Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 23, 1902, Image 1

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" 5hc who 'n this m > .MS . is 6cm
The lovely (5AR.N ( T.should adorn
0" ' < P < PV < i > < 9V < ? 99
T'will Insure Ivcr constancy
True jr.'endsMn arul fidelity"
JiiBt DOW .la. uiuy'd nutn !
I Htont' is In favor forririi/u liijth
finely and in comhinntin < J
Notfieatcr liruuiv > n any
Hem ulu'ii < X'-t 1'ont in quality
ami properly ect.
\Vu hnyu It , too , in jiinn and
I other thingH.
Other HtoncB if you want
thiTii , with variety , Hiylo and
price to pleape
rndontu ot Chlcaeo Optlmlmlc College.
School Hooks ,
School Supplies ,
J. G. Haeberle's :
( J. M. Shinn Biioueasor to P. 10.
lyorHonhaB { moved Inn bioynlo Hliop
to Lioalty blook. A largo Htook of
biuyulcH on hand. Repairing of all
kindri ( iono promptly. Automobile
repairing a Hpeoialty , Prices
reaonable. 12-12 tf
Fmr > Kookorn , Iron & Wood
beds , KasolBHurnenH , Hat & Coat
raokn\Vall Pockets , Frames and
Framed Pictures , Metal Photo and
Cabinet Frames , at A.V. . Drake's.
3 good 2 year old heifers , good
colors , for sale. A. T. SKYIIOLT ,
Union Valley. : ! 0 32
Wanted Millet and oaim seed.
Market price paid. GKO. WILLING
1 20 3t
Cream { separators for farm UBO
1 to $9 , Aqmts wante.l. J. II.
, Papillioi , Neb.
You can Bavo money by ordering
your -hiling matter through the
llKi'UJii.iCAN. Wo can furnish you
nearly all the papers and magazins
tor lees than publisher pncoe.
Many a bright and hnppy household -
hold tins been thrown into padnoHs
and sorrow because of the death of
a loved one from a neglected cold.
SYUUP is HIM great cure for
ooughH , colds and all pulmonary
nilmentH. Price , 'Jf > and 50 cents.
Ed MuComas B rolcon Bow and
Thoroughbred Polnnci China.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred polaml
china male nogs , old enough for
Borvioo for 15 CO.
1-23 tf G. 11 KUBROM
School Orders Wanted
llighoBt markol prices for Cuato
county school orclerH.
13-12 If Broken Bow , Neb.
Cut ( his out and take it to llaeberle'
lime btoro ai.d uot a free namplu o
Ohamberluin'H Stonmoh and Liver Tablet
lot , tlui beat phyaic. They alan cure
diBorders of thnetoinauli , hiliouunoHnani
Thu firm heroloforr existing a
Harry Day & Co. is this day difl
golved by mutual consent , H. G
Rogorti retiring from said linn
Harry Day will continue said buni
net < d , abHumou all liabilities and eel
loot a'.l accounts and notes due the
said firm.
Ditod this 10th day of January
jl-34 11 , G.
Toys at A. VV. Drakes.
VV. P. Higgms of CouiHtock wan
a friendly caller yesterday.
F. H. lluxtablo was a friendjy
taller Friday. Ho loft some of the
John L. Meokoy of VVeatorvillo
was a business caller at tiiis oflice
, To9tordoy.
Mra L J. Gandy reports having
hirty six for dinner , which is a '
good showing for a starter.
Money to loan on improved
'arms. MOOUK tfe TAYI.OU. lioalty
{ lock. 1-23 tf
Money loaned on improved farms.
7 18 tf Broken Bow , Nobr.
C. VV. Boharl of lloosior , made
his otlicu a friendly call Monday
and had his Hitbacription advanced.
Miss Minnie Griebel of VValworth
nado proof on her homestead at
ho U. S. laud of ibis city Satur
The Methodist are observing a
week of cottage prayer meetings
his week. They report a success
ful time.
Elmer Lemming accompained his
'athor to the Black Hills last week
whore they go to work their mi a
ng interests.
Chris DroBrion of Milburn , called
VIornlay advanced his subscription
d took homo with him a copy of
the Life of MoKinley.
Mr. and Mrs. J. VV. Clay have
mother girl that was horn Sunday ,
January 10. Mother and child are
putting along nicoly.
8 S. McConnol , Secretary and
uanagor of the Georgetown Roller
Mills and Power Co. was a business
jailer nt thiu oilico Saturday.
A. It. Chrimnan ono of the sub
stantial citizens and etoukmeu of
llian called Friday and had his
subscription account advanced.
Every ono interested in our pub
ic schools are urged to patronize
he scientific exhibit to be given in
ho interests of our schools Febur-
iry 1st.
MrH. Martha Furrow loft Monday
night for St. Joseph Missouri whore
she wont for surgical treatment.
She was accompanied by her ulster
Mrs. J , li. Street.
The attention of the roadonof
the Republican is called to the
irticlo announcing the exhibition
of the genuine Liquid Air , the
scientific marvel of tue tige.
'Ihe M. B. A. will install their
oflicers , elect to-morrow night. Rt-
fresl'inontH will be served , consist
ing of oysters , oako coffee etc. , to
the members ; their guestn.
Willie the con of II. E. Phelps ,
of Mclvinloy uas quite sovorly hurt
yesterday morning by a horse kick
ing him in the face. It is thought
no permanent injury will result.
If. VV. AlburtH of Woifiseit , was
a friendIj caller at this ollioo Fri.
day. Ho advanced IJIH subscription
on his and his brothers paper of
Boraboo , VVis. , and carried home
with him the MoICinloy Book.
A number of the citi/.ons of An.
snlmo wore in the city ) osterdny at
tending the trial of the catm of thn
state vs. George Moore who was
charged with gambling. The court
found him guilty aa charged and
assessed the line $50 and cost ? .
HEROINE should bo used to
enrich and purify the blood ; it
cures all forms of blood disorders
IB especially useful in fovois , nkin-
oriiptinns , boils , pimblcs , blake
heads , scrofula , salt rhoiim and
every form of blood impurity ; it is
a safe and eileotual euro. Price ,
conts. Ed. McComas , Broken Bow
and Morna.
Mrs. Win , Rossolor of Borvvyn ,
was brought in the first of Jait
week for treatment for appen
dicitis and WAS operated on
last Wednesday by Dr. Suni-
me'rs of Omuha , assisted by DrH.
Talbot , In the evening Mr.Repse-
Icr was similarly a Hi u ted and han
been under the doctors oaro sinoo.
As his case was net a8 critical as is
Mrs. Rossoler'ri his phyBcians hope
to be able to got him throuuh with
out the UPO of the kuifo. Dr. Sum
morn sid that her ease waa the
worst ho had ever BOOH. At this
writing both parties are
doing very nicely and symptoms
are favorable for their permanent
; Gco. Willing mndi ) a businecfl
trip to Omaha Monday night. f
J. J. Wilson went to OmahS
Monday night on the trough pas *
Mrs Tabitha Vickers called last !
week and had her name enrolled onj
the RuruiiLiOAN list. I
The board of miperviaorfl dcsigna ?
ted tlio Custor County Republican ui
the official paper of the county for ,
the year 1902.
The County Board awarded the
contract for furnishing the county
.supplies , last week to the Puree 11
Bros of the Chief.
L , II. CarstetiHon who has bison
stationed here for the past year a ?
night agent lias boon tranflford to
Hot Springs S , D. where ho went'
last Thursday night.
Mr. J. M. Easloy of Dunning wan
transacting buBinoss in the oily'
Saturday. Ho remained over to
attend the special meetings now bo.
ing hold at the U. li. church ,
There will bo a oocial danoti al
the Opera house on the evening of
Jan 28. Good musio and a good
time is assured. Don't forgot the
data. Further notioo will bo given
next week.
Aa the proooods ot the exhibition
to bo given by Prof. Maoy will be
used to souuro additional apparatus
for the schools every citizen should
give it a lift by their attendance ,
no doubt moht of you will.
J. J. Gollogly , agent for the
Nebraska Boll Telephone Co. was
in the oity Saturday , .looking up
the chances for his company. Wo
understand that they have made J.
E Adamson a proposition to buy
Ilia system.
The propertied of BALLARD'S
Snow LIN 1 MET POSSHOHH a ran o
of usefulness greater than any
other remody. A day seldom pas
ses in every household , especially
where there is children , that it is
net neodod. Price , 25 and 50.
cents. Ed MuComaB , Broken Bow
and Morna.
G. B Ca-lwellof Callaway Ilia-
writes that he and family will re
turn to Cuhter county in a few
weeks to make their home , Ho
will bring with him eomo thorough
bred cattle and will make a special
ty of breeding that clans. As ho
has between two and three sections
of laud near the oity well calculated
for Block raising , wo fool that ho
shows his window in comiug back
to it.
Ruv. Youtzy , the evangelist that
W < * H ndvertiNod Co commence mvot-
ingH for the Christian church of
this oity Tuesday night was for
some unavoidable reason prevented
from cominc. Wo might add that
the meetings advertised to have
commenced in tint Baptist church
between the first and fifteenth of
January wore indefinitely postponed
as the evangelist engaged could not
get hero until after other churches
arranged to commotion special
WANTED Several persons of
character and good reputation in
each state ( ono in this county re
quired ) to represent and advertise
old established wealthy businosB
house of Rolid financial standing.
Salary lb.00 weekly with expenses
additional , all payable in cash each
Wednesday direct from head olliccs
Horse and carriage furnished , when
nocessary. Reference. Enclose
self-.addrcBhod stamped envelope.
Dopt. Manager , 314 Caxton Build
ing , Chicago. 11-2H 81
Wai. Cody and daughter passed
through hero Monday night on their
way to the Big Horn Basin to the
Cody Colony. Vo horibo took break
fast with thoin on the "dinor" TUIH-
day morningthin aide of Alliance.
We observed the famous scout Ins
changed very much in appearance the writer first met him 28
years ago last fall. Instead of liin
long locks hanging about his hhould-
ers as they did then , ho has his
hair braided in two rolls and pinned
upon his head r.Mioli like a women ,
his luir and board are quito groy.
Ho mill wears the broad brim hat ,
but the buckskin flint and buffalo
Icgginx were substituted with a
very plain groy suit Biiuh as civil
ians wear. Instead of the leather
bull sot with cartridges , revolvers ,
bowie knives and ncalpB wan a
heayy solid wath chain and locket
that hung from hifi vest pocket.
HIH tniHty ntlo which ho handled
f.o doxtrously was also miBRing , It
was no more "Buffalo Bill" as Iowan
wan than known , but the lion VVm.
Cody whoso fame has become world
wide , through hia "Wild Weal. "
Jaa , Lodwioh waa an oaslnrn pan
Bonger Monday night on 42. Ho
will visit Omaha and Lincoln on
lnnine.88 before returning.
Dr. Withora Omaha dentist will
bo at the Globe hotel Jan 24th and
25th , hayo your tooth attended to
by an up to date dentist , aid at
City price. , .
J , R. Longfellow kindly remem
bered this ollioo yesterday with IUH
annual visit , John IB ono of our
fubeoribors who believes in paying
the pr.utor cash in advance.
Parties wishing Sunday dinner
will greatly oblige , by letting mo
know , by notifying mo some time
through this week. Phone No. 20.
Mra. L. J. Gaudy.
D. VV. Thompson , the hardware
merchant has been prorpr.oting in
the west for a month returned Sat-
unlay night , Wo understand ho
IH\H decided to looato in Idaho to
which place he will move soon.
Many of the blotches , pimples
and other affections of the skin are
caused by the failure of the liver
and kidneys to east oil impurities ,
which remain in the system , HER
OINE \\ill stimulate the liver and
kidneys and cleanse the system ol
all impurities. Price , 50 conln.
Hid. McComas , Brnkon Bow and
Morna ,
DIUD Mrs. Horraco Lang , Friday -
day January 17. Funeral Sunday.
Wo loam from 11. D. Callon that
Mrd. Horraoo Lang died last Fri
day morning after giving birth to
twine , only one ol the twins is
living. 'I ho doooasod loaves a hus
band and five children to mourn
her sad removal. Mr. Lang's
father , mother and brother of Len
ox , Iowa wore among the mournorH
present at the funeral which was
hold Sunday. The RPUHLUUN extends -
tends the sympathy of the vicinity
and acquaintances to the relatives in
their great bereavement.
Cloro beside the Guernsey line of
the Burlington , between Fort Laramie -
amio and Guernsey , where the rail
road followH the course of the old
Mormon trail for miles through
Wyoming , there SH an old grave
with a bit of history. Last spring
there was found n few foot from
the grave an old uart-wheol on
which had boon carved with a knife
this legend , "Rebecca Wintei'H-
1H1G" ThiH date is that of the
Merman exodus to Utah , and the
idea naturally suggested itself that
a member of the party of 500 per
sons who accompanied Brigham
Voiing on hia momorablH trip bad
been hurried thoro. It seemed
probble that some of the friends
or relativeH of the deceased might
bo located , even after the lapse of
so many yearn , and with that
end in view , the iufor
rnation was given to mm of the
Salt Like papers. Within throe
days following the publication ol
the story , the Burlington general
agent at Salt Lakn roooived thirty
letters from members of the family
and a call from a gentleman more
than sixty years of ago who Haul
his mother , Robacoa Winters , had
boon a member ot the Brigham
Young party and had died on tint
trip overland. A neat fence ban
been placed around the grave by
the Burlington , and mouthers of the
Win tors family in Utah are now
collecting a fund for the purpose of
erecting a monument over the remains
mains of the unfortunate woman.
Not much newn , nothing K ° i K on.
Isn't this remarkable weather for
Walter Ix > yd waa at Grand Island
having un operation performed on his
eye , but returned Saturday.
Kov. Wood hold mooting at tlioooliool
IIOIIPO BMlinlay , Sunday afternoon and
rind Sunday night. ( Jmnmiuion Horvloort
wore hold Sunday morning. A miricu
of ineotin a will ho hold Boon.
Good all noroHiied Uonl ut Koator &
Smith Lumber Company. ! ! > "t
Joint IiiHtnlittlonurtliuU. A. K 1'oKt
and LaillcH Kellef ( Airps.
The following oflicors wore in-
Htallod at the last regular mooting.
Command , Nor Hartley ; Adj. , N
K. Hagodorno ; John Lowe , son.
vioo ; Jas. Wiiitohoad , chaplain ;
John Snyder , O. D ; A. VV. Drake i
O. G. ; W , S. BOVHO , Q. M.
Relief Corps oflioorn wore installed -
od by the ptosident , Mm. Jerome
Taylor , Mrs , T. B. Whoolor. Several -
al speeches wore made. Ruv. J. 1C ,
Ingham , Reecn , Wliitohund , Ner
Hartley , Mrs. W. H. Olino , Mrs.
Taylor nnd Mra. Whether.
Seats wore all tilled and some had
to Htand.
The ollioora installed in the Relief
Corpa worn. Mrn. Jerome Taylor ,
president ; Mrs. N. K. Ilttgodoiu ,
HOD , ; Mrs. L. J. Tucker , treasurer ;
Airs. A. VV. Drako. snnior vine ; Mrs ,
Marcus , junior vice ; Mrs. Doiris ,
ohaplin ; Mro. Noonan , oondiiutor.
Clitircli Net-vice * .
Preaching servioo both morning
and evening by Kev. Richards , at ,
11 a. m. and 7 : . ' ! ( ) p. m. The pub-
lie is cordially invited.
M. K. OllUltOII.
Revival meetings will begin in
the M. E. uhuruh Sunday. Rrv ,
VV. E. Groho of KaiiHes City Mo.
will occupy the pulpit Miss
Jennie Jackson and Lida IJeniulc of
Omaha will also asiiist. Mooting
each evening next week hogining
at 7:30. : Gito. P. TuiTKtf ,
Sorvioeh Sunday lln. m. , nub-
jecl. Human verses Divine Love ,
Evening services 7no : , Subject ,
Alone yet not alone.
Ruv. D. AugiiHtiiH Shotlor ,
P stor.
The revival iiinolingH at the U
B. church are continuing with in
creased interest. The audionccH
are largo and manifest great in
terest. There have boon several
who have bepnn a lifo of service to
oluint. The EvangoliHt is n veter
an of t o civil warof an Ohio regi
ment and will preach a special nor
mon to the G. A. R. ami all old
Holdiors and thu VV. R. C. on next
Friday night nnd a Horviiin to men
only next Sunday at a p. m. A
cordial invitation to all ,
Marveloim Liquid Air.
Broken Bow IH to have an opportunity -
portunity , Foburary , iHt , of witnos-
ing an exhibition of genuine Liquid
Air , thu much diHCiissod scientific
marvel of Ihe age. ThiH treat in
iniulo possible by llio cH'orta of
Prof. Macy , who , when ho Haw the
exhibitions announced in the larger
cities of the utate , quietly eel to
work to eeouro the attraction for
city , with the renult that contracts
for lU appuirunce hero have been
closed. The domoiiHtratioiiH and
lectures will bo seen at the Broken
Bow Opera llousn on the above
dato. Fully two Ruoro of marvelous
experiments with thin mysterious
and powerful fluid will b" perfr rm-
od by Prof. Patty , the most skilled
demonstrator and leoturor in Ibin
line in America , who will hn equip
ped with nn extensive apptratun
and iiHOfievoral gallons of the liquid
during the demonstrations. Thuso
Liquid Air lectures and demonstra
tions are hhort visits into the fairy
land of Science , yet all the startl
ing offootH are HO thoroughly explained -
plained that ono wonders how snob
an important discovery could bo HO
simple. Prof. Macy ban assumed
considerable personal expense in
Hoouring this high class and novel
attraction for Broken Bow , and ii
is to be hoped our oitizutiH will Hiib-
Hlantially hhovv their appreciation
of bin olfortH , eHpecially HO , simn
al ) surplus roooiptH are to be devot
ed to Hoctiring additional apparatus
for the HchoolH.
The fragile babe and the growing
child are strengthened by
It ( leatroys worniH , gets digestion
at work , nnd so rebuilds the body.
Prion 25 oontH. Ed. McUomaH ,
Broken Bow and Morna.
Markvt Iteporl lor Toilay.
S ft
llnrluy l |
OfttH 'l
( lorn * 13 ( $ ft
Uyu ! '
Huller K
l'otut ( > i' , per liiiHliul I ' . ' '
OnloiiH , pur Imsliol l.l
CtilokuiiH. pur pound , 1)1 )
font "i'i uo ca y M
HtmiB J3 5J { B 1.00
TutkejrH , per noiinil ( >
Straw , i > er cwt . . . . . .1U
Hay , Nuw , ( > ur ton. . . . . . . > < W
per cwt & W
Paints ,
Oils and
Wall Paper
Ed , McGomas'
Drug Store ,
Job printing ul thin ollioo.
Water Sots , Litost patterns at
A. W. Drakes.
Lnbriiniting oils ol all kinds at
WilkiiiH * drug storo.
Pepsin Gum , two paukai oH lor a
300 acreH tublo farm land for
rent for 11)02. ) See A. 'I. SICYHOLT.
Land for Hilo in variouH loonltliuu
in dialer ami adjoining oounlieH.
Write or call on A.T.Soybolt.
Dr. T. W. BasH , ( lonliHt , yllioo
northwuBt corner of Really block.
8.1 tf
ToyH , Trunks , Ru'jbor Balls &
in endle.HH variety of othnr Holiday
Ljoodn. A. W. Drake.
One-quarter Htouon for a.ilo , 8
miloH Houth of Broken How , 50
aurt'H good fnini land. A bargain.
A. T.
FOR SAI.K ( juiur North oatt
quarter Heotiona ! 10-ll-17 ) , Douglas
Urovo. 11 VV. Hammond Broken
Bow. 30 .17
Fou SALU LotH 1 , 2 , 7 and 8 ,
block 5 , in Jewell's addition to
Brokun Bow. Enquire at this
dflioo. 11-21 tf
One-quarter Hootion land for Halo ,
iniluH southwest of Morna , 120
broke , $1200. A. T. Suv-
noi/r. JJO U2
KOK SAM : ou Tit \ me Town IOIH
ind a fnw five aero lotH in this rity ,
for uattlu , liorHe.a or farm land.
fol > 28 tf ALLAN ItitVNicu.
If you bavo ranolicH , farniH or
city property vou want to Hnll or
runt , liHt tboin with . ) . J. Snyder ,
Broken Bow , Nob. 4-1 Mf
H Iroulik'd with a weak diueatinn ,
lelrhliiKi nour Hlnmnuh , or if you feel
lull xfte.r UHting , try OIiiunlx'i'lnin'H
Kloiiutcli and favor TulilotH. t'rioc , 'J5
nlH. , iinilcH | fteo ut llHobeiln'u drn
Store room for rent on north
side of Houaio. Will fix up in fiood
shape for yood | urty , A. T. SKY-
HOLT. ao.aa
STIUYHD A red hoi fur calf with
triangle brand on right hip. List
noun , throe miles Noulh of towij.
Information leading to itn recovery
will be lihcrially rewarded. Loavr
notice at Republican olliuu.
The old and rultablu firm of
DlorkH Lumber ( ! o. IH thn plauo to
go for lumber or coal. A good
mipply and gradeH to moot thn wants
of their oiiHtomorH aru alwayH in
Htook. 21tf
Ono and one-half Heutioiw of
land I'oi nalo in WoHten , CiiHtir ,
100 acres good table farm land ,
balance grazing iniil hay land. For
Hnlo cheap or will take part trade.
A. T. S ic v HOLT. 80 82
Games for Homo annmoment at
A.V. . Drakes.
Rough ford for Hah' , ( i milt'H woHt
of Brokun Bow. A. T. SKYIIOLT.
For iiiHiiranoo and real estate 140 to
Moore & Taylor , in Konlty Block.
DierkH Lumber Co. ban in Htook a
ear load ol line cedar poHtH for the
tn do.
Saladx , Ghus Sotn , piuk holders
V.-UOH , Crokonolo & Checker hoards
at A W.Draku'ri.
Farmn for Hale and lands for rout.
Now IH the tinio to got a farm ohoap.
an the ohoap farms are all eotng ,
and prices are advanoing rapidly.
J (1.