hero.
All IC.\nMidliuri | < or Ammunition.
"Where's your husbaudV" askel ou
womau of the other as they met In tli
grocery store.
"I suppose he's talking politics wit
luisbaiul , as usual , " was the no
"It strikes mo they both might b
better engaged. "
"I wouldn't disturb thorn for anj
thing. Let them USD up their complnb
Ing powers on the trusts and sue
iblugs. It loaves that much less fo
( be meals. " Washington Star.
Tlio World's Grout Oil Ion.
There nro in the world U7U cities hnv
ng more than 100,000 Inhabitants each
15 having more than ( ioo.000 ; and I !
vlth u population of more than 1,000
Laughing at a man's funny story wi
him more than telling \\\w \ \
< m > u yourself.
f lloI'Mi'ir Ilio HrlilD-Tliri'iitcii * li
| 'IIHI,1111 S.iti-ln-I.HW on Cluil'n l
to lti-r > ulit iluliOnl ,
I'J noi-Min , Nun. Leon Houok , the
mini.'man who eloped to Sumx Cny
vim illit'ctian > ii P-arl HiKipefliisl
ce ! % , and wno is out on $1,0 o bond ,
n "in ( "ui'-ge uf alidiiction , preferred
. \V. Hooper , by her Hither , lodiy
ir.iiighi Hint at I'eiider tor a writ ot
< iheas corpus to remver ids girl wife ,
v ID has hi en kept a cluM1 prisoner ar ,
cr father's home since lie took her
' nm Hie yuiiiig man at D.ikota Uiiy
si week. The atinriH- fur the de-
enso moved fora thirty day contlni.-
uice , and tire court , has this under ad-
iM-meiit. Tlie girl's father Is sibw-
itely relent Its ? , and declares ho will
OMCiite Monok lo the limit for vlo-
itmg the abduction laws of KL
III.VH 1'iiuilil < Jui ( y uf Tin-It So lit tu III'
Illlsuliii .srliiiul.
Fremont , Neli. The three bovs
vim were a r rested at , Valley List Sun-
I iy mornliii ; whh g > ods stoien from a
) i.x car at Fremont on tlie preceeding
ilirht in | uisscssiun , all receiv d lmlu -
rial sclioul sentences from County
liiilge liriggs today. Tlielr hearing Ik-Id on Tuesday , but the boys
> vere allowed to remain in tlie county
ail innII today , pending the receipt *
> t some wind from their relatives.
riic two who passed themselves t'H
ns Harry and ( li-urge 1'rice , it Is
earuui , are not brothers. Their real
i mes are Frank Keil and lOmmoL
Millaid. The1 latter has relatives at
L > uaha , as dois John Mnrke , the third
ad , but Keil does not. 1'rt vimis Id
Jio liuio the trio came liete , Iveil had
ieen staying with young Mlliard at
Us homo.
HrrrkeV f itlior was Here on Tuesday
i id toid Judge liiiugs that he believed
lis son would have tu go to the reform
s noni Muno time , so ilia it might as
w-ll be now. Since reluming to
O-rtahn , Mr. Murke wriks that he has
und MillarVr.s pir-ills and 'bat ' they
i/e too poor to make any light fur the
nrposetil keeping lilm out of the. re-
'orm school
I'loi-co Succuinlis
'tl Known Ctinrurloror
to ilm < old.
Pior/n , Neb. . .Idhn Tsehanz , a na
tive of Swl'z ' rland , and a peculiarand
well known character in IMerce and
vicinity , was fmirid dead out ar the
MacSparr pi ce , west of town this
miirnintr. He went ro the MacSparr
pl.iceTlini > dayand stayed all niirht ,
uid was found hanging over a barb
win- fence , which it , is supposed lie at-
tetr.ptcd to climb. Ills head evHently
hidsirncr a tree iii falling as sofno
O'l was found on ground. As lie
WIR found clad in only bis undershirt ,
unl trousers it is thought that lie
must , have ohi'lled to ) .
T.schanz has a fortune of nearly $2-
000 left him by relatives in Switzer
land last .summer , and after lie r.-
ueived It lie went to the native
country fora visit. He has always been
i b ird drinking man and since he re
ceived' his toruine ho lias been nearly
all the time under the influence of
lniuor. Ir , is reported that bo still lias
fcruo deposited in the bank here. He
was also about , to make final proot of
his claim west of town.
ISnllitr Coiinly I iirniiir ir > Mini of Nrlgli-
liurliooil Arrc.Hl-il.
Din-Id , City , Web. , Last Sunday
ii'glit horne sneak thief entered the
. remises of Alfred llookstra. a farmer
, i\uig about eight miles northeast of
town and stole a lot of meat , consist
ing of seven bams , six shoulders , some
, anned fruit , a silver watcli and a
volver. Mr. Ho-kstr.1 suspected a res
ident of the neigliborliood and came to
David Citv swoie out a search war'ant
and Slierill' West in company of Mr.
iio'ikstra ' , searched tlie' premises of
I'luirles ( irecn , when a part of the
me t and canned gonrts was found and
dentilied by Mr. Ilooksira. Green was
not at home. Ho was traced to Octa-
\iaand thence to Schuyler , where he
uis ; arrested and lotk-cd in j.ul. His
, ) n liininary hearing will be held in
county court tomorrow. Green Is a
man about f rty years of ago and has
a wite und eight children.
ItrnUrmim Iliiilly Injiircil ,
Cleveland , O. Tito Lake Shore ac
commodation leaving tills ci y at. )
o'clock this afiernoon , was wrecked on
i iu outbklrtsof Oberlfn , O. , about 4
o clock. Loui < Hates , the head brake- on the train , is the only person
iv pur led seriously hurt.
IMnyor Oriliux Saloons Cluicd.
Plattsmouth , Neb. , Yesterday the
bridge workers who went out on a
strike , received their pay checks atd
in the evening the men became so hi-
1 irious In celebrating the fact that it
was necessary to appoint special police
Ulcers and .Mayor J'armele Issued an
o i'or closing the saloonsnt 10:30. : Five
irrestH were made. One man was badly
Cashed In a tight , and another was KC-
vurely Inlured by bclnjf struck ,
"I HUSK YvUtta i
Mnrllnl l.ntr In I * iiiilaniud for n
According to Madrid ml vices from
Hareeluim the situation llicro laI. _ -
provlng , I ) . it it Is still tbtt..tjultig.
An ell'urt will bo made today to ic-
sumo ordinary avocations.
The must stringent measures have
been prepared to protect trnlllc and
business. Tlie strikers have few
rifles , but are well supplied with re
volvers and daggers.
The sear cli of suspected houses con
tinues , resulting in tlie arrest of largo
nnmbiysof anarchists and ( evolution
ists of all kinds , who are considered
to be tlie movers in the
troubles. The eusmopnliinn character
of Hanvlona makes it a resort for rep-
rcioiitatlvcs ol all tbo revolutionary
tl.iiienls In Kurone , and the ranks f
the mal-ounteiit woikmen have been
swelled oy French and other foreign
polllcal agitators. The republicans
are busy among tho. troops , urging
tiicm to not use their arms against
their own class In defense of pluto-
on.ts. 'J he wi.rking pe iile of Madrid
lavur the strikers.
Martial law has been pr.ielaimed at
Tarragon. ) u. The strike is spread
ing in the Llobreagt and Cardona
valleys. There is a general cessation
of work at Castelion do la 1'lana and
Grave , and much excitement prevails
at liati-a. Forces of gendarmerie-
havu been dispatched lo these places.
Jele ales lioin tlie labor societies
of Saragossa have visited the govern
or and declared themselves opposed
to the strike.
Uarcelona , Thursday , Feb. 20.-
Forty persons have been killed since
the disturbance broke out hero The
strikers today attacked the jail in an
attempt to rescue their imprisoned
comrades , but they were repulsed by
the tioops , alter a number or rioters
had been killed or wounded.
Tlie ordinary nectssarles of life arc
failing and the distress is becoming
accentuated. The strikers are said
to be receiving largo sums of money
from London.
In the neighboring towns the dis
turbances are spreading and are In-
ci easing in gravity.
London , Feb. 21. Dispatches re
ceived here I nun Madrid and -Marco-
lena and from various frontier towns
In close touch with the scenes of the
disturbances in Spain quite discredit
the sensational dispatch to the ISx-
change Telegraph company , saying ;
that a fierce battle had been fought
between tro 'ps and rioters in a sub .
urb of liarceloua , that the artillery
raked street after street and that oOO )
persons were reported to have been i
klied or wounded on both sides. It
is a matter of fact that up to last
evening the total number of persons i
killed throughout the disturbances
was only forty.
Castelion Do La Plana , Spain , Feb.
21. The employers and their employ
es reached an understanding this af
ternoon and the strike here is ended.
Saragossa , Spain , Fob. 21. A num
ber of rioters attacked the .le'suit col
lege hero last night. The fatheis
fired on the mob , believing their as
sailants to be thieves.
Valencia , Spain , Feb. 21. In a
conflict here yesterday between riot
ers and the police three persons were
wounded. Fourteen arrests were
Hilbao , Spain , Feb. 21 A nuinhri
of anarchists have arrived here with
the objcctof inciting a strike. The
socialists have refused to co-opciate
ij the movement.
Seville , Spain , Feb. 21. number
of Italian anarchists hive arrived
here. The autlioiities have taken ail
the necessary precautions to an out
Hendaye , .France , Feb. 21. People
wl'o have arrived liure from -'aragos-
sa , Spain , bring alarming reports of
the situation there. They ay the
working people have in their
lot witl. Caial'juian comiadcs and1 I
that the threatening attitude of the
strikers has caused the Iligbt of the
ticlier families. The civil admiriis-
I ration of tne whole province of Sara
gossa has been taken over by the mil
itary nu'liorltit-s. '
Barcelona. Feb. 21. The predom
inance of 'layonets lie re has had due
elluct and tlie most turbulent spirits
have netn dilven < n" the streets.
Outwardly tlie city Is resuming an
aspect of comparative Tim
leading citizens are joining the mili
tary and civil authorities in restoring
order. Tlie captain general lias or
der d the newspapers to resume pub
lication , anu has Instructed ' .he own
ers of pulilic places to again engage
In their regular work. If tho' prin
ters refuse to work their names are
to be handud to the captain general ,
who will look after them.
tN Mru l.nrliiHl Out.
Mansfield , O. , Feb. 22. One hun
dred and thirty high school pupils , in
rebellion against the ordo * of the
board of education forbidding wearing
of class colors , were locked out from ,
school today. All wore colors In open
detiancc. A few who did not wear
colors were admitted to their classes.
A wholesale expulsion Is antclpated.
The doors and windows of tbo high
school building were smeared with
black paint duirnir the night.
HfMittiMl ) III Omul Ili-nltll HrlgitniN Kit 1 >
I'liltlt mill K.-lriiM ! .MlM Miiitii-A X iv
SiiiMituw si rinijj ArroHt of IC Vi Mr.
TtiilUn l. illci\ > * .
Paris , [ fob , 18. The Temp. ? this
c\ctiing publishes a dispatch from
It'otistatitinnple | which announces that
Miss KIlenM. Slono has been roll-used
by the brigands who have huld her
iMptlvc slnci ! September ! 1 last and
lias been handed over , In go-jd health ,
tu the dragoman of the American
The dispatch adds that the "Rev.
Mr. Tsllka" has been arrested on the
irliaipe i of complicity In thu kidnap-
'ing of Miss Stone.
j ) ' The companion In captivity of
Miss Stone was Madame 1C. S. Tsilka ,
a Bulgarian woman , wife of Mr.
Tsllka , a Macedonian teacher of
H imtikov. Miss Stone , whllo tnvol-
' Ing wi i Madame I'sllka and a party
of about fifteen friends , was capuii'd
, liy brigmds In the district of Halonl-
Iri j , September 3. Since tbat time
( ' i vigorous efforts liave been made by
Iho United States government , and
oy missionaries to obtain the release
) f tlie captives. The brigands do-
' -nanded a ransom of 2Ti,000 pounds
( Turkish ) but only $72,000 was col-
, -vted for the ransom and this sum
vas paid over to the brigands Febru-
iry 0. by Mr. Garglulo , chief dingo-
onn of tlie American legation ai
Constantinople , andV. . \V. \ Poet ,
treasurer of the American mission ai
U 'iistantlnoplo ' , who met the brigand- .
) n the road to the Podrumo monas
. Madame Tsilka was educated at tin
Vnrth Held seminary. At the time
) f receiving her American tralninu
tud education she was Miss Stephan-
> r.i , Bulgarian. Having boon con
certed In childhood to the Christian
jelief she came to America after
javlrig refused to marry tbo man o
aer parents' chousing. Dr. D\\lgh
L Moody becoming interested in her
I'cll'arc , found a place for her In hi-
lotcd school. Having finished hei
Valuing at that noted Institution
Iihu became ; i trained nurse. While
j'ngaged in tier professional duties , in
Hie Adirondack1 ? , slio became ac-
j tainted with Mr. Tsilka , a Mace-
iflonlan , who had also been educated
In the United Slat -a , At that per-
lud lie was preparing for work as 'a
'Incdical ' missionary. Soon after tin
of their training UK
( couple'were married and went , to Bui-
jtarla , where they atonce entered up
on missionary work.
Miss Stone is one of the mission
aries of the American board of for-
Dign missions. Sim lias been nttachci
In the Salonika mission since 1S7S.
She was born at Koxbury , Mass. .
ivliero her mother resides. Four oi
Mir-s Si/.me's brothers arc In >
in Huston.
London , Feb. 19. The Ilov. Mr.
'I'sllka , who , according to the Con-
5' , lutinop'c correspondent of the Par-
U Temps , in a dispatch annouoncinp
fin release of Miss Stone , had been
arrested on the charge of complilcty
In tire kidnaping of tlie missionary
Is the husband of Mine. 'I'sllka , Miss
Stone's companion. Jt was annouri-
'cod ' recently that the Turkish author
ities suspected the Rev.Mr. Tsllka ol
complicity In tlie abduction of the
I'IIA ( It aiiiw on A rmroliitlA
Vienna , Feb. 10. In the rlchstratb
today the premier , Dr. von Kocrhcr.
made a vigorous defense of tlio ac-
lions of the police and military at
| Trirstij during the recent riots , cm
Blending that anarchists and not
j ! wo kmen were at the bottom of tli
! I rouble. The prom le.r f urt licr assertt fi
lii ; tan Investigation has resulted in
establishing beyond a doubt Hie fact
of the existence of a terrorist , organ-
tiationhoso creed was absolute law
lessness , and against which the whole
force of the defensive powers of the
state must be directed. The govern
or of Trieste , tlie premier said , ucfod
In accordance with his dirty in proclaiming -
claiming martial law and the police-
and military authorities had bhoivn
much tact und good will in pprorrn
Ing their duties. Martial law wu"Jd
IK ; withdrawn so soon as public ordei
was restored arid not before.
Trieste , Feb. 19. 'Julct prevails
here und the bluejackets , landed tx
protect the harbor and the dock , have
been withdrawn. An Italian anar
chist ngltator , named Ltronlzl , from
1ms been arrested.
A ; < ul I'nlr In Soil l-U h
Ire. . f ) i nt , O. , Fob. 1U.Mr am
Mrs. lolui ( il' 'Sor. ; iod \ , o iplo , were
foun 1 in their dome todty iu a moit
p liable condition. They had been
overcome by gas several days ago.
After being prostrated their fires
went out and they have been ly-
cold and helpless since last Sat
urday They were so bad'y ' frozen
that the arms and legs of both must
bo amputated. Neither is expected
to recover.
NPTT York llriir * llu < llnnit of n rlnrrl
Snmv Slorin.
Kow York , Feb 18. New York
Jlty has borne the I .runt of tlie Here-
st snow storm that lias stiuek thli
section of the conn try si nee Hie greal
> llz/.ard of ISS'.i. lleglnnlng soon af >
er midnight the storm IncracseO
rapidly until by daybreak the whoU
ily was completely snowed under.
1'he .rising force of the gale piled the
snow in great drifts that for a time
ilmost suspended tralllc , except In
lie main thoroughfares , where tht
ar tracks were only kept open by the
onstaut use of snow plows and sweep
ers. -
Communication between Manhat
i in and Brooklyn was subject to long
ielay. The ferry boats with dilllcult )
uade trips across the ice-choked riv
ers , and the work of tugboats , light *
rs and shipping generally was almost
it a standstill. So heavy was Mm'
nowfall that the loading of vessel i
vis stopped , It lieitrg impossible tu
jeep the hatches open.
Two steamers which arrived during
lie night sttuggluil as far as Quarari-
Ine where th'-y ' came to anchor. Sev-
ral steamers are supposed to bo oil
iandy Hook waiting for the storm to
bate before attempting to enter UK1'
10 rt.
Tonlglit tlie local wcathor bnieau
eports that tlie worst of thu sn iw
all , which began to abate in the af-
ernoun , Is probably over. The fall
ip to II o'clock this aternoon was
line and . ' { -lerilhs ihchos.
This afternoon hurricane warnings
vere hoisted at Sandy Hook and New
Mirk and many vessels are detained
n pur' . . There was considerable do-
ay In the arrival of the mails , trains'
on all roads being from one to live
units behind time.
The congestion of tralllc on the
Manhattan street car lines was severe
luring the morning , when many of
he avenues were blocked with long
incs of stalled ca-s. On Broadway
.vlicel was eonliuod to the narrow
anes bet ween high snow hills , and
ilong those cabs , trucks and cars
trawled at snail's pace. From other
tlion ughfarcs truck tralllc dlsup-
learcd almost entirely.
in tliK shopping district the block-
rde was so complete that several < f
he great department stores closed at
I o'clock.
Four thousand men were set to
work to clear the streets of Manhat-
an early in the afternoon. Of these
half were engaged In opening cross
walks , while two thousand men 'and
100 trucks were employed to work till
night clearing the main streets.
On the elevated lines there was
uuisldcrable delay in the early hours.
niL by the evening rush li'iiirs ' all
trains were running on time , al
though enormously overcrowded , ow
ing to the interruption on the uur-
'ace lines.
Thruoghuiit Ijrook'yn ' the blockade
was even more general than In Mau-
lattan , and little progress was made
> y tlie street-cleaning department lie-
end onennig cross walks on the prin
cipal streets. Coney Island , Fort
lamilton and Canarsle were com-
ilctely cut oh from all commtinica- over the Ilrightnn road ,
whore half dozen trains were hope-
esslly stalled at one time. During
,110 day not over (10 ( per cent of the
ars of the Hrjoklyn Hipid Transit
system were in oper lion , and thous-
indii wore compelled to make their
vvay on font to ferries.
- < titcn islanders sulfered more than
Llie residents of any of tlie boroughs
> f ( Ire -tor New York. The boats
were all behind time and no effort
w is in id ; to keep S''ho ' lulc time , the
naiii trouble being due to the great
1 1 asses of Ice packed in the slips at
St. George. The Island Itself was
Miinplel.L'ly snowed under , and the
movement of trolleys or trains was
brought to a halt. Hvcn slc'ghs were
unnblo to make their way through
rhe great drifts. In the afternoon a
few trains were got through en the
Nortll Shores by using tlie bl , ' freight
uglnes of the It.iltlmoru & Ohio road .
Derailed trains stopped all tralllc on
thi > south sh"re line.
During the day only a few minor
accidents , to ecjesl rims ; resulted.
The lleet of warships lylngolTqunr-
intine to await the arrlva of Prlncu
Henry was t' r hours cut oil by float
ing Ice from communication with the
shore ,
Forty marines who were put otT th"
hi.s | In boats , from Stit"ii i hml ,
woie compelled to prit buck und re ;
turn to MID navy yard.
Advices received t'liiiglit from , ,
points in New Jersey show that th <
great bll/zard lias been felt from Her
gen county to Capo May and frmr
Atlantic Gitv to Camden.
o I lliulrMiii.l
Haku , Transcaucasia , Feb.l 8. Details
tails which an : slowly arriving al
Baku from Shamaka show1 that 2,00 (
persons , mostly women and children ,
perished as a result of the earthquakt
last week , and that 4,000 houses wen
destroyed. Thirty- four villages ol
the country surrounding Shamaka al
so suffered. To add to the terrors ol
the neighborhood , a volcano near the
village of Marasay , has broken out
! uU Mtlve eruption.
! | < j < < : < : < : < $ * Wi
Coal will be prospected for at
ICnox county will build a new cout %
h i ise at Center.
A depislt of potters' clay has bcc *
discovered near Falls City.
A 2-year-old colt weighing 1100
pounds Is swncd by a Trenton man.
A number of wolves have becflf
killed recently In the vicinity of Te-
! There are 4119 state banks , with
l"iiiVj ) depositors , with $ : uilf,033.M :
to their credit.
, The German Catholics Omaha hav .
paid $ , V.OUO for ground on which t
bluld a magnificent church.
i ' Mrs. W. ,1. Hryan lias asked the po
lice , of Lincoln to assist her In finding
"Major Pendentiis , " her favorite
do > r , wi.It-h Is a gnat family pet.
Application has been made to tha
state authorities for permission to
use tlio water from tlie Nlobrara
! i river for a power plant near "Valeti-
I tine.
| ' Charles A. Sorensen , a young man
from near Dannobrog , had an arm
crushed on a cortishollor , which
necessitated amputation above th
The Southwest Nebrsaka Teachers *
Institute. , of six weeks' duration ,
will be held at CiiRorlson , beginning
May 27. A large attendance Is an
Governor Savage appointed Frcil
Soiinciischelii , manager of the Nor-
1 folk Telephone exchange , deputy
\ ( ' state oil Inspector , vice Frank Alder
man , removed.
The business men ofrallcy havcj
organized a commerel club. The
( liiject of the club is to develop Val
lev. Twenty-llvi ! names were placed ,
on the club's roll.
Lewis Warner , a stranger , is a
boarder at the city jail at Po-ider ,
ehirged with bootlegging. Warner
Is said to have been a Hulled States
prsloncr In 181)2. ) lie will ho taken
to Onriha.
The city cnincll accepted the offer
of I ) . 10. Thompson to build an S3,000
fountain at the intersection of
i Eleventh and .1 streets , Lincoln. This
J slfo WMS the second ch'Jlce of Mr.
The largo hnuso of Jacob Cook , re
siding near Culberlsoii , was destroyed
Saturday night by lire. The origin
of the lire is unknown. The insur-
.iiico of $000 covers only a small per
sent of the loss.
A young man. a Swede , Just arrived
from his irillvo land , whose name
bus n th'cn learned , by accidental
tliseharge of a gun near ICIba , had OUQ
mm so badlj shattered that It had
to bo amputated.
The Si-huvler Sun , which has been
run by .T. O. Itiirkley duiiiiu' the last
.sixteen motif lis. has been sold to F.
L. Werts , Mr.Vrly. rwns lire Quill
'ilso. ' which he recently leased to Alex
Schlegal for a term of live years. ft
The Stuart bank , organized under
the stale laws , with a capital of $25-
ono. $10.0' ( ) of which Is paid up. will
hirln busiii'GS this week. L. IF.
\\eavcris \ president of the Institu
tion , which Is the second of its kind
for Stuart. '
Fifty delegates representing the
independent telephone comp'inlcsof
the stale met at Lincoln In conven
tion. It was announced that the
independent companies would snort
( /instruct telepli'iiulines Into Lin
coln and South Omaha.
The Imard of roironts has declined
lo grant an increase in salarv for
Miss Ellen Smith , who. for fifteen
vi-ars , has been unhoi'slty register.
She requested that her wages btf
made. $7. " ) a month , which was taken
bv Iho board to mean her resigna
A cnmpnay has bnen organized for
Iho purpose of creeling an art ideal
Ice plant at Mynster Sprlnus , just
north of Omaha. The cntcrpilse la
under the management of II. V.
! Salshrnii. and work on the plant Is
now under way. It is expected to ,
have the plant complct'-d bv March
15. The water to be used will coma
from Hie springs.
| Sheriff J-hn - P. Mcllrldo of Platts-
' month , filed n cmnphint against
Walter Speck and Frank Il-etel ,
chnrc'lng thorn with burcMary. It Is
gald the boys broke into the mill .
IIciS'\l \ and stol $ lo. The boys were
arraigned before Judge Archer and ,
i waving examination , were bound
ever to the district court , the bond
3f each being Used at $200.
Tlio people of Bnyrt county are
hlghlv gratified over tbo act Ion of
tbo state board of educational land
and funds hi awarding to the settlcrt
In the Fort Randall military reserva
tion of the land settled upon by them
under the homestead laws about nlno
years ago , the .same being In conflict
with state indemnity school land ,
selection. The declson of the board
saves to the settlers their homes and
valuable Improvements and the. state
J ; permitted to select other lauds ,