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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1902)
CTJSTEE COUNTY KEPUBLICAN VOL , xx , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 27 , 1902-ElGHT PAGES , NO , 37 Get Married in My Rings. Weduing ringn are luukv rings , and the bride who I has ono of my rings on bar finger , in wedded to a re liable man , because hu eamo w to a reliable store , bought a reliable ring at a reliable I price straws which indi cate that ho will make a \ reliable husband. I Wedding and engagement - mont rinps made to order , I if you desire something special. Uraitunlti or Chlmeo Optkalmlc fr School Hooks , Tablets AND School Supplies , AT ik l J. G. Haeberle's : > KHLK El-lXAHKTIl FlEI.DS , Dnl OSTEOPATI11C PHYSICIAN. 'oo liourn : t ) a. m. to 12 in. 1:30 : to 4 p. m , , or by appoint ment. Fou SAUC A Btirring plow , a woodun harrow and inuubator. Mits. K. SKLI , . 37-J8. Major Skolton is talking of moving - ing to Milwaukee and wants to uloni ) out bin ttouk ol naitlo , 1 18 head of UOWH , heifers , HteurH and oalvofi , 75 head of hoys and about 800 bushels of corn. Aliw two young Spaninh Jnckrt coming two and tlir ' years old. 8 monlhh JI time will bo givou for good paper. LndicH to do nuwing at homo , § ' . > week. Steady work. All material Hunt I roe prepaid anywhere. Send stamped addressed envelope for full particulars. UNIYKKHAL Co. Dopt. D . Walnut Htruot , 'Hhiladolpin , ! * . . One iMonimi Stallion 7 years old fcr sale or trade. J. O. TAYI.OU , Borwyn. Nebr. Sales uried every whoro. Stock wales a specialty. Write or KC-D mt tor terms and dates. JTJD KAY , 7 tf Box 111 , Broken Bow , Neb. DIHMOL.lITIOM MOTIC1C. The firm ofVantz & 'Ihompson is this day dissolved by mutual cotisont. J. 11. Thompson retiring from said linn. W. J. Want/ will continue said businchS and celled all of Brylando , Gloria , aud Prince and jacks books , J. II Thompson gets the two nhiro books. CiiHto < mers will tiud thorn at Custor Na tioutl Bank , Broken Bow , Nob. Don't fail to call and settle in time to got. your discount. Dated this 1st day of Feb. , 1002 W. J. WANTZ 36.39 J , H , TUOUI-SON. Local Mention. August RoosHler of Borwyn was : \ friendly caller Monday. Monov loaned ou improved farms JAMKS Licnwiou , 7 18 tf Broken Bow , Nebr. Geo. William of Cumro market- I'd a steer at Ansloy recently that untt.'d him 7 1.50. , ) ndgo Armour visited his son K\\ at Lincoln Saturday and Sunday , returning Sunday night. John 1'irnio Superintendent ot I ho County Poor farm was a friendly caller at this ollbo Mond.iy. 1) . It. Whilo.ono of the subsUn- tial friends of the HUVIIULIOAX called Monday und had his eubscipt- ion advanced. Win. S. Lawtou and Miss Klsie 1'inkuey wore married at the bomb of the brides parents in Ansloy latit Thursday evening. Plnlbert Ticrnoy the oldest brothoi of Coruniius Ticrnoy of this oily died at New Ilamptou Iowa Sunday week , with small pox. J. S. Molynoaux who accompan ied the retail lumber dualors of Ne braska on an excursion trip to the lumber fields of Arkansas aud Texas returned homo Sunday night. G. T. RobuiHon left Thursday nicht on a visit to Corydon Iowa , where his wife has boon for dome time at the bedside of her mother , Mrs. Crawford who is dangerously sick. When pain or irritation exists on any part of the body the application of BALLAilD'S SNOW LINI MENT will cive prompt relief. Price , 25 and 50 coritH. Ed. Mu Coman , Broken Bow and Morna. D. T. Mortimer of Walworth was a welcome caller at this office Mou day. Mr. Mortimer was formerly of Monroe Iowa , but ho has bosn a resident of Nebraska since 1870 , which boatfl opr record three years. The attention of our readers is call ed to our special offer of the life of William MoKinloy , by Mural llalstcd , and other prominent mo n , and tbn KBPUIILIOAN for $1 50. Wo furnish both for the retail price of the book. Send m your order at onoe. The casket in which the remains of Mike Shanloy were burned , h ro a couple weeks ago was a motalic casket with hoavoy plato glass in tbo cover , net weight 090 pounds. It is said to have benn ono of the first over deposited in either of the comoterys here , Nervous ohildren arj almost al- waj s thin children. The "out. door- boy" is seldom norvotu > . VV HITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE is the host preventive of nervousness. It strengthens the system and annint8 to that HUT' , of Ucsh , which creates strength aud power of ondurenoo. Pi ice , 2.1 dints. lid MoComan , Broken Bow and Morua , Members of the county board G 11. Thorpe , 11. P. Savage , John Conloy , Goo. Greonwalt ai.d Alviu Daily went to Fremont Monday night of last week to attend the an nual State meeting of Supervisors. They returned Thursday night. They gained some information that if fill/i m f\i\ 11 rt will lit time , if followed up will he worth dollars to Cuutor county. Goo. Schmidt , ono of Cuntor county's prosperous farmers reports that he has a good durham cow that is worth keeping. She is now thir teen ycnrs old and would not bring very much money on the market , but $100 won't buy her. She ban raited iiK.'tJii ualvus. In the last three years shu has had twius each year , live of which were heifers. The last two , whioh are heifers and only a few days old look exactly alike Every Huhaeribir and purchaser 01 The Sunday Inter Oooan March 2 will receive a souvenir group ot Priuuo Henry and his entire family , The picture will bo a beautiful souvenir of the Prinoa's tour of the United States , nnd especially of hit visit in Chicago , where elaborate preparations are being made for IIIR reception. The group la artistically linirtlipil and is one of the meal valuable ot the art supplements in- sued by the Inter Ocean. The ed ilion will bo limited , and therefore it behooves newsdealers and al others who wish to secure thu i picture to order atOLoe. J , B. Smith of Merna was a wol- coma caller yesterday. B W. Lowe and wife of Lodi , Hpont Saturday night and Sunday pi the city with friends. Forage for stock is to bo ore of the important features discussed at the hiHtitute Wednesday , March f . Thoco who dcHire to boo me bet- tcr informed on alfalfa sh uld not fail to attend the farmers instituti here Wednosdiy , Month , 5 Prot. Burnett writes that the Chancellor of the State Univernity will bu hero on March 5 , the date of ihr Farmers Institute , will de liver a lecture in the evening. Will Davis has moved to Antdey where bo expects to ruu a lunch counter in addition to working at his trade LATICU He moved back 'Wednesday , did not unload his goods. Dr. Porloy E. Fields an osteopathic - ic physoiau has located in the city with the view of practicing her profession. Shu is a lady of line apperanco and uomrs well rocom- mouded. Wo are in receipt of another m- votco of the MoKinluy books. An lilruli * t n lin fill * . Inut nr/lnr tlinun HUH iiKeiy to DO our laaiorucr wanting ono of them should call early. Remember , they only cost you 50 oiMitd with the The Central Telephone Co. of Broken Bow is patting iu the Strougsburg instrument in thu place of the. ones now iu uso. All < ow phones will be of that class , i ey ara quite an improvement that lh j customers will appreciate. There are several citizens o < tin city that would do well to hoec tin warning visited on them by tin object lesson recently exporionooc in iho city and leave off their frequent quent tipling. No good oan conu from the OXCOHBIVO use of intoxicants The special meetings in progrosi at the Baptist church is drawing t full house every night. Evaugelis Bentley is an earnest and enthu siastic speaker , a splendid singe ; aud is getting well into the grooei of his audiences. A good work ii anticipated. Como out and boat him. Capt Burnham wont to Denver , Colorado , Monday to visit his daughters. Ho writes , Mine Host , C. II. Keuody of Iho Commercial that hu arrived there on schedule time and that Mrs. Iving was at the depot to meet him. His many friends hero wish the captian n pleasant visit. Supt. Lewis has boon out of town for the past two week visiting tohools in the west aud southwest part ot the county. He will re turn by the way of Morna Satur day , where ho will hold a teaohorn mooting on that day. The oflico iu being well looked after in bin ah senoobyhis assistant Every biiMiiess man of Broken Bow who can possible do BO should arrange to attend the Farmers lu- stituto Murch 5 , part of the time al leant and manifest his interests in the producers of the county. It will bo time well spent even Rhould you have to close your places of bum- MOHF for a I'mo to do it. Don't lot the hand of tune pnint wrinkles on your fauo. Keep young , by keeping the bloo 1 pure and thu digestive organs in a 1-eallhful condition. HERB1NE will do this- Health is youth , dis ease and sickness brings old ago. Price , CO cents. Ed , MoComas , Broken Bow and Morna. Rev. M. G. Bentley thu fvango- list arrived in this city Sunday night and assumed charge of the nuclings now in progress at the Baptist church. Rev. Bentley clos ed a very successful moulings at Mason Sunday night , of three week * and three days , in whioh over BO profoHsed conversion , 74 of whom united with the church. In Jan uary KKV. Bentley held a aeries ol meetings at Allianuo whore one hundred were converted. WANTED Several persona of character and good reputation in oaoh state ( ono in this county re quired ) to represent and advertise uld established wealthy business houuu of solid financial HtBiiding. Salnry 18.00 weekly with uxpenuoH additional , all payable in nash each Wednesday direct from head oflicoH. Horse and carriage furnished , when noooBHary. Reference. Enclose self-.addreBfiod stamped envelope , Dept. Manager , 314 Caxtoa Build ing , Chicago , 11-28 Ot Frank Coznd of Now Helena , a friendly caller at this oftlce Mon < day. day.G G C. Drake returned from a ten day's trip in the Guernsey country Tuesdny night. E.J.Thomas returned Tuesday morning from a two weeks visit at Kansas City. Ho reports a pleas ant trip. A debate between mom born of iho high Hohools at Morua and Bro ken Bow will be hold next Satur day night at Murna , ou the question of trusts. There is probably no disoano or condition of the human oyslom thnt causes more suffeiiiig and dis tress than piles. TABLEU'S BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT euros them quiokley , without pain or detention from buHinohs , Price , fil ) cents iu bottles. Tube * , 7f > cents. Ed. McComas , Broken Bow and Morna. Surveyor F. E. VanAntworp , who has been laid up with iho grip and oryaipolas for sovornl weeks is able to be out again , Ho came over from homo Monday and left Tuesday afternoon for Myrtle township , where he has work to do. Several other localitius want him at ) HOOH as ho can got to them. You eau help anyone whom you lind suffering from inflamed throat , laryngeal trouble , bro uohile , ooughn coldn , etc , by advising thu use of BALLARD'S HOKKHOUND SYRUP ; the great remedy foi coughs and colds. Price , 25 and 50 cent * . Ed. McComas , Broken Bow and Murna. A Prolific Hot , ' . H.V. . George of Georgetown who about a year ago engaged in the business of raising hogw and poultry , on a ranch ho fitted up foi that purpose on tbo Lonp has a BOW with a good record , lie purchased a thoroughbred Duron Jersey ol Mr. Smith of the Adams ranoli about Juno 20 , 1901 , Some time in January tOOl , she had fourteen pigs , again September 1 of thosamu year she bad fourteen more. Again on Februrary 17,1902 she had 18 more , making forty six pigs in ono year and ono month. Of the last litter , thirteen are alive at this writing. Mr. George says he re alizes that this in a prcttly big pig story and hu would not venture to toll it had ho not a number of witnesses - nesses to the fact that will boar him out. Fur ei-Hoii Nut Utility. At the preliminary trial last Thursday of Chris Bishop and Elisha Furgorson who wore hold ou the charge of stealing thirteen hogs from JM , Byeler of Wayne town- whip , Burhop was bond over for his appearance in thn district court and Furgorson was released. There seems to have boon quite an expen sive blunder upon the part of Home ono in sending the sheriff out to Kiowa Washington to arrest an in nocent man , besides it was a great inconvenience if not cxpenuo to Mr. Furgerson. market Itcport lor Tortay. Wlii-ut . S .01 liiu-loy . w . . 'ft OftU Cotn . © .M Hye . lluttor . l& * , per bualid . I V * > UiitOu . jicr bushel . 1 < XJ CMukcim , i > r iiounil , . IM llogu , . . . . . . . . . . 5 & ) ( . a-jr.ft.tau own StrmH . $3.5) ) ( it 4.50 . .U' Tmkoye , i > r pmiuiS Mr . per cwt . . . > lu ! Uy , Nuw , per ton . . < w per cwt . 6 < w muu. DYK Thursday , February 2U , 1002. Alviu Dye , of apoplexy , ago U9 years 11 months and IB days The deceased waa in his usual health and with a few olhers wa * al the Burk burn , when auddeuley he dropped to thu floor and iu a few moments expired without oven re gaining consciousness. Alvin Dye waa borne in Noble county , Indiana , March 2 , IbtQ Motrod to Fyatto county , Iowa with hia parontB in the year 1807 and re mained thuro 15 ycarp. Moved near Sargent CtiHlor oouuty Nob. , in 1882 , from whiclr place he came to thifi oily where bo lived until his death , whioh ouourod February 20 , 1902. Was married to Lotiica E Hakberth February 5th , 1800. Ho loavoB a father , mother , four brothers , onu sister , wife and one child to mourn his lotrn. Thu Ri- I'UiiuoAN oxteudu tha sympathy of the community in the bereaved. Ministerial Association. A meeting of the Association will bu held in the Presbyterian church Monday March 3rd , at 10 a. m. Subjoin for discussion : "How to secure the cooperation of laymen in church work. " All the miniHtors of Custer county are cordially in- vitud. W. 11. DOGUKT , Soo'y. Cliurcli NervlcoH. UAl'TIST OllimOU , Preaching service both morning aud evening by Rev. Richards , at , 11 a. m , and 7:30 : p. m , The pub- 'io ' is cordially iuvitod. OHUIHTIAN OllUltOII. The usual Sunday services. So heel , Lord's Supper , and preach ing in the morning. Christian En deavor and preaching at night Su bjoot of morning sermon : 'Goapol Universality. " Evening sermon , "Conversion , " Endeavor topic , 'Joy of Service. " Paayer servioi as usual , Wednesday evening , sub ject , "Tho BenolilB of Prayer' The last mentiouud service in creases iu interest oauh week , Cornel C. V , AU.IHON , Minister. oiiunou. 3rd Sunday in Lint , March 2rd There will bo sorvioos with sermon both morning and evening. Sunday School at 3 p. m , Linten services in the Rectory Tuesdays and Fri days at 430 ; MA II It IlClt. SMITH-SCOTT At the homo of Mr. and Mro. J. P , Smith , the brother and sister of the Groom and Bride , Mr. F. M. Smith and Miss Myra A. Scott of Over , wore unitud in Marriage at 12 M , on Wednesday , Fob , 19 , 1902 , by Rev. L. J. Koenc. Many invited friends were proocnt , twenty four in ail. wished them a long aud happy life. Many hand some presents were given. Long may they live. L. J. KKICNIC. Kicii.jCOZAD At the homo of tbo bride's parents , al New Helena , on the 23rd day of February , by EldtrJ.H Russell , William Koill to Mary , the cldoet daughter ol Frank Co/ul ; of Now Helena. Thu was a very qm.H and pretty affair , only the relatives of the coutracl ing parties being present. Tin groom is a young man who came Ic this oouuty a fexv years ago. Ht ban won the rospnct of those ho hat couio in contact with , and also tin heart and hand of ono of Cunlei oouuty'tj most oHtoemablo youiif ; Iftdieu , The brulo is a most es teemable nnd accomplished younj lady. They wore the reoipileuii of many valuable and useful pres eut . ONB WHO WAS TIIEIIK. i ; coif2ii AMIVOilICH Ol'K 'MilCOI.O. . Lhtatlve Droino Qiilulno Tnliletr en re u cold I ono day No Cure , Ho I'ujr. I'rloi ! ' > rnts 1 si Paints , Oils and Wall Paper fw at- § 5 2v ' v- EcL McComas' > Drug Store. 3 BUSINESS POINTERS , Job printing at thiu ottioo. Lubricating oils oi all kituU at s' drug store. Pepsin Gum , two paukagoa tor a lioUol at WILKINS' PHAUMAOT , Ur. T. W. Bans , dentist , othtfo lorthwust corner of Realty block. I.I if Money to loan ou improved farms MOOUB & TAYI.OU , Realty Block. 1-23 tf foil SALK Uuttxr North cant quarter nocuous 30-19-17 , Douglau Grove , 11 , W , Hammond Broken Bow. 30-87 A fuw comforters and blauketa o.iti bo liad at Snyder Bros. Big Uoublo Store for loss than you uaa buy the material and niako ilium , call and see. Wliuu you wniit a phyulu that la uihd uuil truths enay to take aud jiluaatuit in etl'oct UPO ChamberUin'a .Stomach. nud Liver Table IH. I'ricw , 25 conta , Sample Irou. Kvery box guaranteed. For nalc by J. Q , Haubcrlo. m . . . . . . . ' Mm " * " If you intend to build call at Dk'rku Lumber Co. and got prices. 1 have for runt 100 acroa of good oorn ground thruu and a half miloa from Broken Bow. J. G , PAINTBU. Fou SALIC Baru , 10x18 foot. J , A , AUMOUII , l0 tf BALK Loin 1 , 2 , 7 and 8 , bloulc r , in Jowptl't * addition to Broken Bow. Enquire at thii union. 11-21 tf ' For insurance and real estate go to Moorc&Taylor , iu Hualty Block. Fou SALK ou TUAOB Town lota and a few iivo aero lota iu this city , for ualtlo , IIOTHOH or farm land. feb28 tf ALLAN UUITMKU. Farms for Halu and lands for rout. Now iu the tune to got a farm cheap , an the ulioap farmH are all going , and prices arc advancing rapidly. J. (4. BUKNIEKU. For Oak Quo registered Abbur * di'on bull. S. L. GLOYBUASOH. 1 30 'it Woisrtort , Nobraka. Snyder Bros. liav a large asuort- rnont of winter goods that they are closing out at bargains. Fen RitNT a well improved farm. , ! AMKB LKDWIOH , Broken Bow , Neb. Diurku Lumber Co. baa in Htook a oar load ot fine cedar posts for the tr&dct. Tbc old and reliable tirru of Diorkn Lumber Co. is the place to go for lumber or coal. A good Hupply and grades to meet tbo wants of tlmir customers aru always in stock. 89 Uf J . G. ilaehnrle the dniKirist , will Muni you your maney if you uro not itftlUtled ' aud after uuiiiK OliBinberlaln'ij Stomach Liver Tablets. They cum disorders of thu Hlomrtoti , bUiouaofBa OnnHtlpallon anil headache. Trice 25 oonta. Sample ! Crow. ' $ Y&vVi ! & $ - > fc - $ : -Jfc > fc r 1 have attain taken possession of &l'- & THE GLOBE HOTEL And am thoroughly cleaning and filling it up with modern improvements , thus insuring my guests every comfort , in cluding clean warm beds and good , honest square mealn. With HUH effort I solicit the patronage of all my old friends and many now oues. * , Prop.