Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 30, 1902, Image 5

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    feet of nny person or house thus < | iinran-
It la fuitlier provided tlnil It slmll lu > the
duty of any health ollieer. pliysli'lart
' or ollmr person iiuuraiitinlim anj reil-
denci' . plaen or persoui > < ouiintlitliieil | , to
havosuppllns and pinvlsliins hroimlit to
theiti mill to iiinUi ! arr.iimeniunts so that
aitlil poKiiiiiMMiiiarantliird. CHII liuvc eon-
voypil to ihoiii , the ueee. Mirles of life , nec
essary for their | > I-OIT | iniilntaticc anil
vuinriiri Sulil | iti\l ioiij. sutpln > anil
IIUPI .s.inrli to lie fill nlilii il I'V ' mid al ( he
e\npiise of the pi'ismi or IHTMIIIX so iiuar-
, It Is further ordered lhat sueli iiiiiran- |
Wtlno .shall ctintlniif until In the opinion
of Hie tiieilli'al ath'l-er of the hoaul or the
health ollieer of ahl county , thi last PUSH
of JlH'.i.-ii' Illflv in oeeui Hiiieln , luis
eoiiiiletey | | n cmered , mid persons
and pu'inlspM IIHM' I.eeii tli' ( ini'iily nml
properly UlslnfeeU'd
It I * further nidi n'tthut iliciieec < iiiles
ol life , as o ten invasion ileiinin U. may
lippiiirlod within thirty feet ol' thciionr-
uiitliii'd I'oii-i' , ' > uny nolKhhor or iluly
appointed uiessi'iifjer. bill III it no IH-IMIII
otliei than tli- < | ili\ > iiMiii : In ehnrue , 01 the
proper In-iillh ulliirufxald coiintv. shall
uiproieh | : nraier than thirty feel 10 nny
lliiliMMir pliier so ( | iiarnnteetl. HIM > hiill
un > property flTeetsli.itever nr nf any
tiiiluie or ili'-eitptl ) ii. lie broiiuM. eitrried
or taken IMMIV from any lion i' i piacn MI
ipuiniiiiinctl. until properl > di iiileeiol.
It Is fuill.rr iiioeii'd Unit In ca < c of
> death fioin enntaKioiis IMSIM | | > , iheie shall
be no public funeral. 'Hint iho body cl
the deeeasi d | iall be closely \\rappedlu
sheets well saturated with disinfectants
und closed In a tight casket to lie wrap
l > ed In a disinfected cloth and that hi no
ease shall the eoip < e he carried to or near
any peisou or body of people while the
same Is being carried to the cemetery oral
any other time , anil that the health ollieer
of thncounty 01 hisiepre.sentative duly ap
pointed , Hhall have supervision of the ar-
raiiKemeii's for Mild funeral and burial.
It is further piovided that when in any
school district or community , any eonta-
Klous dlsoaso shall exist In ser | moro
fainilles , the health olllcer of the county
or his representative may at Ills own dis-
eretion close up the schools , churches aud
public meetings , and thcic shall oo in.
gatherings of people in said community
until In his opinion the emergency is pass
ed and said order may be rescinded or re
, . It Is further piovided , that It is the duty
ot any physician uhols called upon to
treat or prescribe for any person elVected
with any contairloiis disease , to at once re
port said case to the county clerk of said
It Is further provided , when in theopln-
lon of the medical advl er of the boaid ,
the health otlicer of the county or any ot
his duly appointed representative , quar
antine can safely be lai.sed , that Ithhull
bodoneafferthorougli and proper disinfec
tion and fumigation in the manner that
may be provided and ordered by the
health ollicerof said county.
It is fHither piovided that when in the
opinion of the health ollieer ol said coun
ty , It Is necessary to have a hospital or
pest house to which patients can be re
moved or those exposed may he taken ,
that he in conjunction with the number
of the coi .Hy tumid duly elected by
said boaid to act , shall and may provide
such a pest bouse or hospital with the
conveiiienc s neeesxiry for the proper
care of the patients.
It Is further piovldcd that any perMin
violating any ( it the rules of the county
hoaul of health of Ouster county , bhall bo
upon conviction before any justice of the
peace or other com t having jurisdiction ,
bo lined any sum not exceeding . ' > ( > ami
.shall stand committed to jail of sala conn
ty iinlill said line and cost * are paid.
It Is hereby made unlawful for any per-
Mm knowingly ell'eeted with any conta
gious disease ty como within Iho limits of
said county , or bring anyone within the
limits of said county , knowingly cllcctcd
with any contagious disease.
The board of health as herein incntlon-
ed ' 'hull consist ot one tegular practicing
physician and surgeon troin each of the
incorporated villages and cities of the
county together with such other legally
qualllicd physicians and surgeons a may
bo selected trom other communities by the
boaid , in the county and shall he appoint
ed by the board of supei visors as near as
may he. One-third of the members ol
said board shall be appointed for a period
of one year ; one-thiul of the member * ol
said board shall bit appointed tor a period
of two years ; the remainder lor a period
of tin co years. The boat d of supervisors
shall select trom said board of health , a
chairman wlioe duty it shall be especial
ly to enforce the provisions of these rules
and regulations , and to whom It shall be
the duty of the other members of the
bonnl to report any and all cases of conta
gious diseases arising under the provis
ions of these rules and regulations and
who shall have authority to determine all
question * that may arise under provisions
of these rules and regulations. Thr board
may dismiss any member of said county
boaid of health for just cause.
The members of the hoard of health In
performing the duties In the Interest of
t.iie public health under provisions hereof
shall receive such compensation as l.s
customary for similar services In snlil
coiniiiunll ) as are just and reasonable.
The board of supervisors of said county
shall have power to amend , repeal , change
01 add to said rules at any meeting of
said board.
Accepted and adopted.
WIIKUKAS. The county board has creat
ed a board of health and said board has
adopted certain laws and rules and regu
lations , therefore ho It
Itrsoi.VKD , That the county clerk have
"on copies of said laws printed for general
distilbutlon. 11. 1 * . Savage.
Accepted and adopted. .
< Miairman appointed Supervisors Sav-
ngo and Coiiley aa upnulal committee on
appointment of membela of the Uoar > l
of Health.
Tito following is the report of the
committee :
WnriiKAH , the county boinl of ( . 'UPtor count ) '
! < ( ir.ivlilcd for n tionid nf health for raid
county , now tuerrforo bo It
KCHOI.VKII , tlmtC W. ILikoi * of llrokcn How ,
'lirnAn , J ( ' . Wade , of Uronto , Nuliraika , anil
II HciintorinliLhiir of Surgent , Ncbra k.i , 1m
Mid hcroby iru uup 'Intml In inciuliors of raid
> nard of henlth , unch to ccrvo for n term of thri'i-
yi'niH. mill that A. K. ItoborlMin of Mfteon ( .In ,
A. L. MalhcwH of Calluway , It K. KoMnpon of
Arnold , hnd A J. McArthnr of Wcxtervlilo , lid
aud lii > rit > iy are appointed to norre on mid ua
ni-inlivrx of B.ikl botud of liuallu , each for n IHT
oil oC two yeitre , nml that A It Dowiilnu of
Merlin , Nohraska , V A. Wells of Hon.ritock , Ni'-
lirnila , L. II. SVnlnbtk-y ofVc t U don , and H.
I. William * of Ansolmo , Nebraska , ho iind ( horo-
liy nr appointed to nerve ou and bu members of
-.ilil board , uach to stuvo for one y nr , thut each
of faid porsotiH named bu notltlod by thu county
dork of their appointment In writing and bu
ri'iUi" | < tfd to 111ii mi Hccvptanct ) of inlil olllru
ivlihln M days from thu receipt by paid appointed
nf wild notice , and that In thu oront thai any of
mill persoiiM no appolntud refuse to accept said
> iiolutmunt | | thut tills board slmll at the next
regular uniting till salil vacancy , lie It further
that ! . YV. Hakes bu
UKpoLYKl ) , I und timeby i
named r\s cbalrmiin and tlnef health olDccr of
aid board. H. I1. SUVAOK , I
J W. CoNLEf , |
lioport of the committee accepted
and adopted.
The committee appointed to com
municUo with the editors of Custer
county made the following report :
Mr. Chairman : We , your commit
tee appointed to Interview the editors ol
the Custer county combination bej ; to
Hiib.nit too following report :
Wo have communicated with the
several editors In regard to doing the
county printing for 1902 , and have in
Viirlnuly received the reply thnt tlip
work would bo ( jladly Accepted at the
rateH prescribed hy the Ptn'tutes ot the
auto of Nebraska. M. P. Savage.
Geo. QrCHnwalt.
Wd offer the following rcpolution in
self defence :
Wheruau , the county printing has
heretofore born done for less than
latea , and
Whereaa , the Ctttber County Republl-
can h-s hoen dOHKimted HI tin oflijla
pupoof the county , without any ppeci
lied contrnjt ns ti compensation , there
( ore , he it
IlcHolve : ! , that the editor of said pa
per bit directed to appear before thb
board nnd enter Into contrnot to do stilt
printing nt R stipulated price , antl ot
his r fnaM , nt. les-e than legal rates the
action ot the hoard dro nming pal
paper nu the olllelrl paper bo and i.
hereby repealed. Savage
Mov d and carried to adopt the repor
of the committee.
Voting aye Srtv ; ; e , llisor , Uaily
Voting nay Thorpe and llonry.
Chairmun dcc'aretl the motion carried
Tti'i spro'al ' comtnittno appointed
check up the sheriff's olllco reported a
follows :
We , your special commlttoo appoint
ad to check up tbo olHea of fhe sheriff
heir leave tu repoi t that wo have ex
amlned nnd compared bin hooks wit
the following annuiil Htatemwit and hsv
Kasmuu Anderson
, j. C. Moore
. .
Real Estnte Abstractor ,
tt7 i.aiuls for rale and rent in fin tor roiinty nnd aill > lmng counili'KqtiltlCH und raortKuKes
bought nni ] hold Alictrurtit pionniily mid nciitfi made
ijlllcu Main Street , lloiwvun Ith und Mh Avt-nnes , llroken How , Ciintor county , Nebraska ,
S ; V.vr : VJ ; ! rcvtv ; ; 5 V.
. . . . . . * * -
: * ' . ' . . ' .
* --i lv .
wA.f " ' - - * ' : + ' : & \tem.iV&l&
iv * All parlioH indebted to the Eagle Grocery , are rcquoHtod
to call and Hottlo their account by cash at onoo. I must \\nvu \
money to pay billri , I cannot do btiHiniH8 on wind.
YOUTH truly ,
m S. SWAN 1
, > T.r !
Proprietor. %
10 Bars of Soap for 25c , t |
fftl.'ffit ' ' . ' lo * * . ' ' 'v : f : T * > 2'f . e' . ' ; ' , * . ' 7'.vJ : , < : .i ' ; > 'JJ * " 'V * ' ! ' * ' * fV" * ' . " ' > 'ft : " ' : '
. .
V : - ; A.-.srfAftW : fc : . : : . : v / < /i / . 'i ; / , ! / <
AlwayH have lliu bent quality of
torialH at the Lowont
v/M / 4i * ? 'rfW' r J -1
r i UgMWJS . I Phone No , 70.
C. R. JUDKINS , Manager.
found It correct anil recommend that it
bo prcv'tUul ( } eo. Grcenwnlt.
< ; . llleer.
I hii-iliy cor'ify ' tint thin In n true nml
( jorrtct Htatt'in lit nf nil f uv imn.oil In
my olllcjfor iliu f ! < ! * ! yuir 11)01 ) : '
Fee * for the flrnt qnartcr . $ 31711
K c for the second quarter . 74'J tVi
Kvo * for thn third qivrter . 491 4t )
for the f Jill th qiurtcr . 1 I > I7 T3
Tola ! . $3 11:177 :
pnl I nut fur deputy Uirr :
l-'or rrKUlsr dtlMiiy , ( J. IT liiclmrttfin. . . $ 7i.O L"
Special dcput'c *
Furry ( . 'tutor . WHO
l. K. Harrla . ft 7fl
K. Taybr . SOU )
. ! . M. SarldKO . N 0
llalHiico illle tllH county . „ . . . S73 IM
Total . JMlFn
All vouchers ftttachetl , inuludkug ra-
Otiipt ( or ttio amount duo ill i onuuty-
N. E AriuBtrong , ShorllV.
On mot'in ' it W B voted to ncoopt rtud
adopt report of the uoiumlttco.
The tlniincn committee reported
tollowp ;
The llnfttico committee recommend
ilio following eat I ma to he ninth ) ol ex
penses for the yenr 11)02 ) :
of county nulcnrs . $ 5 UO'J IK )
Dutlrlct court ixpcnuea . 5 000 ft I
riifttlonery anil ether Kuprllta . fi IHXi ( XI
Mlecnllannoiltt uxueuiM . 4 000 1X1
Agricultural HOdeljr . TOO IM )
reacherB Institute . "M ) Ou
liipurauco fund . 4UI 00
lload Fund . rtouooti
llrliU'o fund . 0 UH ) IHI
1'uor Kurm .
suldlorH rsllof fund . TliO 00
Total . * lu 000111
J.V Uotiley.
II. P. Ravage.
U. 11. Thorpe
We , your tlnnucu cuiutuittfo rccom-
nioml that the following transfers bo
inside :
from the Uoui-rnl fund of IDOO and
prior ycats . 81 40000
Advcrtlilng . TIKI 00
Interest . 40000
MUccllancom . 1 100 UO
to General tund of 1W | . * l WX ) 00
From tlrlde ; fund of 11HH ) nud prior
yuar0tullrld | > utuu.i of 1 901 . $1 I WO IK )
From Ktmd fund of 111 0 and prior yoari
to Uoad fund of 1'AJI ' . 8 100 IK )
Kroui .Mli'cellani'oua to Itovl
of 1001 . 200UO
Total . $ 600110
.1. W.Oouloy , I
11. 1' . Sav go , VCoro.
U H.Thuruu , \
Moved and curried to accept rind nil(1
opt the report of thu tommlttoo.
Moved and carried to ndiourn until
7I0 ; ! tine evening.
Hoard met pursuant to adjournment
with all member * present.
The olllolal bond * , rend acd o'uhns
ummittoe reported aa follows :
We , your commltteu on ofllulal bonds ,
rend auti elnlnn respect ful > y report tbu'
wi recommend ( bat tlie following olllnml
lonlbo approved :
M , K ll Kiulo'n,8oMturK relief coiumlulon ; L
M. Kriizur , ruiul ovomeer , district No. - ' , Myitlu
townMilp , I , K. Cole , countable , llrokeu How ;
U. U Mu lui , ju Icoof the peace , Wood Ulver
towoeblp ; Frank M. I'redmore , road orctteer ,
ilUtrlct No ' . ' , Lillian township ; H. A. milflllan ,
road ovoHucr. dUtrlol No. - , West Union town-
nhtpi 1' . M , tuce ! , roud ovcrtteer , dlMrlc. No 2 ,
Wtttterviilo township ; J 1) lliilcomu , roud erer-
Heor , dlatrlet No. U , llroken How lowntblp ,
liuvidCollier , constable , Myrtle township ; 1. M ,
Footer , conttatilr , VUnorla towiihblp : John S
Kenoyer , clerk , ilrukon How township , Wm ,
Luu , clerk , Vlcturln township : o T. Lrnch ,
treafUrur , WooU-mllt * town hip ; 1'urcell HroH ,
MilppllOM for the year tUO'j.
mid Hint the following cliilniD be
uliowfd :
L K. Koon. 810 ( fl. ,1 K. Urochhnhl , SI > ; L.
1C. Keen , 812 00 , JuiUon Kty , $7 r > 0 , L. K. Keen ,
25 IX ) ; K. K Van Antwerp. 312IX ) ; U. Illocr ,
ia.UO ; F. K. V mi Antwerp , ilfi iHjjUeu. W. Green-
wait , $ . ' 1 90 ; J W. fouler. $8 00.
rind tlmt the petition ot John llaloueka ,
nl nt , for n cli nge In the road be grant
uJ nt.d chiiigts mndri iia nuk-d in peti
tion. Aud mat the puticonof 1 , I ) .
Shtinmu , eln ! , baljiitl over till ilainnnt'u
U HtljiiHtud hy partit'fl petillouhig. And
in ihw mntu-r of thu petition ot W. H.
Uiyan , utal , we find Irrexuhu ua putt
tloni'i.s uro not bona tide owners of lund
touching uaitl rontl , and roconunend no
notion he tnkvn. And in the mutter pf
the remonstrance of .1. HiicLeiiP , etui ,
wo liud road tiaa been grunted and damage -
age claims eetili'd. A ( , < 1 In thu matter
of the oonaent of M. A. Hawk , tal.
(4ivln ( ooiifloot to Dr. K. A. llanna to
erect a fi'n'M across lection lines bo
twreti ecctioHB 16 and 10 , and between
sections Ifi and 22 , in townehip 15 ,
north , muuo H ) . In Cunter county , Nn-
brnska , w H recommend that Raid docu
ment 1)D kept on tile In the ctllne of the
county ck'ik.
Moved and curried to accept and ad
opt the report of tbo commltteu.
K. fc. VunAntworp.ln oimplinnco with
the order of the board , made the fol
lowing report :
JAroken liow.Neb. . .Ian. 21 , 1002.
To the honorable board of supervisors
oi ( Juater county. Nebraska : Your or
der of .January 20. 1902 , requiring the
aurvoyor to fjrrcct tbo rend plat book ,
plat roads allowed and correct any
errors , that , may be found , has been
compiled with. I found only one road
thut had been surveyed but what hnd
bt'on platted , a road that should have
been platted by J. W. Mathews. Sev
eral ooiiSRtit section ilnn ronda were not
platted , which wore not attrveyed. Er
corn in volume and page were frequent
nnd same waa corrected.
Uespectfully ,
F. K. VapAmwerp ,
The general claims committee report
ed as follows :
We your committee on general claim *
report that we recommend the following
claims bd allow d :
Alvln Dally . S SU 00 Courier 101 W
N E ArniMrouK " " 0 Dlerku Lumber
M E Harris . . 8 76 Co . . . . 7 75
WJUavIa a IK.I Or. Keniter-
JHosbouru . . 1 li ! macher 40 00
E It I'nrccll too in DIorku Lumber
SSMiOouucllMio Co 71
Cl HUer Si ) r.u lr ) It J William * tu ou
J 11 Of bourn. . . 3-M I'lln Molcalt . : MD
Ueo W low y ja : a J J Tooley 137 07
K < : andV K d llisur . U in
Tiilbot GO ) Harry uay & Co. ' . ' 45
r vv lUues. . . . n ' . ) T utvln moo
AJMcArtbur W lu I.lllle Oslxiurn00
A J MrArthur L' IU Kd McComai . I X >
Eil McComaB . . . ft to J U W Lewlt 6 00
HO bind 11 W ) It J Downing. sou
J H Kruucl * . . . . ' T > ( X ) J K lirerhbuhl . 'J , CA
W HOfttiuru , Jr. 41)00 .J N lllumour . 'J on
Wilson | lro . . Ib3 l ! > It llurrowy . . It U5
J S Ita'h'I'U UUrkK Lumber
llnrk Lumber tin 760
Co > M 0 U llayot 750
NJ tlttnn 11 tV ) tl n Thorpe H ) 00
\V J Woods . . , U J m Ueury. * ) CM
I ) M AniBberry. . Is 00 W J Wood * . . . . 4S 00
LewU I'frchm . 400 Wlleon A Drake. . 1135
Delia llODJamlu 11X5 It Ityerxon . 31 M
J It Oadd . . . . 4 W ) OH Thorpu ' 40
„ . . . JO llowm . . U W
1 111' tiiTauefJ WJ
Loader. 100 Ot ) JV Conloy' . . . as M
Callaway Aliln Dally . Uy W
Moved an < i carried to accept and ad-
Masquerade Bell
at the
Opera House ,
FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 14,1902 , ,
Under the Auspices of the
Broken Bow Hook and Ladder Company ,
. .
opt report of committee.
Mr Savage presented the following
resolution and moved Its adoption , eeu-
onaed by Henry :
Mr. OhRlrmim , WHEKEAH : This honorable -
orable ( body ban boon unable to obtain H
proportion lor thu county printing for
ttio year 1902 at less than legal ,
AND WIIKIUCAB , It IB neoeusury that
snld orintluK should bo done and oouie
popjr bo deslKnated na the ctllolal paper
of Cuater county ,
Ouster County Hepublicau be designated
us the cllloial paper of Ouster county.
II. L' . Savage.
Moved by Greenwalt to amend by
striking out too wordo "for the your
lt'02" antl substitute "from Jan. lot to
March llth. "
Ayce nnd nays being called ,
Voting aye , Daily , Greenwalt nnd
Voting nay , Thorpe , Savage , HUer
and Henry. Chairman declared amend
ment lost.
Ayes and nays being called on the ori
ginal question.
Voting aye , Savage , HiRer , and Henry ,
Voting noy , Dilly , Urecnwalt and
Conley. Onalrinan voted nay.
Moved by Conley npcnnded hy ( iraen-
Wftlt. thut ( he Custer County Republican
ho designated aa the otlleial paper of
Cuater oouuty tcr an Indelinlto length of
time. Motion carried-
Cnmmitteo on Mrroueoua and i > elui-
quent tnxea .submitted following report :
Wo your coinmitlnt ) on Erroneous and
Delinquent tnxte would rnrptotfully re
port that we have examined the claims
of E. L. Luce , fur ? 2bT > , C. 8. Mart IK ,
I.Ci and Gfoat nod Sloggett for $8.'Ju
and . It is our op n'on ' that aalti tnxcu have
been wrongfully collected ant ) we there
fore rruomuimid that said BUiua be re
funded to said parties respectively.
( } . HlHor I
James Henry
O o. Green wait )
Moved nnJ carried to ad pt , report nti
Moved acd carried that the count )
clerk bu and hereby IH Instructed to draw
warrants tor all claims allowed at Ihla
meeting of tbo board.
The following requisition of Hheriff
Broken How , Nebr.
January , I8sh , 1902.
To the honorable board nf Supervisor
of Custer county , Nebraska- would
beg lesvft to ink yotir nonoruble body to
irant me the privilege of hiring ono reg
ular deputy at the euro ot 8700 per year
and all other atich deputy hire da IH ac
tually neceanary for the coming liseiil
year 1002 , to ho pnld out of the fee ot
my oltlco. N.E.ArmBtroDg.Sberlfl.
llequest of Sup. 1-owie for instltulo
fund , 625 granted.
Urotion Bow Nobr.
Jan. 17th , 1W2.
lonornblo Board nf Supervisors.
Custor County , Nebr.
( janth men : Aa county superintend *
ent 1 respectfully ink you to make the
appropriation to institute fund * ia pro
vided In section 1. Subdivision X school
awn of Nebraeka. J. ( i. W. Lewie.
Moved and carried thub the clerk ho
natruoted to provide a pocket llnun map
of Custer county for each member ot
thu Aboard.
Moved and cnrrled that the chalrmnti
be snd hereby Is Instructed and empow
ered to make any arrantreniunts which
ho may deem to the beat interest of ( lift
count" in regard to securing telepliore
connection wl'h the poor farm.
Moved by Couley and ueconile'J by
Daily , WhereaH the county attorney
ha ? Instructed this bonrd that In hia
opinion U IB illegal ( or tbla board to ap
propriate county fundi to purchase tup-
plk'B for townohip ntlljeru , Therefore ,
be It Hctenlvod that the notion of thin
board In granting requisition of R I > .
Mil's ' for copy of the rttattiteu bo aud the
inmo is hereby resclndo.l.
On motion regularly made and seconded
ended thu reHolutlon waa adojitod.
Kx-treaourer M. E. tichnerlnger cot
having bis annual report ready the
obainuaii appointed the linanco ooinmil-
t ( > o tu check up euld ollice durluK recess
of ttie board.
Moved aud cnrrled to adjourn lo meet
on MarohU , 11)02 ) at I ) a. m.
( hamborlnin's Cough Uemetly is the
mother' ) ) favorito. It is pleasant and
HHfe for children to take nntl alwnyH
cures. Jt is intended especially lor
coughs , colds , croup and whooping
eolith , and i the best mcdicino made
7or these diseaneH. There IB not the
east danger in giving it to children ( or
t contains no opium or other injurious
ilrug and may be uivcn * * conlldcntly to
n babe as to an ndult , For enlo hy J.
U. llaoberle.
U. S. Land Office.
. II. YOUNO . HowlTcr
Alt lulTortlnoinonlu unilur tlilM lu-ml will liu
charged for nt leiml riUCK , viz : 81 .no PIT Hiiiar |
for llrst liif onion , and WW : \ > er tqiiuro for Midi
iulit > t ( ) iiu it liieiirlloii.
A "siuare" | It * ton llnoH or fraction lliorto' .
irnllfld StuteH Land Oltlno I
I Incoln , Noltnuktt , January H , 1WJ.
Ic tiuroliy KUiiu tlnil tliu followliiK namoil
. liaa Hint noUecot liln tiitoiitton
Oiul proof In eiiiiorlof | hln clnliii , and tlmt Hiilil
proof will tin in ml o -foro l tlib tjouuty JiulK . nt
ilrokuti Ilinv. Nnbranica. on J'"lru ry vl , 1UO-J ,
viz : JOIINOKOHOUHKU. , It K No. ITIir. .
Vl. ! ! M3lit ! ) i.aim-H tliu followlm ' ,
to prove lilx conllnnoiiH runnlonuo II | HI
and cultivation of > ald limit , vl/
Isaac tlark , or ICUdyvlllo , Nobrn k , I.awronrn
( ' ! > ! k of hddyvlllu , Koliraika , Frank Mutclile , of
Kililyvlllc , Ni'lirKi-L-ii Jolin Mutclilu. of
vlllo , Nubraika. . .1.V , JUUNSON ,
Unlteil States lnint Dlllco.
llroken How , Nt < liraskH , January It ) , ItKtl
In hurotiy Klvon tlmt tint follovvlnir
Notice li Illud i.ntlci' ofhtH InU'iitlon to make
Hull j ronf In nupport of bin r.lalinitirtl tlmt Hiilil
proot will bo madn lioforo HoKl t 'r and Kccolvor ,
at llroken Cow. Nob. , onV'cttiii dav. 1'ubruary
SO IW , TKKKI | : ) HNYDICIt , ot Mlllmrn , Neb .
on hfB II. K. No , aoo.1 , for Urn SoH Uw)4 ) , Hxv > <
So' * , section L'SJ , tU , NoU. ncctlon U7 , townehlp
to , N..ranKoyi'W , 6th 1' . M. Iln nainen the
rollowllig wltnohHCH to uroTO bin continuous
rei > ldimce upon and cultivation of vilil lain ) , vlx :
Marlon S. iMlly , ilobort Varloy , Siitton I vturs ,
.lobn llnftmitii , all of Mlluiirn , NfliranUn.
Sl-itt : ' . '
United Ktatua Land Olllco , (
HroLen How , Ntibr Hka. January vw , ISO'J. f
Notice IH ucreby Klvcn tlmt tlio following limn
isk uuttltir | I H nloil notice of til > ) Intvntlon t (
mskn final proof In unpporl of Iliu claim , unit
that raid proof will l > < ) tnailo bfforn KeKlrtcr uml
Itei'i'lTHr ut llrukrn How. NcbrnHka , on Ki'bnury
a ? . 11KK , tlz : JOHN T. MACKUY , of Wcst-
rllln. NebrnnUa. for tbo II. B. No. l ll. N
NwW. section ! ili. townnlilp 17. N , ranco IB.we.
lit ) nninei Hie following ftttnCMfH to prove bin
contlnuoiiK r Hlilunco upon and cultivation of
aald laud , viz : , , ,
Kobort J. MIlUi , Jolin I1. Uuiinor , ( lu rKu W ,
Wolab , Clarence Macltcy , nil of WcRturvllle , No
3JJI7-H iti-KUtor.
Tn the District Court of I'uBter County , Nebraska'
CbarluitC. Oardnni , plnliltlir , va. AnUrow J
Morrlll , Mri. Andrew J. Merrill , bl Wlfodi-fen-
dauta. , .
'I be abOTB named defendant * , mill I'fltb of them ,
will dike not'co that on the S2ntt day of
January , ltK , tbe plaiulllf burclii , t'lmrleH C.
Qardner , Ulid In the dlptrl.t court , of Ouster
county. M bra ka , hla pi-tltlon HKalnei you , nnd
eauli of TOU. aa < lefundaiitd , tbo object und pri > yor
of whlolil-i to forecloiou curtain nix nine com-
ficuto iHcnfrt liy thn treasurer of Cunter county ,
Nebrauku , on the : ird day of April , Ib'/J , of which
the above named plalntitf Is now the owner and
holder , and upon which tliori-lH now duo the mini
of J-.iO.ifl , and cuverti'K ' tno following described
lirtinli > e , to wit Lota ouo (1) , aud U ( } , In
block elitht (3) ( ) , in the original town ot Sargent ,
Nibmka. The nbovr named plaintiff pray * for a
decree ot foreclosure and for the rule of H.u
above di-fcrlbed promUe * to tl fy the ainonul
fouud itno and tbo Intercut , and co t of mm.
Yuuare required to answer tall petition on
Mouday , Uic3r < l day of Jliiich , KH
Dated lit Uroken Iow ( , Meb-anki. thin it'nd day
of January , 1WJ. A. It , Huui-nnir ,
Ji-'JS-U Attorney for I'lnlntlu
'Jbnmaii V Turner , SophU Turner , hU wlfu ,
Abrahm Ten/.el , othurwUe known an AbraliHin
Yotzel JaniCH K lloiiham , Mrn. Dnnlium , lilt
wife , ilritundrobl name unknown , J/imen Wall-
Int ; , Hachul Walling , hlH wlfu , Jnhn C Hoiirdli-t ,
Anna llpnt-dlct , ) IH | wife , do'undam * . and uuch uf
them will Hike no tire , that thu Union Trim
Company of New York. TrtiMCo pUlntlR. him
tiled IU petition in tbu Dl trlul Court of the
County of Cuater , Hiatu of Nubraakn , UKalif
you Implradod with County of Cuntor und otlu-i
the object and pra > er of which 1 tu forccloi-t _
uiuitKutto executed by ThumaH 1'Turner and wife
to the American Lu n it Tru t Company , unou
tln Kuil lialf of tbe Nonliweat Quarter , nnd l.ols
one aud two. all In StUlon noveu , Towui < hii | lour
teen , North , Itanvo twontylwoect , In tbo
County ol Custer , htate of Nubrafka , lo uecuro
tlm payment of oim n tu ilalcil June ti : , HS7 , fjr
3175 uo due on April 1 , 17that ! Mild not" mid
mortijago uru now uwnml by i > atd plulutlK , and
that there li due thorcuu , and ulm for taxes upon
euld property paid by the plamllll , pursuant to
llio pn.liioiM of ualJ mortate ( ; , thu nuin ot
J6S3 8U , tor winch num. wlih mten-Ht ami conti ,
plilntltt pruyH for a decree , and that the prcinli- >
deKcrtbud may bn Hold tu KUlefy taid amount.
You rre required to auewur Kiitd petlllou ou or
before the IDth day ot Miiieh , Itkr. .
" this tbe autli day of January , t' M
ot Nt < . \ York , Trita ee. 1'lalullll.
' ' " MONTUUMKHY & IU1.U ,
LKUWICII , Attorueyi.
In tbe District Court of Muster Cimnty.Ncbrank * .
Jiimwn N. OUrk , Iti-ceUor Nebruka
TruBlt'o. , pliiintlll , Y . 0. W 8vfan ou , Marv K.
Swaniton , hln wlfn. 0. O Jlorrlioii , Ulurlo * Lea-
eniiy.O. V. KdUMilnbufb. Sarah Houndabutb ,
olD wlto. anil U It. Davlo , detundatitn.
Tbo alioro rmnod defondantu , nnd oacli uf
tliom , will lake notice that on tbo XUn Uay of
.Inly , 1WI. ttio plalutllt herein , Jamm N. Olark ,
Itrcolvor. tiled In the district court of C'uittr
flouniy , NebraHkH.UlH p ttlUu agaliut you , aud
each uf von , ai > defoadanU. thu object anil prayer
ot Hblch IH lo forocloNo a crrtalu uiortgaii < Klviu
tout-euro tbu payment of ton proniUiiory natet
of Uiadefi'UilaiiiH 0.V Swntnou nnd Mary S.
8wani < oiia.nountlni ( to thoj < um of 808.60 auit
falllim 'In n one aoli Blx mo4p > i from December
tut , 1BV5 , each uotu for $0 M ; which tlm abofv
imini'il tilalnfllla now thu owner and bolder , auU
upon which Iboro In now due the lum ot JllH W ,
and i-OTorlng thu following di'icrllrtd prumliei ,
tO'Wlt : Thu routtiweit quarlcr , of ccttou St7 , iu
towiiBhlp IS , rauce ( IH , tn Cncter oounty , Ne-
brarka Thu ubore nal d plalntlft pray for a
decree uf foroolonuro and fnr tin inle ot tbu
above dmrrlbed proinUea to lallify the auount
found iluo mil the Intorrit and corls.
You are rciintrnl to nnswcr > ld pttltlou oa
Monday , thn Ilrd day of March , IUW.
Dated at llrakon How. Nebrnfki , tliUUiuJ Onf
f JannnryW \ , JOHN M. IUOAM , and
A. U. llimrnuir.
i.tt7 : Atty . fur 1'U'ff .
t'ort immaurir 19tr-
Noltcn IH hereby Klren that voalnd propoiali
will lie rntelrud at Hie outco ot the county clerk ,
ut llioktm How , Unnter county , Nebraska , for
furiiliddiiK all mutorlat , and for the erection aud
completion ot all county bride m reiiatrcit bv
< lu ter county , from March la , lOO ! , tu Alarcn If ,
All btdt rnunt bu by thn lluoal fet > t nf
and all wooden brldinii ruuflt bd of Oru on
11 r throughout with : Mnch lluor plankn , A cnrtt-
flnd chuck of &OD lunit ccompany eaeb did.
Plain ) and Mpurinoallonn to be furullhod bf bid-
durH. A I bltU to be flled lit the county i-jMk'i
olllco by Io'clock noon % > n tbo tilth tMy oj
11 inch , lUtK ! . Tbe board roierv a the rlrfil to
reject nnv or all lildit. Ilntcd tiiln S'lhday ol
January , IWK Jly order ot the county board
OBO. W 1) KWHY , County Oluih.
10 lly Joii. I'IIIMAX , Deputy.
To wlioin U innv coururnt
The ruiniulpalonur appointed to view a ruad
conimenctiiK two rod * uttpt of the Mw corner of
tlioHcUof eecilon 1W , tnwiiiblp 10 , ncttlh of
raniie ' . " , ( Illi P. M From station I aonlii a
chalim to Klatlon 2 , from tlattau U moth ! M chatui
to Htatlon : t autlou a IB tuo K corner hctwitcu
octloiiH2Kmi < lH3 townfhlp 10. rnnfrt S3tt
llth I' . Al , and to vacate ru J bOKlnnlnK at Mw
rornor , Ho. > i. bsctlon as. townhlp 10 , rmua
thonue > , < , mil" l > twton HcW nml r ok of soctiuu
'M , IdWoHblp 10 , ranX'i3- reported In Uur
of otabllHhluic ami vacating tnu roii't tlmroot an4
all objection * Hereto , or Clalmi tor dan ) * * * * ,
iniiet be flUd In the county clerK'H olllco on or be
fore uoou ot the 2-lth day ot March , 11W ! , or neb
roud wtl. bo e tnblliltod wltlioat reoronu > > there
to. In witnirv whereof , I haTO hereunto i < imy
hand uud netil of rtld county , thl IMih day ut
loauary , tWf.1 Ono W. UCWKV.
; tj-ao I County Clrrk.
County Court , Ctihter County , NebrMkn.
To the bnlri and next of kin of Andrew Attd rioii ,
deceased :
Yon re hereby notified that Herman It. Klump
u creditor of paid docuiucil. Ui fllcd hi * idtltlou
in KBtd court , ttHklnK tbat n tnoy be appointed
iidinlnltfiralor of tbo catnto of Andrew Amluinoii ,
di-uiuHiid Unid niattor baa b u Bet for bearing
tor 1'uhruarv 15 , 1W . at 10 o'clock a. tn. , at tb
county court room , Iu llrokeu How , Nobra k ,
when all luleioBUul pnrtleit may appear tutd lit
lioiiro. Da'cd tbe 17th day of JunuirjIWU. .
0 Oouuty
To whom It may concern.
Tbu cominlMlonor appointed lu vuw a road
coninieiiclnii 1 0 feet norlh of center uf nettloii
; ! : > , ti\vnn > ii [ ) IS , ranKO 2 > . thence
Station Station
No. DHK. Mill. Kl ! No.
from 1 n 80 m w too ta S
frout 'J B W w U70 to : t
from : t n Kl 1 ! > w HHO to1
from 4 n H7 W w 2IIU to &
from 5 g ! ( ! : il ( w 410 to H
from fl w ISIo to 7
f at U cor. i.
from 7 a -'WO tn HBUlu { utC. 8t
I tfi. IR r. 1HJ
baa reported In favor of eatalillAbtntmt themuf ,
and all objectloni thereto , or cluluia for damages ,
miiHl bo In the county clerk'a otllcu ou or so-
fore noon of the IMth day of March , lbU3or vuok
road will he located without reference thereto.
In wltncea whereof , I bare hereunto l toy
baud und teal uf mid conntr , ttili latii daUC
Dccomber , IW . UKo. W. Dawur.
Sl-'tl I [ Clark.
I'D whom It may coniern :
Tbo commlfpioner nfpolnUxl to view a road
coiuinoiiRinn oo icolaei of & corner uu well aide
l'i , t < iwiibhlp Ik , ratme'-
titatlnn bU'lou
No DBK Mn. ! Ft No.
from I n w TBO tu S
from ' . ' u I'J 15 w 1110 tu 3
from : i n ii IIJ \ \ U7ltu ) 4
from I n 4o 40 w lilKlto 6
from ! > n 11 w UOO to 6
from il n : i7 'M w MO 10 7
from 7 n W III e UCOtO H
from H u .10 15 w aroio u
from U n ,1 45 u 100 to 10
from ID n M w lrt ( > to 11
from 11 n 1 30 W 40(1 ( to I' . '
from I' * ' n U4 M w BtWto 13
from 11 n 74 w IMOto It
from II n 31 W 31510 15
trom 15 n bO 15 W 410 to Iti
( HI ccitar isc
from 14 u 74 15 w 745 to Ml'iT , tcli. 14
( ranuo &
from ,17 u LO 15 w 470 to IS
from IU n I 15 e MuUlo IU
I at it cor , ,
from I'J ' u \i \ u 700 tu ? 0 < bldu 'U , K ,
fiom 'O through center ot section
toi ! corner ou , N. Hide ectlon ? -
U - ' , ' , hit repor ted lu favor of the location ttiaro-
of and all oujectluu * thereto , or claim , for dua
ugoii , in u si tie flli'il lu the cuautv elork'K ulUce ou
or before noon of the lAth day of March , lUQi , or
Biich road will b nnubilabod without referent *
In witnoii * vrhorenf I biro liciuuntu < et ray ( t
my hand and Heal of td county , thu lO.h 0y et
Jiinuary , IVKU Oku. W. Utwitr ,
ui-34-u ISKAL ] Uouut )