Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 20, 1902, Image 7

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    ! J ! lJ5l ! V-fl'
I ?
For Infants and Children.
If HI i The Kind You Have
Always Boughi
Ung tUc Stomachs nrtrtBowcls of Bears the
Promotes Di clon.CheotTul- !
neabamlRosl.ConlainsncilUcr of
Optum.Morpluuc nor Mineral.
I\m fkin Sec . A'
lot\tlif Mo-
ftatfitd & > gar .
A ported Ttometly forConsllpa-
Hun. Sour Stomach , Diarrhccn
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvemh-
ncss and Loss OF SLEW.
Facsimile Signature of
( jffiG *
EXACT COPY OF V/RAPi . ' ' = .
V i u ' i l > 'i r .
The "Northwestern university lias
Icclded to abandon its women's col-
cge of rncdieii'e ' for tlu'se reasons , as
tatcd by one of tlic trustees : "It Is
nipoossible to make a doctor of. a
woman. Women cannot giasp the
chemical and pharmaceutical
itory work , the Intricacies of surgery
work of dlssic-
gery , or the minute
' medical department
tlng. At our .women's
partment we do nut get as high a
class of scholaishlp as is set by the
Other colleges in Northwestern ntii-
pcrslltv. " Here is food for a dispute
filial may spicad across the country.
in the
There are women engaged
practice of medicine in nearly every
city and some ot them me certainly
highly successful. It may be that
does not ,
.the Northwest em
( draw recruits from tl.o light class of
women. Ulir i I'n-ss.
j Lai-Rest Rrowcrs of (
Clo\cr. Timothy ami
Grasses. Our northern grown Clover , !
, frost nml drouth resisting
for vigor .
\ properties , has justly be come fainouw.l
1SUPERIOB CtOVER , bo. $5.90 ; 100 ibs. JD.80J
UCrosse Prime Clom.bu.K.BO ; 100 Ibs. $9.23 }
Simples Clorcr. Tlmolliy and firassti and great )
Calalor mailed > ou for Ic
i in Motion.
George " 1 hear there Is a move
ment In Boston to do away with the
chaperon. "
Jack "Ho you mean to say that
in Boston
they have ever had chaperons
ton ? "
"Oh , yes. plenty of them. "
"What do they do ? "
"Well , they kncp the fires going ,
/111 the hot-w.iler bottes , thaw out ears , and so on. "
? fiOO l-'rom $ l.tO.
Wta. Kdlry. I.awienco < o . O , muilo on 31.tC
rror h ut tarn to seed , bought troji lh ( ! John A.
ul"r Roe.11 i > , I.UCIO.V.Lwis. . , last mmmcri
' " Thul rn.\s.
" rf fft
Nowearly cimimI < > . isntii'ol Uio
TCB"tuliU's. to else curliest radishes ,
tocautocs , bcutx , etc.
1'or lOo. null till * Notice
IhoJohn A. Sul-IT Si it CM , I.i'Yono. WK
tend you IMi unuls of vcgtHub.o luia tiovvoi
ieods ami m tmuinih cutiilo.1 telling till uboui
luoUluc vesBtaUIe * . lliirkevcr. JriierR
poney . .
C. H. U
tlst , 20.
Kfiitui Ky < -i-l > y I o l | > n < 1.
Instead of being run on May 1 , tlu
Kentucky Derby will nut come o' ' !
until Saturday , May ; i. The chang *
was hr night about by the postpone
ment of iho opening day. The meet
Jng at Louisville will only laat nine
te\jn days , Ins' of tlic t % cnty-om
which huve been allotted to the club
I > rnliliii ; ISlwr * fur linlil.
Dredging rivers in gold bearlni
countries f'ir irold hub become u grn
Industry , ! ind , drcdnes nf vMtulfru
p ) vver and -apacltv arc being bull1
to dredge sixty feet helnw the watt-
line and to reach sixty feet above it
along the banks.
ffj . ' * r'l"Tr > f * * * ' /IVT r * i J *
" *
< ' !
'Jhin ' ! - > .l" " ' > * 'iW" Sc
fffi EESSOSSK Sifcj
TiVllviiltS WHIIlt ML ttbt ( AllS. „ ( t\
IZr 1'iWt Ccuiili 8rri-ti. TonU'R UWiU.
N N.U NO. 707-8. YORK , NtB
per TON
Greatest , Chonpost FoocJ
Cilllon Doll r Crass
ruil yourlrli ; Utouf t
fc ! < i Rr nn
cvr a , VwO tu. li ftr acitj , etc. , tu
For thlo fiotlco nnrl 10c.
wo ID i t. , riu if m 1 10 1 sr it tl
ovc .itimi.y VM tU ( .Ot ti i ri
FOT1 < > . elu li.Jkln < Uo
. . , -
- - - si IT 11
Soup rn 't iry.
irkable discovery of a
The 11 r\n tji v
cliansing iluid has been made in the-
mountains north of I'hoenix by a
p-irty o ( prospectors. It is a goy cr
of natural soap , and three claims
which have been Iccatod . .re called on
the recoids of this coun'y "soap gey-
" measurso hfleen
soi-s. One geyser
iluid is lill-
feet in diameter , and th
cAith . substance which rc-
\\ith ; i gr.ty
sfMtible.putty. .
Several bundled pruudsof the solid
nvitter was brought to Phoenix ,
treated thofoughly for
where it was
its cleansing properties. It was
found lo be an excellent quality of
soap , and removed dirt , grease or tar
fiom cloth , and is said to clean silk
or woolen materials without injuring
the texture of the stuff. /
The geysers flow continually and
the supply seems Inexhaustible. The
10 o fr. first
story of the prospcctois was at
regarded with considerable amuse
ment , but after the quality of the
substance thrown out of the geysers
was ascertained , local capitalists en
tered into an agreement to furnish
money for the dcvelopmen1 ot I ho
natural wonder. Chemists have not
entirely determined the properties of
the geyscis1 discharue. The prom t-
eis declare that a new and novel
manufacture of snap will spring from
tills discovery. SHI Auionio Ex-
i A peculiar lion wa-t at one time
pitBiscscd byVui. . Fanning , of Cron-
wall , N. Y. K.u'h of its Pugs invar
iably had two ) olks. Twelve of th"st
he put under u setting hen and Hit
icsul' was tint one of the eggs failed
l < i hitch , wlillu the remaining eleven
prrduced two cliicks.
The death ot Cardinal Ciacasa
f' from it' n c.
ZSS amcx =
" I had n very seveie sickness
that took oil all ir.y hair. 1 purchased -
chased a boitlc or Aver's Hair
Vigor and it brought nil my hair
back again. "
V. D.Quinn , Marseilles , III.
One thing is certain ,
Aycr's Hair Vigor makes
the hair prow. This is
because it is a hair food.
It feeds the hair and the
hair grows , that's all there
it , to it. It stops falling
of the hair , too , a \ \ al
ways restores color to
gray hair.
JI.N a brtifc. All
' ' y ir il np.'iiC O'uiuot iiipply yon ,
c ul lit on * nml via will express
. . ami \ thu imuH <
; < HIU U.ttie. Hoi uc tf\\o
. , iiri'o. Aililrens ,
of ) our uf.irwt eMirr j <
J. C. i VKK IX ) . . Lowell. Han ,
Uniorlniit l nrt I'.nycU by 1'rctty
Ult-lH Who Can TiillcVtll. .
1'retty girls are employeil In "olllu ;
tuula hi KIIIHIIX , says a former enstern-
State. When a
> r now located In that
oal estate man , be Miys. has a custom-
; r from a distance to see n farm
les some distance out of the city ho
iiakes bis arrangements beforehanl.
le IIIIH a team of fast waltiiu
> o take the ctistoutef out to look nt tliu
'arm. ami just us they are stanlng a
iretty girl happens along and he greets
icr cordially. She Is sure to be a pretty
5h'l and a witty one. Slie asks the real
f tate man where be In going , ami
ivlien lu > tells her she remarks Mint It
, vlll be a lovc'y drive , as the eouti.r.v Is
so pretty lu that direction. Then the
Introduces the p.etty
: e.U estate man
flrl to the stranger , ami finally nsks
nor If slie would like to ride out to the
tami with them.
Of course she siys : "yes. " and gets
11 to the seat beside the stranger , \vliilo
ihe real estate man drive * . He keeps
the horses going at a good clip all the
ivay. atul the pretty girl makes oiinnl
KOO I Kpeeil with her talk. She Is so
that the straii'iee
bright anil witty
thinks they have been on the road Irit
i few minutes when they arrive at the
farm. He I surprised to llml It so near
tbe town.
tbe farm anil
After be lias bought
ilrives out to SOP It alone , when ther
tbe seat beside him ,
Is no pretty girl on
lie is surprlccil to see bow fur from
town It la. The real o tati- men have
pretty girls for tlu-ir stenographers ,
teach them their part of tbe game.
MilttoiiH llnvc HCCII Given by Them
to ICdnc'iitioii and Charity.
much the cause of
Few roall/p liow
rducatlon anil tbe various phlhiu-
tlnopie ontorpt Ises owe to tbe women
of tin- Kilts
f the Uultoil States. Some
women's causes arc
recently imido to
noted below :
Mrs. .losephine L. Kewcombo. of New
York , to Tulane University. .fIJ.OUO.DCO ;
* Armour of Chicago 10r -
Mrs. . I r n , ,
Qiour Institute , ? l.ur 0.i)0 ) ) ; Mrs Kdna
N. J. , to
I. Mel'liei-Hon , of Newark ,
Yale College. $7.,0.0W ; Mrs. II. It.
Schloy and Mrs. U. P. Flower , of New
York , Jointly , to the city of Wutertown.
S. Y. . $500.000 ; Miss Helen Gould , of
New York , to various charities , if-UK- )
DUO ; Mrs. Vauglmn MiinjulH. of Ashland -
land , Wis. , to religion. ? : } Ui.o 0 ; Mrs.
I. F. Kyan , of New York , to religion ,
FiiriO.OOO ; Mrs. KiiRene Kelly , of Hut'-
falo. to religion , W50.0CO ; Mrs Km-
moiiH Hhiine anil Mrs. Cyrus McCor-
tnlck. to the Unlvor lty of Chicago ,
FlioO.OOO ; Mrs. A. S. ( Jreenspau , of Topeka -
peka , Kan. , to various charities. ? 2UO-
DUO ; Mrs. Louise Scbor , of MUlilleton ,
Conn. , to religion , § 17ri.l)00 ) : Mrs. Mar-
pa ret .1. lU'imett. of Italtlmore. to va
rious charities. $1. )0.000 ; Mrs. Mary
Shniinon. of Newton , Mass. , to various
2olle ea , $ fji. : . 00 ; Mrs. ( J. S. I'.urliank ,
Df KiU'hburf ; . Mass. , toarlous chari
ties. ijsilJO.OOO. anil Mrs. F. 11. Alms , of
Ghicinnatl , to the Unherslty of Cincin-
auti , 100,000.
HoshloM these several Chicago women
tiavo given various sums to the univer
sity there , UH total Aggregatlug nearly
(5500,000. (
Ginnls Can Ho Grown.
The common notion of the physlolo-
plst tluit growth uiul developmeut nrr
line to suitable diet anil exercise has
formed tbe subject of some peculiar ex
periments on the part of a French doc
tor. He claims he lias abnormally accel
erated the growth of children and ani
mals by feeding them on a preparation
certain , anil that he can make giants
> f those whose organization In any way
pormltH of Hiich extension.
A certain Hinhop Uerlieley succwtleil
In a Hlmilar feat long ago. He took u
male chilli ami feil him In accordance
with a eybtem of ids own. Hy the time
the boy wan 1(5 ( years of age he had at-
allied a height of 8 fwl it inches.
Moiht foods , such drlnUs as tea anil
milk and other similar beverages tend
to inciease the mature , while dry and
Fpiced foods and nlohollc drinks lend to
p' the development.
iK His Knot in It.
Many diilldent pd'hons llml the begin ,
nlng of a conversation awkward , epi -
dally on ceremonious occasions and
with Rtrangera. Sometlmoi , however ,
the beginning Is not half so awkward
UH what comes afterward :
A bashful young man on being Intro-
iluced to a lady at a dinner parly said :
" 1'vo got 10 take you In to dinner.
MHS | Travers , and I'm rather afraid oi
.you . , you know. Hvcryone tells mi
' you're very clever. "
The .voting lady was naturally amusei
by this display of simplicity.
i "How aliNiird ! " she exclaimed. "I'n
| not a bit clever. "
, ' 1 lie young man be.'ived a Plgb or re
lief and answered :
" \ \ t'll , do you know , I thought yoi
weren't i" London Tlt-l ts.
I A Cumilhul Tree.
I Trnpk-al trees often commit stranm
froakH , owing to the vigor of thc-li
! crowtli under the hot sun and HUMS
iir. but we have not beard of a mon
'ini'iiiw case than that of a mahovianj
I DJ : lour 1\-et six inebcrt In diametei
! vhlch , on bflUK out up , waw found t <
ontnln another lei , or rat'.ier trunk
\ ith tlic bark on It. eighteen Inches Ir
Ha meter. Nor Is that all ; tbe nocom
1 inmlt inclosed a third nteni , n mere mtp
, tine wl'b a dlaim-tci1 of about three
i iiiartcrs of an Inch. Hotb of the twc
I liner Mcma ran tlic whole length o
ho lo r.
All that the arcra e saving mat
in MU excuse , aud lie will bluv
If yon infYcr ImiKwed on your kin
la M uttblug to your credit.
ml mm ,
Mt s T.onoro Allen.107 Powell street , San Kranclseo. , \\nt.s :
cuturrhnl discuses. For sc\"n > l years I have
" / consider I'erunu an Infallible remedy
been troubled with infltieiua , especially during our rainy sea 'ni. I used to tc ; > i cold so easily
h inclement or in the evening air.
least r ,
weather was the
when the
that I was at raid to be out
Lint since I have used rcrnna / have nothing whatever the mailer with tin * .
" / am in perfect health , and find that Peru mi acts as a loan. , and seems to throw all sickness
kinds of weather , seem to have ats
and disease out of the body. / -iiyn'/jerc now and In all
iron constitution and enjoy life because I enjoy perfect health. " LENORE ALLEN.
MNsMai tic Doimliiss . 1IS 'I'hunias
nvo. . .Mt'iiiilii | , 'IVnii. . wi'itcs * :
"Kroin Hi ) tni'ly wutiuuiliuuil I have
liot'ii troublotl with ofi'n-iuual Ix'iiil.u'lii-s.
1 took ilifjVrt'tit | in\vtk'i-s mill ilniKs at
limes p < ttiii li'iiiiiornfy rolu-r , Om of
my friciuls iidvi oil me to try IVrun.i ,
which I iliil. I soon loiunl my K < n- lii'iiltli liuitfovuil , nml my c-niiro sjs-
loin \\.IM toned ui .
"I felt a luio.vaiK'.v of lioily nml liclit-
ncss of mini ) 1 liail not UIKIVVII licloro
nml my hoailachos iinvi' i-oinpli irly disip-
IK'iiivil , nml I hnvo iMijoyed IHTI'I-CI health
for uvor u your. 1 clndly inilnrHi > IV-
vniia. " MATTIR ) ) Ot'i IASS.
Women from all parts of the United
States and Canada are testifjili ) ; dull )
to the virtue of 1'enina. Only n few of
letters e iu evur be pnliliihed.Vritc
The Hood at M.ihanoy Ci'y , Pa. , so
ItMTilied a black mule tint the ani-
nal turned gray with fright , lie was
employed in the M.iple Hill Colliery.
The president of the Hoard of Chil
dren's Guaidians in Terre Haute ,
I IK ! . , Judge Davis , has granted to a
Chicago hyunutist permission to hyp-
notl/.e some of the chlltlien of thu
Home for the 1 < rlendless , with tliu
hopeofelfccting their reform through
the medium of suggestion. The Hist
children to be operated on will be
those of depraved and vicious par
JIo Cliiiulioil It.
13rlc. Knn. , Fob. 17.-ln .Inly of HOH ) ,
VV. II. Ivetelnnn of this place was sud
denly sei/.ed with a violent palu In Ills
back. He s lys lie supposed It was n ,
"atlteh" anil would soon pass away ,
but It lastei ! live months and
him great soreness , HO that lie wa-
liarely nblo to keep out of bed. lli > be
came alarmi'il and eonsulto ! u ( loct'i
whleh only Ini'reasi'd ills anxloly and
did him no good.
A friend who bail some exporlenet
advised him to use l o d's Kidney
1'lllw. Mr. Ketchum begun with sh
pills a day and In a week was wull ami
the horonem all none. However , thin
did not satisfy him , for ho says :
"I thought I would clinch llio curi
with anollier box , and I did. I have
had no recurrence of the trouble since
and as tins K over a year aii'i 1 am
thoroughly eoiiviiu'ed that Dodd's KM-
ney I'Ills have completely cured me. "
OilI Us.if tiir > i-t
In a village In the Coswolcls Hug-
land , it is the custom to place a
small mirror on the front dooi under
the- knocker , in which the visitor
may examine- his appearpnco befoii !
duccs Ihc fastest and brightest colors
of any known dye stnll
A peculiar epitaph Is engraved on
Hollow Cemetery
a monument In Sleepy
etery , Tairytown , N. Y. It reads
thus : "Here lies the body of little
Jane , who ran out slyly and played
in the rain ; sfic caught the measles
and it struck iiiaide , n > d in Icxs limn
f ur short o.-ls : she died. "
Put Up In Collapsible Tubes.
A Rill Hlltulc fur nun buprriiT lo 51u > unl ur unjr
otln-r plusl r.uii , will nut i holer Hi * * iiiuii'lelicnu
Ikln. Tlic i > .ilt > iklluvlnu mm runiilsi' 141111111 ft n (
ltn < arili lu nru Mtn k-rlul. It wil ilun IJM IIMUII-
.i-lir til diji'e , utiil rtll < ' > f liruuiK'lie illi'l ii'luUi-iu
U , . reuiiiiiiiii'iul 11 us tlir bo l nil kuleil xli-riuU .
ciiuiiti'r-irriiuiil Mi wn , itl u u > uii r\i ruitl ( > .iuu'
thu client un . it luafli ilu all
dy ( or | i iii > in
llifiumHtiu , nvurnl lu uiul t'uuiy c < , ninut
A Uiul will jinuf Wf cliiiu , lur it , anil It
will U- found lo I * luvuUiuUle tu Hit liuui liuhi ,
llnny i > rupie mi "It u ln i.vil of u I yo
1'rtce ig ernu. HI M ! Uriu liu , or ullit-r
r by it-nvliiiu tint uinoiiiit lu u < m poi
vr will sfiiU you a tube ti ) mull.
No iirllulv niKilllJni uucui.ttxj by U ) | > ubllo UD-
leu llir nutUB orrlki our lubul , > otlii-rwi.o all
, 1 \ nt Uiy.
for H liixik nf IcslinioiilnlH of tlin clli'i'-l
1'i'ruiia hns nindi .
Peruna Makes Clean , Healthy
Mucous Membranes Catarrhal -
tarrhal Diseases Disappear
The inucnim incailiniiu1 Is to the insiili-
of tinbn b what iln > s. in in tu llunut -
Hide < > f llio | M.I > . It liiii's 'vi' . .m
iluct ami cavity , t'alnrrlial iiilliiiiiin.i-
tuill nU.icUiliK oiii > | > : irt U liahlc to siu'r.iil
to othiT | iirts. A iii-K'ccu'cl ' i-ohl or shwlit
oatiirrh is nftfii the can ii of
nail iliuwroiiH catari'li.
The National Uctail Slme Dealers'
league Is organized at Huston by ilOU
eastern boo ) and shne retailers.
noNTsron. v n'ii I.OTMIS. :
l > o lti' < l Cmi- Hull Hlnu mitt Mi p thuui
whlio us snow. All tjioci'rs , To n | HcUn n.
Twenty-inur members of the Cook
Cnunly Democracy leave Chicago foi
the Charleston exposition.
A teacher of physiology in one of
the public schools of Newark , N. .1. ,
icccived this tarl note from the
mother of one of her most attentive
pupils : "Please don't , learn our .lon-
ny any mour about his Insldes as it
makes htm sassv. "
< .oni > IIOIISKK iirtits : : :
line tlm b < m. Tlmt'n liv thi-y buy llul ( 'ron
Dull Illlip , At IcKilllIK uroct-ih , Bo , Ills.
The state department has been no-
tllle.'i of the dealh of Consular Agent
C. Dnbois Uregoire , til Lille , l > 'raucu.
A wonderful feat in pennmaiHhlp
has been performed by Win. .1. ( ilenn ,
of Atlanta , On. lie wrote 12,01)7 ) leg
ible \\oivs on a postal caul , and spoil
seventy houis In the lask. The \srll-
ing was in ink , and no lines messed
each other.
Mnny Pcliool Clil'dion ' Arc Plcltly.
' Sweet Powders foi
Mciihi'r f i ray's
Phil ben. lived bv Mother ( ii'ny , a IIHIMI ;
in Cldlilrrn's Hiiine. New York , broil1. ill
Cnldi in 21 hours , cure I''eveiislni"H
Hi iilaelie. Ktoinirh Tronlile. Teethbr.
Woriii < . At .1.
lis.ivilei-i anil lemroy
' . 'Jar. Siiuiiile mailed I'll KM
Allen S O'-ix'.l. I.o Hoy. N. Y
The workmen ol Germany aic not
Ihe greatest Kuropean beer di Inkers
Their average c-mMiinpl ion pei d.iy Ito I
head while in Knglant
t\\o quarts a ,
the same clas'i i :
the a\eragi ) amung
slightly linger.
HUM ) Itmviril , i inn.
Tlio roailcrs nf tillpii'or ' ulll be | IIMVIMto
loam Unit llmro Uitt lua-1 onu urcaili-il ill ; i > n
Unit M'li.icd | liiii beiiii ftililo to cure In .ill lU
Unui . uiul llml U I'alairli. Hull > I at.irrti I in i
Is llio iMiU I'd lllvtifiiio kli < i lili > llin
( raliTiilU. iiUuirli bclnu u ( ( iii-llliiunii.u ill-
I' lie.itiiu nl II. Ul s
( vi-.e. H'iiilrn-
I'.tUrrh I ure U tnl-.rii lull in.illv. urtlui ! < llii- > lly
on Hit , blooil nml MillionMirliire. . of the v\-ir n ,
. nl tin. IK-
. Hie fomi.latlnii
Ilieioby ilu.tii ) > lni :
eiM1. anil u'Uiuu Hie | itlli ; < nt - > IiiMiutli by binlilini ;
up tin ) cuii-.tltiiiion unit a UtUiK nainn in lining
H- oi K. ' - opnulim hit\t < MI nun li lailli in
U ' iiiatho IMI\V < UK llml lliuy nilor Dili' lliinilri'il
i'll'.iri ' ' lor HII ) cit-f Unit U ( all , 10 cure , hunt
(01 ( li-l nf lf.-lliuniilaU.'r.-ss. ! . . ) . CIlll.Nr.Y&CO.'ruludo. : O.
' tlin liu t.
Hull s riiiiilly 1'tlU are
It Is said thai a full-grown ele.
ph. . ml can curry three tons on lu
Self Threading Sewlntr Machine Needle
lilu . iinl tl < - < - \i itml MI
* |
( , lvu nitiiiv "f > ' ur nmi
uf noorli * ) nnillva
will mill ) mi nuinnlH | > arKiw
X l'onul Autuii otic < < f Iv ' u . ItO Mutuit birrot
Ntwuiki Itvrnl * W nlB.I
The famiiiiK library of the Mnrquis
do Jerez ut Madrid , has been Hold U
un American for .10,000 pounds.
OunnunuTtlon the lies
Piso'a Cure for Is
Uiciliiiiif I have e\ei- lu.ujil for ruiia.i-
niul folds. Mm. O-iear Tviim , MS UutU
111. , > Urch 20 , 1U01.
Cali'irnla Is the uuly raisin growlni
Btutc In the Uulon.
U'.itnnii are naturally nioro susoeptlblr
t iiicleiueni'ie.s of tlie weather than men.
\Yitli them a .cold is ol'ten the .starling :
. lU'i-ailKi'iov.ut ,
point of Monie > pelvic
causicK much pain ami siilTerlii ) ; .
12very woniaii needs a remedy upon
which Hhe can rely to Keep her system
fortllleil iiKaiiist tlie trj inj ; weather of
winter and early sprini ; . If Penma i
la'en ' at the th'st s.Miiptom of a cold It
will cure it het'ore It develops lulu Horn *
aiiiio.xbiK catacrlial deninieiiietit.
and n\tls-
If yon do not derive prompt
faetory results Ironi the use of IVrmi.i ,
write at once lo l > r. Ilartmati , iviiij ; < i
full ttlatetneiit of your ease and lie will
' Ids valuable advice
he pleased to tfh'c you
vice urutls.
Address Dr. Harlman. President of
The Ilartmnii Snnliariiim , Colmulitw , O.
Dlonitr ( lou us.
Evening gowns are made quiet dlll-
erenl from those Intended for dinners
or dances as as tl-.1 sleeves ar
ctmcurncil. The dinner gowns liavfl
elbow or long sleeves , svhilu this reg
ular ball gowns have nbsuidly .small
ones , or none at all that 13 on s
strap. The square-necked dinner
gown Is again In fashion , but the
n iiiul low-cut ball gown well oil 111 *
sh'inlders Is considered the smartest.
All the low-cut gowns are miitlr very
low In the back much lower than
Is in good taste and consequently
the American dressmakers arc put
ting folds of tulle above the folds ut
I /tf
ftl.lut . material of
silk or satin ftp other
which the gown Is composed. Kx-
quisiti ! liand-woik Is seen on all the
evening gownin embroidery on tlu
satin , hem-stitching , or applique oi
lace. The work done by hand is ul )
most beautifully Hi.e. Harper's15a _
PI ntyoT Vfutvr.
Old Lady "If the train should
happen lo run oil' the track , wouldn't
these stoves set the cars on lire ? "
Hr.ikeman "No danger , ma'atn.
Thu only bad places In this road art
on the bridges. "
The colored pe-iple throughout tin
country tiland agh isL at thu repot ) )
that a linn of Italtimore distill nn
ate about to inal-e whlskv from watr
ennellons on a 1 iige scale. The col-
oied folks anticipate a scarcity oS
wiU-rmi'loiH. and arecfrtuin IhaMlw
fruit , .should be eaten in Hit ; old-fash
ioned wuv , as nature prepares it fos
niastic.itiun and assimil.ition.
15 , . jo , .
Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold In hull >
Dtware of the dealer vsho trits lo sell
"somethlnii just a
* * ' * OP