Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 16, 1902, Image 7

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    A Grand Koport ft-oin Ilin Mnjcsty' *
Dockyard , Portsmouth , KiiKlnml ,
\Vltero Upwnuis of 1O.OOO MOH Are
ConstHiitly Ktnployed.
We have now further ovldenco of tha
Intrinsic value of St. Jacobs Ol , .s a pain
conqueror. Our readers will do well tu
follow the Intelligent nnd hlghlv Inter-
fating details ns given In Mrs. lliibhcts'
own words :
"To the 1'rourlotora , St. Jacobs Oil :
"Gentlemen My husbnnd , who Is a
shipwright in His Majesty's Dockyard ,
mut with an accident to his ankle and leg ,
prnlnlng both BO badly that hi * leg turn
ed black from his kuco tu his toes. The
doctor mild It would be months before he
could put his foot to the ground , and It
was doubtful whether he would ever get
proper use of his leg again.
"A few days after the accident 1 had n
Vook loft nt the door telling about St
Jacobs OH , so I procured n bottle from
otir chemist , Mr. Arthur Orcswell , H70
Commercial road. I began to use St.
Jacobs Oil , and you may guess my sur
prise when in a week my husbnnd could
uot only stand but could walk about , and
lu three weeks he was back nt work , anil
everybody talking about his wonderful
recovery. Seeing what St. Jacobs Oil
could do gave mu faith In your Vogeler's
Curative Compound , which I determined
to try on uiy little girl , who was suffer
ing from a dreadful skin dlsenso.
"She has taken two bottles of Viigo-
ler's , and one would now hardly take hur
* or the same child , her skin hits got such
a nice healthy color after the sallow look
the hns always hud ,
, "I shall never cense to he thankful for
the immense benefit we have derived
from these two great remedies of yours.
"m Graftou Street , Mile End , Landport ,
( A liberal free sample of Vogclvr's Com-
ixnincl will be sent by aitdn-Rsliig St. Jnrolw
Oil , Ltd , , Baltimore. )
The nbovo honest , straightforward
statement of Mrs. Rabbets' evidence is
atrongcr nnd far more convincing tlnin
pngea of paid advertisements , which lack
Hint convincing proof which Mrs. Itiib-
liets' description of her own experience !
supplies. St. Jacobs OH has n larger
jsnlo throughout the world than that of
oil other remedies for outward applica
tion combined.
American Science mid Art.
Ibis reported fromLondrn that tin-
Crystal Palace authorities have de
cided to hold an American pxhibiiion
next year. It is tobeconiinod strictly
to a display of the science , art and
Industries of the United States.
American entertainments will bo
given and American sports will he
conducted by representative teams.
AbrocEl to Try Once Morn.
The Duke of the Almmi , it is
stated , will visit the United States
lu February to make- arrangements
for another Arctic expedition.
An Important DUoorerry.
Detroit , Mich. , Jan. IS. A sensation
ml Htatctncnt Is made by Mr. Benjamin
Major whose home la at the corner of
Jane and Hurlbut avenue , this city.
Mr. Major says that he lias found a
remedy which will positively cure all
Kldner and Bladder troubles. Ele
uttered for & long time with these dis
ease * In tbo most painful -form ana
Aurlac bis Illness erperlmcnted1 with a
great many medlciaea without getting
ny relief. Iflmtlly ho tiled Dodd's
Kldaer .Pills aud. to bis great Joy waa
cure4 completely.
The itatetuont he make * seem * to
hare amiilv oontlriniitlun tit rcitorU be.-
lag published every day of wimderful
cure * by tills * remedy.
H Won't Un
r Mouldy Mike " .v ail Mi5 saints ,
bas jrer lost yer mind1 ! Wet you
arryln' that savr fer ? "
Ragged Robert "It's nil right. I
itop at houses an' offer to saw some
wood fer mo dinner. "
"You'll bo expelled from the Tr.iv-
elln1 Gentlemen's Union. "
"No , I won't. After dinner I tell
'em I cau't work till I ( lie me ausv.
They lend me a flle and tell me to go
way off where they won't hear me
flllu' . Most any saloon will give K
Brink fer a good tile. "
W ue Pto' * Cure for Couitmiiti u in
preference to nny other cough uiedicniK.
Mrs. S. B. Bordeu , 44 ii t tr etV ah-
laet o , D. 0. , May 25 , 1001.
Not Soared.
Old Nick ( roused from n nnp )
' 'Well , what's wrong now ? "
1 Imp "The good people down on
| aarth are putting up mode ! tenement
; houses In the slums. "
, Old Nick "I can po to sleep again
| and don't you wake me unless you
| ic.c them building separate dwellings
5 for each family. "
Hrooklfo , N. V. , Jan. in A very Uinuly
and practical auggetitlon fiuiicn frmn ptir
ilclan of this city. He saf : "Take i ! r
field Tea , the Herb Medicine. It In esiifdnl
\j \ oeedcd at thU aeauoii , when tlir srMl > > in
U apt to be aut of order from CM t Inn ilc'i
food. Thl TTonderfnl rempdx ( ltnneu HIP
> yoteoi nnd reculates the liver , kldin-it.
ftomnou and bowels. It In Mliuple , purr mil
eCfeotlre , and U good for youni ; anil olil "
There are more saddles and hnrness
made in Dallas , Texas , than in any
ether city in the
ELY'S MQUlnOlM : AM 1I > 1
li iiroimreil for lutTerrr * ( rmu
nasHl caturili n'ho us uu
ntoinl7 < * rlu Bniylnu tli < IU-
eu * d iiiriubranfi. All tli <
K nnd lootliliiK pn INT-
tloa of Crnam Buiiiuuo rrlniii-
ml In tlio new iirejiurulion It
ofBr.otdrjrup thetecretlotit
Itros ,
\\arrmi Ht , N Y. , nmll It.
Capsicum Vaseline
Put Up In Collapsible Tubes.
A Sulntltute ( or and Superior to .Muitnnl or inj
tlier plaiter.anil will not hliiter tlin niutdt > lluit
ikla. The pain ulluylni > mul curative quitlaift of
tlili article nro wonderful It will ttoii ilia Umlli-
tche at ouco , and reliuvu Uvudnclia mul tolatlrn.
\Ve recommend It ui tlm belt uu 1 > afuil fituni.'il
oounter-lrritunt t > n wu , also HI HII ritcrnal n'lnu-
dr for i ) ln lu tlio cheit mul ituiimcli ninl nil
rneumikllo , nuuralgto and Kuuty eoiii | > UlnU
A trial will prove wlmt wi dalni fur it , uud u
will b found to be InvHluikble lu tlie houi-liold.
Huny people aj "It U tlio b > t of all your prop-
rHtloni. "
I'rlea is ceutt , at all drunl li , or other dealer * ,
or by Ifudlni ; thli amount to u > lu pollute Ump <
w will lend you .t lube by mall.
So article iUoulil be accepted by the polJio uu-
leu th lame carrlei our label , at otlitrrnUe It li
uot genuine.
( I tutt Str < 4 fit * Yirk CVy.
mo one of the moot Interesting
fO Hlgnllloant phuses of the eve
lution of woman Is tlint she IH
cnahiR lo weep. I don't know how eel-
luce explains It , but it IK n Kelf-vvklcnt
'net , tluit every obHervlng person uumt
invo noted , that nB woman have dc-
'eloped Imckbone their tt r ductc Imve
Irlcd ui ) .
Time was , and not KO long ago , when
ho very nitmo of. the feminine BL X .wan
lynonymouu with crying. It was worn-
tn'a hereditary destiny to weep , Just BR
t was man's to work , nnd she did what
vaH expected of her by sitting down
Intl howling whenever nho cnme up
ignlimt uny of the hard propositions of
The modern woman hns cliangcd nil
Hint. You hardly see n woman weep
low. There nre God help us Just ua
Jinny thlugA to wring \Voinun'B heart
to-day , and just ns many causes for
tours ns there orcr were , but If she
tveepH , nlio weeps In private. It Is nl-
nioHt as uuurtual and stnrtl'ti ' } ; to HOP a
woman now give way publicly to emo
tion na It IH to nee u miiu do HO , and I
can think of no other one thing that so
emphatically murks the progress of my
ox. It inuaKiires all the distance be
tween hysteria and reason. It nmrkB
the ImmcnMurablc dlfferance between
Hie spoilt child crying Impotoutly for
forbidden sweets , and the strong adult ,
prho takes what life gives with unfal
tering bravery and cheerfulness.
It > cma likely that women ulwnytt
ovci'Milucil the effectlTeness of tears
iii.ay. ; . Tears were supposed to nl-
\\n.t lie an unanswerable ; rsrument so
fir it- ) men wore concerned I'ufortu-
initL'ly I'cw xvninun can weep "rtectlvo-
ly. In poetry n pearly drop that makes
s blue eye look lke ! * v'olt drownetl
In dew , gathers slowly 11. rolls gently
down the alabaster cheek , uud the muu
coca down before It. In everyday life
the woman who weep gets red yed ,
and her nose swells , and shti looks pur
ple niul dpoplmitio. and the man st up
and slamti the door heututl him , aud
trues downtown until the waterspout le
over. In thetiu proinlc and ( . omiuon-
setmn days wecphis hi plnyed out an
a ffinclnatlaii , and tears are * failure.
No man waut * to be tudtetl down tu
brine , n if he were a dried herring.
Tenru wer alvraya a ttownrd'a weap
on. It Tfn { > layiag upon the belt and
tendere t In other p ople for your orru
seltlsh end * . ( heard a woman any not
long ago that she always got tier vray
in the family by erylng. "When I want
a thing , " she said , "I jut go to bed and
have hysteric * until I K t It. " Ou un
derstand * , of course , how a man give *
In to tlmt kind of a wtmimi bla vct-y
manhuod makes him iiuwril' * to deal
with her na she il mrn. bitt w at a
wltherlm ; niul bllKlittni ; cimtfrnpl he
must Imve for her. llnw lie must ( le-
HjiNr the little soul tlntt U'tides uu hia
pity. liU ulilvulry. liU rwy reTerunc *
for wnmnnliood.
Simietlmett I amuse tuyaelf Uy apeuu-
IntliiK on what the tnte of affairs
would lie If mothers wept less over
their wayward children , and spanked
more. Hvery woman speaks f Uer ohll
dre i , when they turn out badly , an a
uiystcrlouH dlNpemaUon of I'rovlOenc * .
It's a sneaky way of trying to get out
of her rcHpon.slbtlity. Bhe has lieeu too
weak , or lee selfish , or too latsy to ralee
' rljjul. Theu tbe day comes when
she dUcovera that the nh'l IM uieetluK
fa t yomiK niftu on Ihe sly , or the boy '
com CM home staggering drunk. It IK' '
one of tbe tragedies of life wbeu th '
yotuiK liveo arc deafer that * her own.
ami the young soultf that lie would
Klvv her own to save IIBUK trembling hi
the bHliince. and the mother can meet
the situation with nothlni ; hnt Impotent
HeiUltuenUliit * hxve pinliahuHl K
inotlitM'V tear > < iu sum ; and story , and
made them sacred , but i tell you'the
tours : i mother sliriln over an Ill-raised
.son or ilniiKlitrr are .Hhauutful.
slioiihl lie iii > i aiue Tor them , and there
would be no ctinse for thnm once In a
iiiilllnii tlincM If she had done her duty.
Anyway you look at it , it U a hopeful
sitii women have abandoned < 1oln > ; I lie
baby > td. It was always weak and nnti
less. Wt * owe II to the woild lo Klve It
snitlcs and KtniMlilne , not shuwi'iv. and
we Ix'Ht do our part In It when we meet
the misforhiiR'K of life with that brave
attitude tlmt nnthlni ; can doubt Dor
othy IMx , In New Orlvann I'icnyuiie
\ < -ver To M for White.
There Is cimniili-rHl lr crltlcUin In
I''reneli circles over I lit- fuel I hn | at a
recent \\cddliit ; not only Hie bride Imt
the mot her of the lirlile WHH Htllreil In
a while gown. The jyni In iiiestliin |
VIIH. to be sure , a heavy white nlpnre.
trinimcil with bamlK of cnnlnc. ens-
tuine cerlalnlyfiilliclcnily rich > unl
clitlHirale to suit aMnii n only a little
over 40. It U. IIOWIMor. x iinllcenhlu
fact llint a In riff numlicriifvoinen panl
their youth are wearing while in the
daytime ami Undine u ln-coiinii . AH
a couturloro appninehod mi the .siitijcft
sold' "A woman IK never ( no old in
wear while , but nlio may be ton nly. (
A prolt > woman mny wear white until
she U Hi ) , lint an ut'lyvimiui xhoiilil
never \\cnr II.-NPW Yolk Trilmiie.
S I w.iyi lif a turn I.
I'nlltellCMi con < lHl III tvpreiHliig l | | .
iiKturod commejits In the n'm pluco , not
In ahHortluu the contrnr.v afterward.
j There are a few ( ivrwniM who are re
bellious about som * rultw uf etlijuette
which seem usolct * for those of lilyh
moral caliber ; but an otbt > r lawi urn
undo for * * * KWJorlty , BU arc UOM of
social convention , especially for these
who are prone to trunsgrcHK.
Of course very few of the rules of
good form arc obsolutc and nnchangc-
nble liud they must be moru or lens reg
ulated by the HtautltivtlH of the people
one lives with nnd the requirements of
the place tu which one rcKldo.s.
Th * old riddle nskH , "What Is the
keyuote to good mnnucrsV" The an-
wer , "Ho natural. " Natural manners
nro uhva.vH the moHt charming , provid
ed that one IH well bred , otherwise the
-revelation is unpleasant. The
"fashionablo" mann.or of to-day Is sim
ple , cordial and free from all affecta
( Jood mniinors Inspired by gooil prin
ciples , prompted by good fellowship ,
polished by good form , will ftt ouo for
good society auywhure.
Once More teA
A unin realizes by instinct that the
object of starched linen Is to present
him each morning to his fellow men In
nil the freshness and uttractlveueKH of
perfect cleanliness and neatness , says
the Indiana Weekly. The average wom
an Htlll feels a little drotwed up In her
fresh shirtwaist , and Is fearful of treat
ing herself to too much luxury.
The ordinary man list * u few shirts
and n lot of collar * and tleu , and ho
keeps tbe entire batch In perpetual mo
tion. The ordinary woman has more
waists than collars , and too much con
science to wear either properly.
A man who makes the least pretense
to good dressing will have at least u
doxeu neckties to bis two hats. His
wife will average two neckties to four
hat * . Naturally , these statements do
not apply to the smart girl , who is
smart , because , In copying men's
clothes , bhe also coplem their mothodfl
of wearing clothes.
It Is u wise woman wiio known the
value of Immaculate linen , and a prac
tical woman who , not being able to af
ford It , confines herself to wash silk ,
pouxee , taffeta and imulras waists , ami
rlbboQs iu place of the n iul-frosh col
lar * .
\Yimt Women Do with u Tootkbruah.
With a Jmlrpln and a toothbrush , It
U said , a woman ou a desert loluml
would aooii volv all tbe comforts of
uouio. Th thing * woman cat ) do with
a hal'rplo are hlntory. Hera are worn *
of her Hcvompllshmeuta with a tooth-
bruin. If a window pane rattles at
night DU wrdg s It tight with a toolh-
bruju. If aha la suddenly required to
tlr a doa * of medicine to a flan * , uud
a apoou la not at hand , she promptly
and Muueesafully use * the toothbrush
lianrtl * . She has even been known to
! u e It to loonen tha mold In a flower
pot , aud hi extreme ca he eau evun
drive lu lack * with the * amn u ful ar-
' tlt-le. If her mirror does uot slant at
, the right aiiKlv. the toothbrush come *
into play ognln. Wheu I is ( IrsL useful *
new * i > v r , it In frmjueutly employed
to * inil ) the smull article * of tile toi
lette tuhle. oven the smallest acruD
bint briinh bplng too large. And whlli
a ( H'lHtle I'euinliifi IU fair ovrnw wll/
And * nm iinu for It.
\rllerl Woiueu.
Tu * tusronk , or veil , muy lie blauk < *
white , long or short , plain < tf uuibel
llslied with rows of drawn work
tucks , uud of any sort of fluo. w ( ( ma-
torlal. The women of the middle aul
lower ehissM-i wear for the mo t par
blnc.k veils from one to three feet loiiy
MIOMV hlglu1In ! tbe Wlul ! si'ud * weu :
whlt ouex , and oceaalouully they reuc.1
to the hem of the dress. These ur
held In place by a metal tube that I
fastened over the nose und lower pm *
> f the forehead by cords securely tie-
behind. When worn with this hitlmru
in the orthodox fushlon , there Is uoth
Ing vtnlile but the woman's brlghl
black ryes , which oee everything goln/
on. The tnamnk and Imbaru are capita
diugnlws , and H woman may flirt t.
her heart's content without fear of be
dignity behiK dNcovered , providing li <
In nor followed to her home.
phis Bulletin.
U'lltr the Iote t.
The very latest and cutest contriv
out fur illumining the ulilijultoui
wax in a tiny little chutiii |
dish In silver. The lump undcrneull
In In cut glnss , and a diminutive thread
like wick is the lieu ting medium. Tin
clnillng tllph Is JUKI the size of un or
dlmiry neil , and the whole contrlvanci
nnikt'B for the neat and ots : > .seiiliti |
of one' * letters In the approved fashion
Tlie chilling < llsh ban a bundle In ehony
and the whole thing IK very prolt. % : int
would tie an ornanicni JIM well ua a cop
veiiloin-c to the loiter writer.
To WiiNli iidt-r : < li m Quillx.
Make a good Intlier of soap Jell ;
ibollcd sniip ) nnd narni water , and ad <
to It a little borax or ammonia. Im ,
this put the ( | tillt and knead it about
roppui the process in fresh midst i
very Milled. Then rinse all tin- * < non \ \
on ! .vllli two or throe changes ui sraiei
slmkc an 1 bang out to dry. luirini
Hie drying " "I afterward slnike ( In
qnllt well , and It will lie av full l nkiu <
and soft us ulien now.
lieiI'lfiiHiirc HixiU.
Oiiw linppy hiiggcMlon bus been uiad
by u incmbor of the "Don't Worry'
band. Bho snggohis keeping what KI. !
calld i "IMonfiure Hook. " Klip courage
ously mnlntnliiH Unit eveu lu the IHOH
uvorbuniHl nnd sorrowful life It Is pot-
, dblt > to nnd In rach day at lean uin
Incident or one flrciimstuuce that dUgti
to bv n ionrfiof pnHilug plcuxurv. '
uol vf fiumethlng wurtli tullbig happ )
Regard Peruna as Their Shield Against Catarrh , Coughs , Colds and
Catarrhal Diseases.
Putarrh l an old cold. Kven the stronc-
f ( Mini uiiMl nihiui MIC lluble In rold *
during tliH \\jnivr mouths. A cold , If
neglected , U alntott certain to emun cu-
tnrrh of the head , wbieb rapidly spreads
tlirough the * y teiii. * < 'ttlu ! { up culurrh
of tin * throat , IIHIJ.-S , sloinach or pelvic
uruaUM. What a hunt of winter itiltuun'x
would be pi evented b.a . preventing a *
well in a cnre for colds ,
Mm. * i. . i , " _ i
Oeo. Knlb. Hot Springs. Ark. ,
writv * : "Sjntemlc e tnrrh has troubled
m for nlrif jearn. I ivad In the papers
of the cures effected by the nan of IV
ruua , and I decided to ; lve it a trial.
I had tried innn.r food doctor * but with
out ariill. 1 uiuk two buttle * of Peruna
snd Mt KO much Improved that I kept on
taking it until I had tued twelv * bottler ,
nnd am now completely eureii of thu
dread disease. "
Mli Nellie OI-HW. No. 11H Rdlth
plae , Memphis , Tonn. , write * :
"A * I won CIII M | fiom a chroulc na
of catarrh of the hnud , 1 aui only tuo flail
to leoommeud Pvniua. I have Imd more
ur lot * oHtarrh rer inee I can rmi > m-
l > r , and hart tried uuuirroiu r uie. < llt > a
and doctor * ' pre erlptlon , and while
torn * thing * would help uit for the tliua
being , It I * to Pernua ( hat I uwo a pur-
fact our * . It wa rrcominvudvd Ui inn
by a frieud who had be u rured through
lit ue. to I gav it a trial wud it not ouly
cur d tb catarrh hut tuned HP the tatlr *
yatein. "
Aliitknit N
The largest , nuutjol ever foutid In
Alnska is the one picked up by Ed
ward Johnson of lahpeuilng , Mich. ,
while working on Discovery , Avll
creekabout four miles from Nome ,
on a claim belonging to the Pioneer
Mining Company. 11 wleghs ninety-
seven ounces and is valued a 81,552.
Johnson was working on the night
gang and found t he grout nugget early
in the morning of Sep. 14 while put
ting it post under u sluice box. Ho
YTIH ; alone at Ihe tluicaiul couldit Is
dulinert , easily have kept the rich
G t What You Ask For !
When you aak for Caicarcts Candy
Cathartic be sure you get them.
Genuine tablets stamped C. 0. C.
Never sold in bulk. A substkutor is
alwayg a cheat and a fraud. Beware 1
All drucuists. loc.
MniU un liuproiilpu.
City Girl "Lord Nabob must have
made quite an Impression in this
section , didn't he ? "
Country Girl "Yes , Indeed. We
took him to a picnic and lie sat on u
pie. '
A Michigan Farmer VUU Bawkatooti
nd In Well rMeNned.
Mr. N. K. l.ont was a delegate ( tut
from tbt farmer * of Allegun County ,
Michigan , to Western Ouuiula t rtport
on th proipwtii for nucutMuful M ltlu
uiADt. lllc report U nn follows : 1 went
from Winnipeg to Uduioutou , thence
8& t oiia hunrtruJ miles by wagon. I
found ( h country In that rlelnlty a
rich , black loam , varying fruui twelrt
to three f t deep ; the crop * ar
Imply voniBthlug mariuons ; wheuk
and eau by uotual inoanuroineut ofttm
atnndlnur tlvu fent In hwlght I hav
been a farmer for forty years , and i ou
l < lf > r ni.vaelf u ftilr jud tf of the yield
of grain , and I * aw wheat that would
jlelil fift busbelM per acr , and oats Hint
would .vluld UX ) bushel * per acre ; not
one Alone , but u good many A * for
root eropu and garden truck , lu no
country Intve I ever st n their equal
for all KlnilM except corn and toniHtoen ,
tbv nlttita brlni ; lee cool for theme to
ripen well. Aw a wtock country It hux
no fiUHl. ] tliiHt of Rdinoiilim , nn the
bend waters of Ihu Vormllllon I'lver , 1 |
saw hay mciulowx couttilnlntr fi'nin 10
to 100 iii're * . the K''asu standing 4 feet
lil.Kli. and would often cut three tu Tom
toim to the acre. From Kdniotiiuu I
piidoisl tbroii U tome flue locatloiu
namely , \Vetiukl\rln ' , I.nconilie and oth f
er polntK. .
From Mai-leort I wont to Kesina '
thcnco to I'rlncH Albert , V47 mllcn
uorih of the nuiln HtR' . For the nrut ,
fifty mihii lu tliif farming country , but
the next hundred mile * I * more of a
Etoek country. Thun at Suykntonn ,
IloHthern and Duck Luke I found some
very due funning country , so Koort that
1 found a party of Americans from '
Minnesota buying land for thcimclTce , '
on * party buying twelve vectlotiH , and
the other iwvnty nnctlous of land for
tlienualTBg. wulcb tluy proponed to 1m
jirnr * at once.
I hav * truveUd o > er t\\enty tbr
different .Stute and tsrrltorlva In our
Union , and uvvtr in my llfstltne bay *
eeu such luagnlflcent crop * au.l
b LIHV B twvk country
i I'i'ruun IK utich n remedy. If taken nt
Hie tirxt vyniptoui of riitchlnK cold It
heals the ontitrrhnl condition bi > fure It
become estiibllNhed nud iimkrs liupos l-
hie n yprend ( if the dlnense. Hhould the
cold be neglected and result iu catarrh ,
f'uruua will cure , but It will take much
loiiKer mid will result in uiucb uuuecei-
1,011 Otcbuui , No. 11.Vi Uiint >
av. , Meiniihl * . T mn. , wrltu * : "I'ICUU-
NA ItrotiKhl ui rellttf and bcultb , and
I nruily lielltve lu It * cttluacy. t hud
la grippe lent wlnlor aud itnn'rred for
event ) week * without otitaliiluic relief
The best barometer of trude and
general prosperity is the boot busi
ness. When the working classes arc
busy they buy new boots when the
old ones are well worn ; when em
ployment Is scarce , they weur-their
old ones as long as poslsble , many of
them being forced to dance around
on their uppers.
Use th fnnuma Ked Cross UulJ Blue.
Large 2 oz. imukiiKc f > cent * . Tim RUBS
Company , South Mend , I ml.
A new system of telcgiaphy has
been tested between the post olllces
of London and Glasgow , lly the new
method twelve messages can he Kent
over the same wire lntinefisi.- ! ! ,
aud the number can be doubled by
the duplex method of transmlssoin.
All Koo l are alike to PUTNAM
PAPbXKSS DYKS , an they color all
Qber * at one boiling- Hold by druggist ! * .
A disl i easing cold in the head was
treated by a young man In Owtisso ,
Mich. , by the application of a hot
foot bath. By mistake , Instead of
mustard , he put insect powder in the
water. Ktrangc to relate , the cine
was piompt and elTectual.
Don't forget a large 3 02. puckugp Htil
CfOBs Dull Illuv , only ft cent * . The HUMS
Couipuny , BoiHh Fend , I nil
TH ART OI' THANSI'KKKlNU auy printed
picture or embroidery design ou cloth Juvulu-
able to art uud euiliruiilety workers , Semi teu
ecul Tor receipt ami iuxtruetioui
fll * n410 t r c lT * uiol'wl , > Mr t nd uwful
V A V nl l i ruou 7 iouTuUuljr rurrixl un ir
lU I oni ailxp , awikt. itf * froin UiUfM , ! ! > ' .
* * I Hdnariis.Si'JUnBt UU , i fi. , ui.t.l.nd.O
If you do not derive prompt and
factory rciulu from the UBO of Peruua ,
write nt once to Dr. Hartraan , giving a
full atdtetucut of your caie , and ho will
be pleased to give you hi * valuable id-
vice gratl * .
Address Dr. llnrtninu , Precldent 0i
The Hartiunn Hnnltnrluin , Golutubu , O.
mill I took PKIU'NA. Tlifcc liottlcs
not only < ' 'c ( | me completely , but It
Icfl my H.\MI in In n tine condition , and
I feel lii'ttcr tlisiii I buvo for yenra.
Vo\t tnvc n liKNi cf friends lu Mctu-
pblM. Miss I.mi Ciiolaun/ '
Mlos I'.catrlcc 1'rown , No. f > Wnlnut
MI . Memphis * , Teun. , wrlteBt "This
fall I became very much run Oo\vn , lw-
liiK overtaxed with social aud domcctlo
( hitles , 1 caught u hard cold , uud. my
h.vMcm being iu a weakened condition ,
I found It ImpoBMlble to shake off tha
cold. 1 wa * udviced by a neighbor to
try 1'MHUNA and bought a bottle , and
.am only lorry now that I did not know
of It before , as it would huv < * wkvexi m
HO much uff rluK. 1 nhall not b wltti-
out It again , UB It ff ct d a speedy
cure. "
To Abollih Sniob * Nulianrn.
The Prussian government , In order
to abate the smoke nuisance , ap
pointed recently it committee to test
all smoke consuming apparatus.
The cotiiinltrc has completed Its
work , and , as u result , common
measures are about to be introduced
to remedy the evil. Schools for the
instruction of .8 toke in were suggested ,
but iu lieu thereof it is proposed to
send properly qualified men to In
struct the stokers in nil the steam
Ue Kurn Chlvhcn *
Mr. Suburb "What on earth arc you
trying tc dt' , neighbor1"1
Mr. Nextdoor"Meiely Tufting
down a itltle of thin fence , so that I
can move my chicken coop over iu
your yard. "
"Mlir" "
"Yes , I like to be neighborly , and
considerate of other people's feelings ,
you know.1
"Hut 'cr
"Yes , you .shan't have any more
cause to complain about tny chicken *
seratchuig up your yard. "
"lint you are moving your whole
coop over onto my property 1"
"That's the idea. Quick as the
"chickens lliid their coop in your yard
they'll conclude that you own them ,
and will spend the rest of thelt
natuial lives hcritching in my yard ,
you know. "
All Jl Jlllll J.rfl ,
I Wifeslgnitlcantly ( ) "That pocket
book you gave me for a Christman
picsent was empty. "
Husband ( grimly ) -"Yes , it was