R/ / , I W M I 9 Open for Contract for Delivery Between Jfprii Is ) , to Iflay 1st , 1002 , We have the planing of contracts for I2/)0 ( ) AJSKWe carefully ! ' ! ee < 't < > < UM < smd two-year-old . JKiUSSTEEKH AND HEJ FEHS for - HEREFORD , DURHAM delivery hot . AND POLLED we.ii -e.ii April 1st , and May 1st , 1902. Jerseys , Holsfoin , Lump Jaws1 , etc. , not to he accepted. We in Those cattle are guaranteed in every . are position to sell these way. at low , cattle in figures contracts for very Correspondence invited. one or more carloads Anyone desiring stock cattle this spring should take advantage of this These contracts must and will be sold opportunity to huy as of these at once. Alliance of your life time to what many cattle as they need. information write us at , either of the following addresses. got you want in stock at a hargain. For further \r C \ Union Stock Yards , Chicago , Illinois. \ Union Stock Yards , South Omaha , Nebraska. 5 TT Sioux * ft City C * 4 . „ Stock t * . XT . Yards * ] . Ct , Sioux . Citv , Iowa , - XV. fJL Tl 1 TVT * business ami Professional directory. TY BAItliKIt SI1OI' , II. O. MUTTON. 1'roprii'tor. lni'H work Hour llnuni of llniki'i ) How State ilnnk , llroken How , Alfalfa Seed. Purchase lieforo Price Advances. Free samples on application. J3E&ANO SEED CO. , Leo I'nrl. , Nebraska. D R. .1. K. SNYDIfiR , Osteopathic Physician l , J37 Olllco ever HWIIM n ( Iroccry Htorn. HOIIFH UH. Ill to IL' Ml. mid - to I p. 111. UoHldi'lic.'n- Qnnil ( Juutral llolcl. Clironlo nines H Hii | > rlnll l ) . O.II. . CONRAD , Donlcr In rumps. Wlnil Mllln , TiiiikH , I'Mttlnga , H , ulo , < ' ( c , llrokon How , NclirnHkn /CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES. I'rou InKtmctlnim how to tnku nnil ilcviilopi' Ihn picture wltli cvory cmiiorn polil ilono fur iinnililrL'B. Latest Styles in Photographs. BANGS STUDIO. In Ih'JI. MIKH SOANLON , ' I'niprlotiir of- IttxtatiruntiV ' Muicli Cuuiilur. Imrxo acwirliiiiuil of C'uiifiiotloiiHrlcn , Cl nrx nnil Toluu'Him. North alilo of I'lilillc Siimrn | , llrtilinn Itow , Nfhrm-kii. .J. SNYDER I..J. , ultiu .IliBtlro ot tlic I'vncu. NxClnl | iittxntluii l dii to . collurlloim ' l.'opofllloiiH taki.ii , pcnnlon Vouch vie iit'iitly ( uccilltiil Hint nil hliiiln of I'X I pnperii . wrlttun. Olllnu In tin' r < ar of Hunk of t. omiiicrro. lliokiin How , NuliniHkn. TT\RS. R. C. * W. M. TAIJtor , PHYSICIANS $ SUKGHONS. UIIICM over llHdhi'rln'H lrui ; .Slum , llrokon How , - - T D. ULAZE , Jk * Denier In , I'-oreiKii niul / IIUTICHII Alurlilca. Ornamental Work a Specialty. llroken How , Niiliriii < kii. /CLINTON DAY , Physician vfc Surgeon. OIBco In renr of tlio Hank ' of < 'oiiiiiii > rrii. Itcfl denrufltli lionao ucxt of DID HnptlHt oliuri'li. llrokon liuw , Nrlir kii. Al. DORRIS , All klniln ofvork In our line ilium nuil in fimt-clHHH | ironiilly | - order tWIIixl Hlioi on ilu- | corner wont in tliu IIOHU liuii.o. < iIVI : HH A. Tit IA I. . llrokeii How , - - NuhmU. W A. THOMPSON , - ( 'ONTItACTOIt , fc lltlll.DICII f y riiiim anil uHtliuntt'8 on liirtnolU-o llrokuu llou , ryt. c. L. AIULLKNS , Physician § Surgeon. Soil SUIrwny from wi"l end In Itonlty lllnrk , ronldouco , 3rd wu l M K I'liurc.li , ou HHIIIO HI | < - of . itrect. ( lr llrokfii How , Nebr/icku B AKER'S POOL HALL , \V. K. llAKBIt. I'rop. Jfor a noclnl Ktino ol | HHi | , * jrMorlliof IfKl'UU- LIOAN OlUcu , lirukou How , Ncbribka. - R ( Jhcrr ) ( Jnllnre in ( 'cntriil rJ ) 'I'lie following excellent p-ipor by W. I" " ' . Jenkins of Arcadin , Neb , on "Cherry Culture in Central Nebraska , " was road by tha Secro ary ol the Uustcr Courtly Horn ocllral iSociel } : "L'ulit'H and genl'oman ' , memborK > f the Cuslor County Horticultural Society , It is no longer n question is to weather we can grow cherries for the market and at a good profit ilthe prices they comiiiruid or not. Many of you until rstaml that I mvo settled this question lonft ago , the on'y ' question now remains how to do it , 1 wish I could bo with you I could giVM you more information by talking than I ctn in a nliorl japcr.- The hrHt tiling to take into consideration IH the propcration of Lhe soil. More depends on Iho pro- Deration and cultivation than on location. You can grow ohnrncs with good success in any ijood soil whether hjlls or valleys , north , south , east or west slope if your I uid is properly prepared before nl.'inliiii' and trronrirlv unred for afterwards. 1 ho idea that we ciin plant only on a northern or north east slope with any ihing like a certainty of success is more a theory than a fad. Plow your giotind not IOHS than M inches deep ( unless it is sand ) and subsoil if you can ; don't say you can't plow 11 inches deep because if your plow and your team ; at lensl I big horfcn are all right ; you uin plow at least one acre a day and plow it 1 1 inches ( loop. I UHod 'i horses ; you c.tn't drag nny to much ; lay out , your rows perfectly straight 'JO feet each wuy , dig your holes II feet deep anil ; t feel Mjuaro. Oh ! you say llnl is to much digging ; very well I am just tolling yon how I make a MIC- CCHS growing cherries When you have found out how jou can do it as well with less worK , let us all know how you doit. 1 always like to know iho why of u thing. Now I will toll you why 1 want iho yard square lo plant a tree that emild liu'iilnnted in & lutln niin- lourlli Dial HI/.O. First wo fill with surface soil one-half the hole. We fill in Iho center of the hole or junt whore wo want to set the tree so it will be perhaps six inches the high est this will allow ; the roots to Htart downward as the soil is pack ed in around the ends of them lirst. Always wear rubber boots ITY MILL V-X K V , Mccuiim , I'rop , Uyn l-'ionr , , , Iliickuliont UriliMn I'roil , oie. Hit. T. L. FA HNS WORTH. DENTIST , u Our HIVHII'H ( Irorcry , Lourjccllors AT Itoomn H unit n , Ki'Hlty ' Illock , llroken How , Null \X7ILUS CADWICLL u A R. HUMPHREY , ' llrokon How , A New Apple.'f Buggies , Surreys , Spring Wagons , and .Farm Wagons. G. W. Apple. when you are phnting trcos ; got rigt-l in Iho hole with your tree , there is plenty of r < om for you to woik with the tree ; pack the earth as ( irmly as you can until your tree is covered at.nvt1 the bud , then atop back and fill in a cnupluof iiichi'r of line Jooso neil , don't pick it When jour tree , H planted it should I slam ! in biHit ! like , t-o when ( he ground is nil level the tree will bo ) in the ground at least six inches ) ibovo the bud if on tolling ground. f on fl.it land where tin HOI ! will laturally ( ill in instead of working iway , two or three inches above he bud would be just as well. eave the ground so the water will I run towurd the tree ; the large hole hat you dug will t'ike in n lot of f water and tree will your stand a nnch butler rlruioo to make a gooil I ; rowth than it would if planted as : hoj usually are. Tliu cherry should bo planted as soon as April JOth ; never plant in the fall ; ou'ti- ' vateonce in two wet kn ; move every nch of ground with the hoe that islet lot slirrvd with ihe i ultw.itor every Hit two year old trie * headed verj ow ; keep the htudH ju-ii aH near the ground as possible. I prune mt very little more than to kcip ill doid wood cut on i , and whitl imbs and twigs have boon broken Keep a sharp lookout for the tent catcrpillcr the last of April and th , > lii > tof May , As to vanties I would recommend for early , the ICtrly Richmond , next in huason Large IMont Morency , 'uid for late English Morrello , Ihoso three varieties ar > liardyand our besl selling oliurrion uid you will have ripe flint for least six weeks. I am just as Hire ol growing a fill crop of chorrioH ono year with another as your are Crowing a i uii crop 01 corn , . /liter your trees begin lo fruit you bo.'in 10 feed the trees : don't be afraid yon \vill in in lie the ground to heavel } ; never put an > manuio M ) it will touch ihu tree , never buy a tree ( rom a traveling tree man , buy at whole Halo dirtct from a nursery. Remember thai the boy" and the bird * all like chcrrns and you iniiBt plant ( .cconlingly. The fruitgro'vv- ers in the oa-Uciii part.of the State will not coiiced- that wo can com pete with them in growing fruit , but in OS I li id ih.t honor of vi inn ing the first pn ininni ( A ailvor medal ) it HIM Trim Mismppt Ex- KOMlmii at Oin.'ili.'i fur tliu luikt c/il- lection el clii'iiicM lit'HKicH - 10 in eash forthe fruit and a tine diploma. After 22 yearn of experiinoe here in growing ordinary farm oropn and IS years in growing cherries 1 am satisfied wo oan grow iiherrien with ac miiuh certainty one year with an. other as wo can grow any other orop. W. F. .IKNKI H , Aioadia , Nobr. OK LAIKJMA NOT A PARADISH .liilm V Ilelini Tells of His IXpcrii'iice In Search of a Uutlcr Heine John F. Hehm , an old resident of Omaha , has just returned from a trip to the recently-opened Indian lands in Oklahoma , and brings biok at ything but a glowing account of IIIH experience ( hero , lie is of the opinion that Nebraska is good 'f ( noiigh yet. Speaking of his qii'st for a new homo in a now , country Air. Melim says : "The first thing you do when you get to I.awton , where the great drawing look place last August , is to go to the land oflien. Here you ask the receiver if any v.utant government land is left. Ho re fers you to a clerk , and the latter tells you he has no time to give you , that you must go to some one outside to get lou.tted. ' You are glad to get out of the ollico and are followed by a half dozen cappers who are ready to lo- cato yon on some fraction , and who only ask 810 for iho sorvijo If you do not care lo dnii with them on this hisis , the ne.vl slep is to buy a rnliiKjiiisliment from some ono who has liled and in ready to quit You find thet-o are only for sale at the1 real esUto ollices , and are held all iho way from JiiOO lo * 10,000. It you buy ono you must do as iho original nuttier , comply with all the n quirement of the law nnd make I \oirr final proof u > duo form. This is an additional expense. "Tho Indians had first choice of the land , every man , woman and child getting a quarter section. They chose all the bottom lands , with the water and loft the bench lands for the while settlors. Hut very little of this land is oed and none of n has water. Down there i pnurio farm with no certainty of gelling water at any depth will nest as much as an improved farm in Nebraska. "Lawlon is the biggest town for ils ago in the world. It is bill four months old has five banks , fourteen stores , twuntjone lumber yards and ninoty-two saloons. Everything t IhO is in proportion. Jutit now th < y are grading streets and putting crosswalks. Water is sold on the streets at the rate of three pails for a mokel If a fire should get a -tart in L'lwton in ihicc hours tin,1 town would be wiped out. "I buffered more from the cold dowu there than J over did in Nebr aska Last Saturday the lomper- .ituro dropped in two hours from 10 above to zero. Ono of the stories told illustrating the climate is that a farmer from South Dakota bought : i yoke of oxen and started was overoome by the heat and died , While the far/nor was skinning Mm the weaMier . 'hanged and the other ox froze to death. "AlmoHl every other building in Lawtoniri devoted to MAW , real estate and relinquishments bought ana sold. ' This seems to bo the chiol industry down there just now. My advice to Nebrakans is don't sell a Nebraska farm , thinking you can bolter your condition in Okla homa. The soil down there is good , but the rain is uncerlain and the climate is no hotter than Nebr aska. The Omaha Uoo , Feb. tl , 10(2. ( \\r. U. Kwir g is In Orinlln n aln. Mr.Vnddington went , to HroKon How Alondfty. K C. ISuibrco iiindo n trip to llrokon How .Sfiiuttlnj. CliMitlo ICcJiloiilmrycT npent Sutnnbiy and Sunday ut homo. Sumo of the | ) U | > llH Imvu got ovnr the and iiro In school The ti-lephoiie line in Kurokii is coinpltitt'd unit H Hwltehbosnl hns buen put in t Mr. Waildm ton's. Mr. nrnl Mrs. 10. I ) . Heal * went to ' t'liy lust 'I'tiurHiUy. Tlie best nt tlitur friends gu with them. Mr. Strickler wont t > Mornn Friday niuht.hut , rotiirnul Siuidiiy , and tliu pro true eil cervices will continue tills week. .1. (5. lUiicr , O. ( J Aslibmigh , \ \ ' . ard , l. T. Davis attended M. H. A. hiJ o itt Aneolwo lust Trwrfl- - day night. Mr * . Foil o went lo Ilrnken How last \Vidnei < dny returning Saturdtiy. Hint went down to M'H ( Jrniidinu linyce , M'ho Miou , . oinra and Achenh Hunt lnvo bom very alok 'lie paPt two wwel's from iliu nii'aah'H. ' ' 'i'liulr frluiuld nil hope tor their Bjicedy recovery. 11VNO. Tin * Secretary of the Furtnera Club IIHB iniiile firrmiKoinunts for a H'armers liiRlitnte to ho held ut Cnllnway on Mnnth Ith ufteriioon and evening. A corps of speeches is prom80il | , In- lr. I'niura , 1'rof Jiruner and otbum. is very body liivitmi ; make your arrangements to attend ; IH it is gotten up for the benefit of all who niny dike nn Inteu'wL in fuMiiui ) , ' and Htuck rais ing. \Veathcr lut moderated this ( TueH- duy ) afternoon HIIOW' i hawing hope bnukbone is broken. Toovis Owen IH smilinic from ear to eni it" n boy 1) in rfibrumrv let lK)2. ! ) Mother iiinl tmlie doini ; ucll. A. J. KuuvtM lust a vidunllo horao hiHtwetU ItMtanot cntist-'d by coin stnlk tllsensis as lie was not fuelling any corn DIKD i'i ( ' .ill.iwuy Mondiiv morninz February lOili I'.IOl ' ! ut AppendiciniB , Murk Him < ( Mr. and Mr , li.V. . Uiay , nine yeaty liitt-rinont in Ciilltiway Ccmutiynn Nnpby acknowledges a plo.iHiiiit visit yrsterdoy from P. II. McOnlly , wife ami aifitc > r-lit-lnwof 1'allin Neb. and Mrs. II. ( ! Dunnel , ilniitjlitor and sou , of N \NJ > VAI.f.S'.Y With out any news it in hard to write anv. Miss Flu Tlioipo bus four weeks more of School. \Vm. 1'orl IH thu L'riiioipal of the Snnd Vall-y pchool. Mr. U. J. Fisher in packing uj ) to to Colin iido this Mr. .f. Koleriburger ia going to have n family from Iov\n move on his rnnrli in the Mr Om bio and Mr. Murphy let Mr. Miirjilnc of the went table have CO lieud of rattle cai'li ( o winter a while The jan < ! lnuon In tins part 1ms uot through fin fur without miy IORH of cattel toHpi'iiKot , liny is gettlne ; short in snnio jilucc1' . The llonsior Vrtlley litterary is > 'ett- inj , ' ijuilu intori'Htinft. The qiie.stimi for next Fritlay nifiht is nn woman uuffra e , ladies here IB your chance. Klmer Juno imaged throiirrb Htrnets ol Simd Valley thin the week ; ho Raid thill ho hnu been Clondike calling in the Hnncb n duy or two. Mr. Rich Mohat ban a new frnuie hniiho on his ranch , now girls you all know Jiii-h to be a nlcn boy an < < J would llko to hear of all you calling on him. Mrs Sum AilkinH ia u little under the weitlior the lust few days b.ul cold. Mr. S.im Adkins Ims with bi-mi : i down to Lincoln to HOC hib oldohl AlvinAdkine. HOU Ed. ( Jr.iveH , the foronnin on Atkiuon'H Uiinch has lint wet Iho Aneol- mo nnd Harijent iMail route iitul we iinderHtand that day is coming on the ranch in the spring. You can help any ono whom joti ' find fliill'ering from inflamed thront , laryngeal trouble , bronchits , coughs colds , ole , by advising the use of HALLARD'S HORKHOUND SYRtrp ; the great nmody for coughs end colds. Price , 2r > and TiO contf. Jfid. RlcComas , Broken Bow and Morna. It iHii'l Hie material Unit ir > < " 4 Into vour repalri < l > vatcli Hint roHiilts Inn ptrfi that does the tincutiOe > 4 , tiny bungler can buy the line kbuh n ( mnturlnl tltal I line in repairing ; hut skill H the moct vnluuhio niotonnl that nn bo used in wateh rupiilrlng : nnd the bungler oim't hny It. I sell my okili for wliat it Is worth nnd it will cobt you ICHH than bundling it lower prices. F.V. . HAYKS. Jeweler nnd Optician. West side of Btnniro. Of St. Louis , Missouri , is again cauvai'Sing thin county with their Hume Comfort Sieol which Ranges , are Hold only from wagons by their ' tr'voling salesman. Wliuii tlioy call at your IIOIIHO wo mviln you to examine the ranged an to their mems , etc. Your note payablu at doors your and not at the hank. Note Upton , Nob. , Fob. 7 , 11)02 ) To whom it may concern : It ha * tin * right name and in certainly - tainly the Homo ( Comfort. I uan recommend tliu Homo Comfort to anyone. Your * truly , PitTKi : P. Hwric. Morna , Nob. , Fob. 11 , 1'JOii. Wrought Iron Range Co. tit. Louis . , I\I \ ( .tontlcmen : I have a Homo ' ( 'innfoil Stool Range that has bi on in IIHO fur nearly ir > yearn , uid it ih as g.ind an when tirtit bought. It dors not rujuiru nccr the fuel ol an i'i liirirv nook stove tl is a iiin-t ( irlict linker and ; i good heat -r in winti-r. 1 Would not take # 100.00 fur my rantro could I not got anoiiiur Homo Com fort. It has th- thright , name for it t in certainly a Hume Comfort. I j would advise my neighbors actl the general public to buy a Homo Comfort - fort in prcforontto to any other make for they are the beat and I cheapest in the long run. ( . E Dutton and Mrs. Louie Dutton Morna , Ni-b , Fob. 12 , 1002. Wrought Iron Range Co. , St. Louiri , Mo Gtntlemon : Wo take pleasure I in Muting th.it wo hive li'iMi 1 ) using a Homo Comfort Stool 1 Range for ovnr three yearn and I have found it to bo rv represented I by your Hitlorimnn. It IH aH R ( D ( ! aH i now and the moat porfoot hakor I t ever saw. It does not require moro than lmf ! the fuel that it took for my cant Htovo Huy tin1 Homo Comfort and yon will never royrot it. U. C. Street Nub.jNov. 20 , ' 01. I bought of the W i ought' Iron Range Co. , of St. LOIUH , ono range nailed Homo Comfort No ( ! , in 18Hrt , ami have used it uoiiHtfimly over nil ue. I find it cooks and bakes with lra- < fuel than any other htovo we ever UHod. It in Htiil do ing duty as iimial and will jrobibly oontiiiiio to do HO for i < veril yeara J' t. .1. F. Nidi , D , . I have pnroham-d a Home Com fort Range and am v.idl plea-od with it. I bought a Lincoln llaugo three \earn ago and it played out. The H jino Comfort dons not takn near the fuel an our old range. I can rojommond the Homo Comfort . to any ono and think it the cheapest in the end. , My neighbor used ono for 15 years and it in all right to- (1'ly. ' H. A. Ovorton , Nob. , Doo. I , luoi. Thin H to oortify that I have UHod i a Homo Comfort Range for a number i of years and , can firnUilaHH t in say it is every rcHpuot. Would not be deprived the UHO of it in kitohen for * 100. Would my mend the Homo Comfort reoom- to wishing the boHt. anyone Yours resentfully , CATIIOLINI : MOSUKB.