Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 19, 1901, Image 1

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Librarian SooUlF
Suggestions For Christmas ,
The Christmas Gitt
should be something1 of
an enduring and intrin
sic value. something-
that will last for years
bringing1 pleasant rec
ollections of both the
giver and the bccas-
sion. For. this reason
Jewelry makes ideal
Christmas Gifts.alwavs
appropriate and accept
able . to anyone. We
want you to come and
see our Holiday Line.
It will be unusally
varied and beautiful ,
and we are sure that in it you will find many articles that
\\vill suit both your purse and your laste. A glance over the
mentionings below may help" you to solve he question :
Opera UlftKn ,
Jewel Cafe ,
Opal Illi.K. .
Silver Ten Ho. .
UoM llnnil King ,
Wit tcli ,
Cult Uuttons ,
Stiver Kntv < s & Forks ,
Mantle Clock.
Silver ChllUo Bel.
Locket ami Ulinln ,
1J. II. Sonvlnlr ipnon ,
Hllvor Niivollles ,
\Vntcli Olial .
Mi-Khiin 1'iliO ,
Silver Wrllin Set ,
lion Don Spoon ,
Sliver TDImUh
0 O'cloc T > - ,
Frul. Dlbli ,
S IvrrCiikn DIsli ,
Silver Hrnsli nud Comb Set ,
Unld I'cna anil I'cu Holders ,
Fancy Chltm Out ) und Uaucer ,
Knuuy China Cr cler Jar ,
Kuncy China Snyar und Creamer.
School Hooks
; ix ,
it Tablets
fK \ School Supplies ,
J. G. Haeberle's ;
Chow the rag as much as you
please and you will find that Wil
son & Drake are the clothing people
ple of this part cf the stale. We've
nhowcd the rags for 30 years and
when wo toll you "it's all wool"
you can depend on it. Dependable
goods. Largest stock. Prices 20
per co nt lower than the other foil
Orange Spoon ,
Stiver linking Dial )
Hllyur Soup Tourcou ,
Sterling Tea Spoon ,
Jlroust Plus ,
I-'anuy China Plale ,
llrRcolct ,
11 at Mnrk ,
Coat Mmt ,
I'anry Salad Uoul.
Ormlunto of Chicnco Opthnlmlo College , $
Tiernoy Brdp. war.ts youi poul
try by the 21st , of December.
W. II. Osborno , Jr. has boon
elected Janitor of the court house
to Ruocof-d Win.Blairat the expira
tion of the present year. Mr. Blair
has held the position for twelve
We have n Great Vrnety of Goods for the Holiday Trade.
Coma in and inspect them aud gut the first choice. Spnoial
attention given to
J < | [ * X5 fc >
of every description. 23 * ° Seoond door nartji of post oflico.
3 $
- OD THU -
Ouster National Bank
Charter No. 5905 ,
Ai UruVoii llow. In thu Sttto ot Nebrufka , nt tlio
C'lotoof lliuliica ? , Doccmlier 10 , IIUI ,
niul DlfcoiniU . . . } : i.t,7QO.iS
U. S llonilB lo.Sfciiro Clrcul tlv.ii
U , S. llotnU a,203.1'J
Duo From Smii ) Umiks nntl llankcrm. . . 77 1. M1 ,
Due Kroin Aiiproveil ItPavrva Aiicntv . IT.tWS.'U
ChockH anil Olhor dish Itrmt W Wl
Snti1 * of OtluT Nnlloiuil llniika 013. 10 Pflpor Ciirrenrv ,
. . . .nnd Oonts Ill.W
Specie S l.lWi.lS
Let- ) ! Tender Notca Wtt IH ) 1,507.15
liotluniptlun Fund With U. S. I'rcnmtror
. . . ( Mof ClrcuUUon ) :13. : 0U
Total Hi > ui.ti :
I'ald lu SJl.r-OO.IW
Undivided I'roUtv , l.cea Kiputiscs nuil
. . . .Taxcil'Md 749.1S
Nnttunnl Hank Notes UulstunUIng 10,700.00
Il.u ) In blntu llankx nnil llaukcrK r > IDt < H
Inillvliluol ltpn ; linjnboot ! ]
Ucninml UorttttCHteB I Uopoalt
Totnl ,
Slntu ofNohraeKn , I ,
Connty of Cuiuot , ( '
I , II. IjOMAV , ciislilcr of ihii ubovo . .um. 11
bank , do tolonuily nwenr thnt th nboro atal inont
U truu to tlio beat ot py knuwlivlfo and liellcr
11. Loiiix , Cashier.
Attest : ? Al.riu .MonoAN , ( Directors.
SiiliBCrlbi'il and e\vorn to before 1110 tlilfl I'.ltli
.my of December , lOOl. W , 11. KAHTIIAM ,
lnAtl Nutiiry Public.
.My comml Rlon expires May S3,1UX" ( ,
Water Sets , Latest patterns at
A. W. Diakos.
Tiernoy Bros wants 100 turkeys
and 150 ducks by the 21st.
Sunday school entertainment at
the Baptist church Christmas Eve.
Salads , Glass Sots , pick holders
ape8 , Crokonolo & Checker boards
at A W.Drake's.
W. W. Haskoll , proprietor of the
Ord Quiz has purchased the Valley
County Times aud consolidated the
two papers.
The farmers of the Southwest
who recently organized a farmers
club held their first meeting at
Callaway hat Satunjay week.
Mrs. F. D. Gallup has gonu to
South Koyalton , Vermont to visit
for-thc winter with Mr. Galhips
relatives. Mr. Gallup for tlio pres
ent will bo stationed at Englewood
S , D. as Station
Joe Savidgo , who was sent after
the Misses Ada Farrell and Htilda
Ahrcndt , the young school girls
who eloped with Chas. Tolo on
Monday night of last week , return
ed to Callaway on Tuesday of this
wock , accompanied by Mies Ahroudt.
.loo followed the runaways into
Kansas , where ho learned that
young Tolo and MIHH Farrell had
been muriod , and that Tolo had
hoard of liin coming , and had skip
ped out leaving the girls with his
folks. The Ahroudt girl consented
to return home , but tlio other par
ties wore left in Kansas. Callaway
years and has made a good Janitor.
Wo anticipate that Mr. Oaborno
will prove equally as satisfactory.
,1. Wood Smith the founder of
Jallaway who is now located at
Portland Oregon visited Callaway
'pat week.
MAUIUKD Alvon Evans , of Whit ,
man Neb. and Miss Elizuboth K
Seder , of Denver Colorado , at the
31obo Hotel Wednesday afternoon.
Itov. S W. Richards , officiating.
Mr. Bixby of the State Journal
will give his famous lecture ontit ltd ,
"Tho Country Editor" in the opera
houee on the evening of December
28th , . AdmiHsion 25 and 15 cents.
Como and hear the Nebraska Poet
Economy , prosperity and happi
ness go hand in baud. Economy
irtjlio road to prosperity , and pros
perity leads on to Tiappiness. By
going to Wilson it Drake for your
Holiday presents you practice tin
questioned economy , , which in
time will make you prisporons and
load you on to liappinnRH. Useful
QhriHttnat ? presents produce most
lasting results , Take a look at our
elegant I'110 ° f "l Collars and
Muffs. Indies and Childrens wraps
Handkerchiefs , Gents Ties , Cloth ,
ing , Shoes , oto.
Bank of Commerce
Charter No. GO ,
tiirori'ornlrd In the atntfl of NobrtsV A At tlio close
of tmi.ine I ) cfinhcr 10 , luoi.
iiK ounots :
LoaiiB ami DUcunntx ll,89 , * > tMl
Uvcidrcft * . Kt-ciiruil aiullliiBcciucil 1''tl U3
SUK-Ki , rccuilil # , jiuUiiuntK , cltilma ,
Ho 114,41
l.tvn clock nud Rtaln 1171 M
itnnkltiK houee tiunltliro and nxinroa. . . l.r.00.00
Other ruil I'atnlu h.SJS.PO
Current oxpon < < 3aHlid taxed l mil 4.WH )
Clioccs nnd other cadi Iti-nin , f ; U.r.tW
liu < f > m Nnilonal , siato utul
1'rlrHtullntiknandllnnkora. . . tK57.VJ
ro nl 1'iiih nu hind j.wn.KJ 7rw ) ai
Toiul iart.dsj mi
UAmuiits :
Capltnl tdcick pild In. , Jiri.OtV.OO
UudUlded pniflM 5i.tW.W
IndlvduM > UpoilU Hiibjoct lo
cUi-ck Sit , 7. % . 41
Tlmeftrtlllcntusof dcpaelt . . . . )3.Qtf ) 11,077 II
lim * l'ftiihlc ; . 1 > KI.H ( )
SlMe of Nebnekn ,
" "
County of Glister , J 1 , p. Jt. ItnMoc , im-xl
ilunl of the nbovu nuinod bank , do uolemnly
swear Hint tlio ubovo atatvmeut In tiuo to iho
buol ot my know'eilgo hit ) tiullof.
l'\M llUllLEU , t'rt-8 ,
IS. 1J. THOMPSONDirector. .
Attest : <
( P.M.UniaEr : , Din-etor.
Siibi-citbeiland pworu to kofoiti uio. tW ISlh
day of le embcr , 16U1.
LsKAr.,1 JOIKI l.Ktnvicii , Notary 1'ubllc.
; l < noh at all houn ai Mike Scan
< Plain Sowing , quiokly aud neatly
done. Call ou or addrofH. Mrs.
C. A. CIIAPIN. ] 2-19-at.
Fritz Ifhlman of Kouud Valley
WHH an inturuHtod party before the
oouuty board Tuesday in watching
tlio prooeodingH relative to tbo
llaumout road petition.
The County board made 110
tnl < n 111 PYlnllfliiKf .Irilm I
uontraot aa tiupcrintonduut of the
Couuty farm another year. Mr.
Ptrniofl has provoti an efficient and
oapablo man for the place.
December 20th is iho day adver
tised for a Welt Round up on See
21 Town ! 7Kango 23. The terri
tory embraces five miles square.
Notice of it is given by Daniel Sage.
Everybody is incited to bring their
Worms take refuge in th.0 am" ! ]
intestine , ' where they can easily
multiply. WHITE'S CREAM
VERMIFUGE will duatroy these
paraHitos. The verdict of tlio people -
plo tellH plainly how well it IIBH
suooeoded. Price , 25 contH. Ed.
McComaB , Broken Bow and Mornu.
The Grand Island Daily Prrss
has outdone all of ita uompolitora
in its ilpliday and Christmas oditi-
on. Ifis highly illustrated with
approriato outs of various designs.
It is a twenty pai o paper , including
the cover , liberally patronized by
the business men of the town. Tlio
artistic appearance ot tlio edition in
duo to the gonitis of C. S. Osborno ,
formerly foreman ol the Rui'unu-
OAN who is "ad smith" of the Press ,
ui nn , iS , iiun. a > . .iliiuiililliu mil , , ; 1. . Ml 'iimiiimmimilillilim.ii a mm IIIU.IM.I : Ii > f " " fniV fi "f'f" 'AvM H' V X KK A" atA\Sff'aKi \ M 4' " VM'm'XXtiAsi
lr& And No Wonder , For They ) „ - ? > ( IMusioal Instrument ) . _ - „ , j Toys / „ j l < anov PresontH ) n / \ I-II/-M I D l T \T l l 1 $
; p 'Have Everything . * j B ea. . [ j Gamea. } ] Bookl , B Et ; . | P. 0. SRORt , BrOkCH BO\V \ , Nebraska , ft
= scr-
< si ,
553nHi urn
' , fe
The Fair hold by the Ladies Guild
of the Episcobal church last week
proved quite a financial success ,
notwithstaning the very unfavorable
tweather. The receipts , including
the suppers , Wednesday and Thurs
day evenings weio § 100.
Mention ,
Toys at A. W. Drakes.
Money loaned on improved farms.
7 18 tf Broken Bow , Nebr.
Ed. Smith of Elton was before
the board Mouday remonstrating
against the granting of the IJan-
mont roid.
R. E. Broga of Oallaway who
for fiomo time was in a serious con
dition from blood poisning is ) c >
ported able to bo around again.
Post Master Gen , Chas E. Smith
resigned aud H. C. Payne of Wif-
( ionsin haE been appointed to suc
ceed him. MT. Smith's resignation
is duo to btiEincs8j-oasons.
Praiao the hridgo that carries
you over eitl r a flood or cough ,
SYRUP has brought HO many over
throat and lung troubles , aioh | as
coughs , colds , hronohitt ? , etc. , that
its praises arc sung everywhere.
Price , 25 and r > 0 cents. Ed. Mo-
Coinns , Broken Bow and Merna.
Fresh oysters in bulk or eau at
Mike Soanlon's ,
Darr Sullivan flhipped a car of
lat oattle of his own feeding to the
Omaha market the first of the week ,
that average IHO pounds eaoh.
The Sunday School Instuto that
was to have boon hold in the Bap-
list uhurfjh lust Saturday , by Rev.
E. AI. Stephobeon or Chicago , was
indefinitely postponed , on account
of the Hevore cold weather.
W. S. Swan has stocked up his
now store south of Wilson &
Drake , with a line of fresh grocer-
it's. M.C. Forsythwho has charge of
the bufinoRs , invites all bis friends
to oall and sou him in his now
The City Marshall oin most , aiy
time in the day bo scon , with a dog
attached to the end of a rope or
with a rope in search of some dog.
The City council has ordered him
to collect the dog tax or slay the
dog and ho is vigorously prosecut
ing the order ,
The Nebraska retail grocers arc
taking stops to organize for mutual
protection. At n meeting held in
Omaha last week , a vice president
was appointed in each Senatorial
, -TOlr or .i.N i/-\ v j _ r\v o Kimv ;
; ' | f _ vi- f | .
' ' < i
t\\g *
DRUG STORE. \ fir * '
' * f.
\Vo hnvo the Int eSt Hue of Holiday ( iomla uvur In Jtrokcn How , |
which oonalslH of
Cups ,
Vows ,
! [ > ; (31ftB3Vnroi ( \
l4 Oliinn Ware ,
$ > Work Huhkcb , (
Jfc Ebony Goo' s.
IS-V. llniiUorctiiel B
Blank Noariln ,
Arcliaroim Hoards ,
IJlook ( ! iunoc ,
All Kimlp o [ GIUUBB ,
Sowing Ouixuca ,
Bocil Work of nil Hands ,
Kliulorcardon Drtivrli'i ; TVauiiotH ,
( 'otntiliu'd ' Stoncll Lr OhUdran.
Albums of the Finest Make ,
Alt Slzos nnd Quality to Suit.
A No Finer L'no ' of Dolls nwr n Greater Tpv OLLI .
OliliVw I Variety can l > o Pound Anywlioro to I IXhr V. I i $
DOliLfA 8 lPct'Frnm. arlnlls tluxt Sloop , I | oLt a *
OLlXJi DollH Awnice , Dollo with Ourloa , et , JLyuuuWi iStf
. .
v >
jjjK _ < ( , <
yj ; I llavo not nil the TOJH in town hut I hnvo uomo of thorn. fa
0 M.ta
Tulifl ,
Cnba ,
' 5 Dishes ,
4 ° , WiiiorboatB ,
wi Toy Tnlilo ? ,
ftrf Toy Stovt'B ,
? ! Flnt Irons ,
DrituiH ,
llorna ,
T it t
Toy GUUH ,
Automobiles ,
Doll .
Stunm Knglms llmt will run , uta
I BOOKS ! I ! ! BOOKS ! 1
: f.T. ' fjt'A
I have a fine line of Fancy Gilt Hooka of the latest doeipne. A'l '
ho now nnd copywrlnht , bookfl. Lunthor Hank 1'ooniH. J J [
t lJibk-8 of all uizcfl. Quality ot binding the lioat , Do not fail to &
sco them before you buy. .rjSf
; -
* im
1 $ Feirfuin.eQ , Periwine Atomi/ers , Mirrors , Famcy SS
| Stationery , Toilet Cases , Necktie Boxes , Htc. ?
ts i'T " " " ' -38MW
Tool Chests tbrtlie Boys. $1 ® ! ® !
Roy Thompson , who has been
working for several montliH in a
Jewelry Store at Central City oamo
homo Saturday night on his way to
Deadwood S. D. where ho has ao-
uopted a position in. n jowelory
store , at & 12 a week and board.
Mo loft hero Tuesday morning for
Dondwood. Roy is one of Broken
Bow's young men in vrhioh wo take
pride and the RnruuracAN in pleased
to note his promotion.
listrict of the statewhose business
t is to organize his roRpotstivo dis <
, riot. R. G. Boiix of Dunning waa
appointed vice prcuinunt for the
ji'ifteontii Souatorinl district.
The Broken Bow Equality Club
will moot at the homo of Minn .lulin
Willis , Friday evening Douunbor
JO. A good program will bo given ,
full attendance in desired.
JULIA Wiu.ia , riopy.
Judge A. M. Post of tlu * Htipromo
court writes his brother G. W , ' of
tins city , "I understand A. L.
uhVttho poet of the Statu Journal
will lecture in York HOOD , Do ntt
fail to hoar him. Ho i * otu ; of lite
moht entertaining fpnakers F have
ever Untuned to. Take yotu1 wife
and the daughters. Ho is far sup
erior to any who arc on the national -
al platform. " York Times.
Julus and LOUIH llrunnonC of
Elton were friendly callers at this
ollioo Monday , The.y toro in the
city to meet wUh tlio county board
winch had under uoufliileratioiiH a
road petition in whiuh thby wore
interested in its adoption. Wo
tiiiderritMul the road was granted
as petitioned for , exoopt ' a few
minor changes suggested by the
road oanmuttuo.
Christinas Novelties at wlioloanlo
prices. Celluloid Glovu Boxes ,
Handkerchief boxes , Collar and
Cuff boxop , Trinket ; truys , Jewell
boxes ; etc , oto. Evorylhing to
iua ! < u your best girl Kinile and uatiKO
yeur friomlH to bo glad that you arc
on oarth. All bought during tlio
dull season of summer at prices
away below the usual high proHHiro
mark. You got the benclit. WILSON
Dem't forget Mike Scanlon. He
has ordered fresh uandioH lor
Christmas and Now Years , also
tobbacco and cigars ,
Tobo Castora prominent politician
of Wilbur died suddenly last Thurs
day with heart disease. Mr. Castor
was HI ate democratic Committeeman -
man dining Pret-irieul Cldveland'H
administration and his recommend
ations for appointments in Ne
braska wore equal to the appoint.
m nt. For a number of years ho
had bcon in the employ of the B. &
M R. R , as a right of way man.
Funeral Boryiccs were hold over tlto
remains of the deceased last Satur
day after which they were takcu to
Wilbur for interment ,
D C. Fleming , of Sterling Color
ado madu this oflicu a friendly cull
yesterday in company with his
brothor-in-law , Tom Sharpo. Air.
Fleming had btou at Mason City
visiting liin half brother , Jo'nn
Fleming. Ilo was here' soven'cen
years ago when John was propurit-
or of the Broken Bow Hotel , that
occupied the lot whuro the Grand
Central is located , Mr. D. C ,
Fleming is publisher of the Luuan
County Advocate of Sterling , ( ha
only republican newspaper of that