Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 21, 1901, Image 7

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    irnlr Dorothcn , a goodly m j-de ,
From I'urltnns descended ,
In klrtlc , cap and kerchief prayed
TliiU famine sore be ended.
ThouH\i plump and fair albeit she kept ,
Che tired of frugal living ,
3o prsyed she while the KIders slept ,
"tord , send a true Thankaslrlns/ '
The cunning Inns. She had no lack
Of gown or ermine tippet ,
Of mettled palfrey's pinioned back.
Or pretty fawning whippet.
The roses In her saucy cheeks '
Are not by famine shrunken.
Her wholesome appetite bespeaks
The pies of quince or pnmpkln. >
But ah , her secret yon hare guessed ,
Sharp eyes her tricks discover ;
For Mistress Dorothea Is vexed
T mlis her soldier lover.
Who , with his bullets , powder , watch ,
'a. forests dense Is living ,
rftiat he the bounding roe may snatch
To make their flrst Thanksgiving.
Ah , Miss Dorothea , your face
In smiling beauty painted ,
I < ooks on me from a panel' * space ,
Long , long , hare you been painted.
Hay we , though centuries apart ,
In pence and plenty living ,
Voice your petition of the heart.
"Lord , send a true Thanksgiving. "
authority In me vested , - do here-
by appoint as * day of.
thanksgiving "
In sonorous , well-rounded , accents the
ftenteocea rolled forth. Little Jimmy
Qninn , newsboy and waif. lUtcned , catch
ing not nil that -was spoken , but he un
derstood the import , : nd he thought how
grand and majestic did the name and the
official designation , "Governor , " fill out
the dignified , well-worded announcement.
He was outside the hotel. Now he tip
toed find looked over a screen into a
lounging room.
Jimmy saw a person hs thought the
nicest-faced , noblest looking man he had
ever met , standing facing a mixed audi
ence , who had been listening while he
.rend . thp Governpr's Thanksgiving proc-1
tarnation , though Jimmy , uot seeing the
man , two to half orphans , throe' to- " ,
"Qwanl" I
Ned disdainfully turned the cold shoul
der on his brother.
"Hut. sny "
"Naw ! There's nothln' to It. Some
body's been kldilln' you ! "
"Bui It was tlio Oorcrnort Didn't he
talk out tlio proc-lcrmation ? Dou't hu
look a Governor nil over'/ Two turkeys. "
"Sny , Jimmy , " gravely Interrupted
Ned , "drop It. You'vo been hoaxed. Get
down to business now , If you ever expect
to make n man of yourself. "
Ever since the last circtii came to town
the Qulnn boys had been "making men
of themselves" In a way unique th * ac
robatic way.
They were spry , supple , daring. Ned
was "India rubber ! " He could flip up
In the air like an expert tumbler already ,
after a month's practice. And as to Jim
my's wire-walking feata Ned declared
they would soon be earning "Qfty per"
ai "the celebrated Klylng Brothers ! "
And they had a sacred motive in view ,
"for mother's Hake. ' She had scrubbed ,
wanned , worked day and night to raise
them. Now , even out of th trivial
amount they earned nelllng papers , they
had saved a small sum to buy her a BOW
"comfort-rocket" when h cami out f
the hospital.
Jimmy went through his practice in n
half-hearted way. Ills cherished hopes ,
had been "sat on. " lie believed In fnlrlea
and luck , und therefore In "tho Governor"
and his turkeys , and he determined to
find out more about them the next day ,
without suylng anything about it to the
Hcotllng Ned.
Opportunity presented the following af
ternoon. Jimmy was vetting rid of his
last "cxtry , " when he recognized a splt-n-
dld figure coming up the street it was
"the Governor ! "
With duo nwo and hesitation Jimmy
approached him , and the smiling , good-
natured young man noticed it.
"Well , youngster , " he said , "you act as
if you wanted to speak to me. "
"I do , Governor. "
"What's that ? " exclaimed the other ,
"Oh , I know you ! " nodded Jimmy In
a mysterious , Masonic way and blurtwl
out his story , and ask d to t > e put on "the
two-turkey list. "
An amused expression crossed ' "the
Governor's" face. Ho was only a trav
eling jewelry .salesman , but he could not
mar this lad's bright faith. lie looked
interested and prv when Jimmy told
all his story of hardship , hope and en
"Jimmy Qulnn , " he said , taking out his
note book and making an entry. "Keep
quiet about my being the Governor , be-
oiuiNe I'm a modest man. and dou't like
to attract attention. "
"Yes. sir , " promised Jimmy fervently ,
proud of the confidence implied.
"Thanksgiving day , when > our mother
comes home , you shall have two tnrkejs ,
behind a Hatched containing but It's
gone up ! I hoped I could cross to th
roof "
"Which room , sir ? " demanded Jimmy ,
In the sparkling ardor of a mighty
"That where this wire crosses to an
arm , and cuts above the court , Boy , atopl
Jimmy ! "
Whlzl Jimmy had seized th * wire. Uke
n sprite ho inade a descent to which his
practiced hands were inured.
Into the open window lost In the
smoke a moment , Into view again , blind
ed , spluttering , a satchel strapped to his
arm !
"I'vo got It ! " he yelled hilariously.
"For mercy's sake , be careful ! " remarked -
ed the anxious "Governor. "
But Jimmy laughed. Ho even cut nn
acrobatic caper across the dangling wire ,
and , Hushed and happy , landed on the
opposite roof , tendering the satchel with
the words :
"Thore you are , Mr. Governor ! "
* ,
That satchel contained "the Govern
or's" samples , $20,000 In precious gems.
When he wrote to his firm and then to
the Insurance people explaining Jimmy's
brave and daring exploit , one sent a check
for $300 , the other for double that
The happiest woman in Christendom
the bright Thanksgiving day ensuing was
Mrs. Mary Qulnn.
Her "brave lads" had placed $000 In
bank to her account.
And , trueto his promise , "the Gov
ernor" saw that their merry dinner tahlo
was actually graced with two , turkeysl
The Meaning of It.
Little Et-abtus Poppy , why dey say
Fanksgibbln' iturkey , huh ?
Poppy Dat's er cnui.e yo' fank do
owun ob du coop fo' li'iibiu' de do * open.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Cannes for
For all that Uod In uieruy
For health nud children , home and frUodt ,
For comfort In the time of ut < ed ,
For every kindly word and deed.
For happy thoughts nnd holy talk ,
For guidance In our dully ualk
For everything give thanks I
For beauty In this world of ours ,
For verdant grass nud lovely Uowers ,
For song of birds , for hum of bees.
For hill anil plain , for stream * and wood.
For the great ocean's mighty flood
For everything give tbauks !
For the fc\veet sleep tunt comes at night ,
Re Cit Ijath
Give Co pirn
paper he had just put aside , supposed hu
had been speaking it out.
"li'urther , " said the faced , lino-
* yed young maa who held the interest of
the group by his magnetic oratorical
grasp and 'general ' good fellowship , "be it
ordained that I , the Governor , command
that one ten-pound turkey bu Driven to
every poor family , family with no-father
two turkeys , family with 110 mother threa
turkeys. "
Jimmy got down "from painful tlptou full of the rarest exeiti'inent ,
wrought up by a virld imagination.
"Crackey ! " he exploded. "Here's
news ! " and bolted down the .street for
"Home" was a rickety cabin In tin un
kempt yard. It hml Known no woman's
care for three \\eeks. Jimmy and his
hiuther bad been "koejiiin ; b.ielielor's
hall" while she was in the hospital.
Across the buck yard was stretched a
taut wire , and nu.ilnst It leaned a balanc
ing pole. Just near It was au Impiomptu
oprin-board , with an old torn mattrtait
under It.
Jimmy's older brother , Ned , had Jint
tamed a double somersault as the former
burnt upon the scene with a prolonged :
"Say ! "
"Hello ! what's up ? " queried Ned , poa-
Jng for another tumble.
"Hold on ! Say treat newsl"
"The Qorernor's In town ! "
"ECoyl what Governor ? " 'Challenged
Ked. suspiciously and Incredulously.
"Why , of the State the biff neb , nee ?
I saw him I I heard him speak hli proc
* lermatlon go shead. "
"He protnlMd turkey to crtry poor
! I pledge the Governor's rojal word
it. friend Jimmy ! " /
* * * *
Jimmy turubd over In bed with
and his brother grabbed him. He hail ,
been dreaming of ten thousand turkeys7
roastinc on a spit a mile limn , nnd
thought ho fell in anioii- . ' them , o
"Klro ! " he shouted.
< "Hut j-pjir life ! " cried Nt-d "Get up !
There' ' * a corker of a blaze somewhere ! "
Sure enough , * there was. The town was
astir. Ifalf-dres ed. the brothers A > ere
xoon suiiddlni ; wildly down the street.
"Jimmy. " smid Ned , breathlessly , n.i
they turned the corner , " ( he Central' * ! all
ablaze ! "
The principal hotel of the little inland
eity was ( loomed. In the crush the broth
ers became sepaiated.
Jimmy was hurrylui ; past a building ad
joining , when he save a quick Htnre.
A man In hit shirt nle ves , luitlm und
barefooted , dashed pant him.
"Why ! " said Jimmy , electric-ally , "it's
the Goveruoi ! "
The man darted up the dark stoirb uf
the vacant building , nuxt across a biief
court to the hotel.
Jimmy put after him , he hardly kuew
wby , Up one flight , two , tlut-e the roof ,
through a urilttle , tbi * man went , before
Jimmy overtook him.
"The Governor" ran to tb * edge of the
a > es and looked down.
"No use ! " Jimmy heard him itroan
"Mr. Governor , what's the mutter' : "
asked Jimmy , presetting himself In view.
"Hey ? Oh. it's you ? Well , my boy ,
I'm rulu d , that's all"
"Yes , sir ; but why art yon up here1
"Pi'catu * thtf fire drwe ait out of iny
room. In tht excitement ud p ril I Uft
,1'or the returning morning's light ,
For the bright HUD tlmt Hbhies on blh ,
Kor the itarti glittering In the sky.
For these aud ert'ry thing we see ,
, O rx > nl ! Ovir heirt * e lift to thee
For ererythlns : ghe thanks !
Our Xxv SnliJectH.
Oliief of the La Dioueo 1 have just
been out reading the 1'iesident's TluinkH-
giving procl.imation to the tiibe Have
we n dinner fit fur the occasion 'I
His Wife Yes my lord , e buve two
missionaries uud a bottle of domestic rye ,
made in Kentucky.
I'm thunUful l'\e ( iapa and mauinm ,
Aud tnrkf ) and cranberry auce ,
And mlnco pie , niicl brothers und sl teri.
I'm thtiiikful 1 never am crnss !
I'm thiinkfu. uur school has decided
To elose lur the lent of the HeuK :
I'm thnukful I'm Mronger tliuti Jluniij ,
And neuT fr < I liacKwurd to speak.
Tlii'roM HeVo Parting "T'liero.
First Turkey Gobbler 1 he r your oa
had ft tvrriblr i-iperlence on Thankkgir-
Ing day.
Second Turkey Gobbler Y t ; kr vrai
all cut up by 1C
I Short Storie $
It IB snlil tlmt Tutor tliu Great , after
witnessing a contest between two emi
nent counsel ut Westminster , London ,
remarked : "When I lo.i St. I'uturHburg
there were two lawyers tliete. When I
get buck 1 will hang one of them. "
Gladstoiii' once talked with much en
thusiasm to Juntos Kussoll Lowell
about the noble conduct of the United
States Government In providing pen
sions to the amount of tens of millions
01' pounds sterling a year for men who
had served In the Civil Wnr. "I do not
wish to disparage the generosity of my
countrymen , " was Lowell's reply , "but
1 may Just observe that these-persons
are voters. "
A major nnd surgeon of the army
stationed In the Phllltiplnes writes us
tlmt recently , when the chief nurse of
u small base hospital In Southern
was sent away , there was u
great struggle among the live nurses
remaining for the vacant position ,
which meant a distinct Increase of pay.
Each one of the the came to the olllce
of the surgeon In charge , to show cause
why she should be appointed chief
nurse , and why none of the others was
entitled to that distinction. The young
Solomon In charge was "up against It'j"
but gave the following decision : "ICnch
one of you must write on a piece of pa
per her eAiict age , and send It scaled to.
me. The oldest woman will Ijo made
chief nurbe. " There Is still n vacancy
as chief In nsmall , base liospltal
in Southern Luzon.
A London "cabby" stiys that once
two distinguished strangers balled him
at Westminster Palace , and bade him
drive at top speed to .Mnrlborongh
House. After a moment of recollection
he recognized Hie I'rlnco of Wales und
Ills friend the King of Belgium , An
awkward attempt at an obeisance from
the box was piomptly rebuked , and the
enbUy bettled down to his business of
driving his royal guests a < fast as u
hansom may go In London streets.
TLey stopped at Marlborough House ,
and It was time to pay. "Well driven ,
cabby , " bald the Prince ; "what do L
owe you ? " "Please , sir , I've already
'ad u sovereign and a 'arf In this 'an
sum , " replied cabby , bowing to the
Prince and the King of Ilolgium.
"Here's for the King of Belgium , then,1'
said the Prlneo. handing the driver a
sovereign ; " 1 don't count , yeti know. "
In England on one occasional junior
counsel , on their lordships giving judg
ment against his client , exclaimed that )
Jie was surprised at their decision. This
was construed Into a contempt of court ,
and the young banister was nrdeied u
attend at the bar the next morning
Tearful of the consequences , lie con
stilted his friend , John Scott ( afterward
Loid Eldon ) , who told him to he per
ferity at case , for he would apologize
foJ him In a way that would avert any
unpleasant result. Accordingly , when
the name of the delinquent was called ,
Scott rose and coolly addressed the
Judges. "I am very worry , my\lords \ ,
he Mild , "that my young trlend has so
far forgotten himself as to treat , your
lordships with dlsivspeet ; he is ex
tremely penitent , and you will kindly
nscrlbe his unintentional Insult to his
Ignorance. You must see at onro that
it did originate In that. He said he
was surprised nt the decision oluiir
lordships. NoIf hr hud not been
Ignorant of what takes place In this
< : oiirt uVcry day hud ho known you
but half so long as I have done lie
would not be surprised at anything you
did. "
According to Jii\v.
The story Is told that In thr early
days of the railroad In the West there
was a f tinner who owned two well-bred
and useid ! dogs , mimed .Major und
Tigr. The dogs one morning chased n I
slriiy hog doun the road and stopped
to play at the rallrood crossing , with
thr result that Tlgu was struck by an
engine and killed. Thr owner prompt
ly began a suit for damages against the
road. ,
Damage .suits were a new thing at
that time , und there were many neigh-1
bors and sympathisers present at the ;
hearing. Thr engineer swore tlmt ho
gave a sharp blast of the whistle as hu
approached the ciossing. It looked as
If the railroad company was to go scot-
fier , but the attorney lor the farmer
knew his justice.
"Your honor , " he said , "It Is required
by the statutes made and provided , that
when any person or domestic1 animal is
upon a railroad and Is seen by the engi
neer , InjmiHt sound his whistle. In
this Instance , your honor , there were
two domestic animals Innocently playIng -
Ing on the track , and the whistle was
sounded onlj uuce , when It Is a posi
tive legal requirement that It should
have been blown twice , once for each
dog. "
So convincing this argument that
the country Justice would not oven g , . -
the railroad attorney a hearing , ai d
awarded the plaintiff the full amount
of damages sued for.
The TallCHt I'copli ! in Grout Ilrituln.
The south of Scotland , comprising the
counties of Wlgstown and Kirkcud
bright , has Die tallest population of the
country , tlio records of stature giving
an average bight of f > feet 10'Xi Inches ,
Mlthont shoos , while the northernmosf
and border counfles of England have u
decided superiority over the rest of
England and Wales. With respect to
the lirltlsh Isles thr order of superior
ity In stature IH : Scotland , tW.71 Inches ;
Ireland. 7.00 Inched ? England , ' 7.a5
inchrK , and Wales , WUHJ Inches , The
Hliortest staturr Is found In Wulcs , thr
Welsh border counties und the aouth
of lOiipland
Tliinl ;
In 105)4 ) the capital of the Bank of
England was ' 1,200,000 pounds. It Is
now H.fiOO.OOO pounds.
I cnu recommend I'lso's Guro ( or Uou-
auniition | fur AiUmm. It h glvou mo
great relief. W. \ > . Wood , Kariuvriburtd
Ind. , Sept. S. )01. )
Hiir Heritor iiiiir.iti < ; .
UujTnlu day at the I'an-Atucrlcan
exposition was slKiiullzcd by an at-
tcndanec of 1U2U.V2 This , says the
Chicago Tilbiine , Is believed to have
been the biggest herd of buffaloes
over soon In one Inclostirc.
llow'n Thin ?
We olTer Ono Hundred Dollars llownril fur
my raso of Catarrh ttiat cnoaot bo cured by
Hull's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. rilllNKY fc CO. . Props. , Toledo. 0.
Wo. tlir iiailorslRiiod , have known K. J.CIirnoy
'or ' the lust in jears , iiiul b llo\o lilm perfectly
lonnntlilu In nil uUsluuvi traiiMictloni and fliuin *
cl.illy alile to carry out an > obllgatUm nmilu by
tlicli linn.
\ \ ivst A : Triux. holwjilu DriiBgULs. Toledo , O.
WnlUIni ; . Kliumn & Man \\1iolosnlo Unitf-
RMs.'loleito , Ohio.
llnll's CnUirrli Cure Is tuKuu lutuniiilly. notlim
dlructl ) niton tlio blootl iiiul itmnms sunucus or
ilio system. 1'rlcti 7. ' * . IM.T Uottlo. Hold by nil
UniKKlsU. > froo.
Hull's KnuilljIMIls nrv tht > l > c t.
Them lor u rurpoMi.
"My gracious 1 Dildget , look at , all
these splderwebs you've left on the
dining 100111 celling. "
"Well , ma'am , ye wor uoinplalnln1
about there belli' so many ( lies about ,
an1 sure If ye'll Pave the spiders
alone they'll catch the tiles.1 I'hlla-
dclphlu Press.
Use Itcil 'ross liall Hliie. anil keep them
white as miow. All grocer * , f > c. a pnuUiigt ; .
llluo num.
Blue Riim Is n very heavy wood , a
cubic foot , weighing -5.(18 ( pounds.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
-AVcgclable Prcpnrnlioafor As-
tuig iticStouwchs mulUowcis of Bears the
Promotes Digcslion.ChccrPul-
ness nntlHesl.Conlalns neither.
Opiiuu.Morpliiiic uorMiitcral. of
Apcifecl Remedy l'orfonsllwi- |
Hun , Sour Sloumch , Diarrhoea
ncss ami Loss or SLEEP. For Over
Facsimile Signiiture of
( > < # ? ; * : Thirty Years' '
jf t
W. T , . noriBlrta 81.00
OIltl.'ilKol.lno C'niinot Bo
JUqunluu At Ally 1'rlco.
POT Mow Tkw * Qiirtir of cl ! . , ' . . . .
Century Ilia ruputatlun of W. I set cr crp. J. .ui- .
DOUKUII &J w anil slioei lor * makcj n-tl nclls ivru i'o ii'U
trie , comfort mid wear Imi or- $1W lm < n tLau liny oil i r two
ccllwt oil ii'her jimkoi old nt tlicio mnnufarttirrrd In tl nMf'.u.
prlcei. UliU I'zcolluut FAST COI HE. CLEta U CD.
has been won br merit nlone. roiiaudon W. L. Inilit upon J av'a V. I , , i cnjlu ilio
poualu itiooi bavo toirlvo Uottcrnit' . .
cnlottom. hliut it (
lifarilim tlmu other 1000 aud fata ntiiby. t
where o-i recciut tit uric
ion liBcauia hli rciiulal on for tUo b t UX > tnd a ccnli uaaitlouul j
id f3JU ) iUocj tniwt bo tnaintalncd. riaito. Uukomciiurcm
IV. Itonelas 83.00 nml C3.KO tout nsilio\rnt aUitu itjl
are mudu of tliu sumo I.lirli-cnule li-utli- ilrod : ilio and width ,
ors UKotl In 85.00 nnd MU.UO nliovi aud or uiaillrwurnt rip tool hcnvr plalu , '
are Just us COCK ! in every wny. medium or llKlit ole3.
Hold bj-.1 tiuu u itoiciln AinuriiAii cltlti MllluKUIrixil ( Yum factorr to
vitcrrr l m pv licr d itu 6r > u >
rrT b r . < ! utiili > a O Frfo. _ _ W. T . IKIITOTiAM. l < rfM > kf n. MIIN
A renwrkablc man died recently In
England , at the ajje of Jlfty-eluhb.
We refer to Evelyn Abbot , tbcs Greek
historian- ; nalloll College , Oxford.
When ypu wclfih on a Jones see Lb. Sealo
AwatSJ DnTAFT.79 E.I302ST..N.Y.CITY.
N.N.U. NO.693-47. YORK , NEB
Keep Your Bowels Strong
Constipation or diarrhoea
your bowcb nrc Out of order. Gas-
carets Candy Cathartic xWill make (
ihom act naturally. Genuine tablets ,
stamped C. C. C. Never sold iu j
bulk. All druggists , IQC _ j
Every Mother Wants It.
Svttim for Culling Hillilrrii * U rm nU.
Mmi > li > Ac urn ! * Anyone i nn I > It l'o ti M t r
M > < int ,1. I ) , tO.Mlk.II Uilcitfo. Ill
III our mammoth
Kitchen we employ n chef
\\lio U nn expert InninV.- 9 ' '
Ins mince pics He has
ilmrge of making nil of
Libby's Mince Meat , tic
use * the very choicest ma
terials , llcistoldtoinnku
the belt Mincu Mcnt ever
sold nnd be dors. Cict\
package nt > our Rroier' * ;
enough for t\\olrtrie ; pies
You'll ne\cr use another kind again. { .
Libby's Allan of the World , \ > Ith
new maps , site 8x11 inches , sent any-
\\licrc tor jo cli , hi stnmps. Our [ look- ' .
let. "How to Make Good 'things to
Eat , " mailed free.
. Libby , McNelll & Libby , ;
E , m
Double Daily Sen/tee
for Informatics r RtUi , cill pen
nnrMt A | nt , or
S. M. ADS1T , 0. P. A * -