Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 19, 1901, Image 6

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    . . 5fJ fbe Doctor's Dilemma [
By Hcsba Strctton
( MtAI'TMIl XXII.Continued. ( . )
TJutl Hume i'vt'tilii I reroirod n note.
doslHiiK leu ; ID KH mid * < 'e him iimiiodl-
ateb'Ho wns IttnkiiiK brighter and l"'t-
Urihnu In I hiui'imiiiK. . ami * n " 'I'1 ' ' "mil"
iiuw ami ilii'ti iiliont hi * face a he
In iiif , n f lor luniiiB di-tilred Mr * .
In leave IN rtloiiitogether. .
'Markl" lift * anl , "I lu > % , nut tlio iiliRht-
4t ffn < m to iliinlii Olivia' * dualh , except
yoHr awn opinion lo tin * oonlrnry , which
IK Touuded ii | ciii ii'UMiiH nf Y/Mh I know
m jUlii . Kill m-tliiK on the
lliyl 4h tuny be ulill alive , I Ain quite
wllliax ( ' wilw Into negotiations with
fcoi1 NHpptfMf It muni bo through you. "
' 'It muul. " I unsweivil , "uml it okunnt
he at pivuwil. Vtin will hart : to wail for
toruu racntiiH , pi < ili.iiii | , \ hlM ' piiMiie
1117 tcniTh for her 1 do not l no\r where
fctio U miy mure limn you ilo"
A. ririd rfi-Hiii cnw-ted hi far * at Uiew ?
( wi'DM. bul whuliiei- lii.'iediilil/ . gut-
LJjiijiioa I roiild nut H'll.
"I5ut tfiipiiiiui ! I tin1 In HIP meantime ? "
"I do not. Ictimv dial I inlfiht Hat lento
" I said nt
jrejt In jr nr pi-fnent position ,
lafll , ' 'It mny In- I HIM actins from .in
vyr-dralnix ! wnse of duty. Bill if 7011
wjll tflve inn n fiiriuul de ul protcetinj ; her
from > ouiwl ) ' , I nin willing l mlvniiK *
Uic funds ii' ' ' < jo .Niiry to remove jon to
piu-ri ; air , mid mum open quartern than
Uuu. A < Jml uf yepar tiou , whk-h both
t you iiinuL uin | ; , emi IM * drawu up , an. I
* refplrc yt ur klKiialure. Theic will IMS no
doubt n > > to RflliiiB hern , when we tiit'l
kf1llul Unit ni.iy lie miiuu month *
hfjico , IIM I itiid. Still 1 will run .
' 'I/'or her tml.i-if" hi- mild , with a uncor.
"iror hwmilcp , nliiiply , " I aiuwurod ; "I
\iU tuipUy a lawyer to draw up ( lie
4ood , mid MM soon ax you is" U I will
aqviinco the money you ivquiro. My
firrmtnuriit of your iliot-awc I nlisl ) In' in
K ouco ; tht f IU n tier uiy duty as
yynr diiolor ; hut 1 wuru you that irivih
air and frwiloiu fioni * iiiatiou ure nl
aiotit. If aol pOAillvely , fM.viuinl to iti
eyrccKK. Thi > uuoaer you secure these
far yotirnoir , tin- hotter your clisncc. "
Koineurthcr cuiivcrsatiou passed hi-
teVL'en ui , ILM U ) the stipulations to ho in-
wtod upon , und tin * divUion of the
IMU1IIU * < FI * . v . , . . | , . . | . .s - .
would nut Kreo to her uiieii.ituig any
portion of It. l''ui.a-r wi.sho.l to itnvc : i
kVfd bargain , Mill wiUi thul odd sniilo on
WH face ; mid it.rns nftur much disi-u-
tlyu that wo to nn .Hcrteintiii.
I hud the deed ill-null up b ; a lawyer ,
wlao waniixl nitthnt if l-'ostur sued Jor
a -.titntiou of hit rishts theuud
i ? tuforcrd. I hujiwl thtt Wdt'ti
WJivIn ua foun 1 Kbu would hitvc o..ic
o/idcncc in her own favor , whuh ivnind
* etar hl.u from onrryiu the c-une iuto
60urt. The ded wax hljincd by Fo-.a-r ,
atid loft hi my ehiirjje till Olivin'n hiriiu-
Uiro could bo
AM .suuti aa the ilec.l wit > ; focnred , I hnd
iwy piitleut n'liioved from
btrcut to uonui n-irtinoiita in
it < var lo Ur. Senior , \vho-e interest in thu
( MAC wui nuw uliiuisi utjunl to my uun.
Hiiro I could visit him every day. NI-UT
had uny Miifferer. uu > ier the nii.l
woultlik'st rniiks , groittor euro nnd hu-
Jico uxpeaidt < ! upon him than Uichuid
The pronoun of bh recovery was
but it waa aunt. I felt that it would be
9 from UK : lirsh Day by day 1 wutch-
p Uia pallid liuu < > C up'.u hm
fAce ehniiKinj ; into u more natural toiie.
I aaw his utreiiKlh coinliiK back by u.i ht
) > ut steady diieiH. . Tlie malady wn *
tyrced to into ltd most hiddtii
< ltudcl , when > it mijfht lurk us a prlaoaer ,
liut not dwell : M a drairoycr , for uitiny
ypara to 001111 * .
There wax no triumph to me in lhln ,
13 tliuro would hare lieou had uiy p.itieut
tcoa any uue else. The cure aruu-o.l
lu'ia-h Interest JUIDIIC my uollfaKiu-.s , and
tirade my luiini muro Unnwii. llul wlut
waa thul to iiw't AH ionic as this man
Hyod , Olivia wa dixuned to n lonely and
dli'H.s life. 1 tried to look iuto there
ro for her , and n.iw it BtrcU-h
Ions , dreary yp.ini. I wondcrud
would liud u home. C'ojld 1
de Johaun.i to roeeivo her into her
dwollips , winch would Invomrt
HO lonely to her when Captain Carey
luid moved Into .Inilrt'tf hoiiHeln .St. I'eUr-
purt ? That wa. > the hi-wt plan I could
form. '
- -
i *
Julia'u miri-an : ! ' arrniiRemcnt.i irere K < > -
ln on tipeedlly. Tliore waH Horaothins
Ironical to me in Uie chance that made
we MO often the witneni of them. W
mire 'so merely COUHIIH again , that Klie
JlriL-iiaHoil her purchase * mid digplayed
tji m before me , HM ifthere , had nt-ver
fcceji ny uotlon between us of hooping
kuuae toguthor. OUCH more 1 asuisteil
tu the choice of a we < ldlns drens , for the
no made a year before wan u ; < ld to iw
yellow and old-fa.ihloncd. Hut thin time
.Fulla did not In.iist upon having white
* Utiu. A dainty tint of grey was con
1 do red more nultablc. Captain'Carey en
i9yed the purchase with the rapture 1
mid failed to experience.
The vreddlns wu lixed to take place
tfco lant wo < k In July , a fortnight earlier
ttun the time proposed ; * It Was also H
fortnight f nrlihr than the date 1 was look-
kjx forward to most anxiously , when , if
M-cr , BOWS would rech Tardlf from
Dr. Bealur had agreed with mo Uut
tfo tor was aiini.-lently ndvam-cd on the
wad to rocurciT to he removed from Pul-
ki tn to the bolter lr of the south coast.
We WMinirod Mm. boater to write us
Jjflly , three tlmea a week , every varia-
tyu "J e might olwarvo In hla health.
A/ter that wo Btartod them off to a quiet
village In HU.IAPC. I hroathed more free-
) \rlten tliejr wt rij out of my daily bphere
f duty.
Hut bofor ( hey went a hint of treach
ery rciaehfld'me , \rLlch put mo doubly ou
my cuard. Ono morning , when Jack and
I vruro at hraakfuiit. Himruons , the cabby.
yxB uunAiinccii. Ho wan a favorite wti | !
Jck , who bade the vi > rvnnt show him ! u
"NothluK amla-i with your wife or tin
brats , 1 hope ? " said Jnck.
' * N , Dr. John , no , " he answered ,
"were ain't anything auls with tliesu
pxcejH hoinfi too many of Vm p'rnpi , and
my old woman won't own to thnt. lint
therc'it Korrifthinj : In the wind n con
corna Dr. Dobry , ao I thought I'd bolter
come and cue you a hint of it. "
"Very jrood , Simmons" Knld .lack ,
"You wollri't taking my cab to Gray'a
Inn about thia timr Uat ynar , whrn i
I rdmwfd np KO STPCW. don't y ti ? " ho |
'To li nutp , " I Kaid ,
"Well , doctorx , " ho continued , "tho rcry
last .Monday n rrer WUH. n lady walk * J
slowly alone thr sfntid , eyeing UM all very
hard , but taking no hpod of nny of Vm ,
till ahe cat h < > fs fclght of me. The lady
contctf alone very t.lowlyhp Inoku hiird | '
at me dip no-lw hir head , a much n to
say , 'Von , r.nd your < -nb , nnd your hnr. e
are whnt I'm on thi > lookout for ; ' and '
I t'Ptii down , upenn tlif door , and seen her j
In quitr vonifortiihlo. S.iyw hi < , 'Drive ]
me to McKk- * " . T-rott .Hid Brntrii , in ( Jr jInn - '
Inn Road. "
"Nol" 1 pjacnlnttd.
"Ti' , doctori * , " rcplluil Siuimntu. .
" 'Drive me , " nho : ayi. , 'to Messrs. Scott' '
xnd Ill-own , Grny'w Inn IJoad. ' Of course
I knew the name JIBUM ; I venn veied |
eunuch the last time I were thcrt * . at |
rthowlnc myself M green. 1 | OOH ! liard ,
nt her. A very fiui > mnko of a wompii. |
with hair fcnrl < . it/t blnek n ooals , snd |
M li.npail'iit look on her faeo kotiu'how. I
Hho told me to wait for her in the Htreel ; J
, md directly nftt-r , he s-ia < in tlinrc comcrt
down the Rent 1 had neon lipfnrp , with n '
peu boJiinil hi * pnr. Il > loolx.H very hard
nt m ? , und me tit him. Hiyn he , 'I think '
I II.ITO Keen your face Iwforo , my man. ' I
Very ci il ; ns d\il an a orange , : u folkd
sny. 'I think you have , ' I > iny * . 'Could
you atep upstair * for a minute or two'/ '
says he , very polite ; 'I'll Hnd n boy to
take charge of joinImrhi' . ' And he nlip.4 >
,1 arf-crovTii into my hand , iiultu
ant. "
"So you went In , of course ? " said a.Ick.
"Doctors , " lie nnxweml solemnly , "I
did eo In. Thero'K imthing to be sn'd
ng inst Uiat. The bidy IK sitting In n
orfice npvtaira , talking lo another gi'iit.
with hair nii'l pyos like heM , as black aa
t-oals , and the nntne look of br.mft on liirt
fare. All three of 'em looked : i littlp
ssi kf i ? fi
Wtemi mMI > K
under the woutliur. 'What * your nniue ,
my laanV asiked thu blai-k Kent. 'Wali-r , '
I Bftys. 'And wht'te do you livi V' lie
unya , tnUinu me Hcrious. 'In Qiecr
street , ' I Hay.s , with a little wink to * liv
'cm 1 were up to a trick or two. ' 1 hey
nil Uirpo larfed a little amen tht'insrht's ,
but not in a pleasxnt t ort of way. 'I'h , n
the gent begin * aKJln. ' .My ojd li-ll.iw , ' j
he Mayh , 'wo waul you to tfivo us a luil"
information that 'ml be of use to ui , and
I wo ro willing to pay you handsome for
[ it. It can't do } on any harm , nor nobody -
| body clsV , for it'n enl ) n matter of liuni-
{ nosa. You'iv not above taking ten shll-
j llnss for a bit of UbOful iutormationV'
Not by no manner of inonni , ' I > . "
"Oo on , " I sail impatiently.
" .Test MO , doctors , " he continued , "but
thin time I wa mindiui ; my P's and Q's.
You know Dr. Senior , of Brook HlrwtV
je Hays. 'The old doi-torV' I nays ; 'he's
retired out of town. ' 'No , ' he Maya , 'nor
the younj ; doctor m-ltlu'r ; but ihore'n an-
ither of "urn , lnn't there ? ' 'Dr. DohryV
i sayi. 'Yes , ' he says , 'he oCten takes
your cab , my fiieud':1 'li'irst ono and
then the other , ' 1 bayx. 'rtoinetinu a Dr.
Julia and soineiiineti Dr. Dobry. They're
ns thick an brothers , and thicker. ' ' ( Jood
fripnd.H of youraV he says. 'Well , ' sayn
I , 'they take my cab when they on a have
it : but thoro'M not much friendship , as I
see , in Unit. It's the bent cab and lioi'SJ
on the stand. Dr. John's pretty fair ,
but the other'H no jris-it favorite of mine. '
Ah1 ! he * ayj . "
Slmmuna' face was Illuminated with de
light , and ho winked sportively at us.
"It were all flummery , doctors , " he
said. "I jiMt si'o them .setting u trap ,
and I wauled to hsullnser in It. 'Ah ! '
he ssya , 'all wu want to know , but we do
want to know that very parlL-uIar , la
whore you drive Dr. Dobry to the often
cat. He's going to borrow money front ,
UK , and we'd like to find out somcthliiR
about hlu habits. You know where he
KOCH in your cub. ' 'Of course I do , ' I
jays ; ' 1 drove him und Dr. John here
nigh a twelvemonth a'uo. ' The other Kent
took'my number itowu , and knew where
to look for mu when you wanted me.1
'You're u clever fellow , ' ho says. 'So my
old woman thlnUs , ' I iay . 'And you'd
be clad tu earu a little more for your
old wusaanV ho aays. 'Try me , ' I saja.
'Well , liioa , * bays he , 'hero'u a offer for
you 'If you'll bring UK word whore he
s , , < uds hln spare lime , wtt'll fc'lve ygu
t'-ii nhillltigs ; and If It lurna out of nuy
iu to ui , we'll make it tire pouud. '
'Very eood , ' I uyn. 'You ve not cot an )
Information to tell tu at onceT' he saya.
'Well , ao , ' I say * , 'but I'll keti my < rjre
a w. '
trora folif away ; 'tkcy k p n carriage ,
f p nm t' 'Of MtirKf , ' I ay ; 'what's
| tbit fo d of a dot-Mr that hnnn't a cnr-
rla and pair ? ' 'Do thpy u e It nt
alsht ? ' aiya he. 'Not of ton , ' days l !
'thpy take a cnbj mine If U'a on the
dtaud'Very jcood , ' ho ay ; 'cood morn-
luff , nir frlond. ' So I come away , and
driven back ngnin to the atnnd. "
"And yon left the Indy there ? " I a k-
pd , with no douhl In my mind that It wa
Mr * . Konlpr.
"Yo , doctor , " h anawered , "talklne
away like a poll-parrot with the black-
haired Rpat. That wore Ia t Monday ;
to-day's Kridny , and thla morning there
comes thin bit of n note to me at our
IIOUKP. That's what's brought me hwe
at this time , din-torn. "
He cave the note Into Jack'n hamd ;
and he , aftpr Khmcint ; at it , pa cd it on
to me. Tlip contontH wcro ultnply these
wordn ; " .lames Himmoim Is rprjiKfilPd to
call nt Gray'n Inn Hoacl , nt 0:30 : Fridny
ovonlni : . " The handwrillnR tmck me
MH ono I had nocn and noticed before. I
scanned it more cloudy for n minute or
two ; then a cllnitnerins of light bPfnn
to dnwn upon my memory. Could it be ?
I rpt ( alniOHl mire it wnn. In nnolhpr
minute I nrn < prrmmdeil that It wnn the
tsnme nn Hint which hnd written the
letter announcing OlivlaV death. Probn-
lily If 1 could nee the ponmancdiip of the
other partner , I nhmild find It to be Iden
tic-ill with that of the medical certificate
which had nceompanipd the letter.
"Leave this note with me , Simmon * , "
I said , t'kinc him half n crown In ex-
chanse for It. I was satisfied now that
tin' p.ipom had been forced , but not -with
OHvia'a connivance. Wa Foster him
self n party to it ? Or hud Mm. Foster
alone , with the aid of these friends or
retailVM of liore , plotted nnd carried out
the Nvliomo , learitiK him in Ignorance and
doubt like my own ?
I cruuaed in the mall Btemuer to Guern
sey , on a Monday nifht , as the wcddlnjf
was to take place at an early hour on
Wednesday morninc , in tltup for Captnin
Carey and Julio to catch Uie boat to Eng
land. The ceremony was to be tolcmn-
Ized at seven. Under these circumstances
there could be no formal wedding bren1-
fatil , a matter not much to be regretted.
C pt.ii Carey and I were standing at
the altar of the old church eonie minutes
before the bridal procession appeared.
Ho looked palp , but wound up to n hlfih
pltcii of resolute COUMKP. The church
wa-s nearly full of ea cr spectators , all
of whom I Itad known from my childhood.
Kjir luck , half sheltered by a pillar , I
aw the white ni-ad anil handsome fncp
of my father , with Kate Dnltrcy by his
side. At ionnLh Julia appeared , pale like
the hridoxrnoni , but dignified nnd prepos-
si'-wlng. She did not glance nt me ; she
evidently Kc uo thought to me. That
was well , nnd as it should be.
Yet there was a pant ; in It reason aa
I would , thont WHa pans in it for mi > .
I should have liked her to iilmu-o onr-o .it
me , with n i-oubU < d and dimmed c > c. I
rihould luvo liked . - - , ihado upon lior face ,
as I wrote my nnmo below hors in the
retfister. Hut there was noUiinc of the
kind. Shu KHVC mo the Kiss , which I
demaniied as her miisin Martin , with-
> -it ombarrA.ssm. it and after that she
put hi-rluind ac.uii upon the bridfjfroom's
arm and nuivhi-d on'vtlh him to llie car-
A whole host of tm accompanied the
bridal pair to the pier , and saw thorn
start oil'on their wedding trip , with a
pyramid of bomjuets before them on the
deck of the steamer. We ran round I *
thi ) lighthouse , and waved out hats and
handkerchiefs as long ao they were in
sight. That duty done , the rast of the
day was our own.
It was almost midnight the next day
when I reached Hrook street , where I
found Jack expecting my return. A loiter
ter was waiting for uie , direclod in queer ,
crabbed handwriting , and poeUd tu Jer-
ney a week before.
It had been HO long on the road in con-
HpQucnuo of the bad penmanship of the
address. I opened it carelessly it a I an-
Hwered .Tack's tlrst Inquiries ; but the in-
slanl I saw the hlsnaluro I held np my
hand to alienee him. It was from Tar-
( lit' . This U a translation :
"Dear Doctor and Friend Thia day I
received a letter from mata'zello ; quite a
little letter with only a few lines In It.
She saya , 'Come to be. My hnsbaud has
found me ; he is here. I have no friends
but you and one other , and I cannot send
for him. You said you would come to mo
whenever I wanted you. I have not time
to write more. I am in a little village
called Vllle-cn-bols , between Granvlllu
nnd Noireau. Coma to the house of the
euro ; I ant there. '
"Hehold , I am gone , dear uiouslcur. I
write this in my boat , for wo are crossing
to Jersey to catch the steamboat to Urau-
villa. To-morrow evening I shall bo in
Ville-fn-bola. Will you learn the law of
Franco about this affair ? They say the
code binds a womim to follow her hua
band wherever he goes. At London yet
can learu anything. Believe tu , I wil
protect maiu'zelle , or I should say mad
ame , at the los * of uiy life. Your de
voted TAUDIF. "
"I must sol" 1 exclaimed , about to ruih
out of the house.
"Where ? " cried Jack.
"To Olivia. " I answered ; "that rillala
that scoundrel has hunted Lr out In Nor
mandy. lU&d that. Jack. L t jo. '
"titnyl" h * rnld ; "thor Is no ehnnce
whntcvor of going to late NN this. Let
us think for n few mlmiU-n. "
Hut nt that tnomrnt a furious peal of
Ihe boll rung through th - hout , * . Wo
both ran Into the hall. The servant hod
jtmt opened the door , and n telegraph
clerk stood on Uie step * , with A tele
gram , which h thrust Into lit * hnnls.
It wan directed to m . I tore it open.
"From Jean Grlmont , Granvllle , to Dr.
Dobrep , Hrook street , I/ondon. " I did
lot know any Jena Grlmont of Granvlilo ;
it was the name of n tttrnager to me. A
message was written nndernoath in Norman -
man patois , but no misupelt and garbled
In Its transmission thnt I could rot make
at the sense of 1L The only wordn I
WM sure about wpre "nmm'xclle , " "Fos
ter , " "Tardlf , " and "n 1'agonie. " Who
o the point of death I could net tell ,
( To be continued. )
Inieutn Are Nece iiary to the Fruit1 *
Hncccftflfnl Cultivation ,
Tlift lonff-contlnuod effort to prmlucc
the Smyrna fig of commerce In Call-
fornla linn been crowned with BUCCCBS.
The history of the oxpcrlmrnt Is Inter
esting : . It began over twenty years ago
with Importntlon of cutting * from Asia
Minor. FlgH linvc been iiroilucwl from
.hwo and other Imported 'ciittlnpe , but
they were not the famous white HE of
commerce. The credit vt prwluclng
the latter In California belonge to Geo.
C. Rrwdlng of Fr uio. Until tills Biim-
mcr every tnio Bmyma tip tree planted
n California which bore fruit failed to
mature It ; the fign wore tiufertlll.etl
nnd wltherwl nnd dropped. It was
inally dlBcovpred thnt the fertilization
of this fig dpppnded upon the service
of the blafitopbnga vrnsp , whose hahltat
s In the cnprl , or wild fig. The latter
WOH Imported and thrived amazingly ,
but the blafltophncn did not accompany
Special Importations of the warp fol-
owed , but It thrived only for a season
on the caprl' ' fig and then disappeared.
Itwns assumed thnt It could not sur
vive our V7lntern. Last year the De
partment of Agriculture took the mat
er In hand. A fresh consignment was
uiported and itn care Intrusted to Mr.
Koedlng. I > nst April the young Insect
colony emerged in full force from the
tlrat caprl cot , entered the nccoml ,
emerged again , and then took posses
sion of the Smyrna fig trrcs , the fruit
on which wan ready for fertilization.
Mr. Roedlng reports that this experi
ment lint ? been perfectly successful. A
on of the fruit has been picked from
IK ! tree and the onllro crop will yield
five or Bix tons more. Mr. llocdlng be-
iovcs that the ItlnKtophriKU has coiuc
o stay and ho experts that California
will lie enriched soon with another In
or Wnll Street.
The rogues of Wall street flourish.
They arc thieving brokers , promoters
of milling schemes and disreputable
Kpeculators. Said a thieving broker on
one occasion : "If the PostolUce Dopart-
uent would let mo alone I would have
to hire a cart to carry down my money-
iidcn mail. All you have to do IK to
appeal to the cupidity of. the public.
Promise 0 per cent dividends ou a Hnu-
class security and you can't do busi
ness ; but promise CO per cent ou lake
nul you can Ret rich. " InvoBtigation
proved this statement to be truo. He
s of the same class an the tipster fraud
who advertises that he knows exactly
whfch Blocks will advance and those
that are going to decline.
For $5 a week lie will tell you pre
cisely how to make n fortune. Ho ad-
vertlsos In strange ways , using a ridic
ulous code. For example : "Hit Kan
garoo for a jump of .20 points. " etc.
This Interpreted means buy a certain
Rtnot fur an advance of i'20 u share.
Such men ar .vwlndlors. Quite as con-
tpmptiblo as the man with a fak gold ,
silver , zinc , copper or oil mining
scheme. He first buys a mining pt'ofi-
pect for say $2r)00 and then organizes
a 5500.000 or $1,000.000 company under
the laws of New Jersey or West Vir
ginia for say $2,500 more. The shares
have nn alleged par value of $1 each ,
but bo offers them for 87c each from
an elaborately furnished office whore
he poses aa the fiscal agent Th
rogue , who select * the broker aa his
victim Is moro plentiful than the brok
ers are \TllllBg to eosfcss. Works's
TulkhiBhorn'n House to Hiiappear.
Yet another famous houaa lias to-
make way for ntreet Improvement ! ! . It
Is the mansion In Uncoln'B-lnn-flelda
adjoining Sardinia street , and was
built from the denlgni of laljo .lone *
for the Earl of Llndsey. The right-
hand room on the first floor of the
house wan chosen by Dickens for the
scene of the assassination of Mr. Tulk-
lughorn , Sir Leicester Dedlock'a law
yer. In "Bleak House. " Already , how
ever , the painted celling , with the Ilo-
imin soldier pointing hla truncheon to
the body of the dead solicitor , ban dis
appeared under a coat of whitewash ,
wickedly applied a few yoara ago.
London Globe
IllflVords Indorsed.
It was the worst domestic storm they
had ever encountered.
"You don't deserve even hanging , "
he said as he left the house.
"I deserve It better than you do ! " she
sent after him an a partlnff ahot Phil-
adelphla Time * .
A Monument fl r Vlrjrll.
Mantua , after nearly twenty cen
turies , has remembered that it la the
birthplace of Virgil , and act to work to
erect a monument to Its great poet. The
sum of (20,000 ban be n raised and
artists are called on to send La plans
in competition.
Oenietorte * .
London has twenty-one municipal
eemeterlea , and ten which are owned
by prlTaU eorapaata * .
How One of the Croft Got F.-ren with
I the Captlnni Critic * .
In China nn well as In other more fa
vored countries the editor find * hln
pathway strewn with brambles. Oho
member of the craft In the celestial
kingdom IB experiencing what It IB to
have friends who are expending much
time nnd Inhor In correction and godlj
admonition , Ho Is the editor of a na
tive paper , whose , robust reform pro
clivities are offending against the Im
mutable laws of hln land. Driven a (
length to defend himself , the harassed
Journalist addressed to his critic * ft
brief editorial , of which the following
translation gives an Idea of the Chi
nese conception of sarcasm , erroneous
ly declared to bo nonexistent by many
travelers. AftcY a preliminary ac
knowledgment of fallibility the article
proceeds :
"In future nothing which mny be de
scribed as new will appear In these
columns , and thereby prevent people's
understandings from being enlighten
ed. Nonp but bigoted members of the
conoelted literati will ever be called to
assist upon the editorial staff. We shall
confine ourselves to the affairs of the
last dynasty , carefully avoiding nil ref
erence to the family that now rules In
China. We shall glvo our special at
tention to fortune-telling , witchcraft
and kindred subjoctB of truth , of which
no one has any doubt. A place of supreme
premo Importance will be given to the
revered to-achlngs of geomancy and wo
shall show that a mon'n good luck or
misfortune IB controlled by the stars.
Wo shall respectfully beg his majesty
to observe the old customH and that the
mandarins follow their excellent and
Lime-honored methods of transacting
business. Wo shall n > nist with all our
strength ev > ry attempt to introduce re
forms , nnd lest we should be tempted
to record any current events we re
solve from this time forward to dis
pense with the nervlcp of all reporters
ns a useless waste of money. Wo hope
in this way to earn thr good will and
support of nil our readprn. ( irmly bi -
llevlug that If wo faithfully do accord
ing to this honest and admirable ad
vice the l > euotll will he nianlfcfltpd to
all. "
Highbinder's Coat of Mnil.
A of mall formed by the interweaving -
weaving of thousands of small temper
ed Ktcol rings , each of which pansco
through six others , Is ( ho object of
much curiosity at the Baltimore central
: iollco station. The coat , which Is aiid ;
: o be absolutely bullet-proof , was ex
hibited to the men of the district by
Captain Schlcigh. It hnd formerly be-
ongcd to a Chinese highbinder of the
"Western Pacific slope , and wan brought
to the .station fur exhibition by Sheriff
rt. E. Bevan , c-f Marysvlllc , Yuba Coun
ty , Cal. , .who 'him been attending Uie
Foresters' convention In Baltimore.
The coat weighs about thirty-eight
pounds , nnd is a load that a man of or
dinary muscular development would
lot care to carry for any length of time.
It Is made like a sleeveless jacket , nnd
s long enough to cover a portion of the
ewer limbs and the arms half-way to
he olbow. Its history Is most interest
ing. Kcvoral years ago the authorities
of Ynbn County received word that a
mooting of the Highbinders ( Chinese
cutthroats and blackmailers ) wns to be
held , and they surprised the yellow-
skinned plotters In a cabin. The lights
were put out as the shorlffmnd his dep
uties approached , nnd a desperate bat-
ie ensued. The Chinese were capturt'd ,
says the Baltimore American , and from
the body of a dead Chinaman the coat
of mall was taken , it being beneath an
ordinary blouse. The Chinaman had
lied from a bullet wound In the head.
In the room were found a number of
balls which had flattened against the
"ruit nf tunll.
Teaching UN AVI To a
David Garrlck , one of the greatest ac
tors that ever lived , had one fault In the
eyes of his wife he was too fond of
playing low characters to a common
audience , rather than grand charac
ter * to a select audience. Bho
went one night to see him In
Richard III. , and was highly pleased
with the local applause which his
acting drew from all parta of the
liouso. Mrs. Ga'rrlck then desired to go
homo , but her husband asked her to
wait a little , because he had some busi
ness to attend to. So she saw the next
piece a farce In which a farmer gave
Ills neighbors come notions of the won
ders he had witnessed during a visit
lo London. To MM. Garrlck'a dismay ,
this character was greeted with np-
plauso louder. If anything , than what
bad been bestowed upon Richard III. ,
and she did not quite like It By and by
she noticed her little spaniel trying to
get over the balcony which separated
the box from the stage , and then the
tmUi suddenly dawned upon her. Gar-
rick was the farmer ; but while the dog
had known itfl master , ahe had not rec
ognized her husband. She did not iec-
hire him so often afterwards about his
preference for vulgar characters and
vulgar audiences.
Count Tolatol' * Father.
In a recent article Count Tolstoi
draws a portrait of hli father. He was
a large and handsome man , who al
ways wore clothes of a fashion differ
ent from that of others. He had a great
contempt for the younger generation.
Ills greatest passion was gambling. Ho
won millions and lost them again. Mor
al principled ho seemed to have none.
He had hla sentimental moods , and
when he read aloud from a book hU
voice would tremble and his cyci
moisten at a pathetic passage. He was
fond of ordinary music romances , gyp.
ly melodies , operatic tunes but frank
ly confeeeod that Beethoven put him teA
A 11 * Is a handle that flu many tools ,
r Mo Vi f r S fc n Trim ,
Grodh nrL 'Tre got you down for
ft couple of tickets ; we're gcttinK np v
fc raffle for a poor man of our nolgu- / *
bnrhood. "
None for me , thanlc you.
I wouldn't : ktioiv what to do with a
poor man If L won him. " Christian
Plan's Onrr for Consumption ii the
mfdli-lno I have erer fouml for con ns
anit cold * , MM. O car Trlpp , Bis Rocti ,
III. , March 20 , 1801.
SlDMPy Savpil , Motioy Knrtied.
Mrs. Climber "My denr.Mrs. nigh-
tip has had her portrait planted by a
I'lobrated arMst , and I haven't ! a
thing but common , ordinary , everyday -
day photographs to show. "
Husband ( n wise man ) "Huh I
The Idea of advertising to the whoje
world that her complexion in eo btfd
It won't stand the camera I"
Each package of FA.TMB-
T/E3S DYH colors clWier Silk , Wool or
Ooftcm perfectly t one boiling.
A ( innil XCTT Yenr'j Ilr oIuM . /
I have never been much of a hand
.it making resolutions ; still less fit
( cooping them ; but if I were to throw
inme of my ideals into that form fdrt
i > Icw Year's cift to my friends , J ) .
suppose It would nin something lilrTe
this : llcsolvcd , To live in the activs
voice , intent on what t can do , rnth-
"r than what happens to mo in cotv-1
spqiiew.c ; in the indicative motufi
concerned with what is , rather than1
what might be more to my liking ; ;
in the present tense , with concentra
tion on immediate duty , rather than
rcgrot for the past or anxiety for thfo
future ; in the first person , critislng
mysrlf , rather than condemning
others : in thesingular number , obey
ing my own conscience , rnthor than1
the demands of the many. William
DP Witt ; Hyde , in Boston Congrega
NeiT Cnro for IlhonmiUism.
Hester , Mo. . Dec. 16. Au unusual
cnne which hns recently pome to HE :
here I * expltlns the keenest Interewt
nruone medical inpn. llrs. ISlhUc r
Guai-Uhouse nuffered for over forty with Sciatic Rheumatism so se
verely and Vo constantly that her ca to
In * been res-inled as chronic and abso
lutely Incurable. At timoj the pain
almost unbearable- and she could
rest d.ny or night.
Some few months nsro nho was
til to try Dodil's Kldnp- Pills , n rcn-
edy recently Introduced In this npl b-
I borhoml. The Immcdiato results were
musical and shp conrinticd till she hnl
taken eight boxes , and now she -
olnres she hns not nn achp or pain left
Rho hollovea thnt nhe Is pnmpletply nrnl
permanently cured , and n she hns Jiat
used the pills for some mouths and IB
to-dey In the best of health , the doctoia
who were at first skeptical are amazed.
ClilpIT tli Ol.t Hl.'olc.
Mrs. TIowclls Your baby resembles
his father very much , don't jon
think ?
Mrs. Growclls Yes , in both loolcs
and actions. Why , he even makes
a specialty of crying for the moon in \T \ J *
the dsiyt'.me Instead of at night just
for the sake nf bi'iilg contrary.
Chiac o Dally News.
The deadly Toot Hall Onme.
The two men were struggling to
get past each other at the crowded
entrance to the football park.
' I ought to go in first ! " exclaimed
the one with the leather case under
his arm. "I'm a surgeon 1"
. "That doesn't cut any court-piaster
with me ! " panted the other. "I'm
air undertaker I" Chicago Trtnbne.
I Crenm Balm deserves all that lua lift's
said of it UK a nininu of quick rt-lief fiml
final cure in oliKtlnatc caxrs of nasnl ca
tarrh and hay fever. A triiil * lxo 001 IB
but ten crnts. Full * iio. 50 cents. Sold
by druesist * or mailed by ICly IJros. , B
Warren street. New York.
Messrs. Ely rii-os. Please * cnd n\f onp
buttle of Crt-am Halm , family size. 1
think It la the h st medicine for catarrh
in the world. Mt. Olive , Ark.
J. M. SClIOl/r/ .
Messrs. Ely Kro * . I hare hepa stliicfc-
ed vrith catarrh for twenty yf.trs. kt
made in o weak I thought 1 had co - "f
sumption. I cot ono bottle of Ely's Cream
Halm and in three dny.H the diuchrrRO
Rtopped. It it the brut nie.iirin * I litm \
jf d for catarrh. ' *
Proborta , Cal.
Why Tlify Don't M.rrT.
Miss Leftover You are a woman
hater , I hear.
Mr. Sllmpurso That Is a mistake.
I merely cannot afford to marry.
Miss Leftover Cannot you support
a wife ?
Mr. Sllmpurse Oh , yea , I could > (
support a wife easy enough , but I
luivon'b Income enough to support
the two or three other women she
would need to wait on her. N. Y.
MrWlmlon'i POOTmxn IWUJI * f r chlMrao
t MM c. tortrn * the KUTI * . rolnrtM UtUinitla * ,
ilt > ffcln , cuinn wliul i Jio. tfio Uutcl * .
It Sprciul.
Patience "Did Peggy advertise an
announcement of her engagement in
the newspapers ? "
Patrice "No , she didn't have t ;
she told all her girl friends that it
was a secret. Yonkers Statesman.
Toll o vr fl ntliri Ar > i ll
Keep tin in white with lc ! < l Crina Bal
01 e. All grocers ecll Ipjge 2 or. packnee
' cents.
Git TO II lin n Cold.
Doctor "How did you take such a
old ? "
Chnpplo "I don't know , weally.
haven't stirred from the fire for a
< ok , don't you know. Hutbah Jove ,
nfl womcmbcrl Yesterday awftcr-
' on me man wead me an article1 in
ii" papah about Peary's Awctlc ex-
peditflon. "