Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 13, 1902, Image 8

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    I nd Heifers
for Contract for Delivery s UpriS Isi , to May ist , 1902 ,
We have the placing of contracts for 12,500 carefully selected one and two-year-old HEREFORD , DURHAM AND POLLED
ANGUS STEERS AND HEIFERS for delivery between April 1st , and Muy 1st , 1902. These cattle are guaranteed in every way.
Jerseys , Hostein ! , Lump Jaws1 , etc. , not to be accepted. We are in position to sell these cattle in contracts for one or more carloads
at very low figures. Correspondence invited.
Anyone desiring stock rattle this spring should take advantage of this opportunity to buy as many of these cattle as they need.
These contracts must and will be sold at once. A chance of your lifetime to get what you want in stock at a bargain. For further
information write us at either of the following addresses.
r Union Stock Yards , Chicago , Illinois.
OS. Union Stock Yards , South Omaha , Nebraska.
. , Sioux City Stock Yards , Sioux Citv , Iowa ,
Union Stock Yards. South St. Paul , Minn.
Business and
| Professional Directory. | * j
II. 0. MUTTON , Proprietor.
First-clues worn Itonr Hcmm of llrokcn How
State Untili , llruliuii How , Notirnfkii.
Alfalfa Seed.
Purchase Before
Price Advances.
Free Hamples on application.
Leo Park , Nebraska.
FMl. ,1. E. SNYDER ,
Osteopathic Physician ,
{ 2TOnico over Hwnn'K Droccry Btoro. Hourn
a. m.toli ! in . nml "to t p. in. KeBlcloiiao-
Uranil Ociilrnl Hotel. Cliroiilc alien u Hpecliilty.
Dealer In.
Vamps. Wind Mills , Tank * . KittlngH , ( limollno
KngincB , etc. , etc.
llrokou Dow. NelirsBka.
Kroo InBtrnctloni lio\v to tnko oml ilevolopu tlio
picture with erory camera sold.
Finishing ilonu for mnnturcB ,
Latest Styles in Photographs'
Established In 1891.
Proprietor of-
KujUurnntit Lnnch Counter. Lnrxo an ortment
of Confnotlonarlos , Ogarn and Tobaccos. Nortl
Bldo ol Public Square , Broken How , Nebraska.
_ 1'UIIUC ,
also Justice o ( thu 1'eacu. Special attention tU'cii
to colloctlona L'cpof lllonn taken , ) ienrloii viuich.
era neatly executed ami all klnda of legal pnpurn
written , Oillce In the rear of Hunk of Commerce.
Uioken Dow. Nobrn ka.
QRS. R. C. & W. B. TALBOT ,
Offlco over Uaobmle'H Drug Store.
Broken How , - Not > rn Va
Ussier In
Granite , PorolKii and American Marbles.
Ornament ? ! Work a Specialty.
llroken How , - - Nebraska
Physician & Surgeon.
Office In rear of tlio Hank of Commerce. Hod
denco Oth bouse west of tlio llaptUt church.
Ilrokeu llow , Nebraska.
All kinds of work In our line ilouu { iromplly
and In firil-cliins order fSyitod Slioji ou Iho
cornur wont oi the lioso lioubu.
Ilrokuu llow , - - Ncbr > k .
anil UBttmntei on Hhurtnotlco.
llrokuu liow , Nebraska.
Physician | Surgeon.
2nd Stairway from wn t end In Realty lllock ;
resldenco , 3rd wont M K. clmrcli , on Hamu elilu
of Btroct. t3r llroUi'ii Dow , Nebraska ,
W. K. UAKKU.I'rop.
For a social came of pool. * a-ftortnot
Lioin OQloc , lirokon ifow , Nebraska.
H itlt'i-t ill Hroken How-
The rotriilar mooting of the CUB-
tor County Modlial Society wan
hold at Drs. Talbots ollico Tuesday ,
Tobruaiy 11 , when the following
> rogram was carried out and papers
cad and discussed :
"Tho 1'ntholouy of Colds , " Dr.
\V. II. Young , Ansley ; "Tho Treat-
nont of Colds , " Dr. Clinton D.iy ,
broken Ho A" "Ptiorpcral Eclamp-
ia , " Dr. M. A Ames , Sargent ;
Skin Diseases , " Dr. R. C 'lalbot ,
irokon Bow ; "Tho Origin of Von-
oral Diseases , " Dr. J. F. McNulty ,
Dr. B. F. Biiloy of Lincoln , pros-
dent of iho state boird of honlth ,
was present and gave a very inter
esting talk on "Tho value of organ-
nation of the profession in regard
to the prevention and spread of
contagious disoasss " Dr. Bailey
also congratulated the doctors on
laving the best county medical
society in Nebraska. After which
a short business session was hold
and Dr. T. L. Farnsworth Broken -
ken Bow's now dentist , and Dr. M.
A. Ames of Sargent , wore admitted
as now members , and Dr. 13. F.
Bailey or Lincoln , was voted an
honorary membership. Dr. Amos
of Sargout , has the honor of being
the first lady M. D. to become a
member of the Hooioty.
The first mooting of the year be
ing the regular time for the eletion
of oflioors , the following were
ohoson : Dr. C. Piokott , president ;
Dr. Clinton Day , vice-president ;
Dr. C. L. Mullins , secretary ; Dr.
J. F. MoNulty , treasurer. Dr.
I'iokott in accepting the ollico of
president made ono of his excellent
speeches and presented the society
through its rotir'ng ' prcfeMout Dr.
Young , with a nice gavol. Dr.
D. y , the now vioo president , said
ho was glad to accept an oflloo of
honor in place of ono ot trust as
treasurer Dr. C. L , Mullins , who
was ro-olooted secretary , aid ho had
a letter from Dr. Goo. H. Simmons
of Chicago , secretary of the Amori-
CITY K. Y. McCUJtm , Prop.
Ityu Klonr , Buckwheat , druliMn , Feed , etc.
{ 3 T Ofllco Over Swan'H Grocery.
liorrjoys § > > Souxjce-llors
Hooran 8 and U , Itcalty lllocU , llrokcn llow Ncb.
llroken How , Nebraska.
A New Line of
Buggies , Surreys ,
Spring Wagons ,
and Farm Wagons.
G. W. Apple.
oan Medical Association , in which
ho Haiti "the Ciifitcr ( . 'ounfy Metlioal
Society IH tlio boat' organized work
ing county medical society in the
United States. " Dr. Mullins prom
ised to do nil in his power , an Hue-
rotary , to maintain HH present rep
utation. Dr. M.'Nulty , the newly
elected troat-aror , naid ho did not
know if lit' oould meet all the ex-
iiBoH of the Houioty , but was
willing to take liui turn , with this
AHHiirnuco from bim.lho doctors and
their WIVOH rotircil to Mrs Gaudy's ,
-vhoro dinner waH ordered , and all
uat down to n table loaded with
the beat that could bo prepared , to
which each ono did more than
jiiHtice. Just as they had finished ,
Dr. Day wan called by telephone to
WilkuiH drug store , wliero ho sup-
[ lOHOtl he had a professional call.
Mr. Wilkins naid the man who
wanted him had gene out to a store
but , would HOOD be back. How
ever , ho wan soon informed by
'phono that the man had gone to
II'IH residence and wan waiting there
for him , HO the doctor hurried homo
not a patient but that all those
whom he had loft at the table a few
minutes before , had pioueoded him
and ho was apprised that it was
his birthday , and they had eomo to
help him celebrate it. Mrs. Day
had planned the surprise in eon-
ivaneo witn the other riootorHand it
was oomploto in every part. After
Hpendiug a social evening with
stories , music , and refreshments !
they retired , wishing the doctor
many rolurnR of this anniversary ,
and declaring that those who are
not niumbHrs of ll > o Ouster Oounty
Medioal Society , mieBi-d a great
treat. These attending wore :
Dr. and Mrs. Haken , Dr. and Mrs.
Mullins , Dr. and Mr * . VV. E. Talbot -
bet , Dr. and Mrs. Brnuizer , Dr. and
Mrs. McNuli ) , Dr. and Mrs. Day ,
Dr. and Mrs Bass , Drs. Ames ,
Biiloy , Piokott , Farnsworth , Down
ing , and R O. Tnlbot.
Ftirgersim am ) Chris Iturhop of
Itotun Valley , Are Under Arrest
Charged With the Crime.
About Christmas , Jaf' . Byoler of
Over , had fourteen head of fat hogs
stolen from his pons.
The next morning about HOVOU
o'clock , report says that Elisha Fur.
gorsou and Chris iJurhop of Roten
Valley sold fourteen head of hogs
at Cozad. As the distance from
the homo of the parties accused to
Cczid would have required an all
night drive the oircumBtanoes ar-
roused suspicion. Shortly after the
hogs wore sold in Cozad Furgor-
son loft for Wasl.ingtoD. But 10-
ceutly the officers of the law had
secured sufliciont ovidenoo to war-
rent them in filing complaint against
the parties Biispioionod.
Sheriff Armstrong having located
Fur erson in Washington left last
week with a warrant for hifl return
to Custor county. H telegraphed
Saturday from Kiowa , Washington
lhat ho had Furgorsou , but would
have to go to Olymphia with him to
procure requisition papora.
Dopt. Sheriff Richardson wont
ever to Rotten Valley Sftturd ay
after Burhop and returned with him
Monday evening and logcd him in
jail. The Sheriff returned last
night with Furgoraon who is now
enjoying the company of his former
Masonic Social
A social hold last night , at , Ma
sonic hall , under the auspices of the
masonic fraternity was one of Ire
most successful social events that
has occured in this city. The lodge
had but recently fitod and refurnish
fit their now hall and in order that
their wives , daughters and lady
friends might have an opportunity
to see the furniturecarpet parapha-
nalia and comfortable quarters , the
social was arranged.
A more jovialintolligont or bettor
clans of citizens have novcr ast om *
bled here , than made up the large
company that filled that commodious
hall last night.
Irvin's orchestrawhich is com
posed of Benj Irvin , R W.Wilkius
and Con Cannon for an Lour before
the formal exercises , entertained
with mortt excellent music.
It was about 9 , o'clock when the
Worshipful M aster , M. K. Haga.
darn's gavel called the house to or
dor. The entire audience had bi'on
so onlhusiiiHtioly engaged in social
conversation ivpue had realized how
time was panning. The Worship
fill Master introduce' ! J R. Dean
as Toast Master. In a few well
ohocen remarks , Mr. Dean stated
the object of the leathering and intro
duced , A4 R. llumpory , who gave
tlio address of welcome , in his usual
happy fitjlo
L. II lowott responded to the
toast ' -Masonry ; its effect on the
general public" . Mr. Jewett viewed
liio subject from a masonic stand
point , as ho had observed durum
his membership of thirty years , re
lating some interesting remuiscencc
in his own history.
Alpha Moigan responded to the
Ancient History of Masonry , in
which ho took his audience back to
the year of light and furnished
authenticated history bnck to mid
prior to the building of King Solo
mon's temple , and down through
the period of St. John , John , the
Baptistto whom the modern ritual
is dedicated.
J. J. Wilson discussed , "Masonry
Its objects and emblems" . The
speaker's , well known , familiarity
with the work of maeory most erni-
nnntly fitted him for the task , His
address was ono of the best of the
evening and was very much appre
II. Lomax gave his views oi Ma
sonry and its effects upon the indi
Mr. Lomax is ono who has the
happy faculty of intelligently ex
pressing his viowe on all subjects
and this occasion was no exception.
Mrs L. H. Jowett had boon as
signed a place in the program , but
as she had declined to inform the
topst-mabter , her subject it was not
previously announced.
When she had concluded her ad-
droati it was a query in the minds of
some ns to whether it was a toaster
or a roast , At any ralo all pro
nouneod it the best address of the
evening , if it did have some of the
elements of a roast.
The ending although somewhat
humiliating to the mombora , was
highly appreciated and grtatly en
joyed. She concluded by inviting
the men to take supper with them
at Mrs Gaudy's , where the ladies
had made provisions for their on
tertainmont. The invitation was a
complete surprise to the men , but
the toaHtmaster very promptly ao
copied the invitation in behalf of
the led o and Mrs A. R , Humphrey
called the names in the order in
winch they would bo seated at the
table , as only 40 could bo accom
modated at a time. They were not
long in answering the call from
"labor to refreshments. " Those
remaining in the hall while others
ate were grandly entertained with
instrumental and vooal music and
rooitUiona by Frank Stephens of
Jrete who Is temporarily stopping
n the city. The occasion is ono
that will oyer bo remembered by the
members of Emmet Crawford lodge
and their wives with pleasure
You can help anyone whom } ou
find suffering from in tinned throat ,
iaryngial trouble , bronchus , coughtt
colds , etc , by advising the use of
SYRUP ; the great r. raody for
i-oughs and coldc. Price , 25 and
50 contt. Kl. MiComan , Broken
Bow and Morna.
J. M. Fulge is on the Eick list again
Elder Ornlnn of Merna WHS In attend
ance at preaching Saturday night , nnd
Sunday preached u very profitable nor-
Mr. Loyi Empfiold of Kyiio rnadd hia
rogulur vibit to this burg on Sunday
eve wonder If there won't bo tx weed
ing BOOM.
There lu a move on foot to merge the
Mil burn , Merna and Ausomiu System ,
of Telephone Kxehungo into ono great
Hyatem Wonder If Bounty Attorney
won't institute legal proceedings to pre-
vi ni monopoly ?
J. C Baker snvo an entertainment
with hia Yotn Tlion * at the homo of
Mr. ,1. J. Joynor on Tuesday evening ,
a numlJT of Mr. Joynera friend and
near nt'ighborH wore Invited. Truly
thiHAft | wonderful machine.
Messrs J. C. Baker and E. D. Bales
Mason Oity'fl future blnukBiiiith" , ore
packing their goods for shipment to
that place on Thursday of this week ;
tlio beat \vhhen of these young men go
\\ith them in their new homo.
MessrJ Wadilington nnd Bales roco
( d a consignment of Fox Hounds fro
Missouri one day laat wonk tlio frio
nine by express. Soon the woods will
resound with their bellow , ns they go
poecom hunting moon light nights.
II. L. Hundley marketed twoloadrtof
hoga at Oconto last week.
Continued cold weather with enow ,
loads hiuinothing doing but caring for
After a vacation. F. K. QriflUh re
turned to HroKen Bow Business Co'lego '
this ( Monday ) tnoinlng.
Fanners Club meets at Callaway ,
February loth tit ono o'clock p. m.
sharp , everybody invited.
\V. S Province is vial'ing amongst
relatives near Jtyno , If correctly ini'jiin-
ed ho IMS tired of Custer nnd will ceek
a hotter location and scatter what ho
hnd gathered in OiiHtor.
L. S. Fmpfiejd hs bought the
Jaromiah Holdorman claim , has nloo
bought the Bonnr cliilni and homoptead
ed an 60 : these claims all join nnd ore
located two miles above the Smith
ranch on the oaatekio of spring creek.
Are your cattle doing well on the Jeo
side of a wire fence with a little hay
thrown to them for the wind to blow
awayif you nro giving them that kind
of euro don't complain if you arc oblig
ed to snake some of them Into the can
yon before spring.
It tHu't tlie material
tllHt | 0 ( > H llltO
repaired wutcli tlint
In a perfect
| oi > . uistiie
that ( loostbobuBinofs , any bungler
oan buy the Hue kinds of mnterlnl
Hint I nc In repairing ; but skill
i iho uioet vMuablo mntoriM that
: sn bo need In watch repairing ;
n ml the bungler cnn't buy U. 1
neil my ekili for what It IP worth
and It will cost you less thnn
bungling it lower prices.
Jeweler and Optician.
West eido of square.
Of St. Louis , Missouri ,
in again canvassing UUP county with their Homo Comfort Sleol Ranges ,
which are Hold only from wagons by their trcvelinc ; salesman. When
they call at your house wo invite you to examine the ranges as to their
merits , etc. Your note payable at your doors and not at the bank. Note
what your neighbors have to say in regard to Homo Comfort Ranges :
Upton , Neb. , Feb. 7 , 11)02 )
To whom il may concern ;
It has the right name and is cer
tainly the Homo Comfort , I can
recommend the Homo Comfort to
anyone. Yours truly ,
Lexington , 11 25 , 1901.
The Wrought Iron Rinc o Co.
St. Louin , Mo OKNTS : This H to
certify that no have used a Homo
Comfort Range for about 15 jears ,
and have tested it thoroughly. Wo
have not paid out ono oont for re
pairs , and can say truthfully , it is a
first class baker , a savor of fnol.
Wo can recommend it to anyone
who wiehcH the best.
Overtoil , Neb. , Deo. 3 , 1901.
We have used the Homo Comfort
Range for 13 y. > arB and can Bay it
uivcs entire satisfaction , is just
what the rialcHinan claimed for it
and cheerfully recommend it to
anyone Mus M J. LUONARU ,
Lpxiugtou , Neb.Nov. 20 , ' 01.
1 bought of the Wrought Iron
Range Co. , of Si. Louis , one range
called Homo Comfort No 0 , in
1888 , and have used it constantly
ever siuce. I find it cooks and
bakes with less fnol than any other
steve wo over used. Il is still do
ing duty as usual and will probably
continue to do BO for several years
y t. J. p. LAIIIIHON.
Lexington , Neb , Drc . "i , 1001.
1 have purchased n Homo Com
fort Range and am wll pleased
with it. I bought a Lincoln Range
three years ago and it played out.
The II jino Comfort does not take
near the fuel ae our old range. I
can rojommond the Homo Comfort
to any ono and think it the cheapest
in the end My neighbor used ono
for 15 years and it is all right to
day. II. A. HBNDJUX.
Ovorton , Nob. , Doo. 4 , 1901.
This is to certify that I have
used a Homo Comfort Range for a
number of yours , and oan say it is
first-class in every respect. Would
not bo deprived the use of it in my
kitchen for $100. Would rooom-
ruond the Homo
Comfort to auyono
wishing the best ,
Yours respectfully ,