Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 20, 1902, Image 1

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    r ' "BT" TST WJ A "TIT"
Hear me in minilvht n 5011
want n need \\ntch for the
least inont'v.
I ! en r mo m mimlvhon the
wife iisks for n clod : in the
Hear mo in mind whr n von
wnnt wutdi , clock or Ji' eiry
ilenr m in intnd that my
experience in liupinepR
HID In i-ell tin- very
beet uoods , in do I In very best
work. I cuarKe for lbr ooilfl
anil tbu work only , nothing for
I r ml u nt i of ( ln < IUMI Opi lishiiic CoiU'i' <
School Hooks ,
Scliool Supplies ,
J. G. Haeberle's :
Snyilor Bros , have a large ans > rt-
rnout of winter goods that they are
clodiug out at bargain B.
Foi S.ib One registered Abber
dren bull. S. L. GLOVKU&SON.
1 30It WoisHert , Nebraka.
Fou KUNT a well improved
farm. .IAMBS Luuwicn ,
Broken Bow , Neb.
In tlio matter i > f tinupiilicuium of AUreil
Kuiuly for lunuir Us-n-c.
Tills la loidrlltty iliul Alfrnl irinnlv ll'lIK'il
n [ million , on l''i hriU'yJO. . I'M ) . ' wltU tlm Count )
OlcrK of Duster o u iy , Nul > MH nquiriil by
tluiKtalulOBof Nt hrcHfcu. priiytnu ihut a lIceiiMi-
limy In Kraritoil to li'tn. the i-alil AlfJul Kuiiilto
sail mullHlilritnu-mid WIHUIH llcinira | fur thu
llr l > rirmnlliur ! May I , I'liil m n luilldine xlt'u-
r.luil on Kit' ! In lilm'K. ! " > ul tliu uniiicorporalcd
Villngu nfUcuiiti. , in Wonil lilvi r 'r < ) \ viiln | > , ID
( 'IIBUT Cotinty , No * iUn Ktul Uivl * li nrtiiR up-
oil Hutil pullllou InfmciliC lioiird .f MipeivUurH
( if Hnlil couuiy IH uhki-i ! fur on or alter Uaicli II
1UOJ , an thu eata Hoard of Supervisors muy
direct. ( iKi > . W , UBWKV ,
( BBAL ) Cli rk uf Ouiiii-r Conniy itii.l
80 37 aa Uldrk at tlio IJourd ul Supoi via on
I'roiiionado Concert.
1 Holm'.tlon Orchestra
\VlilrU.uL' tuot'McK'tclDK Dud " Monera
Storvnit and \VIIsou.
t Ttecitatlon lrfr Muliburd.
6 t'ornot Unit , with ihiirua Mi-8trs. Will' ins
und Taylor. /
0 Dual , Uuliur Auuiiipanimeiit Stevi-i mul
T Solo Vois .tlon" MlHH 1'iukcnon.
8 Suk'ctlon OrchOHtra.
0 Itoudltig Mr Btcvi'iiii
IU Hole m. U Chorus"Hawaafu Ulb'jsr' 1. 1 > .
Wilson. ,
ll Mninlulln Ore hfBtrn
X Hulo Mr
l.'I J'iiino lU"t Mlwos SYllllnK end Taylor.
U holu "At I'artliiK - Mil'inkort iu.
15 Lhurnh"Tuntlug 'lotiigui on tha Old Oamp
Uronnd. "
To bo given lor the benefit of the
Public Library , at the Opera II JUHW ,
Saturday , the 22ud inst , nt S:3U. :
1'ornoiin who Htill thinlt that the
Kual liuti a monopoly on education
and culture u ill have to revise their
opinions. The JOOO OOIIBUH shown
that Nebraska hat ; coriHiderable in
creased itH load in ability of iln
people to road and wi'to. For * une
in a now edition of bin Nobranks
book , General I' sHnn or Agent
Franoin , of the Barlinyton , has jum
Bouured the following ti nren from
Wartliin toii bufore publioatiou by
the fiovcrnment. They are from
tha census of 11)00 ) and refer to
males , 21' yearn of aye and over , in
the HtutCH named :
Ponulu- Illltor- For-
State. Him. cent.igo.
Nebraska . : * U.OQI J
Now York . . . . SlHt,9i 13,1.001 .i.UI
lUnsm limi'tu. . . . SI. ! IUS H.W
Oonuoctlcat . --iJ ( , Hi ) 077
, If jou want ct'Rl quick , ' "ill
1'honii 70 ,
i II nry Kelly of Atiflfliiuo wan do
i .ig but < ii > irN in the oily Monday ,
Srttmiel Btmkirk of Alortm , was n
] " i cndiy caller at this ollloe Mon-
I '
C. D. Samson of Oconto was a
welcome onlli-r at Ibis ollioo Mon
Money loaned on improved farm *
7 18 tf Croheii How , Nebr.
C. J. Steveno of Ansley bought
the Colloni stock of groceries > e.s
terday and will ship thorn t > Amdey
M , L AmMberry of Ausloy , brother -
ther of Yo Scribe wan looking after
business iu thin city JMonday and
TheT. U. Smith-Go is the place
to buy your lumber and coal.
Phone 79.
Thompson Baker of Ansloy , has
Hold bis residence property und will
move back to hia farm at Wonter-
Tbo Hook & Ladder Company
clmred § 10 Oft from their mn'qurndi
b'sll given at the opera IIOUBO las :
Friday night.
Rev. C. W. Brinstad , General
Mi .Monary , of Omaha waH a cit )
visitor yesterday. This ollioo ac
knowledges a friendly call.
Hev. Geo. 1' . TnttH , pastor o !
M. E. Church left Tuesday night
lor Canton Illinois on the receipt
of n telegram that bin mother had
died that day.
,1. F. Coleman of the Went Table
wan a friendly caller at thin oilioe
Saturday. For some unaccount
able runaon bin pupor bad not roaoh-
od him for the past two weeks.
The attention of tbo readers of
the KuriiDLiCAN is called to the
Farmers iriHtitute to bo held in
Broken Bow'Tueailay March 5 8uc >
more extended notice in thin isfiie.
When pain or irritation exists or
any pirt of the body the applic'ilion
MKN P will yivo prompt relief
Price , 26 and AO contn. ICd. Me
Comas , liroluMi How and Morna
Evangelist liontley who was to
have commence * ) a series of meet
ings in the Baptist church to night
will not bo here before Sunday ow
ing to tint continued interest ir > hit"
meetings nt Mason City. Forty-
one have united with the church
there to date.
The Ansley Citizen reports that
Xick Amfbi'iry of Mason rooeutlv
loKi three cows , the nsnlt ol the
corn utnlk disease and that John
Mi Inch of the rtarne locality hat *
lost nine head or horses from some
myHteiiouH disean1.
Hugh Alt-Clean of Weissert will
make a public sale Tuesday February
2fltb , commencing at , 10 o'clock.
The stock that will bo ollVred for
half are one fresh milch cow , IU
young COWH ft two year old steers ,
yearlinc steers aud one two year
old white face bull.
This oflioo acknowlodgoBa friend
ly call Saturday fro : J. T. MnClnnn
of Wnisaert and Thomas tibanley
of Brownlee , The latter had ac-
t'ompnniod tbo lemniriHof his broth
er Mike , which were buriud hero
Friday iu t'ho Catholic cemetery ,
Mrn. Shanloy is a tislor of Mr. Mo-
N.-rvons children arj almOBt al-
wt > s thin children. The "out-door-
boy " in eelriorr. nervous. W IIITK'S
prcventivo of ncrvoiifanot-n. It
stronglhons the syHtem ainl asoists
to that sort of llesh , which creates
strength nud power of ondurenec.
I'lk-e-JO cisntH. Ed. McComas ,
Broken Bow and Morna.
The C.-illawiy Courier says that
Mru. 1) . L. Hopkins was quite seri
ously burned Tuesday afternoon of
last week wink1 in the acl of trimm
ing a lighted lamp. Eirlior in the
day she had been iibing gasoline to
i'l "ining sorno ribbonp ; after com
completing the job she throw the
little gauolino remaining in the
bowl into the tnvill pail. As she
held it over pail containing the
gusolino it caught tiro. In order
to save tha building Him undertook
to oarry the pail out doora whan her
Inir and clothing oanght firo. A
party passing by board her call for
help and rushed in and smothered
the flames with a quilt , ller hands | I
.urns and side were very Beverly' '
, burii'd , but it in thought not fatal- I
ily. I
Con KlCHhm'm and C. K. Kren/
of Dale were city vinitorn Tuet-ilav.
T. ,1. Arthur ol Cobmg waw a
friindly unllor at thin ollico yester *
W. A. B iley IKIH Hold hia dru
Htoiv at Uerwyn and will devote his
time to funning and mock raising.
W. J Woodn returned Sund.iv
night from Hu'hmoiid lud. , whore lie
wan called two weekw auo 'by tbo
death of his sister , Airs. Grtinch.
ofliee of the county .Judgo. * yeptcr-
day , Perry A. Alyorn and Alagi'ie
Olenon , UateH , Ju Ign Armour olli-
ciating. ' , j
The special nicotines at Ilho M.
1 , ohurcb closed Tuesday ninht.
They report a large number ( .f
acccsHioiiB as thu result of the meia >
ingH. We have been iinablovte re
port the exact . number. , " *
( ! rant Drake left Sunday 'night
on a visit of a week or ten days at
Guernsey , Wyoming. During his
absence A. II , Va llandingham
wears the night police star with
dignity and rllicionoy.
There were several oiti/.ens
up ftom Ausloy and Ma
son Monday evening to attend the
district mooting of the I. U. OF. .
A Jiong the number worn Howard
Ellison , Lev House , .John Thornton ,
Goo. Hare , E. Fowler and Frank
The worst snow Hlor-m that has
been experienced in the east BUIOO
1889 , IB reported in New York ,
Fennsylvauia and New .lersoy the
17 Hint. The snow fell Jo the depth
of 0 to 12 inchoH whien wan follow
ed by a strong wind , giving them a
Ilii5/ird of the worst nort.
Don't let the hand of time paint
wrinkles on your face. Keep
young , by keeping the blood pure
and the digestive orgftim in a
1 oalihful condition. 1IERHINE
will do thin- Health in youth , dis
ease and sickness brings old a ; b.
Pric.e , 50 cent * . Kd. AlcComas ,
Uroken Bow and Merna.
Miss Stone , the American Alis-
Hionary who has been held captive
by thu Turk brigandu NHIUM the : ud
of last September has been released.
I lor uaptnrii rei-t-ivcd 72 UOO for
ransom. I\ov. Tsilka , hiitiband of
Minn Stouc'h companion in captivity
Ins been arrested on the charge of
co.nplicity in the kidnaping of Aliss
I ) . W. Thomson writes IIH to
forward the Rici'uuucAN to his ad.
dr rt at Pullman Washington ,
\ here ho and Airs. Thomson hive
located , Mrs. Thomson's tzoods
were shipped there the tirftl of the
week. The town has a population
of 1308. Jau. Dooley in living in
the same county in the town ot
Wo notice from thu Beu'h Wash
ington correspondent that L II.
.lowett win nominated Monday by
Soimtor Alillard for reappointment
as poKlmaslor at Broken Bow and
T. T. Varm-y at Ansley. Jioth
have served the public faithful ! )
the past four years and as far an wo
have hem able to learn neither had
a competitor ,
We loam from J. 11. MuGuire
In it his daughter , Mrs. John Ahtrrn ,
v/ho IH being treated at the Lincoln
hospital imii a good chance for re
covery ; also Jiom the same source ,
that T. J. Hill , who has been Buffer
ing from cancer for several months
and who moved to Orc-gon lust No
vember , has been given up by his
ph j aicians. Callaway Courrier.
From the News of Grand Junction
Colorado , wo learn that Eugene
L-Mullippa was arrested about Febru
ary 1 , on the charge of rifling reg
istered anil ponchos in the Grand
Junction pout otlice of which 1'hii-
lipH was the night clerk. Phillips
called up the post ma.slcr , Price in
the early morning and notified tint
while bo was out at lunch botvseen
three and tour q ciook nome one
had broken the glaiin in tno private
door leading from thu lobby and
out thtough the registered pouch I
and taken the contents bet-idon
breaking open the stamp and money
drawers. Suspicions rested on
I'htilipti and ho wao placed under
arrest and 4subarquently on being
islosoly finoationed acknowledge his
L'uilt. Up to that tlmu it is said
the young man bore a good reputa
tion and had the absolute confidence
of his employer. Eugene will
doubtless be remembered an a boy ,
who witti uis parents formerly resid-
icd in thin city , Air. PhtlhpB for a
time being the propritor of the
Grand Central botol.
Southern Ked Cedar post at The
l . D , omith Co.
Tim Cili/.on of Ansloy , says that
T. T. Williams ban sold the Abe
Fleming quarter tuuilion of bind to
Goo. Williams of Guoigotown for
There is probably no disease or
condition of the hunrin system
that onuses more Hiiffoiing and dis
tress than piles. TABLEK'S
cures them quiokloy. without pain
or detention from business. Price. ,
T > 0 cents in bottles. Tubes , 75
cents. Ed. AlcComas , Broken Bow
and Alorna.
Railroad locomotives may bo
profitably built in Nebraska , as is
proved beyond dispute by the recent
action ol the Burlington in placing
an additional order for engine con
struction at the Havolock shops.
The order is for six of the class
"K" type , and it follows the con
struction at the same phops of a
largo number of engines. For this
last order , as for others placed at
the Uavolock shops , there was sharp
competition. Each engine means
an outlay of between $8,000 and
$ 10,000 , a Inrgo part of this sum
being paid out for labor. Some of
the fastest engines in the service of
the Burlington were built at Ilave-
loitlt. They compare favorably
with new mncbincs received during
last year from eastern works , anil
their records are said to bo equal to
the best.
UANUY-GiciHwoi.n At the resi
dence of the groom'H moMier , Airs.
AI. E. Gandy in this citv , Wediun-
day , February ItHh , 1002. Fiank
O. Gaudy and Aliss Ida I. GriHwold ,
U"v. S.V. . Kichaidn oflioiating.
The groom Ins been a resident bore1
since a small boy. Ho is the older
turn of Alis. Alary Gandy , and
well and favorably known in this
community. Since bin father's
death HOiiut years ago he has made
his home with IIIH mother and look
ed after her large land interest ,
The bride is a most estimable lady
ami enjoys thu I'lgh esteem ol a
large circular of friends. The Ric-
I'UiiucAN extends congratulations.
EI.UCNWOOD , Sunday ,
February 10 , Frank I ) . Hersh and
Alisu Lucy Ellenwood , at tbo homo
of the brides parents five milofl east
of town. Kov. II. E. Alyers olli-
ciating. The Kui'irni.iUAN extends
congratulations to Frank and his
bride , hoping that they may enjoy
many years in happiness and pros
Kendo nro rou li und the HIIOW wreath
H ) ill Adorn tbo hills.
Mies Urucu Iiiitter of Ansley 'iu mak-
liiK ti Hiiccees of teHchinir in the ( Jib oii
Ecbool IIOIIHU. Slio doe.s tlu boHHiiiK IHT
self iiiul nil Hcoin piitiulied to hiivo II HU.
L. H. OihBon lately Bold n wnnn box
full ot nncrel chlekoiiH and imrclmped
throe do/.nn full blooded I'liiuth liockrf
lioin Air. Hlnool Miller , who is noiii
to thu Ked rivur of tbu north country.
\Ve think tlionnewu \ v\e have hml Kent
down here from that country ia enough
tu ealiafy ua.
Twelve tonnin liwlud.Tlth SI iiOHtho (
property nf Clinrlee J/iltuo , juiMncd
nloni ! our road on their way to Miller ,
Ho will snip them to Umuliii. ( 'tiarlh
in an energetic , industrious tempmtto
you nt ; man and an honor to any com-
ir unity , of course he l ) lun H to us and
wo are proud of linn , but ho ia'nt thu
only good boy In our neighborhood , all
our boye : ire yooil.
Our old friend nnd neighbor Itobort
Uibpon mndu bis old iicqimintanccn a
whort visit u few dn/H n o. Uncle Hub
WHHono of the J'ioni'orn ant did IUH
jmrt in fitting up this country for thu
abode of mrui ; lie IH im old Sunday
School worker HIK ! ho orguiii/.ed u Uun-
da > Suho'jl ' in the North weal p'irt of
thin state whore ho hns been milking hia
homo for fcoaio limo with his dii lighter
Mrs. Dean Fnukhoweor.
Kuport lor '
Wlii'ni 8 . & )
llttiluy u )
( lain ; i ,
Corn 15 Hi f.i
Huttor I. ,
KKKH .in
I'olntooi , per liUBhol I sS
OnlotiH. iiur husliol l.w (
ctilukciif. [ iur pound , 01
H KB 3.1)
< 'ow. JS.U5 w a an
* r-oiH ( -3.6) < ? I 60
Turl.ojH , per poiuiil id
Mraw , jjor cwt .ID
II y , New , i > cr ion ' i > Oi )
i > or cwi &
A I'ainilyVar Itcconl.
K. Pardon Rawnon in our of s'v
en brothers who fought in the War
of th Rebellion. Their grand
father , Bailey Ruwnon and great
grandfather , Thomas Rawson , serv
ed in the Revolutionary War and
both were taken prisoners near New
York oily. The gr < al-urandfatl or
is supposed to have died of starv
ation in captivity. The grand fa
ther , who enlisted as a life m-.jor
when II years old , was wounded by
a bullet which pierced his left arm
nnd by n sabro aorosp the back of
his right hand , which cut it neatly
half off. He livud to the ripn age
ol 88 years , and carried the scars to
liis grave , which is at Riiwsonvillo ,
Vt. , n village named after him. K
I'nrdon RawsonV father , Capt.
Lowell RawRon , commanded a com
pany of militia in Vermont and
had orders to bo ready to go to the
Mexican War , but it closed so
quickly that t.e and his company
were not called to the front , He
died at the ago of 8(3 ( yours.
Of his sons , the eldest , Harriiion
L. , now 9'2 yearn old , served as cap
tain of a company in Kansas , or-
gani/.od to fight the Border RuDi
ana , and they triw plenty of light
ing. His nearest neighbors wore
killed and IIIH barn wan burned by
Alissourians. Ho resides at Mon
terey , Cal.
Joseph D. , Gilbert N. and
Charles B. Rawson nerved in Com
pany ( j. UOth. M.IHH. infantry a
WoruuHtiT company. Gilbert N
was color sergeant , carried the col
ors over a year , and was in every
batllo in which the regiment was
engaged and was promoted to
Lieutenant , bui declined promotion
and stayed with the colors and
brought them back at the close of
the war.
Riley G. and K. Pardon Rawson
enlisted in IHtil , in Col. Berdon's
Sharpshooters , afterwards the Uni
ted States Sharpshooters , and they
wnro the first of the brothers to en
list in the Cival wnr. Riley G.
died of typhoid fever at a hospital
at Washington , in 18S. ! ) Chandler
D Rawson served in the IHh Ver
mont regimt nt and was om > of the
first soldiers to enter Richmond
after itH evacuation by the Ccnfed
crates. Joseph 1) . and Charles B ,
have died within a few jears , the
latter in May , 1801) ) .
K. Pardon Rawscn haH photo
graphs of his father and the. seven
sons in a frame at bin ollice , ! K ! I
Alain street , over the postoflieo Ilm
father was twice married and there
were 15 HOIIH , of whom K. P.irdon
is the Mth , also there . wore three
daughters , aM younger than the sons.
The Daily Sentinel , Fitchburg ,
The Gilbert N Rawson mention
ed in the above is ( J. N. Riiwuon
the well known and highly respect
ed uiti/.on of Broken Bow.
Clmrcli H
Preaching service both morning
and vening by Rev. Richards , at ,
11 a. m. and 7tO : : p. in. The pub
lic in cordially invited.
Services at 11 a. m. and 7:313 : p.
m. Subject in the morning , "Su
jiremo Love , " subject in the evening ,
"Why am I a Christian. " Y. P.
S. E at OiI'.O p. m.
The second quartely conference
of the M. E. church will be held in
the church Saturday night at 7UO. :
Rev. I ) . W. Cram. P. E. in the chair.
All who are interested are urged to
attend. Sunday morning Rev.
Crane will pi each pnd administer
the sacrament. Bo sure and attend.
Gico. P. TKITIK , Pastor
lind Sunday in Lent. February
'JUrd. Morning service an usual nt
U o'clo'k , AliHS Pinkerton will
i ing the solo. "Ponitoncc" by
Fr.inuifl Martin. The logular evening -
ing service has been rmimed at
7'iO : with sermon , - You are cordi
ally invited.
WALTON HAIJ. Donourr , Rector
Paints ,
Oils and
Wall Paper
Ed. McCoinas'
Drug Store.
Job printing at tbiH otlice.
Lubricating oils of all kinds nt
WilkiiiH * drug store.
Pepsin Gum , two packages for a
Dr. T. W. Bass , dentist , I'
northwest corner of Realty block.
H.I if
Alonoy to loan on impiovud
farniH. MOOIIK & TAYI.OU , Realty
Block. 1-2S If
Foil SAI.K CiucAi' North cant
qunrlir Huotionn . ' 10-10-17 , Douglau
Grovu. 11 , W. Hammond Broken
Bow. - 30-87
A few comfcrlorH and blankets
can bo had at Suyilcr Brori. Big
Double Store for less thai : you can
buy the material and make them ,
call and see.
When you wnnt a physic that iu mild
and gentle , ensy to tuUts and plensnnt
in cll'out. IIHO I'biiinbnrlnln'H Htotniiuh
niul Liver Tablele. Price , 25 centu ,
Kuinplp free. Kvory box
lror Miilo by J. O. Iluoborlo.
If yon intend to build call at
Dierkit Lumber Co. and got prices.
I have for rent 100 acrow of good
corn ground three and a half miles
from Broken Bow. ' J. G. PAINTKB.
- FOR SAMS Barn , 10x18 foot. ,1 ,
A , AiiMouii. 1-HO tf
Fou SAI.JC LotH 1 , U , 7 and 8 ,
block 0 , in .Jewell's addition to
Broken Bow. Enquiio at thiu
ollice. 11-21 tf
For insurance and real estate o to
Moort'&T.iylor , in Rooky Block.
Fen SALIC ou TKADI : Town lr > tu
and a few five acre lots in ibis city ,
for oattlo , horseH or farm land ,
feb28 tf ALLAN KKVNKU.
Farrnu for sale and lands for rent.
Now in the tune to get a farm cheap ,
as the cheap farms are all going ,
and priuoH arc advancing rapidly.
J. G. BltKNlZIUl.
Thoroughbred Poland Chlnn.
Foil SALIC Thoroughbred polnnd
china male hogn , old er/ough for
Horvioo for 15 CO.
1-15a II G. 11. KUHHOM.
Dierks Lumber Co. ban in slock a
car load of fine cedar postH for I ho
The old and reliable firm of
Dierks Lumber ( Jo. is tbo plaon to
go for lumber cr coal. A good
supply and gradifi to meet the \vanla
of their customers are always in
stock. 321tf
If that la t coal did not give Bat-
tft'.iotion . try Foster & Smith Lum
ber CO. 'Phono 70
.1. O. Hnuhorlc the ( Irugt'iHt , will r > fund
you your mtiney if you aru not Biitiulicd
after iiHing Dinmbfilnin H Stomach and
Llvur TiiblotH They euro diaouhra of
the Htomneli , bilioimn Bd coiiHtlpatfon
nni ) heiuliiche. I'ricoS'icentfl-
1 have ai'ain taken noHBOHHion of
And am thorcii hly cleaniii } . ; and fitting it up with medorn
improvomenlH , thug inHiiriiif ; my j ueflU every comfort , in-
eluding clean warm l-ede and ( ; oed , horiOHt aquaro moalH.
With thin effort I Holicit the patronage of all my old
friondH and many now OMOH.
R. A. WA.XTS , Frop.
\ > s \ ( , \JL/ \tt \ ( xJx \l/ \.lx \ ' \V six six \ lxl