Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 23, 1902, Image 7

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Iti-colvcvl 120M.1 v iLU from
dilTeri'iit liiltrnnti n 1 \poni- -
tlOIll IM III Illi ; 111" I lost I'll , > 't-
ITB I'uin Klllur c\cr cl
Carej "Promptly A.II Ucdlty ' [
2Gc and GOc.
\\VII Slock to.
Wife "Are you sure you caught
this lish ? "
Mr. Gayfello "Of course. "
Wife "It smells very strung. "
Mr. Gayfello "Stron" ? I should
cay It was. 11 nearly pulled me over
board. "
Motlior ( Jruj'o Sut I'ouleri for Clnl-
Buccosslully u ed t > > Mo'hpr Gray , nurse
tn the Children's Home in Ni w Yorlc.
Cure Feverishni's.s , Lad i-tnio M h Tn'ili-
ing Di'-ordcrs , move ni'l ' r > IM ! " ' .i1
Howols mid IJi'strov VTcrm-1 uvi i ' in/l
tcstlmoninls. At nil iliuaiii' : ' , . - , >
Biimplc mtiilod KllKH. AiiU-e s A lr i S.
Olmatcud , LuKoy , K , Y.
Though unlike the camel , the gi
raffe also makes a lillle. water go a
long way.
Miles of INitntoi-H.
Everybody knows that tlie John A.
Balzcr Seed Co. , La Cro.s e , } Vis. . are the
larpcat Ht-eil potnto growers in the world ,
ao when their president. Henry A. Salzur ,
recently purchased 21,000 acres more of
Ideal potnto Intnl. ull wondered what for.
Well , It Is for potatoes miles and milea
[ ( lotutoes.
Itullilliif ; ti Knilriinil In Culm
A new railroad under construction
In Cuba by American and Canadian
capitalists has been graded for seven
ty-four miles out of Santiago and
track Is laid for thirty-five miles.
The right or way has to be purchased ,
ns no concessions can be obtained by
corporations in Cuba at present
Five thousand men are engaged on
the work. Track layeis receives 1 fin
n day and graders * 1 , American
money. Thus fir the toad lias ppi.e-
trated a sng - ' * country , winl.
rich , bl n-k gunibu v . Ties are ol-
laineiJ in Ihe United States aiu
shipped by way of New Orleans anr
Mobile. Indianapolis News.
Il < 'coin/ . < ! ! l as a SpcHfhj.
Nasal Catarrh ( prickly yields to treat
mcnt by Ely's Cream Malm , which ii
agreeably aromatic. It Is received
through the nostrils , cleanses and heals
! ho whole surface over which il dif
fuses itself. Our plan Is to jjlve every
one a chance to try the merit ofream (
Balm for the cure uf Oiiarrh. Hay
Fever and Cold In the Head , by mailIng -
Ing for 10 cents a trial il/e lo test Its
curative powers. We mail the TiO-cent
il'/.e also and the druggist keeps it. Test
It and yon are sure lo continue tins
treatment. Relief is immediate an.l a
cure follows. Kly Hrotlicrs. tilVar ! -
ron street , New York.
A remedy for Nasal Catarrh which Is
drying or exciting to the diseased mem
brane should not be used.
Artist "Miss ISrownie-Hrown-
lirown , who is to marry a prince ,
won't let us have her photograph for
publication. "
Editor "She won't , eh ? Tell the
foreman to use one of those cuts
labeled 'Hefore Taking. "
A I'iMir Mtrl of l ! nv il.
T'alr Arrival "May 1 have a crown
of the latest styleV"
St. I'etor "Fashions never change
here. "
Kalr Arrival " 'Dear mull have
made a mistake , and come lo the
wrong place. I thought this was
heaven. "
After all , the shortstop is some
times along time stopping.
Capsiciiiii Vaseline
Put Up In Collapsible Tubes.
A 8ubilllut for HIIU Mj nur tu ltu > iunt < ir 1117
nn i nil' ' mil i > ll tfr HIH iiioslileliwls
lltin. The [ i l ii vllitviiii ; unit runttivn imlill > if
Kill nrUcle are Hoiplonul II will alui ilm lu < lli-
he l our * * , and ri'ln > e tirailui'he ii'l wmlica.
W * recuuiuieoii l < K > llm b < > ( na i § < fB > teiifrn l
oiHiiiter-irriUnt kn u n , liu u * nu mUinml reme
dy for paint la Uiclii > il jii'i ' tt'inuuli iii ) All
nieuiuaili' , aeuralKlf and m > uij uoniilalnl >
A IrUl will provii vflin wo cJiun ( or it , uil u
will be found lo bu iuvuluni.le lu tlie lioui > ihuld.
Unnf iH-0iie g i "U | the txwt of all your | iniit *
ration * . "
Priu 15 cenu. ti ail druggist * , or utlier de l * ,
cr by t dlni ; lln nuiDiint lu us m puttu e UiUii
we will * fiul yuu t lulxij \ null.
No artlc.lp shunld U ) arceptud by tli [ iiibllo un-
le i Iho kHina c.irriM our Intoil , a uthrrwUH it u
17 Slate Slrcel. new Veck Clly.
LUKtS WHllit
llwit Touuli byriii.
1 * mil i one ii-ive.
"Llda'n uu\v pictures Hatter her llki
everything. "
"Why , I thought you Ladu't boon !
tbemr !
" 1 Imvcu't ; but ebo told tile nlic Imd
ordered four doxtm. " Philadelphia
'Ihe pli-iter trust ought to stick.
There are only two classes of peopU )
n this world the envied aud the en-
A new process for getting gold Is an-
> uiictd. Any oihcr mulii to beat the
low process we arc using.
Kvoii the pres'dciits of laih'ixids must
i.iy their fares hereafter : but llw hobo
continue to ride free.
Humor Is suld to be one of the ele-
ncuts of genius , but It Is Impossible
o make a pessimist believe It.
A man who married a sinike charmer
vants a divorce'because she take * her
> ets to bed with her. Some men are
o finicky'
A Chicago judge has decide ! u cnsc
igalnsl I'aralhi 1'od Opleka Matkl Hos-
lej CzestochowstleJ. I'arall * eurtalnly
md It coming to him , her , in' It.
It appears that President Schwab's
lalary Is only S'-'lifi.OOO a your. It was
honght for a while that lie got more
han Uie average newspaper editor.
The board of heulih of an Uastern
Ity IIILS just compelled one of the
.voalthloft men of that town to take a
will and buy a new suit of clothes. It
s lime to expect another howl for per-
lonal liberty.
'I' : , IJfv. Pr. Theodore L. Cuvler. the
.1" , ! , pretetor ; ! of rigli'eou-noss ,
. . ' . - i : when little boys bring him an
i , . i .md nil ; for .intoirniph , he
i ; . . . . \ritts : ' No man \ \ s ever lost
n a ua lil in-iil. "
A man who went 1 ii'.imiv. on a farm-
jr's land and was held uii , iy the ansry
) wncr , not only appeased the , farmer's
tvrath with a good story , but was In-
rlted to dinner and &old to his host $100
ivorth of fruit trees. There Is no reason
ivhy this man should not be at the head
) f a billion-dollar steel corporation.
Sir Charles Napier was so deeply Im
pressed by the devoted aiul effective
ten-ices of the doctor on a British man-
5f-war In Indian waters , at a time
w lien eholera raged among the crew ,
that lie said loni ; afterward , "When
ever I SOLa physician I feel disposed
to raise my hat. " So it Is that the lidel-
ty and ability of every professional
nan turns to the credit of all his craft.
The pine forests of the northwestern
States are not only go nir. hut are near-
y gone. The "stnm ; > . ! . ; < ' . " moaning the
value of the stan.l . m P < - . in Mlchi-
; an , .Minnesota i'i i NVKmi's.-i ' Is now
sold at $ S and . . ! a rlmns.ui 1 fe 't. This
is the pr ee that Ihe h.'sl lumber was
sold fn- : ! ' ! the early da > > of the Indus-
'rj. ' Tl "ii he "stiimpage" was sold
' 'nf . " 0 cents : i thousand feet. The first
tine tree- , were simply slaughtered. No
, ) ! ans were adopted for growing new
pine In the place of the trees destroyed.
I'lie result Is that the pine regions ,
which might have fiirnlshod a pur-
nnial supply of lumber , are deforested.
The goose which laid the golden egg
\vius killed to get an immediate supply
> f golden eggs and the goldi-n egg crop
was destroyed for all future time.
The population report l siiid by the
enstih bureau shows that there are In
liu United States and Territories 'Jl , . ' ! _ > ! ) , -
,1 , ! ) males of voting age. Of militia age
he number is some 5,000,000 les.s. Tills
lous not mean that over lJ ( , < H > iiiOi ) clii-
'ens of tlie United States arc e.ip.ible
if bcarimr arms. Probably not over
wo-lliirds uf the men In this count y b
weuii IS and -.r ) > years od ! would irisa
urgeon's examination In H recrii'tlng '
r draft olliee But even Hi.OMi.OiiO
nen would form a safe army of defense
f the eoiiniiy VioiiH be attacked from
my iiuarler or from all quarters at
iee. While the limb's of vot'.ng age In
, .t > eoiinti'.v number over 1M , < MM,000 ) ,
'iere were but 11,000.000 votes cast at
< ie I'rc * d < nl'allection ' of HMKJ. The
iiinic population of the territories ,
Veil do participate In a I'resi- election , i * not over 'JOO.oOO. So
appear * that only about a two-thirds
ote was ejsl. Only I-1.000.000 out of
I.OIHI.MI50 voter * went to thu MM ,
caving 7.000.COO non-voters among the
ipnlai'on of voting age. It wou'd not
ii to nay that we should have n com-
ulsory ballot Inw to drag these non-
> tcrs lo the ballot box. I'Vimi a law
'Miipelling ' men lo vole whether they
. .inted to vote or not It would be only
sicp to n l.iw directing them bow they
iiould vote. A man who docs nil vntf
who doe > i not cure enough about Hie
iitintry to take > i i irt In the elections
i nut a good citizen. He ctiniiitt he
i.iade a good ei'/.cr ; : ! iy law
Notwithstanding tin * iiiuiiie peri'rn -
. ) and weakness of .Mother I-Jvo tins
> rdiet of history emphatically declares
lint men an- not so good an women.
The virtues ot uomnu have Rhone re-
plendent atvi bwuitlful down the jitfca ,
iliile mutt hns darkened the scroll of
'me ' with all iimnner of vice ati'j fcul
i r.ine. > ? ! would think for a mo-
K at of oli.illcngi ! the prlmncy of wo-
> i-i ! ' in .I'd good works. Her transcen-
! vriue and her pre-eminence In
* .line.- . . ) arc universally acknowledged.
I'lln n-asons hive been a-slgn-
i ! < > r Mil- " , tint man has UMinll ) been
, ! sitistii .l to let the matter rest on
i > r i < . ' . ' . ' > n that woman Is innate y
ti i. ili nhi > wtib created with a Urn r
1it\- iin-'it i > f virtin * that she ooiild
ii. < . i'i'.i'k.w , iiumorul and ricluna
as man If die wanted to , An Interest-
ins side light IB thrown on the qmwlvn
br Miss .Inni' Addaniss of Hull House ,
who declares that women are better
than men because "they have iia .be
snf.'e chance to he bad * ' Women u.m
corrupted legls'atUies or ai-ccpUif
bribes from corporations "because thoj j
haven't had the chance. " Their Held
for badness Is small compared to thnt
of men , says the distinguished founder
of the Hull House setiJemcnt. All of
which cmplnuly.cs the Imtdv.saliliity of
enlarging that Held , if the ob-ervatlons
of Miss Ad lams are eoncct and no oilu
will deny that her knowledge of her
own sex 1 * wide and ample , being de
rived from social contact wl.h . all HJIH
and conditions In the work of elevating
the submerged classes.
Just when you are thinking that cor
porations have no souls and don't care
a hang for humanity read about John
Hlley. Hu Is an engineer. He drives
one of those great machines that lire
the pride of this macalne-lovlng coun
try , and he works for that mighty cor
poration , the Pennsylvania Uat.ruad
Company. There Is only one way to as
certain what'Is In a man. Test him.
You can tell what any engineer will do
on a clear , straight track , but It Is the
emergency that brings out the real b.g- .
ness of the man. Whiui a long train
broke loose on the mountains and dash
ed down the grade toward AUouiia , Pa. ,
, lohn Hlleyvn.s jugging aio'.i ; ahead on
a "light" engine. He saw the thunder
bolt coming with a ma1' like a cyclone.
He lold the tlrcman t > jump , and then
got ready to risk h s ow n life and save
the company a foitune. This Napjleon
In the cab knew what he wan.ed to do ,
and had the courage to do It. He g.tve
lliL'throttlcapuH and was away like the
wind. When he had caught the speed
of the Hying train he checked his en
gine , and the shuck tint followed was
not great enough to cause a wreck. In
the course of a few miles he got the
runaways under control , and the Peiin-
sylvanlu Company wasn't out a dollar.
.Later John IMey was .summoned to the
headquarters of the Pittsburg Dlvls'on
of the Pennsylvania Kallroad. He was
ushered Into a room \\hfie he found
( ionoral Manager J. B. Hutchison.
Supt. Pltcairn and n dozen eng'.neeis.
Engineer Uiley was presented with a
letter of thanks from the Hoard of Di
rectors of the Pennsylvania Hallroad , a
check for $ r > 00 and a $1.010 watch. On
the Inside of the cabe was engraved ;
" ( ilven to John Klley by the Board of
Directors of the Pennsylvania Uallway
Company for his courage , Judgment and
high sense of duty. " Wouldn't such an
episode as that In your life make you
proud and happy ? Wouldn't It make
happiness for your family and friends ,
for every person Interested In you ?
Surely ! And It was all a matter of one
man doing It's best , with courage and
coolness added.
InteroHtiii'r I < itt'e I.o.ifl-Hot | | > 2r * that
M-e He'll in I'n lit vity.
The sagacity and Industry of the ant
Is truly wonderful , fur , despite Its
well-known ability as an architect and
engineer , it Is almuM incredible that It
could manage and direct a colony of In
sects that have both the power to Jump
and lly.
Such , nevertheless , is a fact , and Is
attested by L. o. Howard , chief ento
mologist of the Department of Agricul
ture , In a recent article pulillshr I by
that department. The Insect that Is
thus held Captive is an Interesting lit
tle leaf-hopper , known as the cut Ilia
slnuata. which frequently Infests sun-
( lower leaves. Its larvae secrete con
siderable honeydew , of which the ants
are very fond , and It Is to secure that
that the leaf-hoppers are carefully
tended and herded , just as man herds
his milch cows.
Almost every colony IK guarded by
one or more ants. When the latter are
removed the leaf-hoppers Immediately
scatter , but if thu ants are allowed to
return they will do so , and will round
up the vattored leaf-hoppers exactly
as the collie dog does sheep , placing
one or more ants on guard , according
to the size of the colony. When one
leaf-hopper birays an ant goes after It ,
and drives It back to the colony. When
the larvae are ready to moult the ants
assist the operation , "scorning to peel
oil' thtj empty larval skin. " When the
leaf on which the colony Is plaeed dies
the ants carefully remove their pro
teges to fresh leaves , thim carefully
caring for them.
A Monkey that Ate Hcorplona.
Of that unpleasant trio , the scorpion ,
centipede and tarantula , the llrst Is ,
pel-hups , the most formidable. Thd
sting of the very large black species ,
which IK common about dccajlnv
4liinn ) and hollow trevs , IH , 1 should
think , the most agonl/.lng pain known ,
judging from Its rllWt on the almost
nerveless Chlnamun. A specimen wa *
once brought me which was covered ,
tuil , el.iws and all. with young scor
pion * Hlxjiil half an Inch long In con
stunt motion. It seemed half dead ,
and wishing lo we whether the native
belief U correct , that Hcorplons are de
vintred by their young , I placed It In
j an empty ricldlttx powder Ixix.
1 nfnitiiniitely I was called away foi
a few ininuti's and on returning found
the box and It.s contents In the P s
session of C'holaka , or "the scoundrel , '
a monkey MI named from the slngnlai
enormity of his crimes , who win
crunching up t'- ' " -nrjilon and progeny
with the relish of an excursionist ovel
a plate of shrimps.
Ttie Itoinantli ) Koliool ,
He She has acquired some prom !
us a novelist.
She Of the romantic M-hool , 1 KUJ
pose ?
He Oh | y j. Vufibar. PhllndvlniU
Pr * * * ,
It ii III .XI til ii Tup
Merchant "Have ymi luul any ex
perience in ehltmwtm' ? "
Api-llciuit "Ve.its nf 11 , Sir. "
" \ \ lial do you tin when you break a
rnluablu piece" "
"Well or I nstinllv sol 11 logptlior
main and put H where suiiie custom-
"r will knock II over. "
"You'll do. "
U'lMl'llti't ' ! > ! > .
Caller "Say , waul a iiolrllii-tl
man.-1" I
Museum MutiMRcr "Indeed 1 tin , ,
right nil. " ' |
Well , I can do llio pelrllled man |
ucl so no line will over guess , . '
V"oti wont , do. I don't want any
fake. 1 waul a genuine. , living , pet-
rilled man , not , an Imltnlhm. "
"Nonndy'll know tlio dllTetencc. "
" 1 don't waul him for exhibition.
1 want him for cashier. "
Ton Much lo Miinil.
Owner "What's that ? The men
in my boiler factory out on a strike ?
What's the mattery"
Uockkcepei "I haven't heard ;
but now 1 think of itthe now super
intendent has moved Into the house
next door to the rivet-driving shop. "
Owner "I don't see what dlller-
pncu that should make. "
Bookkepeer "You are probably
aware , slrthat he has six daughetr.s ,
mil they are all studying music. . "
.Muiji'rn soiih-lj.
Down ton "Any news up y out-
Upton "Well , yes. Miss Cutehom
is going to reiiro from tlie stage and
get married , and Mrs. fhuatuin Is
going to icthe Irotu marriage and go
on the stage. "
Wluit ll MI--C.I
Mrs. DC Style "It's a pity you
could mil have heard that sermon
today. "
Mr. De Style "After paying for
your Sunday wardrobe , 1 haven't
enough money left to buy myself a
decent thing to wear. "
Mrs. Dc.Style "That's just it , and
that sermon would have made you
blush for very shame. It was on the
"Idolatrous Worship of Fine Clothes. '
Two bottles of Piso's ( 'lire for Con
sumption cured me of n terrible coimli.
Fred Hermann'JO ! ) Bu.\ avenue , Bnll'ulo ,
N. Y. , Sept. 1M. 1)01. ! )
The llrsl city incorporated in this
country with a charier and privi
leges was New Yoik , which was
granted Its papers in HUM.
flTC" IVrmiui'MtlvCuircl. .NcMH.t < ThRlrl
II 1C tlrxt il.i'i H" " ' I" . KllTif'3 'Jmnt rrv < ? lie
norer ILn.lre"K'Kl.iCO ni"\
DIC. II. II. HUM : , l.ul .VII . , . - " Hi . I'lillailvliiklik !
TIM * ICany ,
Theodore "It's all light , darling.
I have- met your fa liter and we took
Id one another at once , . lie even
went , so far as to borrow $10 from inc.
Surely , he uan't refuse1 mo your hand
after that. "
Kdlth "Dorv , I'm afraid ynitv'e
nadea mess of it. l'i : lold me about
the $10 , and .said I'd better let you
slide ; that you were too easy.--Hus
ton Transcript.
he Brilliant Statesman from Ni'hra ka Makes .on
Important Public
J'rfliPfi - * , " > ; 'v" ! " "
or IMIKI ; > SY\TIS : si\\n : :
HSciritiir John M. Tlmrston , ol' Poiulu , Nrltui kit i- , one of the most | ? CBMI/ > -
ni'iit and i'lihiiMiii il ni"ii in > -Miitr.1. lie made tin * speech noininnlhi ; Sswr
ilelit SlcKluloy at tin1 St. l.uuis uoavoiiti Ml , iili.l was luinlilu'riiiiini'iit CUiumresi
of Ihis i oiivciiHiin. lie wiii maile ( 'Iniirinnn of the eouu'iition that t t-ni.Tw3-
niitcd I'resiilent .MeKinlcy at I'lillnileliiliin. tie wits u-ci'iilU ; iiioiated | | Vi ; Sai-ir
ileii ! \ lcKinlc.'hinnii.iii . ( of tlu St. l.oulb M\nnsilion ( 'oimnUslon.
M'his pruinliiiMit ui-ntl'Miiiiu iccciitl.v wrutc Hnfollnwnn ; loitei to TheVftrntsr *
Medicine Co. , of Culuinlms , Oliiu :
\\'nshitnton \ \ , D. C , April 6rQO.E. .
" / hnvc used I'erunn lit various times during r/ic piist ycaur ir
two with most satisfactory result1 ; .
" It entirely relieved me from : ti irritating to ; . ' . , ' / r/itri
of e.vfcss/vc effort in the preside tial tv//Hp ' , ; : ; , an.I I va
bcl , ever in Its clficac v for an vs .ill trouble. ' % Ji > . < M.
( . 'at.irrh aln-mlj heroine u nutioti.i
enrse. Its rimiK's | > extend from oce.ti :
to in't'aii.
Mom than onu-hult' of the pi oplc ; ir <
nfl'eetetl by It. It lui * lieoonio such .1 ,
serious mutter Hint It Inn liaised the'
boundaries of the prot'esslo'i I' '
hcL'omn it national iiieslloii. | Semituvt are
talking about it ; Ooti rcssmeu ain , <
cussing it.
'I'lioy tire not only eonslilerlni : Hi i-\
tent anil chronic nature of the > ' . - " .
hat the possibility of timliiiK n niMniili
remi'ily to meet this national cnmmi\ ! . |
The cnliirrli remedy , I'ernna.n'eins to !
he the miiin expL-ctalluu in Hiis ilirtc
Hon. J
br. Iliirtnian , President ot tla- Hurt
mini Siitiltarlnm , iloviscil tlit > renu'ilj
Pernna , .nvr forty yeurs n 'u , iiinl 'In '
( IHIliii'lni ; .
Miss Upton "Did you tell him j
that 1 was not at liunieV"
New Servanl--"Yos , mum ; but 1. .
didn't scorn to believe me , '
I'm n stranger. Mebby you'd better
go down and tell him your.seHniuin. "
I'miml nViiv < il III" On n.
The burglar cautiously raised the' '
window and climbed in.
"And I used to be fool enough to
pay a dancing master. " he muttered
lo himself , "to teach me how tt enter
" . Tiihtine.
ter n room J"--Chlc.igo
Merely Col rohorul I \ i' ,
lOxamining I'liysician ( to applicant
for insurance ) "II'in ! Voting man , '
there is something the matter with '
your heart. " |
Applicant "your daughter found
thnt out a long lime tigu , doctor.1' -
Chicago Tirhune.
Japanese Women oillcinte as barbers
in Honolulu.
.eaieilj as i , , i . n > I i ij
i'.m in fn\ , , ' \ .1 l l - i.inf.1" . - * .
It stiu i i U' ' li nif' . 'W nn \
Ihoron. : , 'i -i ' i i il''lvUtr
internu riin.- ' ! . - e.iarrh. TTivw.-
niMi.ii'v \ ! ' mi me In Innl iivtilf > Ja
I'ei-uti.i 11 n > ' u local iippUc.ttilvii
rp i.-.ti-j n i'-r ; It is a periunnim ! : awt.
I''i-iia.i IN .1 ( xstumlc n-nu'ilj. ti < wiT.iffi-
i .lies > . , ' from the AJSUMII. is ttirtw
I'lti'ri'h wIuTisver loeiitetl. Its cacvj , z\
ni'lu'iil ' i i'l InstlUK.
TbiM.'iurc , 1'eriinu is rcceivlnt ; 4T ra-
iliii > i'iiiciil of thu K'Uiliiih' state Dv-tu satti
l"s : . ly-mnkcis of tinduj. .
Aihlro ! the I'enina Mi-ilielne Cn , , 'Cn-
.itmlniH. O. . Tor n liook of te.stiKj.'x-fe'iiiB.
lontr.inmi ; li'ii-i from promm .ii.t cuwu
and women I'liiiecriiiiif : I'ITIIUU
Q9Ti A W1CUIC ultll
ourYuu'ltry Miitimi In < > iiiintry ; yen.-vtfl
iJu' & xwAvssss Jt >
! > , ; wi m.
Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never soM
beware > ( Uic tlf.ilcr who tries lo
"auinethlni < | ust n
London spends oft 1 , 000,00' ' . * pi
atiiiiilly on rinui'iil.s
An automatic pholograpftfe iwu-
chlne takes your pictiue in S-wratjy
seconds , ami passes out , uecard1Kw
you. A liNCcenl plei'f dt' r > j.wl
slot sets tlie machine in
A new rcvolver.nsed by r'-e '
ed troops ol Swlt ? , > rlund , c.ui lj > : Qreii
iilnctv-six times in a minute1. Tire
mga/inc conlnins ciirht
and thi'sunpl.v can be renewed
tlnii-s in sixty seconds.
. ' ' "X ,
Uifuout of doors and out of the panics which tlu-y play and the enjoy
ment which they receive and the cilorts which they make , cmtifs llic
if renter part of that healthful development which n M > essciitiiil to their
happiness when grown. When a laxative is needed tli < ; remedy which is
given to them to cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the internal organs
on which it uct.s , should he .such as physicians would hanction , hccniiic its
toni | > onent parts are known to be wholesome ntul the rcmcdv itself free from
every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians : unl parents ,
well-in formed , approve and recommend and which the little ones enjoy ,
because of its pleasant flavor , its gentle action and its ell'ects , is
Syrup of Figs -and for the name reason it is the only laxative which should
be used by fathers and mothers.
Syrup of Kigs is the only remedy which acts gently , pleasantly and
n.itnrnlly without griping , irritating , or nauseating and which rk-nnnc.s Hie
system effectually , without producing that constipated habit which results
from the use of the old-time cathartics am ! modern imitations , and
which the children should be MJ carefully guarded. If yon \vuiiUl have them
grow to manhood and womanhood , strong , healthy and happy , do not k'ive
them medicines , when medicines are not needed , mid \\hcii nature needs
assistance in the way of a laxative , give them only the simple , pleasant and
gentle--Syrup of Kig .
Its quality is due not only to the excellence of tlie combination of the
laxative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic syrups and juices , but
also to our original method of manufacture and as yon value the health of
the little ones , do not accept any of the substituu-r. which unscrupulous deal
ers sometimes offer to increase their profits. The genuine article may \i \ > :
bought anvwhcre of all reliable druggists at fifty nts per bottle. Please
to remember , the full name of the Company
the front of every pack
age. In order to get its . . . $ "C'\
beneficial effec
ways necessa
the genuinei