Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 16, 1902, Image 8

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Job printing at this otllcc.
W.ittr Sfts , TntAst pnttoniB at
A W 'ii.i
J.i' > ( . . ' ( . : : iu "I i > II kiiidt > : u
\ \ , ! > ' di'ig if ore.
Pupcin Guu , * o packages for i
300 acres table farm land for
rent for 1U02. See A. 'I. S union' .
WANTKD To trade a heifer for
Mock bogs. A D. BANGS.
Remember the date tint you aie
to BOO Burns the Opluinn about
your ovt'H ' , Friday and Suturd\y tbn
17 and Ifl = "
Land for Htlo in virioim localities
in Ouster and adjoii.iig . coiintirc.
Write o ? call on A.T.Sojbolt.
Dr. T. VV. Bads , dci list , ' -Ilici-
northwest corner of Hi-ally block.
8-1 if
Toyy , TrutikH , Ktt'jhcr Malls &
an endless variety of > other llolidny
goods. A. W. Dialn.
Onc-qimter moiiou lor snlc , 8
inilcH fcouth cf Urtki-n How , 50
acres good f aim lai d. A bargain ,
A. T. buYiioivr MO.32
Fen SALU Ciuui1- North oa l
quarter seolions UO 10-17. Douglas
Urovo. 11 W. Hammond Broken
Bow. : to rtv
FOB Sxuc Loin 1 , 'J , 7 and K ,
block ft , in JOWCU'H addition to
Broken Bow. Enquire at this
ollico. 1121 If
One-quarter section land for Hale ,
4 miles south west of Mcrna , li0 !
acres broke , $1200. A. T. Suv-
110LT. 30 111'
Foil SALIC on TKU > K Town lots
and a few tivo acre lots in this city ,
for cattle , horses or farm land.
feb28 tf ALLAN KKYNKK.
If you have ranches , farms or
oily property you want to soil or
rent , list them with J. J. Unydor ,
Broken Bow , Neb. 4-11-If
.Thoso wanting to purchase city
lots cr blocks , or lindn adjourning
Broken Bow , call on J. B. Smth.
8-30 II
If 'roublfd with a weal : digestion ,
belching , sour Btomauh , or if you feel
dull niter exting , try Clmmljtrluin'B
Stomach rmd Liver Tablets. I'riuo , 'J5
cents. Samples ftcu at llauburlo'a drug
Store room for rent on north
aide of Bouaio , Will fix up in good
shape for good party , A. T. SKY
30 82
STB4.YKD A red heifer oalf with
triangle brand on right hip. Last
soon , three niilcfi Roulh of lowr
Information leading to us recovery
will bo libcriully rewarded. Leave
notice at Republican oilico.
The old and reliable firm ol
Dierks Lumber Co. is the plaoo to
go for lumber or coal. A good
supply and grades to meet the wants
of their customers are always in
stock. 321H
Ono and one-half sections o :
land foi sale in Western Custir
400 acres good table f < um land
balance grazing and hay land. Fo
solo cheap or will take part trade
- A. T. SKYIIOI/T. 30 3L
' The attention of our readers is call
nd to our Hpeoial offer of o
William AlcKinley , by Mnr
Ilalfited , nnd other prominent mnn
and the RUPUIIUCAN for il : , Q W
fnrnihhbotb for thn rut ail price n
the book. Send in your order
H for Homo amusement at
A. W. Drakes.
Kough fofd for sale , 0 miles west
of Broken Bow. A. T , Swvnoi/r.
I < \r insurance and real estate uo to
ISIourr& Taylor , in R alty Block.
DicrkH Ijiimbr c Co. has in Block a
car load ol line cedar posts for I lie
Snhdc , Ulats Stttn , pick holders
aKM , Crokonolo & Checker bonrds
t A W.Drnke'H.
Farms for sale and lands for rout.
few is the time to got a farm cheap.
s the cheap farms are all going ,
nd prices are advancing rapidly.
Fine llooki rs , Iron tt Wood
dH , 1CiMulHetrt'oiiH ! , Hit tfc Coat
' , \\nll Pockets , Frames and
Drained 1'iutiircH , Metal Photo and
Cabinet Frames , at A. W. Drake's.
3 good 2 } t'i rold heifers , good
colors , for tale. A 'J' . SKYHOLT ,
Union Valley. 30 32
You can save motioy by ordering
: cir : rct.Jing mailer throruh Ihe
tici'Uiii.iOAN. Wo can furnish > ou
ir-urly all the pneru and magazins
or lo-s thrtn publishers prices.
H ihiOpticaii Eyn Special
Hi will bo at the Gradd Cenlral
loti-1 Friday and Saturday the 17
and IB Thin will bo the la t visit
xtfore npring , don't fail to use this
) pportunity. SC 31
WANTED Several ponjons of
character and good reputation in
each slate ( ono in this county re-
juircd ) to represent and advertise
Id established wealthy butunosB
IOIIHO of solid financial standing.
Salary 18.00 wt-kly with oxpei.oes
additional , all pi/ablo in cash each
WodnoHilay dir-t from head ofliccH.
lorse and carriage furnished , when
locoflsary. References. Enclose
self- addressed stamped envelope
3opt. Manager , 314 Cnxton Build-
tig , Chicago. 11-28 81
to J'loflUri ,
The Burlingtoo lloulo is organ
izing a personally conducted ox
oursion to Florida and Cuba , to
eave Nebraska points , Wednesday
January 20. The roulo will bo via
St. Louis , thence to Jacksonville ,
Fla , through scenes which have
been forever made historic by the
dramaUc-ovontH of the civil war.
An exceedingly low rate Una boon
made , and several members of the
excursion have choice of several
altraoliVB Irips afler Ihoy arrive at
This opportunity of escupini' the
most unpleasant portion ot a Ne
braska winter and enjoying in its
stead , the delights of a semitropical
al country will appeal to everyone
who has mon oy and can spare the
limo lo make an extended pleasure
A handsome booklet , giving dp-
tails of Iho the excursion will be
ready for distribution about Janu
ary Int. Write for a oopy.
General Passenger Agent ,
Omaha , Neb.
Two 1'apern ii-or i rlcu of One.
Every person who cuU out and
sends this advertisement and ono
dollar to the Omaha Semi-Weekly
World-Herald for ono years sub
scription before January 31 , will al
HO receive fren of chargq the illustra-
Icd Orange Judd Farmer , Weekly
for one year. No jommissioc al
lowed Regular price of both is
Headquarters For
Clothing , Dry Goods
And Notions. . .
We have $700 or * 800 worth of
Clothing wo are Closing Out below
Wholesale Com.
Wo also have a Fine Line of Com
forters and BlankotH that oannol bo
duplicated in the city for Iho Price.
Wo have the Lirgost
And Complete
Line of
WH Dress Goods ,
, , Ladies Furnishing Goods ,
Hats and Caps , Boots and Shoes ,
Pemi Co Gents Planishing Goods ,
Gloves and Overcoats ,
ttS"lhat ? Defy Compolilion.
Quick Srtloa. Small Profits and
Honest DoallnR Is Our Motto.
Nlil Call and See Us in the
in the Realty Block.
" "
Agana , Island of Guam , Novrm
bor 10 , 1001. RicPUiti.tCAN' There
are jiiHt onodo/.cn American women
on this island ; an ) , a mure sociable
doz'iii worn never aggregated in HO
small a Hpaco. Tliuru in a Rooial
gathering of nome kind every day ,
and it in Had how my retiring na
ture ia wrought upon by these
events. Hut I have to go , "Every
mnn H expected to do his duty , "
and naval society ! H very exacting.
I am Buro I sot a good example of
nodrsty. It IH no cxagoration to
ay that wo have plenty of Hooioty ,
nd that it I'H the very bent. The
'oung oflioifils hero are gentlemen
f excellent oharnotor , AH long ah
ui army and navy are Hupplicd
with officials from the dicipline
nd culture of military and naval
uhools wo may oxpoot efh'uiout
orvico. The snobs and puppets to
> o avoided oomo through political
ppointmontH. I am reliably told
liat Home eli < rkH , Hont hero at ono
imo through political friends , were
wholly incapable ) to do their work.
Yesterday , Governor Sohroodor
ave a reception to Americans and
ativoH , and many of the loading
ativoH were present , and were a
ory reHpoctnble represonlation.
Governor Sohrocder lias a niOHt
xoellont wife , and three snodeHt
nd refined daughters , also two
mall boys. Tlioro is an effort bo
ng made 'o have a civil governor
lore , and establish wvil govcrn-
nont on the island , I hoar no op-
> ositiou to this , although there is
10 complaint against Governor
Schroo'Jor. la ono of my private
classes are a number of Filipino
> rifonorH , who ore out of confinement -
mont on parole , They are quite iu-
elligent men , and wo often talk
ever the political situation. It is
very evident that Bryanism has had
nuch to do with their hopes.
While every man should bo honored -
ed in his patriotic opinions concern-
ng the disposition of the Plnllip-
mio islamlH , yet it has been yory
close to trea on to inspire the intnr-
; ont Filipinos with the idea that
any mere change of presidents
would lead to any change of na
tional policy , unless , as the office
Booking pop declared , Bryan was
Creator than his party , and also by
implication greater than every
body. These Filipinos are of the
wealthy families , and are very anx
ous to go homo. They say their
lioarts are breaking. Well , such is
war. By the way I have boon hav
some dental work done hero. The
follow who operated on mo is not
of the Ivcr dental schools , but has
ideas of his own. lie first bioke
t'io tooth oil' under the gum ? , and
then snapped his forceps across the
top of it full twenty timec. This
process aromod the energies of
latent norvos. Alter this , ho split
the top of the snag and removed
several pieces The main root
seemed soutH , so he dug the flesh
away and Icosuuod up the neil , and *
left it to ro'.v out. I expect a
good new tooth Homo day. They
say thin damp vriim climate will
oaupo now tooLh to grow out from
live roots , and I believe it. If this
tooth docs well , L shall have all the
others broken oft and dug arourd
The sensation is oxhilliarating !
nrc Homo Htrango things in
this tropical olimato. Wo have
fewer Mosquitoes than there are
there , but the army sergeon , who
is a very reliable man , told mo that
many of our mosquitoes will weigh
a pound , and they have often been
known to nit on trooa and bark.
However true thin story may bo , I
do know personally , that some days
ago , a very small Chauiorro boy
was down by the ocean beach , and
several raoaquUoea swooped down
and flew away with him , and not a
word has boon heard from them
since. Last week , just after five
o'clock , while tl-o marines were
drilling on the Grand Plaza in front
of the governor's palace , tiny vfo
suddenly confronted by nearly two
hundred Chamorro potguns and ,
perhaps , four hundred nmall arms ,
all facing the marinoH and govern
or's palace. For awhile there was
a good deal of excitement , but af
ter some maneuvering all became
quiet. School had just closed A
Chatnorro boy is called rorauN.
nv Mils. : it
The Jttehl of SullVu&e
lust now the subject of suffrage
is under consideration throughout
the United States ne never before.
Important constitutional changes
have boon made ; ri Minsippi , Louis
iana , Noit'ii Carolina and Alabama ,
and are pending in Virginia , ( Jon-
necticiit , and Now Hampshire.
Congress will soon have to pre
scribe qualification for our new
possessions. Distinctions ot class
race and sex are involved. Under
tl OHO circumstances local prejudice
and partisan bias should as far as
possible bo laid aside , and the qut-s-
tion considered in the light of his-
'lory , philosophy and comer ; sense.
What is suffrage ? Lucy. Stone
defined it thirty-five jears ago in
an address before the Now Jersey
Legislature as "An authorativo ex-
proHHion of opinion in regard to
principles , measures and men. "
The ( / ssenoiol suffrage is rational
choice. " If this definition bo cor
rect , all oiti/.oi H capable of making
a rational choice of questions of
common interest are rightfully en
titled to vote , and all who for any
roasotuaro incapable , shonld right
fully bo excluded.
American governments , Stale and
national , are founded on the prin
ciple of individual sovereignty. In
thin respect they differ from those
of the old world. This principle
was tersely expressed by the found
ers in three salient sentences :
' Goveinmonts derive their just
powers from the consent of the
governed. " "Taxation without
representation is tyranny. " ' -All
political power inheres in the people
ple " On these three command
ments l\ang all the law and the
prophets of American democracy.
These principles are affirmed in the
Declaration of Independence , in the
Bills of Rights of the original
thirteen States , and the Federal
Comtitulion. Thus founded on a
recognition of the primary rights
of the individual , our governments
are strntly limited by written con
stitutions , framed by delegates
elected for the purpose , And sub
sequently ratified by their constitu
The right of every individual to
vote must therefore be decided by
the capacity of that individual to
oxeroieo a rational choice on tLo
questions to bo decided , It is not
a question of class , or race , or sex ,
but of personal titnobs. And that
question must neoesaarly bo decided
for the time being - by those who
actually hold and exercise the elec
tive franchise.
If all woman are until , than all
women should bo excluded. But
if some wo lion are fit and others
unfit , that those who are fit are
wrongfully excluded. Qualifica
tions of age , of education , of roai-
denoo and of property may be right
fully imposed , provided those only
are excluded who are incapable of
exercising a rational choice. But
qualifications beoomo unjust and
oppressive whenever they go beyond
that limit.
Aliens , infants , idiots , lunatics ,
convicted criminals all theHo are
rightfully excluded. But where all
women are excluded , as at present
except in four States , the principle
violated. If all women were ad
mitted irrespective of personal tit-
ness , the principle would bo violat
ed. If men are now allowed to
vote who are incapable of making
a rational choice , the principle is
violated no lesi. Personal fitness
is the eolo basis of aufirago. Iho
tools to those who can use them.
II. B. B.
Many a bright and happy house
hold hua been thrown into sadness
and sorrow because of tbo death ol
a loved ono from a neft'l otod cold
SYRUP ia the great cure fo
coughs , colds and all pulmonary
ailments. Prio ? , 25 and 50 cents
Ed MoComan Broken Bow and
If yon intend to build call a
Dierks Lumber Co. and get prices
She Hod It With Her , nnil Vet She
Co n M Nut 1'nj tt.
She renliy intended iniylng her fnre
when Bho bounlod the street ear , for
eho hnd 10 contB mivocl from the bar-
Kiiln day Bcrlmmngo , lint the cumluotor
happened to be a Kontlonmn and by
pnyititf the faro himself wived her a
weary walk to the family roftldence.
She had the fO cents with her when
ulio boarded the car , and sue still had
the money when the conductor cauio
through on his trip for fares , but HUU
did not pay the conductor. It was all
the motorman's fault. With her arms
full of bundles , .she was compelled to
hold the ten cent piece between her
teeth. The motorman turned on the
current , the car gave a jerk , ami she
gave a start.
"I-'aro , please , " said the conductor ,
and Hhe turnoil pale.
"I can't pay you , " she stammered ,
going from while to red and from red
back to white.
"But I can't carry you for nothing , "
remonstrated the conductor.
"I know it , but I can't help it 1 hud
the money when I got on the car , bul-
but I swallowed it. "
A grouch on the oilier side of the
car Knot-led a rude laugh , but the con
ductor was n genlleman , and without
another word ho pulled the register
rope for another fare and passed on.
St. Paul Globe.
An Opt'ii Giver.
Harold's father was in Ihojiabit of
giving a dollar a Sunday lo the church.
This was put in a numbered envelope
in the collection plalo and the amount
credited to him on the church books.
Mr. T. was away for the summer and
on his return inclosed his arrears in
the envelope and intrusted it to Har
old to put on the plate. When the lit
tle boy came homo from church , hu
said proudly : "I put an awful lot of
money on the plate Ihis morning.
More'n anybody else , I guess. "
"i'ou got the envelope Ihcro all
right ? " asked his father carelessly ,
for Harold had been almost afraid to
carry so much money.
"Oh , yes , " ho said ; "but I look Ihe
envelope oil' when 1 got there and Just
put the money on the plate in my
hand. Nobody'd have known how
nuch I gave if I'd left it In the en
velope. "
An Opnl AVorth a Million.
The most famous opal In history was
; Lat which was worn lu a ring by the
[ toman senator Nonius in the day of
lie triumvirate. Its size equaled that
of a nii'dinin sized Imzelnnt , yet its
beauty and brilliancy rendered it a
marvel among the dilettanti of Rome ,
especially when it was known that the
goldsmiths and money changers had
Bet its value at $1,000,000.
Mark Antony made overtures to No
nius for its purchase , Intending , It is
thought , to present it to Cleopatra , but
the senator refused to part with it and
for fear that it would be taken from
him by sheer force sought safety in
flight. Hero history loses all trace of
this famous gem , there being no rec
ord of its transference from Nonius to
any of his family.
A peculiar fact In collecting birds'
eggs is the wide difference in values
of eggs of the same family of birds.
For instance , there is the great family
of hawks. Some hawks' eggs are worlh
only a few cents each , and othei
hawks' eggs find a ready sale at § 3 , $5
and $7 each. It makes a hundred dollar
lar bill look dilapidated lo buy a com
plete set of even western hawks' eggs ,
while a full set of all known hawks'
eggs cost upward of $000. The eggs
of a marsh hawk , a red back hawk
and a copper hawk may be bought for
20 cenls each , and Ihe broad winged
hawk's eggs will bring $4 each Ihe
world over. The eggs of Swainsou's
hawk and the buff breasted hawk are
worth $1.50 each.
The Tower * of Silence.
In Persia stand two towers called by
the Parsee the Towers of Silence. Ac
cording to the religion , they never bury
their dead , but have the body exposed
on' the top of one of these lowers until
tlio mm and the rain and the fowls of
the air have cleaned Iho bones of all
flesh. The bones are then collected
and placed in the oilier lower. These
Parsecs , who are followers of Zoroas
ter and very devout , have almost disap
peared as a people , there being only
about 8,000 of thoru at the present
School Orders \Yiintcil-
Hiuhest market prices for Ouster
county aoliool orders
12-12 tf Bnken Bow , Neb
I'erlmpi. '
Mr. Clubnmn-I see by the papers
hut n poor young man who lost both
bis legs while saving the life of a beau-
Iful heiress at a railway crossing is to
narry the girl. She dismissed all suit
ors and offered herself to him.
Mrs. 0. ( meaningly ) Very sensible
girl. She'll know where her husband
s nights anyway. New York Weekly.
MakliiK It Hauler to Dear.
" " said Mrs.
"Charley , dear , young
Torkin , "do the baby's cries annoy ,
you ? "
"Terribly. "
"Well , I'll tell you what to do : Make
believe baby Is at a game of baseball
ind has just seen a home run. " Ex
Absolutely Original.
"All , " said the great singer , "I have
lilt on a plan which will indeed bring
me distinction. "
"What 11 Is ? " asked a friend.
" 1 shall make a farewell lour , and
I shall not go back. " Answers.
Uc ulH of Catarrh.
Cularrh of the ears and catarrh of
the Eustachlan tubes often cause deaf
ness. Catarrh of the stomach loads
the stomach with lough phlegm and
Interferes with digestion. Catarrh of
the gall bladder obstructs the outflow
of the bile , which Is absorbed into the
circulation and thus gives rise to Jaun
dice. Catarrh of the bladder Is a dan
gerous disease , from the dltUculty of
getting rid of the mucus.
Time That Wasn't Money.
The Grafter Iluslle Qage , the mil
lionaire , is not a man of his word.
His Friend How do you know ?
"Well. 1 asked him if he'd give me a
inlnnle of his time and he said he
would. I'd figured it out that his in
come was $40 a minute , but at the end
of the minute Ihe old sklntlint showed
me the door. " New York Times.
OverdoIiiB It.
IJorus ( who has Just submitted man
uscript ) You don't like 11 because it's
somewhat facetious. You forget that
"a little nonsense now and then is
relished by the besl of men. "
Naggus Yes ; but , blame it , Horns ,
Ihis Is all nonsense ! exchange.
C. M. Shinn successor to P. E.
Ryorsonhas moved Ins bicycle shop
to Realty blook. A largo stock of
bioyoloB on hand. Repairing of all
kinds done promptly. Automobile
repairing a specialty , Prices
resonabl'e. 12-12 tf
Anotlier TourlHt Kxctirnloii to
To aeeomodate the increasing
travel to California , the Burlington
Route has added lo its service another -
other weekly excursion , in tourist
earn , personally conducted. The
Burlington's through service to
California is as follows ;
maha , Lincoln , Hastings and Ox
ford to San Francisco , connecting
at latter city wit-h fas I tram for LOB
Angels ,
TOURIST Sr.UKrEUK personally
conducted every Thursday and
Saturday , Omaha , Lincoln , Fair-
moul , Hastings and Holdrego to
San Frivnoifioo ; every Wednesday $
and Thursday , Kansas City , St. g
Joseph , Wymore , Superior , and ffi
Oxford to San Francisco , and Loa ff
AH theeo cars run via Denver and
dalt Lake City , passing the grand
panorama of the Rockies by day-
light. If jou'or going to California
you will be iuterebled in our new '
40 page folder , "California TOUIB \ \
1001-02 " It in free. ' $
J. FHANOIS , ' ' , ;
Qonoral Passenger Agent , ,
1 81-02 Omahft , Neb. ,1 ,
Osteopathic Physician ,
83T"Oaioo ever Hwan'n Grocery Wore. Hours
U a. m to IS in , and S to 4 p. in KoBlileii8B-
uran < l Cent nil Hotel. Chronic ca ua a Sfcclalty.
epubllcan and Kansas City Journal . . $ i .35
epubllcan and Inter Ocean 1.50
epublican and Twentieth Century . . . 165
B epublican and Globe-Democrat , benv.w i 85
epublican and State Journal 1.85
epucllcan and . * ebraaka Farmer j.Bj
, epubllcan and Life of McKmley . . 1.50
For a First Class Smoke Try the
Martial and
Corona Grande'
Cigars. V\
, .
Broken Bow Nebraska.