Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 21, 1901, Image 3

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11 1'rlnoiior llatllul With
Olllcern , Hut Hlunnrd by llullct t'onnn
I'nriuilng Alcn Who Held up 6horl0
Topeka , Kas. , Nov. 12. Frank
Thompson , the negro leader of the
mutiny at the federal prison at Lcav-
-onworth , which resulted In the escape
1 ist , Thursday of twenty-six prisoners ,
was captured eight miles nortlj of
'Council Grove this evening by a posse
under command of Deputy United
States Marshal K. A Prescott.
Thompson would not surrender , but
was taken after a hard tight with the
otlicers in which lie was shot In the
head , but not severely , injured. No
.member of the posse was hurt. ,
Deputy Marshal Prescott lias bean In
Cornell Grove since Saturday morn
ing on the watch for escaped prison
ers. There are a number of them in
Mils vicinity and several depredations
on property have resulted from their
presence. This morning Deputy Prcs-
cott heard of the presence of a negro
convict a few miles north of town
and immediately sot out to make the
capture , assisted by Sheriff Michael
Jind other otllcors.
The. ofllcers had just emerged from
n wooded tract when they saw Thomp
son running across the opc'ii "He was
ordered to halt , but he answered by
wheeling around and doing some rapId -
Id firing with -14-calibro revolver.
The olllcor then tired and Thomp-
s n dropped He was stunned and
w s ea > ilv 'curod. Thompson will
In1 , taken back to the penitentiary t'o
4n irrow. f
Kansas City. N'nv 12. Warden Me-
Claiighry .of the l 'ort Lcavcnworth
military prison reports by telephone
this morning that Lawrence Lewis ,
white , the thirteenth of the convicts
to be taken lias been airested at Lo-
tnax , Kas. Tw i others , in addition
to the coup'e ' that yesterday made a
captive of Sheriff Cook , are said to
have been wounded in a light with
otlicers between Topeka and Leaven-
Votth and that otlicers are reported
to have bad a light with convicts near
Ahnil some time last night.
" All thiee places noted arc situated
within a radius of fifteen mile's of
Topeka and it is considered likely
t iat > ono of the parties includes the
two men who escaped from SbcrifT
Cook. Bdh weic wounded yesterday ,
which will probably make their cap
ture easier.
Another telegram to the warden
from the city marshal at Quencmo ,
which is close to Lomax , says that
'Lewis was shot in the back and fatally -
. tally wounded. '
Topekti. , Nov. 12 At 00 : !
o'clock t'his morning nothing had
been hoard from the police olllcers
| Who left last night to follow the two
convicts who made such a sen.satl.onal
escape from olllcois at Pauline 'late
.yesterday afternoon The ollicers of
the towns in the vicinity of Pauline
have been notified as well as the farm-
; < MS for miles around and it is thought
'these two desperate convicts will be
rounded up before night.
May A HI HIT ( or .Mimli r.
Louisville , Ky. . Nov. 12' Newell
'C1 Rnlhbiiu , who was supposed to
have been dead in a Jeflersonvillc ,
- 3nd. , hotel last Thursday , was ar
rested in this city today Accordion
to Rathbun the corpse which was
shipped to Little Rock for burial as
Hie body of flathbuu was the body of
AV. L. Ten Eykc. The police say
llathbun has confessed to desertion
from the United States army and to
having formed a plan to fraudu
lently collect four thousand dollars
Insurance on his life , but that bo
denies having killed the man who
] | * d in the Jcffersonville hotel.
llathbun was arrested on informa
tion from Sergeant Skinner of the
United States recruiting station.
.Rathbun enl'isted under the name of
"Lou tloot , Detroit. "
Sergeant Skinner had read the story
of the Jetlersonville case and circum
stances connected with the new re
cruit aroused his suspicions. One of
these was the fact that the man had
on a government suit of underwear.
He said he had bought the garments
from a soldier friend. A nether cirum-
Btance was his knowledge of army
alfairs about Little Rock. Saturday
lie passed the examination and en
At the detective ofllce Rathbun was
put through thesweatlng process and
according to his inquisitors made the
statements as'aboyc related
, The police are trying to establish
the identity of the dead man.
.Mix Stone U Hopeful
Soda , Bulgaria , Nov. 12. From
another letter that has been recciud
from Miss Ellen M Stone , the ab
ducted American missionary , it ap
pears that she is enduring the trials
-of her hard experience with fortitude ,
forgetting herself In her anxiety for
her companion , Mrae. Tsllka. Miss
Stone does not dare to complain of
the treatment to which they are sub
jected ; but she finds the confinement
Hoped Only to Out aioney Shipped
Corpno ( u Cnrry out Itmurnnoo Swindle
Anxtoiift About 1'ennlty Sayi Maa
Died of Alcoholism.
Louisville , Ky. , Nov. 13. Newell
0. llathbun , who , according to the
police , has confessed that he planned
to defraud an Insurance company out
of1,000 by pretending that a corpse
shipped to Little Ilock , Ark. , was
his own dead body , today admitted ,
the authorities say , that the man
who accompanied him to the hotel in
JcXcrsonvlllc , Ind. , and was found
dead the next day , was Charles Good
man , who is said to have como from
Evansville , Ind. Goodman disap
peared from the Salvation army hotel
In Louisville last Wednesday night
with the anounnced intention of goIng -
Ing to Indiana with a newly found
Chief of detectives Sullivan. Chief
Applcgaoand Coroner Coots of JclTcr-
sonvlllc Interviewed llathbun today.
Itnthbun listened as ' 'one by one the
circumstances which the police re
gard as prooofs of his guilt were laid
before him by Chief Sullivan. Ac
cording to the officers , llathbun sud-1
denly sprang up and , walking to a
windowlooked out for a few minutes.
Then turning like an animal at bay ,
ho faced the crowd of men in the
room and asked in a shaking voice :
"What Is the punishment for offens
es of this kind in Indiana ? Docs the
death penalty exist there ? "
"Never mnid about the penalty ,
Rathbun. " said Cnpain Sullivan ,
"what we are interested in is the
name of the dead man. "
Rathbun hesitated a moment , and
said :
' 'You arc on the right track.
Goodman is the name of the dead
nmn. I met him in fiont of the Sal
vation army and determined to keen
lilm drunk for several days and tin n
lixhim' "
Hero he stopped and said :
"If I should make a confession it
would be printed in the papers and
would turn the people against me. "
He then lapsed into a sullen silence
and would say no more. When ques-
ioned further ho denied having given
Goodman laudanum and said he would
hayo made use of chloroform. lie
then refused to go back to Indiana
without requisition papers
Col. John IX Redman , United
States rci ruitlng officer hero , notified
Chief Sullivan today that no requi
sition will bo necessary for the return
of Rathbun to Jellersonville , Ind.
He says that Rathbun * is now a go\-
eminent prisonei , charged with de-
scrtirninnd as soon as he can com
municate svith Washington he will
have the prisoner taken over. The
JelTersonville authorities will make
claim for the custody of Rathbun on
the charge of murder.
The detectives are now working on
a clew as to whore the laudanum was
purchased and Kathbun was taken
back to jail. , Just before this , however -
over , lie made the following state
ment :
"J admit everything , except that I
killed Goodman. I meant to kill him ,
and kept him drunk for the purpose ,
but he died of alcohloism and 1 was
not forced to make away with hi MI.
My story about an accomplice named
Dlanchard was fictitious. I acted
alone and without a confederate. "
Blanchard was , according to the
story Rathbun told yesterday , a cor
poral whom Rathbun got acquainted
with at Plattsburg , N , Y.
Young runner In 1'oieoiind.
Bcrda , la. , Nov. 13. While .Too
Naberhaus , who is a young farmer
residing about four miles northeast of
town , and his wife weie attending
services at the Catholic church Sun
day , someone entered their homo and
scattered stiychnine over the bread
and buttcr.and put some in the coffee ,
which had been left on the table.
When Mr. and Mrs. Naberhaus re
turned from church they partook of
some lunch , never suspecting that
their food had been poisoned. Mrs.
Naberhaus tasted the coffee and no
ticing that It was bitter , she prompt
ly spit it out. Mr. Naberhaus ate
some of the bread and butter , and
about flltecn minutes later was taken
violently sick. His wife gave him
a glass of milk and then sped across
the road to a neighbor's house for
assistance. When she returned to the
house her husbnad had become so
numb and rigid that lie could not
move his hands or feet. Ho was Im
mediately placed in a carriage and
taken to town. Dr. Jones admin
istered an emetic , and in ashorttimo
succeeded in making him vomit.
Confune * to Itolilierj.
Van Wert , O. . Nov. 1U. Warren D.
Melindy , night telegraph operator
at the Pennsylvania railroad station
hen- , has been arrested for pilfering
mall pouches left in ills olllce every
night. Decoy packages placed in the
mail by Postmaster Purmcrt led to
the arrest. Melindy confessed when
confronted by the officers Many ar
ticles supposed to have been stolen
were found In the basement of the
depot and at Mellndy's hone.
Troops Cnticht In Tni | Nntlvc * llfttrli
I'lot UndnrnClulioot rrlomlitlilp Mer.
cllomly Mutilated llielr Uimnucd Vic.
tliuj. '
San Franlsco , Nov. 14. Among the
arrivals on the steamer "Kmpress of
China was Lieut. F. F. Allison of
the United States navy , who Is on his
way home from Manila.
Speaking .of the massacre of the
members of the. Ninth Infantry at
Samar , he said the natives had grown
to like the colored troops who had
been stationed there , and when the
Ninth arrived It was thought by the
A'morlcan troops that the same frlond
ly feeling would be shown to them ,
and theguard was not as strictly kept )
as It otherwise would have bCen.
[ .The night before the massacre , the
village president came to Captain
Council and before the padre declared
that It would take the one hundred
more ombres ( n tv liborors ) , to
do certain pioneer work. He did not
have the men and begged the Indul
gence of the army captain. Honest
and true in the legitimate dischaige
of his duty , Captain Council said :
"Do the best you can. Get any
native who will work , but clear
nway the underbrush. "
Just before day break the natives
with bolos to cut underbrush began
coming Into camp. Then the mas
sacre began. The last underbill'h
man felled the sentry , the church
bell rang , the soldiers went to break
fast below the floors that held the
arms ; the Insurgents separated , half
went upstairs and shot down the
men there and the other half went
in the mess rooih and murderedtho ,
unarmed soldiers by force of numbers.
Not ono of the survivors turned his
back upon the scene of carnage-untll
nil was lost , their otllccrs fallen ,
their comrades slaughtered and a
terrible vengeance executed upon
the enemy. Then they sjivcd them
selves and their wounded "men.
Council , appaiently , was awakened
in Ills quarters by the attackers pot -
ing in. He was alone , so he jumped
from the window , down among his
guards , but the guards had all been
slaughtered. He was struck down by
many bolus almost . 'S soon as he struck
the ground. Not satisfied with killIng -
Ing himthe assassins hacked bib body
Into'bits , severing the head , upon
which they piled paper and sticks of
wood , setting Ihem alhe to icndtr
the face unrecognizable. The body ,
however , was identified by Lieutenant
Drouillaid's detachment which came
down from Uascy.
Separated from their weapons most
of the rank and file fought like he
roes , with knives , chilis , stones , and
rude . . . banco
such weapons - i threw
In their way. 11 u.ia liit.ter . fate
that befell the mith'- . who closed
with the American'- l < 'me they re
ceived their Some of
the native dead were buried by their
comrades before they fledbut Colonel
do llussey ordered 160 more to bo
thrown Into a trench.
"A rifle In the hands of the first
sergeant of the company rendered a
terrible account. The sergeant who
Is now in the Toeabhn hospital ,
killed the faitliliss presldente , who
led the attack. With six men he
fought his ; way t < > the hcadqua t rs
building to see'if they could rescue
or pick up a stricken comrade. Des
pite the mad rushi-s of ( lie savages
that surrounded themthey wore able
to secure the post , colors. Then they
cut their way back to the beach ,
where another little knot of comrades
was defending the barotos and their
wounded companions. "
Lieutenant All ison says there are
70,00 troops In Samar. Ho says thcro
have been a number of lilibusterii g
expeditions fitted out in Singapore
and Hong Kong , mostly Germans ,
which in some cases have succeeded
in landing their contraband arms and
ammunition , but many captures have
been made by the gunboats.
Manila , Nov. I4. Captain Hart-
man's troop of cavalry early this
morning surprised four hundred in
surgents at Ituan , in Balangas pro
vince , southwestern Luzon. Half the
Insurgents were armed with rifles.
They were prepared for an attack
and were in rifle pits. The cavalry
attacked the insurgents on the flank ,
killing sixteen of them , wounding
five and capturing nine rifles. The
Insurgents broke and ran , the cavalry
pursuing them.
Muni Mum tlix
Chicago , 111. , Nov. 14 The Amer
ican Anti-Cigarette lcaguewhich is
said at present to have a member
ship of over 300,000 has drawn up a
pledge , which Is to be read In every
Sunday school In the United States
November 24. It hinds the signer to
abstain from the use of cigarettes or
tobacco In any form until twcnty-ono
years of age , and the expectation In
that several hundred thousand slgna <
lures will be obtained.
IlttAbnnil Quirk ( n Avnngn 8lny th Mur-
dcrrr lloforojlln Quit * Ilio Ilootn Com
panion of Ju d Alan Mmmc ' tn Bu.
Kansas City , Mo. , Nov. ' IS. A
special to the Star from Galena ,
Kan. , says :
At Central City , a mining carnp ,
three miles east of Galena , at 2
it'elock this morning Mrs. S. C.
Kramer , wile of a merchant , was
shot dead In her bed by Ed Watklns ,
a town tough , who had cntcied the
house for the purpose of robbery.
Mr. Kramer then shot and killed
Walklns. Watklns had formerly been
employed by Kramer in the hitter's
general store. Kramer had disposed i
of considerable property In town yes
terday and was accompanied home by
Mrs. Kramer was awakened during
I he night and found Watklns standing
over the bed and pointing a revolver
at her. She managed to exclaim :
"Why , Kd , you wouldn't hurt us ,
would you1 when Watklns , without - .
out paying heed to her plea , fired , the
ball entering Mrs. Kramer's "temple
and killing her instantly.
Kramer arose by his .vlfc's side
and fired three times at Watklns ,
each ball taking olTcct.
After Ktamer's first shot Watklns
called to his partner , who was in an
adjoining room :
"Kd , do your duty. "
Then Watklns died without speak
ing another word. His pal , whose
identity Is unknown , escaped.
Kramer's little seventeen-months'- !
old girl was sleeping between him
and his wife when the mother was
shot. . ' I
_ _ _
tli I.OIHTrxnii , I
St. Luois. Mo. , Nov. If. . . A tele-1
gram has been received by Chief of
Detectives Desmond from Sheriff'
House of Concho county , Texas , stat
ing that the picture of Longbaugh , '
the train robber suspect held at the 1
Four Courts , bad been identified as
that of Kilpatrlck , "tho Lone Tox-
na' who is wanted there for murder.
A special dispatch to the Republic
from San Angelo , Tex. , says that the
picture of Desmond's prisoner , sent
there , is positively identified as that1
of Hen Kilpatrick , who escaped at
Sonora last April when Kill Carver
was killed. The woman , Laura Bul-
llon , is also well known there. More
Oi the stolen Helena Mont. , bank
bills aiu turning up in circulation
about San Angelo.
Chief Desmond sweated Kllpatrick ,
harder than ever today. He acknow i
ledged lie had been raised at Painted j
Rock and that he knew Sheriff House.
"Yon OJ wanted for nun dor down
there , ' ' said Chief Desmond. "Now ,
who did you kill ? "
"f don't remember being in any
trouble down there , " replied the
Then ho slopped talking.
Salt Lake City , Utah. , Nov. Ifi.
A Herald dispatch from Richflold ,
Sevicr county , states that the damage
to property'in that county from last i
night's earthquake will amount to 8100,000. I
Scarcely a building escaped damage '
of some kind. The Mormon tabcrna-
cle at Riuhliold was damaged to the
extent of $2,000. The members of
the choir wore in the structure at the
shock and lied , terrified , to the
si reef.
At Marysvale the entire population
lejl , their homes after the first shock ,
built bonfires in the streets and
camped out/all night. In many parts
of the country landslides have oc
curred , blocking railroads , changing
ttrciinsand causing general disorder.
Illdlnini Murilt-ror
Michigan City , Ind. . Nov. 15.-
Joscph 1) . Keith was hanged iicro at
12:20 : this morning. Keith was , a
firmer in Warrick county. On April
3 , Keith sent to one Miss Kifer a note '
asking her to bo at an old bridge that
nltjht. This is the last time she svas
sjon alive. Her dead body was found
some time afterward in a creek near
Kvansville , Ind. Later evidence was
discovered that she was murdered
near Keith's home and that the body
was placed in a well , from which it
was taken by Keith when lie became
nlarmed at threats of search , and
thrown Into a crock many miles fiom
blie well. The case wont to the su
preme court , which on November 1
alllnned a death sentence.
Washignton , D. C. Nov. 15. The
Schlcy court of inquiry began today
to hold two sessions daily instead of
Will InvcutltfaKi ringne.
Now York , Nov. IS. Among the
passengers on the steamship Lucindu
tor Liverpool tomorrow will be As-1
listant Surgeon John F. Anderson of
the United States Marino hospital
jervlce. Dr. Anderson has been de
tailed by President Roosevelt to go to
Liverpool and to investigate the re
sent outbreak there of the bubonic
plague. lie will report to Washing-
ion of the provulance of the plague
nd the possibility of Its spread.
ATlthnitl Doubt Inrrndlnrjr IlulldhlK nn l
< irHlu Ulnlroj-pil , Involving I. M nt
tK.OOO-Trninp AttmupM to A
Frriunnl Wnmitn.
Fill-well , Nobr. , Nov. 10. Tht
aigo olcvutor at tills place belonging
; 'o the Jinnies Grain company was to-
Jiilly destroyed by fire last night ,
rjio bla/.o was first discovered at a
few minutes before midnight , and in
( ass Uiuii half an hour the entire
itructurc was In ruins. The building
ontained abotit 8,000 bushels of
wheat and 1,000 bushels of rye , most
.if which had bison placed there only
i short time before. Thai the lire
was of Incendiary origin is certain.
'It started on the outside in a cornet
whis c the driveway to the dump
joins the. otllcc annex. Furthermore
It Is claimed that a trail of scattered
Jtraw was left between that place
iind a nearby strawplle , indicating
that tho. Incendiary had deliberately
jcarried material with which to start
the lire. The value of the building
Is conservatively estimated at1,000 ,
while thu grain destroyed wsis wortli
fully as much more. The only salvage
vage- affected was the company't
books which were rescued after the
olllce was enveloped in ( lames.
The amount of Insutance carried ! . '
not known.
Tr.tmp Attempt *
Fremont , Neb. , Nov. 10. A trnmi
named Charles Halley , who came hen
yesterday afternoon with four othen
of his kind fiom Omaha , is charged
with attempting a criminal assault
upon Mrs. William Riley about hall
past nine o'clock last night. 11
followed her , she says , on her waj
home and at a dark corner near i
livery barn on West Third street trice'
to overpower her. She screamed am
in ule s.ich , i vigorous escape that In
was unable to prevent her escape
Mrs. lUlc.y ran to the door of the llv
cry st'able olllce and got inside justai
Matt Ilrald who was sleeping tlien
and who had boon aroused from hit
slumbers by bis cries of distress anc
the man's throats to kill her If shi
did not remain quiet , was about to
open the door.
' Ileald left this barn In care of i
farmer who was ( hero for the purposi
of securing his team , and followei
Bailey to the Union Pacific station
The latter was joined on the way bj
! his three companions , and all won
] arrested together a short ifino later
This morning Bailey had his pro
liminary hearing In police court anc
was positively itlentilied , by Mrs
Rllcy and the two men at the llveri
barn as the nmn who attempted tin
assault. He denied this and his com ,
miles told a story similar to the om
which he related , but It had evident
ly been concocted while they wereal
in jail together , lie was bound ovu
to the district court in the sum o
$ .100. The others were all released ,
Dlvorcri 3ln < l > to Orilur.
I'KOHIA , 111. , Nov. 10. Mrs. SusI
Tylur tiled suit for divorce from lie
husband. John Tyler here today. Till
suit bringsX > ut a peculiar story. Ii
11)00 ) Mrs. Tyler went to .St. Louis ant
there engaged the St. Louis law bu
reau to secure a divorce for her. The.
gave her , i.n the course of.two weeks
a document purporting to be adecro
issued In the superior court of Cool
county , secured through this ageno.
in Chicago. She then came to Pcoria
where she married Jessie Walters
Jlor Hrst husband , learning of th
marriage , threatened to have her ar
rested for bigamy , hence the dlvoro
suit. The address of the St. Loui
law bureau is given as 810 1-2 Chest
nut street and S. 0. ISrbsti'lii a
Sim' l > r n Companion.
. DAVID CITY , Neb. , Nov. 10.-
Kverott , the elevenyearold son o
13. G. Hall , met with a painfu
accident yesterday. He , in coinpan.
with several other boys , were return
ing home from school , when La lire
. Stafford , ji youth about the sain
' ago , drew from his pocket a piste
, loaded with a HI ! , cartridge am
f suggested to young Hall that he holi
' up a tin can and lie would shoot a
it. This request was readily com
piled with. Stafford shot , I he hullo
going through the can and hittlni
' young Hall in the right temple , com
pletely burying itself in the flesh
The ball has not yet been removei
by the physicians. The wound is no
considered dangerous , but is quit
Wore Tliun n .SconrK" .
PKKIN , Nov. 10. The Chines
court lias arrived at Kai Fong Fu
capital of Ho Nan , having left tin
people along its route of march hal
ruined by the contributions levied fo
entertainment , repairing of roads am
decorations. The ministers of til
foreign powers arc considering a sug
gcstion from the Chinese officials t
the effect that the ministers mce
and formally welcome the empero
when he arrives atPekln.
The board of public lands and
buildings met last week and decided
to advertise for new bids for tin
reconstruction of the west wing ol
the Norfolk asylum. The spccllica-
tlons arc the same as those on which
bids were recently based.
The Nebraska City News last week
celebrated the forty-seventh year ol
Iks existence , it , was first published
In the block house In this city on
Nov. 14 , 18f > l , by the late Thomas
Merion , and has been continuous ! }
published here since that time.
Principal Wntcrhousc of thcOmalu
high school has instituted trial bj
cnurtmartlal for the punishment ol
students wlio have a propensity tt
keep things belonging to others. Twt
trials have been held and ono student ,
a cadet , was reduced to the ranks.
Fred Meyer and Miss Louisa Schu
macher of the Cornlea neighborhood.
Columbus , Ncbr. , were married losi
week at the Humphrey Catholli
church , 1100 guests participating h
the wedding festivities at the homi
of the groom's father , Barney Meyer.
Mrs. Eliza M. Chadduck , widow o ;
the late Dr. J. W. Chadduck , diet
at home in Nebraska City last wccl
after a lingering Illness , aged sixty-
NX ! years. She came to this cltj
from Virginia , with her husband it
1808 and has resided here since that
time. * -
In the dispatch In Wcdncfiday'i
Journal of last week regarding tin
men who shot the mall boxes oi
Chas. Burchell and Mr. Rcavis at
error wad made aS'to the residence ( y
the perpetrators. They arc resident *
of Ivcarney , Buffalo county , Inste. t
of Kearney county.
A contract was let one day las )
week for the removal of the West
Omaha church from the southwest
corner of Thirty-seventh street nut
Martha , avenue to the south side u
Farnani street , between Fortieth uni
Forty-first streets. It will horcafta
bo called the McCabe Methodiff
The cases of Attorney J' . A. Vai
Orsdel of Cheyenne , Wyo. , agalns !
the eight reservation settlers , tn
the attorney fees in the recent Inn !
settlement , came up for hearing ii
justice court , at Wymorc , Monday
of last week , when a change of voiiui
was taken to the county court at
. Beatrice.
Expressions of grief were made bj
almost every person In Blair whci
the news of the death of S. W. Os
borne in Samoa , reached here , lit
came to Blair from Now York It i
ISdf ) , and began the practice of Maw ,
which lie continued until 1897. That
year , in company with his wife afit
son , he left for Samoa.
The body of Henry Bunbrlght , win
was killed at Whiting , la. , Saturdaj
by falling between twoN freight can
while the train on which he was rid
ing was running a full speed , hot
been received at cVrtiand for burial
Runbrlght was a morn her of companj
1 , First Nebraska regiment , and sai
service in the Phlllipinos.
Mrs. Amanda Lewis , wife o
Thomas Lewis , of Wymorc , wastako
to the asylum for Insane nt Llncoh
last week. Mrs Lewis was brouglil
home from the asylum about threi '
months ago , when it was suppose
she was permanently cured. Bur
about two weeks ago she was takci
sick again , and her condition waj
such that It was thought best to tab
her back to the asylum where shi
can receive proper attention.
r The Fairmont gun club met la ?
week , choosing sides , the losers ti
pay for an oyster supper. Hcaton
Hodgson , Frapplo , Cubbison an <
Magee were on onc.sldc and Aldrlch
Ilcnsel , Jones , Drummondand ITura
on the other. The former won by |
score of 89 to 80 out of a possible 100
The oyster supper was served nt tlv
Clarendon. After supper the boji
had a good time with music an !
Governor Savage has accepted thi
invitation of the Omaha audltoriun
company to take part in the Inaug
u ration ceremonies , when ground fq
the auditorium will be "broken. '
Other arrangements for the inangur
ation ceremonies arc progressing fav
orably , the committee reports. No
only will the affair be made inter
csting to residents of the city , bur
also to all those from out in the stab
or Iowa who arc In Omaha that day
J. 0. Merrill , a dairyman of Cla ;
Center , contending that the fool
commission law passed by the legia
laturo of 1899 was nnconstltutlona *
because it imposed an annual licens
fee of 810 upon dairymen , arranged i
friendly suit with Food Commissione
S. C. Bassctt and the case was trlw
ono day last week In the district
court before Judge Stubbswho founi
Mr. Merrill guilty of trying to ovadi
the law. Sentence was suspondei
and an appeal will be taken to tin
supreme court to test the vaMdlty o
the law.