Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 30, 1902, Image 2

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    Custer County Rcpublicai
to. ni. A , r.iiitiiriinii 1'niiiiMn
ItltOKI.N I > U\\ ,
Tin- v.i aeeiiinuhiton dull Amer
ican o'1" "hii's h vit the world.
Sarah Uriind BityH iiionoy IB u bore.
at In xalil to . .ill ; u peed dtml.
OornolliiH Vamlorbuli Is prov-
biff to 'the world thai II Is possible to bo
* u eful though burn rich.
What beulH oiirryintf onalH to Now-
pnntic all to pltves Is shipping babto.t
kroin New York to Kaunas.
the rod iiinn dill'orrf radically
from the white tiuiii In- will have to be
ktnrvcil Into jjolnu to work.
trust has one advantage of Ilii !
Jfnrmcr. It can water Us slock an wiHlly
On a drought year IIB In a rainy < mo.
It thvto'H any inoupy In mi Inlor-
fontitivntnl railway , wu may rest HW-
ureil Unit Mr. Morgan will attend to it.
AH soon as a ulrl RI-IM married nil the
married women of her aciiutilniitnce be
gin to watch for wrinkles on her .fore
IGvcn If war slinnld liivnints a tiling of
Jtlio jwsl civlll/cd KovurninontH would
* tlll need their navies to collect bills
It I * understood I hat tlu ; proposed
ukatc trtiKi will advance prlcon. How-
rer , there will always b ohuap aki
In the country.
If foot-ball were a foreign InduHtry
ire fibonld probably be constrained to
quarantine against It an wu do against
the bubonic plague.
Tlic Ynle foot-ball team made $70,000
( faring the season of 11)01. ) This la a
Very atrong argument against the abolition
lition of the game.
An educated Indian girl forsook a
dgnrctte-MniokliiK husband and return-
wl to her own people. The horror * ) of
rirtlliatlon were too much for her.
It Hecms It IB also IO.MS majesty to
ftptak 111 of the CJerman army. The
Army is the Kaiser's mailed list , and
sis motto IB , "lovc me , love my sol-
Jlers. "
' ' One of the big department storoq In
'Chicago has contracted wltb one news
paper for $1110,000 worth of ai'lverlls-
taB for 11)012. ) "What a waste of money , "
* ays the old fogy-
The alarm which Knglaml is feeling
* vcr the increasing sales of American
khocn In that country Is only another
Evidence that , In Industrial matters , we
fcro allowing her a clean pair of heels.
An English professor Is trying to
temonstratp that In future agt s the
human race will bo legless. Political
life will then not ho an Iridescent
'Bream with nothing of a pullable na-
hire In sight
A man that has studied the game
M.ya the only way to break ( he bank at
Monte Carlo Is for every one to quit
playing when he's ahead and get out.
the bank has no fear that this system
will be worked.
The conundrum now before us Is ,
rtiethor to be vaccinated and have
Jockjaw , or not to be vaccinated and
hare smallpox. 1'rol'csslonal beauties
for themselves , and long-sulVering lui
bands for their wives , will probablyse
lect lockjaw as the li"M > r of ( wo evils.
A little ragamutlln in New York the
other day up a parcel in the
putter containing diamonds worth
(8,000 and took them home to his little
later , thinking they were glass. The
next day , In answer to an advertisement
ment , ho returned them and got $ -0 '
tor his honesty. The moral of which is
bo keep your c.u > s In the gutter and
four little Mister nni.s urnr diamonds.
Preparations for the St. Louis K.\hl-
bltlou of IJHili. to commemoniie the eon-
fenary of the Louisiana purchase. " be
gin with an assueil fund ut' fifteen mill
ion dollars just the Mini the United
States paid France for this mngnlnccni
region out of which we have carved
many Stales and Territories. The coin
cidence , of Itself. Is worth celebrating ;
It affords coin-lusvo ! proof that l'neK
Bam made a good bargain.
The experiment undertaken by Her |
man o.\p'irt iniivhuniM. of lilting out
tloatlr.g < oniuu-rHiil exhibition * * , has
been iviiiarUiihlv pnit'.table Kach nf
the exporters contributed a sum proper
tloii/tp to the amount ut space h > do-
lre.1 to occ'.p.Thin went to defray
expense * . In .idditiiui. each pronilMcd a
10 per cent i-ommlsMon mi sales. HU'pH '
ivcre lilitd cut , with a Klnft trainctl In
the teehniial nnd commercial sclidols.
On ontorlnu , i liarbur a canvas * uas
made of ihe merchants , who were then
hivlled on hoard oriniled b > HalcMiU'it
tvltb amiiles. Ai .in c\iense | of two
hundred tlmusaoil dollar * . gondin the
mine of i\e ! million dollars were sold
Germany has no patent on tin * plan.
If It be true that Hmpornr William
ins put bis foot down lo prevent any
; urtlicr dueling In the Herman army ,
then the Kaiser must bo credited \\llh
prcat good sense displayed at the fight
lime. To-day ilie public would no more
tolerate a duel In America than it
irrotild a prize light with ban- knuckles ,
fc'ho Kngllsli niblle ha.uNo undergone
i iitillur change ; miti If the flcnnnn
, . lagn bohlnd It IH only because the
tratlltlotiH of her universities maku
dueling popular. It needH but the vl -
' ' ob movement of tlie Herman Km-
" [ .i M.-r to give a denlh blow to a custom
A.I- i , ollsli HH U | $ i vleloiiH , nnd an ( intl
as It IH barbarou.s.
Tlie Idea that the Indian who lint
been allot ted a patch of land by the gov
ernment .should be required to till it
and thus acquire a knowledge of agri
culture that will make him InduslrloiiH
ami nelf-stistalnlng Kcem.s like a very
sensible proposition to anyone who bus
not iniide a study of "Poor Lo" on bis
native heath. The government could
ha\e no oilier object in placing the In
dian on a reservation than to makiof
him a farmer. If II merely Intended
to confine him to certain territory and
then feed him and keep him In Idle
ne.sH | | would not have Met apart illla
ble hinds for him to roam over. This
IH the idea that pervades tlie n port ol
Miss Kstelle Iteel , superintendent id In
illan schools. I'ommcntlng on the ne
ccHilty for teaching Hie Indltin to do
hl.s own farming , Supcrinlcmjcni KcU
sayx : "No occupation will so < eon -lis-
PO.XSCHH Hie Indian ol his nomadic in
stincts nnd II x upon him perni.inency
of habitation as agriculture. Tilling
of the soil will necessarily oblige him
lo remain In one spot , and the pcrlorm-
Itig of certain duties at proper times of
the year u ill Instill Into him the neces
sity for systematic wurk and for giv
ing alieiiilon to details. To make any
real progress Hie Indian must have a
home wherein will ct'nler all bis utter-1
c.HtM , hopes ami ainbllloiiH , and a liotiu !
on a farm uill besl 1111 these result >
ments. " All of which Is true , IMP Hie
trouble with the Indian lies In his in :
uate aversion lo anything ( hut l nks
like Illllng the Holl. lie will make toys. I
Ingenious mechanical device.s , t.incy (
work , or play in a band , but Hie sight of
a plow makes him take to the warpath.
He ( Iocs not believe Hie soil should be
disturbed. Another dllliculty In Hut
way of making a farmer of the Indian
Is the presence of the Industrious and
avaricious whiles. So long as the whites
are willing and anxious lo lease his al
lotment of him the Indian is content to
live in Idleness and luxury while his
acres are being developed In produc
tiveness by the race that Is gradually
crowding him oft" the earth. The only
way the government can induce tlie In
dian to take up the pursuit of agricul
ture Is to make It Impossible for him
to lease his lands to the whiles nnd to' '
stop furnishing him with good rations j
of beef and mutton. There Is no doubt |
that agriculture would be good for Ihu
Indian , but be will never till Hie M > | |
so long as the wliito man will do it for
him and give him a small rental.
Cliimmiaii Gave Up Ilii Scut.
A Columbia avenue car , with a gooit i
crowd aboard , was \\endlng its way up
Ninth street late one .Saturday evening.
Only a few of the gentler se\ were on
the car and these had seals. Among
the sealed passengers \sere two .severe-
looking clergymen , several prosperous men and a docile Ubinaman
\\lio carried a large bundle on his
At Arch street a middle-aged woman
who carried a small valise , got on Hie
car. It Jolicd along and Hut slen I < T ,
tired-looking woman glanced around
appeallugly for a seal. She stood clone
to where the two mininlcr.s sat and her
face wore an oxpresHlon of pain as the. ;
car rattled along ami she clutched nerv
ously lit Hie luindslrap. Tlie Chinaman
rose from his seat , and , holding his
heavy bundle ulili his left tin ml , tap ,
ped the woman with Ills right baud | !
gently ami moiioned her to the seal he
bad vacated. She accepted the favor
witli a smile and a gracious "
you , sir. "
All the men seated in the car stared
at eaoh other as if each of them had
received a rebuke.
"That Chinee Is all right. " remarked
the conductor , according to the Phila
delphia Iteeord. "lie's a good sample
of those supposed barbarians we nro
endeavoring so hard to civlli/.e. "
" 'I lie rimillo on the IMatc. "
"The year thai I lived In Chicago 1
noticed one night in passing through
the Polish .lew quarter something 1
have since seen elsewhere. " wrlles UIH
Itev. Imvld M. Stel , in the Ladles'
Home .lournal. "It \\as 'the candle on
the plate. ' A man dies , and for want
of means to pay the rent his family is
to be turned out on the street Thu
widow sets u phtte on the pavement be
fore the door and puta u lighted c-indlQ
on it. For the length of time dial it
will I'lirn it Is a summons to the neigh
bors passing hy to put in nickels , d'mes '
and pennies - which invariably they < ] n
until a luud Is ralM-il siitticlent to xav < '
the fainlh from eviction. Would I tin
! name tiling hanjieu on the Stock Kv
i eimnge If a bank failedV"
F..ilur >
. . .
Talking failure makes fa I' ' ore tmy
A gloomy , mVlaii"li < > b dNpti ; ! . is
largely mulicr > r Icib t and muter ! it
ly reiMi'il * otieV advancement. It d > < >
not nmiier it' mo U UIICOMSC'OII !
tbe e ha bit n. they nil u ure In the tln-il
results of tlfe work Ju t Hie xumc.
Watch your chance remark * . M k
them count for hope nii'l ' eni oiH-i'i
meat. Success.
High anil Low
Wyandotte County , averiiglnj ; only
7 < M ) feet above the son level , IB the lo \
est nnlnt In Kansas. Cheyenne Ootiuty ,
on the Colorad * border. 4,000 foul aliovr
the sea. Is the highest.
ISvcry housekeeper 8jn < mls au oc
casMuaal dollar ou fee ] : hiie > . ! s , and con
tlnuo < to ttso a dler ] | In tlio kltclirn
tliiit hus n hole in It , but can the mcv
i prove they an- any MiM-rV
LlJ Ainerl'Miti women are not
nervous that Is a mistaken Idea.
It l.sticce.SMirytoadmlthowe\c'r ,
that many residents of cities In the
United States ) overdo In the restle.s.s
pursuit of pleasure or In the routine of
work. Those who are tionbled with
what Is called "American tiencs" had
better go to bed for a day or two. eat
ample food for a few week.s. and after
this little rest begin a course of exer
cise. Women can do a great deal In
the early stages of nervous prostration
by appealing to tholr will power. They
should not allow themselves to worry
over household cares. It N possible to
iniiko oneself calm. If you have lee
heavy burdens get rid of some ol them.
When you decide to be good to your
self , you will notice a wonderful Im-
[ iroM'tnent In your health. You must
not tuku too many baths If > ou think
the water weakens you. Try the salt
rub. You can massage the body with
damp sea salt or yon can apply the salt
dry by covering a Turkish towel that
has been wrung out of waicr saturated
with sea salt and then letting it dry.
This towel will 1mvo the same effect as
a llesh brush. Those suffering from
nerves derive much benefit from mas
sage. If a professional cannot , be employed -
ployed , have some one of the family
rub them wltb almond oil or cocoa but
ler at night before going to bed. They
will sleep after the pleasant treatment
and will awaken next day to sec that
the world Is brighter. Philadelphia
Telegraph ,
KOIII- for American Women.
Alarmists are working their way to
{ ray hairs and wrinkles over the aver-
ige woman. They have discovered
Jiat she Is superior to her husband in
in Intellectual way. The first danger
ilgnal came from Prof. Miicnsterhcrg
> f Harvard , who from lime lo lime has
treated a sensation by making radical
ilaleinents on educational topics. He
observed that while the husband wa >
Dusy earning money to support hl.s wife
( n Idleness , she was Improving Hie
ihlnlng hours by advancing herself
ilong Ilnc.s of culture until she reached
beights which placed her far above her
iompanlon. Naturally this mental hi-
tquallty caused domestic Infelicity ,
ind hencethe , need for alarm.
Young women also have enleied the
mad race for culture , and , attaining it.
scorn tin. young man who lias left
hooks behind and taken to business ,
while they were still parsini ; Greek
verbs. This means that the college
bred young woman will not main 1111
less she finds the young man who has
graduated \\itli higher honors than her
self. The Philadelphia Inquirer
lo take this stand. It has .vet to see
Hie girl who scorned an eligible man
because he was not college bred. Wom
an Is still woman and a daughter of
liJve In spile of all.
The reason men love women is that
they are as they are. No > imount of
education or culture changes the in
herent nature of the individual. It may
or i lay not make her theoretically more
cultured , but that Is not what men iire
after. A nmn is not seeking any ab
stract woman , but some particular one ,
nnd If he can get her , so much the hot-
tcr. And woman , with all her moods ,
itoes not accept or reject a man on the
1'iasN ' of education and culture.
Heroine nl the Hour.
The plain giu U receiving a deal of
nttemliiii. She is Hie heroine of Hie new novel which maket. the fur
lime ol author and publisher ; she Is the
favorite of society , of the stage. P.nt
she is Mutable fur something Intelest-
Ing , if It Is nothing higher Ihan a talent
Cor dressing. She has winning ways ,
excels in outdoor sports , is accomplish
ed In various ways , or menially bril
liant She Knows how lo talk and how
to listen , writes hunks , paints pit-lutes ,
raises prle animals , or flowers , Is an
xperi musician and tlie best of wives
and mothers. She holds her husband's
respect and devotion when her pruty
neighbor is necking dhorce from u ti-u-
unt husband.
The plain girl is generally a weiisiiilo
me She will not suhmll to Injustice ;
< he w ill not betir m'glcct \ \ lib mcckn < ss
if spirit. One often t liiaUs that human
ity Is prutty sure of Its victims before It
ittemptH its system of petty tyranny.
We rarely try to slight those who , we
ire certain , w. III resent slights. Tl.e emy :
ticople who are too timid or lee indo-
'eut lo resent anything are the mies
w'tli ' whom wo break cu ageim-i U ,
without uotlco. and ollirrwlse abn-.t >
It is hard to undcr.stii'd : the \\IJM-III
who claims that her husband beats ii , > r ,
for w by does she permit it ? She might
be taken by surprise Hie llrsi lime , hut
what about the second ami lhli-V |
Women ratablisb their own vultic , as
a rule , and some of them , after d si v
"ring thai the valuation was much MO
low , lebul with loud words , hut wuli-
out action to back thorn up. In Hint
not so' . '
Till- ( "ill'l'M AlliMUIIICr.
The question of au allowance for ilie
.laughter of the household Is one thai Is
lonsliiiitly being discussed. 11 seeinu to
be pretty generally accepted that it Is
. \ guild Idea , and teaches a girl the
value and use of money. Ho It does ,
but It sometimes teaches her some oili
er thing * that need n lltile guarding
at/'tst. A girl with an allowance oc
casionally makes it au excuse for pen
iirUiiisiu'ss ou the one side and uuhcsi
mtlng begging on the otlici , that tend *
u little to I'himieter deterioration
While It Is perfectly igbt : and proper
to give as an excuse for self-denial
that one's allowance Is exhausted , or
will not admit of the proposed pur
oluiHu or pleasure trip , it Is not right to
say , as girls have been heard to do :
"I'll go with you , but you must pay my
car fare. " or , "I have only a dime to
spare In the treat If you will let me
come In on that , " etc. I have heard a
girl reply , In answer to a suggestion
-from a companion on a short railroad
trip , that a parlor car should be taken ,
"Oh , If wo do that you will have to
pay my way on It , my allowance Is so
nearly spent. " Girls who would shrink
from the Idea of "s > i > onglng" under ether
or circumstances do not hesitate to take
advantage of this allowance peg upon
which to hang n good many small
momiiiesRt'.s In money maltcrs. When
It comes to the mother' < purse , the
cribbing by any means and outside pur
loining , indeed , are not disguised.
Those are only little 1'oxe.s , lo be sure ,
girls , but they gnaw the vines of Integ
rity and self-respect , and would better
be choked off. Harper's ISa/.nr.
Care of the
Any extreme temperature , or either
very hot or very cold water. Is not good
for the hands. Warm water Is moro
cleansing than cold. A dozen drops of
the tincture of benzoin added to a basin
of warm water l.s benellcial to the
hands. Castile or one of the fine toilet
soaps should be used. A generous lath
er should be made and th" bands thor
oughly rubbed with It. A rubber llcsh
brush is a great comfort. A little bran
or oatmeal If put In ( ho water has a
softening effect , and makes the skin
velvety and pliable. Almond meal Is
also excellent for this purpose. Care In
drying the hands Is essential to their
gootl condition , especially In winter. A
soft towel will gather up all the moist
ure .ind should be used In between
the lingers of each hand so that every
part may be thoroughly dried. After
drying ( he bands It Is a good plan to
rub In a little ; cold cream or almond oil ,
after which. If ihey are particularly
scnsiihe , powder may be dusted ever
them. Ladies' Home Jouriin ] .
Woiitnn \ \ ho Ciirrien Rnrjil Mall.
Miss Jessie Richmond , of Chester ,
Pa. , is now a rural
mall carrier of the
n lu'J N'atcfs ' ROY-
" -iiiiH-nr. She has
jnst received her appoint -
point in cut from
\Naslilngton. Her
father is ill , nnd she
has taken up his
burden , starting out
at 7 o'clock each
morning and deliver
ing mall ever a liO-
mile route through
the country. It lakes
MI-IS UKIIMI. * . ) her from live to six
hours a day to make the trip.
NVomuti'H Chief Duly.
Much of what we call pleasure In life
is really very hard physical labor lor
instance , golf-mid much that we call
drudgery may bo inado as Interesting
as play If we but educate and train our
minds as Ituskln would have us-to
llnd beamy and joy In the duties that
lie nearest and ( o Inspire the brain
with admiration for tlie best possible
work the hand can find to do. I can
bear a coming ripple of disapproval of
this doctrine from the old housekeep
ers who read this story which resem
bles the grunts of disgust , 1 have heard
so often , writes Linda Hull Larned , In
tlio Woman's Home Companion. We
will hope they will not stumble upon It ,
for while I am au old housekeeper I
am not a disgruntled one , however , and
1 do see and believe that tlio natural
and normal and even happy condition
for women Is the slate of housewifery ,
that Is. if she accepts and Wields Uor
scepter gracefully and Intelligently.
Pour l.illlo lliiiul- . .
IMI- iiltltliuuJs tlutt toil
In liie's iliuivay mill lone ;
iitnlH thai nnHveei ami fair
'or till I 111' toilillU tlli're.
With it iK'tiiity nil ilieii1 own.
ll - rtllipM that HWueti.v
la uvlld worlil'a
The liniu-i'M throat
Su.iiidK not H note
So li'iiutlful so bint !
Deur litlli > heart Unit thrills
With rapture nil illvinc ;
Teiu-li us thf way
To work- iiray ,
Ami Ht-ver to roplno !
WlHH IH n baby ? The prliieo of walls
nn Inlmliltiint f Lnplunil ; the ninrnlin ,
enllor. noouilay crawler , mldnlsh
bnuvler : the onlj proelons poB.ies.sloi
Unit never exellus envy : n Uoy Hiti
iipeiiB tint hen PI of till ebsnos , the rlel
iiiul poor itllUo. in nil uonwrli'.s ; i
Ktnutfjer with niiaiHUilnibU' chft-k , thu
iMiti > is n hoiiM * vklilnnit a stltth to lib
liiu-K. nml Is ivcilvuil with open amis
Messrs. Henry Holt & Co. will pub
lish shortly "The Life nnd Works of
hlller , " by Prof. Calv n ThoinuH , of
The Hull Inn at Hoch' ier. England ,
ainotiH UN the resting place of Mr.
Mckwlck and Mr. Suodgrass , is to b <
< old at nuctlon.
"Italian Sculpture of the Henals-
nice" IB the title of n book by Lucy
I. Freeman , which the .Miiciiillhin Com
iiiny will publish linuu ( ' .lately.
W. E. Henley has returned to Lou-
ion to llye. lie has found himself n
loinu In n Htiburb outh of the Tim men.
Mr. Henley N teportoil to lune tnllj n-
covered his health.
Mr. llou ells' "llalii u .lonrneys" has
icon brought out in i. new edition In
Condon by Mr. Ileluemann. Joseph
'ennell has made the Illustrations foi
ho volume.
Prof. 15. L. Hogart , of Obcrllu , and W.
V. liawlus , of Indiana University , have
nibllshed a blbllogn .hy and outline ol
ooturos on the llnanial hl-tor ; of th <
Tnltod jSlntoB. It tnld be useful to
11 stu < * Us of the * ' ject
Five eharactorlstli - KIOUK liHie late Field , all nt tht.u i ute un
known to literature , are Included In the
lew Field book , published by the New
\mstordam Hook Company. The vol-
imo IH entitled "The Stars : A Slumber1
Story. "
Lane's translation of "The Arabian
Ighta , " which has been newly pub-
Ished In six volumes by Hit Macuillhtii
iompany , contains 100 photogravure II-
ustrations by Stanley Wood und au
ntroiluctlou by Joseph Jacobs , of fairy
ale fame.
Maeterlinck has now so targe a pub
Ic in England and America that hit
utiire books are likely to be publisliei1
Iimiltauoously In English and French
L'his applies to a volume of essays deal
ng in good part with literary subjects i
vhlch Is coming BOOII. There Is nisi j
o be a translation of two plays by !
The Crown Prince of Slam , who h
being educated In England , enters au
horshlp at a very early age. He has j
ust corrected the last proofs of ix little
book on the wars of the Polish nic
> blon. The Crown Prince , under the
guidance of English tutors , has gone
hrough a regular course of study in
he political history of Europe.
Thi ) ljuouii of Houmanla , "Cannon' '
Sylva , " recently sent a complete set ol
icr books to Tolstoi and with them n ,
note of greeting. She haid to him
\\hether ho found time to road the \ol i
lines ot not U would be n comlorl to j
icr to know that they were lying < > his
able. This sentence occurs in Tolstoi's
acknowledgment : "Ou the throne 01
n the midst of a people a woman's
icart always has the same emotions ,
he same poetry , but this , unhappily. Is
not the case with meu. "
Wlioii Von .Moot in .liipan.
Nothing Is more amusing than it
watch two acquaintances saluting n
the strce.U of a Japanese town. At
they come in highl of each other , the , )
slacken their pico. ; and approach will
ilowncasl oyus and averted faces , as U
neither \\a.s worthy of beholding Hit
other : then they Ixnv low so as to brlnsj
he face on : v level with the knees , 01
which the palms of the ban .s an
pressed. A MU.e-s.-don of hissing sounds
is next made by drawing ill the b real I1
belwcen Hnclohud leeth. inteiNersi'il |
with a series of complimentary phrases
uttered with great volubility In a - < iirl
of undertoned falsetto , each trying u
outdo his frle.nd In rapidity and extravagance
travaganco of language , while tlu
palms are diligently rubbed agaln-J
each other. At lust the climax u
reached nnd each c.nloavors to give tin
precedence to the other. For sumo mo
ments , perhap- . for a full minute. Hii
polite contest continue * : then the cerw
mouy iibruplly ends , as if the ditllcu i.\
were f.ipable of none but a brnu
solution , and the two pass t n hurried
ly , with n look of extreme relief.
Airs. Siin HUir' Advice.
One need hflvo no delicacy In . .iKiiu
a person lo return a borrowed Ic nk
Hooks are property , and \ \ hen bnrro\\
od they should he carefully pioicuci
frtiin injury and promptly returned tc
their owners. I doubt the proprln.v > i
burrowing book tt one Is near a lend
inn llhrary.Ve do not borrow Hhnes 01
jjlovos or furniture , mid why shmiU
\\e make an i-xceptiuu of book .y I
think the owner of u sot should he.-itatt
to lot a single volume go out of heiP < I
nesslon. liitlu-r make a loan of the en
tire bet , or give your friend perniisxio'
to consult it In your home.Lndlis
Homo Journal.
An JOauli-sIi r < > ii ( ( > iiiirlnii.
An thontlo eentenarian , Mrs Uli/a
both llJinbnry , dlod rwceutly ut Uu
iiiond. Surrey. England , ugod His year
and IH days. She saw b'eorgo 111 ud
Ing on lim-soback hoforo he Indium
nind. She was n Quaker , and tool : ai
active part In tlio nntl-slavory move
ment. Sir Percy Sanderson , the Mrlt
Ish Consul licnoral in Ni-M1 York w.-n
her cousin.
A hook agent fluds i pudding in run
out of ten mon , nnd a snag In nimon
of ten women. Give tlio HOHU > I
not lot book aj : nt
\VmiU-d tit .S 111tlfc'lit. .
New Ollloo boy "A niuu called
liero to thrash you a few aihiilteJ
ago. "
E(1ltor-\Vliat dk ! you say to him ? "
" 1 tultl lit ui 1 ws.3 sorry you wcro'k
In. ' Jtycnth's News Budget.
1I W llrftili A Kiinrnntifdnre for UildiMi. pto-
motlng tluKruwlli ut tln-lmlr , wliltlr , cUj , KvmuW ,
, riitun.n | niflpt of SOc , S.A. llcuiU < , IlrUtiX SI ,
Omaha , Ktbr.
Agcnte nut ] . OriMoft l l > rATlni ; d Ttc jit
ln\rnUil. hi ml dime for tainplo nnrf circular. Ju > <
the iblnp for ApcuM. w. Hi-kett , UI WfBtbrook Bu
Portland , llu.
PolUrn Vor Yon. A IfplUmM * inoney-ni tiV'
xolicme Iliot will nrnk * jou rldi plan ixl full ifa-
tlculuiB. ( .uc. llii1UC9 , ytouclitoil , MK .
AKi nlK I will | rat you ni'U to H joli fur io ( ti t UI
TnatiL- yon from tioo M lu I1M.IM per innnth RUIVI sf
faku. \ \ II. Kuicb , No. 4M North Ullliizwcll At * . ,
8t. I.oulH. Mo.
Tliu-o Mxtmiltlriii A Knife Sharpener , fielor
Sharpcntr und 1'nrlnK Knlfei Sic each or S for S6o-
Thu Kqulklo Co , 351 K. McCarty St. , lndlan polU ,
lit' .vnnr nwii omploTOr Sfrrt J c ini ! eft car icra >
li nt , LVI I , | .iiiinu1 . , niiii 4111 ! liailc ui n-f"
* riy uric n inuni'V Ritti I Alien , V Co , HmtOll , hn > w
Tn mukc tln < Iinli ri.ll iiml ( rloi-xv lc ( < - lpcwill b
Ilial i-il ( ill Hit. I'oim-Hi' .Ml 11 ply To , HI I.OUlj , M .
lln id. < i i run , i niiilurln oiirr ilimliuiC niifl
ir . ii , , , i i..i i n. ui- fiu. | nn Iflnl tn-iif
< i * 'i ' tihHiitiu MHMI *
IUUUIIIIK Cu , 03 W. Jtlli fit , Nu Yolk , N. Y.
Ptinvlnp a I'lcusure. uvlni ; our Khitvrzy racer mianl ,
cultliiK youi-M'lf linpoftlblo , fllti any inzcr. Bamplt-
Uc , AKcnt Kantcil. Kell * at nlfht. Hub , lluward
Mfff Co.,23id St. , New York. N Y.
Ely's ' Cream Balm
CO t'U.
alra Into each nostril.
Cl.V UUUU , 6Wm ubu.N.V ,
i j
Largest growers of
_ Clover , 1 imothy nnd
Grasses. Ournortlicrn grown Clover , '
for viRor , frost nnd drouth resisting
| properties , bus justly become famous. ,
1 SUPERIOR CLOVER , bu. $5.90 ; 100 Its. $9.801
La Crosse Prims Clovec , bu. $5.60 ; 100 Ibs. $9.201
Samples Clorer , Timothy and firauts neil { rut {
Catnlojc mailed > ou fur ic postage.
- > * jIWv ( Jfk
Gives rd\ft \ in FITB mlmiUs. B n < l
foraFltKEtrlal PRcUaKO , BoliUjT
Drupiflttii. tne ) "OI * c"t ro'T1'11
on receipt of sl.on. BU boin ti.00.
Address THUS , rorllia , 11111,1. , M.
la the enilicst cabbaze In the world
and n nvuliir gold mine to the mnrkcl gardener
nnd farmer.
Hv the way , there Is lots of
money to be mude on ear
Ji | > t cabbiiKC. beets , pens ,
ru J ishcs , cucumbers and the
For lOc. null this Nolle *
the John A.iilzcr Si'ed Co. .
L ; f row , U'ls. , will st-iia
_ TOM their mnminothcntalor
and 15i > litnds of flowrr und vrgetablo seeds
Market Hardeners' catuloc , io postage , o. N. U-
Put Up In Colhipsiblc Tubes.
A Sulmtituli * fur unit Supi-rinr to AlusiArtl ut twf
other jilusl r , uiu ill nut i hitcrtlH' niuit deliuat *
ikln. Thu I'-iln ! illayin > ; nivl iurutlMqiiulltUu of
thin urtl'-lc nn * wumliTrni. It uili tup iliu u > ul&-
ichc lit uiif- , and rein \a liuuiiu-lic iid suLiiliuo.
\Vc riM'oimuund It us HID bu > t un > tuili-at external
couuKir-irru.uit kn wn , nls < > as nn cvienul runie *
ily | 4ilns In tlie chest an i st in.tub uud nil
rfieuinutic , in-'urul lc und < mt ) ' i-oiniiluiuts.
A trial will prove wl > : a HIiliiim for it , unit It
will In- found to be invaluable in tlie Uuuai-liulii.
Many pconie s -j "It la the Best of ml your preu -
railniH. "
1'rion 15 ct-nts. at till < lni iists , or otlmr denlcrt ,
or by srndltiK thli uinonut to us in iHHti o itninpt
we ; will M'ml joii t ml' liy mail.
No .irticV MiouM ! > > arce | teil by the public uu-
Itt * ttic sAinejtrnon onr Uln-l , us oilirwl e It Ic
not L'onulnu.
17 Mile hlri-et. New \ am Clly.
Benrdlosa Bnrle
20th Century Onta
iti IU tlifl Til/ till !
1 I" " tt IHi ) * .
Three Cnri'd Corn.
t r lu i H
lli-NJ tu
ni i.-nlll. ut
i. ' 'I linl IIIIVA.
' "I"
< " > " tloall
| " > u J , * U , i 4 It )
i ( n 111. i I ( I .M w rib
si . 'i . " 1 v II > .i t\.A IM r .
< .7& ( rM ilU :
51 Will - VHtHt AU ILbt rAHS.
' 'lst' ' * rul''I I'll j Jmil. Duo
. .1 .1i \ \
N.N.U NO 70