OUTKI.I.O. . . . AH items nro pe.m'o , wo unn only promi * to do liftti-r nox' mill * . Tito School Hour- 1 il i-iil-il to c anew now stove For I'IH rit * ' 8- thinking tl enl nl I out ) unsivfi' . Mr , nml Mia. Cli'il K.nip'1-ld of Kyno , a HUH np to vie-it a < tin1 lu'iii" ff Mr. S. Wmlili g'n > .1 ( - ny Thin woiUl'i'r ' mnKiM 11 fullmv wonder wbcriMillhlH lust wlntnr Hotiiea uro , untl wluTH \ \ II I In * conl bill oii from. M. F. lt'nnk < > nahi | ) is wholMutf corn , pr * [ > irHt"rv I" movliu tliiwn near Mr. ( teams , nml ttli MC Ini' | i O uiu to tlii * KCVPIO < > ' , . ( . I'm nit 't'- ' Miu'to.l < J. Hikers I'litotiHl nun ! nt the pi'tmol l.i us * tvtiilnl.iy nltlit w n rutlivr sl'iv. ' \lr. Sam M ' 'ilntiiH ' Mil le K lit r-'i * friii nnd nmvo mil i < ot Hurv Aiiiln'ivrtin llio ( Viliir ' ' nyoti ne'ir vo" llnloiri tl.ls inont . All. . ) . I' . Sliui'n li H > < iinwl h'a frt'ifj it u d if ho ! not loft on tn ! way wi'i mk IIH futiiM * hcmoin I'mti ! luo. llo wua ono of tlio iifii'y fOJli-is , linv- Ini ; loeatotl in ISBlt. It VNO 'leiigo Innk tt | > your vali'iitino. Six wet ks more wiuti'i' , the ( round m\\ his fliuiloiv. Amiix Whittle ha closed liei live motitn term of tiuliool nt Ki\vr SUU ) rocontly. Ifotwt'on it wick mini imrrJKr , ilr l\oil ioul : < itntl cold \ \ viitho'wo , Inive lud poor mail toivico tlio last two \\uiKt ) . H. L. 11oi lIcy IIIIH returned from KBIIBHH nml ia fnvornbly impreHHt-d willt thu country i \\illmo\otlioro the ojin- In fall. The Fartriers Te-lophnnu Co. uro tt- ii along fairly \\oll with their woik , tlio linen id now up to J.V. . Coiiloyu and Jt. C. ChutnbU'ys ; with good weth er they will bu tror h to lrolon ! How in a nliort , time , the line runs from Oeonto vin And Crook to Hrokon Mow on the niii t practical ro'ito. Severil branch lint'H will t > e [ Hi * , in later by M. C.inley. A. J. Il-ovo" , J.V. . I'rottyman antl I'orHnle J have : t limiUnl qunnily of Ifim- mer wei'd for ealo nt my farm near Knarnuy Nt-b. Tine now grain in iHpi-cially nd.iplrd to H.MIH arid rr- fjionri aH it ripens about tbo timu or hufore winter wlioal. It stands tbo early Hpriny frown and nlioulii bo fiowcd very t-irly. It i very nn- trioiiH and i i-xcollont foi-d for j ! IIOFHOH , cattle and lioys. If cut wben intddiinf' jrfen the HI raw innkoH line feed The jiold IH pro lific. Last NcnKon 1 raised ! ) OU bushels on 1-1 aufoH , Sue Hnmple of Hrod at tbo KK- I'UitucAN oHi < H'Hrokcn , Iiow. I'rioo ftl 00 a buHbol at. my farm or de livered at thp dcpotH in Kearney for 10 ocnlH additional for two bunbol Hack. Jt takes two btiHliel to the aero if sown bnnil rast or one and one.half bnshclM drilled in corn Htalkn or fall plowing. KMIK Kicr.i.KK. JM-37 Kearney , Neb MAN AND HIS LEGS , flic Arllirr I.linliH 11 M mi Index to the State of tinMind. . There HIV many Indexes to the mind , but I learned of a new one the other day when I called to seen busy man at his ollice iluwii on Itroiul street. When I entered the outer otllee. It was tjulto evident that hevtis in. for 1 co.ild pot * him through an open door leanliiK over his dc'ik < | tilte Intent on ] iiiper ! < that lay In front of him. 1 tipoko to the clerk In attendance , whom 1 know real well , and asked that ho announce me. He f'lani'eil Into the other room before "Walt a minute or two. " he said. "It will bo belter , for he will have you come In the moment 1 wiy you are here. " I didn't quite understand what he meant , but 1 took a seat to wait a mln- nle or two. I wilted live of them and then spoke a > ; aln. "Walt until hi > . crosses his legs. " an swered the clerk. "What has that to do with It ? " I asked. "Hverylhlinr. " hen-plied. "Ho doesn't like to be dNhnhcd when he 1 busy. and I know he Is very biu-y because he has his lejM out slraU'ht. A man never thinks hard wllli his les ; cross ed. As soon tii his mlr.J lets up a little , then he straightens , crosses his les ? and Is leady for visitors and a chut. When his le ; < KO down > ; uln. It is time for the visitor to take his lea\e. , Iust hear that In mind and see If I am not rlfjlit. " As he finished speaking up went Ihn lotf-S and I was announced and receiv ed at once- New York Herald. .McnlH III ItllNNlll. Amoii ) , ' the eonunon people there is no fixed time for eating meals. The Russian eats when he is hungry , and this Is about six square meals a day. lie has at least a dozen lunches , a lit tle bit of salt tish'or some caviare or a piece of bread and cheese , washed down with a nip of fiery votlkl. He never pusses a station without a glass of te.i marvelous tea , with a thin slice of lemon lloatliif ; In it. Yon get a fo'.idner.s for Russian tea and for swear bemllked decoctions forever. The table manners ! of the Russian such as you nee in hotels and buffets - are not pleasing. He sprawls with outstretched elbows on the table and getn his month down to his food rath er than raise the food to his mouth , lie makes objectionable noises in his throat. He has a finger bowl and rinses his mouth as the rest of us do when cleaning our teeth in our bath rooms. Then ho squirts the water back Into the. bowl. In time ono may get used to this. HOVH ! We foci it our duty to inform you of what your fjirl think * of the siibjeot of valentines. Hero in what HIO ! says. "If my fellow doiKn't buy in a one of your valen- tini'M ho i goiiifj ; to gft tbo Ci. B. and lie iiei'dent makf any morn joe goo eyi H at mo for I do bate a 'elicap nifn' and whtlo IHH money inn'l all 1 love abmit him yet it covers a multitude ) of Ninfl. " T. ko our adviHo and eomo in where you nan bnv her ono tit for tbo Banton of the flush punl ) , Vr IUH sympathetic-lily , 1-IIO tf livitUHON it WATTS. There in probably no diioann or condition of the human system that oaiiHi'H morn millerin ' ant ) dip- than ) ilp . TAHLKR'S lfiYK I'lhli OINTMENT curcH them quickloy. without pain or detention from ImainofcH. Price , HO oentH in bottlcH TnbpF , Vfi omits. Kd. AliiComas , Brokun l > ow and Morna , Kasmua Anderson , J. C. Moor c Keal libtatc. Absli.ictnr. ands fnrcalo nnd reiit in en nor county and nil j lining enmities. Kimitien mid bought nnd sold AbnlractH piomntly and in atf > made ufllcu-Alain Street , lletweon lib nml 5th AvvnnoH , Broken lloiv , rnnter county , Nebraska. * * ' ' ' ' ' . * ' * ' ' ' ' * " ' ' " ' ' . " * ' * . ' " * ' * ' * . * . ' * ! ' . ' . . ' . ' ' . . / * * / ' ? > 't.T W" ' ? * > j ' * : tjr1 ( * ! < ll'tftitfl111 * * : B * * * ; : * * ' * * ' ; " llAaEGi3CERYJ . ' . All partioH indebted to the Eagle Grocery , arc requeued ' ? ' $ ' * to oall and Hnttlo their aui-onnt by cash at onon. I mtiHt Invo ; .T'i ! monny to pay bills , I cannot do biiHinoHH on wind. jj'jJs 3 truly , Proprietor. 10 Bars of Soap for 25c , ® y tiMtim ; THE p. D. SMITH COMPANY | H have the bent quality of $ ' / . / lumber ami Bother building iiia- teriaU at the LowoRt I * , icon. 'Phono No. 70. C. 11. JUDKINS , Manager. FOOLING THE EXPERTS. ii'i' of a Mnn AVIin Dliiiniiiiil llroooli , I nm convince 1 that few people ; uow an.\thing about illamotuK no matter how much they mny po e us experts , " said a young lni"ini" s man Ihe other day. "A rcroil lApciieiict of mine has forced me to lids nniclu slou. I boii-ht for my wife a hroorli ontalnln. . ' n rli1-- ! r i I ' . , . ' - look occaMi'ii to show It lo M-XCIM ! m my friends at the club. They I-MHU Ined It very closely , looked wise tun' ' then started to show me where in/ judgment had been at fault. K\cry man in HIP crowd seemed to be a diamond mend export. My the time they had got through I really fell as though 1 Inul been bunkoed and was consldera Lly depressed. "Next day I got to thinking the matter tor all over and came to the conclusion that my friends had been talking of something they knew nothing about. At any rale , t determined to make a test. I went to one of those Imitation diamond stores and for TiO cents bought a brooch , which 1 placed In the box that had formerly contained the real one. "Again 1 went to the club and an nounced to my critical friends that I had taken their collective advice and by paying an extra -S-'O had exchanged the brooch In which they had picked so many flaws. They all agreed that the fifty cent bauble which I showed them a great Improvement over the oth er , and when 1 told them of the trick I had played on them they wouldn't believe me. To a man they contended that they couldn't be fooled on dia monds. "Now 1 feel better satisfied with my purchase. " riiiladelphia Record. \VypllfM The first complete translation of the Bible Into the English tongue was ef fected by John Wyellf about 13SO. This was the Lollards' HIble , and a large number of manuscript A copies must have been written and circulated , for 170 copies are still In existence. There were also many transcripts of certain books as well as of the whole Illble. AVyclif could not go to the original texts , so he translated from the Vulgate , or accepted Latin version. It was not a perfect performance , but the reformer was prevented by death from revising It , as he doubtless In tended to do. The revision , therefore , was under taken by .lolm Purvey and completed In J..SS. It Is curious that the whole of AVyclIf's I'.Ible was not printed as one book until ISoO , when it was pub lished under the editorial care of the Rev. .loslah Korshall and Sir Krcdi'flc Madden. Tin * Nntnrnl Uetnrtiy. There Is an old negro In Washington who bellexos that the art of healing Is a "gift" not to be acquired. A friend who knew his point oflew recently attempted to draw him out. "You say .uw're a natural doctor , Uncle Hnos. Now , what would you recommend In a ease of agueV" Uncle Enos leaned on his broom In bllence for a moment lost In thought , lint when he spoke It was with the calm assurance of an oracle. "Do bes' medicine for de ague would L e an cfllorcsccnt powder to puff out de skin an' lift n otf de bones. When de skin Is drawed tight over de bones in' de ague begins to shrink it , tie jones jes' nachelly painful an' ache- fid , -sab. Rut de eilloreseent powder t JUz an' ll/.z Inside an' puff out de skin an' oblivlate de ditliculty in a sho't time , suh. " Wl eu vou wiint n physic that in mi.d uid L'l-ntle , oiny to take and nlciiHniit in client me Ch.uubcrUln's Stomach ind Liver Tab'etH. ' I'riro iiS ceiitH. jiunpltt free. Kvery box guaranteed. KW cale by J G. Ilat-lierle. FariUH for Halo and lands for rent. Now in the timii to ota farm oheap. ihu ohoap farms are all pomp , ind pnoofl are advanoinc ; rapidly. .J. Or. HlUCNIZKIl. Are yon nervous , run down , weftlc and dispirited':1 Take a few IOSCH of HEltKINHi. It will infuse now oiifrpy , now life into tbo ex- liati ted nerves , the overworked brain or murijular riyntom , and put new faiso on life and IIIIIHIICHH. Prioe : > 0 uents Ed. McComa" , Broken How and Merna. U. S. Lnnd Office. JAMKS WIIITKHKAI ) ItcgUtcr K.I I. VOUNO . . . .ltecclTcr I-K.AI < ADVUIITISUMKNTS. All ndverlhements under thin huad will he charged for nl lei'al ruttf , vlr : gl.liOpxr hini.r- | ' for llrnt In-erilon. ami r < uc per b < iuaru for 1.111 li hHerpiu t Insertion. \ "i-ijuare" IH ten HIIOH or fraction thorio' . ItOAO NoTICtt. Ta whom It lunv concern : Tin : connnl'Bloncr iippolntHt to view a mail rimiimnaliiK two rmlr * ur.Hlnf llin N riirnoi of ibnSe nf flection 'JH , luwnrhli | 10 , norlli nl raM-e'j i , liih I' . M l-'roin ctntlnn I uniilli tl ' 'ihiH lo Klullon S , from -billon tl south -0 uhalin ) In clKtiini ; ! Station 3 IH the 'i corner hetvtuen btiollun * ' , ! * ! nml Xt timnchtp 10. run e . : i , wi'Hl ( jth 1 * . M , ! ind to ini'Hte rnnil liejMnnlnt ; "t "w uirnor , hei % , hmtion i. ' , ttmuntilji li' , , ran 'e'JJ , thi'iino ' , niibt liilweiin Me ' 4 niul t \ nf Bm tloii 'Js , t < ivvui-bli | HI imi ; > . v.,1. hui ri | i rteii In l vi > ref of ( 'Htubllhlilii nnd vuLnllii llio roint Ihereol nnil ll iiiijecllonH then to or < lalinc for ilnnmt'eH , inin-t beLlul in tin lonnly cKirn H nllteu ( in or bo- I no noon of the ' 'lib iU > of Mnrch , IWL' , or nurh rosd wll. ho ui > tniilliilicii without refereneo thure to In wltn-fi1 whiirinf , I Imrc heri'nnto i > et tny hiititl nnil fe'il of uUl county , thin litth liny of laiiimry , I''iij Una. W. Duw y , 3.- ' -f , County 1,1. rk I.KlUI. NoTlUK County Court Cuntur County , Nebraska To the hulrn anil ntxtof klimf Anilrew Ainluieun , Von aru hcii'bv nntllleit that llernnn It Kluinp n i.reilltDr of mill ili'i-cnci U , | us IJUil hie | iilltlon In Kahl ( otirt , III > UIIIK that ho may hu Rjipnlnteit nilnilnlxlralor nf th eBtntn nf Ainlri u Aniler ot , ileceantnl. haul inHtlor ban hfen ftt for himrlnn for Kflirnnrv IB , U'O1 ' ' , ut 10 o'clock it. in. , at the loiinty court room , In Iliokcn Hou , Ncbrai-ka , when nil liilervntuil parllct may Bipt | r ami bu hoiiru. 1) 't-il the 17th ilay of Januury , HHU , lCCiL | J A. AllUllUU , lljai 0 County Judge I AM GOING TO' CLOSE OUT M.S rtilirn stork of rlntltingi Hit ; otit in firit of I < ailim yhouH lo roduuo tli" atook. Cotno and hav your innaHiiro ttikoti for a TAILOR ( WE SUIT , Prices From $8.5o Up As Good As You Want. Don't forgot llml wo SELL GROCERIES nt Canh 1'rioun , and pay thu Highest Market Prices for Produce , Itrokon How , I'lillril StairH Lund Olllco I I Incoln , Ni liriifka. January M , t'T' . ' f Notlcu IH licu'liy Klvon Hull Hut follow INK iinuicil ' 'Itlpr linn Illiil nolli'pnf Ills Intuiitlini In iniiku lltlhl | ! t < ll > t III tMlu ltl of lllrt Cllllllt , Mill tllllt Hlllll proof will lie timilu ln-foro tliu Ciitinty Jii < ti\ HI llrokiin How. NutitnxKH. on Kobrunry \ \ , IWU. vi/- JOHN t.iCOItfllSHKU. , II 1C. No. ITIKtt. for tlu % Ni-V ) , % > l lll-x'D. llo i HIIIUK tliu fullowlni : wltnc'KiOH lei | iro\c | IH | ronlliiiioiiH rCBiilonco tinm | anil Cllltlvntloll ( iftatil liml , v/- ! IBIIIIU I lark , ut l < .aily > llln. Nulirnxka : t.twri'iicd Cl-rliiif t-dilyvlllu. Nobrnskii ; Ktiiuk Mutrhlf , nf KililjtlllL1 , Nfliriukii. Julm Mutclilu. u ( Kil'ij vlllo Nibrnska. , ) . W. I'nitvil htatvH I. unit Olllco , I Hrokun lln , Nolirufkn , .Uniiaiy 'fi , 1W' . ' . I Notlcu If liurrhy Klven tlmt tinfnlkiulnu tiiuii l > nuttier IIIIH llluil nottcu of lili < Intention In IIIHI.U final | i" " > ' I" 8ii | < poit of Inn claim , unit Unit Piilil proof \\lll In' ninilo litfnro ( | ; liT mill ItfCi'tvnr at IlKikcn How. Nutirnska , on Kchriuiry T. r.HW. \ / J01INT. MACKhY , of WesliT- Mllr. NcUr Hk.i. for Iho II. K .N < > . 1SII. N' , , N\V'l , irctllll i.l. ( tOWIInlllp 1" , N , TIUICl ) IH.WfHl HiniinuB llio follottlnjIIIICVHIM tu provu Mi cunliniinijH repiili.'ui-u upon anil cultlnilton ol until I mill , \l7. : KiilwrtJ. MlllH , , ) < ilm 1' . HIIIIIHT , l.fuiKi' W. Wiiluli , ti riiicu Mncku ) , nil \\i-Nlctvllli' , Nr- lirnsl.a JA > \VliiruiFtAi ) , United htntf'h I. nml Olllrc. I llrnkcii How , > ( < lirask , .lanunry 10 , llNil ( N nm n IH lii-ri'by tilvun Unit tlu > fulliiuliii' nanii'il f tiler IIIIH lllt'il i.otli'c ntlilh Ititfiitionto inako llniil pnnr In Hiipporl of l > ln oliilin.nnil Unit eali | piiinf will In ) ninilc hufnro li < ilul < > r nml Id'ci'Kor , ! ii HroKi-n Cnw , vfli , , on WciliusUa ) , 1'i'lirnary tlIWIJ ( \ li'KKUHNYDKIt : of Mtlbiirn , Null , on liiH II h. N , 'JiO. ) , Inr tliu Sc ! < SwKi , Sw4 M'1 ! , MUCtlllll > ' . ' , N'j ' No " .4. HlTtlllll iff , tllWIIcl.lp Jii , N , , rnnif'1 , \ \ , ctli I' M. lie mimi'H llio rollnumK wltiiKHNi'H lo I rorr hln foiillniliuii rc lilniuT npnn ami fiiitlviilinii of aitlil Inn. I , M/.1 Miirlini 8 D.ill ) , I'obcrl l-'arloy , Sutton 1 1 tfrs , .Inhii Iliilliiinii , all nl Mlllnirn , Ni-hrHHka. lll-llii-'J JAJIIMViuihiiKii ) , ICilslrr ( IIIDS rok iiuiiiciKs , tutu Nutlet ) IH lii'iel ) ) wlven Hint hcnliul prninsal | > lll bu iiiirivi'il at ( lu > oilico of Iliu county oltrif , it llio'rn ll'nv , I'liHtur county , NibniMkii , for 'iirnlchlii ail nialorlnl , anil In' llio cri'C.llon nml : oiniltiHin | of all fiuinty hrhln'H it'ijnlreil li" I'usiur riiunty , from Alnrcli I1,1 , I1. * " . ' , to .Mnrcn I' . ' , I'KI All hliln iniiHt bo by tlm llncnl foct of brnlKuanil nil \\ooilim I'rliluox iniiHt bu of ( Jrcgon lr lliDiiflioilt ulili : i-ncli | ll'ior ' plunkn , A null- Iml clii'Ck nl i'.Mh' must Kccoinpany each bill. 1'laiiH mnl HicTiik'itinif | | to bu fiirnl-bfil by bill luri > . A I blilK to bu Ilkil ut tbo county clcrk'n like by ] ' ! u'clocK noun on llio lUtli il y of Jliiicb , H'liTin' fionril ru-nrv.iM tin * right lo ri jui't anr nr all liblri. Dnteil ( bin i7lliilny ! of Inniiury , IWr ' Ity onler of tliu county Ixmnl (1K ( > . W nitWKV'oiiiily Clerk. 13-tii : 1U lly Jus. I'niMAN , Doiiiily. KOAI ) NOTICK. 1'n ulioiu It ni'iy ui ni'orn The c.oininln loiicr iippnlntcil to yluW n roml oiiiinetirliiK I'-'II feet norlli of center uf hCCtlon l" > , UiuilHlilp PS , ranxo 'M , tlicnci- , nt > 4 rnr. s , from 7 R 2010 to fi-1. Hhlu NIC. . ' 14 ( tp. IB. r.0 ! haH tcpurlcit In fn\nr of I'ntnlillHlinicni ihoreof , anil .i objections thereto , or cla'ins for < lamato3 ; , iniiHt bulluil In ( be county clerk'x nlllr.it on or .id iom noon of the IHth diy of Maicli , UM ! . ' , or eue.h ruiulill be locnteil without reterencu thereto In witne.sn u hereof , 1 have hereunto srt my liaml and eenl of saiil coiintr , Hun lilth dny of lliecmbpr , 10OJ. Ul o.V DK\VIV : , lil-il-l ! IWAI.I County ( Jiorlt. NOTK'K TO NON IIHhlDKNT.S. In iho Dlntrb t Court , ( "iihler Oonntv , Nohr ila. YlvlHn 1'olmiil iilulntill , VH. Oluf Dahl Dalil Inn wife , llrHt inline niiknuwn , nnil Cmle- tliinViinencr , ilefcinlanlH Dltif Dahl , Dahl , Mo wife , llri-l nsrno un known , nnil Chrieltnn Wauuuer , ilefcnilatitH , will takonullce ( hut. on thf-Mtli ilny oflannury I'.Mr- . V.vmn I'olanil , plulntlil herein lllcil hl petition In the dlHlrlct court of Cuetur county Nelirnflui. uKuiiixt mill ill feinlanU , the object ami i < rnyer of vvlin h IH lo fen eloec n certain lux linn on tin- Mintheiist ijuurtur , northwcrt ijunrlur ; nnil IIIIH two mid inrt'o In i-ectlon flvo , In tnwnshlp lucnty , nortli nf rnngo uixlilci-n. of ( l.h I' ai. , In Cnfler comity , NebraHkn , nniler a prlv&to Ux Mlilu hnil Angiinr 7 , IKK ) , unil pnbsi iu t > ( taNcr wltli Inler.'ft punultv , Httoniuyii lou , nml uula iini'il.ntlnK tn { KM n't anil Intereet at t < n per cent , from January ! ' , I'M-i. anil rostc otmlt I'UlnttU priiS for a d > i reu that the il femUntt be reiiilruil | to pay the ninin or tlmt tln < preinlees nmy bu rolil lo Hitlefj thenmoniit futinil ilue. ) nu , und vuch f yon , ant niiiireil | f < nn i\er 'a it petition on or btfcirH the. lUili duy uf Mjrch , 1'Ji'j Jliruil Junnarj ' , > 7 , 1WI3. VIMAS I'oi.ANu I'lalntltl , M . .w1 - . ' Hy A. S. Moos lilb Ally. K TO NON IIUSIDKNTS. In Hut District Coin tut ( JtiHltr rnuiity > N l > r * < k . Jiunvrt N. Olnrk , I in-lver Nt'bracku Loan , t TinnKJo , pliiintlll , vs. C W Swantiiu , NHry I. . ! -nmipon , liic ulfe c o Motilnon , l.harlen Li./ . ciii > v , (1 F Itoiiiidiilnuh , Hiirnli I'oundabuull , inHulfe and It II DnvM , ilelciiilanU. 'Ihu ahiTo I umcd delunUuntH , anil uach of tlii'in , u III tnko nollee thil on I lie 5lii dn > of .lull , iwil. lliu plalutlir heriiln , JIUIUH . . 'lurk , Kecxivcr. Illed in ihu ilirtrlut court of Cuatti county , Nvbraikn , IIK ! petition ajjttnul you , mid uni h of V ( < n , an di fundnntj. lliu i/lijci t and pravt'r of which 1 to furetloie a certain mortHiU1' JHen to secure tliu liayineiit of tun proHilrmir ) notef of tliuilc''iiduntrt C. W. Hnuueuu iind lary li. hivniii-on , a ununt ni { to tliu cmn of fii MJ and full I Hi , ' dm ; one uucti lx monilu from DectMnln r l l , lcl(5 , each note for 10 % , which tliu ftlioye iiiineil nlalnl It Id now tlm owner mid holdnr. irnl n | i n uldch ihure. In now due tliu tuin of Jloi Ewi , tjnil turiTlnx the foloulnj ; diecrlhcd luemines , to-wlt ; 'Ihuonlhwet ijuurler , of t.ctlon ! ! , Hi t'.u nplilp l'i , riinfi > l > < in ( n > ttr connly , Ne- brnnka. Thun > ii > > u num d plulutilT prayo lor n d-i rcu of lorculunnro and for th. < mlu of Ihu nbo\ii deHcrlhtd promUua lo < all fv lliu iiinounl lunnd One nd thu Inttrmt and coHln. You aru lennlreil | o ananur snld putltion on Monday , ihu ! trd day of March , IUO. ! . Dated ut llroken How. Nt'lirin-Ui , thin -K.'nd i'a ' ) of January , IWr ' , JOHN M lUuih , nnd A. U llunrnntr , Attyn. for I'll ff. In tlm Dlrltlrt Court , CiHter County , Nclirn Un , John Collier , ] ilalntlll , vs Daniel llarrU , etui , illitondaillB. To ( 'mollno llni'Kur , nml ll cR rVKHO | lltxi iiamn IH uuknovMi , but who IN Iho hliNlinnil of tin' culd f'arollni ) llai'Ki'r , non ni < 1iluntdi > fenilan'H You. and cueli of ) nn , will nko notice Hint uti Iht'Ilul duy of Kubriinry 1IDJ , llio plniuttll John Colllur flliul bin pollllon In the District Court of CmMcr County , NclittiBl , ! ! iiK'Unsl ' Mm nnd ouch of you , nnd other defonilnnti1 , the objict nnd I rat rr of which am to forco.hiMi inn certain inortKKKim executed tiy Daniel llanh * nnd Kate M tlarrln to thn Inwa MorlKUKu Co . both of which ' " nre now ownnd nml linld by nalil | ilaln till , and thu llt > t of Mild miirtmKCKIIH ulvrn by ( lie unld Danltd IliinU and Kaln M. iliirrl" ti udd Iiiwn Murtc'i i' i 'o upon the N 1C , ' 4 of sicllon IH , Townphlp 17. llai no 17 In Cnxter ( onnty , Nebni"ka , to nucurt * thu imymnnl of it certain note lor tlm mini of J.MHI.IKI dHtod Aimn t ia 1st" , iluo Mcptomliur I , l * < lli Thiiro nww dnu upon mid morlgitKo llrHl meiiMoned J5IK ) ( HI \\llhlntorentihureoniit Id tier runt from Huptom bei iBlJHIM , and Halt ) other inorttMge mentioned and di fcrlbed In pul.l putl'lonIIH | { lvi < n lo HI cnrn the mi ) munt ot u note of JMKHill diiled December 111 HI , | HXI duo .Innunry I , IK'J.r > , ami i < alil inortiai * wan itrvnpni. \ \ . Ihu H W. ' , of . KCllo . P < , Townxhlii 17 , Unlike 17 In Cimter Cntiiily. NnhrHHka. and them IH ilnn upon Maid ihHt ini'iitlomd note , Um inin uf .Mn ( Hi tovjednn \vlih InloreNl thereon from thu llr t duy ol Jan miry INM , and for uhich Id HIIIII with Interest Iliereon , pUlntlll pra > H that nnld m'irliiiirK ; may IID foruc.lnaed Mid thu Mcveral BiiniH due upon xnld two notcH mid iunrt'ivie.i | ; bo neivrlalned nnd llxed by lliu Collil nnil decreed to Ini Ilr hi luortKnKO lieiiH upon Hald Heverul tiaclH ol land nnd th it U In' decreed tlmt tliu defendants bu rtiUlri-d | to pay mid cevernl miniK. lonetlnir with liuuront thereon and thri cunts i f thin -nil , ultldn tvvemy dny fiom tbu diitu of Ihu entry of tint decri-n In thl ciliaor In default theruof , tlril nahl nreinbiei. may bu ( everailvappralied and sold by iliuHherilT a" lIponiM'tlllon to ratlef > MIIII ! bfvoral nliioiuitn m found duo You and tinch ( il'ou are iiiinued to amuviir sxid potlllnn on or before Monnay Ihi. IVth duy of March H'tr ' Datid Kobrtmry 'lrd IMU , JOHN C.'i.l.iF.it , I'laliitlll III Iff13 HyO. li. ( IL'TTKIICON. _ _ | | AKoniey. KOAD NOI'ICIC To whom It may concern : The commlHcioniir nppolntnd tu vluu n loud ( oiniiinm > lnK"l > feuti ant of ! .i corner on wo t clilo cuctlon H" > , tnwninip ID , ranuu ' ' - ' Ht tloii hla'lon No Di'K. Mn. ! I't No. from I n ' 'I w 7iV ) to 'i fiom u n i if > w n mio ; : from II n n II' ) " U70 to I from I n ID III w 'J.M 10 u from f > n 11 w 1.1 X ) In li from (1 ( n 117 HOv ! SJO in 7 from 7 n 1L II I u ' . ' 0 to H fiom H n M If. w K70 lo U Irom I ) n H - \ ' > n H' > U to 10 from 10 n 117 w 10U In M from II n I 'M w HID to p > fiom ID n UI IK ) w ! ! < ' > ( ) to | : l from C ! n 7il u- ! | ) | II from II n III w Illfi to in from IS H 'H ) l.p > w lltlto Hi atcentrrire from IB n 71 1fi w Tlfilo I 27 , tp. 1.1 riiiiKD - - ' from 17 n til 45 w I'll to IS fiom is n I K e HIM ! ID 111 ( at > i cor , H from Iti n a o twin 'JOXhlilu i ; , ' , 1ft fiom 2il ) rough eenlir of eucllnn l'i 'i inriieron. N nhlr neetlon - ' . ' - l ! -i ! , IIIH reporteil In fn > inif 'he locution tin re < it ami nil onjuLtlotiH therttio. Or i Ulin for ilnin UKIH , inu * > t iio flleil In the coiintv c.urkV ulllcu on in before noon of HID IHlh ilay of March. IUOJ , or cueli Kind will IIH jfiiihlh'hoil without rufctcne" thereto. In wilncBf wheri'lif I huvn hereilnlo * et my eel my ham ) ami coil ( if imlil county , thin IDili iliiy ol .liiiuiury , IIH ( li'-o. W. Dr.wjfV , il'l-i ; : IHBAI.I L'i'll" ' ' * I'1"-- OTIC,1 ! ' , Tl ) NON-KKSIDK.NTS. In the District Corirt of Cunlur County , Nulirnplcn chnilu'O ( iiuilner , iiliilnilll , va Anilnw.l Morrill. Mrn Andrew. ) Moirill , Ma Wlfu.uVfuii- ibinti * . 'I ho nhvi < iiiuned ilefendant-i , nml f ( h of them , will Inku no' ' co tlmt on the 'JJud ilay of Jannury , l ! f. ' , .bu plalntllt herein , I'htirlcH C. ( latilnor , tlliil In the iliclil't court , of Ouster tininiy. Mebratika , hlh petition iigHJUHt yon , nml eiich ol you. KB ilcfenilitnf- otijocl anil pn.yur of which U lo foreiloiitn curtain lax ri.'ilu tmti- llcntol' . neil by the treai-urer of Cutter county , Nunrarkn , on llio : < nl itny of April , IhU'l , of uhlrh thu Mlxivit natneil plalntllf U i ow tint owner ui.d holder , nml tipnn which there IH now duo the mini ( i i.'lli'l , riml coverll'K t'lu followl"K ile-erlbe-.l i remlBfH , to wit l.oiH onn ( I ) , and fix l" ) . In him a elxlil ( H ) . In the original town ot Hnrijunt , M briisku 'I'be abo\e named plulntiff prajn lor n de ( roe ( it fori'closnre anil fir the rule of Ihu ( h , ye di perilled pri llllHLH to fMtlnfy the Hill up I | foil il iluo and thu lull rent anil o ht of null , Von nr-i riUlri'il : | to HiHwiir till 1 petition on Mmiilrty , th , ! ( ! day or IMntdi , I'.KA ! Dttdlat lltokiin How. M < h axk'i. tbUnil d.iy nf Jnnunry , IIKI ; . A. K , ItuMi'iiiiKV. : U ,15 H Attorney for I'lainllll NO IICH TO M N 'IliDinih I" . Turnur.vophli Turner , hl mfo. Aiirahin Tft/-l , otlii iwUn known tin Abraham YUII/.HI Ju lien 1C llonhiun , .Mm. Konliiini , hl < uife , llrnt and ronl nutne iiiiknown , Jaincn Vi'all ln > ! , Ita Iml WnllH tt , bin wlfo , John i , ' llenedlit A nnu Id nidh t , bin wile , ilu uniliin.f. and ca < b of them VJllI tiiku notlie , th t tin * I'nlon 'I mm Comptuy of NoVnil. . Tin-ten jdalnllll h.ic Illed Us pellllon in tliu District Court uf Ihu i .unity of CiiHlur , Sutto of : iohrniUa , acalnni jun tnipleiided vsl.h ( .onniyof Ullatvr uiid olln'rc , the objLit and prajer ot wli'cli ' IH to foiitlorea moilyugo iM'iiited hy 'I IIUIIIHH I'VI'iirnei and wlf tn the . \niuiicun l.o..n , V Irilit Colnpuu ) . nlion Ihu Kii-t half of the Noriliuesl l imru r , and Loin one .aid tuo all in fiction CI-VIMI , T'iMii > hip loin li'fn , Norlli , Kuni't1 iuuiily-l ii Went , In Ilii * I ounty oluimtiir , Mai" of Nelim-ku , to > iuro Um pi j IIH nl nf outnolu d t'jd Junu iavfi \ , fir 417.1 ( W ilu. ' on April I , lh'J , thnl t-uld nut.i and innrlitiiijit niu nijtv ownnd by cald pUlntllf. mil Hint tin ro la due thuiu. . n , mid ulno f ir l.i.xcs upon ru d propeil ) | jald by tliu phi mill , pnri-nuiil to Hi prul-loiH i.f ild muitijimc , iho oum o' V > ' ' ' > . .lilur ulncti I'm ! , , \slih imerenl ami font ) , plnhitil ) pra > H for a d ercu , u id that iho prenihe- deHCilheil may he rold to chtlcly enid iinionnt. You i re rerjulrud to nnr < v. r mid petition on or huforu lliu 10th dii ) nf Muioh , llnrj. Dittc.il this iho "lib day of JnuiMry , I'jiiJ L'wiu.N 1'iiunr UOMI-ANV of New York , TniH'i-i * . rialnlltl. 3J.li-II ; Ily Mo.sr losisnv , t HALL , L.EHWRU , Attoruuyt. HUOKEN HOW , NKIi. Lincoln , iicuvor , Olllltllll , Cliluituo , Hullo , nt loriopll. 1'ortlmifl , ItiniHUN City , Him l.nlio Clly , Nl. I.oiilH , , % ml Hun l'"r iiiclHCf All I'OllltM JCllHI AIMl All I'Ollltrt A l MtMitli West. No. I'J--Vc-'lllHileil oilmen'dally , Lincoln , Onm * h * . St. .lOHi-p't itntiiuri Oily , HI. l.nulu , v'hl caio ; nnil nil pol lUnnit nnd nonth . .11 41 \ < tu. No. 14l.ocill cxprVHH luly , Lincoln , ( linnhn , Hi. JOHOpll , KUI.-.OM Clt" , Ml , I llllH , 1'lilcilHO ami nil polnth uunt mi' ! oiitli tl 211 nm JJo. 4(1- ( Freight ilally , Unvunnu , Urnml IrUnd , Aiirorn , Howard ntnl Llnioln ( Uk'laai IJn. 4rt Krnlijlil , imuy uicupt Sunday , Ituvcntu nnd internu dliKi ( lOltitH , t l.h pin Mo. ) l--VcHllhnlnil uxpruHO lUlly , llcloim , Heat- tlo , lltlltn , rortlaud nml nil'1'adllc 1'ontl point" 4lrilnm Nu. 13-l.ocikl uxprei < tlally , Alllilncn nnd Intermeilliili ) iKiltiU IJ'10 Ho , 45 1'VelKht dnlly.Miipe only Ansnlino Nuni Whltmnn ami Allbtncc 1 No . | 7 Kr lhl. ( dully except bnniluy , and IntDrineilliito polnti lUr : > | im Slooplhi ; , till IIIK nnd reclining'ebiNlrciirh ( iiiiata frc.o ) on lnrnilili traliiH. TIck A noli ! nnd linf- f K chocked lo any polnl In thi United SUtui nnd I'nniida. No. IH ImH mi'robtndlHu earn TtiOBitnya , Tlinrs- No. 411 will tarry tiininci KITH for Unvoniu llriinil Iclanil , Hownnl mill Lincoln. Infonimtlon , innpr , ( line Uililee anil tickiit mil on or wrlto to II. L. Ormtiby , gent , or J l''riinch , (1 I' . A. , Oinilbii , Nubraelcn , 11. L. Oiiueur , OOHEDULE OF DI7OKEN UOW MAIL" . I'liiii'li for Wimt will cloeo nt H p. in , , uxcoijt Hnniliiy wlion It will clone atllilD p in , l'iiinli : , imct for train No. r. ! oliirin * nt H am niul foi No.II rlnnoA nt , 5.tu : a.m. AInll for Aimlor nnil pnlntx oust of llrnml Inliiuil citrrlud on train No M. Oeonto rln of Itynn and Tuckrrvlllo , dally t x- cept Mimlny clom-H , At 7 a in : retiiriilnx nainu day Cuilawiiy via , Mc'Klnley ilnlly uxcept Hiiinlay rlosi-H nt 7 n in , returning MIIIIKI day. Idiiinit Vnlliiy vln ( Jrciui unit HI Urn close at" tt iii'I'ie ( duj , Tliursilny and riuturituyH , ruluinlny HIIIDO liny. htnmiKir via ( lurtixuy , Oeoruetown and I'ptoii nirrlvuH nt II 'M , Tiiunilny ' 1/iurndnr / unit Milnr- duy letnrnlinInnun fit t.,30 RBIIIH day. - lioiirn from 8.00 u into 8. 00 p ui. Sun dayn frnnioliri p in. lo ill. > p. in. Lobby ( > pnn ivi't-k dsyn from 7 . in. to H p in. Snndavn HIM a. in toVu in. Oeneral duilvury not opvn Sun day morning tt < liorutuforu , L. ILJuWBTT. I'.M- A FREE PATTERN 1 'your own ( .eleiilon ) to cviiry sub ilier Only SO cents i year. MS CALL'S A LADItS' MAGAZINr. A ni-tn. betutlf il cnlorrd pljtfi ; Mint * > ik , IIOIM * huld Inrili hiti in rtc 'fi ' I . ' ! > 4gts vtanted Spud fur trrini Stvtl h , Kfliatilc , Sininlf , Up.io itf , I.i niii > inn .il and AItsnluiely UttitK I'aiM'r Patterns. S CALL BA2TAR , All Sfflms Allowed and Prrf oral Inns show the Uttiag dnd StHlog Llnrt. i'1 ' i t il is emit t > rh-ront liiK'irr ' /uk I ir ilirtn Sitiil in ticilly ever ) cu > at d luwn , "r hy rnail fiom THE MoCALL CO. . II J.II5-II7 West 3lit St , NEW YORK. $ $ &L * { ' ' { - ' M'-.k- ! ' " " ' m r * \ - . ; .3-ri. . . vr > ' . m d y t , J . : \ N t. . ; , . - } . < 'i- L > \ JMWYSifc'Jt- ' ' . . . Anyone -eii'il ' ifc a l.el. b ' .ml ile.i ib ' 'oil inn ? ( ] Uli klv IIHI TI nm i nt' i.mi \ n luv ) * > , hI ae iimmliim 11 | inirit Iv jiateeta'il' ' * . I < i > mii ' "N * llolHBlfi U ) > " .Ml li'tlll'll. ll..lliltMil > k lunt In e. ill lent iiu'en y ( "I He , nrilii ; > I'alentH lulin tin , urh Mnnn \ < , IJJicl.l ! ll-'Mi. ' , ti iil > IUL > : i ire , l.ltho Scientific jf A handioMi , Iv I'l'Mtr-ilml wo- HIv 1 . .i."r riilatloii i.f IIIIN > < 1 1 > . \ \ n n 1,1 'r T. a , f . ( year. I mr mmitl - . ( I. hoi I l.yull m " ! ii.i llruii.i. i. . .i \ > ' - < 1' .ui