Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 14, 1901, Image 7

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> APPINESS In married life is to
bo gained , Just as enduring hap-
> plucks In any other phase of ex
istence on earth Is to be found by the
use of the old-fashioned virtues of uu-
eelflshness , consideration for others ,
politeness and kindness , all based on
love and capped by common sensse.
Like the old recipe for cooking the
hare which begins , "First catch your
hare , " a happy marriage for a woman
begins with "First select a man. " Not
an Ideal-made seraph not an ossified
brain , not a more animal , but a man
capable of loving and appreciating a
woman's love.
Of course , he will bo more or less
selfish. That Is the way parents rear
their sons to be. It Is your task to
boar with this selfishness at first un
til you can tactfully teach .him how
beautiful is thoughtfulness for others ,
and in a very sweet but very dignified
way show him that you expect the
same treatment you give , says Ella
Wheeler Wllcox.
In the meantime you must recollect
that a husband can always , at every
approach , bo the Prince Charming to
anchor the enchanted princess with
wls first kiss if he Is skilled enough In
love's arts and refined enough to wish
to keep the Interesting role.
And In all love's ways man is much
given to following woman's lead.
If you have no independent income
of your own , have an understanding
In your honeymoon with regard to
money mutters. Ask for an allowance
to bo set apart for your use , In order
that no humiliating and Indelicate dis
cussions need ever occur between you
on this subject. Then study to bo
economical and thrifty and wise in
your use of your allowance.
Love , sense and patience. These are
the three Important elements neces
sary to happiness In marriage.
Sny * $300 U
Mrs. Roosevelt , discussing the mo
mentous question of the toilet with a
friend , remarked that any woman who
displayed common sense could be well
dressed on $300. The mistress of the
White House further explained that
hitherto she had never spent that u
year , but she supposed that a greater
outlay would now be necessary. Mrs.
Roosevelt said that her plan has been
to buy three gowns a year , and to got
the best of material and to employ the
best artists. These gowns are a street
dress of cloth , usually of tailor-made ef
fect , an evening gown and a gown
which could bo used on all occaslons'ln
the house. Every season this thrifty
housewife had her attire remodeled ,
and by this program she had always
n complete wardrobe of up-to-date cos
Mrs. Hoe pvelt believes In piirchiiflng
the very best of everything. Her chil
dren wear sailor hats , but she pays $ . "
apiece for them , and they last for
years. The first lady of the land laugh
ingly explained that the < miler which
Archibald Is''now wearing adorned the
head of Kermlt for three summers ,
How Not to'Weiir MilrtrnNtH ,
But speaking of backs and .shirt
waists , have you noticed how miser
ably many women wear theirs at the
rear ? ' "Married backs , " one clever Klrl
calls these frumpy , blousy , carelessly
adjusted clothes , and though It may be
cruel to connect wedded bliss with un-
tldlnoss"it Is nevertheless a fuel ( hut
the wedding ring often accompanies
them. And whercfor ? Are there no
little sons to drc- . * for , no small daugh
ters to be Instructed In the importance
, of details ? It almost looks as If what
' the world says of us Is true a huslmnd
once captured , nothing else counts. Fie
on ye , careless matrons ! Kress Isn
power not to be despised , and If you
only know how- hubby looks at other
well-drebsed backs you would perk up
a bit '
, One CIIUKC of I'oor Ttetli.
At the annual meeting ; of the British-
Dental Association , says the London
Chronicle , Thomas G. Iteed read a pa
per on "Some Chemical Changes In the
Mouth During Mastication of Bread
Composed of Roller Flour , " and contended -
tended that 'the. Increase In dental
cases during the last forty years was
1 due to roller milling having hii'Kely
replaced atone milling , and ' argued
that modern bread kself directly
catued th obstruction of tooth Usiuc ,
as there was a greater nuipunt of acid
generated In the mouth during the
mastication of bread composed of roll
er Hour than when composed of stone
milled. It appeared that wherever the
roller mill was In operation cartons
tectli were found , Instead of the sound
ones of the days of the stone mill.
It was found on testing for acid that
the roller flour bread bolus was much
more ncld than the other. Hugh Can
dy , chemist to the London hospital ,
having tested both kinds of bread , re
ported that he found In the case of the
bread composed of stone-milled Hour
that the acidity remained stationary ,
whereas In the case of bread com
posed of roller Hour mastication ap
peared to promote an Increase ofUJ
per cent In the acidity. Dentistry , says
Mr. Reed , was u liberal profession , and
besides correcting the ravages of den
tal carles , It was their duty to endea
vor to prevent dental carles occurring.
Whnt Do You Talk About ?
Don't talk about your troubles , above ,
all , any ill-health or sickness. Nothing
Is so tiresome to hear as to hear long
tales of Illness and sufferings , unless It
be to bear those ullllctlons. You deep
en , strengthen and prolong the effects
of sickness by dwelling upon it in
thought and speech. You can hasten
your recovery by enjoying your return
to health and showing your delight In
It , and that Is the only way you should
allow yourself to remind others of the
Ills you have endured. Never speak of
strictly family affairs , and especially
be careful not to allow yourself , under
any provocation , to criticize any mem
ber of your own family In conversa
tion with even your dearest friend ,
writes Ada C. Sweet Inline Woman's
Home Companion. And avoid too much
talk of every kind about your own near
est of kin. You arc1 naturally deeply
Interested in your brother's college ex
periences or your sister's coming-out-
party , but It Is all rather colorless to
people outside of your own house.
There Is nothing more becoming to a
girl than a womanly reserve about her
personal and family affairs. Beware
of going Into details In conversation
upon such subjects. They are tiresome
to any thinking person who lias to Its-
Colora to Clioone.
Black satin Intensifies the effect of
round shoulders.
Brown eyes and a brown dress go
well together.
The tan shades are not often suitable
for slim figures.
Blue-eyed girls should wear blue as
often as possible.
A small toque is exquisitely unbe
coming above a large , round face.
The color of the eyes should deter
mine the choice of the dress and milli
A blonde may wear pure white with
advantage , but the brunette nearly al
ways looks better In cream-colored fab
Dull black is the best choice for a
fair-haired woman , while a brunette
must order something brilliantly black
If she really wishes to look her best.
Tucks and stripes running downward
become the Juno'type of woman , but
the thin , angular beauty should have
the stripes and tucks running round
her dress , and she will be surprised to
find how much her appearance will be
To I'evcloi. the > { eck.
The first movement consists In allow
ing the head to drop gently upon the
breast , as far forward a& It will with
out straining. Now raise the head and
throw it as far back as possible. Thou
forward aptln. etc. , until the movement
has been performed twenty times. Next
( lie head Is turned us fur to the side
an possible , the body remaining motion
less , the head bent toward the shoulder
us low as It will reach without an ac
tual strain of the muscles and tendons.
This movement should be practiced
albo twenty times , the neck first turn
ed to the right and then to the left ,
ten times on each side. The same
movement with the chin raised us high
as possible , repeated In ( he same fash
ion , first toward the right , then the
_ _
A New Hofu Cimliloii.
One of the prettiest of the new de
signs .shown In sut'a ciihhlons Is round ,
Instead of the familiar square shape.
The design Is v > ild clematis on a sage
green art duck , the ( lower.- , being In the
pink ribbon work. But the pretty feat
ure Is the finish on the i > dji ; . This Is a
full pulling of a pale pink silk , the
pull's caught don at regular Intervals
till they look like lovely full-blown
roses. Around the edge of the cushion
proper Is an applique of lea\es that ex
tend here and there over the silk puf-
tlng. It Is a dainty bit of needlework
and a departure from the sofa cushions
been on all sides.
To Clean l.iclit Huie .
Rugs with white or very light
grounds may be cleaned by sprinkling-
with corntiturch mixed with one-tilxth
Its bulk of prepared chalk. Let the
wtarch remain several hours and brush
it out with a tine whlNkbroom , ilit-n
linn if It In the t > uu and beat well before
putting down. Thin method IK recom
mended for One bilk rugt , us It Injurob
neither tint tier texture , uud nmken u
beautiful , clean surfaca.
t.sao nit.
* ol
vwrAes. , tows.
tsrittf reucif ru/triof TitACCO.
to ruts.
NUT ser SllVfir fLATfD.
.199 ues.
AtAfi ,
A U CfMlltl * * ,
Philadelphia Press : "Oh , my ! "
exclaimed the cook , "Us consump
tion the master has , no less. "
"How do ye know ? " Inquired the
"Faith , Oi jist heard the docther
telliif the misses that his lungs Is
normal , an' that's somethln1 turrlble
Oikmnv. "
_ _
Jli- lii lnw > SOOTII1NO BTKUI * fur dill Iren
( ,1-lhlnf. uflin ( tie t-'uiiu , rtUurti Inllamatlun ,
llnj I'ulii niiti- wind rollr. Jic liottla.
itlllnv Hufnr J'UnUllou .Stock , Aililrem U CUienc *
Hale * I7 tlh Avenue , Clitcairo.
Too Much tlrndway.
Atlanta Constitution : "Well , major ,
I notice that you're riming for oftlce
again. "
No sir : it's the same old run. I
irot started years ago , and to save my
life I can't stop myself. "
riTP rrnu uemlrCuri > a. Nonu urnfrTu iutiiiflrr
rllO Ui.t iUj' . u of Dr. Kllnt'i Ur u M r IU.
tinker K'cdforlHttM OO'rUI UtU nnrt tr tlw.
UK , U , II KL1MJ. l.ld. . > ll ji" HI. , rt
You probably spell ifvlollucclllst. "
The dictionary has it "violoncellist. "
2 GRANGER TWIST JABS being equal to one of others mentioned.
Good Luck , " Cross Bow , " "Old Honesty , "
Master Workman , " "Sickle , " lirandywine , "
Plane"Neptune , " Razor , " "Tennessee
Cross Tie , " Ole Varginy. " 3
Our new illustrated
FOR 1902
will include many articles not shown here. It will contain the
most attractive List of Presents ever offered for Tags , and will
be sent by mail on receipt of postage two cents.
( Catalogue will be ready for mailing about January ist , 1902. )
Our offer of Presents for Tags will expire Nov. 3oth , 1902.
Write your name and address plainly on outside of packages
containing Tags , and send them and requests for Presents to
- C , Hy. BROWN ,
/ ' , 4241 Folsom Ave. ,
"V t- " < * " St. Louis , Mo.
I'nr I.Ittlo I oik.
Lights of Child-Laud , by Maud
Malllngton Booth is a collection of
stories written especially for little
folks the very little folks , and In
preparing them the author gives evi
dence of familiarity with the hearts
of children. The stories are for the
rainy afternoon , for ( lie iljesldc and
for bedtime. They narrate In a style
that will win the little ones the
events in the lives of some of their
follows , and the stories are natural ;
the experiences of the 'book children'
being Just such as might befall any
of those to whom they are read , and
the virtues of love and the sympathy
for tlio iintortiinate In most of them
are shown to be of paramount Impor
tance. ( Light of Child-Land , by
Maud Ualllngton Ilooth. G. P.
Hutriian's Sons , publishers , New
York. Price , _ 3135 , net. )
A Now York girl's line cooking
won a husband for her , but theie is
nothing In the dispatch to show that
she irot a man worth uouklnc for.
Julia Marlowe is to make a four
weeks' tour of the South , beginning
February 1.7. For twenty-eight per
formances she will receive $112,000 ,
the largest guarantee ever paid since
the tour of Booth and Uarrett
through the south.
J1AIM JJaUJlL.EjMndenily rich , want * a goo.1.
liotiwt buttiud , MKH E..tfM rk tSt. . < 'lilo iiom !
r ° R
DR.TAFT.79 E.I30'-5T..N.Y.ClTY ,
I " CpS WHEfil AlUUE UHS. .
Bait liouih B/rup. TUUU OtxxJ. UM
latlina. BAa bj arugg
N.N.U. NO.692-46 , YORK , NEB
stRoee t"rrAtpeaMJX
- rT - RAise
iso rAes.
ts net
A\t resit.
no TSf. unu > nitefMfi/iteuTrcsAto.
'aoutt :
SUtAHtHtlt 'ACIlItt' ( ff TAtt
, IKB | ! | TAOS.
SAir AMP Mpfin sir.
TAfl HCtSUfll. urn
tH'JCt ,
IOOTAU 'Ktenti wurcte.
aa sir
I 7S TAG3 ,