ECHOES AFTER THE BATTLE , ( Anilcy Citizen ) "Dad" Hare feuln HO jubilniil over the election llial IIH to bavo a barbecue -and rally at thin pl.ico nrxt week. Ho ban broauLed thu tubjicl lo ti vital of the newly clioiui ( flioers and .thoy are heartily in favor of it , ( Mason City Trauscrlpt. ) Our townsman Or. IS. A R t son was niiinng llio furltinato in scouring tlui ni'iit-Hsary 'vt > t t ) that entitle * ) him lo not in copauily of county coroner for the next 2 year- . Thin vvill certainly plennq hi * frit-mis , Tnuvordl tiling w know abjiil l bo ilo-Hor is lb t Inif : - publ'i'in Al L | j m' , also one cf unr fol io , v towusm , win ) was on thf popuhat Vijket for county surveyor was also elected. Tbo trouble about bia elouliou ia viz : He waa clouted to stay at homo. . Wo can say thia however that Mr. Lamb put up a good moo and bad bo secured the position bo would have made a good surveyor. And still there is another Mason- ile who waa on the county ticket. H'o ' is a democrat and waa a oandi- date for rogiater of doede. He also did not get the sufliciont number of voles to secure his prize , but we want to say right bore that Billy received a good vote , one be need not bo ashamed of , Billy is alright and juat keep your eye on him and see what he will do iwo years from now. ( Gallaway Courier. ) The esteemed Beacon always has a pet aaddidato and its pet candi date always gets loft. In 1807 it bowled itself hoarse for Shiun and Shinu was defeated for county judge by 369 voles while every jther pop was elected by a big ainjorily. In 1808 it devoted KB energies to the canvas of C. W. Beat for .State . senator and Beal was the only pop defeated that year. In 1809'it undertook the especial championship of Fred Cuiurainga for county judge- and ( Jammings was defeated while every other pop candidates sailed into oftioo with flying colors. In 1900 it made the effort of UB life to land Whilnoy in the Htato Rcnato and every pop can * didato otocpt Whitney waa elected , In 1901 it devoted the largest portion tion of itvn editorial space to Ring ing the praises of John Murray , pop candid ilo for superintendent of ajhoola , and Murray was the worst boiten man on the pop ticket , As A luudoo tLo oHtuumod Bcajoa ap pears to ho a howling success j ( Ausloy Chronicle. ) What It Means. It moans that a majority of the volprs of Ouster county believe that tlio principles of republicanism is right. It moana that the party of Abra ham Lincoln , James A. Qarfield and William MoKinloy must not perish from the earth , It moans that prosperity ia a good thing oud that the farmer appreci ates the demand and the high price paid for the fruits of his toil. It means that populism must take its place m the sepulohor with the dead parties of the past. It means still more. It means that the leaders of "reform" can't fool thb people all the time. _ i COL. CODY'S NEW TOWN. Uullalo Bill Brags About Ilia New IMaco in Wyoming. LOU GAIIUX WITH MANSION FITTINUS Thousands of Dollars Spent For Paintings - ings , Furmtnro anil Oarpots to Mnko a Luxurious Home in the Wilder ness. Oolonel Wm. bOody , better known au Buffalo Bill , arrived from Now York City to-day , enroute to the Big Horn Basin of 'Wyoming. ' He is all wrapped in plans for the improvement of the now town named for him , Oody , Wyo. , which is the pride of his heart. Uo thinks of nothing else , talks of nothing else , and his intimate friends nay that ho oven dreams of the new town , a soft impeachment which the colonel doee not deny In speaking of the future me tropolis , Oolonel Oody saidf "We are going to open a brand new , splinter bright 'town Jiext Monday and its uauie is Oody. The event will bo celebrated in style befitting the occasion and there will be a good old time irom morning until night. ' Cody is situated in the heart of Big Horn Basin , a great sheep and aattlo region , whore irrigation maybe bo nst-d to iho greatest advantage for agni. ultiiral purposes Today , when the Burlington railroad into Oody is barely completed , three tramloads of cattle were dripped out of there , which shows that that there in something substantial a bum thu country. ' My purpose in visiting Now York was to interest capitalists in an immense irrigational canal to cost nearly $1.000,000 an d to water 120,000 acres of laud. I atn pleas ed to annouco that my mission was successful and that the canal will bo completed next year , Our purpose is to divide the land under the ditch into forty-aero farms , so wo are prepared to furnish homos to a great many thousand people. "It is tiuo that I have given up my legal residence at North Platte and that I have become a citizen of Wyoming but I have not sold an acre of my Nebraska lands and I do not intend to do BO. Nebraska is forging to the front too rapidly for me to think of soiling what I hold here. " Oolonel Martin a lifelong friend of Oodv'H and his constant com panion , says that Iho lattei has built a ten-room log cabin at Oody , in which he will live. "Why do you know , " said he , "that Bill pur chased $10,000 worth of oil paiut- ingb in New York for that log cabin of his ? Well , it's a faot , Uo run across a painter of animals and western scons who was long on pictures and short on cash and when the artist got through hypno tizing the colonel their conditions wore reversed for the time being. The furnishings of that log cabin will be a tight for the gods to be- hbld. In addition to the oil paint ings Oody has bought an immense amount of the newest Flemish oak furniture and the finest carpets and curtains. " The Omaha Bee. B- . A Village Blacksmith His Little Son's Life. Mr * H. H. Black , the well-known village Grnhamavillo , Sullivan Co. , N. iT. , says : "Our little eon , five years old baa always been subject * to croup and HO bad have the attacks been that w'e hav feared many times that he would die.Vo have bad the doctor and used many medicines , but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is now our sole reliance. It eeetns to uiaolvo the tougb mucus and by Riving frequent doaes wben the croupy symptoms appear we have found that the dreaded qroup ia cured before it get * Bottled , " There Is no danger in giving thia remedy for it contains no opium or otber injurious drug and may be given as confidently to a babe as to an adult , For sale By J. G. Haoberle. iiisiness and Professional Directory , W ILLTS OADWELL XXT & FKttKD , Proprietors of PALAOK BAKUEE Siior , West Hide Square , UrokJfn Uo\v Nehrnek * . Agents LTiirUson Lincoln Lanudry. Rasmus Anderson , J. C. Moore Ktal Estate. Abstractor. ANDERSON & MOORE , Lands for sale and rent in Cantor and adjoin ing counticR. Equities and mortgages bought and sold. Abstracts promptly and neatly made. Office , Main St. , Between 4th & 5th Avenues , Broken Bow , Custor County , Nebraska. AKEK'S TOOL HALL , B W. K. BAKEU.J'rop. For a social ciunu of pool , North of iruut.icAN O111co. Broken Bow , Neliraska. p E. RYERSON , Successor to blaclx & IlolcomD , For Columbia Byololes , Wheeler & Wilson , and New llonin eumg Machine < HEPAIIUNCl OF AU , KINDS. Broken Bow , Nucraska. H. OONRAD , O.H. Dealer In Pumps , Wind Mills , Tankf , Fittings , Gaso line Kn inee , eta , , etc. Broken Bow , Nebraska. U. OOSNKR , J FAINTBR & 1'APKH 11ANQER. I 15 years experience. Terms reasonable. Telephone No , 12 , Broken Bow , Nebraska , Auyona wishing n new watch movement In an old case , call ou T M SIMONSON , Lending Shoemaker A Watch Itopnlierof the city. Located lat door fouth. poetolllcu. T D. GLAZE , Dealer In Granite , Foreign und Jt uerlcau Marbles. Ornamental .Work a Spseialty. Broken Bow , Nul B ANGS STUDIO , All kinds ot Work Done. Satisfaction Guaranteed , Crayon Work Enlarged. Broken Bow , Nebraska. A-MTY UARDBIl SHOP. B.O.HUTTON , Proprietor. Flrst-ola u work. Itear Itoon : of llrokcn Bow State Bank. Broken Bow , Nebraska. A H. HUMPHREY , attorney attain llrokou Bow , Nebr. T-\R. 0. L. MULLENS Physician And Surgeon. 2nd Stairway from we t end IB Realty llloote : residence , 3rd wu t U. B. clmrcli , on samu Bide of W.A. . THOMPSON , CON'TJIAUTOK & ItOlLDBH. j5 ? PlanB and osttmates on short notlco. llrokcn Dow , Nebraska AM ERON& REESE AXTOttNI- AND Couiicellorn-ut-I aw. Itooms 8 and U , Realty Block. Broken Bow , Nebraska. T J. SNVTDER , 'Atty-at-La\v , Notary Public , Hmi Justice of the Peace. Special attention BlTen to collections Depositions taken , penilonvoneb. ers neatly executed and all ktndi of legal papers written Oflloe In the rear of Bank of Commerce. Broken Bow , Neb. B , SMITH , J , Attorneyat-LaW' Practice In all Courts. Brotan Bow , Nebraska , ( -MTY MILL , E. F. McCLUKa , Prop , Rye Flour , Buckwheat , Graham , Feed , eto. O M. DORRIS , All kinds of work ; In our line done promptly aud lu first-class order. Bed Shop on the. corner westoi the hose bouse. OIVR VH A TRIAL , . Broken Bow , Neb. M IKE SOANLON , Proprietor of HcitaurantA ; Lunch Coantcr. Largu assortment of Confection- Miles , Clgarn and Tobaccos. North Bide of Public Squars , Broken Bow , Nebraska. R8.U. 0. AW. E.TALBOT D I PHYSICIANS RGEONS. OUce over lUebetle's Drug Store. Broken Bow , Nehraika. /CLINTON DAY , Physician and Surgeon. Office In rear of the Bank of Com merce. Krtldonce 6th bonie west ot the BaptUt church. Broken Bow , Neb. D D.PIOKETT , Stenographer and Notary Public. Job Work a Specialty , Office with James Ledvrtch C 1 % , ti CORN GOES TO ABUT -BUT- Our Prices Go Down. Wo nro going to Oloab Out Our Clothing , Hats and Onps , Wr t Boots and Shocw , m Aud Dress Qoodo , Sale tarts Monday , and will oontinuo as long rid there in n pair of pants left. Come early and got a good thing for'ft . V.I' HARRY DAY & CO. , Broken Bow , Nebraska. -T1JTJTJTJTJTJTJTJ-UTJ Many people are Buffering fear * ully from indignation or dyupopaia when one single bottle of LIKR- 3INE would briug about a prompt and permanent oure. A few doaoH will do more for a weak atomaoh ban a prolonged course of any ether > or medicine. Pnoo , 50 oonta. Ed. Broken Bow and Merna. If you have ranches , farms or city property you want to soil or rent , list them will ) J. J. Snyder , Broken Bow , Nob. 4-1 Mf For all kinds of Bohool booka go to Ed. MoOoman's. THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment By Which Druukardu Are Being Cured Dally ID Spite ot Themselves. No NoaclouH noHUM. NoVeaUen - Inicoftlie Nerves , A iMcatt- Hut and Positive Cure For the Liquor Habit. ! It la now geaernlly known and under stood Hint Drunkenness li u dee'ease uuil tot weakness. A body tilled with poison Mid nerves completely shattered by > erlodical or constant use of intoxicating Iquora , requires an antidote capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison and destroying the craving ( or intox- cantti. Suffers may now cure them selves ut borne without publicity or JOBS of time from business by this wonderful 'Home Gold Cure" which has boon per- ecteil after many years of close study and treatment ot inebriates. The fulth- ; ul use according to ttbo directions of tola wonderful discovery la positively guaiaoteed to cure the most obstinate case , no matter how bard A drinker. Jur records show the raarvelrua trhne- 'ormallon ' of thousands of Drunkards Into sober , Industrious and upright men. Wives Cure Your lluabands. Child ren Oure Your Fathers. This remedy is n no eense n nostrum but is a specific ( or tbis disease only , and j * uo skillfully devised and prepared tbatit n thorough ly soluble rind pleasant to the taeto so that it can bo given in a cup ot tea or coffee without the Knowledge of the per son taking it. Thousands ot Drunkards have cured themselves with tiili pricolees remedy , and as tunny more have been curfd and made temperate men by the "Unro" administered iiaving by lov- ng friends and rolativei without their knowledge In coffee or tea , and believe to-day that they dlecontlued drinking of their own free will. Do Not Wait. DP lot bb deluded by apparent and mislead ing "improvement. " Drive out disease at ones and for nil time. The "Homo Gold Oure" is sold at the extremely low price of Ono Dollar , thus placing within reach of everybody n treatment more effectual than others coating $25 to $50. Full dlrectlonu accompany each p&ckago. Special advice by skilled physicians when re quested without extra cbnrgo. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on recept of One Dollar. Address Dep' . E 177.EDWIN B. Giles&OOMPANY.2330 and 2332 Market Street , Philadelphia. All correspondence strictly coniidotial. U. S. Land Office. JAMES WllITEUKAD Keglitar K , II. YOUNG Hecelfer LEGAL ADVEUTI8EUENT3. All advertisements under tbli head will l > o charged for at Ural rates , vlzt $1,00 per square for first Insertion , and W3c per ncjuare for eacb subsequent Inaertlon. A "square" la ten lines or fraction thereof. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS. In the Justice lourl of E. Q'Hchwlnd , Justice of tne Peace , Wlihlu aud for Cuater county , N t > . Ittchard Price , VlalntlB , ) T * . > John O. Illrcock , Detd't , > John O. Illrcock will take notice tbat on tbo 14th day of October , 1'JOl , E , O'ScbwInd , a Justice of the peace within and for Guitar county , Ne braska , IstDcd au order of attachment agalnut yon for the mm of $173 33 , In an action pending before him wherein lUchard Price IK plain till and JobnO Illrcock. defendant ; that Hannah II. Illrcock waa garnttheu In said action und sbo has answered dlicio lug that she Is sdmlutitrntrlr of the estate of Wlllt&ui Illrcock , deceased , and has moneys and credits In her poseeaalouaud under her control belonging to paid defendant , Johu Illrcnck ; and tatd canse w < contlnnud to the i-Tth day ot November , 1001 , at 1U o'clock a. rn . when you are required to appear atd answer sahi petition or judgement will bo rendered against you for the full amount claimed dna , together with coats ot wilt. IltciiABl ) Pnlcx , I'lilntlU , By ALPHA MOHUAN , Ilia Attorney. 10-31 4t rUBLK ) LAND LKA91NG. The followlni ; described landn In Ouster ouuty will bo oilerod for lonno nt public auction tllrokonUow , Nehraekn , onTitutday , Ducntn- wr 10.1V01 , at county trcneurer'ii olllcu , liPKln- ilnt ; at t o'cloCK p , m , . and contlnulnn until all of Maid landa hare boon ollercd. Terms ot earing aud sppralccd valno may bo had ou application to HIM nlllco or to county trcnstiror. Any ot those landa that , have been declared vn- ant by Board of Educational Inmlf and IniiilH nay bo redeemed If ilcllmiiu'iiclen and cocti aru iatd bofora laud In leaned at auction. \ \ % lft-17-17 , nwU&wK no & i-o no n 17-17 , > i in to swU in.'H-l7 , HM ,10 10-18 , all Kl-n-lH , ( iv < Jfl-15-lli , nH n" & au no A mvdw .Vs so nw A A no BB iB-17-10 , now UO-17.IU , n > { BW A & BW o 10 17-O ) , nVi & soin-10-80 , ull H9-III- ji'X so& aw so 3U-17-il. ! ll ail-1D-St , liwU 'M' . ' , nil lu-io. ' . , i\o < 4 : w-ir-is ; . an aa-is-i ! . OEO. n. Foi.LiiE4t , ( . ' < ini. Pnb. Lnuds < b Bides. 11-731-1 n the matter of the estate ot Florence L. Keen , : iltcoasod , V ] otlco Is hereby glTOu that In pursunnco of ati li order of Homer M.Mulllvan , judge of the dl rlct court of tlm Htato ot Nohraskn , hold In and 'or Custor connty , madu on the 30th day of Sep tember , 1601 , for thotnlo of thu rcnl uatato here inafter desurlbed , them wll | bo sold at thu property - ' erty below described on the 'Mlh dnv of Novom her , A I ) . 1001at 10.110 o'eo < k A. M. at public vitnduoto the hlglioi-t bidder for cash , the follow ing described roul estate , to-wlt : Ono no-o In the northeast corner of lot 3 , In Bectlou 5 , town ship 10 , range 20 , and a parcel ot land , 40 f eel wide and "SO feet long. In Koyiior'a addition to Itrokou Bow. Nchrnuka. The Bald Bale will rc- inttn open ono hour. Dated this 1'v'th day ot November , IDol. li. E.KooN. Administrator of tint os- 11-14 t 3 tutu ot Florence L. Koon. Unllod Slates Land Ofllcc , I llrokuu How , Neb. . October 'M , 1001. I . > otlce i hereby Klvoa that the followlnf | uauicd Huttlrr ) ian uled notice of hie intention In innUe n > ial proot In support of hie clcilm , and thntatld proof will bo made before Ueglitvr and Receiver , at Broken Bow , Nebraska , on Satur day December 7th , IflOt , via : WKSLKV It. K10IIAKOSON , ofAaaelmo , Nohranka. ou his II. K. No. 1097 , tor the NK So , Nu Bw , nuctlon H , Nw 6w , section 35 , township " 0. north , range Jl. wei-tOthP. M. He names thu followlni ; ItnosROi to prove bis continuous ronldotico upon And cnltlvatlon of mild land , viz : Samuel dklns , John AdliliiH , Wesley M. Koger , N uh ICoj-or , all of Aniuliuo , Mohrnsk . JAJIKS WntTiJiir.Ai ) , Ke lnter. NOTICE TO NON-HESIDENT DEFKNDANT9. William A. Harris and Clara J. Harris , defen dants will tnko notlco that on tliu lOlh day ot September , 1WI , Kllzn A. Dullln , plnlnUit lirrcln , flleilhorpetition In the district court ot Uurler county , Nabraska , agalm-l thu aboro ratnnd ilo- fonUttnlp , Itnpleaded with others , thu object nnd pruyer of which are to foreclose a certain mort- Kagodocd executed by thu sala William II. Har ris aud Cmra J. Uarrle , hunband aud wife , to the Nebraska MoitraKe and Trust Company , whereby they convoyed th couthwest quarto r ot section 1 > , In townfulp , north of range J.5 , wont of the lth Principal Meridian , In Nubraska , tu accuro thu payment of 8750 according to the tenor and effect of one Brst mortgage bond , dated on the SOthilayof July , A. D. I8W , duo and nayablo live years front the ditto thereof , with Interest thereon. There Is now duo and owing flieroon the said sum of 8750 with Interest thoioou from the 1st day of Jauuary. 1H)3 ! ) , ut the rate of 10 per cent , per nnnuui. For which mm the plaintiff prays for u decree that tha dtfcnduius bo requir ed to pay the same or that mtld prumlsea may bo old to natlnfr thu amount found tn bo dtta. Tliu plaliitlu herolnjillza A. llulllt. lit the nKflfiiieo mid owner of naTd bond ami mortgage. You uru rciinlred to answer nald petition on nr before the lOtli day of December , 1U01. Dated thia SH' | day of October , A. D. 1001. KLUA.A. HUI.MH , Plaintiff. By JAIIZB LKDWIOII , Her Attorney. 10-31 > lt United States Lend OfUca , I Broken Bow , Neb. , October 'M , 1001. f Notice Is hereby gtyon that thu following imniftd Ht'ltlur IIHH Illi-d notice of his Intention to make final proof In mipport of hl claim , aud that ald proof will be made before ICu'lntcr ami Uo- celvor. at Broken Bovr , Nub. , on Frlduy , Decein bur Oth. IWl , vizi UALPH TAYJ.OU , Lillian , Nebraska , on bun. K. No. 11)00 ) , for the E'/i HE , SE NK. suction 1 , towuihlp IB. north , rutigu 'JI , west Oth p. m. He nkm 8 thu following wltiippnod to prova hU contlnaous rcaldeuco upon add cultivation ct said land , viz : George- . Worthlncton , Ilasmua P. Scrltsmler , Qcorgu Templar , all of Lillian , Nebraska ; Goorgu L. Warring , of Broken Bow , Nebntska , JAMES WUITKHEAU , 10-Jil Ot KeglHtcr. United Stated Laud OIHrn , * Broken Bow. Nob. , October' ' , 1601. f Notice la hereby given that thu following named settler haa filed notice of her Intuntlon to make final proof In nupport of her claim , nnd thtt ald proof will be iniiln heforu Uegleter an < He- celvor , at Krokeu Bow , Nebraska' on KrlJuy , Duc mhcrO , 1001. viz : I1ELIJN ASH , tormurly Helen KOCHC , of Broken Dow , Nebraska , on II. K No 1601 , fc r thu fie Hw. Si Su , aectlim 10 , lownnhlp IB , north , rangaUO , west , Ctb P. M. She LameH the following wltntiuus lo provo ber continuous residence upon and cultivation or said land , vlBert : Ui-athHragu , Jiimes Slog , gett , Lewi * Cuthman , Alonzo B , Aah , all ot Uroken Bow , Nebraska , 10-31 fit JAMEU WIIITKUEAU , THEABURV DEPAUTMENT. OFF10E OF COlIPTKOLLElt OF TI1K ODIt- , Wafhlngton , I ) . D. . October 18 , 1001. WIIRHEAH , by natlHtiictory evldencu pri'Ment- ed to thu uuderslged , it ha been madu 10 uppear that the ( ; ui > ter National Bunk of llrokeu Dow. iu the Uity of Broken Bow In the Comity of C'nster , and Btatu of Nebraska , bat complied with all tbo provlilons of tbo StHtuten of tne J tilted States , required to bo compiled with before an astccltttou ehall be Mahomed to commence tbo business of Banking ; NOW THEREFORE , I , ThornaP. . Kane , depu v and acting Ouinutroller of iho Currency , do hereby cartlly that TUe Cubter Nmlonal Bant ofBrokun Bow , in'thotmy ot Broken Bow , In the County of Uuuter , und Htito of Ncuraska , IK antborlzeii to commi'iico the buolnexn ot Hanking as i rnvlJed In beetlon Fifty onii tiundrcd anil .lily nine of thu UevUml StatutuD of thn United UlN tf0 IN TESTIMONY WIUIHEOF. wltneasmy hand andfteal of the Coiuptroller'n otllce , thb eltrh- temth day of October. I'JUl , , . . , _ ( SKAL ) T P. KANE , Deputy aud Acting Cotuptrcllaf ot thu Currency. No. filto , 10-31 t United Status I.n ( l Olllco , I Btok n llow , Neb , , Oct. it , 1901. I Notice In hereby given tbat the folio wine named settler hts Illeil notice of his Intention to mafco lliial proof l support ot his clilm , and tint mtld proof \\III bo madn hefuru Hoglstor and Kccclvorat Broken Dow , Neb , , on Haturday , November M , IUOI. TOKUttUE ! EVKE , at Hound Valley , Nihraska , on hU honicslead entry No. 800. for tlio Hw , tection 0 , township It ) , It. , rniiKe IU , west , Olh n , m. Ilo names tliu rol owing vrltuosirs to provo tils continuous reMitonce upon and cnltlratlon ot aid land , vlx.t Edward Olouti , of Round Valley , Nobraikaj Fri7. | Ulliiuin , of Hound Valley. Nebraska ; Krnsst Kleiib , of Kouud Vnlloy. Nebraska ; Johu Klebb , of Brnkoii B w , Nebraska. 10 210 JA.MKS WitiTttiKAU , Register. United Statoa Lnnd Olllc , I Broken llow , Nib. . Nov. 7. 1001 , f No tlio is horccv given that the follnvvliij ; uum d eottlcrbaii tiled notice of kin intention to make llnal proof In nuppori ot bis claim , onJ that raid proof will bo nmdr bcforu Koglbtorund llu- cclvcr. at Broken Bow , Nnbrarku on Thnrrday , December II ) , 10M. viz : HKNUYQ QUYLIC.of Walwortb. Nrb. , on hla H. E. No W'5 , for the Hw Nc , W'.i Ho , Nu Sw. Section 15 , towttthlp SO , north , rouge0 , west , Oth P. M. lloimmoj tha following wllniHfiw to prove his rtntluuous renl- dcccu upon und culttvatlOH t cold land , via ! Archie K. Ford. William H. Fold , both of Oaten , Nelintuka ; Oharlos P , Long , John U , Predmorc , both of Walworth. Nobra ku. 11-14 lit U JAMKH WHITIUKAU , negiitnr. NOTICE TO NON-HES1DKNT DEF1 N1)ANT3 , George Gardiner , Mary B. Uardtner , Bnsau Plumb , Annie Plumb , Irabell flower , Jean Flower , Laura A MontriKuo , Mlu Monlagas , Lydlu Kulley , William Kolley.KIIf Stewart , wiuiam aiowari , iv io r-iumunnu joiepn fiurau. dufondants , Imylcadcd with others , will ttkd notlco that on thu 10th day of Baptuinber , ' 1UOI , John 10 Browning , plaintiff herein , filed his peti tion in the district court of Uttstur couuty , Ne braska , against iiald defendants , Impletded with others , the object and prayer ot witlcb am tu foreclose a certain mortgage deed executed by floorKo Gardiner and Mary K , Uirdlncr , In fa or of the Nebraska Mortgage aud Trust covering and couvoylng too xoDthetst quarter , f poctlon 3J , In township IB , north ot range 10 , west of the Oth Principal Meridian , ! Nebraska , to eccuru the payment ot a mortgage bond , dated on thu 10th day of October , 1890 , tor the tuai of 1 100. duo and payable flve year * from the datb thereof. Thnt there Is now duo and payable on catd bond and mortgage the said snm of J4UO with Interest thurron ttom the first day of November , 1803 , at the ruto ot ton per cent , per annum ; ulfo thrco Interest coupon notes , etch In tha sum of $11. , duu and payable as follow * : November 1st , 1H9I , May Ut.lHOS.aud November let , 1885 , with Interest on oauli of said notes from the ma turity thereof nt the rate ot ten pur cent per iinuuni , for which aald several suras , with Inter est , the ) In In till piujs for a decree that Ui * do feudanU ho required to pay tbo flaino or that said bo Hold tonatlsfy the amount found due. You nro required to answer said petition on or before the loth day of December , 1001 , Dated this UOtk day of October , 1001 , JOHN E. UnowxiNa , Plaintiff Ky JAMKH LUDWICII , LIU Attorney. 10,31 4t Bufliiigton TIME TABLE BROKEN BOW , NEB. Lincoln , Denver , oinuiin. Helena. Clilcaico , i Unite , Ht JOHCpIl , ortlund , ICmiHUH City , Hnit Laue City Ht , LoulH. And Him 1'raiiclnco All I OlMtH IIUHt Anil All 1'ointn A net nuutli \VCHt. No. 43 Vejllbuled express dally. Lincoln , Omn- ha , at. , To8epti.lUns sClty , tit. Louli , Ctil cugonnil ull poInU east and eouth..lMl p.m. No , 41 I/ociil uzprcea ilally. Lincoln , Omalin , Ht. Joseph , KHUDOS Cttr , St , Looli , and nil points east nud iouth . 0 8U am No. 40 Freight dally , Kavonoa , Qraud Iiland , Aurom , bowardftiul Lincoln . 6u3am No. 43 Jfrol bt , nauy except Bandar , Ittvcutis and inturrnkdltto iiolute , . . .1 OOpui No. ) ! Veetlbnled express daily , Helen * , Boat- Ui llutte , 1'ortland und ull racltlo Cout points . , . 40Uam No. 43 Local express dally , Alliance and Internirdluto uolnts . lU40 m No , 4S VnirM dallyiitopB only Anialmo Beuec * , Wliltmnti and Alliance . 1058am No. 17 Freight , dnlly excupt Bnnday , Hineca and IntorniPillato poluti . lSipiu Slouplni ; , dli.lng and reclining chair can ( loats Irvo ) ou through trains. TlclJtn oj | and hag- Kagu chockud to uny point In tin United atutui and UultlidB , No. 48 haa merohandlao cam Tueidayi , Thurs day aud Saturdays. Nu , 40 will carry passoi K'era ( or Itavenni Urand lelanil , Howard and Lincoln. Inforiuatlnu.-intipB , time tablet and ticket fall n or wrtto to II. L. Oonaby , agent , or J Kfaiicli , 0. 1 * . A. , Omaha. Nebraska. II , L.UiiMBnr , ARont. 80HEDULE OF OROKEN BOW MAILO , I'ouch for West will close at 8 p. a , , eirept Hnuday when It will cloeuatfll5 p m. I'ouch , cast for train No. 1'iolossJ at 8 a ni and ( ot No , 41 cloien at , Q.80 a.m. Mall ( orAunley aud iiolnte cast ot Grand Island carried ou train No. 44. Oconto rla of Kyno artf Tuckervllle. dally ex cept buuday closen , at 7 u m : returuliiff same day Cnilaway via , Mc'Klnley dally except tiuul&y closes at 7 a m , returning name dtty. Kiiuud Valley via Oreen and Klton Clota at 7 a tn.Tut'iday , TUuriday and ti turday , ictnrnluK uauo day. hnmncr via Ournauy , Georgetown and Uptou irtrlvos at 11.30 , Tuucday Tnursduy ud ijalur- day ruturnluK l n o at 12,30 same day. OlUoi hours from 8,00 a in to 8,00 p in. Sau- d y ffOiu6l6 p. lu. toOlb : p , m. Lobby open weekday * from" s. u ) , to B p.m. Buudtt , * 8SU a. m. toUu. m. Ucncral doilvury not open Bun * day morning M heretofore. L. ll.Jawirr , fil'