Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 05, 1901, Image 5

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A good looking '
horeo nnd poor look' ? / ? , _
Inn hnrnusR la the
wont kind of n comf1
blnatlon. l
Harness Oil'
notonlrtnakwtholmrnewnndthB ' , .n
home look better , but rqakM the I ,
leather soft and pllnblr , puts It In con. ( II
dltlon to lust twlcs BS Ion *
us U orillnarlly would. I
Bold tf fTwli te la t oill ]
iliti , w l. b/
OIL CO. * /
Horse a
Tlmnlisgi ttg Scrvk-o-
The Uiiidii Thanksgiving Service
hold last Thursday ovcnin/ the
Episcopal church was quitu ; i sno *
ocss. Tkv Chnrtiii tt'ns dcooratod
for the occasion. The attendance
was largo , the capacity was in
sufficient to aocomadato the crowd.
Rev. Trites of the Methodist church
d livnred an able and helpful
Thanksgiving sermon tint was well
received. Excellent music was
furnished by the united choirs ,
under the efToicnt leadership of
Mrs. Guttorsou , which added very
materially to the interest. The
offering for tlm poor was a generous
one , consisting of 812,50 in cash
and n largo quantity of groceries
and vegetables.
Christinas Fair.
The Ladies Guild of the Epis
copal church will h'old a Fair and
supper on December llth and , 12th ,
The Fair will open on December
llth at 2 o'clock p. m. Aprons of
all kinds will bo on sale. Dolls of
all sizes for Christinas presents ,
useful and fanoy articles for IJoli-
It Isn't ttie muturlni
Hint ICOCH into v-our
repiilrccl wntcli tlint
In a perlcct
tltut ( locsMiobuaiiiega , uny bunglur
can buy UK- line kinds ot material
that J tiso lu repairing ; but skill
ie the moat valuable nmtorinl that
jan bo used In watch repairing :
and the bunulor cnn't buy It. i
sell my akili ( or whut k la worth
nutl itvlll co t you less than
nt lower prices.
Jeweler and Optician.
West Bide of equnro.
W. K. UAKElt , I'rop.
For a social camp of pool , Worth
of HKi'Oin.iUAK Olllce.
liiolwn Uow , Nebraska.
Successor to
HtacU Js Ilolcointi ,
For _
Columbia Dyclcloo ,
Wheeler A Wilson , nnd
Now HOIHJ tfnu-iui ;
Urokon Uow , Nutrnska ,
Dealer In
Pumps , Wind Mills ,
Tanks , Fittings , Gaso
line Engiuoc , etc. , oto.
Urokon Uow , Nebraska.
15 years experience ,
Terms reasonable.
Telephone No , 120 ,
X Uroken How , N braakft.
day glftfl Chicken Pie supper on
Ttiuradnj from C to 7. Musical
pmi rfliu each evening at 8 o'clock.
It member iho plavo Northwest
t'.orrer ot4 Re.Uty block Snyder
Bror > . old More.
Ministerial Association.
A Ministerial Association was
organized Monday , with the hope
of banding togathor the ministers
of Hioken 13ow for more earnest
and effective oooporative work ,
ttev. Tritos of the Methodist
church waH elected president , Rev
Myros of the U. B church vice-
president. In addition to the
many local problems which can best
bo solved by the united action of
such a society , it was decided to
hold monthly meetinqs for the dis
cussion of helpful subjects , which
all the ministers of the county are
cordially invited to attend- These
meetings will bo held on the flrst
Monday of each month at 2 p. m.
It is the desire of this Society
that the arrangements for all Union
Services shall bo entrusted to it for
the sake of perfect harmony and
the attaining of the boat results. It
is realized that the selection of the
preacher will , in some instances ,
ho elsewhere , but it is hoped that
the arranging of the services will
bo referred to the Ministerial Aa-
$21 55 To Chicago and Return via
Burlington Ilouto.
December 1,2 and 3.
Return limit , December 8.
Ask nearest agent , Burlington
Route , for details.
General Pansonger Agent ,
Omaha , Neb.
i O
THe IICBt I'lnf tcr.
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's I'nin Balm and bound to
the affected parts is superior to any
plaster. When troubled with lame
back or pains in the side or cheat , give
it a trial and you are certain to be more
than plaaaed with the prompt relief
which it affords. Pain Balm also cures
rheumatism. One application gives
, * _ . * .
Free Complexion neauttlfier.
Wo want every lady reader of the
REPUBLICAN ' Complexion
to try Dwight's
plexion Bcautifier , the moat exqui
site toilet preparation. It is pure
and harmloBSmakcs the face smooth
as velvet and fair as alabaster. To
induce a fair trial of it wo will for
a short time only send FBBK a full
size , Fifty cent box to every lady
who will send us her post office ad
dress silver dime to pay for packing
and postage. Only ono FKBB box to
Anyone wishing a new watcb
movement In an eld case , call on
Lending Hhoomnlccr A Watch
Itepalrcrof the city. Located 1st
door foutti pOKtotlko.
Dealer In
Granite , Foreign nndmcrlcan
Ornament ? ! Work a' '
Broken How , Net raeka ,
All kinds of Work Done ,
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Crayon Work
Enlarged ,
llrokcn Uow , Nebraska.
H.O.HUTTON. Proprietor.
Flrat-olafi work. Hoar Room
ot Uroken Uow Stat Uaak.
Broken Uow , Nebraska.
each address but ladies may order
for thnir friends. Each box mailed
sepftiatt-ly. Send this notioo aud
your order at ONCE to DV. . CUBTKH
tCo. , nuntinRton W Va.
Disease and danger lurk in the
vital organs , The blood becomes
vitiated and the general health is
undermined whenever the stntnoh
, ind hvur lail to ptrforine their
functions as nature intended.
HERBINE will tone up the uotin-
aoh , regulate the liver , -where - other
preparations only relieve. Prioo ,
50 conta. Ed. MoUouias , Broken
Ho wand Morm.
An Ingenious Treatment By Which Drunkards
Are Uemg Cured Daily sn Split
ot Themselves.
No NaxlouH Iioxun , MoVeuUcit -
luirofthc Nerve * . A IMCHM-
Hiit autl I'oBitive Cure
lor tlie Liquor
It U now generally known and under
stood that Drunkenness li a deeeaao and
not weakness. A body tilled with poison
and nerves completely shattered by
periodical or constant use ol Intoxicating
liquors , requires an antidote capable of
neutralizing and eradicating tula poison
and destroying tbo craving for Intox
icants. Suffers may now euro themselves -
selves at borne without publicity or lees
of time from business by this wonderful
'Homo Gold Cure" which has been per >
feoted after many years of close study
and treatment ot inebriates. The faith
ful use according to the direction ! ) of
tbla wondeiful discovery Is positively
guaranteed to cure the moat obstinate
case , no matter how hard a drinker.
Our records show tbo marveloua trans
formation of thouanndB of Drunkards
Into sober , Industrious aud uprigbt men.
WivesCuroYour Husband * , Child-
reu Cure Your Fathers. This remedy la
In no eonse n nostrum but is a specific
7or ( this disease only , and is so skillfully
devised nnd prepared that it is thorough
ly soluble and pleasant to the taste so
that it can bo given In * cup of tea or
coifeo without the knowledge of the per
son taking it. Thousands of Drunkards
have cured themselves v 1th thli priceless
remedy , nnd as tunny more have been
cured nod made temperate mou by
having the ' ( Jure" administered by lov
ing friends and relatives without their
knowledge lu coffee or tea , and believe
to-day that they dlecontlued drinking of
their own free will. Do Not Wait. Dp
not be deluded by apparent and mislead
ing 'improvement. " Drive out
disease at once and for all time. The
"Homo Gold Cure" la sold nt the
extremely low price of Ono Dollar , thus
placing within reach of everybody a
treatment more effectual than others
costing $25 to 150. Full directions
accompany each package. Special
advice by skilled pbynicla-nB when re
quested without extra charge. Sent
prepaid to any part of the world on
recent of One Dollar. Address Dept. E
and 2332 Market Street , Philadelphia.
All correspondence strictly oontUletlal.
U. S. Land Office.
F. II. YOUNG , RocelTcr
All ndrertlsemerits under this1 head will bo
charged for allepnl rates , viz : 51,00 per nqu refer
for first Insertion , aud We per square tor each
subsequent Insertion ,
A "square" Is ion lines or fraction thereof.
and Professional Directorv ,
lmi ii.1 - , , _ _ , - _ ? * -
Froprletors of
\Vejt Hide Square , llrokcn Bow
Nebrueka. a cents Clnrkson
Lincoln Laundry.
Rasmus Anderson , J. C , Moore
Heal Estate. Abstractor.
for sale and rent in Citfltor and adjoin
Equities and mortgages bought and
sold. Abstracts promptly and. neatly made.
Ortlco.Maln St. , Botwean 4th & 5th Avenues ,
Broken Bow , Custer County , Nebraska.
Attorney at ? rtro
Uroken llow , Nebr ,
Snd Stairway froj we t end In
Heslty Illoei , ! : residence. 8rd west
M. K. chnrch , ou same sldo of
8trOClirol pn Bow , Nebraska.
{ SS Pliiiis and estimates on crt
Urokon Dow , Nebraska
fioome 8 and U , Realty block.
Broken How , Nebraska.
Atty-at-Law ,
Notary Public ,
and Jufltlca of the I' aco. Hperlal
attention alton to collections
Impositions UUn , pension vouch.
rft ucatly executed and all kinds
of legal papers written. Olllce In
the rear ot Hank of Commerce.
Broken Bow , Neb.
Practice In all Courts.
Uroken Wow , Nebraska.
K.P. MCCLOIU , I'rop.
Rye Flour , Buckwheat ,
Graham , Food , oto.
All kinds of work In our line done
promptly aud in first-class order.
tied Shop on the corner west 01 °
the hose lionao.
lirokeu How , Neb.
Proprietor of
Ilostanraut& Lunch Couuter ,
Large assortment of Confection-
arles , Cigars and Tobaccos.
North bide of Public Squara ,
Urokon Uow , Nebraska.
' S. R. 0. & W. B.TALUOT
Offlce over llaoherle's Drug Store.
Uroken Uow , Nobraika.
Office In rear ot the Uank of Com
merce. Hesldencc 6tu house ne t
of the Uaptlst church.
Broken Bow , Nob.
Stenographer and
Notary Public.
Job Work a Specialty.
Office n Itb Jamei Lodwlcu.
nk ' i n i- i
hristmas Candies
Ono per oout , of our cash salt's will bo given to the Christmas
Committees in Candy s i.
Our Red ross Coffee
store for particulars
Broken Bow Nebraska
United Stairs Latid Offlco , >
Uroken Uow , Neb. , October W , 1001 , f
Notice Is hereby gltcn that the following
named settler baa filed notice of her Intontluu to
make nnul proof In support of bur claim , nnd thU
eaia proof will bo msdo before Register and lo.
celvor , at Drokon How , Nebraska1 on Friday ,
December 0 , IB01. tlz : HELEN ASH , formerly
Helen Forgo , ot Urokcn bow , Nebraska , on II.
K No. 169JfortbeBo Sw. 8J4 8c , eccttou 10.
township 18 , north , range Wtw t. Oth P. Al.
She tames the following toUucssos to proro
her continuous residence opoix and cultivation of
said : nd. viz : licrt U atlierae. | James Slog-
Satt , Lowls Cushman , Alonzu II , Ash , all of
roken How , Nebraska ,
10-31 t JAMKB WHITKURJUI , Jtcgliter.
United States Land Ofllco , I
llrokcn Uow , Ktb. . NOT. 7. 1001. f
Nolltu ii berocy siren that tbo follnwlug unwed !
eottlor | I B tiled notice of bit luteiitlou to inska
Uunl proof In support of his clilm , nnd that
raid proof Will bo madu before Itcgleter and Ke-
colrer , at Broken How , Nebraska on Thursday.
December 10 , 1801 , vU : I1KNKVG. GWYLE.or
Walworth , Neb. , smlils U. E. No 005 , for tlm
SVT Ne , Wtf Ho , No Sw. Section J5 , township S0 ! ,
north , range UO. west , Oth f. M. Up names iho
following wltiiojcoa to prove his continuous rod
donee upon and cultivation of Bold Inndit \
Arcblo E. Ford , William II. Kord , both of Qat s ,
Nebraska ; Chm-lcs l > . Long , John O. rredmorc ,
both of Walworth , Nobraska.
11-14 Ot 3 JAMXti WiiiTKUKAD , Register.
United State * Land ODlce , I
Urokon iiow , Neb. . October SO , 1001. f
Notice li hereby given that tbo following-
named settler baa died notice of his Intention to
make final proof In support of bli claim , and f tit
aal'l proof will be irfado before Register und He-
celycr , at Urokon Uow , Neb. , on Friday , pocem
per 6th. 1901. yiz : RALPH TAYLOR , Lillian ,
NeUaika , onblill. U. Nn. IIMX ) , for tiio Ktf
SB , SH NJB. section I , townfnlp 18. north , ruuget
Si. west nth p. m.
He nkines the following witnesses to i > roro Dis
continuous resldonco upoh add cultivation cf
said Jand , viz : Ueorfto M Wortlilnpton , Hasmnii >
P. Scrltsmler , Ocorge Templar , all of Lillian , .
Nebraska ; U conge L. Warring , ot Uroken UowM
10-31 Ot Iteglstor.
Drokon Uow , Neb , Doc. 1 , 1001.
Sealed bids will bo received by the undornliuififl
county clerk of ( Ulster county , Nebraska , for
furulablng the sumillos ot laiif county for tbti
year 1008 , as per the estimate hereto attached. .
All bids muni bo filed in my offlco on or hofcxw
January 1 , 1BOB. Tbo crnnty board rosorros tlei
rlybt to reject any and all bids.
J , li. OBBOUIIN , County Clerk ,
Ouster C'onnty , Nebraska.
1 8 quire printed fee book ; 1 8 quire miscellan
eous record ; 1 H quire blank deed record ; ! m
quire blsuk mortuage record ; 2 8 quire prlntcdi
dted reconls two forms to PSKO ; S 8 quire appvar-
anredockittB ; 1 Squire civil trial docket rf K
quire Judgment record ; tl blank ledgers 4M ) page ft.
to book ; 1 8 quire probate record with full print
ed lndezl ; H quire treasurer's cn h book , print
id ; 1 H quire treasurer's dally lialnnco. printed ;
1 8 qulro process docket , printed ; a canvas-
covers for S quire record , best iljich ; 1 district :
clerk's Qoneral ludor , H quire ; 1 dU net c erk'u
jndeuient record , H quire
Tbo above b oki to bo nt the host brndlng .
fall leather bound extra , with patent flexible
backs , paper to be of the best quality , llyroui
Westou paper , or other qua'lty equally ] us good ,
at desired by the county olllcers. Index tu be *
furnished for front ot book whan 80 ordered.
15000 note heads , bout , priutud , six lb . lier M ,
15000 note bead * printed , best , 7 Ibd. per M ; 10-
000 letter beads , beit , printed , lOlbs. per At ; 1U ,
000 letter beads printed , best , IVJIbs. pur U ; 10 , .
000 half letter heads , best , printed , per MI6- ;
000 envelopes , best printed , 6 in. nor M ; 15,000'
envelopes best printed 0 In. per M ; 16000 envel
opes , best , printed 10 In. per M ; 150110 envelopes ,
best , printed , 11 In. per M , 600 blotters , > lx H , ,
120 IbltiOO reversible docninent envelopes , size
10 , printed form , per 100 ; WO reversible aocmneia.
( iiivelopea , lzu 11 , printed form per lee ; HK ) ro-
vcrslblo docnmi'ui envelopes , slie 10 , plain per
IUO ; 100 reversible document envelopes. Izo 10 ,
special printed form ; 3 reams legal abitract 10 lb >
pel ream , lOJrenmn typewriter poper best wove <
per ream ; 10 ream3 typewrite ! paper , best linen.
per ream , UU chattel mortgage filoe. leather
numbered on back , each ; -4 gross tipeucorlau pens
any number , per gross ; 4 gross Ulllotta pens , any
number , per gross ; 4 gross Kstcrbrooks pens , uny
dftmbor , per gross ; 12 qu. Htatlords Comuivrclall
luk , per qt. ! 3doz. Faberi best Ink and pencil
erasers , largo atze ; 1 doz. typewriter erasers ; 1' '
gross Ulxon'a secretary lead pencils No. 70S ; K
uross Triumph load pencils , per gross ; 2 gioss
K. Kabcr'n colored pencils , No. COb , per gross ;
1 groan Dlxon's cabinet pencils ; 2 gross A. W.
Kuber'x HexsKon best , pencils , , cr gross ; I
gross Fatmr'e /.o'o pencils : u gross Kaber's 0 U.
pencils ; 1 grose Hanford'a Universal sponge lop
mucilage ; ! ! do.z , Maplu rales , brans face , It : In ;
2 dox. Maple ruler , bras * face. IH lu. ; 'l rioz saK r
Ink stands , large size ; tt doz , Johan Faber'e
Ebony handle bent steel knife erasers ; H doz.
letter flics , wood , paper cover ; 8 gross rnbbar
bands Wtf ; 8 gross rubber bands 00 Si ; 4 gross
rubber bandt OUJu , 2grora robber band ! OtUU , 4
gross rubber string bands ; 1009 Mcgllla round
head fabtenerv , X , ? , 5-8 , 1 In : 1000 brcccli load
ing stapler SO leather tabs , printed or numbered
each ; 8 grols pyramid pins , Uue sl/.e ; 8 gross
pyramid plus , small M/o , - dollotwaod rules ,
brass faced , 15 In. ; 1 diz , DavH Automatic InU
stands , large size , lAot. llvxlble rubber rule * ,
10 In. ; t > 0 ducnmvnt boxes , iimlal bound 'J/xliO ,
1 Kro wood and cork penholders ; 1 grots bard
rubbers penholders. Urge site ; IUO 4 page legal
blanks , any form lull l/e ; 1SOO u page Icgul
blanks , any form full nl/.c 'MO S page k-nnl
Blanks , any form half size , 4)0 ) Ingal blanks , any
form quarter size ; 'Mt special form blairqs ; 80
set poll books ; 10J instruction cat Jt tn votern ;
JOO bcboul District receipts , bound , original and
duplicate , numbered and perforated UuO He-
dcmptlou C'ertlilcetes , bouod , original and du
plicate , numbered and perforated ; 2u ) Tax Sale
Certificate * , bound , original and duplicate , num
bered and perforated ; inquires complete recorder
or court journal paper. Iixl8 ! extra heavy ledger
paper ruled and printed , per quire ; 100 one tow n-
ship square plats , t-cale , 1 Inch to mile ; 994 four
township plats , scale 1 loch to mile ; 1 quart
crimson Ink ; 7000 oOlclal ballots per Mi 7000 earn-
pie ballotts , per M , 6000 tax receipts , ruled , iium *
dered and | > erforated. 300 In book original and
dnplicats well bound In cloth and leather.
The above goods lo bo tarnished la any quan
tity desired by the county oOlcen. ll-b ! 4t
WANTED Improved farms for
Unllod State * Laml Olllco , I
broken llow , Nvb. , October i.8,1001. f
Votlco Is hereby given that tlm following
named Bottler has ( lira notice of his intention to
make Onftl proof In oupport of his claim , and
[ hat e ld proof will bo made before Itcgltlcr and
Ilecelver , at Urokon llow , Nol'ranka , on Satur
day December 7th , 1001 , vlV15SbKY H.
U1C1IAUDSON , of Anselmo , Nebraska , on his
U. K. No. 1057 , forthoNKe * , No Sw , suction
.U , N\r bw , fiuctlon 35 , township HO. north , rnugo
it. wcftOthP. M.
He names the following witnesses to provo bin
tontinuoua roeldonco upon nud cnllivattun of
said land , viz : Samuel Adklns , John Adklus ,
Wesley M. Koger , Nouli Hotter , nil of Ausclmo ,
lOSlflt Rc lsUr.
In the District Court otCuster County , Nebraska
Isaac Hogaboom , Plalntl ,
v J
Lyda K. HoKaboom , Defendant
To Lyda K. Hocatiooin , njii-rcslilpnt defendant :
You arc litireiiy notlllcd thai on the 7th day of
AiiRUit. 1901 , Isaac Hogaboom the above named
plaintiff , fllcd a petition against you In the dis
trict court of Caster county , Nonraska , the ob
ject and prayer of which sild petition nro to ob-
lain n divorce from you on the ground that you
hnv wlllfnlly and without cnusu , ( iljundoccd the
plaintiff ( or tuu term ot more thniTtwo ycnrs ho-
fora the filing of said petition ; nnd nl o upon the
further itronud that durlnt ; the lime that you
lived \\lth plalntlll an hla wlfu. thnt you were
guilty tit extreme cruelty toward this plaintiff ,
Youare rcqulrod tn answvr sutd petition ou or
hefora Mondny , the KHIl day of January , IttOJ ,
Dated this Uh day of Ucciimbor , IX)1. !
U'-r 4t Uy U. Ii. UIIKOA , Ills Attorney.
United Staten Land OQlco , I
Urokun Uow , Neb. . November 14,1001. f
Notice la horcliv ( ilvon that the following nnmcd
svttlar has tiled nollco of liU liliontloii to m ko
Dual proof In support ot Ills ulnlui , and that Pftld
proof will bo made before JU'cliitor and Iftculvur
at Urokun U w Nohrnsliu.on fjaliirday , Decem
ber BI , 1001 , Tlz : JAilKS II. 8LOCJUKTT. f
Urokon HoW , Nebraska , on liln II. K. No , 7,11 , for
the NK tie. N ' Hw , svctlim 10 , towimldp JH ,
north , range SOt' l , ( ilh 1 > . M , Ho PHIIICR the
following wltiiossofl to provo his contlunouu ri > il-
deiuve upon anil cultlrntlou of eald land , viz :
l'rcsa man Itlchardson , Albert H. OnrHman.
Itoboit li. Dcathcrftfi > , Lowlx Oiiskmun , all of
Urokon Uow , Nebraska.
11-14 Ut-4 JAMES WiitTEiiEln , KegUlor.
IIUNOYWashlnjlon , D 1) . , October IH. IP01.
WI1RHKAH , hy satlHfurtory OThlc-nco present
ed to the undorslgod , It h liceiTniailo to uppunr
that the CuM r National llnnk of Drokon llow.
In the I'lty of Ilrokun llow. In the County of
Curler , and Htnto of Nebraska , ha > compllod with
all ( ho provisions of the HtalulUH of the Jultud
StdttH , required to bo compiled with before an
aatacUtlou chall bunuthorlTiud to uonuuunce the
business of Hnnk4nL ;
MOW THKUKFOHU , I , Thiinm' 1' . Knno ,
deputy and acting Coniutrollor of iho Currency ,
do hereby certify that The Uuuter Nulloiial Hunk
of Urokon How , in the City of Ilrolivn llow , In
the County of Ouster , and Stun of Nenrneku , Is
authorized to commence the buHlnenii of llanklnt ;
as provided In Ucoilon Fifty olio hundred nnd
sixty nine ot the UovUod BtntuUm of ( he Unllod
IN TKSTIMOvy WHKHKOF , witness my hand
nnd Seal of the Comptroller' olllcu , thin vluh-
tcentli day of October. 1'JOI. '
( SEAL ) T I1. KANK ,
Deputy and Acting Comnlrr.llor of the Currcnty ,
No. & 8l > 5 , 10-II1 Ut
Lincoln , c liver.
otiiiiim ,
JflMCptl , I'ortlnncl ,
KlIIIHMH City , NiiULnUeClty ,
Nt. I.OIIlH. A 11(1 Hun JTranc'lnco
All 1'OllltN iClINt Ami All I'olutB
Ami notitli WCHt.
No. VoMllmUd ciiircss dally , Lincoln , Oma
ha , St. Josoin KansAn City , St. Louis , Chi
uuunsnd nil puliuiunstand couth.,11 41p.m.
No.14 1,00111 ozprosn unlly , Lincoln , Omtha ,
Ht. Joseph , Kanios Oltv , Ht , Lbnls , OlilcnKO
mid nil i > olnts oiNt uiul.ionth 0 1.1) ) nm
No. la-lfrolKht dnlly , Unvcnnn , Grind IcUrul ,
Aurora , ( toward and Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . .H Oil am
No. 43 Freight , oany except Bunting , Hsvonnt
und niUrnitdlitu points , luApm
No. 41 VcstlUnlod express d&lly , llotoim. Host-
Mo , lluttu , Portland and all Pacific Comt
polntH 40V am
No. 411 Local uxpresB dully , AlUanco mid
Intermediate uolnts , lU40sin
No , 4& KrelKlll dnllyflops only Aniolruo Huuect ,
Whlinmti and Alllauco lOCBnut
No. 17 Freight , dally except Hands ? , HIMCC *
and Intormedlnte points , . .lillb pm
Sleeping , dli.lng and rocllnlnK chair cars ( scats
( rue ) on throuuh trains. Tlcktti told and bag-
pane cUucked to nny point In llu United Stntos
and Caimda. rl
No.JlH has tnurdbandlBO carrTuomlayi , TUurv
dnys and Uatnrdays.
No , 40 will carry pasnotgcra ( or Itavouni
flrmid Island , Howard and Lincoln.
Information , mupo , llmu tithloi ijd ticket
cull on orvrlto to II. L. Ormsby , SROUI , or J
frauolt , O. P. A. , Onmhu. Nebraska.
It. L. Oiiupiir. Aeunt.
I'oticli for west will close at 8 p. in. , oxeo < > t
Suiulny when It will close atflilS p m ,
Ponch , 08t for train No. 4ialoHi i at 8 a in
nnd for No.U closes at , B.30 n.ia. Mall for AnslcT
and points oust uf Grand Islitud carried ou train
No. 44.
Oronto via of ftyno ml Tuckorvlllo , dally vs *
cupt Sunday C ) ( > SCH , at ? m : returning same day
Cullnwny vln , Mc'lilnley dally uxccpt Uunday
cloven at 7 H in , r tnilnK Bntuo duy.
Hound Vallny vln Uruun and Elton cloic at 7 a
m.Tuesday , Thuriday aud rJaturdays , rotuinlng
Sunnier via UtirnMty , Qvorpotown and Upton
arrrlvan at 11ao , Tuesday Tnnrsdny and riatur *
day rotaruliiK lonvus at 12,30 inmo duy.
OIUoj hourn from H.OO n in to 8.00 i > m. Wun-
days froinb:4Bp. in. toOJ5 : p , m , Lobby onen
u'urk days from 7 a , in. to H p. in. Bunda > a 8:30 :
a. in. to V n. in. General donvory not open Sun
day morning as heretofore. L. H.JKWETT , PM'
Dr. T. W. Bass , dontiHt , ofllrfl
north wont corner of Hoalty block/
8-1 tf
From Suoh on Op
IS AT HAND. . , portunity.
Will Distribute , Absolutely Free , Arnon its Subaorib-
ors,0ld and New , Just Before Christmas ,
V ' - y
Gifts inoludo 5 pianos , 10 or ns , 10 sewing machines , 5
ApoNo stlf piano players , 5 cooking rangofl , 4 Dookash heaters , 10
graphophooes complete , over 100 line musical instruments , seal
ooat , bicycle , ftuH/liiio millinery , clothing , beautiful oil painting ,
10 joid watohoH , portraitH , rassorn , cutlery , camoraH\ and hundreds
of .older high-olnsw preHent- .
Send n pOHtal innl for oomplcto list of gifts and all condi
tions ovornintf the Great Distribution. Remember , the coats ia
absolutely nothing to old an4 now Hubaoriborn of THU WKKKLY
It is knocking now at yours ,
and the Weekly Inter Oanan one year for m
Each subscriber is entitled to FOUR .ustimafoH in tins contest fren.
Remit direct to the
Broken Bow , Nebraska.