Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 30, 1902, Image 1

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T'v/ill insure her constant
.111 t HOW J-IT iii r. 'H u
stet e in In f xvtii I ir tin '
fit uly and in eoinltin.itii.ii.
iN'o ju'rea'er ln'inty in any
em nln'ti i vcolliMit In 'iinlily '
Wo Inuo it , too , in pins an I
other tilings.
Other Htonrs if you wnnt
tlmm. with variety , style and
price to pln.ise
J mil unto of ( lilCHL'n ( ) | ith lmlo ( ollcpc ,
.t School Hooks ,
AN it
School Supplies ,
J. G. Haoberle's :
If you want coal quick , o.all
, Phone 7'J. '
FOR SAI.H Barn , 10x18 feet J.
A , ARMOUR. 1-30 tf
If yon intend to build call at
Dierke Lumber Co. and get prices
Snyder Bros , bavo n large assortment -
ment of winter goods that the y are
closing out al bargains.
If thit lasl coal did not give sat
isfaction iry Foster & Smith Lum
ber Co. 'Phone 79.
For Salt One registered Abtier-
di'cn bull. S. L. GtovuRiSoN.
1 30It Woissert , Nebraka.
Thoroughbred Poland China.
FOR SALK Thoroughbred poland
china male liogF , old eLOUgh for
service for f'15 CO.
1-'J3 If G. R. RUSSO.M.
STRAVKD trom C. H. Jifi'ords
place on Sunday thu 19 of January
a dark b y horse medium height ,
rather short tail , no brands. Fnder
please notify James Chittick , Bro
ken Bow.
Many ; i bright and happy house
hold has been thrown into padnofH
and forrow bciauou of the death ol
a Invnd one from d neglected cold.
SVRUP is tb > grt'til ouif for
cougliH , colds and all pulmonary
ailments. Piico , _ ' " > and 50 eenls.
Ed McComas Broken Bow and
I ol' Nebraskii'H prom'einf ' ; imlualiicB
J the ] iul'liHher ' of the Nebraska Ua'ry-
mun has minle it pn sililo ( or us tn offttr
a year's suliFcrqilion to tlial journal lor
ten cents. All ttnit JH neei Hitry in to
' > llow JOIIr 8"1' ' '
DKl'l'kM'k'FF Tnu
UI 1 LK 1 KLL | lo our
- 5AII of Our ? - paper for one yrur
niWKIUKKN nnly ° 11 llro eilt'- '
OU IWLKlOLlviu , , , | toilllt | , , morH , ,
tor $1.10. The fainiiuliiccmunt uex -
( t'i > iH > l to nil new Hiheeribeis who puy
for one year in mli'imce.
TliD publisher ot Ncbiaukn Uiurynmn
wantH in add 5OlH'inoro ) BUbscril > er < 4 to
its li.'K mid I.UH made us a proposition t < >
tiulpdou. ft' you are inteieuted in ttiu
eri'iunery or dairy iniliHtiy , or new
idoan ami up to ditlB nictl.oilfl n ( divorfll-
tied tcitMititlc1 and experimentnl n .M' . cul
ture you will bu interested and bent-lilt
ed by reading the Nehnuku If.iryiiiui. ;
Don't Delay ! Renew or
liecome a Subscriber Now
tieiu out i ( un iticreMHc ol siln
A Mt'.xlcunnr veteran and prnmln-
eul etlilor wrttou : "Sfeiiitf tlu > udvtr-
tiainent of Chmnborlitin a I'ohc , Cbolera
tind iliiirrlioHii Itemeily , I nin reininded
that us a coldiuf in Mt-xu-o in 17 ninl
' 1 , I eantrauted Mexlruii diarrhoea and
anil this remedy IIIIH kept nu < from g t-
tmn tin mereiiHe in inv pension for on
ever reneual n dose of it re'toree me. "
Ila inn'ijimlli'il IIP n quick euro for
iiirtrrhoeu HiiJ IB pli'UH.ini Mti'l mite to
tiko. For Halo by .1. U. lluebcrlo.
u Local
I Mention.
,1. S. Molonoaux wont to Lincoln
last mghl.
I. A. Rononu wont to Aurrrsi
tliiH inurning on ! 1.
T."U. Gibson of Ausloy lias gone
te ElPaso Texas for his hunltb.
Attend liquid air exhibition and
leuttiru and Hto what mod"rn science
onn do.
II. W. Goorgp , of Georgetown
made this office a huniiiOHS uall
Rev. S. VV. Richards in at Merna
thin week assisting in n series of
Wireless telegraphy and liquid
itir an tint two latent triiiinpliH of
modern soienuo.
Mrs. John Dcoions came up from
Ravenna yesterday to visit her sister
Mrs. Howard Deo'tous.
Money loaned on improved fnrmri ,
7 18 tf Broken How , Nobr.
Got reserved seats before all are.
none for liquid air exhibition atd
lecture and help thu public schools
purchase au encyclopedia.
Prof , fliatt writes that ho bin
wife and daughter are earning about
$400 a month in Mexican money
tea-jhing in Agana , Guam Inland
Mm. G. T. Robinson left last
night on ' 12 for Corydon Iowa to
viHit her mother , Mrs. E. Crawfor < l
who in nhTioled with cancer of thu
Prof. Gunprinoipal of the Mason
City schools has resigned hia poni-
( ion and will depart for Manila
about Feburary 1 , where ho has
been appoirted to a position an
John Mulvanoy , of Mason City
ban bought Stephen Wiloox's iarm
near Upton. Mr.Vilcox ban mov
ed to Broker. Bow , intending to
improve hit ) property in the oust
part of the city.
The city council mot Monday
morning to consider the application
of the Nebraska Bell Telephone
Co. to establish a long diHtanco
telephone Htation in thin city. Thr
application wan rejected.
The county board adjourned lam
Friday night to March 11. Thay
completed the annual Hettlement
with all the county officers except
the treasurer who was given an
oppottunity to Hottlo with the Htato
Kov. M. G. Bontly of Illinois
who has been holding meeting with
the AllianceBaptist church for the
past three weeks will commence
meetings at Mason City tomorrow
night. He reports nienty conver
sions in his meetings at Alliance.
The attention of our readers is call
rd to our Hpecial offer of the life of
William Mt-Kinloy , by Murnt
Halsted , and other piominent men ,
and the RuruiiuOAN for $1 fit ) . We
fiirninh both tor the retail price of
the book. .Send in your order : U
This ID ca lily was vihitetl by a ee-
vere nnoiv storm S-iturday. Fully
three inehop loll. It was ancompani
rd by a strong wind , drifting so as
to into rfcr with travel. Sunday
night the thermometer regitttered
aa below , last nitjhl 1'J. The snow
haw thawed but little sincoand only
on the south side of buildings.
IIERBINE should bo used to
enrich and purify the blood ; it
i-iirts all forms of blood disorders
is especially useful in fevers , fkin-
eruptions , boils , pimbles , tlake
heads , sorofula , salt rheum and
every form of blood impurity ; u is
a safe and elloetual cure Price , fit )
cents. Ed. McComafl , Broken Bow
and Merna.
We ornittul to state last week
that the set'ond game ot fool ball
was played on tlu < 18 between the
boys of the Broken Bow BIIBIIIPSH
College and a team of Mason City ,
at the home of the latter , The
game reunited 15 to 0 in favor of
Mason. Honors are now even.
The tent game is to belayed [ in
the near future.
We rire in leceipt of an unsigned
communication , from Omaha Mat
ing that MiflR Jes-iio B. Walter ? ,
formerly of Broken Bow was marri
ed to A. G. Miller , formerly of
Mansfield Ohio , Jan. 10 , 730 ; , p.rn ,
Judge Vinsohaler officiating. They
will tor the pesent reside , at 31)00 )
Burdftl St , Omaha. They have
| the bent wishes of their friends.
The District court will hold an
adjourned term March 10.
Mrs. S W. Thomson of this oily
is risiting relatives in Anftloy.
Will Dav'iK and family of lhit >
city wore visiting in Ausley the
lirst of last week.
Earlthe four year old son ot Lev
House of Ausley fell from the table
and broke his arm
Glen Johnson IIIH bought the
Neville drug store at Mutton City
and moved the Hlock to Ansluy.
A. H. Oopsoy of Woslorvillo has
built an addition to his house and
is planning to build a barn fvtxS'i
H M. Gorsngo of Westerville ,
has gone to St. Joe vhero he bus
secured a position in a baiber shop.
The Nebraska Telephone Co.
have secured an ordinance allowing
it to ox > end its line through Autdey
to Broken Bow.
Kov. dimming" the ovangilist
that in holding meetings in the U.
B church wits a friendly caller at
Ibis ollico Tuesday. Ho reports
good meetings.
H K. Barnard , Junior editor of
the Callaway Courier has engaged in
the real estate business in connec
tion with bis newspaper hutmioss.
He is the third publisher now that
is engaged in the real estate busi
An effort is being mndu to moor
porato and increase the capital slock
of the Broken Bow telephone sys
tem , with the view of making ex-
tentions and improving the service.
It H a laud'ihlo enterprise and
should receive the sapport it deser
The properties of BALLARD'S
Snow LIN I MET post-seas a ran o
of usefulutss greater than any
other remedy. A day seldom pas
ses in overj household , especially
where there is children , that it is
not needed. Priee , , 2f > and 50
oentp. Ed McComns , Broken Bow
and Merna.
Mr. George Riser and IUH daugh
ter Mre Dora Keelor of Grand
Island arrived in the oily Tues
day morning from the west , where
they huvo been for the past two
months looking alter Mrs. Koolor's
lownsilo property nt Merriman , on
the Elkhorn rail road east of Craw
ford. After spendine a couple of
dayc visiting in the city they loft
for Grat d I-larid this morning.
The lire companies were called
out Monday morning by the
( ire bell to asaht in extinguishing
a ( ire near the depot. On their
arrival it was found the B. & JM.
water tankwhich someone attempt
ing to thaw out the pipe had Hot it on
lire. One Anselmo gentleman who
witnessed the scene remarKed he
had "iindcrstord that Broken Bow
was H dry town but ho did not
think it to dry that the water tank
would burn. "
WANTED Several persons of
character and good reputation in
ouch state ( one in this county re
quired ) to n present and advertise
old established wealthy business
house of solid financial standing.
Salary IK.00 weekly with expei.ees
additional , all piyahlo in cash each
Wedm'Hdiy direct from head ofhYt N
Horse and carriage furnished , whm
necessary. Reference. Enclose
elfaddrpshed stamped envelope.
Dept. Manager , : JM Caxton Build
ing , Chicago. 1 l-2h Hi
8 room house , barn and block of
ground for farm
0 room house , nowely painted ,
storm doors and windows , fly
screens , cave , coal IIOUHO and ljuggy
shed , an acre of ground to exoha'ign
lor good volley farm.
Many of the blotches , pimple *
and other affections of the skin are
caused by the failure ol the liver
and kidneys to oust off impurities ,
which remain in the system. HER-
BINE will stimulate the liver and
kidno\s and oloaiiHO the system of
nil impurities. Price 60 cenls.
Ed. MeComat > , Broken Bow , and
Train * Collide.
Last Monday morning pusHongor
train No. ! & ran into an extra
freight No. t7 , four rnileH went of
this city which resulted in badly
damaging the ongin on in and the
way car on ! ? . The way oar and a
car of lumber wore burned. The
collision wati between and 3
; o'clock. The wreck was nol re
moved , so trains H and II could
pass until after 0 o'clock n. m.
Fortunately no one was injured.
( /aril / of Thanks.
Broken Bow , January 21 , 1002.
Editor Kici'uiiMOAN : I desire
through the medium of youi paper
to extend thanks to the Broken Bow
Fire and hose Co. and to the many
citizens who kindly assisted in ex
tinguishing the tire on our promises
week. S ) . LONKIUIA.N.
Aliulstcrul Association.
A meeting of the Ministerial As
sociation will bo held nt the Epif-
eopal church next Monday morning
Fehurary 'ird at 10tt : ) . An address
on Bible Study will be delivered by
llov. J. K. Woods of M'lHon City.
A cordial invitation is extended to
all Sunday Sohool teachers nnd
churoh workers to be present.
W. H. Do 5 ( KiT , Secy.
Cliurcli Hurvicort.
Preaching service both morning
and evening by Kev. Richards , at ,
U a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. The pub
lic is cordially invited.
Services Sunday 11 a. m. , nub-
fect , Human versus Divine Love.
Evening services 7'HO , Subjeot ,
Alone yet , not alone.
Rev. I ) . Augustus Sbotlor ,
u. u. GUUUCII.
At the M. E. church , the revival
in charge of MibsHerriok continues :
no Horvioo Saturday night , Young
peoples meeting at 3 o'clock Satur
day afternoon , in charge of Miss
Horiick. Sunday , Evangelistic ,
Sunday School meeting , at H ) a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. m. , A womans
social party mooting at 3 p. m. to
which all women over fourteen
years of ago are invited. Epworth
League at 0:30 : , Preaching at 730. ;
Services will continue next \ vck. .
GKO. P. TuiTK.s , paator.
The revival meetings at the U.
B.ohuroh are btill in progress with
increasing interest and splendid re-
sultR. The curch is moving grand
ly forward and their prayers are be
ing answered by many begiiung , in
a most commendable manner , a
Christian lifo. Services are hold
eaoh evening and at 2 p. in. each
day from Tuesday to Friday and a
vigorous effort is being made to
liuild up Christ's Kingdom. The
Evangelist preaches with great
power and the proHrnuo ol the JJoly
Spirit is unmistalcahlo manifest. A
service will bo held for women only
at 3 p , m. next Sur.'iiv : , IIHO ! at
UHtial hour Sunday. All aio cord
ially invited to these meetings. ION Norici- ; .
The linn heroloforr exifling as
Harry Day & Co. is thin day dis
solved by mutual consent , H. G.
Rogers retiring from naid firm
Harry Day will continue said busi
ness , auburneH all liabilities and col
lect a'l accounts and noteti due the
said firm.
Dated this 10th day of Januarv ,
I ' .102. HAUUY DA\ .
Sl-w : 11. G. ItutiKitH.
SixciirHluii lit l'l irl < Ui.
Thu Biirlingloi : Route is organ
izing a personally conducted ex
cursion to Florida and Cuba , to
leave Nebraska points , Wednesday
January : M > . The route will bo via
St Louis , thence to Jacksonville ,
Kb , through scenes which have
been forever made historic by the
dramatic-event.- the civil wur.
An ejuKiedingly low rate Inn been
made , and several member of the
excursion have choice of several
altraolmi irips after they arrive at
This opportunity of escwping the
most unpleasant portion oi a Ne
braska winter and enjoying in UH
steno , the delights of a Hcmi-tropic-
al country will appeal to everyone
who has money and can upare the
time to make an extended pluafiiiro
A handsome booklet , giving de
tails of the the excursion will be
ready for distribution about Janu
ary Int. Write for n copy.
General Passenger Agent ,
Omaha , Neb.
An Old Pioneer ( Jone-
Wo learn from a Denver paper ,
shown us by Miss Sine/ ! , thai J.
A. Pike who itnlil recenlly wan : \
resident of this county , dud at the
homo of his daughter , Mrs. C. L.
Ward in Denver January 17 of
blood poisoning : tgo 70 years , He
was born al Waterford Vt. in
18'JO and located in Ciiftor county
botoro tl.e organization of the
oountyon the Loup near old Custor.
He W.IH a Royal Arch MIIKOII in good
standing for more than 52 years
and was one of the charter members
of tut' Mnsoniii led o of Broken
Bow. He was respected and es
teemed by all who knew him. Hn
loaveM a wife and daughtur. HIH
remains wete laid to rest Sunday
Jananry IS ) .
We fool it our duty to inform
you of wlmt your girl thinktt of the
subject of valentines. Here in
what she nays. "If my follow
doesn't buy mo one of your valen
tines ho is going to got the G. B ,
and ho noedent make any more goo
goo eyes at me for I do bate a
'cheap mint' and while his money
isn'l all I love about him yet it
covers a multitude of sins. " Take
our advise and come in where yon
can buy bur one lit for the fianton
of the Hash push.
Yours sympatliolically ,
1-30 if RYKUSON & WATTS.
The fragile babe and the growing
child are strengthened by
It destroys worms , gets digestion
at work , and so rebuilds the body.
Price 2tt cents. Ed. MoComas ,
Broken Bow and Mornn.
market Keport for Today.
Wlicni ?
( lorn -11
I'oUUoCD , | UT IlllHllOl I .If.St
OnloiiH. | i r busliul I.IK )
per iiuinul , III
( "own M'.IH ) i i L no
sticiB 5:1 : fii i i i.mi
Turkcyo , pur iiimnil
Strnw. per cwt .in
liny , Nuw , pur tun ii no
pur cwt r > w
WhoHoevi-r has suffered from
piles knows how painful and
troublesome they aro. FABLER'S
guaranteed to cure piles. Priio fto
cents in bottles. Tubes , 75 nenlH.
Ed. McComas , Broken Bow anil
XotuIroieo nlth LUulJ Alt rcn < ] teifciltllc 11 flui
Broken Bow if one of tin * small-
cut towns in the west in which the
Liquid Air Lecture and Experi
ments are being givm'thiH year.
It is interesting as shoeing the
advancement of KCIOIJCO nowadays
Fiom the surplus piolits of the ex
hibition the Broken Bow Schools
hope to purchase a now encyclope
dia and compound microscope.
Liquid Air is rapidly coming into
use as a motive power and its pon-
sibililics as a refrigerant ami aid to
surgery ant rornaikablo. Several
gallons of liquid air will be used in
experiments by the lecturer ,
General admission , .r > 0c , reserved
without extra ohargn Suhool chil
dren , Sifio , but not entitled to re
served seats.
Siturday night , February 1 , in
Opera llouto
, < a JZ&frtW
" 'SrM1'
Paints , te
Oils and
Wall Paper § ?
at- 8 ?
' , \A
EcL McComas' %
M :
Drug' Store.
fel BUSlNliSSPOlNTliR ? .
Job printing at this otlicc.
Water Sets , Litest pntii > rnH at
A. W. Drakes.
Lubricating oils of all kinds al
WilkiiiH' drug store.
Pepsin Gum , two packages tor .a
TV. T. W. Buss , ( tnntiBli ctllco
northwest corner of Realty block.
a-1 tf
Money to loan on impioved
farniH MOORK tt TAYLOR , Realty
Block. 1-23 tf
quarter sections 30 10-17 , Dotiglau
Grove. H. W. Hammond Broken
Bow. : H ) 37
WANTKD Horses and mules at
Wards barn Foli-Mry f > .
A fo\v comfcriers unit blankets
can bo had at Snyder Bro.-i. Big
Double Store for less than you can
buy the material and make them ,
cull and see.
( Jrcam Separators for farm nf > o
f'l to * , Agents vranteJ J. H.
AlcDANiici. , Papillitii , N b.
3L' 35
Wanted Millet and 0:1110 : need.
Market price paid. Gico. WIU.INO.
1 2U 3t
Fine Rookors , Iron & Wood
beds , EaHoltiscreoiiH , IIat & ( 'oat
racksWall Pockets , Framed and
Framed PicturoH , Molal Photo and
Cabinet Frames , at A. VV. Drake's.
You can save money bj ordering
your reading matter thruiiili the
RicrunucAN. Wo can furniHh you
nearly all the papers and magazine
( or loss thfiii publishers prices.
Snyder Bros , h.ivu a largo and
omploto line of drosn goods , ladies
furniHlung goods and their prices
ire righ' . They cm save you
money. Call ru.d no tlim tor I i\m- \
Cut thiH out and I'tke U lo Ili
utoro and el a ( rue svi.iple o [
lnin'H Stotniiuh and Liver Tab
let , llit > bent physic. ' 1'lioy ulso cure
dipordcrs o ( the Momue.i , bdiomuuHH and
Foil S.iJiLots 1 , ii , 7 and b ,
block ' < , in Jewell's addition to
Broken Bow. Enquire at thin
ollice. 11-21 tf
FOK SAI.K ou Tuiou Town lots
and a few live acre lols in lhic.itj ,
for'cattlc , horses or farm land.
fob28 tf AM.AN KKVNKU.
If troulik'd with a wealt
belchini ; , noiir Htomneti , or if you feel
dull ltcr t 'tii > , try riiarnlii iluin's
Ston acli and Mv r TuliletH. I'riee , 2r >
L't'iiis. SuiiliH | free rit Haelmrlo'rt drug
STKAVUII A red heifer cilf ; with
triangle bralid on right hip. Lust
sucn , three miles south of town.
Information leading to its recovery
will he libenally rewarded. Leave
notice at Republican
The old and reliable firm of
Dierks Lumber Co. is the plno to
go for lumber or coal. A good
supply ami grades to meet the wjntd
of their customers are always in
stock. 32 Hf
For insurance and real estate go to
Moore & , Taylor , in Uuiilty Block.
Dierks Lumber Co. has in stock a
car load ol line cedar posts for the
Farms for sale and lands for rent.
Now is the time to get a farm ch-ap ,
is the cheap farms are aM going ,
and priees are advancing rapidly.