HEADR1CK MLDICAL INSTITUTE 308 N. Y.Life Buildiu OMAHA NEB , InCluugj ot Dr. lleadnckand asSoRaics. \Vill visit the towns on the dates given below : ni- t li v , * t ti ! ' i rn' ' n , No VOIIH DiscasHM , Di pn pN i f i l -i iinnilM r ot paUoius : in < l \ \ cnkncfH uf JSU-ii. under out i'Tt - in ilu vi'jinny thnt Wo also farn-Bli our pntiontH onr Uioy IIMJ i-t a ji"iHnii ! l c'.xfuninatton nuw Slortm Aunoi/.cr for Iho troiil- : , W.i iionmiii tiuiii. \ \ > nl n liopo to itu'iit of Lit nu niul C.ttnnlml Nt'O 'i | UT _ > M't > * < > l NKW Our u-us nro u inv > > ! iTi . . t In "ur i' n' . m < i.i wen- ' i < ! < > itiria i'.nn pay all wo uok , but to Idfiln1 i"\ IU-H of the pcrHnns who IIIIVP not the w > linrl ; i'xr iii.iic ) > ' ' ' " < ' 'Ui ' the will v/o reasonable orutlil , $ .r . ( )0 ) mir aoi ' HI snip1 ' ' ' ' v''tixiimi . ) ' A MONTH to noy pnliptil fpr ary tioti iiul itrtni1 in Ki.ln > y iJ- f. < . . curnhlo diHc-nsc , all inodioino film It i sfli'ntii y.iu : irn 1 ' . lid ntour tahod , with out it cent of Additional l y a HiifCi'.tii t and OMI h ivo t-OHt. a fr-o xiMiinitn n aril C < HH tu HOME rUlflATRHSNT lion , rind v u Ii ip jnu ! tif > t LIU'S HY MAIL. ll'iii oppr riniiity , Onp.lnli of our fxldisivp praotier WE TKlfiAT AN ! ) 'U < K ; i conducted nt the pitii-i : t8 hcnu ( ' .it-i-rh Pf'Bln * , Lwn/ o Mumby the ueo of iho Homt > 'I rpntmcnt nt-li ! > ini"ps , DiHi'iB'i Women , Hy niuanH ot our oarcfully prepared Nor . 'otio diHr-cfw , of Symplon bl.ink . , whiuli , properly ftlun , Jtiiirt ii- -i Liver and ( illod out , qivn u n , full krowlpduc Ividurv Difit'fiHts , Kli ; uiiKiltHiu , of tlio complaint. Wo arc then IMi'H , Uoi'tjil ) = p Bc'R , etc ennblnd to acournloly ditxoBo nrd KLKCTHUMTY AND MK. > 1- pr * scnbp for cacli pntient Ifmi CINIfi COMIUi-JIill ) ir oftpn tun . 'ttnriot HPC > IH .it this vinil , PPIU ! for Ui bcHt mciiiiH of fiiro. \Vc hive iiliiHlratt'tl SO pttgi- book "Modi rn n very line cloctrii'iil batlcry wlnoh Mndical 1'rnotioo" and SymptPin VP ftirniph for liomo IIBO. Tii IH blank U. M. UKAIWICK , M D invaluabio in t'to ' trcitmont of Oi > nf- .08 N Y Liio Hlrig , Omaha , Is'tb. Mcrna , Monday , Feb. i-l , Leading1 Hotel. Broken Bov/ , Tuesday , Feb. 25 , Commercial I 111 cnil ( fultli lii this inattor , anil simply com tcil ii HUh1 iipwspnpor n'otonety. f tun tt busy innn nnd it keep * me hust ling to Iop I up tlmv < nl I" niy olllco , nnd I huvc not tiny tlino to no Into any urws- pnpor controvirsyith him or tiny one else , tinil liavi ! only miulu tin' itliovc r\- phumtion nl tlu'MiK f > tioii of sonic ol mv frk'iiils. I ito not \peot to take thu mat ter tip In tin- newspapers again , hut will suy in conclusion tlutt the money l. on de posit to mnkc the .proposition I have mudc tiliove , jrixnl , und Unit If any com mittee of repnlillruns , taxpayer01 any 0110 cso ! wlfh to Invi'stluato the nlfiilr-t of my oilier , they will ho treated with nil com te y , nnd ttiven every opportunity lo yet nt the fuetx. Your * truly , N. Ii. AH.MSTUONU. i iiinior Mt ftl i orKaie. 1 Invo a limitnd qtmnity of l m- n\er need for nalo Rt my farm near Koari'cy Ni b. This now grain in rsppoiully adfipt'r-d ' to HPini arid ro- tlioiia as it riponp about Iho tmio or hi'foru svinlorticat. . It HtandH the ( xrlv Hpnnir froRta and flliould bo ( owed vcrv parly. It IB very nu- trious ai'd in excellent fcpd for IiorHPH , cattle ami hogc. If out when middiinr ; prC l'1H ' nlraw inakc-8 liiir * ffpd Tlio yield is pro- hlic. Lust 90I1ROU 1 raised 000 bnsliclH cm 1 I aur.iH. Soc Parnple of seed at tlio lil'- runr.iCAK ollicp.Hroknn How.Prico / § 1 00 a biiHhel at. my farm or d ° - livered at the drpoti in Ivoarnny for 10 cents additional for two bushel Hank. It t kes two buslipl to theatre atro ; if HOWII broad ui l or ono and one Irilf buolipN drilled in corn Htalkfl or fall plowing. EMU , Kicn.ttit. ; i 1-37 Kearney , Neb Tlio firm of Winiz & ' 1 bompHon thiH d..y ilihHoIvcd by mutual .1. 11. Thompson from said firm. \\T. ,1. Want/ will i ontiniio sau' ' busincHB and to'oct all of Hrylnndc , 1 Gloria , 1 Prince at < i jloUs books. J. II Thompson KC ( * the two shire booVs. Un to- niiTM will lind them at CiiHtcr Ni liontl liink , Krokcsn liow , N'ib. Don't fail to call and nettle ia time lo got your dipooiint. UatoJ thiH Mt day of Kob. , 1002. W J. WANT/ 30 an J. II. Snydi r Hroa Invo a largo and corupleto line of di'pus goods , ladicn furniHhinfj goods and their pricen am righ . They oan stave jon money , ( /'all and ei'O them for haig- aitiB. Are yon norvoiih , 11111 down , wvak and dispirited ? Takn sx few doHt's of IIIIKKINU. It will infuse , now 1'iicrcy , ncvv life into the ex- ImiHtcd nerves , Uio overworked brain or inuf'nlar system , and put n new fice on lift' anil buisnrMM. Price 50 o-'ulw ' Ed. MoComa'- , Broken How and Merna. . U. 13. LiJidOflice. JAMR3 WHITKHK/VI ) UcplMcr K. II. YOUNG UrculYi-r I.BQALADVUKTlBniMliNTS. All nilvcrtist'tnviitA nnilur tliln lu-uil will lir clmtKi'il for nt U-t'ol niti c , viz : gl.oo p r hjiiniv fur II rut liiMCrilon. ntul We per aijuuro for cnch Bnli"iquc I tiiHi-rtlon A " -itiftre" | IH ion llnoc or fraction thorcof . Unltcil Stntp l.nml Ollli-n. I llroucn How. Ni'li . I'nli.lH , llltW. f NiiHie IH lu'roliy fIH \ Iliilt tlio follotxinK mini Oil Hrttlrr lir.H . Hint mil til' nf IllT Inti'iltlnil lo nmki > II mil proof in * uii | ort of her i Inlm. ami Hint H > til prnof \ \ ill l > niiiilo baton' Iti Klnli r nnd Itn- d'lvi'r. at Itrokcii How M'lirnsli.i , nn Mnfcti ' . ' 7 , I'Mli , vl/1 N > NCV It. SMiLL , of fluii Ior , Noli. , on Her 1 1. E Mo. SI I , for tinN 4. wclion . ' ( > . tnvimhlp ill , north , rnnui'J' ) , west , dlh I * . M Mu tinnii'8 the following wltnossi's to pnivilior ron- ilnunnH nctdiM ro upon anil rnltlviitlon of Pniil Inuil , \ I. ' . : iOor ; : < ) W ir.cl.nf lIuonliM , Nclinu- kn Kl ! " H Jiilinsnn , of lloohlnr , Nohr.ickn i linilirt M Slrei t ol lluuHH-r ; Julin Strrul of Kroki n I'.uW , NtlrU kit , i. II .M , ! A IKS Wiin rjniAii , Ktul-tor. Anderson , J. C. Moore Real ICstiHc. Abstractor , 1'iKii's fnrp.li'.mil n > "t in I iiMcrfnr.nty mil n.lj niunp counlif1K < | iilliOR ilnil mortK K08 unit solil Ali"lnutH | , ioiiiinly mid in'iitlj nuili LilletMain Strrin , llotwi en 4th mid Mil AMMIUOH , llrolttn How , Custcr county , NohrmUu ! T 4 A O I T r 11 f \ C T T"i 1 J EAGlb GROCERY , i . ( ; All partioH imlobtad to tbo tei lc Uroi'cry , are rcquoHtod ' > ; . " * . " ( t"7 Jjij to call and Hottio thfir aoroiint by cihh al onro. I niunt Invo vj . V * * ' ' Wf * monny to jay billn , I cannot do buniuonH on ind. j' j ii ? > . . , .r .rt truly , tit. a ' V rw Proprietor. & JiJ | 10 Bars of Soap for 25c. THE P. D. SMITH COMPANY , AKa a have tin- best quality of niul , ! tonala nt the Low st Piioca , Phone No. 70. C. E. JUDKINS , Manager. * ' ' ' 4MB I nltfd Suti'R Lniul Olllcu , I i Hrokcn How , Nubrnaki , January , IMiU. f Nn'irr I- hen liy Riven llial tin * follow Inn imm j h iri'i I. IM nii'il notice of liti < Intuition t , I'ni'i ' I'i'd ! | -oof In ftii'pnrt | nf hln claim , mill | it"ii mill ptoif will ! inmlo litfnrn INplntcr n > l KM < Ivi'r at llroki n How. Nnlirnhka. un 1'ilini.uj .T ll * , lr. ' JOHN T. MM'KUY. or W pMer MiltNcUrnpik.i for llin II. U No. IMI , N' . Nwvj. fcctlon Sft'i. towmhip 17. N , rnnce 1M wcxt Hi1 nnnu'j ) the following ttltncuxt1 * In prove lii aonltniintta rcelilcnro upon inul citltivHlliin of en hi Ism ) viz . Hubert J. Mills. Jnliii P. Hniiiicr. ( Uiirui W. Weldi , ( 'lucnrv MHckcnll of WuHlrtllli - , Ne liwuliH JAMKH WiiirniKAti. I. . .7s Uullnl Miilm Land Olllu' . I llrokt'n How Nolirnst , . January 10 , limi t Not no lit lii'rcliy Blven that Hie follonliiB Hani' ' il ttlcr Iisn lllcd i.nllce "f lilc Inti'iillnn In tnnkii tlml proif In support nf Id * claim , find Hint f > ni < l l > rent u 111 ho made hL'foro llrjltl ; | < 'r " ' "I 'teitdti'r ' , HI llr krurltou rb. , nn Wcilni silaj . KehrtniM * f "Un , T " ! > * ! . mi lilt. II K. Nit , 'JfKi.i for tlm MVtrf ! < n. Sw i | cU KCCtlon l. " , N'j ' Ni'i ' Mitlun .T , lnwii l | -M. N , , riinti'I IV , Clli 1' . M. II" namm llm follmuiiK ltno-non to innu lilt * innllminii rcrliliMior upon niul cultivation t nulil Iniiil , M/ : Mnrlon S. IVtlly , "iiltnrt Kirliiy. smlon litore. John llulTinan , nil < > t MIHinrn , Nebrai'Un. ll-IM- JAMIHmihiiKAl ) , UoiUlt < r I'lilletl 8int - Land Ollli-e. l llrokeii HoNI ! ) , l-'obrmrv 7w \ -i. i Nntlro Is lieri-liy xeiUnit \ I ho following mini i > il fcttliT linn Uleil no'lco of hlH liituntlnn to ninku II ii ii I proof hi enpporl ( if IIIT claim , an. . I .lint nalil ] in of ulll tu > mnile bolnre Krister niul lIunrlM-r lit llroki'ii lion , Ntlirnikn , on 1'ridny , Mnrili'il. IIKUlr ,11 > SIK JACOII8. of N < > llolena. Ni'lini ka. on IHT II I ! , No W-ll , for Ilio \ \ 'f Se > , 15 h\Wj. notion S , townnhlp ! * . N. , range di , writt , ( lln r M. 11minii'i tin' follow IIIR wUiii'UM'H pruto hl < coiitliuiuiin rnMil.'nei Ilion Ulld Clllt.V 'tlOII Of KHIlil. M/ . \101CB II Montgomery , \ \ Illluin W. Tooloy. Dennis tt nl tun. C'hnr ex 8. Toolcy , nil of Ilioktti lloNeb. . I5. ) ( > ir > JAJII 8 WitiTriiKAO , Id Vnltrd States Ijiuul "tlloo / 1 It. coin , briiKl.il , , lnuinir > 8. I''C- ' ( Notice If licriiliv Kl\t < u Unit Iliu fullouitiK nanu'd i.-ttlor IIIIB lllcd notiivof lil" Inti'litioii to lli.'ikr tliit.1 pioolln fiipportof lilf cliinn , tkiid Unit fiilil proof will bo Hindu hc'foro tlu < I'oiinty Jurti : HI llroknn How. Nobnifltili. on Ki-nniiry 'I , I KRJ , \v. : JOHN ( ii lltlKHUlU ( II K No. IT.U' ) , tor tlm l l , | , . ' ! ri'Jl ) . Ho t unu'i < I Infolluiim uitnufpeR to pro\c Idx roiitlnnonn luculonco upon iiiid cultlvnlliin ofeittd Inn. I , \l/ iBftiic ( lark , of KddyUlIo , Nchruokn. I\\vrrnro Clrrk of luldyMIUt. Mvlirnskui Krnnk Mutclilr , of I'.ilillllf , N. brnrkn , Julin .MutcKIr , of liibi ) .1. \ \ . JlltlN"l'N. NOT1CU TO C'ltKI In bounty Oolirt , wllliln ni.il for OiiHtor rcunty , 'clirusMi. In tliti miiilur of ttiu csliito of Andrew , To the iriditorc of mldcHtnto : Yon nro lii-n by iio'ltioil Hint Ivll I , hit nl tlic ( onniy court room , In llroUvn lliuIn snid ronnty.on lln UlHldiwut Aprl1 , IH ( ) . ' , on br , ' ! ( dn > of June , I'WJ inul n rlu iilxt ( l v /Mtnu-.t. . 11KJ , one lit 10 o'rlddk ii. in. , of i-ald dn > toiccinstiullil ( A.lilllnr all ( luilim iiKHhiHl Habl o iluto. wllli v'rw to tli"lr ailnist- nii'iil anil nl'ouiii ' rr. Thulium lliilltid for Ilio lirrM iitatlon nf cltiinirt nt-'dtiKl Knlil DHtatd Is n\\ \ Mionthx from iln > JlHt ilny of Koliruury. I'Hnn i the nine lln itnil furpiu ini'iil of di'iitH In on > M'ar fri'inpuld ' Jlft day of tVlirunrj , IWU. Wltnuia my blind and sn il nfaid county roli.l , lids I'Jtb ' iln- ( f I'l'biuury , l'Hi2. J. A. AmiMiui. ; jtW : L'J IcKAI-l County Jtulii * Nin u K DK uituiiA'n : or w ILL. f NI bnittkn , I h" t'U trr Cotiuty , | Ton 1 tint Di'Nln Ch aiid Ldj'itcc" , in il nil IHTHOIIH Inturostcd in tlm IC'tuto i f Si-an K Itlidd drionced , WlieriinK ( looritc K N.llinldof milil rniinty. h I'lnl In niollUt' nn iiitttrmiic'nt puri'oriliiL' to ln > llin lactS ill ind Toptiuin nl of Sl.CMIl K , Itlicl , ' ( Ii LUIKiM llltl' Ol ( Hid < ' 0111111' , "I < l n | u iiiion iirnyihi. 10 linv < - tinmiir iiilinliii'ii to I nibiiu. wliicii Will iclil . - t bolli real ird p r-onnl t'Hlnte ulierounon I bnvi'ni | | > olnlud tbu -'Itlidny of Rlurcli , iw , at in o clock in tlio fore iinoii , nt tny olllpiIn inld ( Mnnty. ntin ) tittid niul pluci yon oinl till ronccrnnd , limy nppear and i ontoHl thinohiuo of tbu fiiine. l < i TcHlliiii > ny Miuri' < if 1 Imvi-bcruiiiibi Hut m > nind tinrt ndtxi'il my oil ) , ial HCH | , thin I7lb < lny of hi'liritnry pur ; , J. A AHMOUU , . Ui-.IS-io l hAI , ] 'onnt , I'o whom It mat emicern. Tlio Cnin.nlHulimcr appointed lo \ie\v n road coiiiiiifiiemk ! ul SUitlon No IM Iho 'i ' co-ner on north Pule of Section 12 , Township IS , Haiiiie Is , from ftauon No 1 smith ( it ) rhalnen no llnkn to JJ cliai'.H K inifl drnw lo H < ntionJ , frutn jlntlnn i w m I' cfiaii e no HnWn > million ,1 to n plncn Mil rods iturth nt Ihe s w cmmir of t ) itlon I' . ' , 1'nwiiHhlp 18 , K.'inue IS w , H < li I' . M , him idioitoil .n favor of ictahll-liini ; iliu loud theri'iif , nnd nil ( iliici'tioi N thereto , or cliilniH for tliiniHKOH , niui.1 In ! hied In the t'oui.l' Clerk'i , nlllfp on or liefore niinn of till ) L'llll day of Apill It'll , ! , ur > uch road will hn f-lanllfdn il witleml releriine II en to. In \ \ In ( > " \ \ lliTl'iif. I IIIIMI lien unto HCI my hand mid H'al of xniil county , this l-'ih iluv or I'eliriinr ) , I'HU Clcii U Di.uin > : ill 111 t'uuiiiy Clerk. M/iHTKH INCllANOhin hAI.K. Nniue Inhniiliy m\nn , that liy v'rttio ' of an or der of ! if-UK , Ui inu trnni tinDlftriit lomt of OiiHtut county , Niliniskn , upon a d.'i ire of fnrcil .i uro rundercil in suld court , nt the I'chrn- tr > , ltu , term tliurenf , to-nll mi thu ' 'lith day of Keuiuary , I'.HKI , In favnr ol Arthur It llrnuii , K A Starii unit \Vllliinn H VVllsnii , pluliillir , . a' il njiliiHt : 1'uter J. I'rnn/ , Mary A. l''raii/.i'a , roantiiln M. Mmrpo , Tuna A. Shaipe , hit \tlfe , mil 'A Illiain 1)i erlni ; and I'nnipaii ) , defcmlKntH. I have luvled iipnii liu following Ueecrllxd rial i-Htaie. touif. A'l ' of lKir. < HI von in Dan I , win * ndilltlnn to tlm town of llrokun How , v < j- lirasl.lt niul I " 111 , on thu I7lli diy of .March , I'll2. tit l " o'clool. n in.it tin1 eiiHt ftiint don of III''court hoiisn , in tin cllv of ilioken lion , Neliraskn , In BiiM iou' ty full HI.II ) rial entale a : pnlille i.iii'tlnh io tlm liiKlioot lilitder for CIEI | , to i-ntlnfy hiilil dven'e , Interest and uoMn , tin ainoiint due lliiireon amounting to tlio Mini of ttt : Ui > ii with It ) pi i rent IntnreHt fiom Kthinatv Wl Ii. It'tK ' ) , nml C'lurl ' env amoaiitlni ; to JJH W Mini nn n lii coatH. Mild Jthnve dehCtlln'il rum > 'Htat w > | l' he fold i-iibjec' lo ml prior Ili'imilnii mi ainliiatiroH , IIH pur co'tlllcatea on tlln in illrttrlc't rl. rli's. fllc.i' . Kited thin 1'jtli day of Nchruary , KWViLLiMUAiiviai , , Maxtor in I luncory. A. U. HtiMriiiirv , Attnrnoy. an-.m Hi 1U1IS Toll Mnllco Is liurcb ) elven tlint HIM led prnposnla ulll In : rmmwd nt the miicu of tbe cnnnty cltrk , ill Ilioi on II v , , C'liHtur county , Nebrivkn , for fiirnlKblni ; all material , mid uir thu erection and i oiapletlon of nil c'liinty brldi.es rriilrcd | b ' usier cou'ity , from Murcli I'J , IWc ! , to Marcn1. \ . I'Hi.t All bidH niuet be liy tbe llnenl foot of lind" nnd till womlini Lliiluen inunt bo of Oregon llr Ibr jiH'liont wllh . ! inrb llour nllinkh. A uirti Iliul ehi cU of S.MX ) niUDl itULOinpnny curb bid Hnnc and i''C | ( iiletUtoiiH to IJD Tumlf-hud by bid- ilern. A 1 bliU to lie filed nl tbo counl.y clerk'n i Illcc by 12 o'clock noon on tbo 1''th diiy of Slnicli , r.-ni Tbe hoard rixirvoB the nulil lo n jocl tiny or nil bldH lluled Iblp ' 'Ttb dny ol Juiiliiuy , 1WCll > orilor of tlm county board < JM > . W DKUKI , County Clerk SUffl 10 Uy JoI'IIIMAN. . Duptuy. In the DUtrlrl C'onrt , runic' County , Ti. John i idllur , i.livintlll , vs. Danlul Ililrrlietnl , I'o t niollne Haider , nnd Ha irpr , ulinsi' Urn1 name 1 unknown , but who IK th'j hiiHliaml of ilu. nan ! ( iirnlliiti Hunger , nnn-roslilentdefi lidnniH V > n , and I'fcli of yuu , will nku notlcu Hut mi IheSiit , dot of Fubrimry IUJllio plainlill John Collier Illnd hie potlllon Ii the District I'ourt of Cuntcr county , Nebraska , iiyalunl you and uarh or yon , nnd otber di foni'mitf , thu ohjurt anI I ran r of v.'lildi arc lo forcc.lo o two ci ntln inoriK'iK" " exi e.nti il hv Daniel I Inn In nnd Kali v Harris tn the I own MortKUpo c , , . both nf which niorttift n arc now nvtnotl and he'.d liyaiil plain iff , ami thu 11 fit of mild nii > rti ! < ic.i < ww I'iv-n liy the Raid Dtnlol lliinU anil Kate M. linn1" lo ruld IOAII .Mortgage I'D iioa llio N K. 'i of St 11 inn Is , Townnhlp 17 , Km no 17 In t n&tcr i HUM ) , Ni nra"Kn , to cccutc. tlm miyinenl of u ( i rtain note fur I Im sum of griPo.no dixtudiun t 1. l x7iJuu Su.tonihpr I , leM'J Then K n w HI i upon ) j inoritMRu ilist nn niioni.il $ Wi M .tu tiiUr'-it 'liorcon ' nt 10 per n'lit frnro Septcni- hei let , 1WC , ! , niul Bald oilier inoil j e tnelitlnned and di fcrlln'd In ratJ putl > ion waH gtvfii to MI uru thu i > nymnnt uf n mini of { Myno ilaled DeiU'iiiliiT .Hut , K < i iluo Jniiniry I , IHW , ni.d find morluau'i-WH K > vin up'i. the H W. ' of ' ( itln 17-1'owni'liip 17 , ItaniiH J7 In C'utu r ( oiinij , NittiraaUa and ihvo In ilno upon al ( ! io i nn iiltoniil not" , llio min uf f.'iiin.OU toji.'iiOi | with iiiinrrMi tln-n-on from the llrit dfly ol Jan niity IbUJ , end tor hi < h-ltd Hiini- with Interest ih.ircon , pUliitlll prii ) ( > tbnt enld mirtiHuei < may Im ( uri'cloheil anil ; iie htveriil mimn ilnu upon ( "ilii tw > null's ami uioitt'flta'g hu nco.'itnlncil and ftxtd liy thu 1'inirt Rt.ll dirie'l to Ije tirft inoiti , " < K0 In im upon atd Hi'TiTiil tr.ieU of land nnd lint It be ilnrueil that tlio dufeinlanta IIP n ( paired to pay Hald ftvcral KIIIIIK , tu utliur will ) ln > Lici < t th ruon and tbo cDHta i f ih B < uit , within twenty dnyn from ttie ilHtu of iliu entry of Ihn ilei'ri'i In till- Oil , or In iU fnult Hiuioof , tliniiild nr. inldnn inav On ivi riiilvnpp'alii'd and ao-1 : hy thuHherlir as upon pxi'titlun tu milefy eniil rvur l uinotiutb tu found duo You and cacli of yon nro irqturcd to answer eatd petltlou on or before Manila ) thu Hh day uf March iwa Dated Pubrunry art ) 1DU3 , JOHN UOI.UKII. I'lnintill aa 33 13 HyO. lj , ( lUTTKI'.i'OH. HU Attorney , I AM GOING TO CLOSE OUT My ciilirp Htoi-k of clothing. Hig out iu prices of Ladies ShouH to rt-diuic iho stook. Coino nnd liavo your moanuro taken for a Prices From $8.5o Up As Good As You Want. Dou'l r i't tlinl WH SELL GROCERIES at C.IHM 1'rici'H , and pay Iho Highest Market Prices for Produce , AY , Broken How , Nebrdfika. ItOAl ) NOTKMC. To whom It may concern' The enmiiilrHioner npi "inti.il to view a roml ( niiitneiiriiiu at Ktiitlon Nn l.whkli Is a point 11 clii.IIIH 10 InikH eolith of the northeast corner of fiction , towtiHlilp lt > , tiiHKu I * . Station Mn. ! Cl.iilnp. l.inka No. I roni Ml tote from . I ID to from 'I IH UO s 28 lo I roni I HI tote HIfi from fi D 7R ill ) w N fi to II from w tn II.t lo IIN from w 37I .t tn N from ill I o I 17 to II from II 1'J 111 lo 10 from 10 IIw 1'Jd 8 lo II from w d 8 tote 1'J 8Xi 1'JHI I rum .to u 7 Xi to HI 7fi Xir.i from w fi r.i lo II from w 0 10 tote 1ft from w 8 as to III 8I fioin w I . in tn 17 from w III inx lo IS from w IIr. x > tote I'I from H r. Hf > tote r.o HfIS from W r.i IS to ! < l I roni - 0 ; i 10 lo lSi from 0w 0u 7 Iiti Si from u 7 ti i'l ' from w 7s 7I I CMas tito ftoin tin n : s as ti it ! from at u 7 01 iVv.w . from ' 'T 11 o II HI Ii w IIS HIm from US u IIr. m ' "i from 'J'.i u r. ' ti f.-oin : ' . ' ! w r.s r.fi r.i : 'uMl from 'II IMMl w i Ml from 'A- Ml w fi ! I7 ti Mln fiI from III n w fiu Kll from til s to 30 o u SI ) tote from 3 11 (1 7ll to which IK tlio nnrtlieast corner HcUInn HI , tnwn- fltup is , rair c IH , from nt'itlon Ilii cniilli Wl chaiim In hlntlnn .17 , whldi would hn the noltheact em ncr of fi ctlnn 111 towiiHhlpls , rtni ; ! * IH. linn rc- portn.i In fnvor of locating IMC road thereof and all ulijei tloni < therein , or rlalun , for damainH ; , nniHt lie llled In Ihn county elnrk'n olllec on or he- forc noon of the -Ith ilny of Aprl. . PHI. , or NIK h road will he O'tnellphed without icfuienco them t ) In wlliirHH u hereof , I have liervnnto net my Iminl anil xrnl uf haul county , thti I'Jtli day of Kehnmry , 1W ! ' , < Uo.V. . DKWKV , : iil ill 17 County Clerk TO NON KKSII > INTS : \Vi < "lc > Miillclt , Kiln M. MiiHutt , lliirvi'y It. 'Impln nnd MIH llnrnjR Cliiiiln | , lfo of Jlnr r > U. ( 'Impln , iliiri'iiiliinlH , will tnko Idllri' tlint n thr Olh day t.f I'Vliriuni , ll'll. ' , I'.lun A lln IIH , ilalntltr hiTi'ln , tiled Iitr pi'tltlon III llin dlHlrlct ourt uf ( 'iiBH'r iniinty , Nulinukii , HKnliiHt Milu lufi'inl intH , thu dl'ji cl nnil priijor of uhlcli HID tu oiiH'lnHu il i rtain niort HKO iliril , esi'cntid liy itlil Wi-eli'i Malli'll mid Ulln Miillott lo and In aor of iliu NI lim-kii MurlKimo inul Trilit < 'oin iiiny ior.M'lnK Iho i'n"t 11 nl f of tin iiiirlhi'imt Ulll till ! CIIHt Illtlf Of tlltl S lIltllOUHt qlllirtlT oft'C inn. ! ! In towiihlilp L'O , norlli of ruiiKUI , ui'hl if li'.li I' . M . , In NplmiHku , In etciire tlio payni' ' nt if nnr ci-rtiiln runl I'Hlnlo Ilrct iiiortynj'c liond In In' euni nf $ fiii ) , Oali'd on thu 'itli day ul JiiiuiNry , M I , diu < and | i' iililion tlio Hut dny of IVhru ir > , In'i.'i , \\l II Ilitiiruft lliureon lit tlio rntv of 1 inr i cut pur annum , tln-ru IB now ilttu iipiin sitld milil tin' Hiild film of J500 , with Interest tlirn'on ion ) tin * Ilrht dny i f Kohrunry , IKI. > , ut tl'O rut.i if ti'ii pur cunt PIT Hiimnn M d tlio following loti't * UK'HHIIIU hi'li i ; Inti'rt'rl i.niHin | notrn to- Ml NntCK dim I'l'hrtiiiry and AiiKiiHt , 1HIH Kehr niry and AnriiM , Ihlr , ! , I'oliriiury und AiiKtiHt , KW , 1'Vhrtiftryind Ani'lli't IH'JI , mil Kulirunry I > ' * ' * unch In iliOHHin of $17 Ti'l ' mid drnniiiK intitr- 'Hi fniin Ihn inatiirtly of 1111 Ii UnTDof at tlm ruti' if lOpcr emit per aniuini , for which HHI ! POT- T l HiiniH the philntfl nrnyn for u decree thill thu lufi'iidriiiti * ho ii'ijiilrud to pay thu mini' ' or tkut mild picnilbuti may liu mild to sail-ty the iiinount fniin 1 din' You nro rriiilnvl | In nnfiwur unld pctltlun nn or ii-forc the I7in day ( if March , lltOi Dated this Dili day ot Kclmmrv , 10(12. KMZA A. lltil.l.lH , 1'lnlntlll. ll-7 II liy J Ail K.I LKDWICII , Her Attorney NOTK'l ! TO NON ItKblDKNTH. n this Dlntrli t Cinirt , Cn-liir Ciilintv , Nulir/ihkii. Mvlnn I'ol.ind. iilalntill , VH Oluf Diilil - - Dnld IIIH wlto , llrm nainu unknown , nnil l uric tlan Wa.rciier ( , ilefendantH uluf llalil , - Dald , liln wlfu lltht turnu un innwn , niul CliriBll.ni U'IIKUIIIT , dufiiiidantu , will .nlo noilcu tlin ; nn the -Mtli ilny of.lftnnnrv I'ld.1 Vniiui I'oland. iilulntlll hiirein llled III" petition In tlm dlbtiut ( nnr i of Cii-tor CDiinty Nehruflia. lualiibt Hald di frndunlH , the uliU'Cl and I rnyi r of whl ( h IH to fonrluHr , i certain tux lion nn III' ' -mHlioiitt q'inrtcr. nnrtliwci't < | iiartisr , nnd I > IH \MI and tnreu In MCtlun llvo , In luvMiBhip nenly , north uf riin ii ulKlitcen. of uh I' M , In Ciinter county , Ni'hraHlia , nndur a prtvniu tux Hiilu had AiifiUHr 7 , IKi'J. nnil hiili'I'H'i ' ' In'-- ' wltn inter 'Hi penalty , itttornuyii lee.i > , and loiiix iini'iiiiitlng lo ilO ! ot and intorehl ut t' n per ci nt fruin liiniiiiry ' . ' ' , . linr : . and cohtn olr-ult 1'iHlntill prn > e for a di < n'u that thu di fuinliintt lie n ijinroil tony | the wiiiie or Hint tlip prcndui s tnav UfFold in Mititlj thoainoiiiil finind due. "ion , Mini ( i.'icli fyiniur nqiilrid tn niuunr ruld putlltiin nn nr helnrn tlm Huh day > , ' M m h , 1 % ; Ja eilJaiiuurj , IIHIJ. VlMAN 1'lll.AM ) I'lilllllll ! , H MI - . ' liy A. s MOON HU \ ty ItOAU NoTlfK. To whom U urn ) ronrnru : Tim tninmlHi'loiii r uppntntcd tn vieu n innd I'liinninnrli u u' nutlon 1 U u point (1 1 hain unit ' ' > linkn ( ant nf duinlii'iist I'ornir of thu M > uli ( i'n' iunrter | of Iliu , of SK lion n lii , rlitigu 1 , \\cat , frum trim fro m from from fiom from from from from from from fro n from it thu Miiuliwt'it rornur icctlon 0 , tn nMilp I- , ntnifo 17. IIUH repurled in favur of l. iiiiln the mail tlaroof , nnil all ohicc.ticmn thuri'to or i laliiK for itmiiit'cH , imial tin llled In the cnnnlj i Ii rk'H ntllpo on or noforo noon of the. .Mill day of Ajinl I'H'J ' or Btlcli rjml will liu localc.d without rnlir unco thereto. Inwltni'hc wlinri'Of. I liavo herrunto sit my hand anil peal of calil coutitr , tldn t-th day of February , 190. OKO , W.DKWEV , 80-'iO-lb County Won NOIK'KTO NON ItUSlDlCNT- ) Thonian V Turner , > < oiililii Turiiur , Ilia \\lfo , Alirnhni Ten/.i-l , niheruinu Unuun in Ahrnlinni \ yel. . Jiuni-H K llonhiKii , MTH. Iliinlmm. hu \\iff , Ilrht mill riv.l niune iinknotMi , . .laini'HViill Int ; , Itarliol Wiilllnu. hi" "lf , John U. llonullel , AIMIH lleiuilli't , hiH wife , iliituiulanii * . nnil oarli of them will talu-notlie , Hut tlm Union Taint ( ' 1111111.111) ' ot Nrui.rk , 'I'mptrK plulnllll IIIIH lied H pi'tltlon in tlm DiMrlil Cnurl of tlm 'unntv of fiiHter , Kiatn of NnlirnBkii , iiKnliint } iin IniplentltMslili I onniyof I'llatnr anil olIi'Tf , .lie ohji'd mill pniM r otvh'cli IM lo fniei loei'a inntKiiKU e\i'cnteil liy ThonniK I .Turniir anil wife o Ihn AniDriciili l.o.iii A 'l'lll- t Coinpiiny , npnii thu ICil't half i f the NoriliurRl ( jnnrter , niul I.IIH | ) ne anil two all In Hu'llon neven , Ton nMnp lour .IM'II , North , lliuu'i' lUiiiil ) tuo Wiht , lo tin' . 'utility oil'nalnr , sinte of M'lirni'lui , In niniro llinp'ijinent of one unto ilalcil Janii Kl , 1 7 , for 1575011 ilno nn April 1 , IhW , llml nnld notn anil iiliirla | u'in'niiu OUIUM ! liy nnlil plnlntllT , inul that HIITO l < line Ihon-iin , ami I | HH f-ir tnx 's lipnii PII il propi'Hy palil ny tlio plnuilUT , pnrnuint to ih > pn UlniK < if xalil niurlimrii. llin mini ol fiiVi : ' , fur \vlmli HUH. . \Nlili Inleii'Hl Hint diHti , philnlllTiriirt | for a il. < ten unit that tlm pri'inln"- ikn-rlbril HIM ) hi Hnhl to natlply Hiilil iiliioiint. Von cro rujnlreil to aiin < r nalil petition mi nr linloii' Hie Illih day of Mairh , I'Ui- ' . ' . llnli'il thin Ihe J'llli ' ilay of .Innnary , W. ! I NION 'I'llUHT I'llMI'ANV ill Nc York , TriiH ei > . I'lalnlllt. .IIHO-II liy MoNi'iiiiMititv , t UAI.I , , , lAMin I.Kliwn il , Attorneyi. BOHEDULE. OF I1HOKCN I1OV/ MAIl . I'oiirli fur \vost will cloHO at H p. in. , Hninlii ) whim it will e.liiHO attl : ir > p in. roneli , ciii-l tor Iraln No. Ii ( iloMiiH nl H a in and tin No. It rloiu < K ut , fi.tU ) a.m. Mull for Anvli'V anil tiolnlH unit ( if ( Irnnil IHlunil Ourrleil on train No U I OcontoTlii of Hynn ai.il Tnckcrvlllo , dull ) "X reptSinulay eloneH , at 7 u in : retnraliiK HUHIII d.iy Citilnw ) via , ML'Klnlry dally < ix i'it Hiiinlay rlo-i't at 7 in , returning Kimie day. Kiiiinil Valley via ( Jri'eii anil Kllon olonn lit 7 a in , Tncsilaj , ThiirBilay and SatnnliiH , retnriitii ) . ' H-iui ) day. Siiiiinur via ( Inrn ey , ( Ji'orW'Uiwn niul I'ptnn airrtvni nt II : < ll. TiiCHilny 'I Imrmlar und Salnr day lutnraliiK leiuim ut l-tu KIIIIIH day. OHIO < hnilrN fioni H IMIit in tu H.Ml ( p in. Sun daH frnin nl5 : p in lnillh : p in. l.ohhy opnn ( vi'tkdayH from 7 a. in ton p in Hnniliui H ' ! i nin town in. Oeneial iliiuvury not open s'in ' ilay mornlinr ac limotofnri' L. ll.,1i\VKrr. 1\M' TIME TABLE HKOKIiN HOW , N.KB. Lincoln , Oimiliit. Helena , Clilci < u , Unite , t loNopli , I'ortluiul , ii.uiiHuH CIIV ( Halt l.ulte Clly , Nl l.oiiln. Ami Hun J'riinclMCo All I'OtlltM iCllHt Allll All I'OllltN Alltl HOIllll Went. No I'J VeMlbuli'diixprcm dully , Lincoln , Omit- hu , Ht .IOHUP i Kantian City , Ml. UmU , Chi cii o and all point * mint nnd ninth. . .II 41 p.m. No.44 Local cxprrm nuly , Lincoln , Omalm , Ut. JoKOpli , KaiiMiK fltv , Ht , IxinlK , I'ldcaKO ami nil polnUi iiiuit und loiitti rt si ) am No. 40 I'rnlt'llt dally , Uuvilitim , ( Jrnnd Inland , Aurora , Howard nnd Muroln fl Oil nut No. IS Krid lit , imily except Htiinlnj , Hiivenn * and interim dlilo polnlii , 1 Oh pin No. II VcHlllmlud xpre n dally , Hulona , Heat- tin , Unite , Portland nnd nil 1'ac.lllc Cim t pointH Illy am 'No. lll-t.ocul expreen dally , Alliance anil Intermedlalu polntn I'J JO am No , 4f > Kriduhl dallyKlnpn only Aniulmn Heni'Ct , 1 Whitman and Alllanco lOMInm No. 17 Weight , dally cxce.pt Hnnday , Hnnera i ami Intnriiifdlntc polntii l.t.Spni : ! Hlcoplnu , dli.liiK nnd rocllnliiK chair citrii ( HnntM Irun ) on lliroiiKli trnliiH. TIckfB mild and IIIIK- K'iK < - chocked to any point In Hi i Unltud ritalut Niul c'anailn. No. IH IIIIH nii'rrhoiullHi ) corn TiiOAilayi , 'Ihnrs- i ilnyH utidhatnrdayH. I No. 41) ) will carry paR9orK ri < for Kitvimni tlrand iHlund , Howard and Lincoln. Infonnatlnii , inapRi limn tnblot und ticket i rail on or wrlto to II L. Ornmliy , ) ; ent , or J Kninc.U , O 1' . A.i Oiiiuhu , Nnlinuika. 11. L. OaxiMir , Auonl. --FOK- - - - Hook For Patriotic Readers. Life and DiHtuijjuiHuod HorvioeH of OUR MAKTYK IMIKSIDENT. The ( Jok'bratml .Author ami Journalist Witli ( . 'haptfi-H by Hon. John SliiTinan , ( Jon. C. II. GroHVonnr and Col. Albi-rt IlalHtufitl , ol Ux'Uovornor MoKmley'HHtair. Introduction by Hon. ( 'liauneoy M. Dopow. En- lar 'i d to Inuliulo CloHinij ; Uayy , Doallt anil Burial BY A. J. MUNSON , Author and Editor , ullG ffl IBB 1(11 ( VIM1111U Ui ( I IT1UQLUUU UUUU , the Ofliuial Papur of [ thu ootinty ii oni by i ail ' 0 coutH i xlra Til 1C KUOlv AND Tlllfi HKl U liICAN 50 t'.ici Hlory of 'IIIH aimoHtorh , birth anu youtli ; biH Hohool day > ; on- liKtimnt. in tbi * War ol tin Rebellion ; diiUuii'UiHliod Horvio 'H and promotion to Major ; adniHhion to t.Jm bai ; olocltul proHi'ouling iiUornnj ; in irnai' | ! ; and ilnvotcil liomo life- ; elution to CongrosH ffvcn tuni'H ; obainpion of protection , Htnind money and labor ; ( iovi'rnor ot Ohio ; Klection to the 1'rundoiioy ; HiuiuiiUHfiil admin- i"tration ; ro-oiootnm to ibo I'ri-Hidonoy ; triumphal lours through the natio'i ; Hpi'fohoH. priimiplim ami polioion ; aHHiHHinalion and death ; tribute of prniwo by the nation and the world II'iH pfirnonal virtue , IIIM purity of ubaruotcr , bin iiononty of motive , IIH patriotio purpoHi- , IIIH loyalty to ri ht , bin love of jtiHliuo , bin spirit of inoruy undniirutlVm MeKiiiloy to iho Amurit-'an pnopln and j ivo him n pluoo in their affootiona H'-oond only to that hold bj thu immortal Lincoln. SKND VOUS ! ftUSTE ' E'v REPUBLICAN MONKY TO niK | JOUNT , 1J..W , - NobraHka.