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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1902)
TER COUNTY BEPUBLICAN. v/OL / , XX , BROKEN BOW , CUSTEH COUN1Y , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 13 , 1902-EiGHT PAGES , NO , 35 Jillfllt OllO.UO , till ) > . ! ( ' .It Inwjor ( jinlor. hnviiiu IIMIVIM ! uf i1 il-B gliti d njo. It1 o nniuy oilier"uid nut wini. to nao ulnsst'f. A I'L'rtaiu nulge , ho- J fniiM\l.dll iiiappcnrcii quite ol'.on , obHeruiitf liow Mr. Glioato held his MBS at arni'n I length nnd then read with dif ficulty , Raid : "Mr. Olioato , I would advise you to net ono of twolhinga , cither a pair of or u pnir of ylnsscp. " Which will you huvo ? I of C'hlciiL'o Outhnlmlc College. School Hooks , Tablets AND School Supplies , AT J , G. Haeberle's : If you want -coal quick , oall 'Phono 79. Foit SALK Barn , KixlS feet. J , A , AKMOUU. 1-10 tf Snyder Bros , have a large assort ment of winter goods that they are closing out al bargains. For Sak Ono registered Abhor deen bull. S. L. GLOVRH&SON. 1 30 4t Woisfiort , Nebraka. When you want a physic that is mild and gentle , ensy to take und pleasant in ell'oct UFO Chamberlain's Stoniuuh and Liver Tabletn. Price , 25 cents. Sample free. Kvery box guaranteed. For sale by J. G. Hubherle. Colloiu makes an Assignment. A A Collom ban made an assign ment of his stock of grocerivs to his creditors He retains the book accounts. We understand the creditors have appointed .1. A. Farrell as assignee. En. RKfuiiLiCAN. In your issue of January iiOlhan editorial appears upon the question of the advisability of calling a ono days SOHSIOII of a "Farmers " the Instituto"upon ques tion of "forage cropn. " I think the above Hibjeot ono of great impor tance to the farmers ot CuHter coun ty and heartily concur in the views as ( JxprosHcd by the "practical farm er. " Custer county is all right for what it is intended for. Lot us get together and dioouss this important question. J. G. PAINTRR. Don't lot the hand of tune pimt wrinkles on your face. Keep young , by keeping the blood pure and the digestive organs in n l-oallhful condition. IIERBINE will do this- Health is youth , dis ease and sickness brings old age. Price , 50 cents. 13d. McComas , Broken Bow and Morna. Clias Red fern of Ooonto was n hiittinrH * caller Fr.dny. O. G. Smith of Merua , was a pleasant caller Tuesday. Will if- Cad well left on a business trip to Fremont this morning. If 3 on intend to build call at Dierks Lumber Co. and gel prioer. Money loaned on improved farms , JAM us LKDWICII , 7 18 tf Broken Bow , Nebr. Albert Swiok called MonJay and had his name enrolled for the Ric Ed. Ilaumont of Elton , called Alondpy and ordered the REPUBLI CAN sent to his address. A. II. Poster of Myrtle township , was a city visitor yesterday. Tin * ollico acknowledges a pleasant call. John ftlulvanoy of Mason City was in the oily Monday an a mem ber of the G A It , Relief Commis sion. sion.A. A. J Johansonthe accomadating clerk in MeComas' drug store left Monday night on a visit to Oakland to visit his parents. Ho will return Sunday night. Libby Brenizor came up Monday night from Lincoln to spend a few days ? t home , as this is charter week at the University her re Dilations are omitted. E. J.Thomas left Tuesday nij/hl on a visit to Kansas City to see his son snd other acquaintances in that burg. Ho does not expect te be gone more than a week or two. N. B. Predmoro of Woht Union was a friendly caller at this otlicc Monday. Ho war in the city to attend the meeting of the G. A. R relief Commission of which be is : > member. When pain or irritation exists on any part of the body the application of-BALLARD'S SNOW LJNI- MENF will civo prompt relief. Price , 26 and 50 cents. Ed. Mo Comas , Broken Bow and Morna. F. II. Reed and wife of Arnold wore visitors in this city the first of the weekthey Were gueHlH of J. C. Robinson. Mrs. Reed i the pro- priotorets as the Kingman Hotel at Arrold. She had this ofli-jo print meal tickets for her while her. MAKRIRU Welch Sigournoy , at the M. E. parsonage yesterday Ruy J ? , Welch and Miss Valley V Sigouruoy both of Borwyn. Rev , Geo. P. Trites ollioiathg. The REPUBLICAN nonpatulatcH tbo high contiacting parties and wish them long lives of prosperity and liappi ness. Chas. Pcnncommandmcnt of the Soldiers Home at Mil ford was IP the city a couple of days the latter port of laist week While hero he disposed of $2700 worth ot mining stock in the Black Hills. He stillB owns enough of the stock to make him rich should the mines developo what its promoters anticipate. Nervous children arj almost al ways tbin children. The "out.door- boy" is soldon norvoup. W HITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE is the best preventive of nervousness. It strengthens the system and assists to that sort of llesh , which creates strength and power of endurenco. Piite , 25 cents. Ed McComas , Broken Bo.v and Merna. E F. Ban in an of Wayne town ship was a friendly caller at this cilico Friday. Ho has boon a resi dent of the county fourteen years but it was his first visit to the city. He came on business relating to the county records. Ho cxpreHsed himself very favorably impressed with the county seat and its people the county olhVors and especially of the cordial treatment ho received in the oflio'j of register of deeds. Dr. Hunna of Aneley was a city visitor jestorday , Chas. Redforn of Ocouto was a welcome caller at this office Inst Tuesday. FOR RRNT a well improved farm , JAMES LKDWICII , Broken Bow , Neb. J. II. II ser of Ansloy has accep ted u position as travling Salesman lor the Deering Harvesting Co. 1 have for rent 100 acres of good corn ground three and a half miles from Broken Bow. J. G. PAINTER , Miss Delia Prottyman and Ralph of Comstook wore married on the 27th of Januprj by Judge Armour. Mr. Scott has moved on to the Harry Hammond larin in Union Valley , recently purchased by D. W. Rockwell , A. T. Sims , landlord of the Col. tago Hotel at Ansloy has quit the hotel business , with the intention of moving on his farm five miles south east of this city. A teachers meeting will bo hold at Oconto SaturdayFeb. 22 , commenc ing at , 10 n , m. Another will be hold al Mcina , Saturday , March 1. Interesting programs have boon arranged. Finance committee of the county board has been chocking up the ex treasurer M. E. Schneringer this week. The members of the oom- millee are G. II. Thorp , J. W. Con- lev and II , P. Savage. Mr ) . A. Moore , who has been in Iowa for several months , has re turned to Callaway , with her son , Clark , where Mr. ftlooro ban again located in business. Their daugh ter , Lena , is teaching in Iowa. E. R. Douglas of the firm of Kastham & Douglas purchased Mr , Eantham's interesl in the Com mercial Livery & Feed barn last Monday. The UICIHIHLIOAN wishes Mr. Douglas abundant success in i ho business. G. W. Newton a merchant of Blair is in the oily with the view of locating in the uoncral merchandise business. Mr. Newton was formerly a resident of this , county , a first class citizen and wo would bo pleased od to have him locate. Warran Lang , of the West Table accompanied by his father G. L. Lang of Lbiiox Iowa made this of. lice a friendly call last Friday. Ilia father and mother who have been visiting in this county the pasl three weeks loft Friday night for their home in Iowa. Arrangements are being made to hold a Farmers Institute in Broken Bow. March 5 , afternoon and even ing , by the request of E. A. Bur nett , superintendent of tbo Depart ment of Farmers Institutes of the State University. Chancolor An drews and Dr. Peters Will bo here. riH Troll as Supt. Burnett , if wanted , provided ihoir dates do not conflict. frank G. Stephens , son ol Iho propriolor of Iho Crole Nurseries , is here in Die interest of Ins firm , .uid will endeavor to call on all who are interested in trees , small fruits and ornamontalH. While the responsibility of most nurseries ends with the delivery of the trees the Crete Nursero has always bp- lieviul ( hat the Nurseryman should do more for the planter than sim ply to supply the trees , by helping him to grow them. For this pur pose Mr. Stephens will also call personally next hiiimnor on each customer who buys of him , to re place any trees that may not live , and to suggest the most sucoesiful malhods of onllnre. Ho brings the beat of recommendations and testimonials from the North Loup and Middle Loup valleys where ho has followed this plan for six yo.'irs It pays to buy of one who takes a personal interest in your success. S. P. GROAT & CO. Wish to call attention to their hrge stock of Hardware , Furniture , Qtieensware , Wagons , Buggies , Barbed Wire , Nails , Etc. C ® " Wo soil the Universal Stoves and Ranges the Best Made. 'Parties buying stoves and rangob from us , will save half of their money. Sportsman come and got Blue Rook Pigeons of us. Wo are going to soil several carloads of Wagons and High Grade Buggies al a J , A. Evans of Spring Crook was a city viBitor Saturday. MifiH Dellia Richtmyor of Anslcy commenced a two months hchcol in Iho Union Valley district Monday. Mrs. Mary Brown wont to Lin coln yesterday morning to visit her BOH Mike , who is in the employ of Dierkrt Bros. F. II. Young loft Tuesday night on a business trip to Now York City , Ho will probably bo gene a couple of weeks. ! A teachers mooting was held at Ansloy last Saturday , Supt. Lewis and Ex-Supl. J , J. Tooloy wore in attendance Irom ibis place. Dr. Talbol and sons have 400 head of cattle at JossGandy's ranch HIX miles south west of town. They are in charge of George Overtoil. Mrs. C C. Biggerstaff recently bought a quarter section of land in Tappcn Valley , owned by Judge Holoumb. Considoralion $2-100. Minn , Lillie Adams of Saunders County arrived in this city last Thursday night on avihit with her sister Mrs , L. A. WollH jusl west of lown. Howard Kerr of Ansloy a mem ber of Co. M. of Iho firsl Nebraska regiment who was wounded in Iho Phillipine Islands ban been awarded a pension of $0.00 a month , with $152 back pay. Parties wishing to buy cattle to put on the spring range will do well to investigate the advertise ment of Thuet Bros , , Union Stock Yards , South Omaha , which appears in the RUPUIU.ICAN. Dr. C. W. Hakes has an article in this isHiiuo criticising the state ment filed by sheriff Armstrong. We auggcflt to the county board that it contains charges that calls for a thorough investigation , Dave Hillivan , who left Sargent for Idaho a few years ago. has re cently struck it quite rich out there. He writs that ho has boon prospect ing for gold lalely , and ho and two oi'iit-r parties recently sold one claim for 30,000. Ho still has six claims of his own and an interest in over twenty more. Ho is now out prospecting for the company thai bought his mine. The claims are located in the Thunder Moun tain region about 180 miles north of Boise. Davo'n many friends will bo pleased to hear of his good fortune. Sargent Era. The party is a brother to B. W. Hillivan ot this city. Another Hank Deal. Tuesday the Ansley Banking- Co , of which C. J. Stevens was president and P. M. Rublee vice president sold to the new firm , The Ansley State Bank. The members of the new Bank arc P. II. Young- , president ; T. L. Varncy , vice president ; C. Mac- key , cashier ; and B. J. Ticrney. Tlie new organisation began business on the 11 , but the old firm will continue for a time un til it gets the business of the old linn in shape to turn over to the new bank. P. H. Younjj is president of the Custer National Bank and is well known to the people ple of Custer county. T.T.Varney is the Postmaster at Ansley and is a successful business man and very popular in that vicinity. C. Mackey luu > been eng-agcdin bank ing previously and is one of Cusler county's successful business men. Per some time after coming ingto the county he did a private banking business of his own at Westcrvillc. The KKPUHUCAN predicts a successful career for the new firm. We understand the President of the Ansley Banking-Co. , C. J. Stevens will continue in business in Ansley where he still owns a store , the llowering- mill , the electric light plant , besides a number of farms in the vicinity. LOW BtATKM NOIt'ri\Vlr.H'r. Via llurlinirtoii itoiitu. To HIlllnCK , Mont $15 ( XI To Coily , wyo . . . IS 7d To Helena anil HiiUo 'JU 00 To Spokane , Was W 6u To Portland Tncomn , Heatttr and ItoeHluncl BO 26 00 Above I'HteH will be in elleut evury day in March and April from Missouri river terminals and from nearly all stationR on U. & M. II. H. A wonderful opportunity to vUit the Northwest. The Uiu' Horn Uaeinof Wyoming ia a country of reivt reaoureeB and now un developed. It baa just l.een made ac- cosBiblo hy a new line of the Burlington Route , and presents ninny attractions to the houu'.secker Folder on liig Horn Rusin free on re quest. For tickets , rates , or additional in formation anply to nearest a ent , Hurlington Route , orvrito to ,1. FllANClS , General 1'ABBenuer Agent. 85.40 Omaha , Nebr. Clturcli Hervlcun. llAl'TIBT UIIUUCIl. Preaching service both morning and evening by Rev. Richards , at , 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. The pub lic is cordially invited. KPIHCOl'Al , OIIUHCII. 1st Sunday in Lent , February 10 , morning service nnd sermon at 11 a. m. Vcppor sotvico and sermon at 7:30 : p. m. All are cordially in. vitod. Walton Hall Doggott , rec tor. u.n ciiuitcii. Revival meetings are now in progress at the Jackson cchool house 5 miles east of town Services each evening inclu ling Sunday evening at the church in town preaching morning and evening. Morning subject , "A Mocsogo to the church , " In ihe evening J. R. Sirool IB to proaoh. The pastor will preach at Custer Center at 3 p. m Sunday. A cordial welcome to all these services. H , E. Myers , pastor. M. 1C. ClIUKCII. Soryiccs in the M. E. church Sunday morning and evening at 11 a. m. and 7:30 The special effort oonlinuos Lot all who can come. At the evening service MIHS Hannah Lyle will sing , "Tho Holy Cily. " Gee , P. Tritos , Pastor. UIIUIBT1AN C1IUKOH. Simvioun Bible School , Sunday , 10 a. m. Lords Suppor. Sunday , 11 a. m. Preaching , Sunday , 11:110 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Y. P. S. C E. , Sunday , 0:30 : p. m. Prayer meeting , Wednesday , 7:30 p. m. SuiuucTri Bible School Lasson "Tho Second Persecution , " Acts , 5:2r12. : . Y. P. S. C. 1C. topic : "Tempted and Tried , " II Cor. 1013 ; ; Hob. 2:17181:1510. : ; : . Prayer meeting , topic : "Method of Gospel Expansion , " Acts 1:0 : ; Mall. 28:10-20 : Morning sermon : "Scriptural Purpose and Method of Giving. " Evening sermon , "Hoiip- tural Basis of Christian Union. " AH are cordially invited to any and ' all so'moen. Bo on time and bring vour bibles. C. V , Allison , minis ter. MUCH SIIANI.HY of Brownlce , Cherry county , Tuesday. His remains were shipped here this morning- for burial. The funeral will be held in the Catholic church to-morrow at 10 o'clock , under the auspices of the Woodman of which he was a member. The deceased was formerly a resident of this city and had a harness shop. He leaves a wife and several small children. D. A. LKWIS at his residence in the west part of the city this morning- 3 o'clock. The de ceased was one of the oldest resi dents in this part of the county , lie had been in poor health for the past year or more and for the past three months has required a constant attendant. He was an old soldier and member of the G. A. R. post of this place and had been under the direct care of that 6rder for the past three months. He leayes a wife and several small children. The funeral will be conducted at the M. "E. church at 2 o'clock to-morrow. If that last coal did not give Hat- Isfaotion try Foster & Smith Lum ber Co. 'Phono 70. Market Iteport for Today. Wheat 5 .ft ) linrloy 10 Oals .Ti Corn ' 15 © f > l Hyu < iu Hpltcr ir. JffTcti ift ] 'iluli ' , per IjiiHluil I ' . ' 5 Onlniii' . pur liimbfll 1.11 Ctiiokunp , pnr pound , .111 IIOKI" , fi.lli Cows K2.00 ft'.tO SfioiB ) ( in I.Ill ( Turkuyn , pur pound Id Straw. | ior cxvt ,10 llsjr , Now , i > er ton ( l.dl SUK' ' r , per cwt 6 O'J * Paints , i Oils and Wall Paper at- ' V- Ed. McComas' Drug Store. ? J BUSINESS POINTERS. Job printing at this ollico. Lubricating oils of all kinds at Wilkins * drug store. Pepsin Gum , two packages tor a nickel at WILKINH' PIIAUMACY. Dr. T. W. Bass , dentist , ellioo northwest corner of Realty block. 8-1 tf Money to loan on imptoved farniH Mooitic A TAYLOH , Realty Block. 1-23 tf FOR SALIC CIIICAP North oatt quarter unctions 30-10-17 , Douglas Grovo. 11 , W. Hammond Broken Bow. 30-37 WANTKU Horses and mules at Wards barn Kebuary ft. JAILic II. MILLKU. A few comforters and blankets can bo had at Snyder Bron. Big Double Store for less than you can buy the material and make them , call and see. ( Jrotiin Separators for farm use # 1lo * tt , Agents wanto.l. J. U. McDANiui. , Papillion , Neb. 32-35 Wanted Millet nnd cano seed. Market price paid. Guo. WILLING. 1 20 31 Snyder Bros , hnva a large and CDniploto line of dress goods , ladies furnishing goods and their prices arc right. They can save you money. Call and see them for barg ains , Fou SALU Loin 1 , 2 , 7 und 8 , block 5 , in Jewell's addition to Broken Bow. Enquiio at this oflioe. 11-21 tf For insurance and real ostalo go to Moorcifc Taylor , in Realty Block. Fen SAUC OH TIUDU Town lotu and a few live acre lots in this city , for cattle , horses or farm land. feb28 tf ALLAN RKVNKK. Farms for salu and lands for lent. Now is tbo tune to get a farm cheap , as the cheap farms are all going , and prices arc advancing rapidly. J. G. BUUNIZKU. Thoroughbred Poland China. Foit SALU Thoroughbred poland china male hoge , old enough for service for $15 CO. 1-23 tf G. R. itUBSOM. Diorka Lumber Co. has in stock a oar load oi fine cedar posts for Iho trade. The old and reliable firm of Dierks Lumber Co. is the plauo to go for lumber or coal. A good supply and grades to meet the wanta of their customers are always in Htock. 321tf .1. G. Haehurle the dniKirist , will n fund you your iniuioy if you ure not initialled after UHini ; ChHinuijrlain'H Siomaoh nnd Kivor Tiiblots. They euro diRordrrs of the Htouinuh , bilioiisncfla constipation and heaductu1. Price 25 cents. Sumplea 1'roo. V&rftf } fo' & ! ? } s 7JCC ? IJCK 7JT xtx1 xsC Kt \ -C | / ? - -/Ye TN TRT I have again laken possession of R * THE GLOBE HOTEL And am Ihorcughly cleaning and titling it up svlth mcdern improvements , thus insuring my guests every comfort , in cluding clean warm beds and good , honest equaro moaln. With ibis effort I solicit the patronage of all my old friends and many now ones. R. A. "WATTS , Fxrop. * \tf ' .