Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 28, 1901, Image 4

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    Jnalet ( o , Ilcunbiicmi
" f ablUbed orory Thursday at Uio Comity Boat.
D. M. AMHllllHHV , Editor
SJOfflco in Cantor Block , Fourth ATB.-C-
Eatfrcdat thapO9to&lcoat llrokcii How , Nob. ,
SB RttOond-olMH tnntier for trantttnltMon through
tbaU , b. Malls.
On V ar , In advance 21.00
Ono rolamu , tier month , if o" Ono-lmlf col
umn , per month , 81 o-J ( jinriiT colunin , | irr
month , fe'J.W ) l m linn 'jimitor column , M
cent * per Inch per month
Cfttilt on Utft | pu ( JO tout * PIT luoli , pur
Local arivcrtlrlnK f caulii pnr line each Ibier-
Notice o ( clinrch ( lrs BOcUlilos nnd c nlortnlu-
inenU whutu money l ituitK'il.diiit.lmlf rale * .
Soclet ) nolicd mil ) rm'lutloiu , one half rutra.
W UdlllKEOlleeii ttvv. li lf pllci- for ptlhllnlng
llstof pru rnl ( > .
Dcnth notices fna , tmlf prlr < for imbllguitig
obllmry notices , nnil cnrdmif lliatil < i > .
' tagal niillcai at run a | > i. vulul hy t'ntntoanf
"VliultSDAY7NO V 28.1U01.
The excellent health of thu people
ple in general IH onu of thu great
foi wlnnh our citi/.itiH
should bo tliiuilcful.
Republicans have special reaHotiH
to bo thankful thai tiny wore large
ly successful in thinr iiolitical as-
pirationi in the roei-nt campaign in
county and etnto.
The line autuni neather which
our pi oplo have been unjoying
through Novrmbir IH not nnmnrr
tLo lenHt tliingM for which thu people
ple of Ouster county have reason to
bo thankful.
The populirits have reason to be
thankful that they saved one county
officer and three supervisors in the
laud Hlido and that JBryan only
made one trip to Cust'jr county in
the campaign ,
Ono ot the many blessings for
which the people of this vicinity
can be thankful today is the price
farmers have been able to realize
on their corn the past week. It
K goes a long ways in making up the
tt - short crop.
"Tho Western Round Up" is the
nimo of A L. Laaonby's paper ,
started two weeks ago at Merna
Tbo second edition is on our table
It ia a six oolum folio , and starts
oat with liberal patronage by the
business inon of Morna. Its ) ooi\l
oolumsaro well filled with the news
of the vicinity and in every re-
apeot it is a credit to the town. If
the business men continue their
patronage as the have begun and
the publisher'keeps it as well filled
with local news as it is now , the
enterprise will not only bo a HIIC-
QOBS financially but it will bo a
credit to Mcraa and vicinity. Bro.
Lazonby has our host wishes.
The Scientific American of No
vember 10 contains the following
With reference to Nebraska in con
nection with the estimate of llio
corn crop for the year , and the fact
.that no other state is referred to
makes thn compliment that much
more valuable : "The agricultural
dOUTtniOllt nt Wnaltirifitnn Imu inul
issued an estimate ot the year's corn
crop showing a total yield for all
the states of 1,250,597,000 bushele.
Of this the statement shows that
Nebraska nowithstanding the dry
weather which provalod durinii
July will furnish 103,807,000
bushels , or more than one. tenth of
the entire crop. This is interest
ing the wonderful loouporalivn pro
perties of the Nebraska soil , There
is probably no other state in the
union which would , under the cir
oumstancos , make such a maguili-
oont showing. Nebraska is a grand
state and is rapidly increasing in
wealth and population , "
In all Boiiousneis , there is no ro < i-
Bon why our ouople should not bi
able to heartily enter into the spirit
of the National Day of Thanksgiv
ing Every day of our individual
life there isiuiuoli to be thankful for
notwithstanding , wo may have sor.
f row , sickness aud reverses , , The
man or woman who can see no good
in living , nor has no sweets with
the bitter , must , indeed , bo most
miserable , The many comforts and
pleasures oi this life are all duo to
the Divine planning of our Creator.
Because of this fact , and because
they are ours to enjoy , everyone
should , with greatful hearts , ac
knowledge Ilia loving kindness and
and tender mercies. AH a nation ,
and citizens of the nation , in which
| wo take HO much pride , wo have
great reason to bo thankful to Him ,
who is the author of government
and wliofto guiding hand has so
wonderfully favored us since our
birth , Our civilization , our ingen
uity , our progress , in all lines of
mechanism , our national growth
and financial flueoebB commands the
admiration of thu world. Our mil
itary achicvi'iiirniH and unparalloll-
ed eiiociBH in diplomacy tbu past
few yoaiH together with our acquir
ed territory , has brought the United
Htalnn into liigli favor with all other
nations and gives tin largely in-
croim'd infl'icnuo and power , which
not only brmK , ; gro-itur bltMHinge to
our own pi > opl < ) hut enables us to
) u of gn : Ut'r * erviou to the world
at lar o. Thesu great national
cleanings ure attributiblu directly
to the ilivuii ) direction of Provi
dence. Anoiliur very important
nation tliat all should join heartily
n this National Thanksgiving is
Hjo.iiiM' of I htt wholesome iff out the
cultivation of the Hpirit of giati-
tudo IIIIH npoi our own 'livon. We ,
n thin liuny n c , arc too much in-
ollucil to liciuinio inclined to solf-
slmoHH. Wlii'ti that spirit prodom *
nates wo cun HUO but httlu in others
to ndmtru , or of the beauty around
is. No oiio can afford , from a
moral or humane point of view , to
allow IiiwHolf to smother the in
herent feelings of gratitude .which
God has given him. Riches may
rociiinulatelnt happiness is sure to
depart. Cultivate a friendly dis-
Hiticn toward all mankind and
greatfullnoHB to Him to whom wo
owe our life , health and happiness ,
and you will have no cause to complain -
plain of life , but will rejoice in its
What the Inter Ocean Offers.
Uooil News for Subscribers to the He-
publican and The Weekly Inter
Ocean Uoinbined.
Never before in the history ot
nowipapcrH has so liberal an op
portunity boon accorded the public
to participate in a gift distribution
of such tremendous mzo as the one
which this paper is now able to pre
sent to its readers through an ar
rangement recently completed with
The Weekly Inter Ocean of Chicago.
In the advertising columa of this
isauo wo print e proposition pertain
ing to the matter in rofronco and we
most strongly Udviho all our readers
carefully fo peruse same. '
Every word in that announce
ment is H'IUOOIO , every assertion is
honest , every representation is
truthful in every particular.
Lack of spauu compels us to boil
down the detail as imuih as possible
but wo have on hand a largo supply
of the explanatory papers connect
ed with the proposition which
were furnished us by our oo-oporul-
or in this big deal The Weekly
Inter Ocean and these wo shall bo
pleased to distribute among those
who may become interested.
Farmers Institute at Com stock ,
v - * _ '
Wednesday and Thursday , December
aud ft
If it were announced by the pro
per authorities that n * ' Bankers
Conference" would convene on a
certain date at a certain place , all
tut ) ropreso utativo 'bankers would
no doubt bu pro-Hunt. Of course
they would. It would bo to their
interest to ,1)0 ) present.
If a conclave of "Organized
Liibor' * wan announced , railroads
would make rates , hotel services
would bo extended and men , women
and children would come from
every part of the land to consider
questions of interest to themselves ,
Now Unorganized Labor will
have its fete day. A Farmers In-
stttuto will bo hold in Comstook on
December and f > , 1901. No farm ,
or or stock raiser can afford to ab-
Bent hiraBulfvfrom these meetings.
Lay aside your prejudice againt the
"Book Farmer" , for ho is long
dead. The practical man is the
only one who can win in this day
and he is the
only one allowed ou
the Institute platform.
Do you doubt this , then oomo to
the Institute filled with practical
qiiPHtions , and thus puzz l tbo
"Theorist" of whom you may have
dreamed ,
Why should tbo farmer bo the
only man to deny himself the plea
sure aa well as the privilegn of
mooting those of similar occupation.
Ho cannot afford to do so. Your
neighbor may learn something from
your experience and you tuny learn
something from hif. While you
are putting aside some o jour pre
judice , disponau with come of that
conceit also , and come to learn as
well as teach. The following is
thopjogram :
SEHftON-lJKO. I , 1 Ml' M.
1'iirpoHB of InMltutu . li V I'oncll
1'aper . Mr. anil Aim. W H. We.colt
Iiiciot I'csts . 1'rnf , Hruner
Director of Mnua . Mr * , II. O Anttinny
. / EMiNINII DEiHlON.7:03 : I1. M
KoraKii Urot ) * . ' ! 1'orrull
Kiluratliig the Farmer Hey . ' . , .1'Kif. I-KU
Kicllullim . Krnest VumlcnlitirK
llutiHulioiil HnMllntloti and ilomo. . . . . . .
. Comforts . Mr * , II. 1) . Ij wa
.Mimic ,
IMreUorof Muilo. . . . . . . . . . DrVvll >
Osruuud MnniiBUinunt of Poultry , .M V ( Irroloy
I'aiJiir . . W.I ) . Hall
Cooking ( Jlicap nn < l Niitrltloiin .
. . . : . . . . .l'ooI . MM. II. J > . LHWB
Mimic. , *
Director of Mnsfnfl . K. 11. MIcUlo
EVUNtNU BCHMON , 7:00 : 1 * M ,
MuMc. .
BOIIIO AilvnntiiRCB of tlio Farm .
. lloiiiu . M I' . Orculov
AddrcHH . lion , F. M. Oiirrlo
HcLltiitlnn . Uladf > ( llliliuiirt
AKriciilturnl Education . i : , V. Forrull
MutlO ,
Director of MllHlc . Uunil
in northwest Nebraska , offers some
wonderfully good opportunities to
the man or woman with a little
money ta invest in irrigated lands ,
Excellent irrigitod laud can bo
had now for $12 to $15 an acre , but
it is plain to thorn1 watching the
development of the North Platte
Valley that this low price is just
about to fade away.
Thu farmers of thin valley arc
now reaping an abundant harvest.
Alfalfa , corn , wheat and garden
vegetables yield good profits.
There are also good openings in thn
live stock business ,
If you are interested in the NoMn
Platte Valley , write for our booklet
describing it. It is free.
G. P. A , Burlington Route ,
11-7 4t Omaha , Nebraska.
1"- * *
All kind of Books at Ed. Mc-
is our 13.
CnrM to California.
The Burlington's through oar
service to California is as follows :
' Standard Sleepers daily , Omaha ,
Lincoln , Hastings and Oxford to
Sin Francisco , connecting at latter
city with fast train for Lee Angeles.
Tourist Sleepers personally con
ducted every 'Ihursday , Omaha ,
Lincoln , Hastings nnd Oxford to
San Francisco and LOB Angeles.
Tourist Sleapcr ? personally con
ducted every Wednesday and
Thurfiiliy , Iviiuas City , St. Joseph ,
WjmniP , Superior and Oxford to
Snn Franoipoo and Los Angeles.
All tbnsooarrt run via Donverand
Salt Inko City , passing the mag-
nifioient mount.iin no ( i.cry of Cole *
rcdo by day-light. x
The tonrint alcopi r * are of the
latest defiii'p. They arc wide
vostibuled MM ! lighted by gas.
The fioatn livvo bark * and the aisles
are oarpricd' The linen is clean
and of good qualitv
If you expect to spjnd the win tar
in California , it will pay you to
write for "California Tours , 1901-2 , '
a ' 10-page folder which will bo
ready for distribution early in
November. It contains just the
information the California and the
various routes to if , a list of Cali
fornia hotels ; estimates of the cost
of a month's stay ; information in
regard to excursion trips , climate ,
out-of-door sports , suitable clothing
etc. Fioo. J. FnANOis ,
General Passenger Ape nt ,
Omaha , Neb
"Houiutliliit ; New Under Tlie Hun. "
All Dontora have tried to euro.
CATAHRII by th use ot powders' , aoUl
gases , inualors and drugs In paste form.
.ThoU powdery dry up tbo munuous
membranoa causing them to cruelooon
and blood. Tbo powerful acids uaeiln
tbo inhalers have entirely eaten away
the same membranes tbat , their makers
have aimed to euro , while panes and
ointments cannot roach tbo disease. An
old iuid oxporionceil practitioner who
has ( or many years matlo a dodo study
and specialty of the treatment of
GATAlllin. baa at last perfected a
treatment which when faithfully usedi
not only relieves at once , but. perranu >
ontly cures CATAHHII , by removing
the cause , stopping the- discharges , aud
curing nil InllMnullon. II In the only
remedy known to PclnnuH Hint actually
reached thn nlHfcteil piir'H. This won
derful remedy In known na ' 8NUPKLBS
OUKK" and is fold nt the extremely
low piicu of Ono Dollar , each packtto
containing Internal nrd external motll-
< -luo BUlIlclorit fora full month's trout-
munl mid everything nucoKsary to Us
prrfi'd linn
'SNUL'TLfW ' la the only perfect
OATAultll CUKE every mndo and Is
now recognized ha , luo only saf and
uoulllvn euro ( or tlifvl'annotlng and ills-
gUHtltJg iJineaBO. It CUri'fl Illl JMllaillA *
tlon quickly anil permanently and In alno
\voniinrfiillv mitck to relieve IIAV
CATAlinil when neglected often leads
to CONSUMPTION "Snuflles" will
flavo you If yon UHD it nt once. It IB no
ordinary remedy , but n complnto treat
ment which In pOHltivcly guaranteed to
euro Catarrh in any form or Btngu if
imcd according to thu dlreotlons which
accompany each packngo. Don't delay
hut H'nil for it at once , and wriio f nil
particulars us to your condition , and you
will rc'jolvo special advloo from the dU-
coverer of thin wonderful remedy regard
ing your cnse without cost , to you be
yond thu regular price of ' 'Snuffles" the
"Guaranteed Catanh Curo. "
Sent proprUl to any nddrets in the
United Stntun or Canada on receipt of
Ono Dollar. AddrpHH Dept. K 177 ,
anil 2332 Market Street , Philadelphia.
To remove n troutileeotne aorn or
bunion : First eoak the corn or bunion
in worm water to soften in , then pare it
aa cloeoly as possible without drawing
blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain
Balm twice dally ; ruobing vigorously
for live minuets each application , A
corn plaster should bo worn for a few
days , to protect It frnm tbo shoe. AH a
general liniment for sprains , bruises ,
Ininoni'fla and rbeumatiem.Pain Halm la
unequaled. For Pale by J. 0 , Hneburlo ,
Business Pointers.
, Iol > printingat thin office.
BibloH at Publishor's prices. See
Ed. MuCotnaB.
Lubricating oils of all kinds at
VVilkuiH * drug fitoro.
For inHiiranco and real estate po ; to
Moorc&Taylor , in Realty Block.
Busts at Bowou's. They arc
Ed MuComas keeps Kodaks and
It' yon * have ranches , farms or
city property YOU want to sell or
rent , list thorn with J , J. Snyder ,
Broken Bow , Neb. 4-11 tf
SAI.IC Lots 1 , 2 , 7 and 8 ,
> louk o , in Jewntt's addition to
Broken Bow. Enquire at this
office. 11-21 tf
I wish to dispose of my entire
Millinery stock and will soil goods
at cost for thu next six twcieks. I
also have a good piano for sale.
11 21-21. Mus/S. M. THOMSON.
The attention of our readers is call
ed to our Hpecial oiler of the life of
William McKinley , by Mural
llalstcd , and other prominent men ,
and thn REPUHUOAN for $1 50. Wo
furnish both ( or the retail price of
the book. Send in your order
To TUB DKAP A rich lady , cured
or i i Deafness and Noises in the
llean by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial
Ear Drums , gave 525,000 to his In
stitute , so that deaf people unable
to procure the Ear Drums , may have
them free , Address No. D 1-13
The Nicholson Institute , 780
Eight Avenue , New York. jan31y
A New Line of
Buggies , Surreys ,
Spring Wagons ,
and Farm Wagons.
G , W. Apple.
H , u. UmpUclil lj.
Succcpsora to 0. II. Smith ,
Dealers la
Hardware ,
Harness ,
Stoves and Furniture ,
Undertaking Goods ,
Ansel mo , Nebraska.
Oflioo over Swan's Qroooryi
. . . v COPY RIGHTS &c
AnrnnoieiUltiiB n Bkctfhiiiuliltvtcrlptlon nut
quickly ascorlalu our opinion tito ( i l\n \ r HI
iiiTftiitinn Ij lirotiulily piitcntablo. CoimmmU'i
llniiistrlctlyriintlilontitl. llauilhonkcm 1'iiteiila
fiii fn-o. olilont ncuiuir fur eeturint- l ileul < .
1'atnutn tiilct'ii llirdiiuMi .Miitm A Co. reeilvr
. ptclul iioHcf , wlhi4ut '
AliitiuliOriieljr HliHtrntPrt wooVlr t-r > < ' < r
Dilution f nit > cfiuntltlo 1 in-ml : 'I i i >
four" illiii. VI , h > l.tlynll rin -
UruucU o
Ed. MoComas keep all kinds of
school books and supplies.
Tf yon intend to build call at
Dierhf ? Lumber Co , and f. ct prices
Pepsin Gum , two packages tor a
Dr. T. W- Bass , dentist , oHico
northwest corner of Realty block
8-1 tf
Dierks Lumber Co. ban in stock a
car load of fine cedar posts for the
Money to loan on Old Line Life
Insurance Policies. Or policies
bought outright.
TlioHO wanting to purchase oity
lota or blocks , or lands adjourning
Broken Bow , C' ll on J. B. Smth.
8-20 tf
Dross making up stairs north ol
Republican otlico. Satisfaction
guaranteed and your sowing
solictod. ANNA EMICKSON. -
Fou SALK ou THADU Town lots
and a few five aero lots in this city
for cattle , hews or farm land.
ALL KINDS of Nut aud Fruit
Candies at Waltois Candy Kitch
en , 3 doors north of postoflico.
0-20 tf.
Farms for sale and lands for rent ,
Now is the time to got a farm cheap ,
aa the cheap farms are all'going ,
and pnoos are advancing rapidly.
Oct. 1 , 1001. In order to cfcan
up my f took of wind millH , I will
for the next sixty days , from date ,
sell mills at coat , for cash , Como
in aud take advantage of the low
price. O.I I. CONIIAD. ' ' *
The old and reliable firm of
Dierks Lumber Co. is the place to
qo for lumbar or coal. A good
supply aud grades to meet the wants i
of their customers are always in {
stock. 321tf i
In assuming the management of the Qlobo Hotel ,
wo undertake no now business to us. From our experi
ence wo fool competent to cater to the wants of the public
and afford the best of aocomodations. Wo shall do , our
bo t to maintain the excellent reputation that the house has
br rnc in the past , and keep in touch with the requirements
of the times.
Rates strictly $1.00 per day. The patronage of the
public la solicited.
- -
' i' / ' " . # . . . : . ! . . . ! fl. / . . ! * / . " . . . ' . ( * . ttr..Jt * * . . . . . . * . . . . ? ; . . * % lA.A. < mOitic r. . . . . [ ' mn % > * iw. je < f. AJK
1 . . EAGLE GROCERY. 1 fL * K
{ ' < All parties indebted to the Eagle Grocery , are requested ' ; , *
? "
? ; to call and settle their1 account by cash at once. I mast have ? <
* -t'R
fny money to pay bills , I * cannot do business on wind.
? i
? A'S Yours truly ,
W. S. SWAN ,
Proprietor. 8 ?
gjj 10 Bars of Soap for 25c , Sfi
ftt :
' ' * o'ifi'- iil ( *
: v : ' ! ! - / :
An Inspirinq : Hook For Patriotic Readers
Life und Distinguished Services of
SUliifi'f LSoBfifninifl ' 'le ' cicorat ° d
Bu BtiiUldl ! 1dbiudisiAuiior ! ) ! ami Iour"aiirtt
With Chapters by Hon. John Sherman , Gon. C. II. Grosvonor and
Col. Albert Halstoad , ot Ex Governor McKmleo's staff
Introduction by Hon. Cuauncoy M. Depow. En
larged to Include Closing Dayc ,
Death and Burial
BY A. J. MUNSON , Author and Editor.
the Official
lhn i-f
f \ \ li n sent b > mull so couls extra
- < * m a * XH T JT
the story of his ancestors , birth and youth ; his school day ; en
listment in tbo War of tin Rebellion
; dibtiuguished services and
promotion to Aiajor ; admission to the bar ; elected prosecutinc
attorney ; marriage and devoted homo life ; elation to Concress
Hovon times ; champion of protection
, sound money and labor
Governor of Ohio ; Election to the Presidency ; successful admin'
istration ; ro-olection to the Presidonoy
; triumphal tours through
the nation ; spoeohofi , principles and policies ; asaissination and
death ; tribute of praise by the nation and the world
His personal virtue , his purity of , ' honesty of
motive , his patno , c purpose , his loyalty to right , his love7 of
justice , his cpirit of mercy endeared Win MoKinlov to the
* " - * w
AiuoriCtin uoonlo 3nd ivft him * -v
( * a I i
immortalttolu " aff ° 0ti ° U8 8e ° ° n(1
only to that held by t ,
How , -