Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 13, 1902, Image 5

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    ho died leaving her with notHng
but his funeral ixpem-c" , his doctor
bill and tivo children in comfort her
in her distress. T''mi' was an old
man and his wife in the neighbor
hood who hid kii'iA'ti bet from
girl-hood. They hid n farm , and
at one edgn of it w\s u r-mall patch
of "oak 0.i' | iing" as it \ voillt'd ;
in a natural sta'o ' it had boon cover
cd with a thicket of wild plum
trues , with a few clumps of
and black Inwr hushes , three wild
cr.ib apple men , two M.l-cty , two
large flm , a d ihn'1 < * ' "Ur white
oak trees thrown in ( inv.i" ' ny. It
svis praotii'.ally "f no valu t' its
cwri r , aid wlum the widowed
friuid win thrown iipoe her o\n
r Hi'tiri't's he uu1 , "limn thni thar
plum .ain't worth m'i < : ' > , bit
it'll miK" a r-ort'-r noMtin p' ' i. for
h r an the little boj- . " ( rh three
older eh ildien had ( homes
with relatMOF ) "I'll give her a
deed U it , an lumber i.ufl'to build
a house ol you'ans'll du the ren. "
She was poor , she could neither ,
road nor wrilr , but she was good
kind and helpful , tu.d had madn
horRolf so useful among the neigh
bors , that it was not long before a
little fnuno house Hxl8 foot stood
in the center of "that thar plum
patch , " and she had a "olar deed
tow St"as she never failed tomontion
when talking to strangers about
"my place , ' ' as she loved to call it.
Thou the mother's love for her
children , and the woman's love for
the beautiful combined to make a
real homo for her babtot ; with a.\
and npadc , she cut down , dug out ,
and cleared oil three fourths of
those trees. The hazel and black
hawe burhos were thinned out and
loft. "Kaso da's nice for do ohil-
lens and birds , an deni crab apples
is mighty putty in do spring time ,
honey , and da du gess mek dciiness
sass you eber seed ; drm hickory ,
oak and elm trocs , I clone leil for
nuts and shade , an da was to big
for mo eny how. 1 kan't chop like
I could when I was a gal , do in ar
little trees done boat me out. " The
bodies and larger limbs of the trees
cut down , were cut into equal
lengths , sharpened at ono end , driv
en in to the ground around the
front half of her land. Willows ,
and small brandies of all kinds
were woven in and cut among these
stakes and then trimmed down
sinuolholy until it looked as if
basket work by the yard was on
oxibition. Ovar this basket fuioo
w IH trained , wild grnpuH , wild hops
live lingered ivy , bitter sweet ,
gourds , morning glories , cypress
vine and scarlet runners , making a
wall of beauty in summer and a
wall of safty at all times , for it was
soldo n that an arimal found its
way into her "rfoath yard. " A few
days washing , hoeing in the garden
and cooking for work hit..ds had
paid for rails to fence the bick
half nnd she was safe from outside
trouble. Every foot of that ground
was upadi'd up , roots dug out and
piled up for luel , wild raspberries
were brought from the wood and
ttained over thr fence corners ,
gravel was brought from the crook
ui pailfl and fillo.1 into a wide walk
l > * n to the gate , and scathn'd
hero , there and every where , were
bunches of spotted llllics , inomon
tary , and blue Hags from the
Sloughs , seal let Milieu , white mal-
< ows , wild oyclimon , Indian paint
root , pratrio pinkrt and snowtlako
llowors from the pnuricB , thro \
loaf lillies , violets , adder touugs ,
blue bulls , Inrk spurs , lire balls ana
do/AMio of other wild beauties from
forrest and lioM. A few plants ,
shrubs and small fruits given her
by friends and a half doznu cherry
troou of an extra variety , bought
from a neighbor and paid for by
planting and hoeing , potatoes and
corn , completed the task of trans
forming ' 'that thar plum patoh"
into a garden of beauty and profit ,
not a dollar spent for plants or
shrubs. All the work done by a
woman and two little boys , in odd
hours when she was not weaving ,
washing , scrubbing , cleaning house ,
luilping at butchering time , hoeing
in gardens or fields , oaroing for the
sick , picking corn or doing any
other work that her neighbors
wanted done , for her work was the
only way of providing for herself
andbojs. Not only was she very
succcsHtul as a homo maker , but
her love and care for such things
caused the boys to became interest
ed , and they soon learned to love
the work. The youngm- ono became
a successful grower of small fruits
and ( lowers. The older ono sleeps
io his faded coat of blue ; ho fell on
a southern battle field end his grave
is unknown. Of course 1 .know
this paper will not prove a very
valuable advorlisment for doalorti
in nursery stock , but the subject
was , "The Adornment of Kural
Homof , " and 1 know that money
for such a purpose in at any time
not easy to get , oftimos quite im
possible and nearly always looked
upon as good hard earned cash just
thrown away , which had far bolter
been used to bry a pig or calf , and
for that reason these who can not
obtain the things desired iniiHt
either Htillh all love for the beauti
ful and Huek only for the glitlering
gold , or turn to the hills and cat
yetis for such beauty as iiiUuro pro
vides , nor baa she been sparing of
bur giftn. On every side there are
tree * , plants , fruits and ( lowers that
will respond quickly and generous
ly to oaro and cultivation , true they
snem very ootumon to us but they
are beauuful nevor-tho-lesH. 1 well
remember hpw groajly wo all ad
mired the Flowing Currant that
gtew in my ( r.uid mothers garden
away back on the shores of Like
Rasmus Anderson , J. C. Moore
Heal Estate. Abstractor ,
; tf Liuiilu for fiilfl and rent in ( 'lifter county mid udjjInliiK coiiiuli' * . Kqultlcfl uud
lioii'lit | and sold AlNtrnct ptoinntly tuid lit'ntl ) made
oillcu Main Strict , Hctwi'cn 1th and Mh AVCIIUCH , Hrokcn How , Ouster county , Nebraska.
v Hr/f / .v * ' " '
KS'j : All parties indebted to the liaglo Grocery , are requested 'y ' ' *
* * il ft' : %
Jjf ; to oall and settle their account by cash at onco. I must huve ? ?
"ify mouny to pay bills , I cannot do business on wind. $ &
? ii. * . 1
Yours truly ,
m 1
W. S. SWAN , |
Proprietor , p
10 Bars of Soap for 25c , $
" ' - fr
' building > i
K1 terials at the Lowest P/ioes.
'Phono No. 70.
C. R. JUDKINS , Manager.
firio. How she pmed it , and Oh
I vniitrdo tnt the bright
fruit whuh was nlwny Hinder
indor the ban of suspiuian. But
w lain I would coax for just onu
> orry , grand inaabo always auewcr-
d , 110,110 dear they might not l > o
good for you. lu ono corner of that
anio Now York garden , Blood a few
biiBht'H whcf-o Hhiny bark , glossy
; roon loaves and long rauumos of
laintv cream white blossoms , worn
objootH of great admiration in
pring time , and in auttuu a source
of great temptation to ono little
girl who would sorrowfully watch
icr grund mother cut off the long
terns of wax IIKO fruit for fear
Curlio will oat thorn and get poison.
or ! by them. Wo don't know what
hey are. Grand pa brought thorn
'rom the west and they may bo
luadly poison , but they ave HO
> retty I can't bear to have them
leHtroyod. Yes they wuro beautiful -
ful and if I should take the fruit
'rom any of those husoes which I
wan not even allowed to touch and
show them to any child in Ouster
county and ask if they wore poison
that child would would give mo
Htiuh a look of pity , and mnro than
ikoly my answer would be , "huh I
gui'SH nit , thorns choke cherries and
wild ouronts , I've joet cat bushels
of cm , gosh but lhar big uns
hough. " 'Ihoy were largo and
leautiful , they had boon tended and
cared for , they wer < j not common in
that country and they togathor
with many other wild things will ,
if given the care bo just an boauti
'ul hero in our own gardens and
awns , and they will help to bright *
on tlio most dessolato and forlorn
spot if given just a half ohauoo.
Nothing attracts the attention of
these who pass by a homo more
juioklv or moro truthfully tells of
tustc an i finer mcnt in that homo
than nicely adorned and well kept
grounds , they improve the looks of
the country , advertise the fertility
of the soil and the industry of the
people. Increase the value of
) ropcrly and bring a bettor class of
soltlois ; tlion if we can not buy all
tliQ wonderfully beautiful things
read of in the nninberloHH catalogues
sent by dealers all ever the land , lot
UH not luavo our homos unadorned
and dro'ry looking with nothing
but absolute necouHsity to plead as
a-i excuse for thor existanoo. Let
lit * aiiswo- the ory for beauty by
naking tlio most of naturoH oil'tr-
? or there IK beauty and brightness ,
In llil lovely win lil of ourH ,
Jvi'.ii w Intur turns Hx whltencia ,
Illtll HUlltdllllO ami
Sprint ; thin1 , hmU and bnuches hlonminjr ,
llrlKut winged Kongstern nil iiltinu ,
i'cll IIR pununer llniu l ooinlm ; ,
With UH bounty ami its bloom.
Ami tlu > summer bnie/os
Over viilluy Mill and plain ,
inyn tliut nilnm < lnyn uro
Illptiiicd fruit an 1 golden grain.
Ho onch Bonnon brings Ha tronsuron ,
Freely ( Catering far nnil near.
Hleh gifts of plenty mid plenatirei ,
Glfis fur our com fort and cheer.
Tims vin're taught by natures bomi'les ,
Thnt greet ua w'icro e're wo roam ,
'IT a tiweoleht of all Ufa * dutieH ,
To ble t < inn ) brighten the homo
C. 11. CAULOS ,
lirokun Bow , Nebr.
ICiiiitiur Hvccl Vf > r Hule.
I have a limited ( | uanity of Emmer -
mer seed for sale at my farm near
Ivearnoy Nub. This now grain is
specially adapted to semi arid rc-
jions aft it ripens about the time or
before winter wheat. It stands the
early spring frosts and should ho
sowed very early. It is very nu-
trious and in excellent feed for
liorsofi , cattle and hogs. If cut
when middling green the straw
makes tine feed The yield is pro
lific. Lust scnson I rained OUO
bushels on 1 1 aorori.
Koi > sample of seed at the Ki'-
IMJIILICAN oflico , Broken Bow. 1'rico
§ 1.00 a bushel ut my farm or di1-
livered at thu depots in Kearney for
10 cents additional for two buahel
sank. It takes two bushel to the
aero if sown broad cast or ono and
o. half bushels drilled in corn
etalka or fall plowing.
31.37 Kearney , Neb ,
There is probably no disease or
condition of the human system
that , causes more miffi-nii and dis
tress than piles. TAHLlilt'H
curcH thorn quiokloy. without pain
or detention from business. Price ,
50 cents in bottles Tubofi , 75
cents. Ed. MuComaH , Broken Bow
and Merna.
Are you norvoiis. run down ,
weak and dispirited ? Take a few
doses of I1KKHINE. It will infuse
now energy , now life into the ex
hausted nerves , the overworked
brain or muscular system , and put
a now face on life and buisnesH.
Price f > o oruts. Ed. McComar ,
Broken Bow and Morna.
U , S. Land Office.
All itdvurlUemeiitH under thlH head will ho
charged for at let'al ralen , vlr. : SKOlpcr Hiiiiarn
for llrsl Inxnrllou , and MIc per bqiuiru for each
eiiiii > ciiiu it Insertion.
A "Miuare" li < leu llnof or fraction tlutreo' .
United Slates Land Ofllee. I
llrokeii Itow , Ne'.i , Koljruarv 7 , I1WJ. f
Notice h hereby k'lven that the followmK nain
ed pottler han Illud noMco of bin liituntlon to
make llnul proof lu enpport of her claim , and
that nald prrof will he iiiado boforu lleylHter and
Hei'.rher at lirokcii Dow , Nebrnnka , ou Friday ,
Mutch 'Jl. 1003 , vlr. : JKaBlU JACOItS , of Now
Helena. Nohnifkii , on her U. U , No. Wll ) , for the
\V'H Se4 ! , KVi aw'4. Becllon H , township IH. N. ,
range 'JO , went , IJtb 1 * . M. Hu nnnien the follow-
liiK wltncsheis to provo Mr contlnuoiiH rocldence
i lou and eultlvnllou uf Hand , vlMineu ; (1 (
Monluoinury , William W. Tooloy , lionnln Wnl
toil , Chnrlen S , Tooley , all of llrnlieii How , Nell.
) . "i.0 | ifi JAMI.M WIIITEIIKAII ,
United Statex l.unil Olllro /
I lucoln , Nebranka , January 8 , I'ltx ! f
Notlcu Ic hereby ihen ; thai the folloulnt ; named
"elder han llled notice o ! bin liiluntton to mtiko
llnnl proof lu cnppon of hlH claim , and thnt Hiild
uroof will tin mitdu before Mm County Jndc . at
llrokon Mow. NobritHka. on 1/elirnnry u'l , IVd' . ' ,
vi/ : JOHN ( IKOltdK HKU , , II li. No. IT.'TO ,
for thu Nel/j , 31 I ; ! ' , ' ! ) . Ho I iitucrt thu fidlowlne ;
wltntitxOM to prove Mf conllnnoiiD rCKitlonco upon
and cnlllvatlou of said bind , vl/ :
iHnac ( larlc , of Kddyvllln , Nnbraflkn ; f.twrcnra
Clnrk of hddyvlllo , Ni'liriiskn ; 1'rmik Mutchle , of
Kddy > IlliNebraska. . John Mulchle , of Udily
vlllo , Nebraska. JV. . JOHNSON ,
U-m : I Ki-KlKtor. Klatoa Land Olllco , I
llroUun llo , NebraBkn , January ' 1'MI. \ . f
Notleo IH heruhy nlven that HID followlni ; nnm
> k tiuttler IIIIB llled notice of litn Intention to
nuke final proof lu support of bla claim , and
hut nald proof will he inuilu before Iti > ) > lKt r and
( ecelvor at Broken Dow , Nebraska , on February
ft. IOIB , viz : JOHN T. MACKllY , of We ter-
vdlii. NcbriiBku. for ilio II. K. No. 1311 , N" ,
, i-cctlon Si ( , township 17 , N , raiije ] Hwc i
He nnin.'s the folloHlug wltiiCBHeh to provo
continuous rcnldcnco upon and cnltlratlnn of
Niild land , vi/ :
Robert J. Mills , John 1' . Hil'itier , OcorRu W.
Wolsli , CUrtncu Mackey , nil of Westervllle , Nc-
1 ; I7-K llegintor
United Htates Land Oflico , I
llrokenliow , Mobraskn , January 10 , UMI f
Motico Ig hereby nlven that thu following named
LNHidtler IIHB llled i.otlcuof bin Intention to make
liul pninf In Nupport of IIB | claim , aud that xald
iront will bo made before IlcglMler and Uecolver ,
ill llrokeii Cow , eb , , on WediiiKdiiy. February
JJ ( HIM , via : FKKD 8.NYDICH , ot Mllbiirn , Neb ,
mhlBll.K. No. Wl. for the. SeW 8w , Sw
u1. ! , HCdlon IT. , N'j Nei-j , Mellon " 7 , towiiehlp
JO , N. , ranyeU'l , W , Cth 1' . M , Hu naiiien the
following wltnoHNeH to i rove hlH continuous
renhliuicc upon and cultivation of aald laud , via :
Marlon S. lully , Hubert Farley. Sutton 1 elerc ,
lohn llullnmti , all of Mllburn , Nebraska.
ll-ii : ( a JAIUHViinKiiitAi ) . Kctjlstcr.
[ n the District Court , Cutter Conntv , Nubrnnlcn ,
Vivian 1'oland. plalntlll , VH. Oluf Dahl
Dahl , his wlfo , llrst naino unknown , nnd ChrlK-
tlnn WuKcnor , ilefcndantH
Oluf Dahl , Dahl , hlH wife , llrht iiaino un
known , and ChriBtlaii WnKonar , ilcfoudautB , will
Inkii notice that on the -din day of January IU03.
Vivian I'oland , plulntlll herein , llled bis petlilon
lu thu dlntrirt court of Cnetor county Nehrnfkii ,
iiHainut said difeudants , thu object and prayer f
wldeh If to fun clone a certuln tux lion on the
southeast in rtcr , northwest quarter ; and lolu
two ami tureo In xccllou llvo , in towiuhlp
tuenty , north of ran o olicliteeii , of Oth I' M. , in
( 'ncter comity , Nebrauku , utidur a prlvatu tax
nalo had Au unr 7 , IK9 ! ) . and Hnb > ( quent UXUH
with Interim penalty , attorneyn le s , nnd ciuts
Minountiny to f I0i : in and Intercft at ten per cent ,
from January ' < , \'M' \ . and cost * otxiilt. 1'lalntllf
prays for a deereu that the defendant ! be ruinlrud
to pay the mime or that the premises tuny be i-olil
to hiitlef ) the amount found dau.
You , nnd ouch f you , are required to nnswer
ruld petition on or heforo tlio lUth day of Mjirb.
IW-i Dalcti January 37 , IUOS2.
VlTIAN 1'OI.ANI ) . I'lallltlll ,
p , ' Hy A. h. MOON , JIU Mly.
Notice li < littri by t'iven , that by virtue of an or
tier of ealn , Innueii to mu from thu Dlelrlct I onit
of Cuetor couniy , Nebraulia , upon u decree uf
( orccloHiiro rendered In Bald court , at the Febru
ary. IWKJ , term thereof , to-w It on thu stith ! day
ot Kuuruaiy , ( .UK ) , In favor ot Arthur U. llroun ,
F A. htack and \Vllllum H. Wllnoii , pUlritiir ,
andnKaliiHt 1'mur J. Fran/.en , Mury k. Fraiueii ,
Fountain M. Hliorpu , Tonu A. iliarpe , Ids \\lfe ,
and Wlllbim DoerlnK and Couipnn ) , drfundiinlr > .
1 have lovlod upon the folloulnt , ' dt-vrrlbud r < al
totalu. to Mlt : All of bloc * Hevun in OKU
l.iwla' addition to thu town of llrokon How , Nn-
braska , and I will , ou the 17th day of Murch ,
I'JIU , at two o'clock p. m. , at the caul front don
of thu court homn , in the city of llroken Hou ,
Nebrmku , In Bald county , Mil bald reul dilate at
public auction to thn hlxhOHt bhlder for iath , to
> ntlHty bald dturee , Intereit and coatf , the
uinouut due thereon amounting io thu MIIII of
JI.ITOIK ) with 111 per cent Intercut from Fehruuiy
'iith , 1UW ) , ami court co > is aiuoiinllnt ; to t'il is
and accruing COSIB. Suld abo\u dencrlbud ruai
cnUlo will tie cold itubjcct to ill prior
lleuBauulncnmhMU < 108 , as per curtlUcateii ou tlio
in dlatrlo't clurk'iolllce , Dated thU 13lhdayof
Nebrutry , 1V > 3 WILLIH CADUKLL ,
Mubtor lu Chancery.
A. U , IIuuruuEV , Attorney.
My entire stock of clothing. Big cut in priced
of Ladies Bhous to reduce the atook. Conio and
Imvo your numsuro taken for n
Prices From $8.5o Up
As Good As You Want.
Don't forgot that wo
at Cash Prices , and pay the
Highest Market Prices for Produce.
Broken Bow , Nobraska.
IIIDW FOR inunuus , um
Notice IH hereby Klrvli that mmlm !
will bo rutclvod ivt th uillru of tlio uounty ck-rlt ,
nt Ilroiioii How , CiiHtur rounty , Ni'lirn ku , for
firnluliliiK all nuUorlat , mid for the oractlon uud
completion ot nil cnniuy brliku-fl rcqulrcfl liv
Hvister cotintVi from Mnrrh IU. IlKU , to Mnrch I'J ,
1'iUll All bills inupt bn by thu lluiml foot of
lirnlKU anil nil wooduu brlilucx muni bn of Oregon
Mr throiiKlioiil with Il-iucli lloor plaukH. A cortl-
llml chi'tk of IMii ) iniiHt xccompitny ciu'h bid ,
I'lane ml HH'olll | ritloii8 to ho ftirnlhliOil by hid-
( IctH. AH hld to bo Hied at Ilio ciiiiiuy c.liTk'n
olllcti by Io'clock noon on Ilio llth ! itny of
Mmrli , U'UJ. ' The lionril rc orvuit the rlirhl to
reject HUT or nil bbln. Dated thin 2"th day of
January , 100lly onlur of thu comity board
GKO. W Dicwicr , County ( Merk.
: l-U : ! 10 lly Jos. I'IOMAN , Dnimty.
UOAII NoTlllli.
To whom U m V cuncurn :
Tlio eiiininl'Bloner uppoliitcd to view a mail
roiiimoiii'liiK two rndrtiinpt of HIM Nw corner of
thu HeU of Hcclloii 2M , lowuclilp III , north of
ranKU- < Hill I' . M h'rdm Hlatlon I Houlh LM
chnltiH to Klallon 1 ! . from station U eolith ' , ' ( ) elialim
to elation I ) Hlallou : i IK tlio li corner between
sections 2t nnd ! KI towurhtp ID. riuiK"l ; , wuHl
Gth 1' . M , and to vHcatti ruitd biiKlnnlui ; at Nw
eornnr , Se > 4 , huction US , townchlp 10 , raiiKU U > l.
thenf.o ' ,3 mlle between He'i mill No > i of Huetlou
'M , towiiHhtp 111 , iaiiu-il. | ; has reported lu favor
of rslnlillHliliiK and vacatliiK thu road thorcof.aiid
nil ohjectioiiH thuretu , or ehiluin for dnimiKi ,
iiuiKt lie lllul In ( lit' county clHru'H ollloo on or nu-
fore liniiu of thu 71th iluy of March , IUOJ , or HUCI
roud wll. bu ( > * liilillHhud without r furunun there
to. In wltii i H whuioof , 1 Inivo hereunto nut my
hand and x al of enUl couuly , tliln ISili dny of
January , UH . UKO. W. DKWKV ,
lU-liri b County I'lfrk
In the IHMrlct Court , Cusler County , Nehmglin.
John Cnlller , plalntlll , VH , llunlel llarrlr. , etui ,
delundadlH ,
'I'o Caiolluo llai'Ki'r , and llawoi't M'liosi *
llrm naino In uoknou u , but who in thu liUHhmiil of
tin * HiUd t'nrollao HneKer , nou-rtislilontihift'iidnuiH
You , and i > Hch of > ini , will aku notlcu that on
the Hid. day of fehruury 1WW , the plalulll ! .loliu
( Miller 111DI 1 hlH petition lu the District Court of
C'.ii < ter County , Nebrti kn , iiKalnsl you and each
of you , and oilier dcfenilnii1 > s thu object .mil
irayerof which are to foreclose too certain
niuriKHKKA cxecilltil by Daniel linriln and Kato M
llnrrlB to thu IOWA AlortKaKD Co , both of which
morti/nK1' ! * uro now owned and held by tinld pluln-
tlll , find the flrnt of > nlil moriuiKUK WHH Klvru by
the ald Uanlel HltnU and Knto M. Harrl * to
mid lowiiMorlKaKxi'o upon the N U. > j of
Section IS , TowiiHlilp 1" , llaiKO 17 In UiiHtcr
I'ountr , NebniHka , totecure thu utiyimmt of a
certain note for the fluiu of SWKl.fifl dated AllKUitt
It ! IKH7 , duu hentoiulicr 1 , IrtiU Thorn K n w
iluo upon nld luorlKKffu IliHl menlloned { 5N.XJ *
\\lth Interest ihervoii at 10 per icnt from Septum-
hei ltd , 1HD2 , and Bald oilier inortKnKM mcutluiicd
and di corlbed lu Ull.t petlilon \\UH 1'ivcn to
eccuretlio imyment of a unto of $ XUO ) dated
December Hint , I'M ! ) dun January I , ! HU.ri , and
eald morlijnue. WIIH RiTen upon the S W. U of
Stcllon IT , Towncblp 17 , Kniine 17 In dialer
County , NohrnHka , and tliero IH duo upon tald
IhRt melltluniil notu , tlio xnin of $ .riTN.UU ) to 'ellior
with Interest thurvon from th llmt day of Jnn-
uury 1803 , nnd for whUh Id HIIIIIH wltb Interest
thereon , pUlntlif pruyn that rnld mortii rn may
ho foreclosed and thu Huveral Hiuiib duo upon xnd !
twu notCH ftnil'iniirtnea | ; ) ; humtuitrUtlned and llxed
by tbii Court and decreed to hn HrKt mortKBgo
liens upon gald Hi'Tiirnl trnctH ol laud and thit It
bu decried that thedefeudautii hn reiiilred | fo pay
cald eeveral BUIIIH. togutlior with liuuroet tliercou
ami tnn coets i.f thlH suit , within twenty duyn
from thu datK "f ilio entry of tliu dccreu * tu thl.V
caeior In default thereof , that t-ald preiuUHH
mav bu KUVI rallyappinl e < l nnd smd by thuiherllT
UK upoiuxcullon to ratlcfy i-aul aevcral umountB
ro duo.
You and onoli of you are iniutred to answer
sJld petition on or before Mommy thu tilth day
of MNICU llKtt
Diitnl l''ohruary : ird lUO'J.
JOHN Coi.t.iKr. . IMaliitilt
31 a I a IlyC. 1 > . ( luTrciii'oM.
IIU Attorney.
In Hi" ttlittrlct Court of ( Junior County , Nobrnnko'
Clmile * < ! . lianlncr , nlfiliillll , vs. Andrew J
Morrlll , Mm. Andruw J. Morflll , Ms Wlfo.defen-
'I he' above named defendant * , nnd ench of them ,
will take not cu that on thu 'J-'ml day of
.liuiiiary , 1WW , ilio plalntlll herein , ( . 'barles V
Oiinlner , llled In the dlnlrk't court , of Ouster
county. Nebraska , hln petition iijjulnHt you , anil
e ieb ot you. UB defendant * , the object and nruyur
of whleh IH to forecloioa certuln lax nalo uuitl-
tlottUil-iHtiedhy -treanurcr of Canter county ,
Nebraska , on the llrd day of April , IbO'J , of which
thu nlHivu named plaintilf U now the owner ami
holder , and upon which there U now duo the HUIU
01 Jjn.v'l , and cnverli'K tuu following du eriheil
UimlBe , to wit LOIH out * ( ) and nix (0) , In
block eltjht ( ) . In the original town ot Sargent ,
Vi.braBka. The ubo\e named plalntlll prays for a
decree of foreclomwo and for the mlo of the
> buvu ( lercrllcl prcmlneH tocatlnfy the amouut
foild duo and the Inlcrci'l and oont" of mill.
You uru r ( | Ulrril to anfwer suld petlHon on
Mend iy. Ih : ) rd d..y of Murcb , IUOU
Dattd at llrokou How. Mi h a kn. this 'Jilid day
of January , IW > J. A. It , HUMI-IIUBY ,
U. ' S5-U Attorney for I'lainillT
onisH V. Turner , l-'ophU Turner , his wlfo ,
A br ft Inn TtB/icI , otherwlnu known ttn AlMrulmin
CB/el. Jainoii K. Uonham , Mra. llonhani , hl
imknown Jamea Wall-
\Hfe.llrHtiindroul nanif ,
Ink' , Idi'holiilllnn , III" wife , John C. Honnllct ,
AIIIIU Item did , hl wile , diruuilKmn , and eiuh of
them will take notUis that thn Union Trum
Company of New \ifik , Trii"len plalutlll , him
flled Us petition in ttiu ll tilit Court of the
county of Cuhtur. Htnte of SohniaUa , aKalnst
ion Impleadoil wlih County of Ciulor and othnri- ,
the object unit prn > erot which IH to foretloi-o n
muiluai'e ixecuttMl by ThoiniH K. Turner nnd HUH
to the American l..i u A 'IIU-.1 Compuiiy. uiion
the liu t half nf the Norihwem ( iuatt.-r , nnd Ulu
one and two ull in hK lion Mivmi , Township liiur
teen , North , Itunuro twenty two \Vtnt , in tun
County ol Ciiut'ir , state ot Nebraska , Io Kecnro
the pHviiRiilof one note d U'd June U , 1 7 , for
jj-aojiluc on April I. IhW , that said nolii and
mortirauearo now ii m l by 'aid pUintlll , and
that there U due thereon , and also for tHXfb upon
oa.d liroptrti paid by thu plmnllll , pursuant to
HiiiruiMiiu * "f s ld nun ! , ilio ( turn ot
StM 'JC' , torvliHh BIIIU. wlih Inlcrent ami co t ,
pUlntillprajB for a dt-rrce , and that the promises
ilehcrlhed mav h.i m-ld to Haui-fy mild iiinouiit.
You hro rtijulred to aucwir cald petition on or
boforu llui lUth day of Mareli , llkW.
Dated lliln the -Jili day ot January , 11WJ
uf Ne York , TrilB'i'tf , I'UlnUU.
.n lly MoNT.iouieiiv & lUtt. ,
JAJIES LKUVMCU , Attorney t.
lu the DlHtrlrl Courtof Cnnler County.Nebrank * .
Jiiiiie N Clark , liecelvor Nolirinkn Lonli & 1
Co. , pluintlir , TH. U. W Swaimoii , Mary K.
ion , bin wlfn. ( J. < ) Morrkon , CharlcR LOB-
onhy.U. F. Uoundaliuili , Harah Kouniliihuuli ,
bin wlfo. audit II. Davis , defendants.
The ahovu nnined defendant * , anil eneb of
them , will take nollco that on the 25lh day of
July , IWH. the plalntlll herein , .lumen N. Ohvrk ,
Recolvur , filed lu the illntrlot ttourt of Ouster
county , Nebraska , bin pulitlon agilniit yon , mid
each ot YOU , a * defendant ) * , thu object nnd prn > or
of whlcli Is to forocloiti a certain uiortK Ka Hlvc.i
to necuro thu payment of ton promlfcory notcrt
of tbi ) ilefendiintK tj.V. . BwaniHiu and Mary 1C.
Swaiii < iMia.iioiintlni ; to the mini ot JU ) M ) aud
falllim due ono eneli elx months from December
let , IbU'i. each notu for ft ) U. ) , which the nbOTB
iiiiiiied phtlntlll IA now thu owner and holder , anil
upon wiilrli there In now dun tlio aniii of $10150 ,
l covering thu following dmcrlbcd
lo-wlt : Tin ) Miutliwext ( pinrter , of xictlon " 7 , lu
towiihldp 15 , range IH , In OiMcr county , Ne
braska Tim above niiurd plalutltl praynlorn
decree ot forrcloniiro mid for Iliu ale of tlio
above described promlcoa to MitMv the amount
lound oiin mid thu InttnHl and CUHIH.
You iiru reqnlreil to answer bald petition ou
Monday , the ; ird day of March. IUOJ
Dated at llrnkon llmv. Nohriinki , thls' nil iay !
of Jauuiiry , IUO. , Joits.M UAIIAH , and
A. It UtiHi-iiiisr.
! li-Vi-7 Altyn. for 1'li'il.
Wenloy MnllHt , Klla M. , llatvey K.
Chapliiftiid Mrw llnrrey K. Chapln , wlfo of Har
vey It. Chnptu , dcfuinlants , will Uko notice llmt
on thu mh day of Kobnmry , UKl-J , Ullza A. llullln ,
plalntllt herein , llled her petition In the district
court of Cnstcr county , Nobranka , nKalimt tald
( IcjfeniUntH , thu object and prayer of wnlch am to
foiecloHu a cuitaln inortK l.'O deed , eiccuted by
naldVei < ley Mallelt and Klla Mallolt Io and lu
fuvor of ilio Ncbranka Murtgnuo and Truil C(4ii.
pany coi.vcyliii ; the eaxt half of the norihimtt
and I lie eiict Imlf of thu soiitlionat ijuartur of nec-
tlonMI lu lowUhhlp ai , north of rmiRU 1 , went
of Otb P , M. . In NuliraaUa , to lecurutho payment
of ono certain real entato Urnt mort a ii Inn d In
thn Hum of .ffiix ) , dnlpd on the Mill day of January ,
1HNI , duo and pinnble on the Hut ( lay uf Kebru-
ary , IrilTi , wl h lidiiroxt ttiuroon at the riitu of 7
per cent per aniiiiin , lluirn i now duo said
bond thu eald film of fVXJ , with Interest tbereou
from the llrft duy cf Februury , lft 5 , t lie rnte
of ten per cant per annum ai.d the following
noteit thu HRIIIO being Intereit coupon noten. to-
wit : NotuH deb KehriiHrr and AiiKunt , IbUI.Kobr-
nnry and Auguit , 1KU' ' , Kubrtiary and AugURt ,
I8' ) , Kohnmry and Anrnct , IBDI , and t'ebriiary 1 ,
IBUfi , each lu the sun of 817 M and drawliiK Intur- ,
ewt from thu maturity of each thereof at the ratu
of 1U pur cunt per annum , for whlcli Bald er-
oral Hiunn thu platnlfT urays for a decree that the
defendant ) ) ho required to pay thu numu or that
Bald preinlBcp may bo nold to satl-fy tiiu amount
fouu.l due
You aru reijulrnl to auiiwer vald potltlnn on or
before thu 17lh day uf March , IWl
Dated thin i ! Ill day of February , IWH.
KLI/.A A. HUI.I.IH , flalntlll ,
31-27 11 Ily JAMEU I.icuwioii.
Her Attoruey
I > cf > vur.
llulte ,
Sit. , . znrtiaiit
ICtlllNHN Malt I.ulte City ,
HI.iL.oulH. Anil Him I'miiclHuo
All t'OllltH ItUHt AlKl All ItilirtM
Allll Hlllltll Went.
No. 13-VmllhuUdoiprcnB dally , Lincoln , Onm-
ha , at. .loflypn , Kaiidds City , it. Loula , did
ungo and all points uustnnd Honth.ll p.m.
No.14 l.ocnl uzproci iitilly , Lincoln , Omaha ,
Ht. Joaepb , Kansoa ( Hlv , Ht , lxuU , C'lilca o
and all iiolnts eaat and aoutU ( I SU aw
No. 40 Freight dally , lUvunna , Urund iHlnnd ,
Aurora , Uewardand Lincoln Q0ilaui
No. 48 Freight , natty except Sunday , Itavcnin
and intermulUtc polnte , I Lfi pm
No. 11 VeBtlbnlOil eipreefl daily , lluloim , HOtU-
Ho , Unite , I'ortlii-Jd nnd ull 1'aclllc Coast
pointH 4UUam
No -Local oxprerB dally , AlllancH and
hltermedlato uolntb 1J 40 am
No , 45 FrulKht dullyHops only Ansulmo Sonect ,
Whltnmu and Alllauco lU&Hi\m
No. ' 17 Freight , dally except tinuday , HMICC *
and intormedlate points. , l:3hpiu :
Sleoplnt ! , dlt.liiK and reclining elmircura ( Huats
free ) on tnriuuh traiiiK. Ticked bold and bag *
KaKO chocked Ui any point In tin United SUttui
and L'auaila ,
No. 4H IIIVB mtrc.liinilUu cari < Tuesiliys , Than-
ilnjn and Saturdays ,
No , 4i ! wli carry paesorccr * for Rnvouni
Uraud Inland , Howard and Lincoln.
Information , niupHi llmu Uiblei and ticket
call on or wrlto to 11. L. UriuHby , t 'eut , or J
Kranuls , O. 1' . A. , Ouiuhu. Nobrauka ,
11. L , OuHritir , AKont.
i'oiicb for \Tent will eluBi ) in H p. ui , except
Sunday wluin It will eloDc. utHMS p ru ,
1'oncli , oa > l for train No. 4'olos at 8 am
and foi No. II dote * ut , L.HU a.m. Mad for Analoy
and poliiln uust of Urand laluud c.rrlud ou tralu
No 41.
Oronto rla ot Uyno and Tiickervllle , dully except -
cept Sunday clo ea , at 7 a m : rclurnlnif xatuo day
Cadatvay via , Mc'Kinley diliy U\I.LI < I Sunday
closua at 7 a in , returning sumo day.
Hound Valley > lit Ureen and-Klton clobu at 7 k
m , Tuciday , Thursday and Saturday r , returning
Hairti day.
Kumnor via Ourn uy , Ucorgetown and Uptoa
arrrlvOAatll 3D , Tnepilay Tnursdaj aud batur-
day returnliiK lonve ut 12.U eamu day.
omcjhoiira from 8 l a mto8.HO p in 9uu-
dayB from 6:15 : p. m. to CM1 ! p. m. Lobny oiion
week day j from 7 a. HI. to 8 p. m 6undtt a > JU
a. m tow a m. Oeneral duiUnry not open Suu
day morning heretoforu. L. U.Jswnrr , l'M'