Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 21, 1901, Image 8

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A Honolulu Coou Co.
A Honolulu Coou Co. , number
ing 30 people , band and orchestra ,
traveling in its own palace 'oars ,
will be the attrnotion at the opera
house Friday , November 22. This
company has returned from a suc
cessful toure of the coast states and
the press throughout the country
speaks well of it. The Butte
Minor says ; "A Honolulu Coon
Co , is one of the beat and largest
organizations that has visited Butte
in yoais. " The Deadwood Times
says : "The sho\t ia strictly up to
dote and very large. Their per
formance is new and funny. " Mr.
McCarvor , the manager of the
company assures the people that
the show will bo hero as advertised
aud all wishing to see something
new in shows should got their Boats
early. Prices reduced to COo , 35o ,
and 26o. If you don't got your
Beat early , you will have to "go way
back and stand up. "
Letting of the Slur Mall Itoutes With
Free llox Delivery.
The Post-office Deportment is
now receiving proposals for carry
ing Mail on Star Routes. Some
radical changes have boon made in
the Methods ot conducting this
service. The contractor is now re
quired to live on or near his route
and will bo hold immediately re
sponsible. This feature outs out
the professional bidder aud pays
all the money to the man who does
the work. Any one living on or
near a route can have their mail de
livered free of expense by placing
a box so that the carrier will not
have to drive out of the way. The
tiruo for receiving bids will close
December 3rd. The now service
will go into effect July 1 , 1002 and
will continue for a pcroid of four
years. Full 'information ' can bo
had at'post offices on star routes or
by writing to the Second Assistant
Post Master General. There are
jj'ttt w " kf ] HANGING AND STAND 65 tVK U
jj'tttft 5M
i J , We lpoB.y
fi j ; itivoly neil you jjs
Lamp Sale fourths < t h o , | -look AMI (
: /i § Price that othL1
ifi yy , er merchants &
ON X/ti li / that oak for may them look ? ft { ] * Our
| ( < H thin to you but | t
? ij it is facts. If y
" " ' it was not wo fl
At would not Bay * ' Show
BO , r
Come and see |
' the 1
Block of
That Was Ever in Ouster County
tejg . .
5S $ ? SJll iS
Will Consist of Our Jewelry , Fancy Dishes , Ladies
Wraps , and a Twenty-five Dollar Bicycle. All Go For
Come and See Our Window Display.
Nov. 29th and 30th
> > Bigger Bargains
' WE
1 , 19O2.
19 routes iii Ouster county agregat-
iug 400 milts of several more than
auy other county in the state.
There are 250 routes in the state.
Following are the routes of Ouster
county :
Anselmo to iMilburn , 6 times a
week ; Anaolmo to Hoosier , 2 times
a week ; Anaolmo by New Helena ,
Lillian , Walworth and WoHt Union
to Sargent , Otimea a week ; Ansley
by Kingston and Huxley to Ansley ,
Otitnca a week ; Ausloy by Wester *
v lie and Lee Park to Ansloy 0
times a week ; Arnold by.Milldak
aind Trnmph to Callaway , 0 times a
week ; Broken How by Green and
Elton lo Round Valley , 0 times a
week ; Broken Bow by Kyno and
Tuoki rvillo to Ouonto , 0 times a
week ; Broken bow by MoKinloy to
"allaway , 0 limcn a w ck ; by
ooul to Over , ! ! timcH u week ;
Gothenburg by Etna nnd Table to
Arnold , 3 tunon a nook ; George-
own by Upton to Uroki-n Bow , 3
tiineR a woeh ; Mouli'ui by Almoria
and Cooleylon toVnt Union , 0
imes a wiu It ; Mi ru \ to Klump , 2
limes a WCM li ; A.oruu l.y Ortello 10
Rest , 0 tnnH aM > V ; Ord by
Geranium L u n. t md Phillips *
burg to argtmt , ( tiuus a week ;
Redforn to Over , 3 timus a week ;
Tufford to Stiandia , 3 tiinis a week ;
WoHOOtt by Wiasert and Coburg to
Somerford , 3 times a week.
Nebraska Woman Suffrage State Con-
> cation.
The 21st , Annual convention of
the Nebr. Woman Suffrage Asso-
uatiou coiumouoL'd in the First
Baptist church of Lincoln Nov. 13 ,
continuing ISov. 13th , and' l4th.
The advanoumont made by the
oaueo thru the state was shown by
the iaet , that there was a larger
number of delegates present than
any previous year.
The delegates wore welcomed by
the uayoi , H. J. Winnett , who said
the doors of the oity were opened
to the suffragists , charging them
howovorito deal gently with Col
Bixby , his life long friend.
The hospitable homes of Lincoln
wore opened to entertain the dele
gates , which faot together with the
beautiful weather thruout the con-
yentipn will leave a lasting im >
preEHion of pleasure in the hearts 01
the attendants. The presence ol
the national president , MYs.- Carrie
Chapman Oatt , was a source of in
spiration and education.
A letter of greeting from a former
atato Pros. , Mre. Clara B. Colby of
The Woman's Tribune , full of love
and courage was appreciated. Mrs.
Clara A. Young , Pros , of the State
Association is a woman Nebr. Suff
ragists may well be prond of. That
lor last years work in th t capacity
was valned was shown by the en.
hnsiasm with which she was rein
stalled for the coming year.
While her co-workers realize her
ability in holding this office of re
sponsibility they also appreciate the
saorifloe she makes of all a woman
lolds dear in accepting it.
Lot us see to it , suffragists , that
wo lighten her burden by accepting
the motto she has given us in her
annual address , "Agitate , educate
and organize" , and each do his part
m the work , whioh will soon en
roll , Nobr. as an equal suffrage
state along with Wyoming , Color
ado , Utah and Idaho. The Suff
ragists were afforded the rare treat
at thii convention of being met in
debate by an anti-suffragist , A. L.
Sixby , of the State Journal. The
Suffrage cause was championed by
UifiH Laura A. Gregg of Omaha ,
Governor Savage who presided over
the debate eaid in introducing it ,
"I have presided over the senate and
many political bodies , have umpiiod
base ball games , bean referee of
wrestling matched , aruf prize tights ,
but never before have been referee
of a duett on the suffrage question , "
Mr. Bixby's address was mostly
road and was replied to by MIBH
Gregg in a manner that loft noth
ing more to be said on the subject.
Uixby's defeat aud hi'.miliation
was somewhat modified by the
ladies presenting him with a mon
ster bouquet as a token of their
respect of his courage.
The papers and addresses by
members of the convention allowed
a high intellectual appreciation of
the dignity of the Suffrage cause.
Altogether ' the convention was
one of harmony and singleness ol
purpose , whioh influence must be
felt all thru the state.
In closing the convention Mrs.
Young solemnly and impressively
charged the men and women of
Nebr. to work for the enfranchise
ment of its women , that the bright
star of the Republio might not
wame , but become another star in
the diadem of states of enfranchised
At his homo in Broken
Bow , Nebraska 13tb 1901 , William
II. Herbert aged 71 years , C month a
5 day a.
William Herbert was bora in
Xania Green county , Ohio , May 5th
1830. He was united in marriage
to Martha G.'Stmms , Maroh 20th ,
1870. Four children were born to
them , one girl and throe boys , two
of whom survive the father. He
was converted and united with the
M. E. church in 1878 of which be
was a faithful and oonsistaut mem-
jer at death , Mr. Herbert ia one
of the oldest residents of the county
Laving moved here in 1882 Ho is
widly known and was respected and
loved by all. ' A brief funeral
service conducted by Rev. Geo. P ,
Tritos was hold at the family resi
dence Friday morning after , which
the remains were taken to Gates
for interment in charge of Rev. J.
llanoy , ot Anselmo , who preached
from the text "But thanks be to
God whioh givoth us the victory. "
Several from this place attended
the funeral at Gates. Ail unite in
sympathy for the bereaved family ,
A cull baa been signed by R number
ot our people who are Interested In fruit
and treu growing for a meeting to be
held at the court house on Saturday ,
Dao. , 9,1001 , at 1 p. m , for ihe pur-
peso of organizing a county Horticul
tural Boclety , and a dleousslon ot aorne
ol the features of growing treoa and
fruits in Ouster county. A cordial In
vitation Is extended to all to attend the
meeting , take part In the discussions
and become a member ot the society. It
is hoped that all who have any fruit
growing In the county will bring aamplei
for exhibition.
Program will bo published next week.
School books aud supplies at Ed.
A oar load of old wheat Hour. ISPEvery sack
And are prepared to sell as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST ,
Butter and Eggs taken in Exchange.
Goods delivered to any part of the city. Give ua a trial.